Document Type
- Article (29)
- Conference Proceeding (16)
- Master's Thesis (5)
- Working Paper (4)
- Book (3)
- Report (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
Year of publication
- 2022 (62)
Has Fulltext
- yes (62)
- machine learning (3)
- photonic integrated circuit (3)
- COVID-19 (2)
- Transfer (2)
- Wissens- und Technologietransfer (2)
- surface plasmon resonance (2)
- 10-second heart rate variability (1)
- 3D printing (1)
- ALD (1)
- Acheta domesticus (house cricket) (1)
According to the drinking water regulation, drinking water systems must be tested for harmful contamination at specified intervals. To meet the legal requirements and save costs and time, a portable analysis method is to be developed. For this purpose, a concept study was conducted. It describes a portable measuring device for the quantitative detection of legionella using real-time PCR. The study includes the construction elements and conditions that are necessary for the collection, processing, and evaluation of the sample. It was found that commercially available PCR systems do not meet the size requirements and can only be represented by an in-house development. In addition, a microfluidic system must be developed that is designed for one-time use and low production cost.
From creative destruction to destruction of the creatives: innovation in walled-off ecosystems
For a long time, a prevailing view was that due to the dynamic nature of competition in digital markets intervention by antitrust authorities may do more harm than good. It was assumed that Joseph Schumpeter’s “perennial gales of creative destruction” would sufficiently discipline any incumbent digital firm as rivals were only ‘one click away’, switching costs low and network effects reversable. Based upon the economics of innovation, the article first examines the market conditions under which significant product improvement and/or disruptions from outside may develop and unfold. It then examines why such conditions are lacking where a single undertaking largely controls a digital ecosystem. The article concludes that the protective moats and walls that digital gatekeepers have built around their “cash cow” services significantly reduce the incentives and abilities to innovate for any participant within such ecosystem and to disrupt the incumbent’s service. Due to common interests and mutual interdependencies of the operators of the largest digital ecosystems, it also cannot be presumed that the lack of innovation within ecosystems (intra-ecosystem competition) is sufficiently outbalanced by innovation across ecosystems (inter-ecosystem competition). In such a setting, competition policy may no longer assume that dynamic competition sufficiently disciplines even dominant companies and that there is a higher risk from over-enforcement than from underenforcement. Accordingly, the measures proposed, for instance, in the European Digital Markets Act and the American Choice and Innovation Online Act to open up markets for innovation go into the right direction.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a vector-borne parasitic diseases of public health importance that is prevalent in the West Bank but not in the Gaza Strip. The disease caused by parasitic protozoans from the genus Leishmania and it is transmitted by infected phlebotomine sand flies. The aim of our study is to investigate the eco-epidemiological parameters and spatiotemporal projections of CL in Palestine over a 30-years period from 1990 through 2020 and to explore future projections until 2060.
Methodology/Principal findings
This long-term descriptive epidemiological study includes investigation of demographic characteristics of reported patients by the Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMoH). Moreover, we explored spatiotemporal distribution of CL including future projection based on climate change scenarios. The number of CL patients reported during this period was 5855 cases, and the average annual incidence rate (AAIR) was 18.5 cases/105 population. The male to female ratio was 1.25:1. Patients-age ranged from 2 months to 89 years (mean = 22.5, std 18.67, and the median was 18 years). More than 65% of the cases came from three governates in the West Bank; Jenin 29% (1617 cases), Jericho 25% (1403), and Tubas 12% (658) with no cases reported in the Gaza Strip. Seasonal occurrence of CL starts to increase in December and peaked during March and April of the following year. Current distribution of CL indicate that Jericho, Tubas, Jenin and Nablus have the most suitable climatic settings for the sandfly vectors. Future projections until 2060 suggest an increasing incidence from northwest of Jenin down to the southwest of Ramallah, disappearance of the foci in Jericho and Tubas throughout the Jordan Vally, and possible emergence of new foci in Gaza Strip.
The future projection of CL in Palestine until 2060 show a tendency of increasing incidence in the north western parts of the West Bank, disappearance from Jericho and Tubas throughout the Jordan Vally, and emergence of new CL endemic foci in the Gaza Strip. These results should be considered to implement effective control and surveillance systems to counteract spatial expansion of CL vectors.
The present study investigates basic features of a photoelectrochemical system based on CeO2 nanoparticles fixed on gold electrodes. Since photocurrent generation is limited to the absorption range of the CeO2 in the UV range, the combination with metal nanoparticles has been studied. It can be shown that the combination of silver nanoparticles with the CeO2 can shift the excitation range into the visible light wavelength range. Here a close contact between both components has been found to be essential and thus, hybrid CeO2@Ag nanoparticles have been prepared and analyzed. We have collected arguments that electron transfer occurs between both compositional elements of the hybrid nanoparticles.The photocurrent generation can be rationalized on the basis of an energy diagram underlying the necessity of surface plasmon excitation in the metal nanoparticles, which is also supported by wavelength-dependent photocurrent measurements. However, electrochemical reactions seem to occur at the CeO2 surface and consequently, the catalytic properties of this material can be exploited as exemplified with the photoelectrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide. It can be further demonstrated that the layer-by layer technique can be exploited to create a multilayer system on top of a gold electrode which allows the adjustment of the sensitivity of the photoelectrochemical system. Thus, with a 5-layer electrode with hybrid CeO2@Ag nanoparticles submicromolar hydrogen peroxide concentrations can be detected.
Aviation emissions, domestic and international, account for approximately 2 % of total global CO2 emissions. Fuel consumption for a given route, excluding other factors such as wind, depends largely on the weight of the aircraft. To minimise fuel consumption, it is often most economical to carry only the minimum weight required for the sector. Within the framework of a dissertation, possibilities to reduce the final reserve fuel and thus the amount of fuel required are being researched and evaluated. This paper shows part of the results, as reliability and accuracy of flight planning and actual operations are a necessary basis for a possible reduction. The level of safety in aviation must always be taken into account. To prove this, fuel values are recorded and statistically evaluated, based on real flight and fuel data provided. Analysis, systematization and generalization were used to conduct the study. As a statistical background, extensive fuel data of an airline from a period of about five years were examined. The focus of this paper is on the results for taxi and trip fuel. The result shows that the current requirements for flight planning and the subsequent execution of flights are very reliable and highly accurate today. The results of the study can be used as a basis for a performance-based approach to reduce the final reserve fuel while maintaining the necessary safety level. Reducing the final reserve has a significant impact on reducing overall fuel consumption and emissions. Further research and studies are needed to determine performance indicators.
A passive pipe sampler device for contaminant analysis in groundwater was developed which create a permanent sampling flow from groundwater and in addition to temperature, conductivity and pressure, now also has room for specific sorbents. The large surface of the adsorber offers more binding surface for the analyte and the constant movement of the sorbent with fresh groundwater also provides homogeneous binding. The spectroscopic analyses at the monitoring site of the pipe passive sampler for groundwater monitoring points enables a measurement-based validation of the sorbent circulation as an alternative to a visual assessment. The optimum pump speed for the sorbens Lewatit® M500 and SR7 was evaluated. The 42mm slim measuring device allows the use in DN50 monitoring well and thus allows the setup of a closer measuring network.
The development of precision cancer medicine relies on novel formulation strategies for targeted drug delivery to increase the therapeutic outcome. Biocompatible polymer nanoparticles, namely dextran-graft-polyacrylamide (D-g-PAA) copolymers, represent one of the innovative non-invasive approaches for drug delivery applications in cancer therapy. In this study, the star-like D-g-PAA copolymer in anionic form (D-g-PAAan) was developed for pH-triggered targeted drug delivery of the common chemotherapeutic drugs – doxorubicin (Dox) and cisplatin (Cis). The initial D-g-PAA copolymer was synthesized by the radical graft polymerization method, and then alkaline-hydrolyzed to get this polymer in anionic form for further use for drug encapsulation. The acidification of the buffer promoted the release of loaded drugs. D-g-PAAan nanoparticles increased the toxic potential of the drugs against human and mouse lung carcinoma cells (A549 and LLC), but not against normal human lung cells (HEL299). The drug-loaded D-g-PAAan-nanoparticles promoted further oxidative stress and apoptosis induction in LLC cells. D-g-PAAan-nanoparticles improved Dox accumulation and drugs’ toxicity in a 3D LLC multi-cellular spheroid model. The data obtained indicate that the strategy of chemotherapeutic drug encapsulation within the branched D-g-PAAan nanoparticle allows not only to realize pH-triggered drug release but also to potentiate its cytotoxic, prooxidant and proapoptotic effects against lung carcinoma cells.
The resistive switching properties of HfO₂ based 1T-1R memristive devices are electrically modified by adding ultra-thin layers of Al₂O₃ into the memristive device. Three different types of memristive stacks are fabricated in the 130 nm CMOS technology of IHP. The switching properties of the memristive devices are discussed with respect to forming voltages, low resistance state and high resistance state characteristics and their variabilities. The experimental I–V characteristics of set and reset operations are evaluated by using the quantum point contact model. The properties of the conduction filament in the on and off states of the memristive devices are discussed with respect to the model parameters obtained from the QPC fit.
Explosive Zeiten
Von der Vision 1964 zur industriellen Realität 1976:
"Detonierender Sprengstoff formt im 3 Minuten-Takt Nutzfahrzeug-Achsbrücken"
Die erstmalige Nutzung der Energie des Sprengstoffes in einer Serienfertigung der Metallindustrie war die Vision, die Art und Weise der Umsetzung, der Kampf bei der Lösung der schwierigen technischen und der Sicherheitsprobleme beim Umgang mit Sprengstoff im Industriebetrieb, die Kreativität des Ingenieurs als treibende Kraft, werden in der Erfolgsgeschichte faktisch und vorbildlich, auch für zukünftige Generationen, spannend dargestellt.
Der Schritt von bisher üblichen Verfahren, zu einer komplett anderen Technologie und Achsbrückenkonstruktion war nicht nur neu, sondern weltweit einzig, auch erfolgreich in der Ökonomie und besonders im Energieaufwand.
Die Zielstrebigkeit im Lebenswerk des Autors und seines erfolgreichen Teams sind in Wort und Bild für Historiker, genauso für Lernende und Lehrende, in der Gegenwart und Zukunft eine Erfolgsstory.
Um Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des Relevanzrankings im SLUB-Katalog aufzuzeigen, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die aktuellen Konfigurationen der Suche im SLUB-Katalog analysiert. Zur Ermittlung geeigneter Indexfelder für die Suche werden insbesondere die verwendeten Feldtypen und die Belegungshäufigkeit in den angesprochenen Solr-Cores untersucht. Darauf aufbauend werden Vorschläge zu Änderungen der Konfigurationen der Standardsuche „Alles“ des SLUB-Katalogs und spezialisierten Sucheinstiege gemacht.
Durch die prototypische Entwicklung einer Webapplikation, mit welcher sich Konfigurationen der Rankingberechnung zur Suchanfragezeit anpassen lassen, können die Auswirkungen multipler Faktoren, wie z.B. Auswahl der Indexfelder und Boost-Werte, die die Relevanzberechnung beeinflussen, schneller und unabhängig vom IT-Personal getestet, verglichen und dokumentiert werden.