@misc{Hartweg, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Hartweg, Johanna}, title = {Analyse des Einflusses verschiedener Arbeitspunkte auf die wirkleistungsabh{\"a}ngige Spannungssensitivit{\"a}t an einem Mittelspannungsnetzknoten}, address = {Regensburg}, doi = {10.35096/othr/pub-5564}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-55648}, school = {Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg}, pages = {76}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgt die Untersuchung der wirkleistungsabh{\"a}ngigen Spannungssensitivit{\"a}t an den Knoten eines Mittelspannungsnetzstranges. Hierf{\"u}r wird eine Reihe von Arbeitspunkten durch die Variation der Wirkleistungsentnahmen bzw. Einspeisungen an den Netzknoten sowie des Verschiebungsfaktors und der Spannungssollwertvorgabe am Bilanzknoten erzeugt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine direkte Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Spannung des untersuchten Netzknotens. Hierbei steigt die Sensitivit{\"a}t bei fallenden Spannungswerten. Diese k{\"o}nnen sowohl durch Wirk- und Blindleistungsbelastungen als auch durch eine ver{\"a}nderte Referenzspannung am Umspannwerk bedingt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus liegt eine Beeinflussung durch die Wirkleistungsbelastung und deren Verteilung {\"u}ber den Netzstrang hinweg vor. Je h{\"o}her die Belastung der Leitung bis zum Knoten der Flexibilit{\"a}t ausf{\"a}llt sowie je st{\"a}rker sich die Last hin zu diesem Punkt verlagert, desto h{\"o}her ist die Sensitivit{\"a}t. Dies gilt ebenfalls f{\"u}r Arbeitspunkte mit gleichbleibender Spannung in den betrachteten Knoten. Des Weiteren wird die Anpassung eines multiplen linearen Regressionsmodells vorgenommen. Dieses erm{\"o}glicht eine Absch{\"a}tzung der Sensitivit{\"a}tswerte durch die Kenntnis einiger, die Belastungssituation des Netzes bestimmender Parameter.}, language = {de} } @techreport{GerhardsWeberKlafkaetal., author = {Gerhards, Christoph and Weber, Urban and Klafka, Peter and Golla, Stefan and Hagedorn, Gregor and Baumann, Franz and Brendel, Heiko and Breyer, Christian and Clausen, Jens and Creutzig, Felix and Daub, Claus-Heinrich and Helgenberger, Sebastian and Hentschel, Karl-Martin and von Hirschhausen, Christian and Jordan, Ulrike and Kemfert, Claudia and Krause, Harald and Linow, Sven and Oei, Pao-Yu and Pehnt, Martin and Pfennig, Andreas and Pr{\"a}ger, Fabian and Quaschning, Volker and Schneider, Jens and Spindler, Uli and Stelzer, Volker and Sterner, Michael and Wagener-Lohse, Georg and Weinsziehr, Theresa}, title = {Klimavertr{\"a}gliche Energieversorgung f{\"u}r Deutschland - 16 Orientierungspunkte}, series = {Diskussionsbeitr{\"a}ge der Scinetists for Future ; 7}, journal = {Diskussionsbeitr{\"a}ge der Scinetists for Future ; 7}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4409334}, abstract = {Als fairer Beitrag Deutschlands zur Einhaltung der globalen 1,5-Grad-Grenze werden 16 Orientierungspunkte f{\"u}r eine klimavertr{\"a}gliche Energieversorgung vorgestellt. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass hierf{\"u}r die deutschen energiebedingten CO2-Emissio­nen in etwa 15 Jahren weitgehend auf Null sinken m{\"u}ssen. Energieeinsparung hilft, den notwendigen Ausbau von regenerativen Erzeugungskapazit{\"a}ten zu verringern. Der Verkehrssektor kann ebenso wie die Bereiche Prozess- und Geb{\"a}udew{\"a}rme hier­zu wesentlich beitragen. Die Kernenergie ist mit großen Risiken belastet und kann nicht hinreichend schnell aufgebaut werden. Biomasse in Form von Energie­pflan­zen zu nutzen, ist ineffizient und steht im Konflikt mit anderen Arten der Land­nut­zung. Importe klimaneutral erzeugter Energietr{\"a}ger in sehr großem Umfang er­for­dern extrem große Investitionen im Ausland. Sie sind eine ungesicherte Option auf die Zukunft. Entscheidend ist daher der ausreichend schnelle Ausbau von Photovoltaik (PV) und Wind­kraft in Deutschland. Sch{\"a}tzungsweise kann der Elektrizit{\"a}tsbedarf im Jahr 2030 z.B. durch den Ausbau auf ca. 350 GW PV und ca. 150 GW Windkraft nahe­zu voll­st{\"a}ndig regenerativ gedeckt werden. Damit ließe sich eine zum großen Teil elek­tri­fizierte Mobilit{\"a}t und W{\"a}rmeversorgung betreiben und ein Teil des ben{\"o}­tig­ten "gr{\"u}­nen" Wasserstoffs in Deutschland bereitstellen. Hierf{\"u}r ist ein j{\"a}hr­licher Zu­bau von durchschnittlich ca. 30 GW PV und ca. 9 GW Windkraft n{\"o}tig. Dies ist ca. sechs- (PV) bzw. dreimal (Wind) so hoch wie bisher vorgesehen und verlangt eine ge­sell­schaft­liche Kraftanstrengung. Ein weiter verz{\"o}gerter Ausbau m{\"u}sste mit noch deut­lich gr{\"o}ßeren gesellschaftlichen Anstrengungen f{\"u}r drastische Energieeinspa­run­gen oder Importe erneuerbarer Energie ausgeglichen werden. Insgesamt k{\"o}nnte dies noch deutlich schwieriger zu realisieren sein, als ein ambitionierter Ausbau. Da der Auf­bau der Kapazit{\"a}ten mehrere Jahre erfordert, ist es m{\"o}glich nachzusteuern, z. B. wenn erkennbar wird, dass sich ein ausreichend großer globaler Markt f{\"u}r Importe ent­wi­ckelt. Bis dahin ist es aus Verantwortung gegen­{\"u}ber der Zukunft und im Sinne des Pariser Vertrages empfehlenswert, die hier genannten Ausbauziele zu verfol­gen. Gr{\"u}ner, also aus erneuerbaren Energien hergestellter Wasserstoff und daraus abge­lei­tete Syntheseprodukte sind f{\"u}r die Dekarbonisierung von Industrieprozessen, den Flug- und Schiffsverkehr sowie f{\"u}r die Absicherung der Energieversorgung bei Dun­kel­flauten n{\"o}tig. Ohne die genannten Ausbauziele f{\"u}r Wind und Solar noch drastisch weiter zu erh{\"o}hen, stehen diese Produkte f{\"u}r Straßenverkehr und W{\"a}rmeversor­gung jedoch nicht in ausreichenden Mengen zur Verf{\"u}gung. Techniken zum Aus­gleich zwischen Elektrizit{\"a}tsangebot und -nachfrage sind verf{\"u}gbar und sollten recht­zeitig auf- bzw. ausgebaut werden. Hierzu geh{\"o}ren: Stromaustausch mit den Nach­barl{\"a}ndern, Flexibilisierung des Verbrauchs und Energiespeicherung. F{\"u}r deren Inte­gration sowie den Ausbau der Netze sollten z{\"u}gig verbesserte rechtliche Rah­men­bedingungen geschaffen werden. Die Kosten eines klimavertr{\"a}glichen Energiesystems sind mittel- bis langfristig nicht h{\"o}­her als im derzeitigen System. Gleichzeitig entstehen Arbeitspl{\"a}tze und Export­chan­cen durch Aufbau, Betrieb und Wartung einer regenerativen Energieversorgung in Deutschland und die energetische Geb{\"a}udesanierung. Die politischen Rahmenbe­din­gungen entscheiden, ob eine klimavertr{\"a}gliche Energieversorgung Deutschlands ge­lingt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GoetzRauchBrueckl, author = {Goetz, Rebecca and Rauch, Johannes and Br{\"u}ckl, Oliver}, title = {Techno-economic analysis of reactive power sources}, series = {NEIS 2021, Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems: Hamburg, 13.-14. September 2021}, booktitle = {NEIS 2021, Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems: Hamburg, 13.-14. September 2021}, editor = {Schulz, Detlef}, publisher = {VDE-Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-8007-5651-3}, pages = {286 -- 291}, abstract = {This paper presents different options to provide reactive power in electricity grid systems. Since conventional power plants are being phased out and the reactive power demand tends to increase, alternative technologies are needed to cover it. reactive power sources are being defined and specified in this submission. A technical evaluation and an economic analysis of selected reactive power sources are carried out, based on interviews with manufacturers and operators. As well a multifactorial techno-economic comparison of the evaluated reactive power sources is presented. The technical analysis addresses reactive power control-ranges, stochastic parameters, lifespans, electrical losses and dynamics of re-active power sources. It states that power electronics allow faster setpoint changes than mechanical technologies can achieve, but at the same time this is associated with the highest electrical losses of the reactive power sources considered here. Considering the economic analysis, relative investment costs per reactive power of conventional compensation systems turn out to be the most cost-efficient. With regard to the multifactorial techno-economic comparison, it is im-portant not only to standardize on reactive power that can be provided, but also to include the additional system-relevant properties of technologies in the evaluation as well as the costs in operation.}, language = {en} } @techreport{SternerSchummRanketal., author = {Sterner, Michael and Schumm, Leon and Rank, Daniel and Hofrichter, Andreas}, title = {Intelligente Netzpuffer : Abschlussbericht (24.01.2021)}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SippenauerBruecklHenneke, author = {Sippenauer, Thomas and Br{\"u}ckl, Oliver and Henneke, Markus}, title = {Verankerung von Flexibilit{\"a}t in der Netzplanung}, series = {Zuk{\"u}nftige Stromnetze: 27.-28. Januar 2021, 03.-04. Februar 2021}, booktitle = {Zuk{\"u}nftige Stromnetze: 27.-28. Januar 2021, 03.-04. Februar 2021}, publisher = {Conexio GmbH}, address = {Pforzheim}, isbn = {978-3-948176-12-9}, doi = {10.35096/othr/pub-5563}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-55632}, pages = {79 -- 92}, abstract = {Die Energiewende f{\"u}hrt zu einem steigenden Zubau erneuerbarer Energieerzeugungsanlagen im Verteilungsnetz. Ebenso ist mit einem verst{\"a}rkten Zuwachs der Elektromobilit{\"a}t zu rechnen, der zu einer weiteren Ausreizung der zul{\"a}ssigen Spannungsbereiche und Leitungsauslastungen beitragen kann. Um die Aufnahmef{\"a}higkeit des Verteilungsnetzes zu erh{\"o}hen, wurden in der Vergangenheit verschiedene L{\"o}sungen entwickelt und etabliert. Ein zus{\"a}tzlicher Baustein zur Behebung von Netzengp{\"a}ssen und Spannungsproblemen sind zeitliche Verlagerungen von Einspeisungen und Verbrauchslasten in der Mittelspannungsebene. Diese sogenannten Flexibilit{\"a}tsmaßnahmen sind derzeit noch nicht Stand der Technik. Um einen hohen Nutzen stiften zu k{\"o}nnen, indem sie zu einer effizienten Einsparung an Asset beitragen, m{\"u}ssen sie in der Netzplanung abbildbar gemacht werden. Dazu sind einerseits geeignete technische und zuverl{\"a}ssigkeitstheoretische Anforderungen an die Flexibilit{\"a}tsmaßnahmen herauszuarbeiten, um eine m{\"o}glichst hohe Gesamteffizienz bei Netz- und Anlagenbetreibern zu erzielen und andererseits ein Verfahren zu finden, mit dem Manipulationsm{\"o}glichkeiten (INC-DEC-Gaming) ausgeschlossen bzw. geringgehalten werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @techreport{NeidhartLerchWiesingeretal., author = {Neidhart, Thomas and Lerch, Maximilian and Wiesinger, Doris and Zrenner, Louis}, title = {Kompakte {\"U}bertragungsleitungen f{\"u}r hohe Gleichspannungen: Langzeituntersuchungen an einer erdverlegten Versuchsanlage}, doi = {10.35096/othr/pub-2173}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-21730}, pages = {62, 58}, abstract = {Durch den Ausstieg aus der Verstromung fossiler Energietr{\"a}ger und der daraus resultierenden dezentralen Stromerzeugung ist ein Aus- bzw. Umbau des deutschen {\"U}bertragungsnetzes erforderlich. Weil aus der dezentralen Energieerzeugung große Trassenl{\"a}ngen resultieren, welche bei Wechselstrom zu Blindleistungsproblematiken f{\"u}hren, wird dort vermehrt auf Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-{\"U}bertragung zur{\"u}ckgegriffen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts DC CTL DBI (direct current compact transmission line - directly buried investigastions) wurde ein gasisolierte HG{\"U}-Leiter (GIL) erdverlegt und bei st{\"a}ndigem Monitoring {\"u}ber umfangreiche Sensorik einem Langzeitversuch unterzogen. Anstelle einer klassischen Sandbettung kam ein zeitweise fließf{\"a}higer, selbstverdichtender Verf{\"u}llbaustoff (ZFSV) zum Einsatz. Somit k{\"o}nnen Sch{\"a}den an der {\"U}bertragungsleitung infolge Verdichtungsaufwand vermieden und gleichzeitig bessere Bodeneigenschaften hinsichtlich der W{\"a}rme- und Wassertransportprozesse erreicht werden.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GrauvoglStauderHopfenspergeretal., author = {Grauvogl, Dominik and Stauder, Peter and Hopfensperger, Bernhard and Gerling, Dieter}, title = {Multiphysics Design of a Wound Field Synchronous Machine with Magnetic Asymmetry}, series = {Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Electric Machines \& Drives Conference (IEMDC): 17-20 May 2021, Hartford, CT, USA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Electric Machines \& Drives Conference (IEMDC): 17-20 May 2021, Hartford, CT, USA}, doi = {10.1109/IEMDC47953.2021.9449564}, abstract = {In this paper a multiphysics development method is used for designing a novel wound field synchronous machine of the future generation of high voltage traction drives. This method covers the domains of electromagnetics, the mechanical strength, thermal behavior and the magnetic noise. It is shown that the proposed novel asymmetric design with a circular flux barrier in combination with an asymmetric pole offset is fulfilling the requirements according to performance and torque ripple. A fatigue strength rotor mechanic concept is included. A hybrid cooling concept consisting of a water jacket cooled stator and air cooled rotor ensures the needed continuous power. Unacceptable noise levels are excluded by investigating the equivalent radiated power (ERP) level due to radial forces in the air gap. Finally, the multi-physical workflow resulted in a fully developed component with a high degree of maturity.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrauvoglKrabinskiStauderetal., author = {Grauvogl, Dominik and Krabinski, Jeffrey and Stauder, Peter and Hopfensperger, Bernhard and Gerling, Dieter}, title = {NVH Comparison of a Novel Wound Field Synchronous Machine with Magnetic Asymmetry with a PSM for a HV Electric Drive}, series = {2021 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring) Proceedings; online meeting (No.76-21)}, booktitle = {2021 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring) Proceedings; online meeting (No.76-21)}, publisher = {JSAE}, abstract = {This paper shows how magnetic noises can be reduced with a wound field synchronous machine (WFSM) with magnetic asymmetry compared to a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PSM), operating at base speed range and full load. In order to reproduce a real noise behavior, the two rotor types are operated in a complete electric drive unit (EDU) consisting of an electric motor, gearbox, inverter and overall housing. In the concept study, the noise characteristics of the two electric machines is evaluated and compared via mechanical finite element method (FEM) simulations using the equivalent radiated power (ERP) level and Campbell diagrams. Furthermore, it is shown that critical frequency orders can already be identified by the analysis of the magnetic force density from the electromagnetic design without computationally intensive ERP calculations. In this context, the ERP investigations have shown that the unique feature of the magnetically asymmetric WFSM is the reduction of the slot harmonics. At the current state of the art, the slot harmonics can only be reduced with a rotor skewing. The disadvantage of this is a reduction in performance and a more expensive production. It is also remarkable that the magnetic asymmetry reduces the slot harmonics more than the rotor skewing in the PSM. In addition, both machines are still considered with a short-pitched stator winding to optimize the overall noise level by reducing the 24th frequency order.}, subject = {Elektroantrieb}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SteiningerGadererDawoud, author = {Steininger, Peter and Gaderer, Matthias and Dawoud, Belal}, title = {Transient performance of a solar selective thermal insulation system}, series = {16th Advanced Building Skins Conference \& Expo, 21 - 22/10/2021, Bern, Switzerland}, booktitle = {16th Advanced Building Skins Conference \& Expo, 21 - 22/10/2021, Bern, Switzerland}, publisher = {Advanced Buidling Skins GmbH}, abstract = {A prototype of a thermal insulation system to offer high selectivity of the solar gain regarding the solar incidence angle (SATIS) was applied to a typical solid brick masonry for existing buildings in Germany. Light conducting elements (LCEs) inclined at 19 ° were incorporated in SATIS, which equals the average solar noon angle in southern Germany during winter. The entire wall construction was experimentally investigated in a differential climatic chamber test bench at four different irradiation angles according to a dynamic test procedure. In addition, a conventional wall construction (CWC) has been measured. At SATIS' design angle of 19 °, the SATIS wall construction shows a solar gain (SG) of 394.5 Wh/m², while the SG of the CWC amounts to only 25.4 Wh/m². The validated transient model of the SATIS wall construction showed that, at the end of the irradiation period of the dynamic test procedure (8 h), the solar heat penetrates to a depth of 253 mm and 111 mm inside the 385 mm thick brick wall masonry at the irradiation angles of 19 ° and 50 °, respectively. During the same time, the stored solar energy at 50 ° amounts to only 24.4 \% of that stored at 19 °.}, language = {en} } @misc{Heberl, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Heberl, Michael}, title = {Power-to-Ammoniak}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-22167}, school = {Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg}, pages = {68}, abstract = {Ammoniak ist Grundbaustein f{\"u}r die Herstellung von D{\"u}ngemitteln und dementsprechend f{\"u}r die Nahrungsmittelindustrie unentbehrlich. Ca. 40-50 \% der Weltbev{\"o}lkerung sind von Nahrungsmitteln abh{\"a}ngig, die mit Hilfe von Ammoniakd{\"u}ngern hergestellten wurden. Weltweit wurden alleine im Jahr 2015 181 Mt Ammoniak produziert, wodurch die Ammoniakherstellung mit 1,2 \% am gesamten Energieverbrauch der Welt beteiligt ist und f{\"u}r 0,93 \% der globalen Treibhausgasemissionen zust{\"a}ndig ist. Auch in Zeiten der Energiewende ist diese Grundstoffchemikalie unentbehrlich, ist aber auf einem anderen Wege herzustellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Darstellung verschiedener M{\"o}glichkeiten zur erneuerbaren Elektrifizierung und Dekarbonisierung der Ammoniakindustrie, wodurch der Einsatz von herk{\"o}mmlichen Energietr{\"a}gern wie Erdgas, Kohle und {\"O}l negiert werden kann. Ammoniak wird aktuell {\"u}ber das Haber-Bosch-Verfahren aus den Rohstoffen Erdgas, Kohle und {\"O}l gewonnen. Bei diesem Verfahren wird {\"u}ber einen Prim{\"a}r- und Sekund{\"a}rreformer Wasserstoff und Stickstoff gewonnen. Andere Gasbestandteile werden gefiltert oder umgewandelt, um sch{\"a}dliche Katalysatorgifte (CO, H2S) zu entfernen. Im Reaktor wird an Eisenkatalysatoren aus Wasserstoff und Stickstoff letztendlich Ammoniak hergestellt. Der Energieverbrauch des Haber-Bosch Verfahrens schwankt zwischen 7,8 MWh/t NH3 f{\"u}r eine moderne und sehr effiziente Anlage mit Erdgas und 13,6 MWh/t NH3 f{\"u}r eine alte mit Kohle betriebene Anlage. An Emissionen treten pro hergestellter Tonne Ammoniak je nach Rohstoff 1,6-3,8 t CO2-eq auf. Neben der Biomassevergasung gibt es mehrere rein elektrische Ans{\"a}tze zur Ammoniakherstellung. Die unterschiedlichen elektrochemischen Ans{\"a}tze zur direkten Ammoniaksynthese, wie der Einsatz von Fl{\"u}ssigsalzelektrolyten oder Feststoffelektrolyten, wurden in Abschnitt 3.2 vorgestellt. Einige dieser Technologien zeigen vielversprechende Ans{\"a}tze, sind jedoch zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch zu weit von einem industriellen Einsatz entfernt. Der Einsatz der Wasserelektrolyse in Kombination mit einer Luftzerlegungseinheit ist die derzeit vielversprechendste Methode Ammoniak auf einem strombasierten und dekarbonisierten Wege herzustellen. Bei diesem System wird Wasserstoff im Elektrolyseur und Stickstoff in der Luftzerlegungseinheit hergestellt. Die Ammoniaksynthese findet hierbei in einem Reaktor nach Vorbild des Haber-Bosch-Prozesses statt. Mit diesem System ist ein Energieverbrauch von ca. 10 MWh/t NH3 notwendig. Durch den Einsatz von rein erneuerbar hergestelltem Strom als Energietr{\"a}ger l{\"a}sst sich mit diesem Technologiezusammenschluss die Ammoniakherstellung komplett Emissionsfrei gestalten. Dadurch k{\"o}nnen alleine in Deutschland j{\"a}hrlich bis zu 7,8 Mt CO2-eq eingespart werden. Eine zuk{\"u}nftige Umstrukturierung der Ammoniakherstellung und der gesamten chemischen Industrie ist unabdingbar. Diese kann aber nur parallel mit einem Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien umgesetzt werden. Mit der Wasserelektrolyse und der Luftzerlegungseinheit sind die technischen M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r diesen Umbau bereits heute gegeben und brauchen nur noch eingesetzt werden.}, language = {de} } @techreport{ThemaKaulSterneretal., author = {Thema, Martin and Kaul, Anja and Sterner, Michael and Heberl, Michael}, title = {Optimierung eines Rieselbett-Bioreaktors f{\"u}r die dynamische mikrobielle Biosynthese von Methan mit Archaeen-Mikroorganismen in Power-to-Gas-Anlagen}, doi = {10.2314/KXP:1815321555}, abstract = {Das {\"u}bergeordnete Ziel des Vorhabens war die Entwicklung neuer technologischer M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r den biologischen Methanisierungsprozess mit Archaeen1 in Power-to-Gas-Anwendungen. Im Gegensatz zur technisch ausgereiften chemisch-katalytischen Methanisierung sind hier noch Potenziale zur Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer und biologischer Prozesse f{\"u}r das Speicherkonzept Power-to-Gas [7] vorhanden. Dabei sollte zum einen ein Rieselbett-Bioreaktor optimiert, simuliert und f{\"u}r die Hochskalierung vorbereitet werden. Zum anderen sollte eine Kombination optimal geeigneter Mikroorganismen und Packungsmaterialien selektiert und deren Verhalten und Eignung im Reaktor analysiert werden. Das Verhalten des entwickelten Systems sollte zun{\"a}chst im Labor- und Technikumsmaßstab und anschließend im Feldtest an einer bestehenden Power-to-Gas-Anlage untersucht werden. Hauptziel w{\"a}hrend des Feldtests war die Produktion von einspeisef{\"a}higem Methan sowie dessen Einspeisung ins Gasnetz. Ein Hauptziel des Projektes war es, die Normung und Standardisierung notwendiger Systemparameter und Semantik zur Beschreibung und Einbindung biologischer Methanisierungseinheiten in Power-to-Gas-Anlagen voranzutreiben. Dies sollte zum einen die Vergleichbarkeit der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse verbessern und zum anderen unterst{\"u}tzend bei der Kommerzialisierung der Technologie wirken. Aus dem Projekt heraus wurde so die neue Normungsreihe VDI 4635 Power-to-X beim Verein Deutscher Ingenieure angestoßen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KlitsmanBruecklEller, author = {Klitsman, Maksym and Br{\"u}ckl, Oliver and Eller, Johannes}, title = {Analysis and simulation of the population driving behaviour and charging processes at different charging station types with electric vehicles}, series = {NEIS 2021, Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems: 13-14. September 2021, Hamburg}, booktitle = {NEIS 2021, Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems: 13-14. September 2021, Hamburg}, editor = {Schulz, Detlef}, publisher = {VDE-Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-8007-5651-3}, pages = {254 -- 260}, abstract = {Electric vehicles are one of the important components of the energy transition, which is necessary for the CO2 emission reduction. In order to estimate the influence of electromobility on electric grids at present day and in the future, the generation of realistic charge profiles is necessary. The main objective of this study is the development of an algorithm, which generates realistic charge time series of electric vehicles. The very huge and detailed input surveys enable to define different population groups, representing specific driving behaviour. These groups are then composed and scaled up, according to the statistical population structure of a chosen town or city in Germany, and show typical driving behaviour of all inhabitants. The charge profiles are calculated for several charge station types, based on daily electric vehicle user mobility, day type and household type. In addition, charge process occurrence is evaluated through a model, involving charge infrastructure presence, attractiveness of corresponding charge station type and charge process necessity.}, language = {en} } @misc{PershinaSavelievGlavanetal., author = {Pershina, K. V. and Saveliev, Dmitry V. and Glavan, Gašper and Chashin, Dmitri V. and Belyaeva, Inna A. and Fetisov, Leonid Y. and Shamonin (Chamonine), Mikhail}, title = {The voltage response of a structure comprising a magnetoactive-elastomer cylinder and a piezoelectric material to magnetic field step excitations}, series = {The 4th International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM 2021) : Svetlogorsk, Russia August 29 - September 2, 2021 : Book of Abstracts}, journal = {The 4th International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM 2021) : Svetlogorsk, Russia August 29 - September 2, 2021 : Book of Abstracts}, publisher = {Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia}, pages = {182}, language = {en} } @misc{SternerHeberl, author = {Sterner, Michael and Heberl, Michael}, title = {The ORBIT-Project: Biological methanation in a trickle-bed reactor - key results and next steps}, series = {5th Nuremberg Workshop on Methanation and 2nd Generation, N{\"u}rnberg Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t, 28.05.2021}, journal = {5th Nuremberg Workshop on Methanation and 2nd Generation, N{\"u}rnberg Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t, 28.05.2021}, organization = {Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg / Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Energieverfahrenstechnik}, language = {en} } @article{RillBauerKirchbeck, author = {Rill, Georg and Bauer, Florian and Kirchbeck, Mathias}, title = {VTT - a virtual test truck for modern simulation tasks}, series = {Vehicle system dynamics}, volume = {59}, journal = {Vehicle system dynamics}, number = {4}, publisher = {Taylor\&Francis}, doi = {10.1080/00423114.2019.1705356}, pages = {635 -- 656}, abstract = {The development of new technologies like advanced driver assistance systems or automated driving requires a flexible simulation environment of sufficient complexity. In general this flexibility is not provided by commercial software packages. This paper presents a three-dimensional and nonlinear hand-made model for heavy commercial vehicles including tractor and trailer as well as tractor and semitrailer combinations that can be used in different simulation environments, as well as in real-time applications. As typical for trucks, the torsional flexibility of the frame and a suspended driver's cabin are taken into account. The design kinematics makes it possible to handle different and quite complex axle suspensions very efficiently. Appropriate force elements are used to model various couplings between tractor and trailer or tractor and semitrailer, respectively. The virtual test truck environment (VTT) coded in ANSI C is extremely portable and can easily be embedded in commercial simulation packages like MATLAB/Simulink. It includes the TMeasy tyre model and offers flexible interfaces to third-party software tools.}, language = {en} } @article{RillBauerTopcagic, author = {Rill, Georg and Bauer, Florian and Topcagic, Edin}, title = {Performance of leaf spring suspended axles in model approaches of different complexities}, series = {Vehicle System Dynamics}, volume = {60}, journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics}, number = {8}, publisher = {Taylor\&Francis}, doi = {10.1080/00423114.2021.1928249}, pages = {2871 -- 2889}, abstract = {Axles with leaf spring suspension systems are still a popular choice in many commercial vehicles. However, leaf springs are not in perfect conformity to standard multibody vehicle models because they combine guidance and suspension in one single element. Combining standard multibody vehicle models with sophisticated finite element leaf spring models results in rather complex and computing time-consuming solutions. Purely kinematic models, defined by lookup tables or the design kinematics approach, cover only some but not all features of the leaf spring suspension. As shown here, the five-link model, which incorporates a quasi-static solution of the leaf spring compliance, provides a very practical model. It is comparatively lean and provides results of sufficient accuracy in the whole application range.}, language = {en} } @misc{Sterner, author = {Sterner, Michael}, title = {Strom - W{\"a}rme - Verkehr - Industrie: das Zusammenspiel der Sektoren {\"u}ber Power-to-X}, series = {Deutscher Ingenieurtag 2021, D{\"u}sseldorf 20. Mai 2021}, journal = {Deutscher Ingenieurtag 2021, D{\"u}sseldorf 20. Mai 2021}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, language = {de} } @article{FrazzicaPalombaDawoud, author = {Frazzica, Andrea and Palomba, Valeria and Dawoud, Belal}, title = {Thermodynamic Performance of Adsorption Working Pairs for Low-Temperature Waste Heat Upgrading in Industrial Applications}, series = {Applied Sciences}, volume = {11}, journal = {Applied Sciences}, number = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, doi = {10.3390/app11083389}, abstract = {The present work aims at the thermodynamic analysis of different working pairs in adsorption heat transformers (AdHT) for low-temperature waste heat upgrade in industrial processes. Two different AdHT configurations have been simulated, namely with and without heat recovery between the adsorbent beds. Ten working pairs, employing different adsorbent materials and four different refrigerants, have been compared at varying working boundary conditions. The effects of heat recovery and the presence of a temperature gradient for heat transfer between sinks/sources and the AdHT components have been analyzed. The achieved results demonstrate the possibility of increasing the overall performance when internal heat recovery is implemented. They also highlight the relevant role played by the existing temperature gradient between heat transfer fluids and components, that strongly affect the real operating cycle of the AdHT and thus its expected performance. Both extremely low, i.e., 40-50 degrees C, and low (i.e., 80 degrees C) waste heat source temperatures were investigated at variable ambient temperatures, evaluating the achievable COP and specific energy. The main results demonstrate that optimal performance can be achieved when 40-50 K of temperature difference between waste heat source and ambient temperature are guaranteed. Furthermore, composite sorbents demonstrated to be the most promising adsorbent materials for this application, given their high sorption capacity compared to pure adsorbents, which is reflected in much higher achievable specific energy.}, language = {en} } @article{ThemaWeidlichKauletal., author = {Thema, Martin and Weidlich, Tobias and Kaul, Anja and B{\"o}llmann, Andrea and Huber, Harald and Bellack, Annett and Karl, J{\"u}rgen and Sterner, Michael}, title = {Optimized biological CO2-methanation with a pure culture of thermophilic methanogenic archaea in a trickle-bed reactor}, series = {Bioresource Technology}, journal = {Bioresource Technology}, number = {333}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125135}, abstract = {In this study, a fully automated process converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane in a high temperature trickle-bed reactor was developed from lab scale to field test level. The reactor design and system performance was optimized to yield high methane content in the product gas for direct feed-in to the gas grid. The reaction was catalyzed by a pure culture of Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus IM5, which formed a biofilm on ceramic packing elements. During 600 h in continuous and semi-continuous operation in countercurrent flow, the 0.05 m3 reactor produced up to 95.3 \% of methane at a methane production rate of 0.35 mCH43mR-3h-1. Adding nitrogen as carrier gas during startup, foam control and dosing of ammonium and sodium sulfide as nitrogen and sulfur source were important factors for process automation.}, language = {en} } @article{GaertnerRankHeberletal., author = {G{\"a}rtner, Sebastian and Rank, Daniel and Heberl, Michael and Gaderer, Matthias and Dawoud, Belal and Haumer, Anton and Sterner, Michael}, title = {Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Power-to-Hydrogen Process for Oxyfuel Glass Melting}, series = {Energies}, volume = {14}, journal = {Energies}, number = {24}, publisher = {MDPI}, doi = {10.3390/en14248603}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-22713}, abstract = {As an energy-intensive industry sector, the glass industry is strongly affected by the increasingly stringent climate protection targets. As established combustion-based production systems ensure high process stability and glass quality, an immediate switch to low greenhouse gas emission processes is difficult. To approach these challenges, this work investigates a step-by-step integration of a Power-to-Hydrogen concept into established oxyfuel glass melting processes using a simulation approach. This is complemented by a case study for economic analysis on a selected German glass industry site by simulating the power production of a nearby renewable energy park and subsequent optimization of the power-to-hydrogen plant performance and capacities. The results of this study indicate, that the proposed system can reduce specific carbon dioxide emissions by up to 60\%, while increasing specific energy demand by a maximum of 25\%. Investigations of the impact of altered combustion and furnace properties like adiabatic flame temperature (+25 °C), temperature efficiency (∆ξ = -0.003) and heat capacity flow ratio (∆zHL = -0.009) indicate that pure hydrogen-oxygen combustion has less impact on melting properties than assumed so far. Within the case study, high CO2 abatement costs of 295 €/t CO2-eq. were determined. This is mainly due to the insufficient performance of renewable energy sources. The correlations between process scaling and economic parameters presented in this study show promising potential for further economic optimization of the proposed energy system in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{SchorrZentnerZimmermannetal., author = {Schorr, Philipp and Zentner, Lena and Zimmermann, Klaus and B{\"o}hm, Valter}, title = {Jumping locomotion system based on a multistable tensegrity structure}, series = {Mechanical systems and signal processing}, journal = {Mechanical systems and signal processing}, number = {152}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107384}, abstract = {All known locomotion principles are limited respective to environmental conditions. Often, the occurrence of obstacles or gaps means the break-off for the operating motion systems. For such circumstances, a controllable jumping locomotion is required to cross these barriers. However, this locomotion demands sophisticated requirements to the actuation. The abrupt actuation is commonly realized by high dynamic actuators or complex mechanisms. In this work, a simple solution utilizing the multistability of a compliant tensegrity structure is described. Therefore, a two-dimensional tensegrity structure featuring four stable equilibria is considered. Based on bifurcation analyses a feasible actuation to control the current equilibrium configuration is derived. Changing between selected equilibrium states enables a great difference in potential energy, which yields a jumping motion of the structure. Based on numerical simulations a suitable actuation strategy is chosen to overcome obstacle and steps by jumping forward or backward, respectively. The theoretical approach is examined experimentally with a prototype of the multistable tensegrity structure. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. All known locomotion principles are limited respective to environmental conditions. Often, the occurrence of obstacles or gaps means the break-off for the operating motion systems. For such circumstances, a controllable jumping locomotion is required to cross these barriers. However, this locomotion demands sophisticated requirements to the actuation. The abrupt actuation is commonly realized by high dynamic actuators or complex mechanisms. In this work, a simple solution utilizing the multistability of a compliant tensegrity structure is described. Therefore, a two-dimensional tensegrity structure featuring four stable equilibria is considered. Based on bifurcation analyses a feasible actuation to control the current equilibrium configuration is derived. Changing between selected equilibrium states enables a great difference in potential energy, which yields a jumping motion of the structure. Based on numerical simulations a suitable actuation strategy is chosen to overcome obstacle and steps by jumping forward or backward, respectively. The theoretical approach is examined experimentally with a prototype of the multistable tensegrity structure.}, language = {en} } @article{HaugVetter, author = {Haug, Sonja and Vetter, Miriam}, title = {Altersgerechtes Wohnen im Quartier}, series = {Standort - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r angewandte Geographie}, volume = {45}, journal = {Standort - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r angewandte Geographie}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {1432-220X}, doi = {10.1007/s00548-020-00678-3}, pages = {11 -- 17}, abstract = {Im Alter nimmt das Quartier aufgrund geringerer Aktionsradien an Bedeutung zu. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Besonderheiten sich bei Senioren-Haushalten im Hinblick auf Wohnen und soziale Teilhabe zeigen. Aus dem Projekt MAGGIE werden Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Haushaltsbefragung (N=195) in der Wohngenossenschaft Margaretenau Regensburg dargestellt. Hierbei wird auf die aktuelle und zuk{\"u}nftige Wohnsituation, den Ver{\"a}nderungsbedarf, den Wunsch nach Gemeinschaftsangeboten und die soziale Einbettung eingegangen. Es zeigt sich eine geringe Ver{\"a}nderungsbereitschaft und ein {\"u}berdurchschnittlich hohes Maß an lokalem Sozialkapital. Am Ende werden Schlussfolgerungen f{\"u}r das Sanierungs- und Quartiersmanagement gezogen.}, subject = {Alter}, language = {de} } @article{PalombaNowakDawoudetal., author = {Palomba, Valeria and Nowak, Sebastian and Dawoud, Belal and Frazzica, Andrea}, title = {Dynamic modelling of Adsorption systems: a comprehensive calibrated dataset for heat pump and storage applications}, series = {Journal of energy storage}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of energy storage}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.est.2020.102148}, abstract = {The growing efforts for the development of clean and efficient energy systems require the use of a multi-disciplinary approach and the integration of multiple generation appliances. Among the fields that can be considered enabling technologies, adsorption systems for air conditioning and thermal energy storages, are constantly increasing their maturity. However, for a proper design and integration of such systems, there is the need for a simulation framework that is reliable and computationally convenient. In the present paper, the implementation of a dynamic model for adsorption systems is presented, which includes different components (adsorber, phase changer, sorption materials) and is structured as a library. Modelica language and the commercial software Dymola (R) are used for the analysis. Data for different heat exchangers and working pairs are calibrated using experimental results and the calibrated model is subsequently used for the design of an adsorber based on a plate heat exchanger for thermal energy storage applications. The results proved that the model is fast and can reproduce experimental results with good accuracy, thus being a useful tool for the design and optimization of the different components of sorption systems.}, language = {en} } @article{SovacoolCabezaPiselloetal., author = {Sovacool, Benjamin K. and Cabeza, Luisa F. and Pisello, Anna Laura and Colladon, Andrea Fronzetti and Larijani, Hatef Madani and Dawoud, Belal and Martiskainen, Mari}, title = {Decarbonizing household heating: Reviewing demographics, geography and low-carbon practices and preferences in five European countries}, series = {Renewable \& Sustainable Energy Reviews}, journal = {Renewable \& Sustainable Energy Reviews}, number = {139}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2020.110703}, pages = {1 -- 28}, abstract = {What commonalities are there in sustainable or unsustainable heating practices in five high-income, high-emitting western European countries? What preferences do a nationally representative sample of the public in these countries hold towards low-carbon options? It is imperative that climate policy researchers and practitioners grapple with the difficulty of decarbonizing heat, which remains the largest single end-use service worldwide and which accounts about half of total final energy consumption. Based on a comparative assessment of five representative national surveys in Germany (N = 2009), Italy (N = 2039), Spain (N = 2038), Sweden (N = 2023), and the United Kingdom (N = 2000), this study explores the demographics and geography of household heat decarbonisation in Europe. By analyzing our country level data as well as our combined sample of 10,109 respondents, it investigates how people conceive of the purposes of low-carbon heat, their preferences for particular forms of heat supply, and their (at times odd) practices of heat consumption and temperature settings. Grounded in its original data, the study organizes its findings inductively across the five themes of literacy (heating knowledge, awareness and control), sustainability (heating practices, dynamics and conflicts), temperature (heating satisfaction and preferences), desirability of change (low-carbon heating priorities, business models and trust), and culture (country and national variation). The study also explores intersections between these dimensions, using multivariate analysis, as well as how preferences differ according to varying types of actors as well as geography and space.}, language = {en} } @article{MonkmanSindersbergerPremetal., author = {Monkman, Gareth J. and Sindersberger, Dirk and Prem, Nina and Diermeier, Andreas and Szecsey, Tamara}, title = {Dielectric behaviour of magnetic hybrid materials}, series = {Physical Sciences Reviews}, volume = {7}, journal = {Physical Sciences Reviews}, number = {10}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, doi = {10.1515/psr-2019-0121}, pages = {1169 -- 1185}, abstract = {The objectives of this work include the analysis of electrical and magnetic properties of magneto-elastic hybrid materials with the intention of developing new techniques for sensor and actuator applications. This includes the investigation of dielectric properties at both low and high frequencies. The behaviour of capacitors whose dielectrics comprise magnetic hybrid materials is well known. Such interfacial magnetocapacitance can be varied according to magnetic content, magnetic flux density and the relative permittivity of the polymer matrix together with other dielectric content. The basic function of trapping electrical charges in polymers (electrets) is also established technology. However, the combination of magnetoactive polymers and electrets has led to the first electromagnetic device capable of adhering to almost any material, whether magnetically susceptible or not. During the course of this research, in addition to dielectrics, electrically conductive polymers based on (PDMS) matrices were developed in order to vary the electrical properties of the material in a targeted manner. In order to ensure repeatable results, this demanded new fabrication techniques hitherto unavailable. The 3D printing of silicones is far from being a mature technology and much pioneering work was necessary before extending the usual 3 d.o.f. to include orientation about and diffusion of particles in these three axes, thus leading to the concept of 6D printing. In 6D printing, the application of a magnetic field can be used during the curing process to control the particulate distribution and thus the spatial filler particle density as desired. Most of the devices (sensors and actuators) produced by such methods contain levels of carbonyl iron powder (CIP) embedded magnetic filler of up to 70 wt\%. Contrary to this, a hitherto neglected research area, namely magnetoactive polymers (MAPs) having significantly lower magnetic particle concentrations (1 to 3 wt\% CIP) were also investigated. With filler concentrations lower than 3 wt\%, structures are formed which are completely absent at higher filler levels. CIP concentrations in the range of 1wt\% demonstrate the formation of toroidal structures. Further development of coherent rings with a compact order results as filler concentrations increase towards 2 wt\%. Above 3 wt\% the structure eventually disintegrates to the usual random order found in traditional MAP with higher CIP content. Structured samples containing 1\%-3 wt\% CIP were investigated with the aid of X-ray tomography where solitary ring structures can be observed and eventually the formation of capillary doubles. Over wavelengths ranging from 1 to 25 µm, spectroscopic analysis of thin film MAP samples containing 2 wt\% CIP revealed measurable magnetic-field-dependent changes in IR absorption at a wavenumber 2350 (λ = 4.255 µm). This was found to be due to the diamagnetic susceptibility of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Consequently, the first potential application for sparse matrix MAPs was found.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwanzerSchillingerMieslingeretal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Schillinger, Maximilian and Mieslinger, Johann and Walter, Stefanie and Hagen, Gunter and Maerkl, Susanne and Haft, Gerhard and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {A Synthetic Ash-Loading Method for Gasoline Particulate Filters with Active Oil Injection}, series = {SAR International Journal of Engines}, volume = {14}, journal = {SAR International Journal of Engines}, number = {4}, publisher = {SAE International}, issn = {1946-3936}, doi = {10.4271/03-14-04-0029}, pages = {493 -- 506}, abstract = {To reduce particulate emissions, the use of particulate filters in diesel engines is meanwhile state of the art, while the integration of such systems in gasoline engines is now also necessary in order to comply with today's regulations. Over its lifetime, a gasoline particulate filter (GPF) collects ash components of fuel, lubrication oil, and materials originating from the catalytic coating and from engine abrasion. In the development and application process, synthetic ashing from GPFs is challenging. The ash of the lubrication oil can be increased in various ways, like oil-doped fuel, a separate oil burner, or changes in the piston-cylinder system of the engine. However, these methods show major disadvantages. For this reason, an improved approach is presented in this study, which allows a quick response to changes in combustion (e.g., engine knocking) and producing ash, which is more realistic due to its primary particle size and the density of ash plugs, in a shorter time. Therefore, an approach to accelerate ash loading by active oil injection using a multi-point injection (MPI) system is introduced. With the help of this methodology, an ashing capacity of 1.21 g/h is implemented, which is a high rate compared to other investigations. The primary particle size (evaluated by means of a transmission electron microscope), is in the same size range as those detected at the full-load curve during regular operation. A computer tomographic (CT) analysis of the incinerated particulate filter also shows that a very high density of ash plugs can be realized, which has also been found in the literature for real applications. In addition, with the help of a mass spectrometer (MS) and an intermediate weighing of the particulate filter, the current ash loading of the GPF could be determined with an accuracy of 1\%.}, language = {en} } @article{SchmidtStraubSindersbergeretal., author = {Schmidt, Henrik and Straub, Benedikt B. and Sindersberger, Dirk and Br{\"o}ckel, Ulrich and Monkman, Gareth J. and Auernhammer, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Collision and separation of nickel particles embedded in a Poly dimethylsiloxan matrix under a rotating magnetic field: A strong magneto active function}, series = {Colloid and Polymer Science}, volume = {299}, journal = {Colloid and Polymer Science}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s00396-020-04784-4}, pages = {955 -- 967}, abstract = {In order to function as soft actuators, depending on their field of use, magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) must fulfill certain criteria. To name just a few, these can include rapid response to external magnetic fields, mechanical durability, mechanical strength, and/or large deformation. Of particular interest are MREs which produce macroscopic deformation for small external magnetic field variations. This work demonstrates how this can be achieved by just a small change in magnetic field orientation. To achieve this, (super)paramagnetic nickel particles of size ≈ 160 μm were embedded in a non-magnetic polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS) (661-1301 Pa) and their displacement in a stepwise rotated magnetic field (170 mT) recorded using a video microscope. Changes in particle aggregation resulting from very small variations in magnetic field orientation led to the observation of a new strongly magneto-active effect. This configuration is characterized by an interparticle distance in relation to the angle difference between magnetic field and particle axis. This causes a strong matrix deformation which in turn demonstrates hysteresis on relaxation. It is shown that the occurrence strongly depends on the particle size, particle distance, and stiffness of the matrix. Choosing the correct parameter combination, the state can be suppressed and the particle-matrix system demonstrates no displacement or hysteresis. In addition, evidences of non-negligible higher order magnetization effects are experimentally ascertained which is qualitatively in agreement with similar, already theoretically described, particle systems. Even at larger particle geometries, the new strongly magneto-active configuration is preserved and could create macroscopic deformation changes.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RiegerOetjenvandeParetal., author = {Rieger, Anna and Oetjen, Arne and van de Par, Steven and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Geh{\"o}rbezogene Modellierung der Dissonanz}, series = {Tagungsband DAGA 2021: 47. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 15.-18. August 2021, Wien und Online}, volume = {47}, booktitle = {Tagungsband DAGA 2021: 47. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 15.-18. August 2021, Wien und Online}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, pages = {1034 -- 1037}, language = {de} } @incollection{BauerGawlikSterneretal., author = {Bauer, Franz and Gawlik, Julia and Sterner, Michael and Hamacher, Thomas}, title = {{\"U}bergreifende Energiesystemmodellierung}, series = {Optionen f{\"u}r ein nachhaltiges Energiesystem mit Power-to-X-Technologien: Transformation - Anwendungen - Potentiale. 3. Roadmap des Kopernikus-Projektes P2X, Phase II}, booktitle = {Optionen f{\"u}r ein nachhaltiges Energiesystem mit Power-to-X-Technologien: Transformation - Anwendungen - Potentiale. 3. Roadmap des Kopernikus-Projektes P2X, Phase II}, editor = {Ausfelder, Florian and Dura, Hanna}, publisher = {DECHEMA Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, isbn = {978-3-89746-236-6}, pages = {19 -- 33}, language = {de} } @article{LindnerPipaKarpenetal., author = {Lindner, Matthias and Pipa, Andrei V. and Karpen, Norbert and Hink, Ruediger and Berndt, Dominik and Foest, R{\"u}diger and Bonaccurso, Elmar and Weichwald, Robert and Friedberger, Alois and Caspari, Ralf and Brandenburg, Ronny and Schreiner, Rupert}, title = {Icing Mitigation by MEMS-Fabricated Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge}, series = {Applied Sciences}, volume = {11}, journal = {Applied Sciences}, number = {23}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/app112311106}, pages = {1 -- 17}, abstract = {Avoiding ice accumulation on aerodynamic components is of enormous importance to flight safety. Novel approaches utilizing surface dielectric barrier discharges (SDBDs) are expected to be more efficient and effective than conventional solutions for preventing ice accretion on aerodynamic components. In this work, the realization of SDBDs based on thin-film substrates by means of micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) technology is presented. The anti-icing performance of the MEMS SDBDs is presented and compared to SDBDs manufactured by printed circuit board (PCB) technology. It was observed that the 35 mu m thick electrodes of the PCB SDBDs favor surface icing with an initial accumulation of supercooled water droplets at the electrode impact edges. This effect was not observed for 0.3 mu m thick MEMS-fabricated electrodes indicating a clear advantage for MEMS-technology SDBDs for anti-icing applications. Titanium was identified as the most suitable material for MEMS electrodes. In addition, an optimization of the MEMS-SDBDs with respect to the dielectric materials as well as SDBD design is discussed.}, language = {en} }