@misc{KardasNickLueftl2023, author = {Kardas, Leopold and Nick, Carola and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, title = {Technische Hilfsmittel und Assistenzsysteme f{\"u}r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben im Alter: „Demokoffer" f{\"u}r die Wohn- und Technikberatung. Poster f{\"u}r die Fachtagung „L{\"a}nger leben zuhause" des Projektes „DeinHaus4.0 - Niederbayern" der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf, 26.10.-27.10.2023}, editor = {L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{KardasNickLueftl2023, author = {Kardas, Leopold and Nick, Carola and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, title = {Pflegeberufliche Handlungskompetenz in der Anwendung technischer Assistenzsysteme. Ein Scoping Review}, series = {P{\"a}dagogik der Gesundheitsberufe}, volume = {9}, journal = {P{\"a}dagogik der Gesundheitsberufe}, number = {4}, pages = {171 -- 182}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Gesundheitswirtschaft ist im hohen Maße von Technisierung und Digitalisierung betroffen, welche neue Kompetenzen bei den verantwortlichen Akteur:innen erfordert. Die F{\"a}higkeiten, die f{\"u}r den professionellen Umgang mit diesen Entwicklungspro zessen relevant sind, werden in der Literatur mit verschiedenen Begriffen umschrieben: Inhalte wie Technik, Digitalit{\"a}t, Medien, Informatik, Computer oder Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) werden mit F{\"a}higkeiten und Fertigkeiten re pr{\"a}sentierenden Begriffen wie Kompetenzen, Literacy oder Skills verkn{\"u}pft. Deutlich wird bisher jedoch nicht, welche spezifi schen F{\"a}higkeiten die im Diskurs geforderten Konstrukte jeweils adressieren, worin sie sich unterscheiden und welchen Beitrag sie zum Ziel beruflicher Handlungskompetenz leisten.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Hoepfl2023, author = {Hoepfl, Felix}, title = {Service Robots as Co-workers in Elderly Care: Exploratory Re-search on Technology Acceptance in Healthcare}, series = {18th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference}, booktitle = {18th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference}, publisher = {ACIEK Conference}, isbn = {978-84-09-51414-4}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The pandemic has highlighted the fact that healthcare systems around the world are under pressure. Demographic change is leading to an increasing shortage of care workers in most countries, and the demographic challenge is only just beginning in most societies. While robots are widely used in industry, robotic support in healthcare is still limited to very specialised robots in the operating theatre. The question of what type of deployment is likely to be successful in a healthcare scenario is not only a technological or economical question, but also one of technology acceptance. In this paper we analyse the acceptance of robots in elderly care from the perspective of patients, patient families, and geriatric care professionals. To understand the various positions and to identify the suitability of existing acceptance models, we applied stakeholder mapping to conduct qualitative interviews with 14 people with different knowledge backgrounds and levels of involvement in care situations, based on 9 videos showing different robots and application scenarios. The results confirmed that existing technology acceptance models need to be extended by factors such as robot appear-ance. We found that the background knowledge of the respondents influences the results of the questions about e.g. safety concerns. In addition, we found that the contribution to patients' self-determination and independence is an im-portant factor that is not included in existing technology acceptance models. Finally, the discovery of a significant dis-crepancy between the self-perception and the external perception of the different stakeholders regarding the acceptance of a service robot can be explained by the stakeholder positions involved caring for the benefit of a specific patient. These findings encourage further research, especially with the underlying assumption that technology acceptance in healthcare is not just a patient issue, but a stakeholder issue. Stake holder mapping is a valid tool to analyze the inter-dependences for acceptance of robots. Therefore, we suggest using a tool such as stakeholder mapping to further ana-lyze these issues.}, language = {en} } @article{GreinerPeislHoepfletal.2023, author = {Greiner, Christian and Peisl, Thomas and H{\"o}pfl, Felix and Beese, Olivia}, title = {Acceptance of AI in SemiStructured Decision-Making Situations Applying the Four-Sides Model of Communication—An Empirical Analysis Focused on Higher Education}, series = {Education Sciences}, volume = {13}, journal = {Education Sciences}, number = {9}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, doi = {10.3390/educsci13090865}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This study investigates the impact of generative AI systems like ChatGPT on semi-structured decision-making, specifically in evaluating undergraduate dissertations. We propose using Davis' technology acceptance model (TAM) and Schulz von Thun's four-sides communication model to understand human-AI interaction and necessary adaptations for acceptance in dissertation grading. Utilizing an inductive research design, we conducted ten interviews with respondents having varying levels of AI and management expertise, employing four escalating-consequence scenarios mirroring higher education dissertation grading. In all scenarios, the AI functioned as a sender, based on the four-sides model. Findings reveal that technology acceptance for human-AI interaction is adaptive but requires modifications, particularly regarding AI's transparency. Testing the four-sides model showed support for three sides, with the appeal side receiving negative feedback for AI acceptance as a sender. Respondents struggled to accept the idea of AI, suggesting a grading decision through an appeal. Consequently, transparency about AI's role emerged as vital. When AI supports instructors transparently, acceptance levels are higher. These results encourage further research on AI as a receiver and the impartiality of AI decision-making without instructor influence. This study emphasizes communication modes in learning-ecosystems, especially in semi-structured decision-making situations with AI as a sender, while highlighting the potential to enhance AI-based decision-making acceptance.}, language = {en} } @article{HoepflPeislGreiner2023, author = {H{\"o}pfl, Felix and Peisl, Thomas and Greiner, Christian}, title = {Exploring stakeholder perspectives: Enhancing robot acceptance for sustainable healthcare solutions}, series = {Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship}, volume = {2}, journal = {Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1016/j.stae.2023.100045}, pages = {100045}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The pandemic has highlighted the fact that healthcare systems around the world are under pressure. Demographic change is leading to an increasing shortage of care workers in most countries, and the demographic challenge is only just beginning in most societies. While robots are widely used in industry, robotic support in healthcare is still limited to very specialized robots in the operating theatre. The question of what type of deployment is likely to be successful in a healthcare scenario is not only a technological or economical question but also one of technology acceptance. The answer to this question supports entrepreneurial opportunities to develop sustainable healthcare solutions. In this paper, we analyze the acceptance of robots in elderly care from the perspective of patients, patient families, and geriatric care professionals. To understand the various positions and to identify the suitability of existing acceptance models, we applied stakeholder mapping to conduct qualitative interviews with 14 people with different knowledge backgrounds and levels of involvement in care situations, based on 9 videos showing different robots and application scenarios. The results confirmed that existing technology acceptance models need to be extended by factors such as robot appearance. We found that the background knowledge of the respondents influences the results of the questions about e.g. safety concerns. In addition, we found that the contribution to patients' self-determination and independence is an important factor that is not included in existing technology acceptance models. Finally, the discovery of a significant discrepancy between the self-perception and the external perception of the different stakeholders regarding the acceptance of a service robot can be explained by the stakeholder positions involved in caring for the benefit of a specific patient. These findings encourage further research, especially with the underlying assumption that technology acceptance in healthcare is not just a patient issue, but a stakeholder issue. Stakeholder mapping is a valid tool to analyze the interdependencies for the acceptance of robots. Therefore, we suggest using a tool such as stakeholder mapping to further analyze these issues.}, language = {en} } @article{ClasseLenzOttetal.2023, author = {Classe, Franz and Lenz, Thorsten and Ott, Robert and Boos, Franz-Xaver and Reimer, Maike}, title = {Duales Studium in Bayern: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Praxispartnern}, series = {Social Science Open Access Repository}, journal = {Social Science Open Access Repository}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-88110-1}, pages = {34}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @techreport{Hammerschmidt2023, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Hammerschmidt, Thomas}, title = {Einfluss der erfolgreichen Entwicklung von Covid-19-Impfstoffen und -Therapeutika auf die Finanzergebnisse pharmazeutischer Unternehmen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:861-opus4-22135}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Einleitung: Die Unternehmen BioNTech und Moderna haben mit den Covid-19-Impfstoffen zwischen 2020 und 2021 eine operative Gewinnmarge von 62\% bzw. 72\% erzielt, die somit weit {\"u}ber dem Industriedurchschnitt von ca. 25\% liegt. Aus dieser hohen Gewinnmarge ergibt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluss die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Covid-19-Arzneimitteln, d.h. Impfstoffen und/oder Therapeutika, auf Ums{\"a}tze, Gewinne und Gewinnmargen innerhalb der pharmazeutischen Industrie insgesamt hat. Methoden: Datenbasis sind die Quartalsberichte der 30 weltweit umsatzst{\"a}rksten pharmazeutischen Unternehmen sowie aller Unternehmen mit Zulassung eines Covid-19-Arzneimittels durch die Zulasssungsbeh{\"o}rden in den USA (FDA) oder in der EU (EMA) zwischen Q1/2018 und Q2/2022. Als operativer Gewinn wird der Umsatz abz{\"u}glich Herstell-, Forschung- und Entwicklungs- (F\&E) sowie Marketing-, Vertriebs- und Verwaltungskosten (MVV) definiert. Die Analyse erfolgte mit einem Difference-in-Difference-Modell mit multiplen Perioden. Die „Interventionsgruppe" ist durch die erfolgreiche Zulassung eines Covid-19-Arzneimittels definiert. BioNTech, Moderna und Novavax wurden aus der Stichprobe ausgeschlossen, da sie wegen fehlender Gewinne vor Einf{\"u}hrung der Impfstoffe die Annahme paralleler Trends nicht erf{\"u}llen k{\"o}nnen. Boehringer-Ingelheim wurde ausgeschlossen, da die Firma die Finanzzahlen nicht geeignet ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Die Finanzzahlen der im Beobachtungszeitraum der aus den Firmen Pfizer und MSD ausgegliederten Tochterunternehmen wurden den Mutterkonzernen zugerechnet. Ergebnisse: Von 27 untersuchten Unternehmen haben 6 Therapeutika, 1 einen Impfstoff und 2 sowohl Therapeutika als auch Impfstoffe entwickelt. Diese Unternehmen geh{\"o}ren bis auf eine Ausnahme zu den umsatzst{\"a}rkeren Unternehmen. Die erfolgreiche Zulassung eines Covid-19-Arzneimittels f{\"u}hrte zu statistisch signifikant h{\"o}heren Ums{\"a}tzen je Quartal (+2,97 Mrd. US-\$) und h{\"o}heren operativen Gewinnen (0,72 Mrd. US-\$). Produktions- und F\&E-Kosten steigen im Gegensatz zu MVV-Kosten bei erfolgreicher Zulassung ebenfalls statistisch signifikant. Die Gewinnmarge f{\"a}llt durch erfolgreiche Covid-19-Zulassungen leicht, aber nicht statistisch signifikant um 2,8\% (p=0,299). Ber{\"u}cksichtigt man die Gruppen der Unternehmen mit erfolgreicher Zulassung eines Impfstoffes bzw. eines Therapeutikum getrennt, {\"a}ndern sich die Ergebnisse strukturell nicht. Schlussfolgerung: Umsatzst{\"a}rkere Pharmaunternehmern waren erfolgreicher, Covid-19-Arzneimittel allein oder in Kooperation zu entwickeln. Wenngleich Ums{\"a}tze und Gewinne in hohem Ausmaß durch die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Covid-19-Arzneimitteln stiegen, zeigten sich keine {\"u}berproportionalen Gewinnmargen.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-2166, title = {Interprofessionelles Lernen im Gesundheitswesen: Unterricht entwickeln und gestalten}, editor = {Kerres, Andrea and Wissing, Christiane and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, publisher = {Kohlhammer}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-17-039684-5}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, pages = {304}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Patientenversorgung ist eine interprofessionelle Aufgabe. Deshalb wird die F{\"o}rderung interprofessioneller Kompetenzen zunehmend in den Ausbildungs- und Studiencurricula aller Gesundheitsberufe verankert, sodass Lehrende vor der Herausforderung stehen, Lernangebote zu konzipieren, die Kompetenzen interprofessioneller Kooperation f{\"o}rdern. Der Herausgeberband enth{\"a}lt vielf{\"a}ltige Beispiele f{\"u}r die Durchf{\"u}hrung von Lerneinheiten, die Lernende auf typische interprofessionelle Handlungssituationen oder das interprofessionelle Handeln in unterschiedlichen Versorgungssettings vorbereiten. Auch Best-Practice-Beispiele der interprofessionellen praktischen Ausbildung werden vorgestellt. Zus{\"a}tzlich k{\"o}nnen Online-Materialien f{\"u}r die eigene Lehre heruntergeladen und genutzt werden. Damit bietet das Werk Lehrenden eine Unterst{\"u}tzung, um interprofessionell orientierte Lerneinheiten praxisorientiert zu entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @article{SkudlikHirtDoeringeretal.2023, author = {Skudlik, Stefanie and Hirt, Julian and D{\"o}ringer, Tobias and Thalhammer, Regina and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina and Prodinger, Birgit and M{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Challenges and care strategies associated with the admission to nursing homes in Germany: a scoping review}, series = {BMC Nursing}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Nursing}, doi = {10.1186/s12912-022-01139-y}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background The admission to a nursing home is a critical life-event for affected persons as well as their families. Admission related processes are lacking adequate participation of older people and their families. To improve transitions to nursing homes, context- and country-specific knowledge about the current practice is needed. Hence, our aim was to summarize available evidence on challenges and care strategies associated with the admission to nursing homes in Germany. Methods We conducted a scoping review and searched eight major international and German-specific electronic databases for journal articles and grey literature published in German or English language since 1995. Further inclusion criteria were focus on challenges or care strategies in the context of nursing home admissions of older persons and comprehensive and replicable information on methods and results. Posters, only-abstract publications and articles dealing with mixed populations including younger adults were excluded. Challenges and care strategies were identified and analysed by structured content analysis using the TRANSCIT model. Results Twelve studies of 1,384 records were finally included. Among those, seven were qualitative studies, three quantitative observational studies and two mixed methods studies. As major challenges neglected participation of older people, psychosocial burden among family caregivers, inadequate professional cooperation and a lack of shared decision-making and evidence-based practice were identified. Identified care strategies included strengthening shared decision-making and evidence-based practice, improvement in professional cooperation, introduction of specialized transitional care staff and enabling participation for older people. Conclusion Although the process of nursing home admission is considered challenging and tends to neglect the needs of older people, little research is available for the German health care system. The perspective of the older people seems to be underrepresented, as most of the studies focused on caregivers and health professionals. Reported care strategies addressed important challenges, however, these were not developed and evaluated in a comprehensive and systematic way. Future research is needed to examine perspectives of all the involved groups to gain a comprehensive picture of the needs and challenges. Interventions based on existing care strategies should be systematically developed and evaluated to provide the basis of adequate support for older persons and their informal caregivers.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KardasLueftl2022, author = {Kardas, Leopold and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, title = {Interprofessionelles Lernen auf der Grundlage ph{\"a}nomenologischer Ans{\"a}tze weiterentwickeln}, series = {Interprofessionelles Lernen im Gesundheitswesen: Unterricht entwickeln und gestalten}, booktitle = {Interprofessionelles Lernen im Gesundheitswesen: Unterricht entwickeln und gestalten}, editor = {Kerres, Andrea and Wissing, Christiane and L{\"u}ftl, Katharina}, publisher = {Kohlhammer}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Rosenheim}, pages = {259 -- 275}, year = {2022}, language = {de} }