How to publish texts on OPUS?

OPUS allows users to publish full-text documents or just register bibliographical information in the university catalogue. The formatting of texts uploaded on OPUS should adhere to the standards of academic publishing. Documents are stored in a uniform, platform-independent format. OPUS accepts the following format types: pdf, pdf/a, jpg, gif, tif, mp3, mp4, avi, wav, mpeg, and zip. Most documents are stored as PDFs because that format currently offers many advantages. The maximum file size is 250 MB. If your file is larger, or if your document is in a different format, please contact us.

To upload your document, go to Publish. There you will be asked to select from a list of document types. Below you can upload your file or files. Next, read the terms of service and confirm that you have read them by checking the box. This brings you to the actual submission form. You will be asked to supply some information about your text, known as metadata, that essentially serves as the catalogue description and in other bibliographical indexes. Depending on the document type, some of the fields will be marked with an asterisk. These must be filled in.

Once you are done, a summary of the information you entered will appear. You now have three options: correct the information if needed, cancel the submission, or save your data. Saved information and uploaded texts will then undergo a formal review by university library staff before being published on OPUS.

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