@inproceedings{AltenbuchnerHaugMohretal.2017, author = {Amelie Altenbuchner and Sonja Haug and Christa Mohr and Ulrike Scorna and Karsten Weber}, title = {The impact of nurse advisors and online advice services on treatment adherence in multiple sclerosis (MS)}, booktitle = {7th Joint European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS), 25.-27.10.2017, Paris}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.ectrims-congress.eu/ectrims/2017/ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS2017/199863/amelie.altenbuchner.the.impact.of.nurse.advisors.and.online.advice.services.on.html}, year = {2017}, }