@misc{SkudlikLueftlZaglacheretal.2024, author = {Skudlik, Stefanie and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina and Zaglacher, Regina and Zaglacher, Melina and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Der {\"U}bergang von Zuhause ins Pflegeheim aus der Perspektive der Versorgungstriade. Interviewergebnisse als Grundlage f{\"u}r eine Interventionsentwicklung. Vortrag f{\"u}r den EbM-Kongress in Berlin am 14. M{\"a}rz 2024}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @article{BorchersHorstmannshoffKatzenbergeretal.2023, author = {Borchers, Peggy and Horstmannshoff, Caren and Katzenberger, Benedict and Petermann, Jenny and Bauer, Petra and Kiesel, Theresia and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Sanftenberger, Linda and Voigt, Karen}, title = {Verordnung und Inanspruchnahme von Physiotherapie bei Schwindel und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen: Eine Sekund{\"a}ranalyse aus der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA (Versorgungspfade und ihre Auswirkung auf Mobilit{\"a}t, soziale Teilhabe und Lebensqualit{\"a}t bei Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen sowie Gelenkerkrankungen)}, series = {Physioscience}, journal = {Physioscience}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Hintergrund Schwindel und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen (S/G) sind komplexe Gesundheitsprobleme bei {\"a}lteren Menschen und h{\"a}ufige Beratungsanl{\"a}sse in der Hausarztpraxis. Physiotherapie kann einen positiven Einfluss auf das Gleichgewicht und Sturzrisiko bei Patient*innen mit S/G haben. In der S3-DEGAM-Leitlinie „Akuter Schwindel in der Hausarztpraxis" werden Empfehlungen f{\"u}r Physiotherapie bei bestimmten Schwindeldiagnosen gegeben. Ob haus{\"a}rztliche Physiotherapieverordnungen den Empfehlungen der Leitlinie entsprechen, ist nicht bekannt. Bisher liegen keine Daten vor, wie h{\"a}ufig diese Physiotherapieverordnungen tats{\"a}chlich durch Patient*innen in Anspruch genommen werden. Ziel Ermittlung von Anteil und Inanspruchnahme haus{\"a}rztlich verordneter Physiotherapie bei {\"a}lteren Patient*innen mit S/G innerhalb der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA und Untersuchung, ob diese den Empfehlungen der S3-DEGAM-Leitlinie entsprechen. Methode Die Sekund{\"a}ranalyse beruht auf Daten der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA, in der Patient*innen ab 65 Jahren mit S/G in 17 Hausarztpraxen in Bayern und Sachsen befragt wurden. Die Datenerhebung fand von 09/2017-10/2019 statt. Die haus{\"a}rztliche Verordnung und patientenseitige Inanspruchnahme von Physiotherapie wurden mittels validierten sowie selbstentwickelten Frageb{\"o}gen erhoben. Die Daten wurden deskriptiv (Mittelwerte, H{\"a}ufigkeiten) und Verteilungsunterschiede mittels exaktem Test nach Fisher analysiert. Ergebnisse Die Stichprobe umfasste 158 Patient*innen mit S/G. 16 \% der Patient*innen hatten aufgrund von S/G Physiotherapie verordnet bekommen. Dabei entsprachen 14,2 \% der Physiotherapieverordnungen den Empfehlungen der S3-DEGAM-Leitlinie. 32 \% (Bayern 53,8 \%; Sachsen 8,3 \%) der Patient*innen hatten die Physiotherapie nicht in Anspruch genommen. Dabei lag ein signifikanter regionaler Verteilungsunterschied (p = 0,030; Phi = 0,487 [95 \% KI = 0,129-0,846]) vor. Schlussfolgerung Mit 16 \% ist die H{\"a}ufigkeit haus{\"a}rztlicher Physiotherapieverordnungen bei S/G in der Altersgruppe der {\"u}ber 65-J{\"a}hrigen vergleichsweise hoch. Die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Nichtinanspruchnahme wurden nicht erfasst, weshalb nur Vermutungen bez{\"u}glich des regionalen Unterschiedes angestellt werden konnten (z. B. Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von Physiotherapie). Im Sinne der Planung einer adh{\"a}renten Therapie und zur Vermeidung von Versorgungsunterschieden scheint es sinnvoll, sich zuk{\"u}nftig auch mit Gr{\"u}nden einer Nichtinanspruchnahme von Therapien zu besch{\"a}ftigen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffKieselBorchersetal.2023, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Kiesel, Theresia and Borchers, Peggy and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Bauer, Petra and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit eines evidenzbasierten Versorgungspfades zur Verbesserung von Mobilit{\"a}t und Partizipation f{\"u}r {\"a}ltere Patient*innen mit Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen (VDB) in der Prim{\"a}rversorgung: Eine multizentrische cluster-randomisierte kontrollierte Studie}, series = {Tag der Forschung TH Rosenheim}, booktitle = {Tag der Forschung TH Rosenheim}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{DoeringerHorstmannshoffKieseletal.2023, author = {D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Horstmannshoff, Caren and Kiesel, Theresia and Sch{\"a}dler, and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Bauer, Petra}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer evidenzbasierten Schulung zur physiotherapeutischen Versorgung von Patient*innen mit Schwindel und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen im Rahmen eines Versorgungspfades}, series = {7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie}, booktitle = {7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Hintergrund Schwindel und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen (SG) sind h{\"a}ufige Symptome bei {\"a}lteren Menschen und beeintr{\"a}chtigen das t{\"a}gliche Leben erheblich. Physiotherapie kann eine wichtige Komponente in der Behandlung von SG sein. Aufgrund der multifaktoriellen Ursachen sind die physiotherapeutische Diagnostik und Therapie komplex, werden aber in der Ausbildung kaum thematisiert. Klar strukturierte und evidenzbasierte Schulungen f{\"u}r die differentialdiagnostische Herangehensweise k{\"o}nnen den Clinical-Reasoning-Prozess und die Therapie von SG verbessern. Eine entsprechende evidenzbasierte Schulung wurde in einem Interventionszweig der multizentrischen Cluster-RCT MobilE-PHY2 begleitend zu einem Decision Tree (DT) f{\"u}r den Clinical-Reasoning-Prozess in der Physiotherapie konzipiert und durchgef{\"u}hrt. Methodik Die Schulung wurde aus den Ergebnissen der Pilotstudie (MobilE-PHY1) und deren Prozessevaluation sowie auf der Grundlage einer dreit{\"a}gigen Fortbildung von und mit einem Schwindelexperten entwickelt. Inhalte waren die Anwendung des DT, theoretische Grundlagen {\"u}ber Schwindel sowie praktische {\"U}bungsanteile. Bei der eint{\"a}gigen Schulung konnten die Physiotherapeut*innen entweder online oder in Pr{\"a}senz teilnehmen. Zudem wurde eine Online-Lernplattform bereitgestellt, die neben umfassendem Vor- und Nachbereitungsmaterial die M{\"o}glichkeit bot, Feedback z. B. in Form einer Videoanalyse zu bekommen. Die Evaluation erfolgte durch Frageb{\"o}gen und leitfadengest{\"u}tzte Interviews und ist Teil der Prozessevaluation von MobilE-PHY2. Die Auswertung ab Juni 2023 wird im Mixed-Methods-Design nach R{\"a}diker stattfinden. Ergebnis und Schlussfolgerung Es konnten neun Physiotherapiepraxen am Studienstandort Bayern in die Studie eingeschlossen werden. Aus diesen nahmen 17 Therapeut*innen an den insgesamt drei Schulungen teil. Es wurden zehn Therapeut*innen online und sieben in Pr{\"a}senz geschult. Basierend auf Interviews mit sechs Therapeut*innen sowie dreizehn Frageb{\"o}gen werden wichtige Erkenntnisse gewonnen, inwiefern die Schulung (begleitend zum DT) eine geeignete Methode darstellt, die evidenzbasierte physiotherapeutische Versorgung f{\"u}r Patient*innen mit SG zu verbessern. Zudem k{\"o}nnen Vor- und Nachteile der Online- und Pr{\"a}senzlehre diskutiert werden.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffKieselDoeringeretal.2023, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Kiesel, Theresia and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Voigt, Karen and Bauer, Petra and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Care pathway for evidence-based healthcare of patients with vertigo, dizziness or balance disorders in primary care. First results of the mixed-methods process evaluation}, series = {7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie}, booktitle = {7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie}, year = {2023}, abstract = {BACKGROUND Vertigo, dizziness or balance disorders (VDB) affect the mobility and participation of many older people and are also one of the most frequent reasons for visiting the general practitioner's (GP) practice due to multifactorial causes. Physiotherapy (PT) can be crucial for the complex care of people with VDB but is rarely prescribed by GPs. So we developed an evidence-based, multidisciplinary care pathway as a complex intervention following the UK Medical Research Council guideline, which was piloted and is now being evaluated for effectiveness, accompanied by a process evaluation. METHOD The care pathway of the multicentre cluster-RCT (MobilE-PHY2) included decision aids and training for PTs and GPs in the intervention group and optimised standard care in the control group. A mixed-methods process evaluation following Grant's framework for designing process evaluations examined barriers, facilitating factors and mechanisms of impact in recruiting and reaching participants, implementing the intervention and the response of all participants. Therefore, a logic model was developed illustrating the relationship between the planned work to implement the intervention, the expected mechanism of impact (based on the behaviour change wheel as a change theory), the intended results (output, outcome and impact), and categories of possible influencing factors. The underlying assumption is that a behavioural change in PT and GP is a prerequisite for a change in patient behaviour, which can lead to improved mobility and participation (outcome of MobilE-PHY2). Guided interviews were conducted with patients before the intervention and after six months and with PTs and GPs after six months. Additionally, the training evaluations, completed decision aids and structural questionnaires will be analysed from June 2023. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION At one study site, a total of 37 patients, 17 PTs and nine GPs were included. Interviews were conducted with 16 patients, six PTs and GPs. In the intervention group, 12 PTs and 18 GPs completed decision aids, 13 PTs and two GPs completed evaluation forms, and eight PTs and four GPs completed structural data. The preliminary results of the process evaluation will be reported at the Congress. The results are intended to give indications for a broad implementation of the care pathway, including and promoting physiotherapy and therefore contributing to improved evidence-based healthcare for older people with VDB.}, language = {en} } @article{SkudlikHirtDoeringeretal.2023, author = {Skudlik, Stefanie and Hirt, Julian and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Thalhammer, Regina and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina and Prodinger, Birgit and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Challenges and care strategies associated with the admission to nursing homes in Germany: a scoping review}, series = {BMC Nursing}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Nursing}, doi = {10.1186/s12912-022-01139-y}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background The admission to a nursing home is a critical life-event for affected persons as well as their families. Admission related processes are lacking adequate participation of older people and their families. To improve transitions to nursing homes, context- and country-specific knowledge about the current practice is needed. Hence, our aim was to summarize available evidence on challenges and care strategies associated with the admission to nursing homes in Germany. Methods We conducted a scoping review and searched eight major international and German-specific electronic databases for journal articles and grey literature published in German or English language since 1995. Further inclusion criteria were focus on challenges or care strategies in the context of nursing home admissions of older persons and comprehensive and replicable information on methods and results. Posters, only-abstract publications and articles dealing with mixed populations including younger adults were excluded. Challenges and care strategies were identified and analysed by structured content analysis using the TRANSCIT model. Results Twelve studies of 1,384 records were finally included. Among those, seven were qualitative studies, three quantitative observational studies and two mixed methods studies. As major challenges neglected participation of older people, psychosocial burden among family caregivers, inadequate professional cooperation and a lack of shared decision-making and evidence-based practice were identified. Identified care strategies included strengthening shared decision-making and evidence-based practice, improvement in professional cooperation, introduction of specialized transitional care staff and enabling participation for older people. Conclusion Although the process of nursing home admission is considered challenging and tends to neglect the needs of older people, little research is available for the German health care system. The perspective of the older people seems to be underrepresented, as most of the studies focused on caregivers and health professionals. Reported care strategies addressed important challenges, however, these were not developed and evaluated in a comprehensive and systematic way. Future research is needed to examine perspectives of all the involved groups to gain a comprehensive picture of the needs and challenges. Interventions based on existing care strategies should be systematically developed and evaluated to provide the basis of adequate support for older persons and their informal caregivers.}, language = {en} } @misc{SkudlikHirtDoeringeretal.2023, author = {Skudlik, Stefanie and Hirt, Julian and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Thalhammer, Regina and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina and Prodinger, Birgit and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Herausforderungen und Versorgungsstrategien im Kontext von Pflegeheimeinz{\"u}gen in Deutschland: Ein Scoping Review. Poster f{\"u}r den EbM-Kongress vom 22.-24. M{\"a}rz 2023 in Potsdam}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{SkudlikHirtDoeringeretal.2022, author = {Skudlik, Stefanie and Hirt, Julian and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Thalhammer, Regina and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina and Prodinger, Birgit and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Challenges and care strategies during the transition to nursing home in Germany: A scoping review. European Nursing Kongress am 5. Oktober 2022, online}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffSollfrankJahnetal.2022, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Sollfrank, Tobias and Jahn, Eva Theresa and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Interaktion potentieller Nutzer:innengruppen mit einem kooperativen Assistenzroboter f{\"u}r das 3. und 4. Lebensalter (KoBo34) im Rahmen von Testszenarien im Laborkontext}, series = {23. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin}, booktitle = {23. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffSkudlikPetermannetal.2022, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Skudlik, Stefanie and Petermann, Jenny and Lechner, Theresia and Bauer, Petra and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit eines evidenzbasierten Versorgungspfades zur Verbesserung von Mobilit{\"a}t und Partizipation f{\"u}r {\"a}ltere Patient*innen mit Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen in der Prim{\"a}rversorgung}, series = {23. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin}, booktitle = {23. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BorchersPetermannKatzenbergeretal.2022, author = {Borchers, Peggy and Petermann, Jenny and Katzenberger, Benedict and Bauer, Petra and Horstmannshoff, Caren and Lechner, Theresia and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Voigt, Karen}, title = {Haus{\"a}rztliche Verordnung und patientenseitige Inanspruchnahme von Physiotherapie bei Patient*innen mit Schwindel- und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen - Ergebnisse aus der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA}, series = {Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM)}, booktitle = {Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM)}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffLechnerSchaedleretal.2022, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Lechner, Theresia and Sch{\"a}dler, Stefan and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Bauer, Petra}, title = {Handlungsempfehlung zur evidenzbasierten physiotherapeutischen Versorgung von Patient*innen mit Schwindel- und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen im Rahmen eines Versorgungspfades in der Prim{\"a}rversorgung}, series = {6. Forschungssymposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Physiotherapiewissenschaft (DGPTW)}, booktitle = {6. Forschungssymposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Physiotherapiewissenschaft (DGPTW)}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HorstmannshoffBorchersLechneretal.2022, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Borchers, Peggy and Lechner, Theresia and Petermann, Jenny and Skudlik, Stefanie and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Crispin, Alexander and Hermsd{\"o}rfer, Joachim and K{\"o}berlein-Neu, Juliane and Bauer, Petra and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit eines evidenzbasierten Versorgungspfades zur Verbesserung von Mobilit{\"a}t und Teilhabe f{\"u}r {\"a}ltere Patient*innen mit Schwindel- und/oder Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen in der Prim{\"a}rversorgung}, series = {21. Deutscher Kongress f{\"u}r Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)}, booktitle = {21. Deutscher Kongress f{\"u}r Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BorchersPetermannKatzenbergeretal.2022, author = {Borchers, Peggy and Petermann, Jenny and Katzenberger, Benedikt and Bauer, Petra and Horstmannshoff, Caren and Lechner, Theresia and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Voigt, Karen}, title = {Physiotherapie bei Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsst{\"o}rungen: haus{\"a}rztliche Verordnung und patientenseitige Inanspruchnahme (Ergebnisse aus der Kohortenstudie MobilE-TRA)}, series = {Deutscher Kongress f{\"u}r Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)}, booktitle = {Deutscher Kongress f{\"u}r Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{HorstmannshoffSkudlikPetermannetal.2023, author = {Horstmannshoff, Caren and Skudlik, Stefanie and Petermann, Jenny and Kiesel, Theresia and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Crispin, Alexander and Hermsd{\"o}rfer, Joachim and K{\"o}berlein‑Neu, Juliane and Jahn, Klaus and Sch{\"a}dler, Stefan and Bauer, Petra and Voigt, Karen and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Effectiveness of an evidence-based care pathway to improve mobility and participation in older patients with vertigo and balance disorders in primary care (MobilE-PHY2): study protocol for a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial}, series = {BMC Trials}, volume = {24}, journal = {BMC Trials}, pages = {91}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background Vertigo, dizziness or balance disorders (VDB) are common leading symptoms in older people, which can have a negative impact on their mobility and participation in daily live, yet, diagnosis is challenging and specific treatment is often insufficient. An evidence-based, multidisciplinary care pathway (CPW) in primary care was developed and pilot tested in a previous study. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the CPW in terms of improving mobility and participation in community-dwelling older people with VDB in primary care. Methods For this multicentre cluster randomised controlled clinic trial, general practitioners (GP) will be recruited in two regions of Germany. A total of 120 patients over 60 years old with VDB will be included. The intervention is an algorithmized CPW. GPs receive a checklist for standardise clinical decision making regarding diagnostic screening and treatment of VDB. Physiotherapists (PT) receive a decision tree for evidence-based physiotherapeutic clinical reasoning and treatment of VDB. Implementation strategies comprises educational trainings as well as a workshop to give a platform for exchange for the GPs and PTs, an information meeting and a pocket card for home care nurses and informal caregivers and telephone peer counselling to give all participants the capability, opportunity and the motivation to apply the intervention. In order to ensure an optimised usual care in the control group, GPs get an information meeting addressing the national guideline. The primary outcome is the impact of VDB on participation and mobility of patients after 6 month follow-up, assessed using the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire. Secondary outcomes are physical activity, static and dynamic balance, falls and fear of falling as well as quality of life. We will also evaluate safety and health economic aspects of the intervention. Behavioural changes of the participants as well as barriers, facilitating factors and mechanisms of impact of the implementation will be investigated with a comprehensive process evaluation in a mixed-methods design. Discussion With our results, we aim to improve evidence-based health care of community-dwelling older people with VDB in primary care.}, language = {en} } @article{LinkHostmannshoffMuelleretal.2021, author = {Link, Friederike and Hostmannshoff, Caren and M{\"u}ller, Martin and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, title = {Wissenschaftliche Karriere bis zur HAW-Professur in pflegebezogenen Studieng{\"a}ngen - Ziel oder Kompromiss? Ergebnisse einer Befragung wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchskr{\"a}fte an unterschiedlichen Etappen des Karriereweges}, series = {Lehren \& Lernen im Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Lehren \& Lernen im Gesundheitswesen}, number = {6}, pages = {73 -- 86}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Pflegewissenschaft in Deutschland steht vor der Herausforderung, wissenschaftliche Strukturen und Karrierewege auszubilden. Erschwert wird dies durch einen Mangel an wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs, der das Potential hat, pflegewissenschaftliche Professuren mit wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz und praktischer Erfahrung zu f{\"u}llen. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, darzustellen, was ausl{\"o}sende Momente f{\"u}r wissenschaftliche Karrieren sind, die in Professuren pflegebezogener Studieng{\"a}nge m{\"u}nden, und welche Kontextbedingungen diese Karrieren beeinflussen. Es soll auch aufgezeigt werden, wie wissenschaftliche Nachwuchskr{\"a}fte vorgehen, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen und welche Konsequenzen sich daraus f{\"u}r sie und f{\"u}r die Pflegewissenschaft ergeben. Auf dieser Grundlage sollen Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die Nachwuchsf{\"o}rderung entwickelt werden, um mehr geeignete Personen f{\"u}r Professuren in pflegebezogenen Studieng{\"a}ngen zu gewinnen. Vorhandene Daten teilnarrativer Interviews mit ProfessorInnen (n=11) und Masterstudierenden (n=11) sowie Promovierenden (n=10) pflegebezogener Studieng{\"a}nge wurden im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Datenanalyse mit dem dreistufigen Codierverfahren der Grounded Theory Methodologie ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Pflegepraxis gewonnene Erfahrungen ausl{\"o}sende Momente wissenschaftlicher Karrieren sind. Diese l{\"o}sen den Drang aus, die dort herrschende Situation zu ver{\"a}ndern, wobei sich vier Karrieretypen unterscheiden lassen: Typ A forscht, weil er erlebt hat, dass es f{\"u}r pflegerische Ph{\"a}nomene keine geeigneten Pflegeinterventionen gab. Typ B lehrt, um dazu beizutragen, dass Pflegende zuk{\"u}nftig besser ausgebildet werden. Typ C ist als Pflegeperson von {\"A}rztInnen nicht ausreichend anerkannt worden und absolviert eine wissenschaftliche Qualifikation, um mit ihnen auf Augenh{\"o}he zu gelangen. Typ D wollte in der Praxis bleiben, ist aber bei Weiterentwicklungsprozessen blockiert worden und nimmt als Kompromiss eine Professur an. Identifizierte Kontextfaktoren sind u.a. mangelnde Wertsch{\"a}tzung f{\"u}r wissenschaftliches Handeln in der Pflege und das Fehlen von Stellen f{\"u}r hochschulisch qualifizierte Pflegepersonen in der Praxis. Angesichts der bestehenden Bedingungen k{\"o}nnen hochschulisch qualifizierte Pflegende in der Praxis nicht Fuß fassen. Als Konsequenz f{\"u}r die Pflegewissenschaft als Disziplin zeigt sich, dass in der Pflegepraxis Vorbilder fehlen, die zuk{\"u}nftige Generationen Pflegender dazu anregen k{\"o}nnten, selbst eine wissenschaftliche Karriere in der Pflege einzuschlagen. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr einer Verk{\"u}mmerung der Pflegewissenschaft. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse wird die durchg{\"a}ngige Implementierung geeigneter Stellen f{\"u}r hochschulisch qualifizierte Pflegepersonen in der Pflegepraxis als Ausgangsbasis wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchsf{\"o}rderung betrachtet. Als Konzept werden Hochschul-Praxis-Partnerschaften skizziert, die beginnend auf Bachelorniveau bis zur Post-doc-Phase Strukturen zu einem systematischen praxisbezogenen wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzauf- und -ausbau f{\"u}r akademisch qualifizierte Pflegende etablieren.}, language = {de} } @article{RegauerSecklerCampbelletal.2021, author = {Regauer, Verena and Seckler, Eva and Campbell, Craig and Phillips, Amanda and Rotter, Thomas and Bauer, Petra and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {German translation and pre-testing of Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) and Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC)}, series = {Implementation Science Communications}, volume = {2}, journal = {Implementation Science Communications}, pages = {120}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Implementation frameworks may support local implementation strategies with a sound theoretical foundation. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) facilitates identification of contextual barriers and facilitators, and the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) allows identifying adequate implementation strategies. Both instruments are already used in German-speaking countries; however, no standardised and validated translation is available thus far. The aim of this study was to translate the CFIR and ERIC framework into German, in order to increase the use of these frameworks and the adherence to evidence-based implementation efforts in German-speaking countries. Methods The translation of the original versions of the CFIR and ERIC framework was guided by the World Health Organisation's recommendations for the process of translating and adapting both conceptual frameworks. Accordingly, a four-step process was employed: first, forward translation from English into German was conducted by a research team of German native speakers with fluent knowledge of the English language. Second, a bilingual expert panel comprising one researcher with German as his mother tongue and expert command of the English language and one English language expert and university teacher reviewed the translation and discussed inconsistencies with the initial translators. Third, back-translation into English was conducted by an English native speaking researcher. The final version was pre-tested with 12 German researchers and clinicians who were involved in implementation projects using cognitive interviews. Results The translation and review process revealed some inconsistencies between the original version and the German translations. All issues could be solved by discussion. Central aspects of the items were confirmed in 60 to 70\% of the items, and modifications were proposed in 30\% of the items. Finally, we revised one CFIR-item heading after pre-testing. The final version was given consent by all involved parties. Conclusions Now, two validated and tested implementation frameworks to guide implementation efforts are available in the German language and can be used to increase the application of agreed-on implementation strategies into practice.}, language = {en} } @article{SecklerRegauerKruegeretal.2021, author = {Seckler, Eva and Regauer, Verena and Kr{\"u}ger, Melanie and Gabriel, Anna and Hermsd{\"o}rfer, Joachim and Niemietz, Carolin and Bauer, Petra and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Improving mobility and participation of older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders in primary care using a care pathway: feasibility study and process evaluation}, series = {BMC Family Practice}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Family Practice}, pages = {62}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Community-dwelling older people are frequently affected by vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders (VDB). We previously developed a care pathway (CPW) to improve their mobility and participation by offering standardized approaches for general practitioners (GPs) and physical therapists (PTs). We aimed to assess the feasibility of the intervention, its implementation strategy and the study procedures in preparation for the subsequent main trial. Methods This 12-week prospective cohort feasibility study was accompanied by a process evaluation designed according to the UK Medical Research Council's Guidance for developing and evaluating complex interventions. Patients with VDB (≥65 years), GPs and PTs in primary care were included. The intervention consisted of a diagnostic screening checklist for GPs and a guide for PTs. The implementation strategy included specific educational trainings and a telephone helpline. Data for mixed-method process evaluation were collected via standardized questionnaires, field notes and qualitative interviews. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, qualitative data using content analysis. Results A total of five GP practices (seven single GPs), 10 PT practices and 22 patients were included in the study. The recruitment of GPs and patients was challenging (response rates: GP practices: 28\%, PT practices: 39\%). Ninety-one percent of the patients and all health professionals completed the study. The health professionals responded well to the educational trainings; the utilization of the telephone helpline was low (one call each from GPs and PTs). Familiarisation with the routine of application of the intervention and positive attitudes were emphasized as facilitators of the implementation of the intervention, whereas a lack of time was mentioned as a barrier. Despite difficulties in the GPs' adherence to the intervention protocol, the GPs, PTs and patients saw benefit in the intervention. The patients' treatment adherence to physical therapy was good. There were minor issues in data collection, but no unintended consequences. Conclusion Although the process evaluation provided good support for the feasibility of study procedures, the intervention and its implementation strategy, we identified a need for improvement in recruitment of participants, the GP intervention part and the data collection procedures. The findings will inform the main trial to test the interventions effectiveness in a cluster RCT. Trial registration Projektdatenbank Versorgungsforschung Deutschland (German registry Health Services Research) VfD_MobilE-PHY_17_003910, date of registration: 30.11.2017; Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien (German Clinical Trials Register) DRKS00022918, date of registration: 03.09.2020 (retrospectively registered).}, language = {en} } @article{RegauerSecklerGrilletal.2021, author = {Regauer, Verena and Seckler, Eva and Grill, Eva and Ippisch, Richard and Jahn, Klaus and Bauer, Petra and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Development of a complex intervention to improve mobility and participation of older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders in primary care: a mixed methods study}, series = {BMC Family Practice}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Family Practice}, pages = {89}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders (VDB) are common in older people and cause restrictions in mobility and social participation. Due to a multifactorial aetiology, health care is often overutilised, but many patients are also treated insufficiently in primary care. The purpose of this study was to develop a care pathway as a complex intervention to improve mobility and participation in older people with VDB in primary care. Methods The development process followed the UK Medical Research Council guidance using a mixed-methods design with individual and group interviews carried out with patients, physical therapists (PTs), general practitioners (GPs), nurses working in community care and a multi-professional expert panel to create a first draft of a care pathway (CPW) and implementation strategy using the Consolidated Framework of Implementation Research and the Expert recommendations for Implementing Change. Subsequently, small expert group modelling of specific components of the CPW was carried out, with GPs, medical specialists and PTs. The Behaviour Change Wheel was applied to design the intervention´s approach to behaviour change. To derive theoretical assumptions, we adopted Kellogg´s Logic Model to consolidate the hypothesized chain of causes leading to patient-relevant outcomes. Results Individual interviews with patients showed that VDB symptoms need to be taken more seriously by GPs. Patients demanded age-specific treatment offers, group sessions or a continuous mentoring by a PT. GPs required a specific guideline for diagnostics and treatment options including psychosocial interventions. Specific assignment to and a standardized approach during physical therapy were desired by PTs. Nurses favoured a multi-professional documentation system. The structured three-day expert workshop resulted in a first draft of CPW and potential implementation strategies. Subsequent modelling resulted in a CPW with components and appropriate training materials for involved health professionals. A specific implementation strategy is now available. Conclusion A mixed-methods design was suggested to be a suitable approach to develop a complex intervention and its implementation strategy. We will subsequently test the intervention for its acceptability and feasibility in a feasibility study accompanied by a comprehensive process evaluation to inform a subsequent effectiveness trial. Trial Registration The research project is registered in "Projektdatenbank Versorgungsforschung Deutschland" (Project-ID: VfD_MobilE-PHY_17_003910; date of registration: 30.11.2017).}, language = {en} } @article{RegauerSecklerMuelleretal.2020, author = {Regauer, Verena and Seckler, Eva and M{\"u}ller, Martin and Bauer, Petra}, title = {Physical therapy interventions for older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders addressing mobility and participation: a systematic review}, series = {BMC Geriatrics}, volume = {20}, journal = {BMC Geriatrics}, pages = {494}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background Vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders (VDB) are among the most relevant contributors to the burden of disability among older adults living in the community and associated with immobility, limitations of activities of daily living and decreased participation. The aim of this study was to identify the quality of evidence of physical therapy interventions that address mobility and participation in older patients with VDB and to characterize the used primary and secondary outcomes. Methods A systematic search via MEDLINE (PubMed), Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PEDro, forward citation tracing and hand search was conducted initially in 11/2017 and updated in 7/2019. We included individual and cluster-randomized controlled trials and trials with quasi-experimental design, published between 2007 and 2017/2019 and including individuals ≥65 years with VDB. Physical therapy and related interventions were reviewed with no restrictions to outcome measurement. Screening of titles, abstracts and full texts, data extraction and critical appraisal was conducted by two independent researchers. The included studies were heterogeneous in terms of interventions and outcome measures. Therefore, a narrative synthesis was conducted. Results A total of 20 randomized and 2 non-randomized controlled trials with 1876 patients met the inclusion criteria. The included studies were heterogeneous in terms of complexity of interventions, outcome measures and methodological quality. Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) was examined in twelve studies, computer-assisted VR (CAVR) in five, Tai Chi as VR (TCVR) in three, canal repositioning manoeuvres (CRM) in one and manual therapy (MT) in one study. Mixed effects were found regarding body structure/function and activities/participation. Quality of life and/or falls were assessed, with no differences between groups. VR is with moderate quality of evidence superior to usual care to improve balance, mobility and symptoms. Conclusion To treat older individuals with VDB, VR in any variation and in addition to CRMs seems to be effective. High-quality randomized trials need to be conducted to inform clinical decision making. Trial registration PROSPERO 2017 CRD42017080291.}, language = {en} }