@misc{OPUS4-178, title = {Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Passau: Jahresbericht 2011}, doi = {10.15475/UPA1112}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus-26907}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Jahresbericht der Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Passau - Berichtsjahr 2011}, subject = {Passau / Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-391, title = {Grenzen der Leistungspflicht f{\"u}r Krankenbehandlung}, editor = {Jabornegg, Peter and Resch, Reinhard and Seewald, Otfried}, publisher = {Manz}, address = {Wien}, isbn = {9783214063290}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-3915}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, pages = {XVI, 167 S.}, year = {2007}, abstract = {VORWORT Der Fortschritt der Medizin, aber auch ein ge{\"a}ndertes Verbraucherverhalten der Patienten haben die Angebotspalette im Bereich der Krankenbehandlungen in den letzten Jahren sehr ausgeweitet. Dies hat sich auch in der sozialgerichtlichen Judikatur der j{\"u}ngsten Vergangenheit sowohl in Deutschland als auch in {\"O}sterreich niedergeschlagen. Die entscheidende Frage im Recht der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung ist nun die, ob und inwieweit die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung verpflichtet ist, das Leistungsspektrum entsprechend auszuweiten. Die neunten Deutsch-{\"O}sterreichischen Sozialrechtsgespr{\"a}che widmeten sich daher im J{\"a}nner 2007 diesem wichtigen Themenfeld. Der vorliegende Tagungsband dokumentiert die bei dieser Tagung gehaltenen Referate. Die Herausgeber schulden der Ober{\"o}sterreichischen Gebietskrankenkasse f{\"u}r die maßgebende Unterst{\"u}tzung der Tagung und dieses Tagungsbandes Dank. INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Korbinian H{\"o}fler Der Krankheitsbegriff und der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung im deutschen Krankenversicherungsrecht 1 Martin E. Risak Der Krankheitsbegriff und der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung nach {\"o}sterreichischem Recht 19 Kati Wild / Herbert Matschiner Der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung im Hinblick auf so genannte Außenseitermethoden und neue Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden - Die Rechtslage im deutschen Krankenversicherungsrecht 37 Reinhard Resch Der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung im Hinblick auf so genannte Außenseitermethoden und neue Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden - Die Rechtslage in {\"O}sterreich 57 Vitus Gamperl Leistungspflicht der Kasse zur Erh{\"o}hung der Lebensqualit{\"a}t? Leistungen der so genannten Lifestyle-Medizin im deutschen Krankenversicherungsrecht 75 Walter J. Pfeil Leistungen der so genannten Lifestyle-Medizin im {\"o}sterreichischen Krankenversicherungsrecht 89 Klaus Engelmann Der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung im Hinblick auf das Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebot - Die Rechtslage im deutschen Krankenversicherungsrecht 109 Matthias Neumayr Der Anspruch auf Krankenbehandlung im Hinblick auf das Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebot - Die Rechtslage im {\"o}sterreichischen Krankenversicherungsrecht 147}, subject = {Deutschland}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Maerz2016, author = {M{\"a}rz, Armin}, title = {Three Essays on Understanding Mobile Consumer Behavior: Business Models, Perceptions, and Features}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-3948}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, pages = {145 S.}, year = {2016}, abstract = {For about a decade, consumers have been carrying the Internet in their pockets. The rapid penetration of modern smartphones has meant that more than two-thirds of the people in the West can access and use online resources, anytime and anywhere. Consumers also can communicate and share their consumption experiences instantaneously. Platforms reach users for time-critical events through highly personal communication channels, in the sense that smartphones serve as constant companions. Many mobile applications and their basic services and contents also are available for free. The digital and mobile worlds thus are changing the very means of communication, suggesting the powerful need for marketing research and practice to find the opportunities and meet the challenges of the mobile Internet. In particular, scientific investigations are required to describe new business models in the free e-service industry and the consumer behavior affected by mobile features. This thesis examines these topics in three essays. Study 1 considers business models that offer their services without charge. Offering services for free is symptomatic of not only mobile apps (90\% of all apps are available for free) but the digital economy in general. For companies offering free e-services, this situation raises several important questions, in that, without any access device restrictions, how do customers of free e-services contribute value without paying? What are the nature and dynamics of nonmonetary value contributions by nonpaying customers? With a literature review and interviews with senior executives of free e-service providers, Study 1 presents a comprehensive overview of nonmonetary value contributions in the free e-service sector, including word of mouth, co-production, and network effects. Moreover, adding attention and data into this framework reveals two further aspects that have not been addressed in prior customer value research. By putting the findings in the context of the existing literature on customer value and customer engagement, this study sheds light on the complex processes of value creation in the emerging e-service sector, while advancing marketing and service research in general. Study 2 deepens the findings from the first study; specifically, the focus is on the way that mobile users co-produce content and how this contribution is perceived by recipients in the network. With field data and a scenario experiment, this study demonstrates that recipients appreciate mobile-generated customer reviews fundamentally differently from other reviews. In particular, they discount the helpfulness of mobile reviews, due to their text-specific content and style particularities. The very fact that a review has been identified as written on a mobile device also lowers recipients' perceptions of its value. Recipients use information about the device as a source cue to assess their compatibility with the review contribution channel. If they perceive themselves as compatible with the method used to generate the review (mobile or non-mobile), recipients regard the review as more helpful, because they attribute the review to the quality of the reviewed subject. If they perceive it as incompatible though, recipients assume that the review reflects the personal dispositions of the reviewer and discount its helpfulness. Finally, Study 3 takes up the attention and cross-market network effects in a mobile setting; these were two nonmonetary dimensions identified by Study 1. Platform providers should develop measures to draw the attention of nonpaying customers to the offers of their paying customers. One attention-grabbing mobile-specific feature is push notifications to the device, which provide information about temporally or spatially relevant events. More concretely, Study 3 investigates how mobile push notifications remind users of upcoming deadlines in online auctions and therefore improve late bidding success. Late bidding is a prevalent strategy, in which bidders submit their bids at the very end of an online auction. This research uses field data about an online auction platform to demonstrate that late bidders use these mobile push notifications more frequently than do bidders with different bidding patterns. Within the group of late bidders, the chance to win an auction increases with their use of push notifications. After a mobile push notification, late bidders submit bids through mobile devices but also through non-mobile channels. Less experienced late bidders also benefit from push notifications, which increase their chances of success. In summary, this dissertation contributes to an enhanced understanding of mobile consumer behavior by using various methods, including qualitative interviews, field observations, and online experiments. From a theoretical perspective, it contributes to current knowledge about nonmonetary costumer value contributions in general and their role in mobile settings in particular. This thesis highlights the role of mobile devices in co-production and perceptions of co-produced content. It also reveals how mobile-specific interactive features, like push notifications, affect late bidding efficiency. Therefore, it specifies the role of mobile devices in cross-market effects, in that they enable the platform to direct the relationship between buyers and sellers. The insights presented herein encourage managers to reevaluate their current practices, think about whether they should label co-produced content as generated through a mobile channel or not, and contemplate whether to develop mobile push notifications as helpful features for users (not as intrusive marketing messages).}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-406, title = {Schriften zur Kultur- und Mediensemiotik | Online. Ausgabe 2}, number = {2}, editor = {Nies, Martin}, organization = {Virtuelles Zentrum f{\"u}r kultursemiotische Forschung}, issn = {2364-9224}, doi = {10.15475/skms.2016.1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-4062}, pages = {123 S.}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Inhalt der zweiten Ausgabe der Schriften zur Kultur- und Mediensemiotik | Online Martin Nies (Hrsg.) Vorwort zur zweiten Ausgabe Matthias Bauer Szenopragmatik Annika Rockenberger Materiality and Meaning in Literary Studies Stephanie Großmann / Hans Krah ‚Poetologie des Prosaischen': E.T.A. Hoffmanns Der Sandmann aus der Perspektive einer (kulturL)semiotisch orientierten Literaturwissenschaft Bj{\"o}rn Hayer Arbeit auf dem H{\"o}llengrund: Natur, Arbeit und Gender in Lars von Triers ANTICHRIST Matthias Bauer / Tanja Br{\"u}mmer / Martin Nies / Christian Stolz Katastrophen-Diegese und Katastrophen-Exegese (KDE): Projekt des VZKF zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Erkl{\"a}rung und Erz{\"a}hlung sowie von natur- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoetz2016, author = {Sch{\"o}tz, Lukas}, title = {Vier Artikel zur Lokalen Politischen {\"O}konomie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-3457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, pages = {119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorgelegte Dissertationsschrift setzt sich empirisch mit Themen der Lokalen Politischen {\"O}konomie auseinander. Durch die Analyse bayerischer Kommunaldaten werden kausale Effekte parteipolitischer Machtverh{\"a}ltnisse, kausale Effekte von Parteibanden auf das Zuteilen legaler Renten sowie kausale Effekte steigender Bezahlung auf die Eigenschaften von Lokalpolitikern untersucht.}, subject = {Kommunalpolitik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Boshe2017, author = {Boshe, Patricia}, title = {Data Protection Legal Reforms in Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-5147}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, pages = {xxii, 141 Seiten}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This work illustrates reform approaches in Africa using an international legal comparative approach. The research uses Tanzania and Senegal as the primary case studies and France, the United Kingdom and Germany as secondary case studies to illustrate how Europe reformed data protection regimes through the transposition of the EU Data Protection Directive of 1995. Chapter one introduces the work; explaining the forces towards data protection regulations and their basis. Chapter two provides for a 'back-to-back' comparison in three countries (France, Germany and United Kingdom) against the 1995 Data Protection Directive. The idea behind this chapter is to draw a picture on how the legal culture and the pre-existing notions of the right to privacy inform on data protection legal reforms and determines the nature, contents, context and interpretation of adopted regime for data protection. Eventually, all these aspects affect the nature and extent of protection offered regardless of the substance of the law adopted. Chapter three gives a narrative explanation of nature and perceptions of the right to privacy in Africa and how this may affect data protection reforms in Africa. In the same disposition, African customary legal systems and practices are explained providing a reader with a picture of the overall nature of African systems that makes up an African legal culture. The overview of African privacy perception and legal system is necessary for assessing the workability of any data protection regime to be adopted in Africa which in effect answers the first research question. The chapter draws its rationale from chapter two. In understanding African perceptions of privacy and the African legal culture, one can be able to predict the content and context of the reforms and maybe how the judiciary might interpret the laws based on local perceptions and supporting systems. An overview of the African data protection architecture or rather human right architecture is provided in chapter four; ideally to provide a reader with a picture of the enforcement systems in Africa as a continent. This is followed by chapter five discussing the two major legal systems in Africa; the civil law and the common law system. The chapter also illustrates the position of African landscape in relation to legal harmonization/unification. This aspect is considered necessary because data protection regimes are more focused on legal harmonization and hence the question of how well or to what extent Africa as a continent can bring about harmonization in law became inevitable. Eventually, the chapter offers a comparative mirror analysis of the primary case studies, i.e. Senegal and Tanzania. The analysis is made on the reform approach taken, motivation behind the reforms and on the regime erected (this is done through textual analysis of the law and the draft bill respectively). Chapter six concludes the work by answering research questions based on findings and scrutiny from each chapter. It is concluded that there is a very slim chance for the African States to cling on the cultural defence against the adoption of the Western frameworks for data protection. It is also concluded that, lest Africa becomes an active participant in the global process that informs on data protection challenges and regulations, it faces a danger of becoming a puppet of foreign data protection regulation, which may or may not fit African legal culture. The chapter also illustrates how Africa as a continent and the African States individually have taken up data protection reforms blindly. The motivations for the reforms are vaguely stated and unclear. In the majority of legal instruments, the reforms are not taken as a move towards securing and protecting individual rights rather a purely political move influenced by economic motivations. The reforms are to a large extent, a mere impression to align with global data protection regimes and hence lack the political will to enforce the laws.}, subject = {African Privacy}, language = {en} } @misc{Barbato2015, author = {Barbato, Mariano}, title = {Posts{\"a}kulare Weltpolitik}, editor = {Barbato, Mariano and Marfeld, Sarah}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-5564}, pages = {190 Seiten}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Sammelband analysiert den Einfluss von Religion in der Weltpolitik an Fallbeispielen zwischen Internationalen Beziehungen, Welt{\"o}ffentlichkeit, L{\"a}nderstudien und Europ{\"a}ischer Integration. Der posts{\"a}kulare Ansatz von J{\"u}rgen Habermas wird auf sein globales Potential an der Schnittstelle von Außen- und Innenpolitik {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft und weiterentwickelt.}, subject = {Religion}, language = {de} } @techreport{HeinrichHeuer2019, author = {Heinrich, Horst-Alfred and Heuer, Andrea}, title = {Sozio-{\"o}konomische Evaluation des Projekts "Rettung der Flussperlmuschel in Niederbayern"}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-6302}, pages = {34 Seiten}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die zweite Erhebung der begleitenden wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Teilprojekts Rettung der Flussperlmuschel in Niederbayern fokussiert sich auf LandwirtInnen als zentralen Akteuren, die in der Tendenz dem Flussperlmuschelschutz eher kritisch gegen{\"u}berstehen. Im Rahmen einer Gruppendiskussion setzten sich ausgesuchte Personen mit den verschiedenen Konfliktthemen kontrovers auseinander. Lediglich eine Person vermag sich vorzustellen, zugunsten des Naturschutzes Einschr{\"a}nkungen auf eigenen Landfl{\"a}chen hinzunehmen. Die anderen Teilnehmenden sehen sich eher an den Pranger gestellt und als Opfer von Natursch{\"u}tzerInnen wie auch der {\"o}ffentlichen Meinung. Eine Parallel durchgef{\"u}hrte Inhaltsanalyse von Tageszeitungen zum Thema Flussperlmuschelschutz macht deutlich, dass diese Medien die Konflikte zum Thema fast nicht thematisieren. Im Fall der LandwirtInnen d{\"u}rfte das auch damit zusammenh{\"a}ngen, dass sie keine organisiserte Vertretung haben, die ihre pers{\"o}nlichen Interessen b{\"u}ndelt.}, subject = {Actor-Network-Theory}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Seidler2018, author = {Seidler, Anna-Raissa}, title = {Changing for the Better? Essays on the Role of Institutional Logics and Information System in Organizational Sustainability Transformations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-6330}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, pages = {XXXV, 207 Seiten}, year = {2018}, abstract = {An increasing number of companies report that eco-sustainable initiatives have a positive impact on firms' economic performance and concurrently allow the combination of social and commercial goals by optimizing environmental and economic decisions simultaneously. These initiatives are considered an integral part of organizational sustainability transformations, which are a special case of multilayered, complex organizational change efforts that relate to environmental, organizational, and individual factors. Institutional logics and information systems (IS) have shown to be two important perspectives from which to explore mechanisms and processes central to organizational sustainability transformations. Institutional logics offer a unique perspective to investigate organizational change for sustainability because they provide a new approach to organizational change that incorporates macro structures, culture, and agency to explain how actions are enabled or constrained. It thus allows for insights into the complex and miscellaneous interplay of external and internal determinants that govern organizational transformation processes towards sustainability. By providing insights into institutional changes of practice and behaviors, an institutional logic perspective allows for a detailed analysis of organizational transformations. Within these change processes, IS have shown to be an efficient and pervasive tool to leverage sustainability by integrating human and technological factors. Since IS have become a key resource for the encouragement of organizational sustainability transformations, adopting an IS perspective allows for an understanding of mechanisms and processes that enable IS to foster sustainability in organizations. Thus, this dissertation draws on four studies by investigateing an institutional logic perspective as well as an IS perspective to explore organizational sustainability transformations and facilitate an in-depth understanding of organizational, human, and technological factors that encourage sustainability in organizational transformations.}, subject = {Informationssystem}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-664, title = {Mach den Unterschied!}, volume = {2 (2013)}, number = {3}, organization = {Hochschulgruppe PJS - Passauer Journal f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften}, issn = {2195-0717}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:739-opus4-6645}, pages = {67 Seiten}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In seinem Beitrag „Die Eurozone in der Krise - Anpassungsdruck zu einem optimalen W{\"a}hrungsraum?" untersucht Simon Lehmann-Leo die Ursachen der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Schuldenkrise im Euroraum. Dazu st{\"u}tzt er sich auf die Theorie von Robert Mundell und erg{\"a}nzt sie um weitere Komponenten. Lehmann-Leo kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Eurozone trotz ihrer Probleme die Differenzen zu Mundells Idealmodell immer weiter abbaut und sich somit einem optimalen W{\"a}hrungsraum ann{\"a}hert. Dass die Unterscheidung der zwei Geschlechter keine biologische Grundlage hat, sondern die Zuordnung „Mann" und „Frau" allein auf kulturellen Normen gr{\"u}ndet, ist die These der feministischen Philosophin Judith Butler. Der Begriff von Materie, den Butler ihrer Annahme zugrunde legt, wurde immer wieder mit Kants Konzept des „Dings an sich" in Verbindung gebracht. Johannes Hoerlin weist in seinem Beitrag „Judith Butler und das Ding an sich" nach, dass diese Zuordnung Butlers in die Kantianische Tradition ungerechtfertigt ist. Nicht so glatt aufzul{\"o}sen sind die Unterschiede, mit denen sich Marielle Ratter in ihrem Aufsatz „Taking Norms (not) Seriously" besch{\"a}ftigt. Um zu kl{\"a}ren, warum Normen in den internationalen Beziehungen unterschiedlich befolgt werden, untersucht Ratter die Theorien des Neoinstitutionalismus, des konventionellen und kritischen Konstruktivismus. Anhand des Vergleichs stellt sich heraus, dass die unterschiedliche Akzeptanz auf verschiedene Normentypen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden muss. In seinem ersten Bericht 2011 stellte der Zukunftsrat der Bayerischen Staatsregierung die Landesentwicklung in den Mittelpunkt zur Bew{\"a}ltigung der Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Dieser Bericht bildet den Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r Carolin Sophie Widenkas Arbeit „Bayerische Regionalpolitik - Zustand und Aufgaben". Sie zeigt auf, dass bis heute kein regionalpolitisches Konzept vorliegt, das mit den Strukturunterschieden in Bayern angemessen umgeht. Inhalt: Simon Lehmann-Leo DIE EUROZONE IN DER KRISE Anpassungsdruck zu einem optimalen W{\"a}hrungsraum? Johannes F. Hoerlin JUDITH BUTLER UND DAS DING AN SICH Marielle Ratter TAKING NORMS (NOT) SERIOUSLY Rationalistische und konstruktivistische Erkl{\"a}rungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r die Befolgung von Normen Carolin Sophie Widenka BAYERISCHE REGIONALPOLITIK Eine kritische W{\"u}rdigung unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Gutachtens des Zukunftsrates der Bayerischen Staatsregierung 2010}, language = {de} }