How to identify elliptical poems within a digital corpus of auditory poetry

  • Ellipses denote the omission of one or more grammatically necessary phrases. In this paper, we will demonstrate how to identify such ellipses as a rhythmical pattern in modern and postmodern free verse poetry by using data from lyrikline which contain the corresponding audio recording of each poem as spoken by the original author. We present a feature engineering approach based on literary analysis as well as a neural networks based approach for the identification of ellipses within the lines of a poem. A contrast class to the ellipsis is defined from poems consisting of complete and correct sentences. The feature-based approach used features derived from a parser such as verb, comma, and sentence ending punctuation. The classifier of neural networks is trained on the line level to integrate the textual information, the spoken recitation, and the pause information between lines, and to integrate information across the lines within the poem. A statistic analysis of poet's gender showed that 65% of all elliptical poems were written by female poets. The best results, calculated by the weighted F-measure, for the classification of ellipsis with the contrast class is 0.94 with the neural networks based approach. The best results for classification of elliptical lines is 0.62 with the feature-based approach.

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Author:Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-SickendiekORCiD, Timo BaumannORCiDGND
Parent Title (English):Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2019 (ESSV), Tagungsband der 30. Konferenz, Dresden, 3.-8. März 2019
Place of publication:Dresden, Germany
Editor:Peter Birkholz, Simon Stone
Document Type:conference proceeding (article)
Year of first Publication:2019
Release Date:2022/04/09
First Page:247
Last Page:254
Institutes:Fakultät Informatik und Mathematik
Publication:Externe Publikationen
research focus:Information und Kommunikation
Licence (German):Keine Lizenz - Es gilt das deutsche Urheberrecht: § 53 UrhG
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