@article{VersenErnstGulati2017, author = {Versen, Martin and Ernst, W. and Gulati, P.}, title = {A row hammer pattern analysis of DDR2 SDRAM}, series = {Microelectronics Reliability}, volume = {76-77}, journal = {Microelectronics Reliability}, pages = {64 -- 67}, year = {2017}, abstract = {A DDR2 SDRAM test setup implemented on the Griffin III ATE test system from HILEVEL Technologies is used to analyse the row hammer bug. Row hammer pattern experiments are compared to standard retention tests. The analysis confirms that the row hammer effect is caused by a charge excitation process depending on the number of stress activation cycles. The stress has to occur in the local neighborhood of the cells under test. Shallow impurity levels support the responsible charge carrier transport process in the used DDR2 SDRAM technology}, language = {en} } @article{ProdingerScheelSailerEscorpizoetal.2017, author = {Prodinger, Birgit and Scheel-Sailer, A. and Escorpizo, R. and Stucki, G.}, title = {UEMS-PRM ICF workshop moderators and rapporteurs. (2017) European initiative for the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Development of Clinical Assessment Schedules for specified rehabilitation services}, series = {European Journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine}, volume = {53}, journal = {European Journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine}, number = {2}, pages = {319 -- 332}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Clinical assessment schedule (CLAS) is a core part of the ICF-based implementation of functioning reporting across health conditions and along the continuum of care. The Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS PRM) workshop held in January 2016 aimed to develop and specify a CLAS within the context of rehabilitation services. UEMS PRM Workshop in Nottwil, Switzerland, January 2016.PRM physicians representatives from 12 European countries, as well as Israel and Japan, mostly delegates of UEMS PRM Section and Board, and experts with other rehabilitation professional backgrounds.Participants were divided into 6 working groups and asked to specify what functioning aspects would be essential to document using the available ICF sets for the identified rehabilitation services contained in the newly developed service classification (ICSO-R): acute, post-acute and long-term rehabilitation services. The 7 ICF Generic and 23 Rehabilitation Set categories were confirmed as well as specific health condition categories for acute rehabilitation services (mobile team), for postacute rehabilitation services (general outpatient rehabilitation, musculoskeletal and neurological rehabilitation, as well as specialized SCI rehabilitation), and for long-term rehabilitation services (day clinic and rehabilitation provided in the community). While general principles of the CLAS were defined, the need to align the CLAS for a specific service, as well as across services along the continuum of care was highlighted. All groups deliberated on this topic; however, no conclusive statement was presented yet.The groups recognized a need for a systematic effort to identify data collection tools currently used.CLASs will serve in the future to ensure that functioning information is systematically and consistently collected across services, and thus respond also to various global reports and initiatives which stress the need for improving data collection on people's functioning.}, language = {en} } @techreport{ChateauviexHellwigRaboldSchramm2017, author = {Ch{\^a}teauviex-Hellwig, Camille and Rabold, Andreas and Schramm, M.}, title = {Teilprojekt 4: Bauteilpr{\"u}fung, FEM Modellierung und Validierung.}, series = {ift-Forschungsbericht (Hsg.): Vibroakustik im Planungsprozess f{\"u}r Holzbauten - Modellierung, numerische Simulation, Validierung}, volume = {2017}, journal = {ift-Forschungsbericht (Hsg.): Vibroakustik im Planungsprozess f{\"u}r Holzbauten - Modellierung, numerische Simulation, Validierung}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RaboldChateauvieuxHellwigMecking2017, author = {Rabold, A. and Ch{\^a}teauvieux-Hellwig, C. and Mecking, S.}, title = {Optimierung von Holzdecken in Bezug auf die DIN 4109}, series = {Forum Holzbau HBS}, booktitle = {Forum Holzbau HBS}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{PaoliniKollmannsbergerWinteretal.2017, author = {Paolini, Alexander and Kollmannsberger, Stefan and Winter, Christoph and Buchschmid, Martin and M{\"u}ller, Gerhard and Rabold, Andreas and Mecking, Simon and Schanda, Ulrich and Rank, Ernst}, title = {A high-order finite element model for vibration analysis of cross-laminated timber assemblies}, series = {Building Acoustics}, volume = {2017}, journal = {Building Acoustics}, number = {3}, edition = {24}, pages = {135 -- 158}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The vibration behavior of cross-laminated timber components in the low-frequency range can be predicted with high accuracy by the finite element method. However, the modeling of assembled cross-laminated timber components has been studied only scarcely. The three-dimensional p-version of the finite element method, which is characterized by hierarchic high-order shape functions, is well suited to consider coupling and support conditions. Furthermore, a small number of degrees of freedom can be obtained in case of thin-walled structures using p-elements with high aspect ratios and anisotropic ansatz spaces. In this article, a model for cross-laminated timber assemblies made of volumetric high-order finite elements is presented. Two representative types of connections are investigated, one with an elastomer between the cross-laminated timber components and the other without. The model is validated, and suitable ranges for the stiffness parameters of the finite elements which represent the junctions are identified.}, language = {en} } @techreport{SchutterBraun2017, author = {Schutter, Sabina and Braun, Magdalena}, title = {Herausforderungen von Kindertageseinrichtungen in einer vielf{\"a}ltigen Gesellschaft}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Zuwanderung, demografische Ver{\"a}nderungen und familialer Wandel betreffen alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche und Akteure. Kindertageseinrichtungen als erste und wichtigste Bildungs- und Sozialisationsinstanzen nach den Eltern sind davon nicht ausgenommen. Im Gegenteil: Kinderarmut, Zeitknappheit von Familien, Migration und soziale Ungleichheiten kommen hier zuallererst an und stellen die Einrichtungen vor neue Herausforderungen. Hinzu kommen gesellschaftliche Bewegungen, wie der neu erstarkte Rechtspopulismus, gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit und Abwertung bis zu Rechtsextremismus. Ein Ph{\"a}nomen, das in ostdeutschen Bundesl{\"a}ndern pr{\"a}senter ist. Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat deshalb 94 Leitungen von Kindertageseinrichtungen in Sachsen und Th{\"u}ringen nach ihren Umgangsweisen mit gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt gefragt. Hierzu wurde spezifisch der Umgang mit benachteiligten Gruppen und mit Diversit{\"a}t untersucht. 10 qualitative ExpertInneninterviews mit Einrichtungsleitungen wurden erg{\"a}nzend dazu durchgef{\"u}hrt, um spezifischen und sensiblen Fragestellungen auf den Grund zu gehen. Die wichtigsten Mittel gegen menschenfeindliche Tendenzen sind Demokratief{\"o}rderung, Demokratiebildung und Partizipation. Die Untersuchung hat deshalb einen Schwerpunkt auf die Untersuchung der Umsetzung und Hindernisse sowie der Bedarfe mit Blick auf Partizipation gelegt.}, language = {de} } @misc{Botzum2017, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud}, title = {Informierst du noch - oder l{\"a}sst du schon mitbestimmen? Ein Stufenmodell partizipativen Arbeitens.}, series = {Festakt der Hochschule Rosenheim zum Studienstart "Soziale Arbeit", Dezember 2017.}, journal = {Festakt der Hochschule Rosenheim zum Studienstart "Soziale Arbeit", Dezember 2017.}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{BotzumEhlertHaeselerBestmannetal.2017, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Ehlert, Gudrun and H{\"a}seler-Bestmann, Sarah and Reimer, Julia}, title = {Warum Geschlecht z{\"a}hlt. Geschlechtsbezogene Aspekte im Promotionsprozess}, series = {Forschen und Promovieren in der Sozialen Arbeit, Band 15 der Reihe "Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit"}, booktitle = {Forschen und Promovieren in der Sozialen Arbeit, Band 15 der Reihe "Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit"}, editor = {Ehlert, Gudrun and Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta and K{\"o}ttig, Michaela and Sauer, Stefanie and Riemann, Gerhard and Schmitt, Rudolf and V{\"o}lter, Bettina}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Verlag Barbara Budrich}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, pages = {102 -- 112}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{BotzumKlaes2017, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Klaes, Sophie}, title = {Sozialr{\"a}umliches Lernen. Handlungsr{\"a}ume nutzen und einbeziehen.}, series = {KiTa aktuell NRW. Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r Leitungen, Fachkr{\"a}fte und Tr{\"a}ger}, volume = {2017}, journal = {KiTa aktuell NRW. Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r Leitungen, Fachkr{\"a}fte und Tr{\"a}ger}, number = {26/5}, publisher = {Carl Link Verlag}, address = {Kronach (Oberfranken)}, pages = {118 -- 120}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Zur Methodik einer zielgerichteten Evaluation der Vernetzung im Sozialraum: Zum Ausbau der sozialr{\"a}umlichen Vernetzung m{\"u}ssen Kitas zun{\"a}chst neben dem aktuellen Stand auch ermitteln, an welchen Stellen Verbesserungsbedarf besteht. Maßgebend f{\"u}r eine gewinnbringende Evaluation ist neben der Auswahl geeigneter Evaluationsmethoden die genaue Kl{\"a}rung der Evaluationsziele. Im Kita-Bereich erf{\"a}hrt Evaluation zunehmend an Bedeutung - aus politischen und professionsbezogenen Gr{\"u}nden. Theoretische Vor{\"u}berlegungen und Grundlagen sind weitgehend bekannt, sodass im folgenden Beitrag die Anwendung von Evaluation im sozialr{\"a}umlichen Arbeiten von Kitas fokussiert wird.}, language = {de} } @article{SelbGimiglianoProdingeretal.2017, author = {Selb, M. and Gimigliano, F. and Prodinger, Birgit and Stucki, G. and Pestelli, G. and Iocco, M. and Boldrini, P.}, title = {Toward an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health clinical data collection tool: The Italian experience of developing simple, intuitive descriptions of the Rehabilitation Set categories}, series = {European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine}, volume = {53}, journal = {European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine}, number = {2}, pages = {290 -- 298}, year = {2017}, abstract = {As part of international efforts to develop and implement national models including the specification of ICF-based clinical data collection tools, the Italian rehabilitation community initiated a project to develop simple, intuitive descriptions of the ICF Rehabilitation Set, highlighting the core concept of each category in user-friendly language. This paper outlines the Italian experience in developing simple, intuitive descriptions of the ICF Rehabilitation Set as an ICF-based clinical data collection tool for Italy.Consensus process.Expert conference. Multidisciplinary group of rehabilitation professionals.The first of a two-stage consensus process involved developing an initial proposal for simple, intuitive descriptions of each ICF Rehabilitation Set category based on descriptions generated in a similar process in China. Stage two involved a consensus conference. Divided into three working groups, participants discussed and voted (vote A) whether the initially proposed descriptions of each ICF Rehabilitation Set category was simple and intuitive enough for use in daily practice. Afterwards the categories with descriptions considered ambiguous i.e. not simple and intuitive enough, were divided among the working groups, who were asked to propose a new description for the allocated categories. These proposals were then voted (vote B) on in a plenary session. The last step of the consensus conference required each working group to develop a new proposal for each and the same categories with descriptions still considered ambiguous. Participants then voted (final vote) for which of the three proposed descriptions they preferred.Nineteen clinicians from diverse rehabilitation disciplines from various regions of Italy participated in the consensus process. Three ICF categories already achieved consensus in vote A, while 20 ICF categories were accepted in vote B. The remaining 7 categories were decided in the final vote.The findings were discussed in light of current efforts toward developing strategies for ICF implementation, specifically for the application of an ICF-based clinical data collection tool, not only for Italy but also for the rest of Europe. Promising as minimal standards for monitoring the impact of interventions and for standardized reporting of functioning as a relevant outcome in rehabilitation.}, language = {en} }