@article{DartschDulskiEngelsetal.2018, author = {Maria Dartsch and Sebastian Dulski and Frauke Engels and Meike Gran and Jiri Kende and Stefan Lohrum and Robert Porth and Ute Ristau and Christian R{\"u}ter and Andreas Sabisch and Birgit Stumm and Viola Taylor and Michael Voß}, title = {Einf{\"u}hrung des cloudbasierten Bibliothekssystems Alma in Berlin - ein Erfahrungsbericht}, journal = {ABI Technik - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Automation, Bau und Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen}, volume = {38}, number = {2}, pages = {128 -- 141}, doi = {10.1515/abitech-2018-2002}, year = {2018}, note = {in press} }