Document Type
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (20)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (7)
- Artificial Intelligence (6)
- Endoscopy (4)
- Barrett-Ösophagus (3)
- Deep Learning (3)
- Medical Image Computing (3)
- Diagnose (2)
- Speiseröhrenkrankheit (2)
- Third-Space Endoscopy (2)
- Adenokarzinom (1)
- peer-reviewed (17)
Background and aims
Celiac disease with its endoscopic manifestation of villous atrophy is underdiagnosed worldwide. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) for the macroscopic detection of villous atrophy at routine esophagogastroduodenoscopy may improve diagnostic performance.
A dataset of 858 endoscopic images of 182 patients with villous atrophy and 846 images from 323 patients with normal duodenal mucosa was collected and used to train a ResNet 18 deep learning model to detect villous atrophy. An external data set was used to test the algorithm, in addition to six fellows and four board certified gastroenterologists. Fellows could consult the AI algorithm’s result during the test. From their consultation distribution, a stratification of test images into “easy” and “difficult” was performed and used for classified performance measurement.
External validation of the AI algorithm yielded values of 90 %, 76 %, and 84 % for sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, respectively. Fellows scored values of 63 %, 72 % and 67 %, while the corresponding values in experts were 72 %, 69 % and 71 %, respectively. AI consultation significantly improved all trainee performance statistics. While fellows and experts showed significantly lower performance for “difficult” images, the performance of the AI algorithm was stable.
In this study, an AI algorithm outperformed endoscopy fellows and experts in the detection of villous atrophy on endoscopic still images. AI decision support significantly improved the performance of non-expert endoscopists. The stable performance on “difficult” images suggests a further positive add-on effect in challenging cases.
Clinical setting
Third space procedures such as endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) are complex minimally invasive techniques with an elevated risk for operator-dependent adverse events such as bleeding and perforation. This risk arises from accidental dissection into the muscle layer or through submucosal blood vessels as the submucosal cutting plane within the expanding resection site is not always apparent. Deep learning algorithms have shown considerable potential for the detection and characterization of gastrointestinal lesions. So-called AI – clinical decision support solutions (AI-CDSS) are commercially available for polyp detection during colonoscopy. Until now, these computer programs have concentrated on diagnostics whereas an AI-CDSS for interventional endoscopy has not yet been introduced. We aimed to develop an AI-CDSS („Smart ESD“) for real-time intra-procedural detection and delineation of blood vessels, tissue structures and endoscopic instruments during third-space endoscopic procedures.
Characteristics of Smart ESD
An AI-CDSS was invented that delineates blood vessels, tissue structures and endoscopic instruments during third-space endoscopy in real-time. The output can be displayed by an overlay over the endoscopic image with different modes of visualization, such as a color-coded semitransparent area overlay, or border tracing (demonstration video). Hereby the optimal layer for dissection can be visualized, which is close above or directly at the muscle layer, depending on the applied technique (ESD or POEM). Furthermore, relevant blood vessels (thickness> 1mm) are delineated. Spatial proximity between the electrosurgical knife and a blood vessel triggers a warning signal. By this guidance system, inadvertent dissection through blood vessels could be averted.
Technical specifications
A DeepLabv3+ neural network architecture with KSAC and a 101-layer ResNeSt backbone was used for the development of Smart ESD. It was trained and validated with 2565 annotated still images from 27 full length third-space endoscopic videos. The annotation classes were blood vessel, submucosal layer, muscle layer, electrosurgical knife and endoscopic instrument shaft. A test on a separate data set yielded an intersection over union (IoU) of 68%, a Dice Score of 80% and a pixel accuracy of 87%, demonstrating a high overlap between expert and AI segmentation. Further experiments on standardized video clips showed a mean vessel detection rate (VDR) of 85% with values of 92%, 70% and 95% for POEM, rectal ESD and esophageal ESD respectively. False positive measurements occurred 0.75 times per minute. 7 out of 9 vessels which caused intraprocedural bleeding were caught by the algorithm, as well as both vessels which required hemostasis via hemostatic forceps.
Future perspectives
Smart ESD performed well for vessel and tissue detection and delineation on still images, as well as on video clips. During a live demonstration in the endoscopy suite, clinical applicability of the innovation was examined. The lag time for processing of the live endoscopic image was too short to be visually detectable for the interventionist. Even though the algorithm could not be applied during actual dissection by the interventionist, Smart ESD appeared readily deployable during visual assessment by ESD experts. Therefore, we plan to conduct a clinical trial in order to obtain CE-certification of the algorithm. This new technology may improve procedural safety and speed, as well as training of modern minimally invasive endoscopic resection techniques.
Human-computer interactions (HCI) may have a relevant impact on the performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Studies show that although endoscopists assessing Barrett’s esophagus (BE) with AI improve their performance significantly, they do not achieve the level of the stand-alone performance of AI. One aspect of HCI is the impact of AI on the degree of certainty and confidence displayed by the endoscopist. Indirectly, diagnostic confidence when using AI may be linked to trust and acceptance of AI. In a BE video study, we aimed to understand the impact of AI on the diagnostic confidence of endoscopists and the possible correlation with diagnostic performance.
22 endoscopists from 12 centers with varying levels of BE experience reviewed ninety-six standardized endoscopy videos. Endoscopists were categorized into experts and non-experts and randomly assigned to assess the videos with and without AI. Participants were randomized in two arms: Arm A assessed videos first without AI and then with AI, while Arm B assessed videos in the opposite order. Evaluators were tasked with identifying BE-related neoplasia and rating their confidence with and without AI on a scale from 0 to 9.
The utilization of AI in Arm A (without AI first, with AI second) significantly elevated confidence levels for experts and non-experts (7.1 to 8.0 and 6.1 to 6.6, respectively). Only non-experts benefitted from AI with a significant increase in accuracy (68.6% to 75.5%). Interestingly, while the confidence levels of experts without AI were higher than those of non-experts with AI, there was no significant difference in accuracy between these two groups (71.3% vs. 75.5%). In Arm B (with AI first, without AI second), experts and non-experts experienced a significant reduction in confidence (7.6 to 7.1 and 6.4 to 6.2, respectively), while maintaining consistent accuracy levels (71.8% to 71.8% and 67.5% to 67.1%, respectively).
AI significantly enhanced confidence levels for both expert and non-expert endoscopists. Endoscopists felt significantly more uncertain in their assessments without AI. Furthermore, experts with or without AI consistently displayed higher confidence levels than non-experts with AI, irrespective of comparable outcomes. These findings underscore the possible role of AI in improving diagnostic confidence during endoscopic assessment.
Barrett´s esophagus related neoplasia (BERN) is difficult to detect and characterize during endoscopy, even for expert endoscopists. We aimed to assess the add-on effect of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm (Barrett-Ampel) as a decision support system (DSS) for non-expert endoscopists in the evaluation of Barrett’s esophagus (BE) and BERN.
Twelve videos with multimodal imaging white light (WL), narrow-band imaging (NBI), texture and color enhanced imaging (TXI) of histologically confirmed BE and BERN were assessed by expert and non-expert endoscopists. For each video, endoscopists were asked to identify the area of BERN and decide on the biopsy spot. Videos were assessed by the AI algorithm and regions of BERN were highlighted in real-time by a transparent overlay. Finally, endoscopists were shown the AI videos and asked to either confirm or change their initial decision based on the AI support.
Barrett-Ampel correctly identified all areas of BERN, irrespective of the imaging modality (WL, NBI, TXI), but misinterpreted two inflammatory lesions (Accuracy=75%). Expert endoscopists had a similar performance (Accuracy=70,8%), while non-experts had an accuracy of 58.3%. When AI was implemented as a DSS, non-expert endoscopists improved their diagnostic accuracy to 75%.
AI may have the potential to support non-expert endoscopists in the assessment of videos of BE and BERN. Limitations of this study include the low number of videos used. Randomized clinical trials in a real-life setting should be performed to confirm these results.
Third-space endoscopy procedures such as endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) are complex interventions with elevated risk of operator-dependent adverse events, such as intra-procedural bleeding and perforation. We aimed to design an artificial intelligence clinical decision support solution (AI-CDSS, “Smart ESD”) for the detection and delineation of vessels, tissue structures, and instruments during third-space endoscopy procedures.
Twelve full-length third-space endoscopy videos were extracted from the Augsburg University Hospital database. 1686 frames were annotated for the following categories: Submucosal layer, blood vessels, electrosurgical knife and endoscopic instrument. A DeepLabv3+neural network with a 101-layer ResNet backbone was trained and validated internally. Finally, the ability of the AI system to detect visible vessels during ESD and POEM was determined on 24 separate video clips of 7 to 46 seconds duration and showing 33 predefined vessels. These video clips were also assessed by an expert in third-space endoscopy.
Smart ESD showed a vessel detection rate (VDR) of 93.94%, while an average of 1.87 false positive signals were recorded per minute. VDR of the expert endoscopist was 90.1% with no false positive findings. On the internal validation data set using still images, the AI system demonstrated an Intersection over Union (IoU), mean Dice score and pixel accuracy of 63.47%, 76.18% and 86.61%, respectively.
This is the first AI-CDSS aiming to mitigate operator-dependent limitations during third-space endoscopy. Further clinical trials are underway to better understand the role of AI in such procedures.
Celiac disease (CD) is a complex condition caused by an autoimmune reaction to ingested gluten. Due to its polymorphic manifestation and subtle endoscopic presentation, the diagnosis is difficult and thus the disorder is underreported. We aimed to use deep learning to identify celiac disease on endoscopic images of the small bowel.
Patients with small intestinal histology compatible with CD (MARSH classification I-III) were extracted retrospectively from the database of Augsburg University hospital. They were compared to patients with no clinical signs of CD and histologically normal small intestinal mucosa. In a first step MARSH III and normal small intestinal mucosa were differentiated with the help of a deep learning algorithm. For this, the endoscopic white light images were divided into five equal-sized subsets. We avoided splitting the images of one patient into several subsets. A ResNet-50 model was trained with the images from four subsets and then validated with the remaining subset. This process was repeated for each subset, such that each subset was validated once. Sensitivity, specificity, and harmonic mean (F1) of the algorithm were determined.
The algorithm showed values of 0.83, 0.88, and 0.84 for sensitivity, specificity, and F1, respectively. Further data showing a comparison between the detection rate of the AI model and that of experienced endoscopists will be available at the time of the upcoming conference.
We present the first clinical report on the use of a deep learning algorithm for the detection of celiac disease using endoscopic images. Further evaluation on an external data set, as well as in the detection of CD in real-time, will follow. However, this work at least suggests that AI can assist endoscopists in the endoscopic diagnosis of CD, and ultimately may be able to do a true optical biopsy in live-time.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by gluten that results in an inflammatory response of the small intestine.We investigated whether celiac disease can be detected using endoscopic images through a deep learning approach. The results show that additional clinical parameters can improve the classification accuracy. In this work, we distinguished between healthy tissue and Marsh III, according to the Marsh score system. We first trained a baseline network to classify endoscopic images of the small bowel into these two classes and then augmented the approach with a multimodality component that took the antibody status into account.
Die sichere Detektion und Charakterisierung von Barrett-Ösophagus assoziierten Neoplasien (BERN) stellt selbst für erfahrene Endoskopiker eine Herausforderung dar.
Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Add-on Effekt eines künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) Systems (Barrett-Ampel) als Entscheidungsunterstüzungssystem für Endoskopiker ohne Expertise bei der Untersuchung von BERN zu evaluieren.
Material und Methodik
Zwölf Videos in „Weißlicht“ (WL), „narrow-band imaging“ (NBI) und „texture and color enhanced imaging“ (TXI) von histologisch bestätigten Barrett-Metaplasien oder BERN wurden von Experten und Untersuchern ohne Barrett-Expertise evaluiert. Die Probanden wurden dazu aufgefordert in den Videos auftauchende BERN zu identifizieren und gegebenenfalls die optimale Biopsiestelle zu markieren. Unser KI-System wurde demselben Test unterzogen, wobei dieses BERN in Echtzeit segmentierte und farblich von umliegendem Epithel differenzierte. Anschließend wurden den Probanden die Videos mit zusätzlicher KI-Unterstützung gezeigt. Basierend auf dieser neuen Information, wurden die Probanden zu einer Reevaluation ihrer initialen Beurteilung aufgefordert.
Die „Barrett-Ampel“ identifizierte unabhängig von den verwendeten Darstellungsmodi (WL, NBI, TXI) alle BERN. Zwei entzündlich veränderte Läsionen wurden fehlinterpretiert (Genauigkeit=75%). Während Experten vergleichbare Ergebnisse erzielten (Genauigkeit=70,8%), hatten Endoskopiker ohne Expertise bei der Beurteilung von Barrett-Metaplasien eine Genauigkeit von lediglich 58,3%. Wurden die nicht-Experten allerdings von unserem KI-System unterstützt, erreichten diese eine Genauigkeit von 75%.
Unser KI-System hat das Potential als Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem bei der Differenzierung zwischen Barrett-Metaplasie und BERN zu fungieren und so Endoskopiker ohne entsprechende Expertise zu assistieren. Eine Limitation dieser Studie ist die niedrige Anzahl an eingeschlossenen Videos. Um die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zu bestätigen, müssen randomisierte kontrollierte klinische Studien durchgeführt werden.
Third-Space Interventionen wie die endoskopische Submukosadissektion (ESD) und die perorale endoskopische Myotomie (POEM) sind technisch anspruchsvoll und mit einem erhöhten Risiko für intraprozedurale Komplikationen wie Blutung oder Perforation assoziiert. Moderne Computerprogramme zur Unterstützung bei diagnostischen Entscheidungen werden unter Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Endoskopie bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, relevante anatomische Strukturen mithilfe eines Deep-Learning Algorithmus zu detektieren und segmentieren, um die Sicherheit und Anwendbarkeit von ESD und POEM zu erhöhen.
Zwölf Videoaufnahmen in voller Länge von Third-Space Endoskopien wurden aus der Datenbank des Universitätsklinikums Augsburg extrahiert. 1686 Einzelbilder wurden für die Kategorien Submukosa, Blutgefäß, Dissektionsmesser und endoskopisches Instrument annotiert und segmentiert. Mit diesem Datensatz wurde ein DeepLabv3+neuronales Netzwerk auf der Basis eines ResNet mit 101 Schichten trainiert und intern anhand der Parameter Intersection over Union (IoU), Dice Score und Pixel Accuracy validiert. Die Fähigkeit des Algorithmus zur Gefäßdetektion wurde anhand von 24 Videoclips mit einer Spieldauer von 7 bis 46 Sekunden mit 33 vordefinierten Gefäßen evaluiert. Anhand dieses Tests wurde auch die Gefäßdetektionsrate eines Experten in der Third-Space Endoskopie ermittelt.
Der Algorithmus zeigte eine Gefäßdetektionsrate von 93,94% mit einer mittleren Rate an falsch positiven Signalen von 1,87 pro Minute. Die Gefäßdetektionsrate des Experten lag bei 90,1% ohne falsch positive Ergebnisse. In der internen Validierung an Einzelbildern wurde eine IoU von 63,47%, ein mittlerer Dice Score von 76,18% und eine Pixel Accuracy von 86,61% ermittelt.
Dies ist der erste KI-Algorithmus, der für den Einsatz in der therapeutischen Endoskopie entwickelt wurde. Präliminäre Ergebnisse deuten auf eine mit Experten vergleichbare Detektion von Gefäßen während der Untersuchung hin. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um die Leistung des Algorithmus im Vergleich zum Experten genauer zu eruieren sowie einen möglichen klinischen Nutzen zu ermitteln.
Die Differenzierung zwischen nicht dysplastischem Barrett-Ösophagus (NDBE) und mit Barrett-Ösophagus assoziierten Neoplasien (BERN) während der endoskopischen Inspektion erfordert viel Expertise. Die frühe Diagnosestellung ist wichtig für die weitere Prognose des Barrett-Karzinoms. In Deutschland werden Patient:innen mit einem Barrett-Ösophagus (BE) in der Regel im niedergelassenen Sektor überwacht.
Ziel ist es, den Einfluss von einem auf Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) basierenden klinischen Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems (CDSS) auf die Performance von niedergelassenen Gastroenterolog:innen (NG) bei der Evaluation von Barrett-Ösophagus (BE) zu untersuchen.
Es erfolgte die prospektive Sammlung von 96 unveränderten hochauflösenden Videos mit Fällen von Patient:innen mit histologisch bestätigtem NDBE und BERN. Alle eingeschlossenen Fälle enthielten mindestens zwei der folgenden Darstellungsmethoden: HD-Weißlichtendoskopie, Narrow Band Imaging oder Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging. Sechs NG von sechs unterschiedlichen Praxen wurden als Proband:innen eingeschlossen. Es erfolgte eine permutierte Block-Randomisierung der Videofälle in entweder Gruppe A oder Gruppe B. Gruppe A implizierte eine Evaluation des Falls durch Proband:innen zunächst ohne KI und anschließend mit KI als CDSS. In Gruppe B erfolgte die Evaluation in umgekehrter Reihenfolge. Anschließend erfolgte eine zufällige Wiedergabe der so entstandenen Subgruppen im Rahmen des Tests.
In diesem Test konnte ein von uns entwickeltes KI-System (Barrett-Ampel) eine Sensitivität von 92,2%, eine Spezifität von 68,9% und eine Accuracy von 81,3% erreichen. Mit der Hilfe von KI verbesserte sich die Sensitivität der NG von 64,1% auf 71,2% (p<0,001) und die Accuracy von 66,3% auf 70,8% (p=0,006) signifikant. Eine signifikante Verbesserung dieser Parameter zeigte sich ebenfalls, wenn die Proband:innen die Fälle zunächst ohne KI evaluierten (Gruppe A). Wurde der Fall jedoch als Erstes mit der Hilfe von KI evaluiert (Gruppe B), blieb die Performance nahezu konstant.
Es konnte ein performantes KI-System zur Evaluation von BE entwickelt werden. NG verbessern sich bei der Evaluation von BE durch den Einsatz von KI.