@phdthesis{Hettich2020, author = {Hettich, Alexander}, title = {Extending the research on service management - essays on choice, automation and quality measurement in the service environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6594}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Article 1: Despite the proliferation of healthier side items for children at fast food restaurants, many parents still do not make healthy choices for their children in this setting. The goal of this research is to identify the parents most likely to do so and develop an intervention to nudge these parents toward making healthier choices in retail outlets. Across four field studies conducted in a retail environment (i.e., locations of a fast food restaurant chain), the authors predict and find that parents with a high tendency to engage in social comparison and a malleable view of the self are most likely to conform to the norm in their parental social network. Given that the norm in the population studied is to order a less healthy side item (e.g., fries) versus a healthy side item (e.g., fruit), conforming results in significantly less healthy orders for the children of these individuals. The authors demonstrate that a social norm-based intervention designed to set a new healthy norm in this retail environment succeeded in increasing the overall proportion of parents that chose a healthy side item by over 29\% by increasing the choice of healthy sides specifically for these individuals. The authors conclude with a discussion of implications for theory, retail managers, and policy makers. Article 2: Despite the popularity of Mystery Shopping (MS) to assess service performance relatively little research has been conducted on the practice. This article extends the research on Mystery Shopping by evaluating drivers and moderators of employee performance at Mystery Shopping checks. To do so, based on the results of in-depth interviews with 24 employees of a fast-food chain and existing theoretical knowledge, a model of employee performance at MS checks was developed. The developed model was then evaluated applying structural equitation modeling techniques. For this purpose, data of more than 200 employees from 9 different restaurants of the fast food restaurant chain were collected. Where perceived goal importance is identified as a direct driver of employee performance at Mystery Shopping checks results show that the effect of Job Satisfaction on MS performance is mediated by the satisfaction with MS as a service measurement tool and moderated by organizational commitment. Results further show that incentives are only effective under certain conditions to increase employee performance at Mystery Shopping checks. Article 3: Technologies that enable customers to produce services on their own (SSTs) have found their way into service delivery routines. The successful deployment of SSTs depends critically on employees' attitudes toward the technologies, because their attitudes determine their willingness to use and introduce the SSTs to customers. A negative attitude toward SSTs instead can lead to employees' dissatisfaction and generally poorer performance. Despite the importance of employees' attitudes towards SSTs, relevant theoretical contributions are limited. This article addresses this lack of research. It introduces a holistic model of how employees' attitudes toward SSTs form. Based on 30 in-depth interviews with frontline employees the model proposes that attitude formation towards SSTs depends on the perceived influence of SST deployment on job security, customer orientation, work design, and technological dependence. Second, by compiling practical findings from two different industries, this study identifies some moderating effects, according to the conditions for the SST deployment. Two key moderators influence the strength and even the direction of the effects of employees' attitudes toward SSTs: employees' job class and the level of automation implied by SSTs. Based on the conceptualized model this study offers managerial implications with regard to the successful introduction of SSTs, from an employee perspective. It also highlights some pertinent tactics, depending on the SST deployment condition, for improving employees' attitudes toward SSTs.}, subject = {Fast Food}, language = {mul} } @phdthesis{Zanker2020, author = {Zanker, Peter}, title = {Vermittler - Bewahrer - W{\"a}chter. Orientierungen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern im Themenfeld Kultur}, doi = {10.17904/ku.opus-654}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6540}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, pages = {294 Bl{\"a}tter}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Auf Grundlage welchen Kulturbegriffs die Lehrkr{\"a}fte innerhalb des Deutschunterrichts der Grundschule handeln, ist zentrales Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit. Mit Hilfe von Gruppendiskussionen fragt die Studie nach implizitem Wissen der Lehrer*innen im Themenfeld Kultur. Neben der {\"U}berwindung kulturellen Defizits kann mit Hilfe der dokumentarischen Methode ein Ethnozentrismus als p{\"a}dagogische Leitidee rekonstruiert werden. Ein Ausweg daraus wird im bedeutungsorientierten Kulturbegriff als Grundlage eines kultursensiblen Deutschunterrichts aufgezeigt. In den Kulturwissenschaften werden eine Vielzahl von Kulturbegriffen diskutiert, dies geschieht allerdings kaum f{\"u}r den schulischen Kontext. Der Kulturbegriff, der dem Denken und Handeln der Lehrer*innen zugrunde liegt, ist jedoch Grundlage f{\"u}r stattfindende ethnische Zuschreibungen oder Stigmatisierungen und gleichzeitig auch Basis f{\"u}r eine gelungene Gleichstellung aller Sch{\"u}ler*innen. Das Forschungsprojekt stellt die Lehrkraft als zentralen Akteur innerhalb des Unterrichtsprozesses in den Mittelpunkt: Welches Verst{\"a}ndnis von Kultur liegt ihrem Deutschunterricht in der Grundschule zugrunde? Die Studie fragt danach, welche Orientierungsrahmen, welche impliziten Wissensbest{\"a}nde im Themenfeld Kultur bei Lehrer*innen zu rekonstruieren sind, um so ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis der kollektiven Wahrnehmung zu generieren. In der praxeologischen Arbeit werden mit Hilfe des Gruppendiskussionsverfahrens und der dokumentarischen Methode konjunktive Erfahrungsr{\"a}ume der Lehrer*innen im Themenfeld Kultur rekonstruiert. Alle Gruppen, jeweils ganz unterschiedlich, verhandeln die {\"U}berwindung des kulturellen Defizits. Darauf aufbauend zeigt sich, dass die Lehrer*innen auf einen kollektiven Habitus kultureller Wissensvermittlung auf Basis eines ethnozentristischen Weltbildes zur{\"u}ckgreifen. Durch das kulturelle Nichtwissen bleibt den Lehrkr{\"a}ften ein p{\"a}dagogisch-kultursensibler Handlungsspielraum verwehrt. Mit Hilfe des bedeutungsorientierten Kulturbegriffs kann dieser Spielraum im Themenfeld Kultur geweitet werden, indem die individuelle und kulturelle Vielfalt aus der Perspektive der Sch{\"u}ler*innen thematisiert werden. Er bildet einen Baustein, um mit einer ganzheitlichen Kultur- und Diversit{\"a}tsdidaktik das methodisch-didaktische Desiderat im Feld des Deutschunterrichts aufzuheben.}, subject = {Lehrerverhalten}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schubert2020, author = {Schubert, Daniel}, title = {Integrated order picking and vehicle routing - problems, insights, and solution approaches [cumulative dissertation]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6557}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Kommissionierung und Auslieferung sind fester Bestandteil vieler Lieferketten, insbesondere jener des station{\"a}ren Einzelhandels und des Onlinehandels. Sie stellen dort zumeist nicht wertsch{\"o}pfende, nachgelagerte Prozesse dar, die jedoch f{\"u}r den gr{\"o}ßten Teil der Logistikkosten verantwortlich sind. Entsprechend vielseitig und detailliert thematisiert die wissenschaftliche Literatur sowohl die Kommissionierung als auch die Tourenplanung. Eine gesamtheitliche Betrachtung beider Prozesse erfolgt dabei in {\"u}berwiegender Mehrheit nur ungen{\"u}gend. Die wechselseitigen Auswirkungen auf der operativen Planungsebene werden nur beschr{\"a}nkt ber{\"u}cksichtigt, da die Prozesse zumeist isoliert betrachtet werden oder eine sequentielle Planung vorausgesetzt wird. Diese Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Kommissionier- und Tourenplanungsprobleme. Zudem zeigt sie die Vorteile einer integrativen Planung auf und entwickelt exakte sowie heuristische L{\"o}sungsverfahren f{\"u}r die untersuchten Problemstellungen. Der erste Beitrag entwickelt ein strukturelles Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r die Teilproblemstellungen der Kommissionierung und Auslieferung. Zudem verdeutlicht der Beitrag die Entwicklung im Forschungszweig der integrativen Kommissionier- und Tourenplanung. Die weiteren Beitr{\"a}ge untersuchen praxisorientierte Problemstellungen aus dem Bereich der Micro-Store-Belieferungen (Beitrag 2), Same-Day-Zustellungen (Beitrag 3) sowie der Belieferung von Superm{\"a}rkten (Beitrag 4). Dabei werden jeweils verschiedene Realrestriktionen einbezogen, Zielstellungen verfolgt, sowie integrative L{\"o}sungsverfahren entwickelt und klassischen L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tzen gegen{\"u}bergestellt.}, subject = {Einzelhandel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feuerbaum2020, author = {Feuerbaum, Carsten}, title = {Labor, automation innovation and human capital}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6560}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, pages = {viii, 157 Bl{\"a}tter : Diagramme, Karten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Automation technologies and human capital are fundamental drivers of economic growth. The motivation of this thesis is to advance the literature by providing novel insights into the determinants of automation innovation and human capital. For this purpose, this thesis exploits immigration episodes, uses empirical methods for causal inference and introduces new sources of data on immigrants and automation innovation. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 each examine the relationship between labor endowments and automation innovation. Chapter 4 examines the effects of ethnic concentration on immigrant childrens' acquisition of human capital.}, subject = {Humankapital}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Walther2020, author = {Walther, Manuel}, title = {Bed planning: advanced applications of operational research in large hospitals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6441}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, pages = {xv, 161 Seiten, Seiten xvii-xxvii : Diagramme}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In many countries today, a rising life expectancy and the associated demographic shift, coupled with the advancements of modern medicine, has fueled an ever-increasing cost pressure on healthcare systems. A driving factor for these rising costs can be seen in inpatient stays in hospitals that in many cases are connected to cost-intensive treatments. A central concern of any hospital management in such an environment is therefore to understand how to make the best possible use of available resources. A decisive factor in this regard is the management of bed capacities. The present cumulative dissertation comprises four contributions, which address open research questions in the field of strategic, tactical and operative bed planning: 1 Walther, M., 2020. Strategical, tactical, and operational aspects of bed planning problems in hospital environments. Submission planned to Social Science Research Network (SSRN) 2 H{\"u}bner, A., Kuhn, H., Walther, M., 2018. Combining clinical departments and wards in maximum-care hospitals. OR Spectrum 40, 679-709 3 Sch{\"a}fer, F., Walther, M., H{\"u}bner, A., Kuhn, H., 2019. Operational patient-bed assignment problem in large hospital settings including overflow and uncertainty management. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 31, 1012-1041 4 Sch{\"a}fer, F., Walther, M., H{\"u}bner, A., Grimm, D., 2020. Machine learning and pilot method: tackling uncertainty in the operational patient-bed assignment problem. Submitted to OR Spectrum on 13 February 2020 The first contribution sets out to provide an overview over the different hierarchical planning levels on which bed planning problems may be addressed. It should be noted in this context that several different aspects may be combined under the collective term "bed planning". These may be delimited in terms of their scope and their planning horizon. A frequently used taxonomy in this context is the hierarchical subdivision of typical problems in health care into strategical, tactical and operational levels as provided by Hulshof et al. (2012). In the context of bed planning, a typical strategical problem is how to combine departments and wards to obtain benefits from pooled ward capacity. On a tactical level, an exemplary problem setting related to bed planning can be seen in devising master surgery schedules that optimize downstream bed occupancy levels as patients returning from surgery will require a bed for post-surgical recovery and monitoring. Finally, on an operational level, patient-bed allocations need to be optimized while taking the objectives and constraints of patients and medical staff alike into account. To start, the second contribution deals with the strategical problem of combining departments into groups and assigning pooled ward capacity to these groups with the goal of balancing bed occupancy levels within a hospital. Specifically, one of the underlying goals is to minimize the amount of beds required to meet a predetermined service level. However, merging ward capacities with the aim of simultaneously accommodating patients from different medical departments increases the complexity of organizing and ensuring proper care for these patients. This leads to so-called pooling costs. To tackle this problem, a modeling and solution approach is developed which is based on a generalized partitioning problem and is solved by integer linear programming (ILP). This enables hospital management to determine the cost-optimal combination of all departments and wards in a hospital, while ensuring that predetermined thresholds with regard to maximum walking distances for doctors and patients are adhered to. Once pooled ward capacities are established, the solution space for allocating incoming patients to beds is greatly increased and the underlying allocation problem quickly becomes too complex to be handled without computational support. In this regard the third contribution ties in with the second contribution in that it deals with optimizing the operational patient-bed allocation problem. In order to enable optimal allocation of patients to beds, it is important to identify and take into account the individual needs and limitations of the three main stakeholders involved, namely patients, doctors, and nursing staff. All of these stakeholders exhibit different and sometimes contradicting objectives and constraints, such that a trade-off has to be made that maximizes the overall utility for the hospital. In addition, the complexity of the problem is increased by the high volatility and uncertainty regarding patient arrivals, types of illnesses, and the resulting remaining lengths of stay of newly arriving patients. In order to address this situation, a mathematical model and solution approach for the patient-bed allocation problem is developed that is designed to generate solutions for large, real-life operative planning situations. In addition to being able to deal with overflow situations, this solution approach further takes different patient types into account, for example by anticipating emergency patient arrivals. Finally, the fourth contribution builds on the third contribution in that the modeling and solution approach to allocate patients to beds is extended by several aspects. As mentioned above, hospitals have to deal with uncertainty regarding the actual demand for beds. Here, the fourth contribution improves the anticipation of emergency patients by using machine learning. Specifically, weather data, seasons, important local and regional events, and current and historical occupancy rates are combined to better anticipate emergency inpatient arrivals. In addition, a hyper-heuristic approach is developed based on the pilot method defined by Voß et al. (2005). By combining the improved anticipation of emergency patients with this hyperheuristic approach significant improvements can be achieved compared to the solution approach presented in the third contribution.}, subject = {Krankenhaus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2020, author = {Fischer, Johanna}, title = {Generating new product recommendations in online shops with topic models}, doi = {10.17904/ku.opus-638}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6383}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, pages = {vii, 155 Seiten : Diagramme}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Recommending products that are helpful to customers and tailored to their needs is of pivotal importance for successful online retailing. Online purchase data is typically used to generate such recommendations. This dissertation studies two topic models that use purchase data to make product recommendations. The Author Topic Model (ATM) and Sticky Author Topic Model (Sticky ATM) are applied to the purchase data of an online retailer of animal health products, and their predictive performances are contrasted with those of the benchmark methods Unigram, Bigram, and Collaborative Filtering (CF). This work focuses on the generation of new product recommendations. To increase novelty in recommendations, a new pre-processing approach is presented. The data is prepared prior to model application such that more novel products are included in the recommendations. A total of six data preparation variants are tested. The key finding is that topic models are very competitive with the benchmark methods and outperform them with the data preparation variant, where repetitively purchased items (repeat items) and customers with one item transaction (single-item customers) are eliminated from the data. Marketing practitioners should consider this pre-processing when implementing topic models as recommender models in their online shops.}, subject = {Empfehlungssystem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duesterhoeft2020, author = {D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Tobias}, title = {Optimization models for shelf space allocation in retail stores [cumulative dissertation]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6323}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The cumulative dissertation "Optimization models for shelf space allocation in retail stores" consists of the four individual scientific contributions listed below: 1. D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Tobias, H{\"u}bner, Alexander and Schaal, Kai (2020): A practical approach to the shelf-space allocation and replenishment problem with heterogeneously sized shelves. 2. H{\"u}bner, Alexander, D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Tobias and Ostermeier, Manuel (2020): An optimization approach for product allocation with integrated shelf space dimensioning in retail stores. 3. Ostermeier, Manuel, D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Tobias and H{\"u}bner, Alexander (2020): A model for the store wide shelf space allocation. 4 D{\"u}sterh{\"o}ft, Tobias (2020): Retail shelf space planning - Differences, problems and opportunities of applied optimization models. The planning and best possible utilization of the available shelf space is of central importance for retailers. Shelf space is a scarce resource in stores today. Shelf planners need to determine optimal shelf spaces for each item within product allocation. Researchers have already developed several decision support models. Usually, these models have in common that they can make a decision on the number of facings per product. A facing is a visible sales unit of a product on the shelf. Behind a facing, depending on the depth of the shelf further sales units are located. With an increase in the number of facings the visibility of the product for customers is also increasing, which is associated with a certain demand effect, the so-called space elasticity. The content of this dissertation are optimization models that extend existing approaches to product allocation significantly and thus also enable a practical application of these approaches. Within the framework of a practical project substantial new contents for the product allocation can be determined. The resulting optimization models build on each other. Initially, in the 1st article the product allocation is extended by an exact consideration of the shelf space dimensions. The resulting question of the optimal shelf layout is the central part of the 2nd article. If the layouts of shelves are determined on the shelf, the total shelf space per category must be known beforehand. This question is dealt with in the 3rd article. Finally, new research fields are identified in the 4th article based on current real processes and requirements.}, subject = {Supply Chain Management}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Patt2020, author = {Patt, Alexander}, title = {The enriching complexity of complex tasks: Revisiting the mechanisms behind individual and regional productivity growth [Cumulative dissertation]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6315}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this cumulative dissertation, I investigate the relation between the cognitive complexity of work tasks and economic outcomes such as earnings, migration, and aggregate income growth. Existing theoretical and empirical research firmly established that human capital plays a major role in determining these outcomes. However, the literature to date has focused on a limited set of human capital measures, such as education, years of work experience, and basic demographic characteristics, and has largely ignored considerable individual variation attributable to occupational skills. By introducing novel skill measures derived from work tasks and using theoretical models combined with empirical evidence, I demonstrate the determining role played by occupational skills. The first paper examines the connection between problem solving and lifecycle wage dynamics. I introduce a model of learning-by-doing which relates the intensity of complex tasks to the growth of problem solving skills and labour productivity. Using German administrative data, I find that workers in complex jobs receive static and dynamic wage premia and acquire relatively more human capital throughout life. The second paper examines the selection pattern of Mexican migrants to the United States and shows that Mexican migrants have lower cognitive skills and higher manual skills compared to non-migrants. Using an extended version of the Roy-Borjas model, I show that differences in the returns to occupational skills explain the selection pattern better than differences in the returns to education and basic characteristics. The third paper explores the role that complexity plays in economic development. I develop a regional model of endogenous growth which relates aggregate problem solving skills to the rate of technology adoption. In the model, migration costs and spillovers in technology adoption create persistent differences in regional income. By estimating growth regressions, I find that problem solving skills strongly predict per capita income growth in a sample of European regions. The results collected in the dissertation have implications for economic development policies focused on human capital, projection and analysis of international migration, and evaluating long-term effects of recessions.}, subject = {Humankapital}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fricke2018, author = {Fricke, Nikolas}, title = {Frieden bilden. Bilden f{\"u}r den Frieden: zum Einfluss umweltbasierter Bildungsmaßnahmen auf Konfliktwahrnehmung und -transformation : ein Beitrag aus Perspektive der geographischen Konfliktforschung}, doi = {10.17904/ku.opus-609}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6094}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, pages = {VII, 207 Seiten : Diagramme, Karte}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Diese Studie untersucht am Beispiel des Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel, wie umweltbasierte Friedensbildungsmaßnahmen die Wahrnehmung eines Konflikts bei Akteuren auf der Graswurzelebene ver{\"a}ndern k{\"o}nnen. Ausgangs{\"u}berlegung ist dabei, Umwelt nicht nur als Teil des Konfliktes zu interpretieren, sondern als konfliktneutralen Katalysator einzusetzen. Die auf dieser Basis erreichte Ver{\"a}nderung der Wahrnehmung des Konflikts wird in Form von konstruierten Raumbildern sowie den Bausteinen der Vers{\"o}hnung nach LEDERACH (1997) konzeptualisiert. Die empirischen Einblicke zeigen zum einen die Bedeutung von physischen wie sozialen Orten und R{\"a}umen als Rahmen f{\"u}r die konstruktive Auseinandersetzung. Zum anderen l{\"a}sst sich in Bezug auf die Konfliktwahrnehmung ein Bruch zwischen einer positiven Ver{\"a}nderung des Bildes der anderen Gruppe sowie dem Wunsch nach Frieden und der persistenten Konstruktion des Erbes sowie dem schweren Schritt der Vergebung ableiten.}, subject = {Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fleischer2020, author = {Fleischer, Hannes}, title = {Customer experience in B2C and B2B interactions : a holistic and multidimensional perception [cumulative dissertation]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:824-opus4-6138}, school = {Katholische Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die kumulative Dissertation befasst sich im Rahmen der holistischen Customer Experience (CX) zum einen mit unterbewussten Einflussfaktoren auf die CX und wie negative Effekte in diesem Zusammenhang gelindert werden k{\"o}nnen. Zum anderen wird die Customer Experience von einer Business-to-Business Perspektive analysiert. Insgesamt umfasst die Dissertation vier Beitr{\"a}ge: Beitrag 1: Stereotypes in Services - A Systematic Literature Review to Move from Scattered Insights to Generalizable Knowledge Beitrag 2: Overcoming Vulnerability: Channel Design Strategies to Alleviate Vulnerability Perceptions in Customer Journeys Beitrag 3: Are You Right for the Job? The Influence of Service Provider Stereotypes on Customer's Willingness to Engage in Co-Production Beitrag 4: The Business-to-Business Customer Experience - An aggregated Company Experience Based on Multiple Department and Employee Journeys Basierend auf der Annahme, dass die Customer Experience im Rahmen vieler Einflussfaktoren auch durch soziale Standards, Normen und Ideale beeinflusst werden kann, konzentriert sich der erste Artikel auf die Wirkung von Stereotypen in Dienstleistungsinteraktionen. Der Literatur{\"u}berblick identifiziert dabei zahlreiche Auswirkungen von Stereotypen, stellt dabei jedoch fest, dass Maßnahmen, um diese Auswirkungen zu mildern deutlich weniger untersucht wurden. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der zweite Beitrag konzeptionell wie das Channel Management dazu beitragen kann, die CX von benachteiligten Kundengruppen zu verbessern. Der dritte Beitrag adressiert eine weitere Forschungsl{\"u}cke die in Beitrag 1 identifiziert wurde, n{\"a}mlich fehlende Einblicke in den Prozess, wie soziale Beurteilungen zu negativen Kundenerlebnissen f{\"u}hren. Mittels zweier Studien zeigt der Beitrag, dass Kunden auf Grund von Stereotypen weniger bereit sind mit Mitarbeitern zu interagieren, was den Erfolg der Dienstleistungserbringung gef{\"a}hrdet. Der vierte Beitrag nimmt eine deutlich abweichende Perspektive im Rahmen der CX ein und untersucht die bisher wenig beachtete CX in einem gewerblichen Business-to-Business Kontext.}, subject = {Business-to-Business-Marketing}, language = {mul} }