Solving clustered low-rank semidefinite programs arising from polynomial optimization

  • We study a primal-dual interior point method specialized to clustered low-rank semidefinite programs requiring high precision numerics, which arise from certain multivariate polynomial (matrix) programs through sums-of-squares characterizations and sampling. We consider the interplay of sampling and symmetry reduction as well as a greedy method to obtain numerically good bases and sample points. We apply this to the computation of three-point bounds for the kissing number problem, for which we show a significant speedup. This allows for the computation of improved kissing number bounds in dimensions 11 through 23. The approach performs well for problems with bad numerical conditioning, which we show through new computations for the binary sphere packing problem.

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Author:Nando Leijenhorst, David de Laat
Parent Title (English):Mathematical Programming Computation
Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2024
Page Number:32
First Page:503
Last Page:534
Mathematical Programming Computation :MPC 2024 - Issue 3
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