@inproceedings{AuerRauch2020, author = {Auer, Veronika and Rauch, Peter}, title = {Assessing hardwood flows from resource to production through Material Flow Analysis}, series = {9th Hardwood Proceedings - Part I}, booktitle = {9th Hardwood Proceedings - Part I}, issn = {2631-004X}, pages = {13 -- 20}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Many doubts accompany both the resource potential of hardwoods and their softwood substituting potential within its material utilisation. However, as the feedstock demand will rise with more and more wood-based biorefineries entering the market, wood supply security is an increasingly pressing topic. Currently, hardwood flow models are lacking, but are an essential basis for estimating future hardwood supply security. This study investigates the actual hardwood flows in Germany by applying a Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Visualising the results of the MFA for the reference year 2016. The MFA displays 4.44 +/- 0.12 million m³ (fob) recorded fellings in privately-owned forests, 8.60 +/- 0.15 million m³ (fob) recorded fellings in state forests, 9.31 +/- 0.52 million m³ (fob) as unrecorded harvest from forests (i.e. 37\% of the total harvest) and 2.65 +/- 0.35 million m³ (fob) unrecorded fellings from non-forest area (11\% of total harvest). Of that, almost 30\% were used for materials and 70\% were used for energy. Consequently, the potential for material use of hardwood in Germany lies beyond its current usage, especially given that good qualities are being used for energy due to actual low material consumer demand. Thus, the MFA assessed the quality and quantity of the German hardwood potential and showed that it offers significant possibilities for value added usage options such as, for example, producing innovative products in biorefineries using degraded high-quality assortments. Due to the low data consistency, heterogeneous datasets for the forest and wood industry sector were calibrated through data reconciliation and error propagation. Additionally, the lack of statistical data for specific wood industry sectors raised a problem, for instance, actual data on private combustion of wood, established hardwood uses, or new innovative products. Severe data issues regarding the German hardwood flow were confirmed.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BenstetterLauererNegeleetal.2020, author = {Benstetter, Franz and Lauerer, Michael and Negele, Daniel and Schmid, Andreas}, title = {Potenziale prospektiver regionaler Gesundheitsbudgets am Beispiel spanischer und amerikanischer Erfahrungen}, series = {Krankenhaus-Report 2020}, booktitle = {Krankenhaus-Report 2020}, editor = {Klauber, J{\"u}rgen and Geraedts, Max and Friedrich, J{\"o}rg and Wasem, J{\"u}rgen and Beivers, Andreas}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, pages = {69 -- 90}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die im deutschen Gesundheitssystem implementierten Verg{\"u}tungssysteme sind dringend reformbed{\"u}rftig. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r den Krankenhaussektor, in dem die Auswirkungen diverser Fehlanreize zu einer Kaskade korrigierender Eingriffe gef{\"u}hrt haben, ohne jedoch die tiefwurzelnden Probleme grundlegend zu adressieren. Eine alternative Verg{\"u}tungsform stellen prospektive regionale Gesundheitsbudgets dar. Diese basieren auf Konzepten, die dem Prinzip der Capitation folgen und nicht f{\"u}r einzelne F{\"a}lle oder auch einzelne Patienten, sondern f{\"u}r ganze Gruppen von Versicherten eine sektoren{\"u}bergreifende Verg{\"u}tung beinhalten. Im Idealfall wird damit die gesamte Bev{\"o}lkerung einer Region abgedeckt. Die Umsetzung derartiger pauschalierter Verg{\"u}tungssysteme ist herausfordernd. Deshalb stellt dieser Beitrag Erfahrungen aus Spanien und den USA dar und diskutiert Implikationen f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche Implementierung in Deutschland. Das spanische Valencia-Modell steht dabei f{\"u}r einen unmittelbaren und weitreichenden Systemwechsel durch die Implementierung von Modellen, bei denen der Staat eine Konzession f{\"u}r die regionale Versorgung an private Akteure vergibt. Der am Beispiel einer Accountable Care Organisation dargestellte Ansatz der USA verfolgt hingegen die Strategie eines Transformationspfades , der schrittweise zu einer st{\"a}rkeren Pauschalierung f{\"u}hrt und kontinuierlich auf Basis aktueller Erkenntnisse angepasst wird. Es zeigt sich, dass die Modelle zwingend f{\"u}r alle Beteiligten einen Zusatznutzen gegen{\"u}ber dem Status quo stiften m{\"u}ssen, um angenommen zu werden. Auf der wirtschaftlichen Ebene m{\"u}ssen die Risiken ad{\"a}quat abgesichert werden, ohne dabei die gew{\"u}nschten Anreize auszuhebeln. Gleichzeitig m{\"u}ssen wirksame Vorkehrungen getroffen werden, die Unterversorgung verhindern und positive Qualit{\"a}tsanreize schaffen.}, language = {de} } @book{BenstetterLauererNegeleetal.2020, author = {Benstetter, Franz and Lauerer, Michael and Negele, Daniel and Schmid, Andreas}, title = {Prospektive regionale Gesundheitsbudgets: Internationale Erfahrungen und Implikationen f{\"u}r Deutschland}, publisher = {medhochzwei Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-86216-618-3}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Alle Menschen sollen an den sich schnell erweiternden M{\"o}glichkeiten, die Gesundheit wiederherzustellen, zu erhalten und zu bessern, in gleicher Weise teilhaben k{\"o}nnen. Die Diskussion um steigende Ausgaben f{\"u}r Gesundheit, Rationierung von Leistungen, Fachkr{\"a}ftemangel und Disparit{\"a}ten im Zugang zur Versorgung zeigt aber: Dieses Versprechen steht in Frage. Eine besser koordinierte, st{\"a}rker patientenzentrierte und intersektoral angelegte Versorgung kann Teil der L{\"o}sung sein, das Versprechen weiter aufrecht zu halten. Voraussetzung hierf{\"u}r ist ein Verg{\"u}tungssystem, das die Sektorengrenzen tats{\"a}chlich {\"u}berwinden kann und Qualit{\"a}t belohnt. Internationale Erfahrungen zeigen, dass sogenannte Capitation-Modelle, die auf mengenunabh{\"a}ngigen und sektoren{\"u}bergreifenden Pro-Kopf-Pauschalen beruhen, - geeignet ausgestaltet - Anreize f{\"u}r eine derartige Versorgung schaffen k{\"o}nnen. In solchen Modellen {\"u}bernehmen Leistungserbringer einen Teil des Versicherungsrisikos bzw. der finanziellen Verantwortung f{\"u}r Leistungen, die direkt von ihnen erbracht, veranlasst oder nicht vermieden werden. Das Potenzial ist deutlich sichtbar. Allerdings gibt es auch Herausforderungen und Risiken, die mit einem derartigen System einhergehen und entsprechend zu adressieren bzw. zu kontrollieren sind. Deshalb pr{\"u}ft das vorliegende Buch differenziert die Voraussetzungen und Potenziale des Transfers eines derartigen populationsorientierten Verg{\"u}tungsansatzes nach Deutschland und zeigt die Optionen einer m{\"o}glichen Umsetzung in Form prospektiver regionaler Gesundheitsbudgets auf. Die Basis hierzu bildet eine fundierte Analyse von Modellen aus Spanien, Peru, den USA und der Schweiz.}, language = {de} } @article{BenstetterSchmidNegeleetal.2020, author = {Benstetter, Franz and Schmid, Andreas and Negele, Daniel and Lauerer, Michael}, title = {Verg{\"u}tungsidee am Puls der Zeit}, series = {f\&w f{\"u}hren und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus}, volume = {2020}, journal = {f\&w f{\"u}hren und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus}, number = {3}, pages = {248 -- 251}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Autoren dieses Beitrags haben im Rahmen einer Studie f{\"u}r die Stiftung M{\"u}nch untersucht, wie in anderen L{\"a}ndern alternative Verg{\"u}tungs- und gleichzeitig intersektorale Versorgungsstrukturen vorangetrieben werden. Auf dieser Basis haben sie Implikationen f{\"u}r Deutschland abgeleitet.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Botzum2020, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud}, title = {Betreuung von Kleinstkindern. Qualit{\"a}t von Anfang an in Krippe, Kindergarten und Kita. 22. Lieferung, Sozialraumorientierte bzw. quartiersbezogene Arbeit evaluieren}, editor = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Remsperger-Kehm, Regina}, publisher = {Carl Link}, address = {K{\"o}ln/ Kronach}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @incollection{Botzum2020, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud}, title = {Betreuung von Kleinstkindern. Qualit{\"a}t von Anfang an in Krippe, Kindergarten und Kita. 24. Lieferung, „bestimmt bunt - Vielfalt und Mitbestimmung in der Kita". Interview mit Elisa B{\"o}nisch, Leitung Fachstelle Kinderrechtebildung Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk}, editor = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Remsperger-Kehm, Regina}, publisher = {Carl Link}, address = {Kronach}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @misc{Botzum2020, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud}, title = {Karrierestrategien. Reihe „Nachgefragt" Akademische Laufbahn mit FH-/ HAW-Abschluss? Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau, Interdisziplin{\"a}res Promotions- und Postdoc-Zentrum}, organization = {Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau, Interdisziplin{\"a}res Promotions- und Postdoc-Zentrum}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @incollection{BotzumNeumann2020, author = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Neumann, Susanne}, title = {Betreuung von Kleinstkindern. Qualit{\"a}t von Anfang an in Krippe, Kindergarten und Kita. 26. Lieferung, Glossar Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement}, editor = {Botzum, Edeltraud and Remsperger-Kehm, Regina}, publisher = {Carl Link}, address = {Kronach}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{BraunKunklerKellner2020, author = {Braun, Maximilian and Kunkler, Jan and Kellner, Florian}, title = {Towards Sustainable Cities: Utilizing Floating Car Data to Support Location-Based Road Network Performance Measurements}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {12}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {19}, doi = {10.3390/su12198145}, pages = {8145}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Road network performance (RNP) is a key element for urban sustainability as it has a significant impact on economy, environment, and society. Poor RNP can lead to traffic congestion, which can lead to higher transportation costs, more pollution and health issues regarding the urban population. To evaluate the effects of the RNP, the involved stakeholders need a real-world data base to work with. This paper develops a data collection approach to enable location-based RNP analysis using publicly available traffic information. Therefore, we use reachable range requests implemented by navigation service providers to retrieve travel times, travel speeds, and traffic conditions. To demonstrate the practicability of the proposed methodology, a comparison of four German cities is made, considering the network characteristics with respect to detours, infrastructure, and traffic congestion. The results are combined with cost rates to compare the economical dimension of sustainability of the chosen cities. Our results show that digitization eases the assessment of traffic data and that a combination of several indicators must be considered depending on the relevant sustainability dimension decisions are made from.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Boehm2020, author = {B{\"o}hm, Stefan-Andreas}, title = {AI Approaches to Optimize Human-Machine Collaboration in Manufacturing Facilities with IoT-Ready Machinery}, series = {IoT '20 Companion: 10th International Conference on the Internet of Things Companion, October 2020}, booktitle = {IoT '20 Companion: 10th International Conference on the Internet of Things Companion, October 2020}, pages = {1 -- 5}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Modern production facilities are becoming increasingly complex, as companies battle to meet the increasingly customer-specific demands with shorter lead times and higher efficiency. For the employees in the factory, who often bear the brunt of making short-term process decisions, this complexity is becoming unmanageable. The PhD project presented in the following aims to decrease the complexity of modern manufactory facilities by means of artificial intelligence. The focus is on product data analysis and manufactory process planning. Different approaches of artificial intelligence for use in a Self-Adapting Smart System (SASS) are to be investigated.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BoettcherZentgrafZeitler2020, author = {B{\"o}ttcher, Benedikt and Zentgraf, Peter and Zeitler, Adrian}, title = {Online-Selbst-Identifikation eines dynamischen Systems}, series = {AALE 2020 - 17. Fachkonferenz, Automatisierung und Mensch-Technik-Interaktion, 04.03.2020 - 06.03.2020, Leipzig, Deutschland}, booktitle = {AALE 2020 - 17. Fachkonferenz, Automatisierung und Mensch-Technik-Interaktion, 04.03.2020 - 06.03.2020, Leipzig, Deutschland}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Im Rahmen der Digitalisierung der industriellen Produktion mit Industrie 4.0 und des autonomen Fahrens erlangen m{\"o}glichst detaillierte digitale Abbilder von Maschinen und Fahrzeugen f{\"u}r den vollst{\"a}ndigen Zeitraum ihres Einsatzes eine zentrale Bedeutung. Sowohl durch geplante Ver{\"a}nderungen des Arbeitspunkts aber auch durch Abnutzung und Verschleiß kommt es zu Abweichungen des Systemverhaltens. In diesem Posterbeitrag werden die Entwicklung und die Anwendung eines Identifikations-Algorithmus f{\"u}r die automatisierte Modellierung eines dynamischen Systems basierend auf einem gemessenen Ein- und Ausgangssignal beschrieben. Der in MATLAB und Simulink programmierte Algorithmus l{\"a}uft parallel zum realen System auf einer embedded Hardware ab, so dass eine Identifikation online und selbstst{\"a}ndig ausgef{\"u}hrt wird. Die prozess- oder verschleißbedingten Ver{\"a}nderungen des Systemverhaltens werden damit unmittelbar bei der Modellierung w{\"a}hrend des Betriebs ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Im Anschluss an die Identifikation sind die Selbst-Optimierung, die Vorsteuerung und die Selbst-Konfiguration des Systems, z.B. die Anpassung von Reglern, basierend auf dem aktuellen Modell durchf{\"u}hrbar.}, language = {de} } @article{CardonAritzFleischmannetal.2020, author = {Cardon, Peter and Aritz, Jolanta and Fleischmann, Carolin and Elhaddaoui, Terri and Getchell, Kristen and Helens-Hart, Rose and Iivonen, Kirsti and Insignares, Frank and Li, Xiaoli and Logemann, Minna and Palmer-Silveira, Juan Carlos and Ruiz-Garrido, Miguel and Shrivastava, Archana and Springer, Scott and Stapp, James and Swartz, Stephanie and Warren, Naomi and Woolstenhulme, Karen and Zemaitis, Eigirdas}, title = {What Happens to Global Virtual Teams When a Pandemic Hits? Maintaining Normalcy and Stability with Disruption All Around}, series = {The Western ABC Bulletin}, volume = {Spring 2020}, journal = {The Western ABC Bulletin}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Each year, the Virtual Business Professional (VBP) program brings together professors and students from across the globe to engage in client projects. The VBP program of 2020 occurred from the beginning of March through the middle of April. In this article, we share how the COVID-19 pandemic affected VBP participants and their teams. We present post-project survey results (completed by 440 of 530 participants for an 83 percent response rate), professor comments, and student comments to demonstrate how VBP participants overcame many of the pandemic disruptions to work effectively in virtual teams, develop compassion and empathy for one another, and foster more global mindsets.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChateauvieuxHellwigBorrmann2020, author = {Ch{\^a}teauvieux-Hellwig, Camille and Borrmann, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Towards semantic enrichment of early-design timber models for noise and vibration analysis}, series = {Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM 2020)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM 2020)}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChateauvieuxHellwigGeladzeMayretal.2020, author = {Ch{\^a}teauvieux-Hellwig, Camille and Geladze, Ekaterine and Mayr, Andreas R. and Schanda, Ulrich and Sch{\"o}pfer, Fabian}, title = {Prognoseverfahren zum Schall- und Schwingungsschutz f{\"u}r BIM-basierte Geb{\"a}udeplanung}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA}, organization = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{DechantSeligerKennel2020, author = {Dechant, Eduard and Seliger, Norbert and Kennel, Ralph}, title = {Design of a Low Multi-Loop Inductance Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter with GaN HEMTs}, series = {IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, booktitle = {IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)}, publisher = {IEEE}, pages = {6}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This work shows a numerical and experimental analysis of a Neutral-Point-Clamp (NPC) three level inverter featuring an ultra low inductance printed circuit board (PCB) design in consideration of the mutual inductive and capacitive couplings. The commutation loops in this design are found to be strongly dependent on the vertical thickness of the used prepregs and the core. For vertical thicknesses ≤ 100 μm capacitive coupling must be taken into account in the switching cell design. Experimental measurements of a test set-up with a total PCB thickness of 400 μm results in commutation loop inductances from 1.4 nH up to 3.1 nH. In this set-up, switching tests without external gate resistor showed only a maximum voltage overshoot of 7\% at 800 V. Based on a numerical analysis of the NPC cell we propose a further switching performance improvement with significant smaller parasitic inductance due to the application of novel printed circuit technologies such as the integration of bare dies into the printed circuit board or polyimide as an interlayer dielectric material.}, language = {en} } @article{DeviProdingerPennycottetal.2020, author = {Devi, N. and Prodinger, Birgit and Pennycott, A. and Sooben, R. and Bickenbach, J.}, title = {Investigating Supported Decision-Making for Persons With Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disability Using Institutional Ethnography}, series = {Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities}, volume = {17}, journal = {Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities}, number = {2}, pages = {143 -- 156}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Making one's own choices is an important part of leading a fulfilling life within society. However, people with IDs often face significant obstacles when making their own decisions. Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) aims to ensure firstly that people with IDs and others with compromised capacity are nonetheless recognized as legal individuals, and secondly that assistance is provided in the form of supported decision-making in order to exercise this resulting legal capacity. It is unclear whether current national legislation in any country satisfies these requirements in practice. This study utilizes institutional ethnography to reveal how decision-making is coordinated in practice for people with mild to moderate IDs living in supported residential environments in England, and to determine whether these processes are compliant with Article 12 of the CRPD. Data collection was based on observations, semi-structured interviews, and documentary analysis, involving 29 participants including people with mild to moderate IDs. The results point to the complexity of supported decision-making and identify three main categories of decision-making: spontaneous decisions, mid-term decisions, and strategic decisions. The data also show that people with mild to moderate IDs are able to exercise their legal capacity through support decision-making in their everyday life. Immediate and informal supported decision-making exists in daily practice for people with mild to moderate IDs living in supported residential environments. Although there are structures in place for implementing supported decision-making, various barriers persist that limit the overall efficacy and consistency of the realization of supported decision-making, for example, multiple use of mental capacity assessments. Such practices move away from the supported decision-making model toward substituted decision-making.}, language = {en} } @article{DorjbalProdingerZaninietal.2020, author = {Dorjbal, D. and Prodinger, Birgit and Zanini, C. and Avirmed, B. and Stucki, G. and Rubinelli, S.}, title = {Living with spinal cord injury in Mongolia: A qualitative study on perceived environmental barriers}, series = {Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine}, volume = {43}, journal = {Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine}, number = {4}, pages = {518 -- 531}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Context: Environmental factors play a key role in the lives of individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI). This study identifies environmental barriers and their impacts on daily lives as perceived by individuals living with SCI in Mongolia. Design: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted. A topic guide for the interviews was structured around the components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Setting: Urban and rural areas of Mongolia. Participants: A purposive sample of 16 persons with traumatic SCI. Interventions: Not applicable. Outcome Measures: Not applicable. Results: Seven categories of environmental barriers were mentioned, such as poor access to the physical environment, absence of wheelchair-friendly transportation, negative societal attitudes, inadequate health and rehabilitation services, lack of access to assistive devices and medicines, limited financial resources for healthcare, and inaccurate categorization of disabilities in laws. These barriers were claimed to have an impact on physical and psychological health, limit activities, and restrict participation in almost all areas of life. Conclusion: This study contributes to the identification of targets for interventions aimed at improving the lived experience of persons with SCI in a low-resource context. The findings reveal that while the Mongolian government already has laws and policies in place to improve access to the physical environment, transportation, assistive devices and employment, much more has to be done in terms of enforcement. Specialized SCI care and rehabilitation services are highly demanded in Mongolia.}, language = {en} } @article{EhrmannMahmoudiProdingeretal.2020, author = {Ehrmann, C. and Mahmoudi, S. M. and Prodinger, Birgit and Kiekens, C. and Ertzgaard, P.}, title = {Impact of spasticity on functioning in spinal cord injury: an application of graphical modelling}, series = {Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine}, volume = {52}, journal = {Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine}, number = {3}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Abstract Objective: To identify the impact of moderate-to-severe spasticity on functioning in people living with spinal cord injury. Design: Secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data using graphical modelling. Subjects: Individuals (n = 1,436) with spinal cord injury aged over 16 years with reported spasticity problems. Methods: Spasticity and 13 other impairments in body functions were assessed using the spinal cord injury Secondary Conditions Scale. Impairments in mental functions were assessed using the Mental Health subscale of the 36-item Short Form (SF-36). Independence in activities was measured with the Spinal Cord Injury Independence Measure Self-Report. Restrictions in participation were measured with the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation Rehabilitation - Participation. Results: Fifty-one percent of participants reported moderate-to-severe spasticity. Graphical modelling showed that Chronic pain, Contractures, Tiredness, Doing housework, and Respiratory functions were associated with spasticity and were the top 5 potential targets for interventions to improve the experience of spasticity. The associations and intervention targets were dependent on the level and completeness of the lesion. Conclusion: This is the first application of graphical modelling in studying spasticity in people living with spinal cord injury. The results can be used as a basis for studies aiming to optimize rehabilitation interventions in people with moderate-to-severe spasticity. Lay Abstract Spasticity is one of the most common complications of spinal cord injury. It influences limitations in functioning. Comprehensive evidence on the impact of spasticity on all domains of functioning may be beneficial to optimize rehabilitation interventions aimed at reducing the effects of spasticity. This is the first application of graphical modelling to study and visualize the impact of moderate-to-severe spasticity on functioning in people living with spinal cord injury. The results show that chronic pain, contractures, tiredness, doing housework, and respiratory functions were the functioning domains associated with spasticity. These are therefore the top 5 potential targets for interventions to improve the experience of spasticity. In addition, the level and completeness of lesions should be considered when studying spasticity in relation to all domains of functioning. These results should be used as a basis for studies aiming to optimize rehabilitation interventions in people with moderate-to-severe spasticity.}, language = {en} } @misc{EngOttMei2020, author = {Eng, W.K. and Ott, Holly C. and Mei, C.S.}, title = {Optimising Process Flows in Dragon Fruit Jam Production}, organization = {Singapore Management University}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{EnglerHoffmannZscheile2020, author = {Engler, Benjamin and Hoffmann, Stephan and Zscheile, Matthias}, title = {Rubber tracked bogie-axles with supportive rollers - a new undercarriage concept for log extraction on sensitive soils}, series = {International Journal of Forest Engineering}, journal = {International Journal of Forest Engineering}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Driving forest machines on wet soils causes irreversible soil compaction, often associated with intensive rut formation and inaccessibility of wheeled forest machines for future forest operations. The German forestry equipment manufacturer FHS, Forsttechnik Handel \& Service GmbH, engineered a forwarder, the Trac 81/11, equipped with conventional, well-proved bogie-axles embraced by a closed rubber track. At the center of the bogie-axle, four additional supportive rollers are placed to increase the load-carrying section between the tires of the bogie-axle. The study aimed to characterize the principle concept and the trafficability of the forwarder by analyzing the footprint area, the contact pressure, the rut formation on forest sites and the slippage during driving. Therefore, the effective contact area was measured on steel plates and rut formation was analyzed on a case study basis. Results showed that the supportive rollers increase the contact surface area by about 1/3. By this, a decrease of peak loads below the wheels and a more homogenous load distribution were observed. However, the contact surface area is still clearly divided into three parts; the area between the supportive rollers and the wheels does not take any load. Results of the rut formation were diverse: After 20 passes with 26,700 kg total mass, rut depth varied between 12.6 and 212.5 mm. Overall, the new undercarriage concept of FHS demonstrated a generally positive performance. The engineered forwarder contributes to reduce the environmental impact associated with log extraction.}, language = {en} }