@inproceedings{MuehlbauerRablRottengruber, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Rottengruber, Hermann}, title = {Akustische Analyse und Optimierung von mechatronischen Kraftstoffeinspritzsystemen}, series = {Tagungsband DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 18.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, booktitle = {Tagungsband DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 18.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-939296-14-0}, pages = {647 -- 650}, language = {de} } @misc{SchwanzerDietrichGadereretal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Detektion unterschiedlicher Medien in Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) mit Hilfe eines Radio-Frequenz (RF-) Sensors}, series = {Bayerische Wissenschaftsforum - BayWISS 2020}, journal = {Bayerische Wissenschaftsforum - BayWISS 2020}, language = {de} } @book{AltmannGebhardEmbergeretal., author = {Altmann, Robert and Gebhard, J{\"u}rgen and Emberger, Peter and Thuneke, Klaus and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Remmele, Edgar}, title = {Z{\"u}nd- und Brennverhalten von Pflanzen{\"o}lkraftstoff und {\"U}bertragung auf einen Motor der Abgasstufe V}, volume = {69}, publisher = {Technologie- und F{\"o}rderzentrum im Kompetenzzentrum f{\"u}r Nachwachsende Rohstoffe}, address = {Straubing}, issn = {1614-1008}, pages = {188}, abstract = {Durch den Ersatz von Dieselkraftstoff durch Raps{\"o}lkraftstoff (R100) k{\"o}nnen Treibhausgasemissionen reduziert werden. F{\"u}r einen st{\"o}rungsfreien Betrieb eines Motors mit Raps{\"o}lkraftstoff sind jedoch Modifikationen an Motorkomponenten und Motorsteuerger{\"a}t notwendig, um eine effiziente Verbrennung im Motor zu erreichen. Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Erarbeitung von Grundlagen zur Auslegung der Motorsteuerung pflanzen{\"o}ltauglicher Offroad-Motoren mit moderner Abgasnachbehandlung mit anschließender entsprechender Abstimmung der Motorapplikation am Pr{\"u}fstand. Grundlegende Untersuchungen der physikalischen Prozessabl{\"a}ufe von R100 bei der Einspritzung werden an einem hydraulischen Druckanstiegsanalysator (HDA) und einer Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur-Kammer (HDHT-Kammer) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Unterschiede im Z{\"u}nd- und Brennverhalten werden in einer Konstantvolumenbrennkammer untersucht. Abschließend werden die Erkenntnisse am Motorenpr{\"u}fstand auf einen DEUTZ-Motor {\"u}bertragen, dessen Einspritzsystem auch bei den grundlegenden Untersuchungen verwendet wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Einspritzverhalten von R100 eine h{\"o}here Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Kraftstofftemperaturvariationen aufweist als Dieselkraftstoff. Bei niedrigen raftstofftemperaturen sind mit R100 ein l{\"a}ngerer {\"O}ffnungsverzug und eine geringere Einspritzmenge festzustellen. Um diesen Einfluss bei der Einspritzstrategie zu kompensieren, ist die Kenntnis der Kraftstofftemperatur im Injektor notwendig. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt die Gemischaufbereitung dar, hier f{\"u}hren unter anderem die h{\"o}here Viskosit{\"a}t und h{\"o}here Siedetemperaturen von R100 zu einem schm{\"a}leren Spritzwinkel und verz{\"o}gerter Verdampfung im Vergleich zum Dieselkraftstoff. Eine Erh{\"o}hung des Einspritzdrucks und h{\"o}here Temperaturen und Dr{\"u}cke in der Brennkammer verbessern die Gemischaufbereitung. Bei Bedingungen von mittlerer und hoher Last ist der Z{\"u}ndverzug von R100 k{\"u}rzer und das Verbrennungsverhalten {\"a}hnlich zum Dieselkraftstoff. Eine geringere W{\"a}rmefreisetzung von R100 wird durch den geringeren Heizwert verursacht. Unter Bedingungen von niedriger Last und Motorstart ist ein l{\"a}ngerer Z{\"u}ndverzug von R100 im Vergleich zum Dieselkraftstoff festzustellen. Eine Steigerung des Einspritzdrucks und h{\"o}here Brennkammerdr{\"u}cke und -temperaturen f{\"u}hren bei beiden Kraftstoffen zu k{\"u}rzeren Z{\"u}ndverz{\"u}gen, der Einfluss dieser Parameter ist jedoch f{\"u}r R100 st{\"a}rker als f{\"u}r Dieselkraftstoff. Voreinspritzungen f{\"u}hren bei beiden Kraftstoffen zu einer Verk{\"u}rzung des Z{\"u}ndverzugs der Haupteinspritzung und zu einer geringeren W{\"a}rmefreisetzungsrate. Am Motorpr{\"u}fstand ist bei gleicher Motorapplikation mit R100 eine geringere Leistung als mit Dieselkraftstoff festzustellen. Nach Angleichung der Motorleistung durch Anhebung der Einspritzmenge von R100 sind im Rohabgas Stickstoffoxid (NOX)- und Kohlenstoffmonoxidemissionen auf gleichem Niveau zu Dieselkraftstoff zu beobachten sowie geringere Partikelemissionen. Unter Verwendung eines DoE Vorgehens kann der Partikel-NOX - trade-off von R100 optimiert und Einstellparameter gefunden werden, in denen sowohl niedrigere NOX als auch niedrigere Partikelemissionen im Vergleich zum Dieselkraftstoff resultieren. Das installierte Abgasnachbehandlungssystem, bestehend aus einem Dieseloxidationskatalysator (DOC), Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF) und selektivem katalytischem Reduktionssystem (SCR), arbeitet f{\"u}r beide Kraftstoffe {\"a}hnlich und es scheint keine Anpassung der Dosierungsstrategie der w{\"a}ssrigen Harnstoffl{\"o}sung notwendig zu sein. Eine Regeneration des Partikelfilters mit R100 war nach Optimierung der Einstellparameter der Drosselklappe m{\"o}glich. Motorkaltstart und Leerlauf sind herausfordernde Betriebsphasen, die f{\"u}r R100 einer weiteren Optimierung bed{\"u}rfen. Eine Temperierung von R100 im Injektor auf 50-60 °C sowie eine Kompensation der Einspritzmenge in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Kraftstofftemperatur sind m{\"o}gliche Verbesserungsmaßnahmen. Zudem kann durch einen fr{\"u}heren Einspritzbeginn von R100 das Verbrennungsverhalten angepasst werden. Die Motorpr{\"u}fstandsuntersuchungen best{\"a}tigen qualitativ die Erkenntnisse die mit dem hydraulischen Druckanstiegsanalysator (HDA), der Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur-Kammer (HDHT-Kammer) und der Konstantvolumenbrennkammer gewonnen wurden. Weitere Untersuchungen sind notwendig, um die Ergebnisse auf einen baugleichen, in einer mobilen Arbeitsmaschine eingebauten Motor zu transferieren, damit Informationen zur Dauerhaltbarkeit unter realen Bedingungen erhalten werden k{\"o}nnen. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Forschungsarbeiten sind im Bereich der Betriebsphasen des Motorkaltstarts und Leerlaufs mit Raps{\"o}lkraftstoff n{\"o}tig, um einen dauerhaft st{\"o}rungsfreien Betrieb in diesen Betriebsphasen zu erreichen. Die erzielten Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, dass hier noch viel Verbesserungspotenzial vorhanden ist.}, subject = {Biokraftstoff}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchneiderHotsLuftetal., author = {Schneider, Sebastian and Hots, Jan and Luft, Tommy and Rottengruber, Hermann and Verhey, Jesko L. and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Entwicklung einer empirischen Formel zur Bewertung der Tickerger{\"a}uschanteile von Motorger{\"a}uschen}, series = {DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 8.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, volume = {45}, booktitle = {DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 8.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, isbn = {978-3-939296-14-0}, pages = {643 -- 646}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RiegerMuehlbauerWeberetal., author = {Rieger, Anna and M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Weber, Rainer and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Measures to Address the Dissonance Perception of Multiple Tonal Components in Sounds}, series = {DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 18.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, volume = {45}, booktitle = {DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 18.-21. M{\"a}rz 2019, Rostock}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, pages = {375 -- 378}, language = {en} } @misc{SchwanzerDietrichGadereretal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Monitoring von Partikelfiltern f{\"u}r den Einsatz in Fahrzeugen mit direkt- einspritzenden Ottomotoren mit einer Radio-Frequenz (RF-) Antenne}, series = {Kolloquium des Bayerischen Wissenschaftsforum}, journal = {Kolloquium des Bayerischen Wissenschaftsforum}, language = {de} } @misc{SchwanzerDietrichHaftetal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Haft, Gerhard and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Oxidation Kinetics Determination of GDI Engine Soot by a Radio-Frequency Sensor}, series = {23rd Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles 2019, June 17-20, Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland}, journal = {23rd Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles 2019, June 17-20, Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland}, language = {en} } @misc{OetjenRiegerRabletal., author = {Oetjen, Arne and Rieger, Anna and Rabl, Hans-Peter and van de Par, Steven}, title = {The role of dissonance in the sound quality perception for electric vehicles}, series = {The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume = {148}, journal = {The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, number = {4}, publisher = {Acoustical Society of America}, doi = {10.1121/1.5147356}, abstract = {Tonal components can be regarded as one of the most relevant components for interior sound quality of electric vehicles, especially at low speeds. Sources for these tones are for example the vehicles' drivetrains but also other technical components. Depending on the driving conditions, due to the interaction of various dominant sources, audible tone complexes can occur. Similar to musical intervals, the different frequency ratios within these complexes can result in consonant or dissonant sensations. The strength of this sensation does not only depend on the frequency relation of the tones but also on their relative levels. In this study, different musical intervals were subjectively rated in terms of their specific consonant or dissonant character. Using an adaptive procedure, sound pairs, each consisting of a two-tone signal, where adjusted to equal dissonance by varying the level of the second tone of one of the two-tone signals. Using the same paradigm, also pairs of equal vehicle sound quality were obtained. With these results, it is possible to quantify dissonance, and theinfluence of dissonance on sound quality expressed in terms of level differences of two-tone signals. These results can help to make the concept of dissonance more useful for sound-engineering applications.}, language = {en} } @article{BraunGebhardMatysiketal., author = {Braun, Peter and Gebhard, J{\"u}rgen and Matysik, Frank-Michael and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Potential Technical Approaches for Improving Low-Temperature NOx Conversion of Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {90}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {6}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201700122}, pages = {762 -- 773}, abstract = {Lean-burn engines, such as diesel engines, are widely used in mobile and stationary applications. Operation of lean-burn engines leads to formation of distinct amounts of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2). Efficient aftertreatment is mandatory to meet legal requirements, especially at low exhaust temperatures, as for the future a decline of the exhaust temperature level can be predicted due to improved engine efficiencies. Within this review, potential technical solutions to enhance the DeNO(x)-aftertreatment efficiency at low exhaust temperatures are presented.}, language = {en} } @article{KasparRablMayer, author = {Kaspar, Marcel and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Mayer, Wolfgang}, title = {Ion-Molecule Reaction for the Selective Detection of Hydrocarbons in Diesel Exhaust Gas}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {90}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {6}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201700075}, pages = {826 -- 834}, abstract = {The hydrocarbons present in the diesel exhaust gas are analyzed. A mass spectrometer is used for the measurements, and it operates on the basis of an ion-molecule reaction. This method is especially suitable because it is selective, is as free of fragments as possible, and is highly sensitive to the species that need to be measured. The study shows that numerous hydrocarbons in diesel exhaust gas can be identified. In particular, three molecules, ethyne, ethene and propene, were analyzed online in-depth on an engine test bench under different engine operating conditions.}, language = {en} } @incollection{MuehlbauerRablRottengruber, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Rottengruber, Hermann}, title = {Acoustic Optimization of Mechatronic Direct Injection Systems and Analysis of the Effects on Robustness in System Operation}, series = {SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility}, volume = {4}, booktitle = {SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility}, number = {1}, publisher = {SAE International, Warrendale, PA, United States}, issn = {2641-9645}, doi = {10.4271/2021-01-0671}, pages = {68 -- 77}, abstract = {The tightening of the emission legislation and political and social demands for sustainable mobility are forcing the automotive industry to develop complex, high precision mechatronic drive systems. The increasing precision of mechatronic components generally leads to an increase in structural excitation and thus to a rise in noise. The so-called ticking of the fuel injection system has a rather low sound pressure level compared to the residual engine noise. Nevertheless, the impulsive and high frequency noise character leads to a decline concerning the perception of comfort and sound quality. In order to identify the sound quality of fuel injection systems as a frontloading measure, a system test bench has been developed which represents the structure-borne and airborne sound radiation of the stand-alone injection system in a close to series configuration. In this paper, measures for the acoustic optimization of injection systems and their effects on the robustness of the system are discussed. The focus is on engine idling, since at this operating point the ticking of the injectors and high-pressure pump can be perceived most clearly due to the low masking effects of other noise sources. For this purpose, the injection parameters were measured during full engine operation and transferred to the system test bench. By using a special development control unit, it was possible to modify the parameters, quantify their influence on the acoustic behavior and, based on this, define NVH optimized control strategies. For the robustness evaluation of the NVH optimized control strategies, key functions of the injection system were analyzed under varying boundary conditions in system operation on an injection rate test bench.}, language = {en} } @incollection{WalterSchwanzerHagenetal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Hagen, Gunter and Haft, Gerhard and Dietrich, Markus and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Hochfrequenzsensorik zur direkten Beladungserkennung von Benzinpartikelfiltern}, series = {Automobil-Sensorik 3}, booktitle = {Automobil-Sensorik 3}, editor = {Tille, Thomas}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-61259-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-61260-6_7}, pages = {185 -- 208}, abstract = {In Folge der Versch{\"a}rfung der gesetzlichen Abgasnormen wurden f{\"u}r direkt-einspritzende Benzinmotoren Partikelfilter notwendig. Zur Beladungs{\"u}berwachung k{\"o}nnen aufgrund stark unterschiedlicher Rahmenbedingungen die aus Dieselmotoren bekannten Systeme, wie dem Differenzdrucksensor, nur eingeschr{\"a}nkt {\"u}bernommen werden. Ein hochfrequenzbasiertes Verfahren koppelt mittels Antennen elektromagnetische Wellen in das Filtergeh{\"a}use ein, deren Ausbreitungsverhalten durch die dielektrischen Eigenschaften des eingelagerten Rußes beeinflusst wird. Hierdurch kann bei Auswertung von Transmissionsd{\"a}mpfung oder Resonanzfrequenzen die Rußbeladung direkt detektiert werden.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchwanzerMieslingerRabletal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Mieslinger, Johann and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Haft, Gerhard and Walter, Stefanie and Hagen, Gunter and Moos, Ralf and Gaderer, Matthias}, title = {Monitoring of a Particulate Filter for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines with a Radio-Frequency-Sensor}, series = {11th International Exhaust Gas and Particulate Emissions Forum, 3.-4.3.2020, Ludwigsburg, Germany}, journal = {11th International Exhaust Gas and Particulate Emissions Forum, 3.-4.3.2020, Ludwigsburg, Germany}, abstract = {In order to comply with future emission regulations, the use of particulate filters in vehicles with direct injection gasoline engines is essential. The current amount of soot and ash in the filter is calculated by a soot load model in the electronic control unit in combination with a differential pressure sensor determining the pressure drop over the particulate filter. Active regeneration is initiated if the calculated amount of soot or the measured differential pressure is too high. This is associated with additional fuel consumption. An on-board diagnosis for the particulate filter is currently not part of the Euro 6d emission standard. For future exhaust emission standards, on-board diagnosis or active monitoring of the particulate filter is conceivable. One of the benefits of monitoring is the fact that unnecessary active regenerations can be avoided. As a result, there is no additional fuel consumption due to misinterpretations of the amount of soot in the filter. For active monitoring of the particulate filter, a radiofrequency (RF-) sensor, that detects the soot loading of the filter with electromagnetic waves directly, can be used. Such a system has the advantage that by utilizing the filter as a sensor more precise information about the current state of the filter, e.g. a possible damage, can be provided. Worst-case considerations of filter damages, tested at an engine test bench show the advantages which are entailed by a system like that. By means of partial regeneration of the particulate filter it is demonstrated how the remaining amount of soot in the filter can be detected in a better way in comparison to the differential pressure sensor by using the RF-sensor.}, language = {en} } @article{BraunRablMatysik, author = {Braun, Peter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Matysik, Frank-Michael}, title = {Investigations on the Liquid-Phase Decomposition of AdBlue Urea for the Selective Catalytic Reduction Process}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {91}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {7}, publisher = {Wiley}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201800055}, pages = {961 -- 968}, abstract = {Difficulties in decomposing AdBlue to ammonia limit the applicability of selective catalytic reduction systems at low exhaust temperatures. Investigations on the decomposition of AdBlue in the liquid phase under elevated pressure at temperatures up to 165 degrees C were carried out. Besides effects of inorganic catalysts, the impact of pH on urea decomposition was examined. After dissolution in aqueous phase, the compounds ZnO, WO3, and MoO3 were found to be effective in liquid-phase AdBlue decomposition. However, the efficiency was dropping significantly over few hours. Decomposition of AdBlue urea was also found to be favored for alkaline and acidic conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{BraunDurnerRabletal., author = {Braun, Peter and Durner, Bernhard and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Matysik, Frank-Michael}, title = {Investigations on the decomposition of AdBlue urea in the liquid phase at low temperatures by an electrochemically induced pH shift}, series = {Monatshefte f{\"u}r Chemie}, volume = {150}, journal = {Monatshefte f{\"u}r Chemie}, number = {9}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s00706-019-02406-6}, pages = {1633 -- 1641}, abstract = {Ammonia-based selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems are the most widely used technology for reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from lean-burn engines such as diesel engines. However, at low exhaust temperatures, the SCR process is limited by difficulties in the decomposition of the ammonia precursor urea, which is carried on-board using an aqueous solution "AdBlue". In this study, the decomposition of AdBlue urea induced by electrical current and the resulting associated pH shifts were investigated in a divided cell configuration in the liquid phase. The decomposition was found to be favored in both electrochemical compartments, anodic and cathodic, at temperatures of 60-80 degrees C compared to a reference without electrochemical treatment. In addition to the determination of ammonia contents using an ammonia sensor, IC/HPLC analyses were carried out for each sample. Different side products such as biuret, nitrate, cyanuric acid, ammelide, and others were formed. In the anodic compartment, nitrate formation could be observed due to oxidation of ammonia at the electrode surface. [GRAPHICS] .}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MaeuleRabl, author = {M{\"a}ule, Paul and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Correlation of Oil Emissions with Particulate Emissions of Gasoline Engines}, series = {Internationales AVL-Forum Abgas- und Partikelemissionen, 20. und 21. Februar 2018, Ludwigsburg}, booktitle = {Internationales AVL-Forum Abgas- und Partikelemissionen, 20. und 21. Februar 2018, Ludwigsburg}, publisher = {AVL Deutschland}, address = {Mainz}, pages = {1 -- 9}, abstract = {Recent developments in exhaust gas legislation make it necessary to focus the research at the particulate emissions from gasoline engines and technologies for their reduction. In addition to the particulates resulting from the combustion of the fuel, the oil emissions represent another possible source for particulate emissions. This paper presents a measurement method which can be used to quantify stationary as well as dynamic oil emissions of gasoline engines. Furthermore, the correlation between the oil emissions and the particulate emissions is the focus of the investigations. Conventional methods for the determination of the oil emissions, such as the gravimetric and the volumetric measurement, are unsuitable since they require long engine operation times to provide useful results. These methods therefore do not allow a fast online measurements during the dynamic operation. For this reason, a new measuring method was used, which allows for a time-resolved online measurement of the oil emissions. This measurement method is based on the sulfur tracer method, which uses the sulfur that is naturally contained in the engine oil as a tracer. The sulfur concentration in the exhaust gas is determined by using an Ion-Molecule-Reaction mass spectrometer. The determination of the particulate emissions corresponds to the PMP regulation. The studies carried out under steady state and dynamic conditions show a clear correlation between the oil consumption and the number of particulates in the exhaust gas. In the case of the dynamic measurements it could also be shown that time-resolved measurements of the oil consumption are possible with the used measurement setup. In addition, it was shown that the number of particulates does not influence the measurement of the SO2-concentration. Furthermore, the different effects of burned and unburned oil emissions have been evaluated by the dosing of the oil into the exhaust gas. The overall conclusion of the measurements shows a strong influence of the oil emissions on the particulate emissions. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce the oil emissions. Possible approaches for this reduction can be improved turbocharger sealing concepts, new piston ring designs or more efficient oil separators for the crankcase ventilation system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KornexlRablMayeretal., author = {Kornexl, Michael and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Mayer, Wolfgang and Haluska, Peter and Ehrhard, Jan}, title = {Motorische Untersuchung einer Doppelstromturbine bei gezielter Variation von Einflussparametern}, series = {Ladungswechsel im Verbrennungsmotor 2017 : Elektrifizierung im Umfeld Ladungswechsel ; 10. MTZ-Fachtagung}, booktitle = {Ladungswechsel im Verbrennungsmotor 2017 : Elektrifizierung im Umfeld Ladungswechsel ; 10. MTZ-Fachtagung}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-22670-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-22671-8_9}, pages = {153 -- 172}, abstract = {Um die Leistungsmerkmale moderner Ottomotoren, hohe Nennleistung bei niedrigem Kraftstoffverbrauch einerseits und hohes Low End Torque bei dynamischem Ansprechverhalten andererseits, zu erreichen, stehen Abgasturbolader mit verschiedenen Turbinentypen zur Verf{\"u}gung. Dabei wird zwischen den Ausf{\"u}hrungen ein- und mehrflutige Turbine unterschieden. Je nach geometrischer Ausf{\"u}hrung der Flutentrennung wird bei den mehrflutigen Turbinen zwischen den Bauformen Zwillingsstrom- und Doppelstromturbine differenziert.}, language = {de} } @article{GaertnerRablZink, author = {G{\"a}rtner, Uwe and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Zink, Uwe}, title = {Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment of the Future}, series = {MTZ worldwide}, volume = {79}, journal = {MTZ worldwide}, number = {7-8}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s38313-018-0060-2}, pages = {70 -- 75}, language = {en} } @article{KuepperArtmannPischingeretal., author = {K{\"u}pper, Carsten and Artmann, Christina and Pischinger, Stefan and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Lube-Oil Dilution of Gasoline Direct-Injection Engines with Ethanol Fuels}, series = {MTZ worldwide}, volume = {74}, journal = {MTZ worldwide}, number = {9}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1007/s38313-013-0090-8}, pages = {64 -- 69}, language = {en} } @article{SchwanzerRablLodersetal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Loders, S. and Seifert, P. and Himmelstoss, S. and Gaderer, Matthias}, title = {Difference in the Tailpipe Particle Number by Consideration of Sub-23-nm Particles for Different Injection Settings of a GDI Engine}, series = {Emission control science and technology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Emission control science and technology}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, doi = {10.1007/s40825-019-0114-1}, pages = {7 -- 22}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristic of nanoparticles under consideration of sub-23-nm particles from a 1.8-l direct injection (DI) gasoline engine under stoichiometric air/fuel conditions in the exhaust gas system. For future CO2 challenges, the usage of DI-instead of port fuel injection (PFI)-gasoline engines is unavoidable. Therefore, a state of the art particle management program-particle number (PN) system, the Horiba SPCS (2100) with an integrated CPC (condensation particle counter), was recalibrated from a 50\% cutoff (D-50\%) at 23 nm down to a cutoff at 10 nm and the PCRF (particle concentration reduction factor) for sizes smaller than 23 nm was checked. Two different modal points, out of a representative Real Driving Emission (RDE) cycle, were investigated with both calibrations, D-50\%=10 nm and D-50\%=23 nm. For these different load points, the fuel pressure (FUP) and the start of injection (SOI) were varied, to represent the difference in the structure and the ratio conc((10 nm))/conc((23 nm)) of the nanoparticle emissions. The particle characterization includes the particle number (PN), the particle size distribution (PSD), and the particle mass (PM). The particle number was measured with Horiba SPCS (2100). The particle size distribution was analyzed with a Grimm differential mobility analyzer (DMA) in combination with a Faraday cup electrometer (FCE). Micro Soot and Pegasor were used to determine the PM, and an optical characterization was done with a 120-kV Phillips CM12 transmission electron microscope (TEM). The position of all particle measurement systems was downstream the three-way catalyst (TWC). The results of this investigation showed that a higher injection pressure decreases the PN (without consideration of sub-23-nm particles) in general. The ratio conc((10 nm))/conc((23 nm)) was therefore higher, because smaller particles, especially ash particles, were less reduced from the FUP. This means higher FUP tends to a higher ratio. For the SOI, the main reasons of the ratio differences were explained by an encroachment between the injection jet and the piston, the valve and the wall.}, language = {en} } @misc{AltmannRablGaderer, author = {Altmann, Robert and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Gaderer, Matthias}, title = {Ph{\"a}nomenologische Untersuchung des Einspritzverhaltens von Pflanzen{\"o}lkraftstoff}, series = {3. Tagung der Fuels Joint Research Group (FJRG) "Kraftstoffe f{\"u}r die Mobilit{\"a}t von Morgen"}, journal = {3. Tagung der Fuels Joint Research Group (FJRG) "Kraftstoffe f{\"u}r die Mobilit{\"a}t von Morgen"}, language = {de} } @misc{AltmannGadererRabl, author = {Altmann, Robert and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Pr{\"u}fstandsuntersuchungen an einem DEUTZ NRMM Motor mit Raps{\"o}lkraftstoff und Optimierung des Betriebs- und Emissionsverhaltens durch statistische Versuchsplanung}, series = {18. Internationaler Fachkongress "Kraftstoffe der Zukunft 2021" - digital \& international vernetzt!, online}, journal = {18. Internationaler Fachkongress "Kraftstoffe der Zukunft 2021" - digital \& international vernetzt!, online}, language = {de} } @article{WalterSchwanzerSteineretal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Steiner, Carsten and Hagen, Gunter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Mixing Rules for an Exact Determination of the Dielectric Properties of Engine Soot Using the Microwave Cavity Perturbation Method and Its Application in Gasoline Particulate Filters}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {9}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/s22093311}, pages = {1 -- 17}, abstract = {In recent years, particulate filters have become mandatory in almost all gasoline-powered vehicles to comply with emission standards regarding particulate number. In contrast to diesel applications, monitoring gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) by differential pressure sensors is challenging due to lower soot masses to be deposited in the GPFs. A different approach to determine the soot loading of GPFs is a radio frequency-based sensor (RF sensor). To facilitate sensor development, in previous work, a simulation model was created to determine the RF signal at arbitrary engine operating points. To ensure accuracy, the exact dielectric properties of the soot need to be known. This work has shown how small samples of soot-loaded filter are sufficient to determine the dielectric properties of soot itself using the microwave cavity perturbation method. For this purpose, mixing rules were determined through simulation and measurement, allowing the air and substrate fraction of the sample to be considered. Due to the different geometry of filter substrates compared to crushed soot samples, a different mixing rule had to be derived to calculate the effective filter properties required for the simulation model. The accuracy of the determined mixing rules and the underlying simulation model could be verified by comparative measurements on an engine test bench.}, language = {en} } @article{WalterSchwanzerHagenetal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Hagen, Gunter and Haft, Gerhard and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Modelling the Influence of Different Soot Types on the Radio-Frequency-Based Load Detection of Gasoline Particulate Filters}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {20}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {9}, publisher = {MDPI}, doi = {10.3390/s20092659}, pages = {1 -- 19}, abstract = {Gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) are an appropriate means to meet today's emission standards. As for diesel applications, GPFs can be monitored via differential pressure sensors or using a radio-frequency approach (RF sensor). Due to largely differing soot properties and engine operating modes of gasoline compared to diesel engines (e.g., the possibility of incomplete regenerations), the behavior of both sensor systems must be investigated in detail. For this purpose, extensive measurements on engine test benches are usually required. To simplify the sensor development, a simulation model was developed using COMSOL Multiphysics((R)) that not only allowed for calculating the loading and regeneration process of GPFs under different engine operating conditions but also determined the impact on both sensor systems. To simulate the regeneration behavior of gasoline soot accurately, an oxidation model was developed. To identify the influence of different engine operating points on the sensor behavior, various samples generated at an engine test bench were examined regarding their kinetic parameters using thermogravimetric analysis. Thus, this compared the accuracy of soot mass determination using the RF sensor with the differential pressure method. By simulating a typical driving condition with incomplete regenerations, the effects of the soot kinetics on sensor accuracy was demonstrated exemplarily. Thereby, the RF sensor showed an overall smaller mass determination error, as well as a lower dependence on the soot kinetics.}, language = {en} } @article{BrockKoderRabletal., author = {Brock, Damian and Koder, Alexander and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Touraud, Didier and Kunz, Werner}, title = {Optimising the biodiesel production process: Implementation of glycerol derivatives into biofuel formulations and their potential to form hydrofuels}, series = {Fuel}, volume = {264}, journal = {Fuel}, number = {March}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116695}, abstract = {A new biofuel concept is developed, enabling the usage of vegetable oils and glycerol derivatives in mixtures with biodiesel. This concept significantly enhances the biodiesel production's profitability and thus strongly contributes to the sustainability of future biofuels. After simple addition reactions with building block chemicals, less hydrophilic glycerol derivatives are obtained, which are compatible with biofuels. Even more, the products of the reactions of glycerol with acetone or butyric acid, referred to as solketal and tributyrin, respectively, lead to promising biofuels in mixtures with rapeseed oil and its biodiesel. Due to their low freezing points, they act as cloud and freezing point depressants, when added to vegetable oil/biodiesel blends. Further, since their viscosity is close to common biodiesel, biofuels containing high amounts of vegetable oil and even more glycerol derivatives than they arise during the biodiesel production can be obtained. Thus, this new class of biofuels enables adaptable compositions depending on the application and also the usage as drop-in fuel without any or just few percent of further additives. After optimising the formulations, ignition delay, exhaust gas recirculation, fuel consumption and combustion process measurements were performed in an unmodified upto-date diesel engine. The experiments showed that the properties of the formulated biofuels are either similar to or even better than diesel. The hydrotropy of the glycerol derivatives in these mixtures enables the potential to implement water into biofuels, so-called hydrofuels, reducing nitrogen oxide emissions and leading to further optimised dropin fuels.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KoderZacherlRabletal., author = {Koder, Alexander and Zacherl, Florian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Mayer, Wolfgang and Gruber, Georg and Dotzer, Thomas}, title = {Jatropha Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Modern Diesel Engines - Injection Characteristics and EGR-Compatibility}, series = {WCX 17: SAE World Congress 2017}, booktitle = {WCX 17: SAE World Congress 2017}, publisher = {SAE International}, doi = {10.4271/2017-01-5000}, abstract = {An effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) is to use rurally produced straight jatropha oil as a substitute for diesel fuel. However, the different physical and chemical properties of straight vegetable oils (SVOs) require a customized setup of the combustion engine, particularly of the injection timing and quantity. Therefore, this study demonstrates the differences in the injection and combustion processes of jatropha oil compared to diesel fuel, particularly in terms of its compatibility with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). A 2.2 l common-rail diesel engine with a two-stage turbocharging concept was used for testing. To examine the differences in injection rate shaping of diesel fuel and jatropha oil, the injector was tested with an injection rate analyzer using both the fuels. To investigate the combustion process, the engine was mounted at an engine test bench and equipped with a cylinder pressure indication system. All limited emissions, as well as fuel consumption, were measured. Various injection strategies, boost and rail pressure levels were tested at different EGR rates in terms of their impact on the combustion process. EGR in particular offers a great potential in the case of jatropha oil combustion due to its oxygen content. In addition, the investigation of injection rate shaping in combination with cylinder pressure analysis allowed a detailed thermodynamic evaluation of the combustion process. Ignition delay (ID) was also analyzed using a new method to calculate the start of combustion (SOC)}, language = {en} } @article{KoderSchwanzerZacherletal., author = {Koder, Alexander and Schwanzer, Peter and Zacherl, Florian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Mayer, Wolfgang and Gruber, Georg and Dotzer, Thomas}, title = {Combustion and emission characteristics of a 2.2L common-rail diesel engine fueled with jatropha oil, soybean oil, and diesel fuel at various EGR-rates}, series = {Fuel}, volume = {228}, journal = {Fuel}, number = {September}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2018.04.147}, pages = {23 -- 29}, abstract = {To investigate the combustion and emission behavior of straight vegetable oils (SVO), jatropha oil, soybean oil, and diesel fuel were tested. For this research, a 2.2L common-rail engine with a two-stage turbocharging concept was equipped with a cylinder pressure indication system, an exhaust-gas analyzer, an AVL Micro Soot sensor and a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer 3936 (SMPS) device to detect the particle-size-distribution (PSD). At a low and mid-load engine-operating point (EOP), the thermodynamic and emissions were investigated under various exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates with respect to the PSD. Moreover, the injection behavior of the three test fuels was analyzed separately using an injection rate analyzer. This procedure facilitates the thermodynamic investigations of the engine process and allows the calculation of the hydraulic delay (HD) as well as the ignition delay (ID). The ID of the SVO fuels compared to diesel fuel was found to be lower at all engine-operating modes, while jatropha oil always showed the shortest ID. In the particulate-nitrogen oxide (NOX) trade-off, the SVO fuels showed higher particulate matter (PM) emissions at the low-load EOP, whereas the PM emissions of diesel fuel overtop the SVO fuels at a higher engine load. With increased EGR-rates, a rise in the particle size was observed for all fuels. At the low-load EOP, the SVO fuels showed larger particles for high EGR-rates. This effect also changed by increasing the engine-load to the mid-load EOP, wherein the particle size of the diesel fuel emissions is higher by applying elevated EGR-rates.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KasparRabl, author = {Kaspar, Marcel and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Differenzierte Kohlenwasserstoffanalytik im Dieselabgas bei verschiedenen Motorbetriebszust{\"a}nden}, series = {12. FAD-Konferenz „Herausforderung - Agbasnachbehandlung f{\"u}r Dieselmotoren", 12, 2014, Dresden}, booktitle = {12. FAD-Konferenz „Herausforderung - Agbasnachbehandlung f{\"u}r Dieselmotoren", 12, 2014, Dresden}, publisher = {F{\"o}rderkreis Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien f{\"u}r Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FAD) e.V.}, pages = {45 -- 59}, abstract = {Die f{\"u}r Dieselfahrzeuge gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Grenzwerte bez{\"u}glich der Schadstoffkomponenten Kohlenwasserstoffe und Kohlenmonoxid k{\"o}nnen nur durch den Einsatz eines Diesel-Oxidationskatalysators erf{\"u}llt werden. Um erh{\"o}hte Emissionen infolge eines gesch{\"a}digten Katalysators zu vermeiden, gilt es, dieses abgasrelevante Bauteil auch w{\"a}hrend des Betriebes zu {\"u}berwachen. Die zuk{\"u}nftigen gesetzlichen Anforderungen an die {\"U}berwachung erfordern ein Verfahren das eine zuverl{\"a}ssige und hochgenaue Diagnose zul{\"a}sst. Deshalb entwickelt eine Forschungsgemeinschaft aus Industrieunternehmen und Hochschulen einen neuartigen Kohlenwasserstoffsensor zur hochgenauen Analyse von unverbrannten Kohlenwasserstoffen im Abgasstrang. Hierf{\"u}r ist die Kohlenwasserstoffzusammensetzung des Dieselabgases bei verschiedenen Motorbetriebszust{\"a}nden zu ermitteln. Zur differenzierten Untersuchung der Kohlenwasserstoffkomponenten wurde in der Arbeit ein Massenspektrometer eingesetzt, das mit chemischer Ionisation arbeitet. Anhand eines Abgasscreenings konnte eine Reihe von Kohlenwasserstoffen (Alkane, Alkene, Alkine, Alkadiene und aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe) identifiziert werden, die typisch f{\"u}r das Dieselabgas stehen. Die Molek{\"u}le Ethin, Ethen und Propen wurden gezielt betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei kalten Betriebsbedingungen diese drei Komponenten etwa die H{\"a}lfte der Gesamtkohlenwasserstoffkonzentration ergeben. Ein weiterer Punkt der Untersuchungen war die Diesel-Partikelfilter-Regeneration. Wie erwartet, lassen sich Kohlenwasserstoffmolek{\"u}le mit h{\"o}heren Massen feststellen, die auf unverbrannten Dieselkraftstoff zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Anhand der Ergebnisse zeigte sich.dass sich das mit chemischer Ionisation arbeitende Massenspektrometer hervorragend f{\"u}r ein Abgasscreening eignet. Zahlreiche Kohlenwasserstoffe konnten identifiziert werden, die repr{\"a}sentativ f{\"u}r das Dieselabgas stehen. Es sollten Molek{\"u}le bei verschiedenen Motorbetriebsbedingungen untersucht werden, die einen m{\"o}glichst großen Anteil an der Gesamtkohlenwasserstoffkonzentration besitzen. Die Auswahl fiel aufgrund der gemessenen Massenspektren, vor und nach dem Diesel-Oxidationskatalysator, auf die Komponenten Ethin, Ethen und Propen. Zudem kann bei diesen Molek{\"u}len eine Masseninterferenz mit anderen Abgaskomponenten ausgeschlossen werden. Im unteren Teillastbereich und kaltem Motor machen diese Kohlenwasserstoffe bis zu 50\%, gemittelt {\"u}ber alle Messstellen vor, im und nach dem Diesel-Oxidationskatalysator, der Gesamtkohlenwasserstoffkonzentration aus. Bei betriebswarmem Motor reduziert sich ihr Anteil auf ein Drittel Die h{\"o}chste Konzentration unter den drei Komponenten besitzt dabei Propen. Mit steigendem Drehmoment nimmt der Anteil dieser drei Komponenten fortlaufend ab,was daf{\"u}r spricht, dass Molek{\"u}le mit h{\"o}heren Massen einen h{\"o}heren Anteil einnehmen. Die Kohlenwasserstoff-Emissionen bewegen sich bei diesen Motorbetriebspunkten mit betriebswarmem Katalysator jedoch bereits bei sehr niedrigen Werten. W{\"a}hrend der untersuchten Diesel-Partikelfilter-Regeneration mit sp{\"a}ten Nacheinspritzungen zur Abgastemperaturerh{\"o}hung lassen sich Molek{\"u}le mit h{\"o}heren Massen nachweisen. Diese sind typisch f{\"u}r die Reinkomponente Dieselkraftstoff. Der Anteil von Ethin, Ethen und Propen an der THC-Konzentration betr{\"a}gt dann ca. 40\%.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KasparRablMayer, author = {Kaspar, M. and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Mayer, W.}, title = {Differenzierte Kohlenwasserstoffanalytik im Dieselabgas bei verschiedenen Motorbetriebszustaenden : Detailed hydrocarbon analysis of diesel exhaust gas at different engine operating conditions}, series = {12. FAD-Konferenz „Herausforderung - Agbasnachbehandlung f{\"u}r Dieselmotoren", 12, 2014, Dresden}, booktitle = {12. FAD-Konferenz „Herausforderung - Agbasnachbehandlung f{\"u}r Dieselmotoren", 12, 2014, Dresden}, publisher = {F{\"o}rderkreis Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien f{\"u}r Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FAD) e.V.}, address = {Dresden}, pages = {1 -- 35}, abstract = {Beitrag und Praesentationsmaterial eines Vortrags ueber differenzierende Kohlenwasserstoffanalytik im Dieselabgas bei verschiedenen Motorbetriebszustaenden. Mit einem neu entwickelten, hochgenauen HC-Sensor werden unverbrannte HC im Abgas untersucht. Die differenzierende Untersuchung erfolgt an einem Massenspektrometer, das mit chemischer Ionisation arbeitet. Die Molekuele Ethin, Ethen und Propen wurden gezielt betrachtet. Es zeigt sich, dass bei kalten Betriebsbedingungen diese drei Komponenten etwa die Haelfte der gesamten HC Konzentration ergeben. Ein weiterer Punkt ist die Regeneration des Dieselpartikelfilters.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KasparKleinerRabl, author = {Kaspar, Marcel and Kleiner, Florian and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Online-Analyse und Optimierung der Schmier{\"o}lverd{\"u}nnung bei direkteinspritzenden Ottomotoren}, series = {7. VDI-Fachtagung mit Fachausstellung Zylinderlaufbahn, Kolben, Pleuel : Baden-Baden, 03. und 04. Juni 2014}, booktitle = {7. VDI-Fachtagung mit Fachausstellung Zylinderlaufbahn, Kolben, Pleuel : Baden-Baden, 03. und 04. Juni 2014}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-18-092230-0}, pages = {65 -- 77}, abstract = {Bei Ottomotoren mit Direkteinspritzung besteht beim Kaltstart, den Warmlaufphasen und auch durch den Einfluss anderer Parameter wie z. B. des Einspritzzeitpunkts oder des Einspritzdrucks die Problematik, dass Kraftstoff an die Zylinderlaufbahn aufgetragen wird und sich mit dem Motor{\"o}l vermischen kann. Eine Verst{\"a}rkung dieses Kraftstoffauftrags ist unter anderem der Verschiebung der Motorbetriebspunkte zu h{\"o}heren Mitteldr{\"u}cken und damit einem Wirkungsgrad optimaleren Betrieb geschuldet. Eine Ver{\"a}nderung der physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Motor{\"o}ls durch die Verd{\"u}nnung mit Kraftstoff ist die Folge. Durch die Verringerung der Viskosit{\"a}t des Motor{\"o}ls kann es zu einer verminderten Schmierwirkung des {\"O}ls kommen, die im schlimmsten Fall zur Sch{\"a}digung des Motors f{\"u}hrt. Existierende Offline-Analysemethoden die zeitintensive Laboranalysen nach sich ziehen, als auch Online-Messverfahren die nicht den technischen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Genauigkeit und einer kurzen Messdauer entsprechen, stellen aktuell die einzigen Messmethoden zur Bestimmung der Schmier{\"o}lverd{\"u}nnung dar. Durch neue Entwicklungstrends bei Ottomotoren ist es jedoch unbedingt notwendig, die Mechanismen des Kraftstoffein- und -austrags in das und aus dem Motor{\"o}l genauer zu untersuchen. Mit der an der OTH Regensburg neu entwickelten Messtechnik wurde eine Vorgehensweise erarbeitet, mit der die zeitlichen Verl{\"a}ufe des Kraftstoffein- und -austragsverhaltens bei Ottomotoren quantitativ in kurzer Zeit bestimmt und optimiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Especially at cold start and the warm-up operation GDI engines have an issue with oil dilution. Parameters such as injection timing and injection pressure impact the entry of fuel in the engine oil as well. With the adjustment of engine operating points to higher mean effective pressures resulting in downsizing concepts also an additional increase of fuel entry occurs. Fuel gets into the oil pan and is mixed with the engine oil so that the physical and chemical properties of the engine oil are changed. With the reduction of engine oil viscosity due to fuel entry a reduced lubricating effect can be caused. In the worst case damage to the engine occurs, To determine oil dilution online and offline measurement methods exist. A rather long analysis time in the laboratory is a disadvantage of the offline methods. Online methods are not correlating with technical requirements in terms of accuracy and a short measurement time. New trends in the development of gasoline engines require investigations of fuel in oil sorption and desorption processes. A new measurement technique which is developed at the OTH Regensburg enables to determine quantitative fuel in oil sorption and desorption processes. With this technique a procedure was generated to measure the oil dilution at gasoline engines and optimize them in a short time.}, language = {de} } @article{KuepperArtmannPischingeretal., author = {K{\"u}pper, Carsten and Artmann, Christina and Pischinger, Stefan and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Schmier{\"o}lverd{\"u}nnung von direkteinspritzenden Ottomotoren unter Kaltstartrandbedingungen}, series = {MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift}, volume = {74}, journal = {MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift}, number = {9}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, doi = {10.1007/s35146-013-0208-1}, pages = {710 -- 715}, language = {de} } @article{KuepperArtmannPischingeretal., author = {K{\"u}pper, Carsten and Artmann, Christina and Pischinger, Stefan and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Lube-Oil Dilution of GDI Engines with Ethanol Fuels}, series = {Auto Tech Review}, volume = {3}, journal = {Auto Tech Review}, number = {3}, publisher = {Springer India}, address = {New Delhi}, doi = {10.1365/s40112-014-0570-5}, pages = {30 -- 35}, language = {en} } @article{ZacherlWopperSchwanzeretal., author = {Zacherl, Florian and Wopper, Christoph and Schwanzer, Peter and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Potential of the Synthetic Fuel Oxymethylene Ether (OME) for the Usage in a Single-Cylinder Non-Road Diesel Engine: Thermodynamics and Emissions}, series = {Energies}, volume = {15}, journal = {Energies}, number = {21}, publisher = {MDPI}, doi = {10.3390/en15217932}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:898-opus4-55350}, pages = {1 -- 26}, abstract = {Non-road sectors, such as agriculture and construction machinery, require high energy densities and flexibility in use, which is why diesel engines are mainly used. The use of climate-neutral fuels, produced from renewable energies, such as Oxymethylene Ether (OME) as a diesel substitute, can significantly reduce CO2 and pollutant emissions in these sectors. In addition to CO2 neutrality, OME also offers improved combustion characteristics compared to diesel fuel, eliminating the soot-NOx trade-off and thus enabling new opportunities in engine design and calibration. In this paper, the combustion of pure OME on a close-to-production, single-cylinder non-road diesel engine with a pump-line-nozzle injection system is analyzed. A variation of the center of combustion at constant power output was performed for diesel and OME at different operating points. Two injectors were investigated with OME. A study on ignition delay and a detailed thermodynamic analysis was carried out. In addition, the exhaust emissions CO, NOx, VOC, as well as particulate-matter, -number and -size distributions were measured. With OME, a significantly shorter ignition delay as well as a shortened combustion duration could be observed, despite a longer injection duration. In addition, the maximum injection pressure increases. VOC and CO emissions are reduced. Particulate matter was reduced by more than 99\% and particle number (>10 nm) was reduced by multiple orders of magnitude. The median of the particle size distribution shifts from 60 to 85 nm (diesel) into a diameter range of sub 23 nm (OME). A significant reduction of NOx emissions with OME enables new degrees of freedom in engine calibration and an efficiency advantage without hardware adaption.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltmannGebhardTroegeretal., author = {Altmann, Robert and Gebhard, J{\"u}rgen and Troeger, Adrian and Winkler, Markus and T{\"o}pfer, Georg and Remmele, Edgar and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Engine performance and emission analysis of a NRMM CI engine with common rail injection system operated with diesel fuel and rapeseed oil fuel}, series = {Proceedings of the 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium 2020/2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium 2020/2021}, editor = {Berns, Karsten and Dressler, Klaus and Kalmar, Ralf and Stephan, Nicole and Teutsch, Roman and Thul, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-29716-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-29717-6_16}, pages = {231 -- 242}, abstract = {The use of alternative fuels in high-power non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) combustion engines is a possible way to substitute fossil fuel. By using pure vegetable oil fuels, like rapeseed oil fuel (DIN 51605), the greenhouse gases can be reduced effectively. Due to the differences in physical and chemical properties, a modification of the engine control unit calibration is necessary to adapt the working process on the fuel. Without modifications, the engine power output with rapeseed oil fuel is lower than with diesel fuel because of the smaller energy content. By adapting the engine settings, like the injection fuel mass, the power loss can be compensated but it accompanies with a higher fuel consumption. The engine emissions at part load conditions show, that there are benefits in particle emissions by using rapeseed oil at similar NOx emissions. Therefore, a design of experiment setup was initiated on a selected engine operation point to determine the effects of further parameters, like rail pressure, manifold pressure and injection pattern, on the process and to see the potential of an optimized calibration.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MuehlbauerRablRottengruber, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Rottengruber, Hermann}, title = {Akustische Optimierung von mechatronischen Direkteinspritzsystemen und Analyse der Auswirkungen auf die Robustheit im Systembetrieb}, series = {Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik: 11. Magdeburger Symposium, Tagungsband}, volume = {11}, booktitle = {Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik: 11. Magdeburger Symposium, Tagungsband}, publisher = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t}, address = {Magdeburg}, doi = {10.25673/36611}, pages = {32 -- 51}, abstract = {The tightening of the emission legislation and political and social demands for sustainable mobility are forcing the automotive industry to develop complex, high precision mechatronic drive systems. The increasing precision of mechatronic components generally leads to an increase in structural excitation and thus to a rise in noise. The socalled ticking of the fuel injection system has a rather low sound pressure level compared to the residual engine noise. Nevertheless, the impulsive and high frequency noise character leads to a decline concerning the perception of comfort and sound quality. In order to identify the sound quality of fuel injection systems as a frontloading measure, a system test bench has been developed which represents the structureborne and airborne sound radiation of the stand-alone injection system in a close to series configuration. In this paper, measures for the acoustic optimization of injection systems and their effects on the robustness of the system are discussed. The focus is on engine idling, since at this operating point the ticking of the injectors and the high-pressure pump can be perceived most clearly due to the low masking effects of other noise sources. For this purpose, the injection parameters were measured during full engine operation and transferred to the system test bench. By using a special development control unit, it was possible to modify the parameters, quantify their influence on the acoustic behavior and, based on this, define NVH optimized control strategies. For the robustness evaluation of the NVH optimized control strategies, key functions of the injection system were analyzed under varying boundary conditions in system operation on an injection rate test bench.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchneiderMuehlbauerSittletal., author = {Schneider, Sebastian and M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Sittl, Christopher and Rottengruber, Hermann and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Wagner, Marcus and Verhey, Jesko L.}, title = {Tickerger{\"a}uschanalyse an einem Otto-DI-Motor mittels empirischer Bewertungsformel}, series = {Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik: 11. Magdeburger Symposium, Tagungsband}, booktitle = {Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik: 11. Magdeburger Symposium, Tagungsband}, editor = {Rottengruber, Hermann and Luft, Tommy and Schneider, Sebastian}, publisher = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t}, address = {Magdeburg}, isbn = {978-3-948749-02-6}, doi = {10.25673/36611}, pages = {65 -- 86}, abstract = {Beim Kauf eines Pkw wird der akustische Qualit{\"a}tseindruck eines Fahrzeugantriebstrangs stetig relevanter. Die wahrgenommene Ger{\"a}uschqualit{\"a}t des Motoraggregates nimmt hierbei eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle ein. Aufgrund der Auspr{\"a}gung einzelner St{\"o}rger{\"a}usche wird jene Ger{\"a}uschqualit{\"a}t negativ beeinflusst. Diese als unangenehm empfundenen Ger{\"a}uschkomponenten gilt es im Rahmen der Fahrzeugentwicklung weiter zu reduzieren, wobei die Identifikation und Bewertung st{\"o}render Ger{\"a}uschanteile am Motorgesamtger{\"a}usch Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r eine effektive Akustikoptimierung sind. Vor allem das impulshafte Tickerger{\"a}usch wird bei Otto-DI-Motoren als besonders l{\"a}stig eingestuft, weswegen dieser Beitrag darauf abzielt, die tickernden Ger{\"a}uschanteile aus dem Gesamtger{\"a}usch zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Hierzu wurde eine empirische Formel entwickelt, welche die tickernden Ger{\"a}uschanteile in ihrer Intensit{\"a}t in Grenzen einstufen kann. Diese ist rein empfindungsbasiert und besteht aus der Impulshaftigkeit, der Lautheit sowie der Sch{\"a}rfe des Motorgesamtger{\"a}usches. Wie auch bei anderen psychoakustischen Bewertungsskalen wurde die Benotung von 1 (sehr tickernd) bis 10 (nicht tickernd) vorgenommen. Anhand von H{\"o}rversuchen mithilfe einer Expertenjury konnte die Tickerger{\"a}uschbewertungsformel anschließend verifiziert werden. Hiernach kann pr{\"a}zise ausgesagt werden, in welchen Motorkennfeldbereichen das Tickerger{\"a}usch die Angenehmheit des Motorgesamtger{\"a}usches untergr{\"a}bt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RiegerMuehlbauerRabletal., author = {Rieger, Anna and M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Weber, Rainer}, title = {Dissonanz als Bewertungskriterium multi-tonalen Schalls}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020: 46. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020: 46. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, pages = {788 -- 791}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MuehlbauerRablRottengruber, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Christian and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Rottengruber, Herrmann}, title = {Development of a Methodology for Acoustic Analysis and Optimization of Mechatronic Fuel Injection Systems}, series = {Automotive Acoustics Conference 2019: Proceedings, 5. Internationale ATZ-Fachtagung Fahrzeugakustik}, booktitle = {Automotive Acoustics Conference 2019: Proceedings, 5. Internationale ATZ-Fachtagung Fahrzeugakustik}, editor = {Siebenpfeiffer, Wolfgang}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-27668-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-27669-0_15}, pages = {211 -- 225}, abstract = {To identify the sound quality of fuel injection systems as a frontloading measure, a system test bench has been developed that simulates the structure and airborne noise emission. The setup of the system test bench includes an assembly of the acoustical relevant engine parts and an encapsulated drive for the high-pressure pump. A specific control unit enables a high variability for the operation strategy of the injection system. The focus of this study is on the development of a methodology to analyze and optimize the sound quality of gasoline direct injectors in critical operation points by suitable active means. For this, the injection parameters in engine idle have been identified and subsequently transferred to the system test bench. Additionally, the injection parameters have been optimized acoustically and the impacts on the key functions regarding injection rating and shot-to-shot scattering of the injected fuel mass are discussed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RiegervanderParRabletal., author = {Rieger, Anna and van der Par, Steven and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Oetjen, Arne}, title = {The contribution of selected auditory sensations to the prediction of preference judgements for consonant and dissonant sounds}, series = {52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter Noise 2023), Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan, 20-23 August 2023}, booktitle = {52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter Noise 2023), Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan, 20-23 August 2023}, abstract = {Product sounds with clearly audible tonal components are often perceived as unpleasant or annoying. If different simultaneously operating aggregates are present in a system, for example vehicle engines and gearboxes, the interaction of tonal components, similar to music, can evoke additional sensations in human auditory perception. Supplementary to a pronounced tonality, such sounds can also yield distinct degrees of consonance or dissonance between tones. Previous studies showed that the perceived dissonance had a high impact on preference judgements for sounds with similar tonality. In experiments of the present study, sounds that differed in tonality were rated with respect to the auditory sensations sharpness, tonality and dissonance by one group of participants while another group only carried out a preference task. Thereout a model for predicting perceived preference is derived from the subjective judgements of auditory sensations. The performance of the preference predictions based on subjective udgements will be compared against purely model-based predictions using different algorithms for acoustic attributes.}, language = {en} } @article{WalterSchwanzerHagenetal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Hagen, Gunter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Soot Monitoring of Gasoline Particulate Filters Using a Radio-Frequency-Based Sensor}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {23}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {18}, publisher = {MDPI}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s23187861}, pages = {1 -- 19}, abstract = {Owing to increasingly stringent emission limits, particulate filters have become mandatory for gasoline-engine vehicles. Monitoring their soot loading is necessary for error-free operation. The state-of-the-art differential pressure sensors suffer from inaccuracies due to small amounts of stored soot combined with exhaust gas conditions that lead to partial regeneration. As an alternative approach, radio-frequency-based (RF) sensors can accurately measure the soot loading, even under these conditions, by detecting soot through its dielectric properties. However, they face a different challenge as their sensitivity may depend on the engine operation conditions during soot formation. In this article, this influence is evaluated in more detail. Various soot samples were generated on an engine test bench. Their dielectric properties were measured using the microwave cavity perturbation (MCP) method and compared with the corresponding sensitivity of the RF sensor determined on a lab test bench. Both showed similar behavior. The values for the soot samples themselves, however, differed significantly from each other. A way to correct for this cross-sensitivity was found in the influence of exhaust gas humidity on the RF sensor, which can be correlated with the engine load. By evaluating this influence during significant humidity changes, such as fuel cuts, it could be used to correct the influence of the engineon the RF sensor.}, language = {en} } @techreport{ZacherlWopperMieslingeretal., author = {Zacherl, Florian and Wopper, Christoph and Mieslinger, Johann and Peis, Michael and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben NAMOSYN: Nachhaltige Mobilit{\"a}t durch synthetische Kraftstoffe}, address = {Regensburg}, pages = {156}, abstract = {Im Labor f{\"u}r Verbrennungsmotoren und Abgasnachbehandlung der OTH-Regensburg sollten im Zuge des NAMOSYN-Projektes zwei Vertreter klimaneutraler Kraftstoffe an verschiedenen Systempr{\"u}fst{\"a}nden (Motor-, Einspritzpr{\"u}fstand, optisch zug{\"a}ngliche Einspritzkammer, …) und mit Hilfe von Simulationsmethoden f{\"u}r den Einsatz in bestehenden Verbrennungsmotoren untersucht werden. Synthetische Kraftstoffe aus der Gruppe der Oxymethylenether (OME) stellen eine CO2-neutrale Alternative zu fossilem Dieselkraftstoff dar. F{\"u}r Ottomotoren wurde untersucht, ob der synthetische Kraftstoff DMC/MeFo (Dimethylcarbonat \& Methylformiat) einen Ersatz f{\"u}r Ottokraftstoff darstellen kann, bzw. eine Drop-In-F{\"a}higkeit gegeben ist. Die OTH Regensburg bearbeitete 2 unabh{\"a}ngige Teilvorhaben zur motorischen Testung von synthetischen Kraftstoffen: „FC 1A: Motorische Testung von OME" und „FC 2: Untersuchung von C1-Oxygenaten f{\"u}r Ottomotoren". Die Projektlaufzeit betrug 3,5 Jahre, inkl. kostenneutraler Verl{\"a}ngerung um 6 Monate aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie. Im FC1A "AP2-Nachr{\"u}stung Dieselmotoren" der OTH Regensburg lag der Fokus auf der Erforschung der Potentiale und der Umr{\"u}stung eines Einzylinder-Dieselmotors mit Pumpe-Leitung-D{\"u}se-(PLD)-Einspritzsystem des Projektpartners Motorenfabrik Hatz GmbH und Co. KG f{\"u}r OME-Betrieb. Im AP2.1 wurden umfangreiche Daten gesammelt und Simulationsmodelle des Motors und PLD-Einspritzsystems erstellt und mit Dieselkraftstoff und OME validiert. Nachfolgend wurden Parameterstudien zur Geometrie des Einspritzsystems und der physikalischen Eigenschaften von OME durchgef{\"u}hrt. In AP2.2 und AP2.3 wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen an einem Motor- und Einspritzsystempr{\"u}fstand mit Diesel und OME durchgef{\"u}hrt und der Steuerger{\"a}tedatensatz f{\"u}r den OME-Betrieb optimiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Umstellung des Kraftstoffs auf OME, insbesondere bei einfachen Motoren mit rudiment{\"a}rer Einspritztechnik und ohne Mittel zur NOx-Reduzierung (keine AGR oder SCR), ein enormes Potenzial zur Steigerung des Wirkungsgrads bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung aller regulierten Schadstoffe (NOx, 𝑃N, 𝑃M, CO und 𝑉OC) er{\"o}ffnet. Die Ergebnisse und generierten Simulationsmodelle unterst{\"u}tzen eine schnelle Serienentwicklung und Einf{\"u}hrung von OME-Umr{\"u}stl{\"o}sungen. In FC 2 werden die vielversprechenden Kraftstoffe Methylformiat (MeFo) und Dimethylcarbonat (DMC) motorisch getestet. Untersuchungen am Kraftstoffsystem und wichtigen Komponenten dienen als Grundlage f{\"u}r das AP3. Im AP3 wird die Machbarkeit der DMC/MeFo-Verbrennung am Vollmotor demonstriert und die erwarteten Emissionsvorteile gegen{\"u}ber herk{\"o}mmlichen Ottokraftstoffen gezeigt. Abweichend von der urspr{\"u}nglichen Planung werden an der OTH Regensburg Kraftstoffblends aus Benzin und MeFo untersucht, um den Einsatzbereich des Kraftstoffs zu erweitern. In AP5 werden potentielle Mischungsverh{\"a}ltnisse analysiert und die Eigenschaften der ausgew{\"a}hlten Kraftstoffmischungen an einem Einspritzratenpr{\"u}fstand, an der Einspritzkammer und am Vollmotor untersucht. Es werden Einspritzverhalten, Gemischaufbereitung und Abgasemissionen bewertet. Zudem wird eine Kraftstoffmischanlage entwickelt und ein optischer Zugang am Vollmotor erm{\"o}glicht. Eine {\"O}lverd{\"u}nnungsmesstechnik wird eingesetzt, um den Kraftstoffeintrag ins Motor{\"o}l zu untersuchen}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RiegervandeParRabletal., author = {Rieger, Anna and van de Par, Steven and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Oetjen, Arne}, title = {Ein Ton macht noch keine Harmonie - Der Einfluss von Tonhaltigkeit und Dissonanz auf Pr{\"a}ferenzurteile}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 06.-09. M{\"a}rz 2023 in Hamburg}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 06.-09. M{\"a}rz 2023 in Hamburg}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V. (DEGA)}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-939296-21-8}, pages = {1167 -- 1170}, abstract = {Produkt- bzw. Maschinenger{\"a}usche mit deutlich h{\"o}rbaren tonalen Komponenten werden h{\"a}ufig als l{\"a}stig empfunden. Wenn zus{\"a}tzlich eine Interaktion mehrerer tonaler Komponenten in Ger{\"a}uschen stattfindet, was in realen Szenarien beispielsweise durch die {\"U}berlagerung tonaler Komponenten durch verschiedene Aggregate, wie Motoren und Getrieben, stattfindet, dann k{\"o}nnen Ger{\"a}usche unterschiedlich tonal, aber auch unterschiedlich konsonant und dissonant wahrgenommen werden. Vorangehende H{\"o}rexperimente haben gezeigt, dass die Dissonanz bei {\"a}hnlicher Tonhaltigkeit der Ger{\"a}usche einen großen Einfluss auf die Pr{\"a}ferenzurteile hat. Des Weiteren konnte bereits ein grundlegendes Empfindungsmodell f{\"u}r die "Dissonanz" sowie ein Pr{\"a}ferenz-Pr{\"a}diktor entwickelt werden, die die Subjektivdaten in hoher G{\"u}te vorhersagen konnten. In den hier vorgestellten Versuchen wurde das Zusammenspiel zwischen der empfundenen Tonhaltigkeit und der sich aus mehreren Tonkomponenten ergebenden Dissonanz auf die Pr{\"a}ferenzurteile untersucht. In der Analyse wird aufgezeigt, auf welche Weise und in welchem Umfang die wahrgenommene Ausgepr{\"a}gtheit der Tonhaltigkeit durch Interaktion mehrerer Tonkomponenten die allgemeine Ger{\"a}uschqualit{\"a}t beeinflusst. Da verschiedene Grade der Dissonanz nur durch die gleichzeitige Anwesenheit tonaler Komponenten entstehen k{\"o}nnen, ist das Zusammenspiel beider Gr{\"o}ßen bei der Bildung eines Pr{\"a}ferenzurteils von einer speziellen Natur. Dies wird sowohl bei der Modellierung der Interaktion beider Gr{\"o}ßen als auch im Vorhersagemodell der Dissonanz ber{\"u}cksichtigt.}, language = {de} } @article{EmbergerAltmannGebhardetal., author = {Emberger, Peter and Altmann, Robert and Gebhard, J{\"u}rgen and Thuneke, Klaus and Winkler, Markus and T{\"o}pfer, Georg and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Remmele, Edgar}, title = {Combustion characteristics of pure rapeseed oil fuel after injection in a constant volume combustion chamber with a non-road mobile machinery engine solenoid injector}, series = {Fuel}, journal = {Fuel}, number = {320}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123979}, abstract = {Pure rapeseed oil fuel (R100) according to standard DIN 51605 is a greenhouse gas saving option for the mobility sector. With its high energy density close to diesel fuel, R100 is suitable to operate non-road mobile machinery with a high power demand and long operating time, where electric drives reach their limits. Advantages are indicated for its use in environmentally sensitive areas like agriculture since R100 is highly biodegradable and non-toxic. However, R100 is characterised by differing physical and chemical properties compared to diesel. The objective of the research is to investigate the differences in the ignition and combustion behaviour of R100 compared to diesel fuel (DF). For this purpose, a constant volume combustion chamber is used, which is equipped with a modern solenoid injector for engines of non-road mobile machinery. The researched injector shows a different hydraulic behaviour when using R100 compared to DF in that the injected fuel mass is lower with R100 than with DF. In combination with the 14 \% by mass lower calorific value, less energy output is determined with R100. When varying the injection pressure, the impact on the ignition delay and combustion behaviour is much higher for R100 than for DF. Specifically, an increase of the injection pressure supports mixture preparation and thus partially compensates the differing physical properties of R100. The results of ignition delay measurements and net heat release analysis are as follows: At low load conditions with low injection pressure as well as a low combustion chamber temperature and pressure, R100 ignites later and shows a further delayed combustion compared to diesel. The opposite is observed for medium and high load conditions, where R100 ignites faster and without delayed combustion in comparison to DF. Thus, an adjustment of the heat release of R100 at the same level as for DF is possible by modifying the injection strategy. The research shows that for an optimised combustion of R100 the injection settings must be adjusted for every operation point separately. The results indicate how the injection parameters should be adjusted for different load conditions to realise a high-quality engine calibration for R100.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwanzerSchillingerMieslingeretal., author = {Schwanzer, Peter and Schillinger, Maximilian and Mieslinger, Johann and Walter, Stefanie and Hagen, Gunter and Maerkl, Susanne and Haft, Gerhard and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf and Gaderer, Matthias and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {A Synthetic Ash-Loading Method for Gasoline Particulate Filters with Active Oil Injection}, series = {SAR International Journal of Engines}, volume = {14}, journal = {SAR International Journal of Engines}, number = {4}, publisher = {SAE International}, issn = {1946-3936}, doi = {10.4271/03-14-04-0029}, pages = {493 -- 506}, abstract = {To reduce particulate emissions, the use of particulate filters in diesel engines is meanwhile state of the art, while the integration of such systems in gasoline engines is now also necessary in order to comply with today's regulations. Over its lifetime, a gasoline particulate filter (GPF) collects ash components of fuel, lubrication oil, and materials originating from the catalytic coating and from engine abrasion. In the development and application process, synthetic ashing from GPFs is challenging. The ash of the lubrication oil can be increased in various ways, like oil-doped fuel, a separate oil burner, or changes in the piston-cylinder system of the engine. However, these methods show major disadvantages. For this reason, an improved approach is presented in this study, which allows a quick response to changes in combustion (e.g., engine knocking) and producing ash, which is more realistic due to its primary particle size and the density of ash plugs, in a shorter time. Therefore, an approach to accelerate ash loading by active oil injection using a multi-point injection (MPI) system is introduced. With the help of this methodology, an ashing capacity of 1.21 g/h is implemented, which is a high rate compared to other investigations. The primary particle size (evaluated by means of a transmission electron microscope), is in the same size range as those detected at the full-load curve during regular operation. A computer tomographic (CT) analysis of the incinerated particulate filter also shows that a very high density of ash plugs can be realized, which has also been found in the literature for real applications. In addition, with the help of a mass spectrometer (MS) and an intermediate weighing of the particulate filter, the current ash loading of the GPF could be determined with an accuracy of 1\%.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RiegerOetjenvandeParetal., author = {Rieger, Anna and Oetjen, Arne and van de Par, Steven and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Geh{\"o}rbezogene Modellierung der Dissonanz}, series = {Tagungsband DAGA 2021: 47. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 15.-18. August 2021, Wien und Online}, volume = {47}, booktitle = {Tagungsband DAGA 2021: 47. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 15.-18. August 2021, Wien und Online}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, pages = {1034 -- 1037}, language = {de} } @article{WalterSchwanzerHagenetal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Hagen, Gunter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Combined Ash and Soot Monitoring for Gasoline Particulate Filters Using a Radio-Frequency-Based Sensor}, series = {Emission Control Science and Technology}, journal = {Emission Control Science and Technology}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s40825-023-00235-y}, pages = {9}, abstract = {Increasingly stringent emission limits have made particulate filters necessary for gasoline engines. Similar to diesel applications, gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) can be monitored by differential pressure measurement or by the radio-frequency-based filter diagnosis (RF sensor). In addition to measuring the soot loading, ash detection is critical for monitoring the GPF over the entire vehicle lifetime. Because the RF sensor detects the filter loading through a change in the dielectric properties of the GPF, it can detect not only soot but also ash. In diesel applications, the RF sensor has already demonstrated its potential for ash detection. To verify the feasibility of simultaneous ash and soot monitoring for GPFs, filters were loaded with ash on an engine test bench and measured on a lab test bench under defined synthetic exhaust gas conditions. By evaluating resonant modes, soot and ash could be clearly distinguished, as ash mainly affects the resonant frequency, while soot also changes the quality factor due to its high dielectric losses. However, higher soot loadings could not be detected by the resonant parameters, but instead by a frequency-averaged transmission signal. While the presence of ash caused an offset in this signal, its sensitivity to soot was not affected. Thus, the influence of ash can be corrected if the signal in the soot-free filter state is known, e.g., from the behavior of the resonant parameters. Therefore, even with a continuously increasing ash loading over the lifetime of a vehicle, an accurate soot detection is possible with the RF sensor.}, language = {en} } @misc{WalterSchwanzerHagenetal., author = {Walter, Stefanie and Schwanzer, Peter and Hagen, Gunter and Rabl, Hans-Peter and Dietrich, Markus and Moos, Ralf}, title = {Combined Ash and Soot Monitoring in Gasoline Particulate Filters with a Radio-Frequency-Based Sensor}, series = {SAE World Congress Experience, April 5-7, 2022, Detroit, Michigan, USA}, journal = {SAE World Congress Experience, April 5-7, 2022, Detroit, Michigan, USA}, abstract = {In recent years, it turned out that primarily the number of ultrafine particles and not their mass is relevant in terms of harmful health effects. Therefore, exhaust emission standards are constantly being tightened with regard to the particulate number. To meet the emission limits, particulate filters have become necessary for gasoline engines. Similar to diesel applications, gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) can be monitored via differential pressure measurement or via a radio-frequency approach (RF-sensor). The latter is based on the influence of the soot conductivity on the electromagnetic field. To control the GPF, ash detection is of crucial importance besides the soot load monitoring. With the differential pressure system, this is only possible with high uncertainties due to the low pressure increase caused by ash. The RF-sensor, however, has already demonstrated its potential for ash detection in diesel applications. In order to verify the applicability of the system for GPFs, filters were loaded via a method for fast ash loading. Thereby, it was shown that by evaluating resonant modes - especially the resonant frequency - the ash loading can easily be measured as long as the filter is soot-unloaded. In contrast, soot loading can be determined independently from this by considering a frequency-averaged transmission signal between the antennas of the RF-sensor. Using a setup for radio-frequency material characterization, the dielectric parameters of the generated ash were also measured. In comparison with the properties of the synthetic soot PrintexU, ash showed significantly lower dielectric losses. Thus, the evaluation of the loss-dependent quality factor, which is only possible at low soot loadings, allows a precise conclusion whether the filter is completely soot-free. Furthermore, using synthetic soot loading, it could be shown that soot detection via the averaged transmission signal is not affected by ash. In summary, it could be shown that with the RF-sensor, ash and soot can be simultaneously detected.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RiegerOetjenvandeParetal., author = {Rieger, Anna and Oetjen, Arne and van de Par, Steven and Rabl, Hans-Peter}, title = {Einfluss der Dissonanz auf die Wahrnehmung der Ger{\"a}uschqualit{\"a}t}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA 2022: 48. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 21. - 24. M{\"a}rz 2022, Stuttgart und Online}, volume = {48}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA 2022: 48. Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, 21. - 24. M{\"a}rz 2022, Stuttgart und Online}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V.}, address = {Stuttgart}, language = {de} }