@article{TurneyAlfandariTayloretal.2024, author = {Turney, Danielle and Alfandari, Ravit and Taylor, Brian J and Ghanem, Christian and Helm, Duncan and Killick, Campbell and Lyons, Olive and O'Leary, Donna and Ebsen, Frank and Bertotti, Teresa}, title = {Threshold Decisions in Social Work: Using Theory to Support Practice}, series = {The British Journal of Social Work}, journal = {The British Journal of Social Work}, publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)}, issn = {0045-3102}, doi = {10.1093/bjsw/bcae073}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Decision making is an intrinsic and complex aspect of social work practice, requiring consideration of diverse but connected aspects. Decisions are often required as to whether a situation requires protective state intervention or whether it reaches the criteria for public or charitable services. Such instances of deciding whether or not a situation is 'on one side of the line or the other' are referred to in this article as 'threshold judgements'. This article draws on experiences and material from a range of social work contexts to explore generalisable theory-informed understandings of 'threshold judgements' and 'threshold decisions' to develop knowledge and skills on this topic. The article outlines signal detection theory and evidence accumulation ('tipping point') theory and discusses these as ways to understand the key concepts underpinning threshold decisions in social work. We then argue that although these threshold concepts are a necessary part of decision making in social work, as in many other aspects of life, they are not sufficient. Operationalising such decisions requires some form of sense-making. Naturalistic decision making and heuristic models of judgement are discussed as frameworks for practice which seem to be useful in this context.}, language = {en} } @article{KenkmannGhanem2024, author = {Kenkmann, Andrea and Ghanem, Christian}, title = {'Successful Ageing' Needs a Future: Older Incarcerated Adults' Views on Ageing in Prison}, series = {Journal of Ageing and Longevity}, volume = {4}, journal = {Journal of Ageing and Longevity}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, issn = {2673-9259}, doi = {10.3390/jal4020006}, pages = {72 -- 82}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Demographic changes have led to an increase in older people in prisons. Whereas the rehabilitative process of younger offenders is geared towards their reintegration into the labour market, successful ageing should be a policy aim for older prisoners. This study explores how older incarcerated persons view their ageing. A qualitative study using a written survey with only the single question What does ageing in prison mean to you? was conducted in Bavaria, Germany. A total of 64 prisoners (61 male, 3 female) supplied answers varying in length from a few words to several pages. The thematic analysis revealed that together with health concerns, social relations and everyday activities, the uncertainty of the future was a central focus point for the older adults in prison. The authors propose that a positive vision of the future needs to be included in any model of successful ageing. If successful ageing is used as an aim for older prisoners, more attention needs to be paid to support interventions during and after the release process.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Bradl2024, author = {Bradl, Marion}, title = {Digital Immigrants - Digitale Grundbildung von Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte}, volume = {2024}, number = {1}, editor = {Lehmann, Robert}, address = {N{\"u}rnberg}, organization = {Institut f{\"u}r e-Beratung}, doi = {10.34646/thn/ohmdok-1590}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:92-opus4-15905}, pages = {1 -- 78}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung ver{\"a}ndert zunehmend die Lebens- und Arbeitswelten aller Menschen, digitale Kompetenzen sind zu einem entscheidenden Faktor gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe geworden. Menschen, die nicht {\"u}ber die notwendige digitale Ausstattung und/oder die notwendigen Kompetenzen verf{\"u}gen, drohen abgeh{\"a}ngt zu werden. Familien in sozio{\"o}konomisch weniger privilegierten Lagen haben eine ungleich schwerere Ausgangssituation. F{\"u}r (neu-)zugewanderte Menschen mit geringem Einkommen kann sich diese Disparit{\"a}t weiter versch{\"a}rfen, wenn weitere, migrationsbedingte Hemmnisse wie etwa fehlende Sprachkenntnisse die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zus{\"a}tzlich erschweren. Das Projekt „DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS - digitale Grundbildung f{\"u}r sozial benachteiligte Familien mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte", im Projektzeitraum 1.10.2020 bis 31.12.2023 gef{\"o}rdert durch das BAMF mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums des Inneren und f{\"u}r Heimat (BMI), zielte auf die Entwicklung innovativer Vermittlungskonzepte zur digitalen Grundbildung f{\"u}r die spezifischen Bedarfe von Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte. Erkenntnisleitend f{\"u}r die wissenschaftliche Begleitung war die Frage, f{\"u}r welche Zielgruppe(n) mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte der Zugang zu digitaler Teilhabe besonders erschwert ist und ob und in welcher Weise die identifizierten Bedarfe durch das Projektangebot von DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS nachhaltig gedeckt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Begleitforschung basierte auf einem multimethodischen Ansatz und einem Mix aus quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der Sozialforschung. Sie sah eine prozessorientierte Begleitung und Optimierung der Maßnahmen, den Nachweis der Wirksamkeit des Projektes und die kooperative Gewinnung neuer Erkenntnisse vor. Die Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung belegen einen großen Bedarf an digitaler Grundbildung bei (neu-)zugewanderten Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte in angespannten sozialen Lagen. Menschen aus besonders marginalisierten Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte verf{\"u}gen {\"u}ber ungleich schlechtere Zugangschancen zu digitalen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und {\"u}ber geringere digitale Kompetenzen im Vergleich zu Menschen aus sozio{\"o}konomisch besser gestellten Familien mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte. Der gr{\"o}ßte Bedarf an digitaler Grundbildung zeigte sich im Projektverlauf dabei bei erwachsenen Frauen mit Fluchtgeschichte. Die migrationsspezifischen Bedarfe der erwachsene Teilnehmer*innen lagen allen voran in den sprachlichen Herausforderungen, mit denen (Neu-)Zugewanderten konfrontiert sind. Diesen begegnete das Projekt durch eine umfassende {\"U}bersetzung der Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zur digitalen Grundbildung in Einfache deutsche Sprache - je nach Sprachlevel der Teilnehmer*innen erg{\"a}nzt durch herkunftssprachliche m{\"u}ndliche Ausf{\"u}hrungen der „Digi-Coaches", also der Coaches f{\"u}r digitale Grundbildung, die selbst Migrationshintergrund hatten und im Rahmen des Projektes zu Digi-Coaches ausgebildet wurden. Den Coaches gelang es, sprachliche Hemmschwellen deutlich abzubauen und ein Erlernen zentraler Begriffe und Themen der digitalen Grundbildung in einer einfachen deutschen Sprache parallel zu erm{\"o}glichen. Weit {\"u}ber die sprachliche Vermittlung hinaus nahmen die Peer-Coaches eine wichtige Vermittlungsrolle und Vorbildfunktion f{\"u}r die jugendlichen und erwachsenen (neu-)zugewanderten Teilnehmer*innen ein. Weitere zielgruppenspezifische Bedarfe lagen in der Schaffung eines niedrigschwelligen, sozialraum-orientierten und einfach zug{\"a}nglichen Kursangebotes, das Akteur*innen und Orte migrantischer Communities von Beginn an einbezieht und sie in ihrer Entwicklung hin zu zentralen Knotenpunkten eines kommunalen Peer-learning-Netzwerks zur digitalen Grundbildung unterst{\"u}tzt. Aufgrund z. T. 4 einschl{\"a}giger Diskriminierungserfahrung, die viele Teilnehmer*innen mangels deutscher Sprachkennt-nisse oder aufgrund ihrer Herkunft erlebt hatten, erwies sich die Herstellung eines angstfreien und gesch{\"u}tzten (Lern-)Raums außerhalb formaler Lernkontexte, Zw{\"a}nge und Hierarchien als weiteres entscheidendes Kriterium f{\"u}r die erfolgreiche Durchf{\"u}hrung. Das durchwegs positive Feedback der Teilnehmer*innen und die hohe Verbindlichkeit, Best{\"a}ndigkeit und Kontinuit{\"a}t an der Teilnahme der Maßnahmen an Wochenenden und Abenden bzw. in den Schulferien belegten die Attraktivit{\"a}t und Passgenauigkeit des Angebots. Das Schulungsangebot des Projektes DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS, das gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmer*in-nen entwickelt worden ist, setzt mit seinen Basis-Modulen zur digitalen Grundbildung auf ein umfassendes Konzept von Medienkompetenz - und damit nicht nur auf die reine Bedienf{\"a}higkeit von Computern, sondern auf ein m{\"u}ndiges und emanzipiertes Medienhandeln von Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen. Als modulhaft konzipiertes Schulungsangebot erwies sich das außerschulische und berufsbegleitende, non-formale Fortbildungsangebot sehr gut f{\"u}r den Transfer in andere Kommunen bzw. zu anderen Tr{\"a}gern geeignet. Eine Nachhaltigkeit ist bei den Kommunen und Tr{\"a}gern gew{\"a}hrleistet, die den haupt- und ehrenamtlichen Aufwand f{\"u}r die erfolgreiche Implementierung und Umsetzung des Peer-learning-Netzwerks zur digitalen Grundbildung langfristig tragen und die engagierten ehrenamtlichen Akteur*innen aus den Communities ad{\"a}quat unterst{\"u}tzen.}, subject = {Computerunterst{\"u}tzte Kommunikation; Psychosoziale Beratung; Onlineberatung; Migrationsberatung}, language = {de} } @article{MehrensRaiznerGaugler2022, author = {Mehrens-Raizner, Marie C. and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {Was kosten Lebensmittel unter Einbeziehung von Umwelt-Folgekosten?}, series = {Die Unternehmung}, volume = {76}, journal = {Die Unternehmung}, number = {2}, publisher = {Nomos Verlag}, issn = {0042-059X}, doi = {10.5771/0042-059X-2022-2-143}, pages = {143 -- 163}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die externen Umweltfolgekosten von Lebensmitteln in Deutschland zu quantifizieren, die w{\"a}hrend des Produktionsprozess sowie der vorgelagerten Lieferkette entstehen. Um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu kompensieren, sollten externe Effekte nach dem Verursacherprinzip der UN in allen Lebensmittelpreisen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Auf Basis einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche und in Anlehnung an die Methode von Fitzpatrick und Young (2017) werden die externen Kosten der deutschen Agrarproduktion im Jahr 2016 berechnet. W{\"u}rden Umweltfolgen der deutschen Lebensmittelproduktion und des Konsums wie Treibhausgase, vermeidbare Lebensmittelabf{\"a}lle und Biodiversit{\"a}tsverluste in die Preise einfließen, w{\"a}re nach unseren Berechnungen eine durchschnittliche Preiserh{\"o}hung von 43 \% auf der Einzelhandelsebene notwendig. Unsere Ergebnisse verdeutlichen das Ausmaß der aktuellen Fehlbepreisung und die damit verbundenen, dringenden Ver{\"a}nderungsbedarfe im Lebensmittelsektor.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Dernbach2023, author = {Dernbach, Beatrice}, title = {Das System Redaktion und seine Strukturen}, series = {Schl{\"u}sselwerke der Journalismusforschung}, booktitle = {Schl{\"u}sselwerke der Journalismusforschung}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {9783658258665}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25867-2_9}, pages = {105 -- 116}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @techreport{FrommEbingerHeymannetal.2024, author = {Fromm, Sabine and Ebinger, Frank and Heymann, Tiffany and Simon-Erhardt, Franziska}, title = {Zur Wohnsituation einkommensarmer Haushalte in N{\"u}rnberg}, doi = {10.34646/thn/ohmdok-1750}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:92-opus4-17508}, pages = {139}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ziel des Projektes ist es, die tats{\"a}chliche Wohnsituation von einkommensschwachen Haushalten in der Stadt N{\"u}rnberg empirisch zu erfassen. Als einkommensschwache Haushalte werden Haushalte in die Untersuchung aufgenommen, die Mindestsicherungsleistungen (MSL) beziehen sowie sogenannte Grenzhaushalte mit geringen Einkommen. Diese Haushalte werden im Rahmen der Studie hinsichtlich der aktuellen Wohnsituation untersucht, insbesondere in Hinblick auf den baulich-energetischen Sanierungszustand der Wohnung. Ferner sollte untersucht werden, ob hier m{\"o}gliche Unterschiede zwischen MSL-Haushalten und „Grenzhaushalten" existieren, um m{\"o}gliche sozialpolitische Erkenntnisse ableiten zu k{\"o}nnen. Schließlich untersucht die Studie auch, inwieweit sich m{\"o}gliche Sanierungsmaßnahmen auf die Wohnkosten und damit die finanzielle Gesamtbelastung der Haushalte auswirken. Methodisch wird ein Mixed-Methods-Ansatz gew{\"a}hlt, der drei unterschiedliche Forschungsans{\"a}tze kombiniert: (1) die Durchf{\"u}hrung von Fokusgruppen mit relevanten Akteuren aus Sozialverwaltung, Wohlfahrtspflege, Wohnungs- und Energiewirtschaft, (2) eine standardisierte Befragung von Haushalten mit Bezug von Mindestsicherungsleistungen bzw. Wohngeld und (3) eine Analyse von Erhebungsdaten aus dem kommunalen Projekt „EnergieSparProjekt (ESP)". Die Ergebnisse der Studie liefern eine wichtige und differenzierte empirisch basierte {\"U}bersicht zu den Wohnverh{\"a}ltnissen einkommensschwacher Haushalte in N{\"u}rnberg, die bisher in dieser Form noch nicht vorlag.}, language = {de} } @article{TissotSowa2024, author = {Tissot, Anna Xymena and Sowa, Frank}, title = {(In)Visibility and the smartphone: Experiencing homelessness as dictated by urban figurations of social control}, series = {Mobile Media \& Communication : special issue}, volume = {12}, journal = {Mobile Media \& Communication : special issue}, number = {2}, issn = {2050-1587}, doi = {10.1177/20501579231214898}, pages = {293-309}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This contribution sheds light on how people experiencing homelessness in Germany make sense of an app designed with them in mind and whether using it would be of benefit to them. However, it must be acknowledged that the app has yet to be developed. "Urban figurations of social control," a term we use to refer to the social conditions of homelessness in Germany, give rise to a significant loss of trust as well as a state of vulnerability, feelings of loneliness, and limited agency for people experiencing homelessness. Drawing on a group discussion with 12 people experiencing homelessness that took place in Germany in 2019, our findings demonstrate that the respondents project particular fears and desires onto the use of the potential app. Whenever they fear surveillance and institutional control, they wish to be invisible to the app. On the other hand, their desire to access resources and information (food, places to sleep, housing) and to meet with peers in order to create meaningful social relationships requires their visibility. Thus, navigating between visibility and invisibility by way of a smartphone involves situationally and strategically constructing a safe environment for their digital participation, helping them to reduce their vulnerability and loneliness and restore their agency. Moreover, in that the app is used as a means of rendering assistance to homeless people (and highlighting the grievances associated with this) that is visible to others, the respondents challenge the current framing of homelessness. The supposed system of help is revealed to be the social problem itself.}, language = {en} } @article{MichalkeKoehlerMessmannetal.2023, author = {Michalke, Amelie and K{\"o}hler, Sandar and Messmann, Lukas and Thorenz, Andrea and Tuma, Axel and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {True cost accounting of organic and conventional food production}, series = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, volume = {408}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, number = {137134}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137134}, pages = {13}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Agriculture is one of the world's biggest polluters. Consumers are misled towards demand of unsustainable and inadequately priced food products by an insufficient internalization of externalities. Shifting demand towards more sustainable dietary choices can lead to a sustainable transition of agri-food networks. In this study, we evaluate environmental damage economically: we combine environmental assessment of different food products with the internalization of their monetary impacts. Life Cycle Assessments are modeled for conventional and organic foods and different production scenarios. The quantified environmental impacts are combined with True Cost Accounting to adjust food prices according to their environmental impacts. Using this framework for 22 German agricultural products, we find that on average, crop production generates externalities of about €0.79 per kg for conventional and about €0.42 for organic products. Conventional milk and eggs cause additional costs of about €1.29 per kg on average in organic systems and about €1.10 in organic ones. Conventional and organic meat generate externalities of €4.42 and €4.22 per kg, respectively, with beef generating the highest costs of all. The environmental favorability of organic products is confirmed, but the resulting organic market prices after internalization still exceed conventional prices. Externalities represent a negative impact on societal welfare, which should be addressed by policies supporting transparent pricing approaches.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SeidelOebelSteinetal.2023, author = {Seidel, Felix and Oebel, Benjamin and Stein, Lennart and Michalke, Amelie and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Monetarisierung externer Gesundheitskosten von Lebensmitteln}, editor = {Seidel, Felix}, publisher = {Dr. K{\"o}ster}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-96831-055-265}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Quantification and subsequent monetization of dietary externalities is essential to incentivise healthier and more sustainable diets. In this way, positive monetary incentives can be set for under-consumed foods such as fruits or whole grain products and negative monetary incentives for overconsumed foods such as red or processed meat. This not only promotes a shift to healthier diets, but also motivates a move towards a more ecological agricultural economy.}, language = {de} } @article{OebelMichalkeStollKleemannetal.2024, author = {Oebel, Benjamin and Michalke, Amelie and Stoll-Kleemann, Susanne and Gaugler, Tobias and Stein, Lennart}, title = {Towards true prices in food retailing}, series = {Sustainability Science}, volume = {11}, journal = {Sustainability Science}, number = {3}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s11625-024-01477-7}, pages = {18}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Current crises (i.e., climate crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the resulting energy and food shortages) indicate the need for robust, and sustainable supply chains with regional food production and farmland to secure food supply in the European Union (EU). Recent research shows that organic food is more resilient to supply chain disruptions and price fluctuations. In this context, we examine an approach for the sustainable and resilient transformation of agri-food networks: can an adaptation of value added tax (VAT) levels work as a financial incentive to amplify resilient agricultural practices and sustainable dietary patterns? Within the setting of the amendment of the European framework directive on the use of VAT in 2022, we model the effects of adapting the current German VAT system by (1) reducing VAT on organic vegetarian food to 0\% and (2) raising VAT on conventional meat and fish to 19\%. Based on historical data on organic sales shares and price elasticities, we project sales shares differentiated by product group for each scenario. Then, we calculate expected tax revenues, changes in consumption patterns, and arising total external climate costs in Germany for both scenarios. Our results show that the overall consumption share of organic food would increase by 21.83\% due to the modeled VAT reform compared to the status quo. Despite the VAT reduction to 0\% on organic vegetarian products, the measure would yield €2.04 billion in extra tax revenues in Germany per year due to the increased taxation on conventional meat products. We find that annual environmental costs of €5.31 billion can be avoided as a result of lower external climate costs of organic and vegetarian food. Therefore, adjusting VAT rates in the food market can be a political instrument to drive organic food consumption and reduce animal livestock. This supports re-territorialization of agriculture and a more sustainable and resilient European food supply.}, language = {en} } @article{SteinMichalkeGaugleretal.2024, author = {Stein, Lennart and Michalke, Amelie and Gaugler, Tobias and Stoll-Kleemann, Susanne}, title = {Sustainability Science Communication}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {16}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {9}, editor = {Stein, Lennart}, doi = {10.3390/su16093842}, pages = {20}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Anthropocene, marked by human-induced climate change, necessitates urgent action to address climate goals and respect planetary boundaries. While sustainability research provides knowledge, the first challenge lies in communicating the findings in an adequate manner to the public and several stakeholders, such as economic and political actors. Therefore, this study explores the significance of science communication in sustainability science, focusing on a case study—the True Cost Accounting (TCA) campaign by the University of Greifswald, Technical Institute of Nuremberg, and German retailer PENNY. TCA herein serves as a transparency tool, economic incentive, and discussion basis for sustainable consumption. This study investigates consumer perceptions of ecological prices of foods through a face-to-face survey during the 2023 PENNY campaign, comparing results to an informational campaign carried out in 2021. Findings indicate a high awareness of the true cost campaign in 2023, with 50.8\% of participants hearing about it. Consumers' willingness to pay true costs and potential behavior changes were explored. In comparison to results from the informational campaign of 2021, customers showed a decrease in this WTP when the true prices would actually impact their spending, indicating an attitude-behavior gap. In addition, a willingness to reduce the consumption of animal foods—if TCA was implemented—of 60.5\% was determined, suggests that TCA has the potential for sustainable behavior change. This study highlights factors that influence consumer attitudes and preferences regarding the inclusion of TCAs, such as environmental, social, and animal welfare costs. Customers' understanding of increased prices like, in this case, the compensation for environmental and social costs—is an argument in favor of true prices. The results emphasize the need for differentiated scientific communication strategies to bridge knowledge and action gaps in sustainability science.}, language = {en} } @article{SchlipfStrieglGaugler2024, author = {Schlipf, Matthias and Striegl, Bastian and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {Climate true-cost analysis of industrial goods and its regulatory implications on value chains and global competition}, series = {Journal of Industrial Ecology}, volume = {28}, journal = {Journal of Industrial Ecology}, number = {3}, editor = {Schlipf, Matthias}, doi = {10.1111/jiec.13469}, pages = {589-602}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Climate change and its damaging consequences for ecology and humanity is advancing. Industry and its metals sector are responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions. Current costs of industrial goods do not reflect the true costs caused by the externalized climate damages of its production and thus offer no competitive incentive to decarbonize. Additionally, regional climate regulation can lead to competitive distortion. We therefore aim to investigate the impact of climate cost internalization on the metals industry. Using true-cost analysis for an exemplary and widely used metal product, the effects of climate true costs depending on production region, technology, and energy mix, CO2e taxation and value chain are examined. Based hereon, the impact of internalizing climate true costs together with the introduction of a carbon-border tax on the carbon leakage problem, climate protection, and the cost situation for companies in global competition are investigated. The results of the study show that steel and wire production is responsible for most CO2e emissions showing significant decarbonization effects by steel recycling whereas production location and logistics play a minor role. On a competitive level, cost internalization has hardly any effect on the product costs because of the currently low CO2e-taxation rates. Thus, almost no incentive to produce or consume in a climate-protective way is generated, incentivizing production in pollution havens versus highly climate regulated regions. Instead, to realize emission efficiency gains and innovations leading to a competitive advantage of decarbonized products and value chains, a significant increase of CO2e-taxation rates together with a carbon-border tax is necessary.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Dernbach2020, author = {Dernbach, Beatrice}, title = {Ern{\"a}hrung als Medienthema}, series = {Ern{\"a}hrungskommunikation}, booktitle = {Ern{\"a}hrungskommunikation}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {9783658273156}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-27315-6_15-1}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @incollection{DernbachSchuetzenederGrassl2022, author = {Dernbach, Beatrice and Sch{\"u}tzeneder, Jonas and Graßl, Michael}, title = {Kreativ, fordernd, vielf{\"a}ltig einsetzbar: Podcasts als Kompetenz-Training der Journalismusausbildung}, series = {Podcasts}, booktitle = {Podcasts}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {9783658387112}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-38712-9_13}, pages = {333 -- 355}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{MichalkeKoehlerMessmannetal.2023, author = {Michalke, Amelie and K{\"o}hler, Sandra and Messmann, Lukas and Thorenz, Andrea and Tuma, Axel and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {True cost accounting of organic and conventional food production}, series = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, volume = {408}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, issn = {0959-6526}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137134}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Agriculture is one of the world's biggest polluters. Consumers are misled towards demand of unsustainable and inadequately priced food products by an insufficient internalization of externalities. Shifting demand towards more sustainable dietary choices can lead to a sustainable transition of agri-food networks. In this study, we evaluate environmental damage economically: we combine environmental assessment of different food products with the internalization of their monetary impacts. Life Cycle Assessments are modeled for conventional and organic foods and different production scenarios. The quantified environmental impacts are combined with True Cost Accounting to adjust food prices according to their environmental impacts. Using this framework for 22 German agricultural products, we find that on average, crop production generates externalities of about €0.79 per kg for conventional and about €0.42 for organic products. Conventional milk and eggs cause additional costs of about €1.29 per kg on average in organic systems and about €1.10 in organic ones. Conventional and organic meat generate externalities of €4.42 and €4.22 per kg, respectively, with beef generating the highest costs of all. The environmental favorability of organic products is confirmed, but the resulting organic market prices after internalization still exceed conventional prices. Externalities represent a negative impact on societal welfare, which should be addressed by policies supporting transparent pricing approaches.}, language = {en} } @incollection{EbingerRoesselSuitter2022, author = {Ebinger, Frank and R{\"o}ssel, Hannes and Suitter, Jessica}, title = {Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerke in der Metropolregion N{\"u}rnberg als Ansatz f{\"u}r CSR-Maßnahmen}, series = {CSR in S{\"u}ddeutschland}, booktitle = {CSR in S{\"u}ddeutschland}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-662-61958-2}, issn = {2197-4322}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-61959-9_24}, pages = {363 -- 379}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{MichalkeSteinFichtneretal.2022, author = {Michalke, A. and Stein, L. and Fichtner, R. and Gaugler, T. and Stoll-Kleemann, S.}, title = {True cost accounting in agri-food networks: a German case study on informational campaigning and responsible implementation}, series = {Sustainability Science}, volume = {17}, journal = {Sustainability Science}, number = {6}, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, issn = {1862-4065}, doi = {10.1007/s11625-022-01105-2}, pages = {2269 -- 2285}, year = {2022}, abstract = {AbstractThere is broad scientific consensus that current food systems are neither sustainable nor resilient: many agricultural practices are very resource-intensive and responsible for a large share of global emissions and loss of biodiversity. Consequently, current systems put large pressure on planetary boundaries. According to economic theory, food prices form when there is a balance between supply and demand. Yet, due to the neglect of negative external effects, effective prices are often far from representing the 'true costs'. Current studies show that especially animal-based foodstuff entails vast external costs that currently stay unaccounted for in market prices. Against this background, we explore how informational campaigning on agricultural externalities can contribute to consumer awareness and tolerance of this matter. Further, we investigate the socially just design of monetary incentives and their implementation potentials and challenges. This study builds on the informational campaign of a German supermarket displaying products with two price tags: one of the current market price and the other displaying the 'true' price, which includes several environmental externalities calculated with True Cost Accounting (TCA). Based on interpretations of a consumer survey and a number of expert interviews, in this article we approach the potentials and obstacles of TCA as a communication tool and the challenges of its factual implementation in agri-food networks. Our results show that consumers are generally interested in the topic of true food pricing and would to a certain extent be willing to pay 'true prices' of the inquired foods. However, insufficient transparency and unjust distribution of wealth are feared to bring about communication and social justice concerns in the implementation of TCA. When introducing TCA into current discourse, it is therefore important to develop measures that are socially cautious and backed by relevant legal framework conditions. This poses the chance to create a fair playing ('polluter pays') with a clear assignment of responsibilities to policy makers, and practitioners in addition to customers.}, language = {en} } @article{SeubeltMichalkeGaugler2022, author = {Seubelt, Nadine and Michalke, Amelie and Gaugler, Tobias}, title = {Influencing Factors for Sustainable Dietary Transformation}, series = {Foods}, volume = {11}, journal = {Foods}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, issn = {2304-8158}, doi = {10.3390/foods11020227}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In a case study of Germany, we examine current food consumption along the three pillars of sustainability to evaluate external factors that influence consumers' dietary decisions. We investigate to what extent diets meet nutritional requirements (social factor), the diets' environmental impact (ecological factor), and the food prices' influence on purchasing behavior (economic factor). For this, we compare two dietary recommendations (plant-based, omnivorous) with the status quo, and we examine different consumption styles (conventional, organic produce). Additionally, we evaluate 1446 prices of food items from three store types (organic store, supermarket, and discounter). With this, we are able to evaluate and compare 30 different food baskets along their health, environmental, and economic impact. Results show that purchasing decisions are only slightly influenced by health-related factors. Furthermore, few consumers align their diet with low environmental impact. In contrast, a large share of consumers opt for cheap foods, regardless of health and environmental consequences. We find that price is, arguably, the main factor in food choices from a sustainability standpoint. Action should be taken by policy makers to financially incentivize consumers in favor of healthy and environmentally friendly diets. Otherwise, the status quo further drives especially underprivileged consumers towards unhealthy and environmentally damaging consumption.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BayuEbingerBerhan2022, author = {Bayu, Fitsum Getachew and Ebinger, Frank and Berhan, Eshetie}, title = {Integrating Sustainability Measures and Practices in the Ethiopian Industrial Parks}, series = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {9783030937119}, issn = {1867-8211}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-93712-6_18}, pages = {262 -- 276}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Sustainable performance demands to show a sustained competitive advantage that lasts a long period. "Industrial Parks" is now the gateway to sustainable development, especially in the least developing countries like Ethiopia, for example. The industrial parks are highly attracting foreign direct investment and working for the inclusive development of the country. Though this is a good start, the capability is at an initial stage and needs support in terms of their performance towards creating a sustainable operation. Based on the evidence of both theoretical and empirical literature findings, this study paper conducted a review and identified the sustainability measures and practices from which it tries to filter the key capability measures and practices for the Ethiopian industrial parks. For integrating the identified practices and measures, as a methodological approach, the theory of dynamic capability process is considered, encompassing sensing, learning, and transforming the cyclic loop. Practices and measures are incorporated in each process of dynamic capability pillars. A conceptual model was developed as the final output showing the holistic map of the integrated sustainability measures and practices. The measures and practices identified will fully support the sustainable growth and decision process of the industrial park operation. It also adds value to the body of knowledge in industrial sustainability in special economic zones.}, language = {en} } @article{GoshimeKitawEbingeretal.2022, author = {Goshime, Yichalewal and Kitaw, Daniel and Ebinger, Frank and Jilcha, Kassu}, title = {Developing an improved reverse engineering adoption model towards the improvement of performance in metal engineering industries}, series = {African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development}, volume = {15}, journal = {African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development}, number = {1}, publisher = {Informa UK Limited}, issn = {2042-1338}, doi = {10.1080/20421338.2022.2037178}, pages = {89 -- 106}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This research aims to develop an improved model that promotes reverse engineering /RE/ practice in metal engineering industries (MEIs). RE is one cost-effective technology transfer /TT/ and innovation method that improves organizational performance. However, only a few scholars have written on the adoption of RE models, and no one has contextualized TT and innovation models as a means to adopt RE practice. Methodology: Primarily, the study conducted a systematic literature review based on previous works to develop a conceptual model for RE adoption. To do this, the researchers conducted an intensive literature review and identified factors contributing to the model. Contextualizing TT and innovation factors and models within the new RE adoption model is also a significant part of the work. After a comparative analysis, the researchers developed the improved RE adoption model that enhances the performance of MEIs. Finding: The majority of previous related literature focuses on RE hardware, with only a few authors acknowledging the soft aspects, i.e., managerial and legal issues of RE practice. Besides, no authors contextualized factors of TT and innovation within the RE adoption. In this study, the researchers identified and clustered RE adoption factors as organizational, technological, managerial, and resource-based from previous RE adoption models and contextualization of TT and innovation adoption factors. Originality: To the best of the writers' knowledge, no previous authors have contextualized TT and innovation models within the adoption of RE. However, such models have a substantial impact on adopting the practice. Hence, the researchers developed an improved model by examining and contextualizing the existing models that can impact MEI performance through improving product, process, and technological capabilities.}, language = {en} } @article{BeshahWoldecherkosEbinger2022, author = {Beshah, Birhanu and Woldecherkos, Mesfin Demissie and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {National quality infrastructure: Resources, Services, and collaboration-oriented capability assessment framework}, series = {International Journal of Business Excellence}, volume = {1}, journal = {International Journal of Business Excellence}, number = {1}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1756-0047}, doi = {10.1504/ijbex.2022.10050862}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper aims to review the existing national quality infrastructure (NQI) capability assessment approaches and ultimately develop a more inclusive framework that addresses all components of NQI. Therefore, the study reviewed previous efforts and noticed that most of them lack comprehensiveness or focus on a few NQI elements and use few indicators readily available online. Therefore, this study addresses these issues and allows future researchers to consider this conceptual model for NQI capability assessment. Accordingly, the study review documents focused on NQI capability collected from different sources. Backward and forward literature searches were conducted to identify additional and up-to-date documents. Finally, content analysis was performed on selected literature to identify the possible NQI capability indicators. The identified indicators were further simplified and segregated into five NQI categories: standardisation, metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment, and the regulatory system. And three NQI capability alternatives: resources, services, and collaboration. Figure 1 shows the framework. Table 1, Figures 3, 4 and 5 summarise and depict each capability assessment indicator under the five capability categories and three alternatives. Therefore, this framework is used as an index to assess the capability of the NQI system.}, language = {en} } @article{GebremariyamKitawEbinger2022, author = {Gebremariyam, Yichalewal Goshime and Kitaw, Daniel and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {Reverse engineering as a driver to enhance productivity and technological capability of manufacturing firms in developing countries: a literature review}, series = {International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development}, volume = {14}, journal = {International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development}, number = {3}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1753-1942}, doi = {10.1504/ijtlid.2022.125686}, pages = {221 -- 241}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This research deals with the role of reverse engineering (RE) in enhancing productivity (product quality and processing time improvements) and technological capability (TC). Using a systematic reviewing approach, the authors investigated and raised novel debating concepts, i.e., the controversy between advocates and opponents concerning the role of RE and the legality issues. The review process revealed the absence of a holistic definition that can address the state-of-the-art, and the impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) to adopt RE practice. The researchers believe that the new definition of RE is helpful to understand the comprehensive role of the practice and to fill the knowledge gap by convincing opponents about RE not as theft but as a driver to transfer knowledge and technology. The research also recommends how the bottlenecks on the legality issues can be resolved through the revision of IPRs from the context of developing countries (DCs).}, language = {en} } @article{EbingerButtkeKreimeier2022, author = {Ebinger, Frank and Buttke, Livia and Kreimeier, Julian}, title = {Augmented and virtual reality technologies in education for sustainable development: An expert-based technology assessment}, series = {TATuP - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Technikfolgenabsch{\"a}tzung in Theorie und Praxis}, volume = {31}, journal = {TATuP - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Technikfolgenabsch{\"a}tzung in Theorie und Praxis}, number = {1}, publisher = {Oekom Publishers GmbH}, issn = {2567-8833}, doi = {10.14512/tatup.31.1.28}, pages = {28 -- 34}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digitalization in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD) has gained attention in the last decade. In particular, technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) offer new ways to deliver educational content on sustainable development by simulating real-world experiences and using immersive and interactive formats for learning. Using an explorative qualitative research approach, the benefits of AR and VR technologies in the context of ESD are assessed. The results of a first expert panel show that AR and VR technologies are particularly suitable for sustainability topics when an understanding of action and the transfer of knowledge and values are to be promoted among learners.}, language = {en} } @article{ClouetFreierSenghaas2022, author = {Clouet, Hadrien and Freier, Carolin and Senghaas, Monika}, title = {Which capital do you mobilise? How bureaucratic encounters shape jobseekers' social and cultural capital in France and Germany}, series = {Critical Social Policy}, volume = {42}, journal = {Critical Social Policy}, number = {4}, publisher = {SAGE Publications}, issn = {0261-0183}, doi = {10.1177/02610183221084082}, pages = {695 -- 715}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Based on participant observations in the French and German public employment services (PES), this article proposes a new way of analysing bureaucratic encounters following Bourdieu's capital theory. We show that caseworkers who are supposed to support jobseekers into employment, force the allegedly needy jobseekers to accumulate capital, but only in its cultural or social form, and never both at the same time. While there are national differences in the accumulation process, the findings highlight the coexistence of two different strategies: accumulation of cultural capital for a long-term and stable return to employment or accumulation of social capital for a short-term and temporary access to employment. Caseworkers attribute different importance to each type of capital, which results in an uneven distribution that reproduces inequalities through social policy services.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Freier2022, author = {Freier, Carolin}, title = {Metaphernanalyse als Methode in der Organisationsforschung}, series = {Die Praxis der systematischen Metaphernanalyse}, booktitle = {Die Praxis der systematischen Metaphernanalyse}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {9783658361204}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36121-1_12}, pages = {147 -- 159}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{DemissieDugaBeshahetal.2022, author = {Demissie, Mesfin and Duga, Abdi and Beshah, Birhanu and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {CALIDENA methodology for quality infrastructure service assessment and improvement in wheat value chains}, series = {International Journal of Quality and Innovation}, volume = {6}, journal = {International Journal of Quality and Innovation}, number = {2}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1756-6975}, doi = {10.1504/ijqi.2022.122313}, pages = {162 -- 189}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wheat is one of Ethiopia's most important cereal crops in terms of the area of land allocated, the volume produced, and the number of farmers engaged in its production. About 4.7 million farmers produce 3.9 million tons of wheat across 1.6 million hectares of land. Despite the significant potential of the country, some challenges exist to attain wheat self-sufficiency. These challenges spread across the wheat value chain (WVC); wherein quality-related issues are prominent. Therefore, assessing the national quality infrastructure (NQI) service and offering mitigation schemes is a goal to pursue. To do so, this paper evaluates NQI services in the WVC and proposes an improvement mechanism using the CALIDENA methodology. Results show WVC is subjected to a significant number of quality-related issues mainly associated with conformity assessment service (calibration, certification, inspection, and testing) and standards. Finally, the paper concludes with recommendations for NQI service improvement to improve the WVC.}, language = {en} } @article{ButtkeRoesselEbinger2022, author = {Buttke, Livia and R{\"o}ssel, Hannes and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {Risikoanalyse nach den Anforderungen des deutschen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes}, series = {{\"O}kologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift}, volume = {37}, journal = {{\"O}kologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift}, number = {3}, editor = {Weder, Franzisca and Krainer, Larissa and Karmasin, Matthias}, publisher = {Oekom Publishers GmbH}, issn = {1430-8800}, doi = {10.14512/OEW370327}, pages = {27 -- 30}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Gestaltung von Lieferketten hat zahlreiche Implikationen f{\"u}r die Nachhaltigkeit von Unternehmensprozessen. Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz soll hier einen positiven Beitrag leisten. Durch die Anwendung der Risikoanalyse werden Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, das Gesetz konsequent umzusetzen.}, language = {de} } @article{EbingerBerhanBayu2022, author = {Ebinger, Frank and Berhan, Eshetie and Bayu, Fitsum}, title = {Dynamic capabilities for socio-economical sustainability management: evidence from international clothing firms in Ethiopia industrial zones}, series = {International Journal of Business Excellence}, volume = {1}, journal = {International Journal of Business Excellence}, number = {1}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1756-0047}, doi = {10.1504/ijbex.2022.10050078}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper introduces the strategic micro-foundational construct of dynamic capabilities and explores their causal relationship with socio-economical sustainability variables by considering relational capabilities and focusing on the external environment as a mediating factor. The study used a case study approach targeting export-oriented international clothing firms investing in the industrial zones of Ethiopia. Primary data were gathered for the measurement variables and presented with descriptive and multivariate statistics. Moreover, a system dynamics model was applied to model the dynamic relationship and understand the dynamic capability growth for socio-economical sustainability. The findings show that the firm's accumulated operational capabilities have not significantly influenced socio-economical sustainability. However, a firm's dynamic capabilities to sense, seize, and reconfigure sustainability requirements from the external environment through relational capabilities were more influential. In this regard, it was understood that the firms have a good opportunity to adopt a dynamic capability-driven strategic management approach for sustainable development.}, language = {en} } @article{DemissieBeshahEbinger2022, author = {Demissie, Mesfin and Beshah, Birhanu and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {A comprehensive review of the national quality infrastructure framework}, series = {International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management}, volume = {37}, journal = {International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management}, number = {3}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1746-6474}, doi = {10.1504/ijpqm.2022.126933}, pages = {361 -- 383}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Scholars define national quality infrastructure (NQI) differently. However, the basic components and scopes are similar. NQI is a less explored topic with few studies conducted, therefore, this paper is instated to provide insight. With this in mind, the paper reviewed basic concepts, components, and the interrelationship among the NQI components. Moreover, NQI development models, benefits, and challenges are also included in the review. Different literature from different sources dealing with NQI was collected and reviewed. Findings showed that NQI represents the peculiar and joint application of all its components including technical regulation and intellectual property rights. However, the presence, functionality, and international and regional integration of each NQI component determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. This ultimately promotes trade, innovation, and growth. Finally, besides the effort made by different NQI affiliated international and regional organisations to promote the concept, this review also strengthens the efforts to make NQI more visible.}, language = {en} } @article{BayuBerhanEbinger2022, author = {Bayu, Fitsum Getachew and Berhan, Eshetie and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {Sustainability at the firm-level: review and case driven exploration}, series = {International Journal of Sustainable Society}, volume = {14}, journal = {International Journal of Sustainable Society}, number = {2}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1756-2538}, doi = {10.1504/ijssoc.2022.124860}, pages = {104 -- 134}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The challenge to integrate, measure, and report sustainability at the firm level has been frequently discussed in theory and practice. However, there is still a limitation on narrowing the sustainability concept at the firm level and addressing the challenges in a holistic approach encompassing the economic, social, and environment triple bottom lines and firm strategic management. This study explores firm-level sustainability through a systematic literature review followed by a case study exploration. Based on the review findings, key measuring dimensions were identified to frame sustainability at the firm level. The dimensions were further explored, taking a country case of large-scale industrial firm zones in Ethiopia. Critical economic, social, environmental sustainability and strategic management concerns are systematically identified and discussed. Finally, a conceptual sustainability assessment framework was proposed to support firm-level sustainability measuring and reporting, which could be considered a steppingstone for the sustainable development of Ethiopia's industrial park.}, language = {en} } @article{Freier2021, author = {Freier, Carolin}, title = {Beratung im Aktivierungsparadigma}, series = {Soziale Passagen}, volume = {13}, journal = {Soziale Passagen}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, issn = {1867-0180}, doi = {10.1007/s12592-021-00375-4}, pages = {115 -- 134}, year = {2021}, abstract = {ZusammenfassungBeratung im Jobcenter unterscheidet sich von anderen Beratungssituationen u. a. durch den Abschluss einer Eingliederungsvereinbarung. Dies sind rechtsverbindliche Vertr{\"a}ge zwischen Jobcenter und Arbeitsuchenden, die das Prinzip „F{\"o}rdern und Fordern" in der aktivierenden Sozialpolitik umsetzen sollen. Eingliederungsvereinbarungen werden insbesondere kritisch diskutiert, da in ihnen die Elemente des Forderns betont und gleichzeitig die Arbeitsinteressen und Lebensbed{\"u}rfnisse der Arbeitssuchenden nur partiell eingebracht werden. Ob die Eingliederungsvereinbarung eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt, um das Fordern in der Beratungssituation zu verankern, untersucht der Beitrag unter den Bedingungen eines Feldexperimentes. Darin wurden der Einsatz der Eingliederungsvereinbarung und die M{\"o}glichkeit, auf ihrer Basis zu sanktionieren, zuf{\"a}llig variiert. Interaktionsbeobachtungen und semistrukturierte Interviews mit Beratungspersonal und Arbeitsuchenden werden im Anschluss an die Rahmenanalyse sowie den dramaturgischen Ansatz von Erving Goffman analysiert. Der Beitrag zeigt: Ob das Beratungsgespr{\"a}ch eher fordernd oder unterst{\"u}tzend angelegt ist, wird weniger durch den Abschluss oder Nichtabschluss der Eingliederungsvereinbarung beeinflusst, sondern vielmehr durch die Rahmung des Beratungsgespr{\"a}chs und das „impression management" Arbeitsuchender.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Freier2021, author = {Freier, Carolin}, title = {Den digitalen Wandel in der Sozialwirtschaft gestalten}, series = {Gegenwart und Zukunft sozialer Dienstleistungsarbeit}, booktitle = {Gegenwart und Zukunft sozialer Dienstleistungsarbeit}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {9783658325558}, issn = {2569-2127}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-32556-5_1}, pages = {1 -- 25}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Besch{\"a}ftigte der Sozialen Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege stehen vor Chancen und gleichzeitig Risiken des digitalen Wandels. Technologien in diesen personenbezogenen sozialen Dienstleistungen bringen spezielle Spannungsfelder mit sich, wie etwa soziale Teilhabe und auch Spaltung. Um die Chancen f{\"u}r die Sozialwirtschaft fruchtbar zu machen, sollten daher Besch{\"a}ftigte wie Adressat*innen systematisch in die Technik-Entwicklungen einbezogen werden, um sowohl Professionskriterien als auch ethischen Implikationen den n{\"o}tigen Stellenwert zu geben. Diesen Ideen widmet sich der Beitrag und f{\"u}hrt inhaltlich in den vorliegenden Band ein.}, language = {de} } @article{FreierSenghaas2021, author = {Freier, Carolin and Senghaas, Monika}, title = {Placement Advisors as Innovators}, series = {Journal of Social Policy}, volume = {51}, journal = {Journal of Social Policy}, number = {1}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, issn = {0047-2794}, doi = {10.1017/s0047279420000744}, pages = {155 -- 172}, year = {2021}, abstract = {AbstractEmployees of the public employment services (PES) are street-level bureaucrats who shape activation policy on the ground. This paper examines how PES staff use enhanced discretion in an innovation project carried out by the German Federal Employment Agency. Applying a bottom-up perspective, we reconstruct PES employees' logic of action and the dilemmas they face in improving counselling and placement services. According to our findings, placement staff use enhanced discretion to promote more individualised support and an adequate matching of jobseekers and employers. The use of discretion is framed by organisational norms and reward mechanisms and by the current labour market situation. Our analyses are based on qualitative interviews and group discussions with placement staff.}, language = {en} } @article{FreierSenghaas2021, author = {Freier, Carolin and Senghaas, Monika}, title = {Arbeitsvermittlung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Abbildbarkeit. Wie Vermittlungsfachkr{\"a}fte Entscheidungsspielr{\"a}ume nutzen}, series = {Soziale Welt}, volume = {72}, journal = {Soziale Welt}, number = {2}, publisher = {Nomos Verlag}, issn = {0038-6073}, doi = {10.5771/0038-6073-2021-2-113}, pages = {113 -- 138}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Dieser Artikel untersucht, wie Besch{\"a}ftigte in Agenturen f{\"u}r Arbeit zus{\"a}tzliche Entscheidungsspielr{\"a}ume in der Arbeitsvermittlung nutzen und dabei Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik als Street-Level Bureaucrats umsetzen. Anhand der Analyse qualitativer Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen mit Vermittlungsfachkr{\"a}ften rekonstruieren wir, dass Vermittlungsfachkr{\"a}fte ihre Entscheidungsspielr{\"a}ume einsetzen, um Individualit{\"a}t und Vertrauen in der Beziehung mit Arbeitsuchenden zu bef{\"o}rdern. Wir argumentieren, dass die Nutzung der Entscheidungsspielr{\"a}ume nicht allein von Ambiguit{\"a}ten politischer oder organisationaler Vorgaben gepr{\"a}gt ist: Sich wandelnde Organisationsziele, die Erweiterung von Entscheidungsspielr{\"a}umen der Vermittlungsfachkr{\"a}fte sowie die Situation am Arbeitsmarkt, so unsere Schlussfolgerung, bef{\"o}rdern eine Ausrichtung auf eine nachhaltige Arbeitsvermittlung.}, language = {de} } @article{DemissieTsegayeBeshahetal.2021, author = {Demissie, Mesfin and Tsegaye, Dagne and Beshah, Birhanu and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {Quality infrastructure services capability assessment in the coffee value chain}, series = {International Journal of Quality and Innovation}, volume = {5}, journal = {International Journal of Quality and Innovation}, number = {2}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, issn = {1756-6975}, doi = {10.1504/ijqi.2021.117189}, pages = {158 -- 180}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Coffee generates about 25\%-30\% of total export and securing about 15 million people's livelihoods in Ethiopia. But, it has several quality issues. Studies show a total of 272 million USD of which 99\% is due to the non-conformance cost of the export product incurred annually. This justifies mitigating quality problems in the sector is important. Therefore, to deal with this issue coffee quality related data were collected from Ethiopian National Quality Infrastructure Institutions (ENQI) and Coffee Quality Inspection and Certification Association (CLU). Eighteen experts purposively selected from both institutes were asked to associate quality service with defects. Finally, lack of accreditation has the highest contribution followed by conformity and metrology with a share of 83.3\%, 75\%, and 54\% for defects points. Moreover, issues like control of temperature and humidity in storage and transport, lack of soil nutrition testing, inspection performance, and commitment to standards implementation are issues that needs to be improved.}, language = {en} } @article{Freier2021, author = {Freier, Carolin}, title = {Zusammenfassung oder Vertrag?}, series = {Bl{\"a}tter der Wohlfahrtspflege}, volume = {168}, journal = {Bl{\"a}tter der Wohlfahrtspflege}, number = {1}, publisher = {Nomos Verlag}, issn = {0340-8574}, doi = {10.5771/0340-8574-2021-1-37}, pages = {37 -- 39}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Arbeitsvermittler*innen im Jobcenter sollen mit Arbeitsuchenden eine Eingliederungsvereinbarung abschließen. Der mit diesem {\"o}ffentlich-rechtlichen Vertrag verbundene Beratungsprozess beinhaltet die Chance einer kooperativen Erarbeitung von Zielen, jedoch auch die Gefahr, bestehende Machtasymmetrien zu zementieren.}, language = {de} } @article{EbingerOmondi2020, author = {Ebinger, Frank and Omondi, Bramwel}, title = {Leveraging Digital Approaches for Transparency in Sustainable Supply Chains}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {12}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, issn = {2071-1050}, doi = {10.3390/su12156129}, year = {2020}, abstract = {With the growing global interdependence of companies, their scope of responsibility for the environmental, social, and human rights impacts associated with their activities is also growing. In this context, companies are increasingly held accountable for social and ecological issues that lie within the sphere of action of their suppliers and sub-suppliers. They are thus faced with the challenge of meeting these demands for transparency, traceability, and compliance with standards in their Supply Chains (SCs). Based on the theoretical framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Transparency (SSCT) in Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), this conceptual article aims at initiating the discussion on digitalization in SSCM. Therefore, a heuristical research framework, based on relevant fields in the management of sustainability oriented transparency (governance, cooperation and partner selection, traceability/tracking, and strategic and operational risk assessment) is developed. In relation to these fields, consequently, data-driven digital approaches are identified to which potentials for SSCT and control can be attributed. This initial analysis of existing digital approaches already shows that the market is developing dynamically, but is driven more by individual initiatives. In many cases, the approaches used so far are still in the trial phase or offer only limited solutions. Therefore, this paper contributes by giving an overview of the current application of the digitalization approaches in SSCM pinning our discussion on SSCT dimensions.}, language = {en} } @article{DametewBeshahEbinger2020, author = {Dametew, Alie Wube and Beshah, Birehanu and Ebinger, Frank}, title = {The challenges and practice of metal industries into global supply chain integration}, series = {Cogent Engineering}, volume = {7}, journal = {Cogent Engineering}, number = {1}, editor = {Zhou, Zude}, publisher = {Informa UK Limited}, issn = {2331-1916}, doi = {10.1080/23311916.2020.1762523}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The objective of this study was to investigate the current research practices and existing progress research published on supply chain management and supply chain integration in an attempt to provide a research agenda for future investigations. Mainly the secondary data analysis and methods employed for the investigations. Particularly a systematic literature review analysis from 115 papers published from 16 important journals in the supply chain, logistics, Industrial management \& data systems, supply chain management: an international journal and operations management during the period 1997 to 2018 was employed. This paper has identified relevant supply chain integration research studies that have contributed to the development and growth of manufacturing industries performance and competitiveness to the SCI and SCM fields. The analysis of the relevant articles gaps and miss-concepts in the previous literature provides to reduce universality and insufficient ordinary view, confusion of supply chain integrations were investigated. The gaps and investigations were done based on their methodological porches, objectives, analysis and research finding. Mainly the gaps, miss concepts and challenges concepts in the previous literature were identified and grouped in five issues. Moreover, the gaps and recommendations for future research are consolidated into a research agenda that provides practitioners to evaluate existing SCI \& SCM issues and seek ways to develop a conceptual farm work on SCI of manufacturing industries to global supply chains.}, language = {en} } @article{Freier2020, author = {Freier, Carolin}, title = {Wandel sozialwirtschaftlicher Arbeitswelt}, series = {Sozialwirtschaft aktuell}, volume = {30}, journal = {Sozialwirtschaft aktuell}, number = {18}, publisher = {Nomos Verlag}, issn = {1619-2427}, doi = {10.5771/1619-2427-2020-18-1-1}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @techreport{RoyFahnoeFarrieretal.2023, author = {Roy, Alastair and Fahn{\o}e, Kristian and Farrier, Alan and Heinrich, Marco and Kronb{\ae}k, Mette and Sowa, Frank}, title = {How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of homeless young people and welfare services in three European cities}, address = {Nuremberg/Copenhagen/Preston}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:92-opus4-18477}, pages = {3 -- 98}, year = {2023}, abstract = {At the beginning of the year 2020, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 reached Europe. European countries implemented restrictions on movement and public life in order to contain its spread. The pandemic, as well as these policy responses, altered everyday lives for people all over Europe. This research explores effects of the pandemic on the everyday lives and lived realities of homeless young people in three cities in different countries: Nuremberg (Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Manchester (United Kingdom). We focus on young people between the ages of 18 and 29 who have experienced homelessness. In addition, we explore how three different social welfare organisations worked to provide practical and emotional support to homeless young people during the pandemic.}, language = {en} }