Document Type
- conference proceeding (article) (14)
- Article (3)
- Part of Periodical (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (18)
- Hüftgelenkprothese (3)
- Biomechanics (2)
- Biomechanik (2)
- Bewegungsapparat (1)
- Combined anteversion (1)
- Computer-assisted surgery (1)
- Computerunterstütztes Verfahren (1)
- Conventional surgery (1)
- Early recovery (1)
- Femur first (1)
- peer-reviewed (3)
A prospective randomized controlled trial is presented that is used to compare gait performance between the computer assisted Femur First (CAS FF) operation method and conventional THR (CON). 60 patients underwent a 3D gait analysis of the lower extremity at pre-operative, 6 months post-operative and twelve months post-operative. Detailed verification experiments were facilitated to ensure the quality of data as well as to avoid over-interpreting of the data. The results confirm a similar data-quality as reported in the literature. Walking speed, range of motion and symmetry thereof improved over the follow-up period, without significant differences between the groups. While all parameters do significantly increase over the follow-up period for both groups, there were no significant differences between them at any given time-point. Patients undergoing CAS FF showed a trend to improved hip flexion angle indicating a possible long-term benefit.
Measuring functional outcome after total hip replacement with subject-specific hip joint loading
Total hip replacement is an often-performed orthopedic surgical procedure; the amount of procedures undertaken will increase since our life expectancy is growing. In order to optimize function, hip biomechanics should be restored to as near normal as possible. The goal of this pilot study was to determine whether or not it is feasible to compute the vectorial hip reaction force pathways on the head of the prosthesis and the force angles relative to the cup of the prosthesis that occur during gait in total hip replacement patients, serving as an objective measurement of the functional outcome following hip replacement. A three-dimensional gait analysis, measuring ground reaction forces and kinematics, was performed. The data retrieved from the gait analysis was used as the input for the musculoskeletal model to compute vectorial joint reaction forces for data processing. To evaluate the position and orientation of the joint reaction forces, the force path, as well as the force angles for the operated and non-operated joint, has been calculated during the stance phase of the specific leg. The force path for subject 2 on the non-operated side is only located in the posterior-lateral quarter, as is the force path for subject 1. In contrast to this subject, the force path for subject 2 at the operated hip joint can be found only within the anterior quarter of the head of the implant, where it is nearly equally distributed in the medio-lateral half of the prosthesis head. The force-inclination angles on the cup of subject 1, with respect to the plane of the socket face, indicates that the force vector is mainly positioned in the same quadrant when compared with subject 2 (in a cup-fixed coordinate system). The force-anteversion angle behaves similarly to the force-inclination angle, even when the effects are not as pronounced. The proposed methods in this article are aiming to define two functional outcomes of total hip replacement that are related to wear and rim loading. It is accepted that wear is not only a function of time, but a function of use. Owing to the methods listed in this article, we are able to determine a) the applied force and b) the sliding distance (force pathway) in a subject-specific manner. The computed hip-reaction force angles and the distance to the rim cup are a measurement for cup or rim loading, and occurs in the so-called safe-zones. This method may well give us insight into the biomechanical situation during gait, after receiving total hip replacement, that we need to fully understand the mechanisms acting on a hip joint and to prove a possible increase of functional outcome after receiving total hip replacement.
Influence of minimally invasive total hip replacement on hip reaction forces and their orientations
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is becoming increasingly popular. Supporters claim that the main advantages of MIS total hip replacement (THR) are less pain and a faster rehabilitation and recovery. Critics claim that safety and efficacy of MIS are yet to be determined. We focused on a biomechanical comparison between surgical standard and MIS approaches for THR during the early recovery of patients. A validated, parameterized musculoskeletal model was set to perform a squat of a 50th percentile healthy European male. A bilateral motion was chosen to investigate effects on the contralateral side. Surgical approaches were simulated by excluding the incised muscles from the computations. Resulting hip reaction forces and their symmetry and orientation were analyzed. MIS THR seemed less influential on the symmetry index of hip reaction forces between the operated and nonoperated leg when compared to the standard lateral approach. Hip reaction forces at peak loads of the standard transgluteal approach were 24% higher on the contralateral side when compared to MIS approaches. Our results suggest that MIS THR contributes to a greater symmetry of hip reaction forces in absolute value as well as force-orientation following THR.
The musculoskeletal load scenario of computer-assisted Femur-First THR up to one year after surgery
In recent years, musculoskeletal computation has become a widely used tool to investigate joint and muscle forces within the human body. However, the issue of muscle fatigue is not considered adequately in most models and is a challenging task. One aspect that needs to be examined is the interaction of muscles during an exhausting task. Therefore, an experimental study was designed to analyze the changes of back muscle recruitment pattern during such exercises.
In this study 38 subjects (27 male, 11 female, height = 177±8.5 cm, weight = 74.0±13.6 kg) participated. Each subject had to perform three static and three dynamic exhausting exercises where the back muscles were loaded with subject specific forces using a dynamometer adapter especially designed for the trunk muscles. To collect the muscle activity, twelve surface electromyography sensors were applied on the back, and four on the abdominal muscles. Muscle activity and fatigue were analyzed by calculating the maximum voluntary contraction normalized signal and the median frequency. At first the fatigue of m. erector spinae and m. multifidi was analyzed, since these muscles carry the main load during the exercises. Subsequently the activity of the m. trapezius, m. rectus abdominis and m. obliquus externus were investigated to determine recruitment patterns. To gain more detailed information of these patterns a numerical model was built using the AnyBody Modeling System™. Analyzing the measurements, we can observe an increasing muscle activity during isokinetic exercises while the force is constant. Since the activity in the simulation is defined as the current force output divided by the strength of the muscle, the strength parameter was scaled down based on the measured data, assuming a linear force – activity correlation, and using a numerical algorithm considering the influence of cross talk.
The results show, that changes in recruitment pattern can be divided into three major subgroups. Prior to total exhaustion, some of the subjects show additional activation of muscles in the trapezius region, while other subjects show an additional activation of abdominal muscles, increasing the intra-abdominal pressure which supports the spine. In the third group an activation in both regions can be observed.
The numerical simulations show an increasing activity of abdominal muscles as well as muscles in the upper back. Especially the m. latissimus dorsi shows a significantly higher activity.
The results lead to the conclusion that prior to total exhaustion, additional muscles are recruited to support the main muscles. It was shown that abdominal muscles are activated to support back muscles by pressurizing the trunk cavity to delay total exhaustion as long as possible. In conclusion, the results show that changes in muscle recruitment pattern need to be considered when introducing muscle fatigue to musculoskeletal models.