@techreport{GlobischMuellerFuchsetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Globisch, Claudia and M{\"u}ller, Dana and Fuchs, Michaela and Christoph, Bernhard and Danneck, Viktoria and Dummert, Sandra and Volkert, Marieke and Abendroth, Anja and Anger, Silke and Boll, Christina and Carstensen, Tanja and Fervers, Lukas and Hipp, Lena and Jacob, Marita and Knize, Veronika and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Lott, Yvonne and Naujoks, Tabea and Sauermann, Armin and Sch{\"u}ller, Simone and Tobler, Lina}, title = {Aufteilung der Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit zwischen Frauen und M{\"a}nnern: In der Pandemie {\"a}ndern sich Geschlechterrollen kaum}, series = {IAB-Kurzbericht}, journal = {IAB-Kurzbericht}, number = {05}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldHornungKubisch, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hornung, Anne and Kubisch, Karolin}, title = {The German Generations and Gender Survey: Some Critical Reflections on the Validity of Fertility Histories}, series = {Comparative Population Studies}, volume = {38}, journal = {Comparative Population Studies}, number = {1}, publisher = {Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Bev{\"o}lkerungsforschung}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1869-8999}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8508}, pages = {3 -- 28}, abstract = {This paper validates the fertility histories of the German Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). Focusing on the cohorts 1930-69 of West German women, the total number of children, the parity distribution and the parity progression ratios are compared to external sources. One major result from this validation is that the German GGS understates the fertility for the older cohorts and overstates it for the younger ones. We presume that two mechanisms are responsible for this pattern in the German GGS: On the one hand, children who have left parental home are underreported in the retrospective fertility histories. On the other hand, women with small children are easier to reach by the interviewer. These two mechanisms taken together produce too low numbers of children for the older and too high ones for the younger cohorts. Extending the validation to marital histories has revealed a similar bias. Our general conclusion from this investigation is that the German GGS may not be used for statistical analyses of cohort fertility and marriage trends. For subsequent surveys, we suggest integrating simple control questions in questionnaires with complex retrospective fertility and union histories.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldGoldsteinJasilionieneetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Goldstein, Joshua and Jasilioniene, Aiva and Karaman {\"O}rsal, Deniz Dilan}, title = {Fertility reactions to the "Great Recession" in Europe : Recent evidence from oder-specific data}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {29}, journal = {Demographic Research}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, issn = {1435-9871}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2013.29.4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8511}, pages = {85 -- 104}, abstract = {Objective: This paper provides recent cross-national evidence of the impact of the great recession on fertility in Europe in the context of the recent decade. Methods: Using data from the Human Fertility Database (HFD), from Eurostat, and from the OECD database, we employ fixed-effects modeling to study how changes in unemployment rates have affected birth rates across Europe. Results: We find that countries that were hit hard by the recession show reduced fertility when compared with a continuation of recent trends, especially at younger ages. Conclusions: Our results indicate a strong relationship between economic conditions and fertility. However, there is variation by region, age, and parity suggesting the importance of life course and institutional factors.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKrapf, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra}, title = {Demografischer Wandel : Geburtenentwicklung und Lebensformen}, series = {Datenreport 2013 : Ein Sozialbericht f{\"u}r die Bundesrepublik Deutschland}, booktitle = {Datenreport 2013 : Ein Sozialbericht f{\"u}r die Bundesrepublik Deutschland}, publisher = {Bundeszentrale f{\"u}r politische Bildung}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-8389-7100-1}, pages = {34 -- 41}, abstract = {Der Datenreport, den die bpb zusammen mit dem Statistischen Bundesamt, dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin und dem Deutschen Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftsforschung 2013 in der 14. Auflage herausgibt, geh{\"o}rt zu den Standardwerken f{\"u}r all jene, die sich schnell und verl{\"a}sslich {\"u}ber statistische Daten und sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen zu den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland informieren wollen. Journalisten, Studierende, aber auch Fachleute aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung erhalten mit dem Datenreport ein {\"u}bersichtlich gestaltetes Handbuch, das sie mit den notwendigen Zahlen, Fakten und Argumenten versorgt, um an den {\"o}ffentlichen Debatten zu den wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Trends in unserem Lande teilzunehmen. (Angabe zum Buch)}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldSpiessLohmann, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, C. Katharina and Lohmann, Henning}, title = {Potentiale des Sozio{\"o}konomischen Panels (SOEP) und des Mikrozensus zur Bestimmung kontextueller Faktoren ungleicher Bildungschancen}, series = {Bildungskontexte : Strukturelle Voraussetzungen und Ursachen ungleicher Bildungschancen.}, booktitle = {Bildungskontexte : Strukturelle Voraussetzungen und Ursachen ungleicher Bildungschancen.}, publisher = {VS-Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-531-18226-1}, pages = {145 -- 171}, abstract = {Der Beitrag gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Potentiale des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) und des Mikrozensus f{\"u}r kontextuelle Analysen im Bereich der Bildungsforschung. Wir betrachten die M{\"o}glichkeiten und auch Grenzen, welche mit diesen beiden Datens{\"a}tzen verbunden sind. Sie heben sich dadurch hervor, dass eine Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Familien- und Haushaltskontextes m{\"o}glich ist und die Datens{\"a}tze in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß die Abbildung von institutionellen und regionalen Kontexten zulassen. Die Datens{\"a}tze weisen unterschiedliche St{\"a}rken auf, die sich auch aus den hohen Fallzahlen des Mikrozensus oder der l{\"a}ngsschnittlichen Betrachtung von Haushalten im SOEP ergeben. Da die verf{\"u}gbaren Daten bis in die 1970er bzw. 1980er Jahre zur{\"u}ckreichen, bieten beide Datens{\"a}tze Potentiale zur Analyse des Bildungsverhaltens in sich wandelnden Kontexten. Im Beitrag werden Analysebeispiele aus dem Bereich der fr{\"u}hen Bildung vorgestellt. In einem Ausblick diskutieren wir kurz zuk{\"u}nftige Analysepotentiale der Datens{\"a}tze.}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland : theoretische Probleme und empirische Ergebnisse}, series = {Ein Leben ohne Kinder : Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland}, booktitle = {Ein Leben ohne Kinder : Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland}, editor = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, publisher = {VS-Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-531-14933-2}, pages = {11 -- 41}, abstract = {In fast allen europ{\"a}ischen L{\"a}ndern bleiben heute mehr M{\"a}nner und Frauen kinderlos als vor zwei oder drei Jahrzehnten. In Westdeutschland werden voraussichtlich mehr als 20 Prozent der 1965 geborenen Frauen und m{\"o}glicherweise 30 Prozent der h{\"o}her gebildeten Frauen des gleichen Jahrgangs ohne eigene Kinder bleiben. Das Thema Kinderlosigkeit hat in der j{\"u}ngsten Zeit eine erhebliche {\"o}ffentliche Aufmerksamkeit erweckt, jedoch steht die in Medien und Politik gef{\"u}hrte Debatte auf wackeligen F{\"u}ßen. Die dort verwendeten Zahlen zum Ausmaß der Kinderlosigkeit von M{\"a}nnern und Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft gehen weit auseinander und die vermuteten Ursachen der hohen Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland sind widerspr{\"u}chlich. Sind wirtschaftliche Unsicherheiten, schlechte Bedingungen der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf oder einseitig karriereorientierte Lebenskonzepte von Frauen, insbesondere Akademikerinnen, f{\"u}r die hohe Kinderlosigkeit verantwortlich? Fehlt ‚nur' ein geeigneter Lebenspartner oder, wenn vorhanden, fehlt diesem das Interesse an Familie}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Familie und Lebensformen}, series = {Handw{\"o}rterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands}, booktitle = {Handw{\"o}rterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands}, publisher = {VS-Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-531-18929-1}, pages = {257 -- 271}, abstract = {Familie ist ein » moving target «, d. h. ein Gegenstand, der sich mit dem sozialhistorischen und kulturellen Kontext wandelt. Die Leitbilder von Familie und Grenzziehungen zwischen Familie und Nichtfamilie waren und sind gesellschaftlich umstritten.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldAndersson, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Andersson, Gunnar}, title = {Socioeconomic differences in the unemployment and fertility nexus: Evidence from Denmark and Germany}, series = {Advances in Life Course Research}, volume = {21}, journal = {Advances in Life Course Research}, issn = {1040-2608}, doi = {10.1016/j.alcr.2014.01.007}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8148}, pages = {59 -- 73}, abstract = {Studies that have investigated the role of unemployment in childbearing decisions have often shown no or only barely significant results. We argue that many of these "non-findings" may be attributed to a neglect of group-specific differences in behavior. In this study, we examine how the association of unemployment and fertility varies by socio-demographic subgroups using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and from Danish population registers. We find that male unemployment is related to a postponement of first and second childbearing in both countries. The role of female unemployment is less clear at these two parities. Both male and female unemployment is positively correlated with third birth risks. More importantly, our results show that there are strong educational gradients in the unemployment and fertility nexus, and that the relationship between unemployment and fertility varies by socioeconomic group. Fertility tends to be lower during periods of unemployment among highly educated women and men, but not among their less educated counterparts.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldPailheMortelsmans, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Pailh{\´e}, Ariane and Mortelsmans, Dimitri}, title = {State-of-the-art report: Changes in the life course}, series = {FamiliesAndSocieties: Working Papers Series}, volume = {2014}, journal = {FamiliesAndSocieties: Working Papers Series}, number = {6}, editor = {FamiliesandSocieties,}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Stockholm}, address = {Stockholm}, abstract = {The dynamics of family formation and disruption have changed in contemporary societies. This report contains a comprehensive literature overview of state-of-the-art knowledge about the dynamics of the development of family constellations and non-standard families.}, language = {en} } @misc{NiephausKreyenfeldSackmann, author = {Niephaus, Yasemin and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Sackmann, Reinhold}, title = {Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-01409-4}, pages = {600}, abstract = {Auf dem Stand der Forschung pr{\"a}sentiert die fachlich ausgewiesene Herausgeberschaft das Forschungsgebiet der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie. In vier großen Themenbl{\"o}cken vermessen die Autoren den Stand der Forschung: Nach einer ausf{\"u}hrlichen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Themen, Theorien und Daten dieses Themas besch{\"a}ftigen sich die Autoren mit den Fragen nach Fertilit{\"a}t und Familie, Migration und Mobilit{\"a}t sowie der Frage nach Mortalit{\"a}t und Pflege. Der Band richtet sich an alle, die sich mit Fragen der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie besch{\"a}ftigen und einen schnellen Einstieg in den Stand der Forschung ben{\"o}tigen. (Verlagstext)}, language = {de} } @misc{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Ein Leben ohne Kinder: Ausmaß, Strukturen und Ursachen von Kinderlosigkeit}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-531-94149-3}, pages = {397}, abstract = {Trotz der offensichtlichen sozialpolitischen Relevanz und großen medialen Aufmerksamkeit des Ph{\"a}nomens Kinderlosigkeit sind das Ausmaß, die Ursachen und die Konsequenzen der Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland bislang unzureichend untersucht worden, mit der Folge, dass in {\"o}ffentlichen Debatten eine unkritische Verwendung irref{\"u}hrender, wenn nicht falscher Angaben {\"u}ber Kinderlosigkeit vorherrscht. Das Ziel des Bandes besteht vor diesem Hintergrund darin, das Ph{\"a}nomen der Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland analytisch differenziert zu durchdringen und belastbare Daten und Ergebnisse {\"u}ber das Ausmaß und die Struktur, die Ursachen und Folgen von Kinderlosigkeit zu pr{\"a}sentieren.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldKluesenerNeels, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Kl{\"u}sener, Sebastian and Neels, Karel}, title = {Family Policies and the Western European Fertility Divide: Insights from a Natural Experiment in Belgium}, series = {Population and Development Review}, volume = {39}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, number = {4}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1728-4457}, doi = {10.1111/j.1728-4457.2013.00629.x}, pages = {587 -- 610}, abstract = {Countries in Northwestern Europe, including Belgium, report cohort fertility levels of close to two children per woman; whereas Central European countries, such as Germany, have levels of around 1.6 children. In seeking to explain these differences, some scholars have stressed the role of the social policy context, while others have pointed to variation in fertility-related social norms. But because these influences are interdependent, it is difficult to isolate their effects on fertility trends. This study attempts to disentangle these two factors by drawing on a quasi-natural experiment. After World War I Germany was compelled to cede the Eupen-Malmedy territory to Belgium. The population of this region has retained its German linguistic identity, but has been subject to Belgian social policies. We examine whether the fertility trends in this German-speaking region of Belgium follow the Belgian or the German pattern. Our findings indicate that they generally resemble the Belgian pattern. This suggests that institutional factors are important for understanding the current fertility differences in Western Europe.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldPerelliHarrisSigleRushtonetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Perelli-Harris, Brienna and Sigle-Rushton, Wendy and Keizer, Renske and Lappegard, Trude and Jasilioniene, Aiva and Berghammer, Caroline and Di Giulio, Paola}, title = {Changes in union status during the transition to parenthood in eleven European countries, 1970s to early 2000s}, series = {Population Studies: A Journal of Demography}, volume = {66}, journal = {Population Studies: A Journal of Demography}, number = {2}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London [u.a.]}, issn = {1477-4747}, doi = {10.1080/00324728.2012.673004}, pages = {167 -- 182}, abstract = {Couples who have children are increasingly likely to have lived together without being married at some point in their relationship. Some couples begin their unions with cohabitation and marry before first conception, some marry during pregnancy or directly after the first birth, while others remain unmarried 3 years after the first birth. Using union and fertility histories since the 1970s for eleven countries, we examine whether women who have children in unions marry, and if so, at what stage in family formation. We also examine whether women who conceive when cohabiting are more likely to marry or separate. We find that patterns of union formation and childbearing develop along different trajectories across countries. In all countries, however, less than 40 per cent of women remained in cohabitation up to 3 years after the first birth, suggesting that marriage remains the predominant institution for raising children.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldZemanBurkimsheretal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Zeman, Krystof and Burkimsher, Marion and Jaschinski, Ina}, title = {Fertility Data for German speaking countries: What is the potential? Where are the pitfalls?}, series = {Comparative Population Studies}, volume = {36}, journal = {Comparative Population Studies}, number = {2-3}, publisher = {Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Bev{\"o}lkerungsforschung}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1869-8980}, doi = {10.4232/10.CPoS-2011-06en}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8807}, pages = {349 -- 380}, abstract = {This paper provides an overview of fertility data for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Particular attention is given to the availability of order-specific fertility data. The authors discuss the quality of data provided by the Statistical Offices, both birth registration data and censuses or microcensuses. In addition, they explore how social science surveys can be used to generate order-specific fertility indicators, and compare survey fertility estimates with estimates from vital statistics. Prior studies have shown that there is a 'family bias' in most surveys, with the fertility of younger cohorts being overstated, because respondents with young children are easier to reach by interviewers. The authors' assessment of various types of surveys from the three countries mostly supports this notion. The 'family bias' is most pronounced in family surveys in contrast to all-purpose surveys. Weighting data does not fully cure the 'family bias', which the authors attribute to the fact that the number of children is usually not considered a factor in calculating sample weights, as provided by the survey agencies and Statistical Offices. The confounding role of migration in the production of reliable and comparable fertility statistics is also discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldGoldstein, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Goldstein, Joshua R.}, title = {Has East Germany overtaken West Germany? : Recent trends in order-specific fertility}, series = {Population and Development Review}, volume = {37}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, number = {3}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken [u.a.]}, issn = {1728-4457}, doi = {10.1111/j.1728-4457.2011.00430.x}, pages = {453 -- 472}, abstract = {Some 20 years after reunification, the contrast between East and West Germany offers a natural experiment for studying the degree of persistence of Communist-era family patterns, the effects of economic change, and fertility postponement. After reunification, period fertility rates plummeted in the former East Germany to record low levels. Since the mid-1990s, however, period fertility rates have been rising in East Germany, in contrast to the nearly constant rates seen in the West. By 2008, the TFR of East Germany had overtaken that of the West. We explore why fertility in East Germany is higher than in West Germany, despite unfavorable economic circumstances in the East. We address this and related questions by (a) presenting an account of the persisting East/West differences in attitudes toward and constraints on childbearing, (b) conducting an order-specific fertility analysis of recent fertility trends, and (c) projecting completed fertility for the recent East and west German cohorts. In addition to using the Human Fertility Database, perinatal statistics allow us to calculate a tempo-corrected TFR for East and West Germany.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Stieffamilien und die sp{\"a}tmoderne Vielfalt der Familie}, series = {Die notwendige Vielfalt von Familie und Partnerschaft}, booktitle = {Die notwendige Vielfalt von Familie und Partnerschaft}, publisher = {Ergon}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-89913-923-5}, pages = {233 -- 254}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldJaschinskiFuernkranzPrskawetzetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Jaschinski, Ina and F{\"u}rnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia and Sobotka, Tomas and Philipov, Dimiter and Bernardi, Laura and Goldstein, Joshua and Zeman, Krystof}, title = {Demographische Analyse der Fertilit{\"a}tsentwicklung}, series = {Zukunft mit Kindern: Fertilit{\"a}t und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland, {\"O}sterreich und der Schweiz}, booktitle = {Zukunft mit Kindern: Fertilit{\"a}t und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland, {\"O}sterreich und der Schweiz}, publisher = {Campus}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, pages = {116 -- 197}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldBastinSchnor, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Bastin, Sonja and Schnor, Christine}, title = {Diversit{\"a}t der Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, series = {Familie(n) heute : Entwicklungen, Kontroversen, Prognosen}, booktitle = {Familie(n) heute : Entwicklungen, Kontroversen, Prognosen}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-7799-2835-5}, pages = {116 -- 197}, abstract = {Der Band zeigt aktuelle Entwicklungen und greift familien- sowie paarsoziologische Diskurse und Kontroversen auf. Er informiert {\"u}ber Familienrealit{\"a}ten, Geschlechterverh{\"a}ltnisse, Leitbildwandel und Alltagspraxen in Familie und Paar. Die Beitr{\"a}ge bieten dem Fachpublikum sowie Studierenden {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber den aktuellen Diskussionsstand und laden ein zur vertiefenden (Eigen-)Forschung. (Buchinhalt, Verlagstext)}, language = {de} } @techreport{Kreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Episode data from the Russian Education and Employment Survey}, series = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 4/2012)}, journal = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 4/2012)}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {21}, abstract = {This paper documents how to generate consistent education, employment, fertility and residential careers from the Russian Employment and Education Survey (EES). We describe how we imputed missing or inaccurate data. Furthermore, we estimate a first birth model to demonstrate how this data could be used for event history modelling. A sensitivity analysis shows that the results are very stable in respect to the imputation of missing dates. Data is organized in spell or episode format. For manipulating the data, we used the software STATA 10.0.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldKubisch, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Kubisch, Olga}, title = {Data Documentation Germany: Documentation for the Human Fertility Base}, publisher = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, abstract = {The Human Fertility Database (HFD) is a joint project of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany and the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) in Vienna, Austria, based at MPIDR. We seek to provide free and user-friendly access to detailed and high-quality data on period and cohort fertility and thus to facilitate research on changes and inter-country differences in fertility in the past and in the modern era. The HFD is entirely based on official vital statistics and places a great emphasis on data checking and documentation and on warranting data comparability across time and countries by means of uniform methodology}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldPerelliHarrisKubisch, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Perelli-Harris, Brienna and Kubisch, Karolin}, title = {Harmonized histories : Manual for the preparation of comparative fertility and union histories}, series = {MPIDR Working Paper (No. 11/2010)}, journal = {MPIDR Working Paper (No. 11/2010)}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {32}, abstract = {This document describes the standardization process of the Harmonized Histories. The Harmonized Histories is a comparative database of rich reproductive and union histories from surveys conducted in a number of countries in Europe. Given that birth and union data has been collected in a number of ways in different surveys, it has been very difficult to conduct cross-national analyses of recent union and fertility behavior over time. A team of researchers called the Nonmarital Childbearing Network has cleaned and standardized the surveys according to guidelines set out in this manual. Currently, the database includes data from the Generations and Gender Surveys (GGSs) in Italy, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Russia; the 2003 Dutch Fertility and Family Survey; and the British Household Panel Survey.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldPetersScholzetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Peters, Frederik and Scholz, Rembrandt and Wlosnewski, Ines}, title = {Order-specific fertility estimates based on perinatal statistics and statistics on out-of-hospital births}, series = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 2/2011)}, journal = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 2/2011)}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {14}, abstract = {Until 2008, German vital statistics has not provided information on biological birth order. We have tried to close part of this gap by providing order-specific fertility rates generated from Perinatal Statistics and statistics on out-of-hospital births for the period 2001-2008. This investigation has been published in Comparative Population Studies (CPoS) (see Kreyenfeld, Scholz, Peters and Wlosnewski 2010). The CPoS-paper describes how data from the Perinatal Statistics and statistics on out-of-hospital births can be used to estimate order-specific fertility rates. The main purpose of this Technical Report is to make available the original birth counts, which were used in the study published in CPoS. Furthermore, we provide additional background information on the data sources in this report.}, language = {en} } @misc{HuininkKreyenfeldTrappe, author = {Huinink, Johannes and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Familie und Partnerschaft in Ost- und Westdeutschland : {\"a}hnlich und doch immer noch anders}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (Sonderheft 9)}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (Sonderheft 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Opladen [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3847400417}, issn = {1437-2940}, pages = {327}, language = {de} } @techreport{KreyenfeldAnderssonPailhe, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Andersson, Gunnar and Pailh{\´e}, Ariane}, title = {Economic uncertainty and family dynamics in Europe : Introduction to special issue of demographic research}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8672}, pages = {24}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldAnderssonPailhe, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Andersson, Gunnar and Pailh{\´e}, Ariane}, title = {Economic uncertainty and family dynamics in Europe: Introduction}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {27}, journal = {Demographic Research}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2012.27.28}, pages = {835 -- 852}, abstract = {Background: Economic uncertainty has become an increasingly important factor in explanations of declining fertility and postponed family formation across Europe. Yet the micro-level evidence on this topic is still limited. Objective: This special collection of Demographic Research focuses on the issue of how economic and employment uncertainties relate to fertility and family dynamics in Europe. Methods: The collection is comprised of studies that explore how various dimensions of employment uncertainty, such as temporary working contracts and individual and aggregate unemployment, are related to the fertility and family formation of women and men across Europe. The studies cover Germany, the UK, France, Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Italy, Spain, and Israel. Results: The various micro-level studies that are assembled in this special collection do not provide a simple answer to the question of whether and how economic uncertainty suppresses (or stimulates) fertility. However, some systematic variation by welfare state regime is discernable. Conclusions: Given the recent economic volatility in Europe, we expect that labor market uncertainties will remain an important component of explanations of fertility developments in the 21st century.}, language = {en} } @periodical{KreyenfeldMartin, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Martin, Valerie}, title = {The Dynamics of Stepfamilies in Cross-National Perspective}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (ZfF)}, volume = {23}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (ZfF)}, number = {2}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Leverkusen [u.a.]}, issn = {1437-2940}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-8727}, pages = {139}, abstract = {Zahl und Bedeutung von Stieffamilien sind in Europa in den letzten Jahren gestiegen. Dem geringen Niederschlag dieser Tendenz in der Forschung tr{\"a}gt das vorliegende Themenheft Rechnung. Der wesentliche Unterschied zwischen der heutigen und der historischen Stieffamilie liegt in dem Umstand, dass das zweite biologische Elternteil heute in der Regel noch am Leben ist. Stieffamilien sind eine sehr komplexe Gr{\"o}ße, und es gibt vielerlei Wege in die Stieffamilie hinein. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden hier Beitr{\"a}ge vorgelegt, die Evolution und Entwicklung von Stieffamilien aus einer dynamischen Perspektive beschreiben. Der Beitrag gibt einen thematischen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber diese Beitr{\"a}ge. (ICE)}, language = {en} } @misc{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Ein Leben ohne Kinder: Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland}, publisher = {VS-Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3531149332}, pages = {432}, abstract = {Trotz der offensichtlichen sozialpolitischen Relevanz und großen medialen Aufmerksamkeit des Ph{\"a}nomens Kinderlosigkeit sind das Ausmaß, die Ursachen und die Konsequenzen der Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland bislang unzureichend untersucht worden, mit der Folge, dass in {\"o}ffentlichen Debatten eine unkritische Verwendung irref{\"u}hrender, wenn nicht falscher Angaben {\"u}ber Kinderlosigkeit vorherrscht. Das Ziel des Bandes besteht vor diesem Hintergrund darin, das Ph{\"a}nomen der Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland analytisch differenziert zu durchdringen und belastbare Daten und Ergebnisse {\"u}ber das Ausmaß und die Struktur, die Ursachen und Folgen von Kinderlosigkeit zu pr{\"a}sentieren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Employment and Fertility: East Germany in the 1990s}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {260}, abstract = {Almost simultaneously with German reunification, eastern German birth rates fell to record lows. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of the labor market and of family policies in fertility decisions in the 1990s. In addition, factors are discussed that worked against a convergence of birth rates in east and west despite the political and legal unification of the formerly separated German states. Alongside developments on the labor market, it is examined how the differences in female employment and in the structural conditions affecting a woman's ability to combine work and family. The German Micro-Census and the German Socio-Economic Panel serve as the data base - event-analytical models of the transition to the first and second child are estimated. One of the fundamental results of the empirical analysis is that eastern German women continue to be somewhat younger than western German women when they have their first child. Surprisingly, unemployment (this includes both male and female unemployment) does not cause couples to postpone the birth of their first child. When it comes to having a second child, the situation is reversed. Eastern German couples are less apt to decide to have a second child than their western German counterparts. Furthermore, the employment situation - especial that of the partner - plays a crucial role in the decision to have a larger family.}, language = {en} } @book{KreyenfeldSpiessWagner, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, Katharina and Wagner, Gert}, title = {Finanzierungs- und Organisationsmodelle institutioneller Kinderbetreuung}, publisher = {Luchterhand}, address = {Neuwied}, isbn = {978-3472045182}, pages = {244}, abstract = {Die Studie untersucht neben der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie die Qualit{\"a}tssicherung in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Es wurde eine Verteilungsrechnung der Kinderbetreuungssubventionen in Deutschland durchgef{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldHuininkTrappeetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Huinink, Johannes and Trappe, Heike and Walke, Rainer}, title = {DemoDiff: A dataset for the study of family change in Easter (and Western) Germany}, series = {Schmollers Jahrbuch : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, volume = {132}, journal = {Schmollers Jahrbuch : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, number = {4}, publisher = {Duncker und Humblot}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {653 -- 660}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldWalkeSalzburgeretal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Walke, Rainer and Salzburger, Veronika and Schnor, Christine and Bastin, Sonja and Kuhnt, Anne-Kristin}, title = {DemoDiff - Wave 1 : Supplement to the pairfam Data Manual}, series = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 4/2011)}, journal = {MPIDR Technical Report (No. 4/2011)}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {28}, abstract = {This document provides a documentation of the data set DemoDiff (Demographic Differences in Life Course Dynamics in Eastern and Western Germany). DemoDiff is a subsample of the German family panel.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzkaWalke, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and Walke, Rainer}, title = {Dynamik und Determinanten nichtehelicher Mutterschaft in Oest- und Westdeutschland}, series = {Partnerschaft, Fertilit{\"a}t und intergenerationale Beziehungen: Ergebnisse der ersten Welle des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels}, booktitle = {Partnerschaft, Fertilit{\"a}t und intergenerationale Beziehungen: Ergebnisse der ersten Welle des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels}, publisher = {Ergon}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-89913-800-9}, pages = {155 -- 174}, abstract = {Nach vier Jahren Vorarbeiten ging im Herbst 2008 das Beziehungs- und Familienpanel (pairfam) ins Feld. Die Beitr{\"a}ge dieses Sammelbandes stellen Ergebnisse auf Grundlage der Daten der ersten Welle der interessierten Fach{\"o}ffentlichkeit vor. Die ersten beiden Beitr{\"a}ge geben eine Einf{\"u}hrung in die pairfam-Daten. Die Ziele und das Design des Projekts werden im ersten Beitrag vorgestellt. Der praktische Umgang mit den Daten wird im zweiten Beitrag erl{\"a}utert. Die restlichen Beitr{\"a}ge stellen inhaltliche Resultate vor. Sie befassen sich mit Themen, die in Zeiten rasanten familialen Wandels hoch interessant sein d{\"u}rften. Vier Beitr{\"a}ge stammen aus der Partnerschaftsforschung: Partnerm{\"a}rkte und Partnersuche, Institutionalisierungsprozesse von Partnerschaften und die Effekte von feindseligen Attributionen auf Partnerschaftskonflikte werden untersucht. Weitere vier Beitr{\"a}ge untersuchen Entscheidungen {\"u}ber die Familienplanung aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven: Nicht-eheliche Geburten, institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen, die Effekte der Religion und partnerschaftlicher Entscheidungen sind die Themen. Der letzte Beitrag befasst sich mit den Unterschieden in der Gestaltung der Beziehungen zwischen den Generationen in deutschen Familien und Familien mit Migrationshintergrund. (Buchinhalt, Verlagstext)}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldScholz, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Scholz, Rembrandt}, title = {Fertility and mortality data for Germany}, series = {Building on progress: expanding the research infrastructure for the social, economic, and behavioral sciences}, booktitle = {Building on progress: expanding the research infrastructure for the social, economic, and behavioral sciences}, publisher = {Budrich UniPress}, address = {Opladen}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-940755-58-}, pages = {739 -- 751}, abstract = {In recent years, considerable progress has been made in improving the data infrastructure for fertility and morality researchers in Germany. Several large scale data sets have been made available through the research data centers: the micro-censuses of the 1970s and 1980s, the censuses of the GDR and FRG, the micro-census panel, data from the pension registers, individual level data from the vital statistics, and the central foreigner registers have become available for scientific usage. Vital statistics have been reformed, and the micro-census now includes information on number of children ever born. Despite these improvements, there are still some "weak spots" in Germany's data infrastructure. Germany is lacking official counts of reconstituted families. We know little about the mortality risks of immigrants. In addition, the data infrastructure for studying the socio-economic differences in mortality risks could be improved, thus enabling Germany to catch up with international developments in this area. This paper concludes by making some suggestions for improving the data available.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Familienformen und Lebensbedingungen in Ost und West: Zur sozio{\"o}konomischen Lage von M{\"u}ttern in Deutschland, Frankreich und Russland}, series = {Leben in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Bilanz der deutschen Einheit 1990-2010}, booktitle = {Leben in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Bilanz der deutschen Einheit 1990-2010}, publisher = {Campus}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-593-39333-9}, pages = {123 -- 143}, abstract = {Die Debatte um den Wandel von Familie und Lebensformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland konzentriert sich vor allem auf Ver{\"a}nderungen, die w{\"a}hrend der letzten 20 Jahre erfolgt sind. Jedoch sind diese Entwicklungen in Westdeutschland genauso wie in Ostdeutschland in grundlegendere Tendenzen des demografischen Wandels seit den sechziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts eingebettet, die als Europas "zweiter demografischer {\"U}bergang" bezeichnet werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund erfolgt die vorliegende Betrachtung des Wandels in Ost- und Westdeutschland in einem breiteren europ{\"a}ischen Kontext. Durch einen Vergleich von Deutschland Ost und West mit Frankreich und Russland werden sowohl die Spezifika der westdeutschen Situation als auch die Besonderheiten des Wandels im Osten in Folge der Systemtransformation herausgearbeitet. Der Beitrag ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Nach der Einleitung wird im zweiten Abschnitt ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber grundlegende familiendemografische Entwicklungen sowie institutionelle Kontexte des familialen Wandels in Frankreich, Russland und Deutschland gegeben. Im dritten Abschnitt werden die zu Grunde liegenden Daten vorgestellt, und im vierten Teil wird die wirtschaftliche Lage von M{\"u}ttern in den drei L{\"a}ndern beschrieben. Im letzten Abschnitt wird die Frage behandelt, welche Rolle Familienformen und insbesondere die Erwerbsbeteiligung von M{\"u}ttern in den untersuchten L{\"a}ndern f{\"u}r die sozio{\"o}konomische Lage von Familien spielen}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKrapf2007, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra}, title = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Kinderbetreuung: Eine Analyse der sozialen und {\"o}konomischen Determinanten der Nutzung von Kindertageseinrichtungen}, series = {Bildung als Privileg: Erkl{\"a}rungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit}, booktitle = {Bildung als Privileg: Erkl{\"a}rungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-531-92484-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-90339-2_4}, pages = {99 -- 123}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzkaHornung, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and Hornung, Anne}, title = {Family diversity in France, the Russian Federation, and East and West Germany: overview on living arrangements and living conditions}, series = {How generations and gender shape demographic change: towards policies based on better knowledge}, booktitle = {How generations and gender shape demographic change: towards policies based on better knowledge}, publisher = {United Nations}, address = {NewYork [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-92-1-117004-7}, pages = {33 -- 56}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Wandel der Geburten- und Familienentwicklung in West- und Ostdeutschland}, series = {Lehrbuch Moderne Familiensoziologie}, booktitle = {Lehrbuch Moderne Familiensoziologie}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Opladen}, isbn = {978-3825284091}, pages = {121 -- 137}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldMika, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {Erwerbst{\"a}tigkeit und Fertilit{\"a}t: Analysen mit der Versicherungskontenstichprobe der deutschen Rentenversicherung}, series = {Die Versicherungskontenstichprobe als Scientific Use File: Workshop des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV) am 30. und 31. Oktober 2007 in W{\"u}rzburg (DRV-Schriften, 79)}, volume = {79}, booktitle = {Die Versicherungskontenstichprobe als Scientific Use File: Workshop des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV) am 30. und 31. Oktober 2007 in W{\"u}rzburg (DRV-Schriften, 79)}, editor = {Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund,}, pages = {71 -- 95}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag diskutiert, inwiefern die Versicherungskontenstichprobe der deutschen Rentenversicherung (VSKT) f{\"u}r Fertilit{\"a}tsanalysen genutzt werden kann. Ausgangspunkt ist zun{\"a}chst ein Vergleich der Kinderzahl in den VSKT-Daten mit Informationen aus der amtlichen Statistik. Abgesehen von den j{\"u}ngeren Kohorten, Ausl{\"a}nderinnen und Personen mit ungekl{\"a}rten Konten bilden die VSKT-Daten die Fertilit{\"a}tsbiographien von Frauen relativ gut ab. Besonders geeignet ist der Datensatz f{\"u}r L{\"a}ngsschnittanalysen, die den Zusammenhang der weiblichen Erwerbssituation f{\"u}r Fertilit{\"a}tsprozesse thematisieren. Die hohen Fallzahlen, der lange Analysezeitraum und die monatsgenauen Angaben zur Erwerbssituation stellen ein einmaliges Analysepotential f{\"u}r Fertilit{\"a}tsanalysen dar, das wir in diesem Beitrag nur exemplarisch darstellen konnten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Das zweite Kind in Ostdeutschland: Aufschub oder Verzicht?}, series = {Die Bev{\"o}lkerung in Ost- und Westdeutschland : demografische, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen seit der Wende}, booktitle = {Die Bev{\"o}lkerung in Ost- und Westdeutschland : demografische, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen seit der Wende}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8350-7022-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-91832-7_5}, pages = {100 -- 123}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldPerelliHarrisSigleRushtonetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Perelli-Harris, Brienna and Sigle-Rushton, Wendy and Lappegard, Trude and Berghammer, Caroline and Keizer, Renske}, title = {The educational gradient of nonmarital childbearing in Europe}, series = {Population and Development Review}, volume = {36}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, number = {4}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken (NJ) [u.a.]}, issn = {0098-7921}, pages = {775 -- 801}, abstract = {Nearly every European Country has experienced some increase in nonmarital childbearing, largely due to increasing births within cohabitation. Relatively few studies in Europe, however, investigate the educational gradient of childbearing within cohabitation or how it changed over time. Using retrospective union and fertility histories, we employ competing risk hazard models to examine the educational gradient of childbearing in cohabitation in eight countries across europe. In all countries studied, birth risks within cohabitation demonstrated a negative educational gradient. When directly comparing cohabiting fertility with marital fertility, the negative educational gradient persists in all countries except Italy, although differences were not significant in Austria, France, and West Germany. To explain these findings, we present an alternative explanation for the increase in childbearing within cohabitation that goes beyond the explanation of the Second Demographic Transition and provides a new interpretation of the underlying mechanisms that may influence childbearing within cohabitation.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Uncertainties in female employment careers and the postponement of parenthood in Germany}, series = {European Sociological Review}, volume = {26}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, number = {3}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0266-7215}, doi = {10.1093/esr/jcp026}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9661}, pages = {351 -- 366}, abstract = {This paper investigates whether uncertainties in female employment careers result in a postponement of family formation. Data for this analysis comes from the German Socio-Economic Panel, which provides longitudinal information on economic uncertainty and fertility for the period 1984 to 2006. We employ objective measures of uncertainty (unemployment) as well as subjective measures (whether the respondent is worried about her economic situation, whether she is worried about the security of her job). We find little evidence that uncertainties in female employment careers generally lead to a postponement of parenthood. Hence, the relationship between economic uncertainty and first birth varies by level of education. While more highly educated postpone parenthood when subject to employment uncertainties, women with low levels of education often respond to these situations by becoming mothers.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {The growing educational divide in mother's employment: An investigation based on the German micro-censuses 1976-2004}, series = {Work, Employment and Society}, volume = {24}, journal = {Work, Employment and Society}, number = {2}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {Los Angeles [u.a.]}, issn = {0950-0170}, doi = {10.1177/0950017010362140}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9678}, pages = {260 -- 278}, abstract = {This article investigates whether the increase in the labour force participation of mothers in western Germany has been accompanied by growing social inequalities in maternal employment. The focus is on education-related differences in full-time, part-time and marginal employment, and, in particular, changes therein over time. It is assumed that worsening labour market opportunities for the less educated and a 'familialistic' social policy context have resulted in growing differentials in mothers' employment by education. Data from the scientific use files of the German micro-censuses for the years 1976 to 2004 show that the part-time and marginal employment rates of mothers have increased, while full-time employment rates have declined. Reductions in full-time employment are most pronounced among less educated mothers, resulting in growing educational differences in the employment of mothers.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldSchmidtkeZuehlke, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Schmidtke, Kerstin and Z{\"u}hlke, Sylvia}, title = {Eignet sich das Mikrozensus-Panel f{\"u}r familiensoziologische Fragestellungen?: Untersuchung am Beispiel der Frage nach den {\"o}konomischen Determinanten der Familiengr{\"u}ndung}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung}, volume = {21}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung}, number = {3}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Leverkusen}, issn = {1437-2940}, pages = {264 -- 285}, abstract = {Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, das Analysepotential des Mikrozensus-Panels f{\"u}r familiensoziologische Fragestellungen darzustellen. Dazu wird zum einen aufgezeigt, wie die Daten in Episodenformat aufgearbeitet werden k{\"o}nnen, um ereignisanalytische Modelle des Geburtenverhaltens zu sch{\"a}tzen. Des Weiteren wird ein Modell zu den {\"o}konomischen Determinanten des {\"U}bergangs zur Erstelternschaft vorgestellt. In einer Sensitivit{\"a}tsanalyse wird gepr{\"u}ft, inwiefern der Ausfall der r{\"a}umlich mobilen Personen die Ergebnisse verzerrt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer kritischen Reflektion {\"u}ber die Grenzen und M{\"o}glichkeiten des Mikrozensus-Panels f{\"u}r Fertilit{\"a}tsanalysen.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzkaBoehm2016, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and B{\"o}hm, Sebastian}, title = {Die Bildungsungleichheit des Erwerbsverhaltens von Frauen mit Kindern: Westdeutschland im Vergleich zwischen 1976 und 2004}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, volume = {36}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, number = {6}, publisher = {Lucius und Lucius}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0340-1804}, doi = {10.1515/zfsoz-2007-0603}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9693}, pages = {434 -- 452}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Der kontinuierliche Anstieg der Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen in Westdeutschland seit den 1960er Jahren verdeckt eine erhebliche Vielfalt des Wandels der Erwerbmuster in verschiedenen Teilgruppen der Frauen. Wir untersuchen die Ungleichheit der Vollzeit- und Teilzeiterwerbst{\"a}tigkeit zwischen hoch und gering qualifizierten M{\"u}ttern. Die empirischen Analysen auf der Basis der Scientific-Use-Files der Mikrozensen der Jahre 1976 bis 2004 zeigen einen Anstieg der Anteile Teilzeit und marginal besch{\"a}ftigter Frauen und zugleich einen R{\"u}ckgang der Anteile Vollzeit erwerbst{\"a}tiger Frauen mit Kindern. Gering qualifizierte M{\"u}tter weisen einen {\"u}berproportional starken R{\"u}ckgang der Vollzeiterwerbsbeteiligung auf, weshalb die Ungleichheit des Erwerbsverhaltens von M{\"u}ttern nach dem Ausbildungsniveau zugenommen hat. Das „Dual-Earner-Modell" der Familie hat sich in Westdeutschland zunehmend selektiv unter hoch qualifizierten Frauen sowie doppelt hoch qualifizierten Paaren etabliert. Die wahrscheinlichen Folgen sind eine Konzentration von {\"o}konomischen Ressourcen und eine vergr{\"o}ßerte soziale Ungleichheit zwischen Haushalten und Familien.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldGeisler, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Geisler, Esther}, title = {M{\"u}ttererwerbst{\"a}tigkeit in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine Analyse mit den Mikrozensen 1991-2002}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung}, volume = {18}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung}, number = {3}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Leverkusen [u.a.]}, issn = {1437-2940}, pages = {333 -- 360}, abstract = {Auf Basis der Daten des Mikrozensus aus den Jahren 1991, 1996 und 2002 gibt dieser Artikel einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber das Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen mit Kindern in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Neben der Frage der Ost-West-Angleichung stehen bildungsspezifische Unterschiede im Erwerbsverhalten im Vordergrund der Analyse.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldHoem, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hoem, Jan M.}, title = {Anticipatory analysis and its alternativies in life-course research. Part 1: Education and first childbearing}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {15}, journal = {Demographic Research}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2006.15.16}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9715}, pages = {461 -- 484}, abstract = {Procedures that seek to explain current behavior by future outcomes (anticipatory analysis) constitute a widespread but problematic approach in life-course analysis because they disturb the role of time and the temporal order of events. Nevertheless the practice is often used, not least because it easily produces useful summary measures like the median age at first childbearing and the per cent permanently childless in various educational groups, defined by ultimate attainment. We use an empirical example to demonstrate the issues involved and to propose an alternative "non-anticipatory" research strategy, which, however, does not equally easily provide summary measures.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Nichteheliche Mutterschaft und soziale Ungleichheit: zur sozio{\"o}konomischen Differenzierung der Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, series = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, volume = {57}, journal = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, number = {1}, publisher = {VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1861-891X}, doi = {10.1007/s11577-005-0110-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9722}, pages = {32 -- 61}, abstract = {Nichteheliche Geburten haben in den 1990er Jahren in Westdeutschland, vor allem aber in Ostdeutschland, stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der deutsche familialistische Wohlfahrtsstaat f{\"o}rdert steuerlich und sozialpolitisch vorrangig verheiratete Paare. Zugleich unterscheidet er zwischen Alleinerziehenden und nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist zu erwarten, dass verheiratete, kohabitierende und alleinerziehende M{\"u}tter sich in ihren sozialstrukturellen Hintergr{\"u}nden und haupts{\"a}chlichen Unterhaltsquellen (Einkommen des Partners, staatliche Transferzahlungen und eigenes Einkommen) unterscheiden. Analysen der Mikrozensen der Jahre 1991-2000 unterst{\"u}tzen diese These teilweise. Alleinerziehende Frauen haben h{\"a}ufiger einen geringen Bildungsabschluss und sind st{\"a}rker von sozialstaatlichen Transferzahlungen abh{\"a}ngig als Frauen in anderen Familienformen. In Westdeutschland leben gut ausgebildete M{\"u}tter h{\"a}ufiger in einer nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft als einer Ehe. Kohabitierende M{\"u}tter sind zudem h{\"a}ufiger Vollzeit erwerbst{\"a}tig als andere M{\"u}tter. In Ostdeutschland bestehen nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen verheirateten und in einer nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft lebenden M{\"u}ttern im Hinblick auf den Bildungsabschluss und das Ausmaβ der Erwerbsbeteiligung. Auch verheiratete M{\"u}tter sind selten vom Einkommen des Partners abh{\"a}ngig. Die {\"o}konomische Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit verheirateter M{\"u}tter ist ein zentrales Merkmal des Wandels der Familie in Ostdeutschland und begr{\"u}ndet anhaltende Ost-West-Unterschiede in den {\"o}konomischen Grundlagen von Familien.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldZabel, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Zabel, Cordula}, title = {Female education and the second child: Great Britain and Western Germany compared}, series = {Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, volume = {125}, journal = {Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, number = {1}, publisher = {Duncker und Humblot}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0342-1783}, pages = {145 -- 156}, abstract = {This paper compares the determinants of the transition to the second child in Western Germany and Great Britain, using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). We test a number of explanations for the positive effect of educational attainment on second birth risks; this effect has been reported for both countries. Owing to differences in the welfare state context, we expect that the factors responsible for the positive education effect differ between the two countries. Our findings, however, provide only partial support for this expectation.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Fertility decisions in the FRG and GDR: An Analysis with Data from the German Fertility and Family Survey}, series = {Demographic Research (Special Collection)}, volume = {3}, journal = {Demographic Research (Special Collection)}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2004.S3.11}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9743}, pages = {275 -- 318}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to compare family policies and fertility patterns in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the German Federal Republic (FRG). Among other aspects, both societies particularly differed in the integration of women into the labor market. By contrasting the fertility development in these two societies, this paper aims to illuminate how women's education and employment relates to fertility decisions in societal contexts that support (in the case of the GDR) and hamper (in the case of the FRG) the compatibility between work and family life. Data for this analysis comes from the German Fertility and Family Survey (of the year 1992). We provide descriptive statistics for all birth parities, but we limit the multivariate event history analysis to first births only}, language = {en} } @article{KonietzkaKreyenfeld, author = {Konietzka, Dirk and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Angleichung oder Verfestigung von Differenzen?: Geburtenentwicklung und Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, series = {Berliner Debatte Initial}, volume = {15}, journal = {Berliner Debatte Initial}, number = {4}, publisher = {WeltTrends}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {0863-4564}, pages = {26 -- 41}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Geburten- und Familienentwicklung in Ost- und Westdeutschland und der Frage, ob sich die in den alten L{\"a}ndern vorherrschenden Strukturen in den neuen L{\"a}ndern durchgesetzt haben. Die Entwicklung der zusammengefasste Geburtenziffer, auf die in der {\"o}ffentlichen Diskussion {\"u}berwiegend rekurriert wird, suggeriert, dass nach einem dramatischen Geburtenr{\"u}ckgang in den Jahren nach der Wende eine sukzessive Ost-West Angleichung des Geburtenverhaltens Ende der 1990er Jahre stattgefunden hat. Eine lebensverlaufsbezogene Betrachtung der Familiengr{\"u}ndungsprozesse kommt zu einer anderen Einsch{\"a}tzung. Ostdeutsche Frauen haben unmittelbar mit der Wiedervereinigung die Familiengr{\"u}ndung auf ein h{\"o}heres Alter verschoben, ohne aber bisher das relativ hohe westdeutsche Erstgeburtsalter erreicht zu haben. Auch ist die Kinderlosigkeit in den neuen Bundesl{\"a}ndern weiterhin niedriger als in Westdeutschland. Ost-West-Unterschiede bestehen ebenfalls in Bezug auf das Heiratsverhalten, die Kopplung von Eheschließung und Familiengr{\"u}ndung und in der Bedeutung neuer Familienformen. Unterschiede im Erwerbsverhalten von M{\"u}ttern und den Rahmenbedingungen der Vereinbarkeit von Kind und Beruf tragen entscheidend zu den Ost-West-Unterschieden in den Familienstrukturen bei.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldHankSpiess, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hank, Karsten and Spieß, C. Katharina}, title = {Kinderbetreuung und Fertilit{\"a}t in Deutschland}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, volume = {34}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, number = {3}, publisher = {Lucius und Lucius}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0340-1804}, doi = {10.1515/zfsoz-2004-0303}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9769}, pages = {228 -- 244}, abstract = {Eine zentrale Rolle in der Diskussion um eine bessere Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf spielt die Versorgung mit bedarfsgerechter Kinderbetreuung. Eine umfassendes Angebot an Betreuungspl{\"a}tzen f{\"o}rdert jedoch nicht nur die M{\"u}ttererwerbst{\"a}tigkeit, sondern k{\"o}nnte sich auch positiv auf Fertilit{\"a}tsentscheidungen auswirken. Im vorliegenden Beitrag untersuchen wir auf Basis von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) und der amtlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik den Einfluss der regionalen Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von Kinderbetreuung auf das Geburtenverhalten west- und ostdeutscher Frauen in den Jahren 1996 bis 2000. Zentrales Ergebnis unserer Analyse ist, dass in den {\"o}stlichen Bundesl{\"a}ndern die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit institutioneller Kinderbetreuung den {\"U}bergang zum ersten Kind positiv beeinflusst, w{\"a}hrend sich in den westlichen Bundesl{\"a}ndern allein die Verf{\"u}gbarkeit informeller Betreuung durch Großm{\"u}tter als statistisch signifikant erweist. Verantwortlich hierf{\"u}r d{\"u}rfte in erster Linie das unterschiedliche Niveau der {\"o}ffentlichen Betreuungsinfrastruktur in Ost und West sein, was sich insbesondere bei der Versorgung im Krippen- und Hortbereich sowie bei der Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von Ganztagspl{\"a}tzen zeigt.}, language = {de} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Crisis or adaptation - reconsidered: a comparison of East and West German fertility patterns in the first six years after the 'Wende'}, series = {European Journal of Population}, volume = {19}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, number = {3}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {0168-6577}, doi = {10.1023/A:1024992712815}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9775}, pages = {303 -- 329}, abstract = {Like other Eastern Europeancountries, East Germany experienced a rapiddecline in period fertility rates after thefall of communism. This decline has beendiscussed along the lines of a 'crisis' andan 'adaptation' to western demographic patterns. The aim of this paper istwofold. Firstly, we discuss the factors whichfoster and hamper a convergence of fertilitybehaviour in East and West Germany. Secondly,we use data from the German micro-census toanalyse the fertility patterns of the cohortsborn 1961-1970. The main result of ourempirical analysis is that East Germans whowere still childless at the time of unificationare quicker to have their first child in thesubsequent years than comparable West Germans. However, regarding second parity births, thepattern reverses. Here, East Germans display alower transition rate than their counterpartsin the West.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldHank, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hank, Karsten}, title = {A multilevel analysis of child care and women's fertility decisions in Western Germany}, series = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, volume = {65}, journal = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, number = {3}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1741-3737}, doi = {10.1111/j.1741-3737.2003.00584.x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9784}, pages = {584 -- 596}, abstract = {The availability of public day care is often assumed to be crucial to the compatibility of childrearing and women's employment. This article takes a multilevel perspective in investigating the role of child care in childbearing decisions in western Germany. Using information on the local supply of public day care and data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we estimated first and second birth risks from the 1980s and 1990s. We found that access to informal care arrangements increases the probability of entering parenthood, but we did not find any statistically significant effect of the public day care provision on fertility. This result points to shortcomings in the institutional setup of the German day care (and welfare) regime and to potentially relevant unobserved dimensions of child care.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldSpiessWagner, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, Katharina and Wagner, Gert}, title = {Distributional analysis of child care subsidies in Germany}, series = {European Early Childhood Education Research Journal}, volume = {11}, journal = {European Early Childhood Education Research Journal}, number = {2}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, address = {London [u.a.]}, issn = {1350-293X}, pages = {159 -- 175}, abstract = {In general, day care subsidies are accepted as a means of creating equal chances for both children and mothers in the labour market. Although there is a broad consensus that the use of children's day care should be publicly supported, there is no consensus on how this should be done. Moreover, there is little knowledge on the distributional effects of day care subsidies. In order to assess whether public expenditures are targeted efficiently, however, it is vital to know which social groups profit most from public expenditures on children's day care and whether tax-payers' money is spent effectively. In Germany, as in other European countries, day care subsidies are mainly provided 'in-kind'. Municipalities and NPOs provide day care for children, which is -apart from a small fee - free of charge. In this study we estimate the distributional effects of state-funded day care in Germany using microdata on households and data on the expenditure of public-funded day care. Major results are that day care subsidies have only modest redistributional effects. Primarily it is the middle-income range that profits from the public provision of children's day care. This contradicts common public-policy recommendations, which state that low-income families should be the first target of day care subsidies.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Time-squeeze, partner effect or self-selection?: An investigation into the positive effect of women's education on second birth risks in West Germany}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {7}, journal = {Demographic Research}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2002.7.2}, pages = {15 -- 48}, abstract = {This paper investigates the role of women's education in the transition to the second child using data from the 1997 German micro-census. We begin our analysis with a simple model, which shows a positive effect of woman's education on the transition rate to the second child for West German women. We argue that this effect is most likely confounded by various factors. Firstly, we assume that there is a time-squeeze effect, which increases the transition rate to the second child for more highly educated women. Secondly, titled as the partner hypothesis, we argue that more highly educated women often live with more highly educated partners who have the earning potential to afford a large family. Thirdly, titled as the selection hypothesis, we argue that the positive effect of women's education can be attributed to a selection effect, i.e. familyoriented college graduates are more likely to select themselves into the group of women at risk of second birth. The empirical investigations particularly support the second and third hypotheses. After controlling for the partner's characteristics and including unobserved heterogeneity factors, the positive effect of female education becomes strongly negative.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Women's employment and non-marital child-bearing: A comparison between East and West Germany in the 1990s}, series = {Population}, volume = {57}, journal = {Population}, number = {2}, publisher = {Institut national d'{\´e}tudes d{\´e}mographiques (I.N.E.D.)}, address = {Paris}, issn = {0032-4663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9812}, pages = {331 -- 357}, abstract = {In contrast to West Germany, where marriage and childbirth have been strongly coupled, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) displayed high rates of non-marital childbearing. Researchers attributed this pattern to "misguided" GDR family policies that encouraged women to remain unmarried after childbirth. With German unification, East Germany's legal and political institutions — including family policies — were replaced by those of West Germany. Against this background, it was widely expected that east German non-marital birth rates would soon fall to west German levels. After unification, however, they increased even further. This article argues that the enormous east-west differences in non-marital childbearing in the 1990s can be attributed to differences in women's work orientation. Despite unfavourable labour market constraints and social policies that encourage women's withdrawal from the labour force after childbirth, east German women, compared with their west German counterparts, are still more likely to be in full-time employment, and to re-enter the labour force sooner after childbirth. Our empirical investigation, drawing on data from the German 1997 micro-census, reveals a strong effect of women's education and employment on marriage in west Germany, whereas in east Germany the probability of living in a marital union is hardly correlated at all with women's employment characteristics. We conclude that a generally strong female work orientation and the wide availability of public day care facilities are the most important factors weakening the economic incentives for east German women to get married at childbirth.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {The performance of migrants in occupational labour markets: evidence from 'Aussiedler' in Germany}, series = {European Societies}, volume = {4}, journal = {European Societies}, number = {1}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, address = {London [u.a.]}, issn = {1461-6696}, doi = {10.1080/14616690220130991}, pages = {53 -- 78}, abstract = {Since the breakdown of communism, Germany has experienced a major influx of Aussiedler who are basically migrants originating from Eastern European countries. In this article, we use data from the German Socio-Economic Panel of the year 1998 to analyse the labour market performance of this group of migrants. Our key hypothesis guiding the empirical investigations is that in occupational labour markets, such as the German one, migrants are faced with specific problems when transferring their educational and vocational skills acquired in other countries. Only if they gain access to their trained occupations are they able to perform well in the labour market. Otherwise, occupational closure hinders them from receiving returns to their educational and vocational qualifications.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Parity Specific Birth Rates for West Germany: An Attempt to Combine Survey Data and Vital Statistics}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Bev{\"o}lkerungswissenschaften}, volume = {27}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Bev{\"o}lkerungswissenschaften}, number = {3}, publisher = {Leske + Budrich}, address = {Opladen}, issn = {0340-2398}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9838}, pages = {327 -- 357}, abstract = {In this paper, we combine vital statistics and survey data to obtain parity specific birth rates for West Germany. Since vital statistics do not provide birth parity information, one is confined to using estimates. The robustness of these estimates is an issue, which is unfortunately only rarely addressed when fertility indicators for (West) Germany are reported. In order to check how reliable our results are, we estimate confidence intervals and compare them to results from survey data and estimations conducted by the German Statistical Office. Although our estimations show a similar trend, the magnitude of some fertility indicators differs substantially from the ones reported in other studies. However, estimations from other studies do not give a consistent picture of German fertility, either.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldSpiessWagner, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, Katharina and Wagner, Gert}, title = {Kinderbetreuungspolitik in Deutschland: M{\"o}glichkeiten nachfrageorientierter Steuerungs- und Finanzierungsinstrumente}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, volume = {5}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Erziehungswissenschaft}, number = {2}, publisher = {Springer VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, issn = {1434-663X}, doi = {10.1007/s11618-002-0016-8}, pages = {201 -- 221}, abstract = {Die institutionelle Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland ist ein Beispiel der Steuerung sozialer Dienste zwischen „Markt und Staat". Kinderbetreuung wird nicht nur prim{\"a}r aus kommunalen Mitteln finanziert, sondern auf kommunaler Ebene durch Vertreter freier und {\"o}ffentlicher Tr{\"a}ger geplant und reguliert. Diese Strukturelemente sind rechtlich in Form des Subsidiarit{\"a}tsprinzips und der kommunalen Finanzierung verankert. In diesem Beitrag argumentieren wir, dass die finanzielle Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom kommunalen Budget und eine undurchsichtige Bedarfsplanung wesentliche Hemmnisse f{\"u}r eine bedarfsgerechte Versorgung mit Kinderbetreuungspl{\"a}tzen darstellen. Dem derzeitigen „Mix" aus {\"o}ffentlichen und {\"o}ffentlich finanzierten Kindertageseinrichtungen stellen wir das System einer nachfrageorientierten Steuerung des Angebots gegen{\"u}ber. Am Beispiel von einem „Gutscheinmodell" stellen wir konkrete {\"U}berlegungen und Umsetzungsbeispiele eines derartigen Systems f{\"u}r Deutschland vor.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Verwertbarkeit ausl{\"a}ndischer Ausbildungsabschl{\"u}sse: Das Beispiel der Aussiedler auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, volume = {30}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, number = {4}, publisher = {Lucius und Lucius}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0340-1804}, doi = {10.1515/zfsoz-2001-0402}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9857}, pages = {267 -- 282}, abstract = {Seit dem Zusammenbruch der kommunistischen Regime in Osteuropa ist der Zuzug von Aussiedlern nach Deutschland sprunghaft angestiegen. In diesem Aufsatz analysieren wir die Arbeitsmarktintegration der Aussiedler auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt anhand von Daten des Sozio-{\"O}konomischen Panels aus dem Jahr 1998. Unter theoretischen Gesichtspunkten steht die Frage der Verwertbarkeit ausl{\"a}ndischer Bildungszertifikate im Mittelpunkt unseres Interesses. Obwohl Aussiedler ihre im Ausland erworbenen Ausbildungsabschl{\"u}sse formell anerkennen lassen k{\"o}nnen, gelingt der Mehrheit von ihnen nicht der Zugang zum erlernten Beruf. Die Besch{\"a}ftigung im erlernten Beruf hat jedoch einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf eine erfolgreiche Arbeitsmarktintegration. Die Probleme, denen sich Aussiedler bei der Verwertung ihrer Ausbildungsabschl{\"u}sse ausgesetzt sehen, erlauben R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt dominierenden Allokationsmechanismen und die Arbeitsmarktchancen zuk{\"u}nftiger Ost-West-Migranten.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldHank, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hank, Karsten}, title = {Does the availability of child care influence the employment of mothers? Findings from Western Germany}, series = {Population Research and Policy Review}, volume = {19}, journal = {Population Research and Policy Review}, number = {4}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {0167-5923}, doi = {10.1023/A:1026556309080}, pages = {317 -- 337}, abstract = {There is a vast empirical literature investigating the effects of child care costson female employment. Day-care costs are usually treated as a reduction infemale wages and are supposed to reduce a woman's propensity to participatein the labor market. In this paper we argue that an analysis of the effects ofchild care on the employment of mothers in Germany should focus on theavailability rather than the affordability of care, due to peculiarities of theGerman day-care regime. Our empirical findings cast doubt on the effectivenessof the current German day-care regime. Specifically, we question the extent towhich it enables mothers to participate in the labor market.}, language = {en} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Changes in the timing of first birth in East Germany after Reunification}, series = {Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, volume = {120}, journal = {Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften}, number = {2}, publisher = {Duncker und Humblot}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0342-1783}, pages = {169 -- 186}, abstract = {When German re-unificatioin was accompanied by a rapid decline in aggregate fertility rates, researchers particularly assigned high umemployment rates a dominant role in the changes in fertility behavior. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate changes in the timing of first births in East Germany after re-unification. Using data from the SOEP, we show that even after re-unification East Germans are younger at first birth than their West German counterparts. Second, we investigate the relationship between male and female unemployment and first birth risks. A major result is that female unemployment encourages the transition into parenthood in East Germany.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldCitlak, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Citlak, Banu}, title = {Wahrnehmung von Umweltrisiken: Empirische Ergebnisse f{\"u}r Deutschland}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r angewandte Umweltforschung}, volume = {12}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r angewandte Umweltforschung}, number = {1}, publisher = {Analytica Verl.-Ges.}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0933-9027}, pages = {112 -- 119}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldWagner, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Wagner, Gert}, title = {Der gescheiterte "Gutscheinversuch" f{\"u}r Kinderbetreuuung in Großbritannien}, series = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, volume = {49}, journal = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, number = {9}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim [u.a.]}, issn = {0342-2275}, pages = {347 -- 350}, abstract = {Mit der wachsenden Finanzknappheit der kommunalen Haushalte wird unter dem Schlagwort "neue Steuerungsmodelle" die Forderung laut, marktnahe Steuerungsmechanismen auch bei der Produktion sozialer Dienste anzuwenden. Der weitgehendste Vorschlag in diesem Zusammenhang ist, das derzeitige Finanzierungssystem zugunsten von Subjektsubventionen abzuschaffen. Anstelle oeffentlicher Produktion oder Subventionierung frei-gemeinnuetziger Traeger sollen nun die Nachfrager subventioniert werden, die eigenverantwortlich waehlen koennen, ob sie ihren Bedarf an sozialen Diensten durch frei-gemeinnuetzige, kommunale oder private Anbieter decken wollen. Eine vieldiskutierte Variante der Subjektsubventionierung ist die Ausgabe von Gutscheinen (vouchers). Fuer Deutschland liegen derartige Vorschlaege bspw. fuer das Bildungswesen und die Kinderbetreuung vor. Grossbritannien bietet nun die Chance, die Konsequenzen der Einfuehrung eines Gutscheinsystems zu analysieren, da dort erstmals ein Vouchersystem fuer die Kinderbetreuung eingefuehrt wurde.(DJI/Abstract {\"u}bernommen).}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Bleibt alles anders: Geburten- und Familienentwicklung in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, series = {Demografischer Wandel}, booktitle = {Demografischer Wandel}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, pages = {50 -- 70}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {{\"O}konomische Unsicherheit und der Aufschub der Familiengr{\"u}ndung}, series = {Flexibilisierung: Folgen f{\"u}r Arbeit und Familie}, booktitle = {Flexibilisierung: Folgen f{\"u}r Arbeit und Familie}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3531152165}, pages = {232 -- 254}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Bildungsspezifische Unterschiede im Geburtenverhalten in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, series = {Demographisierung des Gesellschaftlichen: Analysen und Debatten zur demographischen Zukunft Deutschlands}, booktitle = {Demographisierung des Gesellschaftlichen: Analysen und Debatten zur demographischen Zukunft Deutschlands}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-531-90417-7}, pages = {83 -- 112}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Education and fertility in Germany}, series = {Demographic Change in Germany: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences}, booktitle = {Demographic Change in Germany: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3540681359}, pages = {165 -- 187}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaften: Demographische Trends und gesellschaftliche Strukturen}, series = {Die Rechtsstellung nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften = The legal status of cohabitants}, booktitle = {Die Rechtsstellung nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften = The legal status of cohabitants}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-16-148705-7}, pages = {45 -- 75}, language = {de} } @incollection{HuininkKreyenfeld, author = {Huinink, Johannes and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Family formation in times of social and economic change: An analysis of the East German cohort 1971}, series = {After the Fall of the Wall: Life Courses in the Transformation of East Germany}, booktitle = {After the Fall of the Wall: Life Courses in the Transformation of East Germany}, publisher = {Stanford Univ. Press}, address = {Stanford}, isbn = {978-0804752084}, pages = {170 -- 190}, language = {en} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Women's education and first birth: East Germany before and after Unification}, series = {Education and Postponement of Maternity: Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries}, booktitle = {Education and Postponement of Maternity: Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {9781402047152}, pages = {225 -- 236}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Familienpolitik und Geburtenentwicklung in Deutschland}, series = {Die demographische Herausforderung: Sachsens Zukunft gestalten}, booktitle = {Die demographische Herausforderung: Sachsens Zukunft gestalten}, publisher = {Verl. Bertelsmann Stiftung}, address = {G{\"u}tersloh}, isbn = {978-3892047933}, pages = {64 -- 87}, language = {de} } @incollection{HankAnderssonDuvanderetal., author = {Hank, Karsten and Andersson, Gunnar and Duvander, Ann-Zophie and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, Katharina}, title = {{\"O}ffentliche Kinderbetreuung und individuelle Fertilit{\"a}tsentscheidungen in Deutschland und Schweden}, series = {Psychosozial}, volume = {27}, booktitle = {Psychosozial}, number = {1}, publisher = {Psychosozial Verl.}, address = {Gießen}, issn = {0171-3434}, pages = {47 -- 57}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldHuinink, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Huinink, Johannes}, title = {Der {\"U}bergang zum ersten und zweiten Kind: Ein Vergleich zwischen Familiensurvey und Mikrozensus}, series = {Partnerschaft und Familiengr{\"u}ndung: Ergebnisse der dritten Welle des Familiensurveys}, booktitle = {Partnerschaft und Familiengr{\"u}ndung: Ergebnisse der dritten Welle des Familiensurveys}, publisher = {Leske und Budrich}, address = {Opladen}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-322-95055-0_2}, pages = {43 -- 64}, language = {de} } @techreport{HeintzMartinKreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Heintz-Martin, Valerie and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Stieffamilien in Deutschland: Pr{\"a}valenz und Sozialstruktur.}, series = {Monitor Familenforschung}, journal = {Monitor Familenforschung}, publisher = {Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend}, address = {Berlin}, language = {de} } @techreport{GoldsteinKreyenfeldRoessgar, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Goldstein, Joshua and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and R{\"o}ßgar, Felix}, title = {Gibt es eine Trendumkehr in der Kinderzahl nach Geburtsjahrg{\"a}ngen in Deutschland?}, series = {Berliner Demografie Forum - Working Paper}, journal = {Berliner Demografie Forum - Working Paper}, number = {4}, publisher = {European School of Management and Technology - ESMT}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {12}, language = {de} } @techreport{KreyenfeldKonietzkaGeisleretal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and Geisler, Esther and B{\"o}hm, Sebastian}, title = {Gibt es eine zunehmende bildungsspezifische Polarisierung der Erwerbsmuster von Frauen? Analysen auf Basis der Mikrozensen 1976-2004}, volume = {13}, edition = {MPIDR Working Paper}, publisher = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r demografische Forschung}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {63}, language = {de} } @techreport{KrapfKreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Krapf, Sandra and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Soziale Unterschiede in der Nutzung externer Kinderbetreuung f{\"u}r Ein- bis Sechsj{\"a}hrige: Gibt es Ver{\"a}nderungen im Zeitraum 1984 bis 2009?}, series = {Kinder - und Jugendhilfe in neuer Verantwortung: Materialien zum 14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht}, journal = {Kinder - und Jugendhilfe in neuer Verantwortung: Materialien zum 14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht}, publisher = {Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {49}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldKrapfWolf, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra and Wolf, Katharina}, title = {Gendered Authorship and Demographic Research - An Analysis of 50 Years of Demography}, series = {Demography}, volume = {53}, journal = {Demography}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1007/s13524-016-0482-x}, pages = {1169 -- 1184}, abstract = {Demography, the official journal of the Population Association of America, has been given the highest rating among demographic journals by the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Our aim here is to investigate the development of research subfields and female authorship in Demography over the last 50 years. We find that female authorship in Demography has risen considerably since the 1980s and that currently a woman is about as likely as a man to be the sole or the first author of a paper published in the journal. However, we find some differences by subfield. Women seem to be overrepresented in the "family and household" research subfield but underrepresented in the "mortality and health" and "data and methods" categories.}, language = {en} } @article{KrapfKreyenfeldWolf, author = {Krapf, Sandra and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Wolf, Katharina}, title = {Gendered Authorship and Demographic Research - An Analysis of 50 Years of Demography}, series = {Demography}, volume = {53}, journal = {Demography}, number = {4}, issn = {1533-7790}, doi = {10.1007/s13524-016-0482-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-20875}, pages = {1169 -- 1184}, abstract = {Demography, the official journal of the Population Association of America, has been given the highest rating among demographic journals by the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Our aim here is to investigate the development of research subfields and female authorship in Demography over the last 50 years. We find that female authorship in Demography has risen considerably since the 1980s and that currently a woman is about as likely as a man to be the sole or the first author of a paper published in the journal. However, we find some differences by subfield. Women seem to be overrepresented in the "family and household" research subfield but underrepresented in the "mortality and health" and "data and methods" categories.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldBastin, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Bastin, Sonja}, title = {Reliability of union histories in social science surveys: Blurred memory, deliberate misreporting, or true tales?}, series = {Advances in Life Course Research}, volume = {27}, journal = {Advances in Life Course Research}, number = {March 2016}, issn = {1040-2608}, doi = {10.1016/j.alcr.2015.11.001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-20899}, pages = {30 -- 42}, abstract = {This paper examines the reliability of biographical information gathered retrospectively. It draws on data from the German Family Panel (pairfam), which collected information on the partnership status at first birth using two different strategies. The first strategy was to collect partnership and fertility histories separately in an event history calendar. The second strategy was to ask the respondents directly about their partnership status at first childbirth. We find that in almost 20 percent of the cases, the information collected using the two different strategies did not correspond. The dissolution of a partnership and having a complex partnership biography are strong predictors for discrepancies in the information gathered through the two different strategies. We conclude by discussing the factors that lead to the different outcomes produced by each of the two methods, and the implications of these discrepancies for the study of partnership and fertility behavior in general.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Kinderlosigkeit}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, number = {5}, issn = {2198-2333}, pages = {204 -- 206}, language = {de} } @article{DirkKreyenfeld, author = {Dirk, Konietzka and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Wandel der Familienformen}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, number = {23}, issn = {2198-2333}, pages = {1100 -- 1102}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKrapf, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra}, title = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Kinderbetreuung - Eine Analyse der sozialen und {\"o}konomischen Determinanten der Nutzung von Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen}, series = {Bildung als Privileg. Erkl{\"a}rungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit}, booktitle = {Bildung als Privileg. Erkl{\"a}rungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit}, publisher = {VS Verl.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-11951-5 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-11952-2_4}, pages = {107 -- 128}, abstract = {{\"A}hnlich wie in anderen europ{\"a}ischen L{\"a}ndern wird die institutionelle Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland in erster Linie {\"u}ber ein {\"o}ffentliches Angebot bereitgestellt. Private Kindertageseinrichtungen, wie es sie in markt-liberalen L{\"a}ndern gibt, stellen weiterhin eine Ausnahmeerscheinung dar. Ein Spezifikum der deutschen Situation ist dar{\"u}ber hinaus die besondere Bedeutung freier Tr{\"a}ger (wie Kirchen und Wohlfahrtsverb{\"a}nde) f{\"u}r die Organisation und Bereitstellung von Pl{\"a}tzen in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Ausgangspunkt der folgenden {\"U}berlegungen ist die Hypothese, dass mit der Organisation der institutionellen Kinderbetreuung spezifische Formen sozialer Ausschlussprozesse verbunden sind.}, language = {de} } @techreport{NiebergKrapfKreyenfeldetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Nieberg, Valeria and Krapf, Sandra and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Wolf, Katharina}, title = {Construction of a publication database of the scientific journal "Demography": how to identify author's gender and field of publication}, pages = {16}, abstract = {This Technical Report describes a database that has been established for the research project "Gendered authorship and demographic research - An analysis of 50 years of Demography". In this project, we have investigated whether gender determines field of publication. Our analysis was based on all papers published in "Demography" which is the flagship journal of the Population of America Association (PAA) and currently celebrates its 50th anniversary. We scrutinized all issues of „Demography" and compiled information on title, topic as well as gender of all authors. This Technical Report describes how we set up the resulting database. The Report is accompanied by the respective database (in STATA-format, version 13.0). (Keywords: Demography, gender, publication)}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldRasner, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Rasner, A.}, title = {Demographic Change and Welfare State Restructuring}, series = {The problem-solving capacity of the modern state: governance challenges and administrative capacities}, booktitle = {The problem-solving capacity of the modern state: governance challenges and administrative capacities}, editor = {Wegrich, Kai and Lodge, Martin}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-0-19-871636-5}, pages = {143 -- 162}, language = {en} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Identit{\"a}ten und Lebensgef{\"u}hl der Berlinerinnen und Berliner}, series = {Die Hauptst{\"a}dter - Berlin 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Die Hertie Berlin Studie 2014}, booktitle = {Die Hauptst{\"a}dter - Berlin 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Die Hertie Berlin Studie 2014}, editor = {Anheier, Helmut K. and Hurrelmann, Klaus}, publisher = {Hoffmann und Campe}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3455503395}, pages = {106 -- 165}, abstract = {Kaum eine andere deutsche Stadt hat mehr H{\"o}hen und Tiefen erlebt als Berlin. Mit dem Fall der Mauer und der Wiedervereinigung er{\"o}ffneten sich ungeahnte Perspektiven und M{\"o}glichkeiten. Hat Berlin die Chancen genutzt? Wie steht die Stadt heute in wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und politischer Hinsicht da? Wie sehen die Berliner ihre Stadt? Wie zufrieden sind sie mit Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, mit dem Leben in der Stadt, in ihrem Kiez? Welche Herausforderungen stellen sich f{\"u}r die Berliner Regierung und Verwaltung? Mit dem einzigartigen Typus einer vertiefenden Stadtstudie liefert die von der Gemeinn{\"u}tzigen Hertie-Stiftung herausgegebene Studie unter der Leitung von Helmut K. Anheier und Klaus Hurrelmann repr{\"a}sentative Daten {\"u}ber die Lebenswelten in der deutschen Hauptstadt 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall. Wissenschaftlich fundiert, aktuell und auf h{\"o}chst lesbare Weise.}, language = {de} } @incollection{KonietzkaKreyenfeld, author = {Konietzka, Dirk and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Sozialstruktur und Lebensform}, series = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02275-4}, pages = {345 -- 373}, abstract = {Der Beitrag beschreibt die Grundz{\"u}ge des sozialstrukturellen Wandels der Lebensformen in Deutschland. Zun{\"a}chst werden Konzepte und theoretische Ans{\"a}tze zur Erkl{\"a}rung von Lebensformen und familialen Verhaltensweisen skizziert. Anschließend werden Strukturen und Wandel der Lebens- und Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland nach 1990 auf der Grundlage des Mikrozensus und des deutschen Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam) empirisch untersucht. Dargestellt werden die altersspezifische Verteilung der Lebensformen, der Wandel der Familienformen von Frauen und M{\"a}nnern seit den 1990er Jahren sowie bildungsspezifische Entwicklungen. Weiterhin beleuchtet der Artikel an den Beispielen des {\"U}bergangs zur Mutterschaft und der nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft die kohortenspezifi sche Lebenslaufdynamik von Familienformen. Schließlich wird mit Stieff amilien ein in der empirischen Forschung bislang wenig untersuchter Aspekt der Differenzierung der Familienformen aufgegriffen.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldAnderssonMika, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Andersson, Gunnar and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {Welfare state context, female labour-market attachment and childbearing in Germany and Denmark}, series = {Journal of Population Research}, volume = {31}, journal = {Journal of Population Research}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, issn = {1835-9469}, doi = {10.1007/s12546-014-9135-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-16723}, pages = {287 -- 316}, abstract = {This study investigates the role of female labour-market attachment and earnings in childbearing progressions in two very different European contexts. By applying event-history techniques to German and Danish register data during 1981-2001, we demonstrate how female earnings relate to first, second and third birth propensities. Our study shows that female earnings are positively associated with first birth fertility in Denmark, while this is not the case in West Germany. We interpret our findings based on the fact that Danish social context and policy encourage women to establish themselves in the labour market before becoming mothers, while the German institutional context during the 1980s and 1990s was not geared towards encouraging maternal employment. For higher-order births, the results are less clearcut. For Denmark we find a slightly positive correlation between female earnings and second-birth fertility, while the association is somewhat negative for third-order births. In Germany, women tend to leave the labour market when becoming mothers. Non-employed mothers have elevated second and, in particular, third-birth rates. For the group of mothers who are employed, we find only a weak association between their earnings and higher-order fertility.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldWillekens, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Willekens, F.J.}, title = {Data bases and statistical systems: demography}, series = {International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences}, booktitle = {International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences}, editor = {Wright, James}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, isbn = {978-0-08-097086-8}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.41013-5}, pages = {735 -- 741}, abstract = {This article deals with the availability of large-scale data for demographic analysis. The main sources of data that demographers work with are censuses data, microcensus data, population registers, other administrative data, survey data, and big data. Data of this kind can be used to generate demographic rates and study demographic processes, such as family formation, marriage, divorce, residential mobility, and death. The advantages and pitfalls of different types of data are summarized.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Die Geburten- und Familienentwicklung in Deutschland}, series = {Die demografische Zeitbombe: Fakten und Folgen des Geburtendefizits}, booktitle = {Die demografische Zeitbombe: Fakten und Folgen des Geburtendefizits}, editor = {Kaufmann, Franz-Xaver and Kr{\"a}mer, Walter}, publisher = {Ferdinand Sch{\"o}ningh}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-506-78348-6}, pages = {19 -- 38}, abstract = {Die Deutschen werden {\"a}lter, bunter und weniger. Auf das {\"A}lter- und Bunterwerden darf man sich freuen. Das Wenigerwerden dagegen setzt das Wirtschafts- und Sozialsystem verschiedenen dramatischen Verwerfungen, Spannungen und Verteilungsk{\"a}mpfen aus, die es in der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte bisher in diesem Umfang noch nicht gab. Aber diese Gefahren werden bislang von der deutschen Politik, von den Medien und von der {\"O}ffentlichkeit nach Kr{\"a}ften ignoriert. F{\"u}hrende Wissenschaftler mit internationalem Renommee r{\"u}cken aus unterschiedlicher Perspektive diese drohenden Verwerfungen in ein dringend n{\"o}tiges Rampenlicht. Als gr{\"o}ßtes Manko wird die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Ausmaß des Problems und seiner Wahrnehmung in {\"O}ffentlichkeit und Politik diagnostiziert. Der Appell der Beitr{\"a}ger und Herausgeber zielt darauf ab, schon jetzt mit dem Abfedern der sich aufbauenden Spannungen zu beginnen und nicht weiter wie gehabt mit Scheuklappen und Volldampf auf eine demografische Implosions-Katastrophe zuzusteuern.}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldWalke, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Walke, Rainer}, title = {Ereignisanalyse (und andere Stichw{\"o}rter der Ereignisdatenanalyse)}, series = {Methoden-Lexikon f{\"u}r die Sozialwissenschaften}, booktitle = {Methoden-Lexikon f{\"u}r die Sozialwissenschaften}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-531-16629-2}, abstract = {Dieses Lexikon ist ein interdisziplin{\"a}res Nachschlagewerk mit fast 2.000 Stichworten aus den Bereichen Methodologie, qualitative und quantitative Methoden sowie Statistik. Forschungspraktische Themen werden ebenso behandelt wie die Grundlagen der empirischen Sozialforschung. Die Methoden in den Einzeldisziplinen werden in Langartikeln systematisch pr{\"a}sentiert. {\"U}ber 100 MethodikerInnen aus der Soziologie, der Politikwissenschaft, den Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften, der Geschichtswissenschaft, der Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie, der Sozialpsychologie, den Erziehungswissenschaften, den Gesundheitswissenschaften sowie der Sozial- und Kulturgeographie haben zu dem Lexikon beigetragen. Es dient f{\"u}r Studium und Forschung, aber auch f{\"u}r die Praxis in sozialwissenschaftlichen Berufsfeldern als Wissensgrundlage.}, language = {de} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Economic uncertainty and fertility}, series = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, volume = {67}, journal = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, number = {S1}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1861-891X}, doi = {10.1007/s11577-015-0325-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-16760}, pages = {59 -- 80}, abstract = {Sociologists and demographers have long been interested in the role of economic uncertainty in family behavior. Despite the prevailing "bourgeois conviction" that economic uncertainty discourages people from having children, the empirical evidence on this issue is mixed. In this paper, I summarize the recent empirical evidence, and discuss the potential limitations of previous investigations. Among the possible shortcomings of these studies is that many relied exclusively on unemployment as an operational definition of labor market uncertainty. Subjective indicators of economic uncertainty, which measure the individual's perception of his or her economic situation more directly, often were not available to researchers. Moreover, few of these studies explored group-specific differences in behavior. In this paper, we seek to overcome some of the limitations of these earlier analyses. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), we study the role of perceived economic uncertainty in transitions to first and higher order births for the period 1990-2013. In addition, we examine how different population subgroups (stratified by education, parity, and age) respond to economic uncertainty.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldHank, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hank, Karsten}, title = {"The study of population offers something for everyone": Forschung zu Fertilit{\"a}t, Migration und Mortalit{\"a}t an der Schnittstelle von Demografie und Soziologie}, series = {KZfSS K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, volume = {67}, journal = {KZfSS K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, number = {S1}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {0023-2653}, doi = {10.1007/s11577-015-0315-8}, pages = {1 -- 9}, abstract = {Obwohl es zahlreiche inhaltliche Schnittstellen zwischen Gegenstandsbereichen der Soziologie und der Demografie gibt, hat sich in Deutschland bislang keine Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie, im Sinne einer in den USA schon fr{\"u}h institutionalisierten „Social Demography", etablieren k{\"o}nnen. In diesem einleitenden Beitrag des vorliegenden Sonderhefts der K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie zeigen wir zun{\"a}chst die Ankn{\"u}pfungspunkte beider Disziplinen auf. Anschließend stellen wir die konzeptionelle und inhaltliche Struktur des Heftes vor: Auf Untersuchungen zu den drei klassischen demografischen Kernbereichen „Fertilit{\"a}t und Partnerschaft" (Teil I), „Migration und Mobilit{\"a}t" (Teil II) sowie „Mortalit{\"a}t und Morbidit{\"a}t" (Teil III) folgen Beitr{\"a}ge zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von „Wohlfahrtsstaat und demografischen Wandel" (Teil IV) sowie zur aktuellen Forschung im Bereich der „Soziologie und Biodemografie" (Teil V).}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldNiephausSackmann, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Niephaus, Yasemin and Sackmann, Reinhold}, title = {Gegenstandsbereich der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, series = {Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, pages = {3 -- 18}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die Entwicklung der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie in Deutschland dar. Aufbauend auf den klassischen Arbeiten von S{\"u}ßmilch wurde die Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie in Deutschland bis zur Nachkriegszeit vor allem durch die Arbeiten von National{\"o}konomen wie Brentano, Mombert und Mackenroth gepr{\"a}gt. Die zunehmende Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von Mikrodaten hat zu einer Neuorientierung der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie beigetragen, in der statt einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtungsweise des „Bev{\"o}lkerungsgeschehens" die Analyse spezifischer demographischer {\"U}berg{\"a}nge in den Vordergrund r{\"u}ckte. Vor allem die Lebenslaufforschung hat sich seit den 1980er-Jahren als theoretisches Konzept an der Schnittmenge von demographischer und soziologischer Forschung hervorgetan. Neuere Entwicklungen verweisen auf methodische und theoretische Herausforderungen bei der Untersuchung des Zweiten Demographischen {\"U}bergangs. Eine „verstehende" Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie, die gesellschaftliche Bew{\"a}ltigungsprozesse des demographischen Wandels in den Vordergrund r{\"u}ckt, weist dabei ein methodisch und theoretisch noch nicht ausgesch{\"o}pftes Analyse- und Interventionspotential auf.}, language = {de} } @techreport{KreyenfeldHeintzMartin, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Heintz-Martin, Valerie}, title = {Fertility after separation: second births in higher order unions in Germany}, series = {FamiliesAndSocieties working paper series 28}, volume = {2015}, journal = {FamiliesAndSocieties working paper series 28}, number = {28}, publisher = {Stockholm University}, address = {Stockholm}, pages = {21}, abstract = {This paper uses recent data from the German family panel (pairfam) to examine the fertility behavior after separation. More specifically, we focus on the transition to the second child and compare the behavior of respondents in ongoing partnerships (couples who are still partnered with the mother/father of their first child) with those who have experienced family dissolution after the first birth. The investigation reveals strong gender differences in postseparation fertility behavior. We also find large regional differences. Eastern Germans had much lower second birth rates than western Germans. However, they were more prone than western Germans to have their second child with a parent who was not the father or the mother of their firstborn child. This result is in line with descriptive findings on the diversity of family structures in eastern Germany.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzkaHeintzMartin, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and Heintz-Martin, Valerie}, title = {Lebens- und Familienformen}, series = {Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie}, editor = {Niephaus, Yasemin and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Sackmann, Reinhold}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-658-01409-4}, pages = {303 -- 325}, abstract = {In diesem Band pr{\"a}sentieren die Herausgebenden das Forschungsgebiet der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie. Mit unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie befasste Autoren und Autorinnen tragen durch ihre Beitr{\"a}ge dazu bei. Nach einem ausf{\"u}hrlichen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die in der Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie g{\"a}ngigen Themen, Theorien und Daten werden die Bereiche Fertilit{\"a}t, Familie und Lebensformen, Migration und Mobilit{\"a}t sowie Mortalit{\"a}t, Morbidit{\"a}t und Pflege vorgestellt. Abschließend folgt eine Er{\"o}rterung des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit demographischem Wandel. Damit richtet sich das Handbuch Bev{\"o}lkerungssoziologie an ein breites Publikum, das Studierende, Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen, Politiker und Politikerinnen wie auch die interessierte {\"O}ffentlichkeit umfasst.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Maternal and paternal employment across the life course}, series = {Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: an interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource}, booktitle = {Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: an interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, NJ}, isbn = {eISBN 978-1-118-90077-2}, abstract = {This essay provides a condensed summary of major findings in trends in maternal and paternal employment patterns. Key theoretical concepts (such as cultural approaches, welfare state approaches, preference theory, economic approaches, and life course theory) are briefly summarized. The increase in maternal employment rates in most European countries, and the extent to which this increase has been related to growth in part-time and marginal employment, are also discussed. In studying the dynamics of the employment behavior of mothers, empirical researchers have mainly looked at the amount of time it takes for women to return to work after childbirth. While these studies often capture only a snapshot of the life course—namely, the period between childbirth and labor market reentry—new approaches (so-called sequence analyses) that map the lifetime employment patterns of women have been developed. The analysis of the employment patterns of fathers is an emerging field of research as well. However, little is known so far about how fatherhood affects men's lifetime employment patterns, and how paternal employment varies in different cultural and social policy contexts.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KrapfKreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Krapf, Sandra and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Fertility assessment with the Own-Children Method: a validation with data from the German Mikrozensus}, pages = {14}, abstract = {The German Mikrozensus is a data set that is frequently used to study fertility behavior. With its large sample size, the dataset also offers the opportunity to investigate childbearing among population subgroups, such as particular migrant groups. Because birth histories are not surveyed in the Mikrozensus, scholars have frequently employed the Own-Children Method (OCM) to generate fertility schedules from this data. The OCM draws on information on the number and ages of the co-residential children in order to estimate the fertility schedule of women. It is clear that this method leads to an underestimation of fertility, because children do not necessarily live with their biological mother. It is also clear that the bias is stronger for older women, because children may have left parental home. In the past, it was not possible to assess the bias. With the Mikrozensus 2008, we are able to validate the OCM by relying on respondent's own report on the total number of children. We furthermore examine whether the OCM leads to worse estimates for migrants and non-migrants. The results show that the OCM provides reasonable fertility estimates for women in western Germany up to age 40, irrespective of migrant background. For eastern Germany, there is a stronger bias at later ages than in western Germany. This relates to the early age at childbirth in this region and the more diverse family structures.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldBastin, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Bastin, Sonja}, title = {Blurred memory, deliberate misreporting, or "true tales"? How different survey methods affect respondents' reports of partnership status at first birth}, pages = {34}, abstract = {This paper examines the reliability of biographical information gathered retrospectively. It draws on data from the German Family Panel (pairfam), which collected information on the partnership status at first birth using two different methods. The first method is based on data on partnership and fertility histories collected retrospectively. The second method uses data gathered through the use of a "landmark question" on the respondents' partnership status when their first children were born. We find that in almost 20 percent of the cases, the information collected using the first method did not correspond with the information collected using the second method. Partnership dissolution and "turbulence" in the partnership biography are strong predictors for discrepancies in the information gathered through the two different survey methods. We conclude by drawing attention to the limitations of the retrospective collection of partnership histories at a time when divorce and separation rates are increasing.}, language = {en} } @article{HofmannKreyenfeldUhlendorff, author = {Hofmann, Barbara and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Uhlendorff, Arne}, title = {Job Displacement and First Birth Over the Business Cycle}, series = {Demography}, volume = {54}, journal = {Demography}, number = {3}, issn = {1533-7790}, doi = {10.1007/s13524-017-0580-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-23234}, pages = {933 -- 959}, abstract = {In this article, we investigate the impact of job displacement on women's first-birth rates as well as the variation in this effect over the business cycle. We use mass layoffs to estimate the causal effects of involuntary job loss on fertility in the short and medium term, up to five years after displacement. Our analysis is based on rich administrative data from Germany, with an observation period spanning more than 20 years. We apply inverse probability weighting (IPW) to flexibly control for the observed differences between women who were and were not displaced. To account for the differences in the composition of the women who were displaced in a downturn and the women who were displaced in an upswing, we use a double weighting estimator. Results show that the extent to which job displacement has adverse effects on fertility depends on the business cycle. The first-birth rates were much lower for women who were displaced in an economic downturn than for those who lost a job in an economic upturn. This result cannot be explained by changes in the observed characteristics of the displaced women over the business cycle.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Bev{\"o}lkerung}, series = {Lehrbuch der Soziologie}, booktitle = {Lehrbuch der Soziologie}, editor = {Joas, Hans and Mau, Steffen}, publisher = {Campus}, address = {Frankfurt /M.}, isbn = {9783593503462}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {789 -- 830}, language = {de} } @techreport{WalperKreyenfeldBebloetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Walper, Sabine and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Beblo, Miriam and Hahlweg, Kurt and Nebe, Katja and Schuler-Harms, Margarete and Fegert, J{\"o}rg M.}, title = {Gemeinsam getrennt erziehen. Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats f{\"u}r Familienfragen beim Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend}, address = {Berlin}, language = {de} } @techreport{BaykaraKrummeBebloDethlofetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Baykara-Krumme, Helen and Beblo, Miriam and Dethlof, Nina and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Pl{\"u}nnecke, Axel and Pollak, Reinhard and Walper, Sabine}, title = {Neunter Familienbericht der Bundesregierung}, pages = {721}, abstract = {Der Neunte Familienbericht widmet sich dem Thema "Eltern sein in Deutschland" und bietet einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die wichtigsten gesellschaftlichen Trends, die das Familienleben und die Situation von Eltern in Deutschland bestimmen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Eltern als Weichensteller f{\"u}r das Leben ihrer Kinder. Anspr{\"u}che, Anforderungen und Angebote, denen sich Eltern bei wachsender Vielfalt gegen{\"u}bersehen, werden W{\"u}nschen und Zielen gegen{\"u}bergestellt, um daraus Empfehlungen f{\"u}r eine wirksame Politik f{\"u}r Familien abzuleiten. In ihrer Stellungnahme zum Sachverst{\"a}ndigenbericht legt die Bundesregierung dar, welche Schwerpunkte sie in der politischen Umsetzung der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen des Berichts zuk{\"u}nftig setzt, damit Familien ihr Familienleben entsprechend ihren Vorstellungen und mit mehr Zeitsouver{\"a}nit{\"a}t gestalten k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @techreport{Kreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Stellungnahme zum „Entwurf eines Gesetzes {\"u}ber die statistische Erhebung der Zeitverwendung (Zeitverwendungserhebungsgesetz - ZVEG)}, pages = {10}, language = {de} } @book{SchneiderKreyenfeld, author = {Schneider, Norbert F. and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, address = {Cheltenham, UK}, isbn = {9781788975537}, doi = {10.4337/9781788975544}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {480}, abstract = {Exploring how family life has radically changed in recent decades, this comprehensive Research Handbook tracks the latest developments and trends in scholarly work on the family. With a particular focus on the European context, it addresses current debates and offers insights into key topics including: the division of housework, family forms and living arrangements, intergenerational relationships, partner choice, divorce and fertility behaviour.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldZinn, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Zinn, Sabine}, title = {Coronacrisis and care: How the coronavirus crisis affected fathers' involvement in Germany (Introduction to the Special Issue)}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {44 - Special Issue}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2021.44.4}, pages = {100 -- 122}, abstract = {BACKGROUND Some have hypothesized that the coronavirus crisis may result in a retraditionalization of behaviour. This paper examines this hypothesis by analyzing how the time fathers and mothers spent with their children changed during the first lockdown in the case of Germany. METHODS Data for this investigation come from the German Socio-Economic Panel. The outcome variable is the time spent on childcare tasks. We investigate how this time changed between 2019 and spring 2020 and how these patterns differed by gender, education, and employment situation. As a method, we employ linear panel regressions where the dependent variable is the change in childcare time between the two survey years. RESULTS We find that fathers and mothers expanded the time they spent on childcare to similar degrees between 2019 and spring 2020, which marks the period of the first lockdown. However, we also observe large differences by level of education. We find that men with low and medium levels of education spent more time with their children than they did before the onset of the crisis. CONTRIBUTION Our study provides novel evidence on the effect of the coronavirus crisis on fathers' involvement in childcare. Contrary to expectations based on previous research, we find that fathers expanded the time they were spending with their children during the first lockdown. While we also find that women continue to perform the bulk of childcare tasks, our results cast a positive light on the potential of paternal involvement in contemporary societies.}, language = {en} } @article{SprengholzDiehlGieseckeetal., author = {Sprengholz, Maximilian and Diehl, Claudia and Giesecke, Johannes and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {From "guest workers" to EU migrants: A gendered view on the labour market integration of different arrival cohorts in Germany}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {Special Issue}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-492}, pages = {1 -- 32}, abstract = {Objective: This paper draws on data from the Microcensus to provide a long-term overview of the labour market performance of different arrival cohorts of non-German women and men who immigrated to (western) Germany. Background: While there is a large body of research on the labour market outcomes of migrants to Germany, a long-term and gender-specific overview is missing. Method: We provide descriptive analyses of the employment rates, working hours, and occupational status levels of different arrival cohorts by gender, calendar year, and duration of stay. The data cover the time period 1976-2015. Results: With the exception of the earliest cohort, migrant women and men were consistently less likely to be employed than their German counterparts. While the average working hours of migrant women of earlier cohorts were longer than those of German women, this pattern reversed due to a considerable decline in the average working hours of migrant women across subsequent cohorts. The occupational status levels of female and male migrants increased across the arrival cohorts, corresponding to higher levels of education. Analyses by duration of stay indicate that the occupational status of the arrival cohorts tended to decline during their initial years of residence, and to stagnate thereafter. This pattern seems to be due in part to selective outmigration. Conclusion: Our results clearly show that the labour market performance of immigrants varied greatly by arrival cohort, reflecting the conditions and policy contexts during which they entered Germany. This conclusion applied especially to migrant women.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldDiehlKrohetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Diehl, Claudia and Kroh, Martin and Giesecke, Johannes}, title = {Female employment and migration in European countries}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {Special Issue}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-700}, abstract = {Objective: This chapter introduces the reader to the Special Issue "Female Employment and Migration in European Countries". Background: While there is a large body of research on the labour market performance of male migrants, women's employment behaviour after migration has only recently moved into the focus of attention. Method: This Special Issue draws on various research methods and data sources, including register, census, and survey data. Some of the studies focus on specific national contexts, such as the German, Spanish, Dutch, and Belgian situations. Other studies compare female migrants across European countries and between origin and destination countries. Results: The contributions in this Special Issue help to disentangle the complex interplay of socio-economic factors, family and fertility behaviour, gender role attitudes, and institutional constraints and policies that shape the employment behaviour of migrant women after they migrate. Conclusion: In many European countries, the employment rates of first-generation female migrants, and particularly those of women from non-EU countries of origin, lag behind the employment rates of native women. While prior research has often reported that socio-economic and cultural factors play a role in shaping the employment behaviour of female migrants, the contributions in this volume also emphasise the strong relevance of institutional factors in the receiving country, including migration, family, and labour market policies.}, language = {en} } @article{KonietzkaFeldhausKreyenfeldetal., author = {Konietzka, Dirk and Feldhaus, Michael and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Family and intimate relationships}, series = {Soziologische Revue}, volume = {Special Issue}, journal = {Soziologische Revue}, editor = {Hollstein, Betina and Greshoff, Rainer and Schimank, Uwe and Weiß, Anja}, doi = {10.1515/9783110627275-008}, pages = {99 -- 116}, abstract = {This article provides an overview on research on intimate relationships and the family in Germany since the turn of the millennium. It is argued that "German family sociology" has undergone major changes in various ways. In theoretical terms, micro-theoretical approaches have largely replaced former macro-sociological debates on de-institutionalization and pluralization of the family. In empirical research, the application of a life course perspective and the use of longitudinal data have become more and more established. In substantial terms, researchers have pursued integrative research perspectives that link family dynamics to other life domains. Not least, publication strategies shifted in favor of English language and international journals. In sum, these developments have fundamentally changed the German researchlandscape on intimate relationships and the family.}, language = {en} } @article{BrueggmannKreyenfeld, author = {Br{\"u}ggmann, Daniel and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Die Einkommensverl{\"a}ufe von M{\"a}nnern nach Scheidung: Welchen Einfluss haben Kinder und Ex-Partnerinnen?}, series = {RV aktuell}, volume = {11/12}, journal = {RV aktuell}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchneiderKreyenfeld, author = {Schneider, Norbert F. and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Introduction: The sociology of the family - towards a European perspective}, series = {Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family}, booktitle = {Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family}, editor = {Schneider, Norbert F. and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, publisher = {Edward Elgar}, address = {Cheltenham}, isbn = {9781788975537}, doi = {10.4337/9781788975544.00007}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {2 -- 20}, language = {en} } @incollection{KonietzkaKreyenfeld, author = {Konietzka, Dirk and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Life course sociology: Key concepts and applications in family sociology}, series = {Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family}, booktitle = {Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family}, editor = {Schneider, Norbert and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, publisher = {Edward Elgar}, address = {Cheltenham}, isbn = {9781788975537}, doi = {10.4337/9781788975544.00012}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {73 -- 87}, language = {en} } @techreport{AlonsoPerezMcEvoyRamosetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Alonso-Perez, Enrique and McEvoy, Olan and Ramos, Vincent and O'Sullivan, Julie Lorraine and Liebig, Stefan and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Lersch, Philipp and Bazzani, Giacomo and Guetto, Raffaele and Vignoli, Daniele and Heisig, Jan and Solga, Heike and Gellert, Paul}, title = {Cognitive Pretest of a Factorial Survey Experiment on Future Narratives and Family Care}, doi = {10.48462/opus4-4174}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-41744}, pages = {16}, abstract = {Within the Preparation Module for the Einstein Center for Population Diversity (ECPD), diverse research institutions came together to provide new survey instruments for the innovation sample in the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-IS). With the goal of collecting insightful information about future narratives and family care, central topics of the ECPD research endeavor, factorial survey was chosen as a suitable method. A preliminary set of vignettes was designed conjointly, and before proceeding with the large-scale survey, a series of cognitive pretests were conducted to examine comprehensibility and context effects. In this study we describe the design and analysis of these cognitive pretests, with a special focus on the process of designing the final survey informed by the pretests' feedback.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Kreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Stellungnahme zum „Entwurf eines Gesetzes {\"u}ber die statistische Erhebung der Zeitverwendung (Zeitverwendungserhebungsgesetz - ZVEG)"}, doi = {10.48462/opus4-3781}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-37818}, pages = {14}, abstract = {Die Zeitverwendungsstudie ist, neben Mikrozensus und Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe, eine der zentralen amtlichen Befragungen, die ein differenziertes Bild {\"u}ber die Zeitverwendung der Bev{\"o}lkerung nach sozio-demographischen Merkmalen liefert. Da schon Personen ab 10 Jahren befragt werden, ist sie zudem eine der wenigen Befragungen, die Einblicke in den Tagesablauf, die Zeitpr{\"a}ferenzen und auch den Zeitstress von Kindern und Jugendlichen liefert. Die Befragung umfasst Zeitinformationen f{\"u}r unterschiedlichste Bereiche - u.a. Freizeit, Pflege, Ehrenamt, Mobilit{\"a}t und Kinderbetreuung -, die in anderen Befragungen unterbelichtet sind. Zu Recht wird auf das Potenzial dieses Datensatzes verwiesen alternative Wohlstandsmaße bereitzustellen. Im vorliegenden Gesetzesentwurf werden vor allem die Erhebungsmerkmale festgelegt. Neben etablierten Fragebatterien werden auch neue Batterien aufgenommen. Mit der Integration einer neuen Frage zum „Kontakt zu eigenen Kindern, die nicht im Haushalt leben", sollen erstmalig auch haushalts{\"u}bergreifende Informationen zu Kindern erhoben werden. Dieser Schritt ist zu begr{\"u}ßen. Dennoch kann die Zeitverwendungsstudie in der vorgesehenen Form die Lebenswirklichkeiten von Trennungseltern und -kindern nicht hinreichend abbilden. Konkret wurden folgende Punkte in dieser Stellungnahme hervorgehoben: • Erstens wurde angeregt, Anstrengungen zu unternehmen Stieffamilien abzugrenzen. Dies w{\"u}rde es nicht nur erm{\"o}glichen, die Lebens- und Familienformen zeitgem{\"a}ß zu erfassen, sondern ebenfalls das v{\"a}terliche Engagement in der Kinderbetreuung ad{\"a}quater abzubilden. • Zweitens wurde kritisch vermerkt, dass Trennungseltern, die von ihren Kindern getrennt leben, nicht abgegrenzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Es kann auch nicht quantifiziert werden, in welcher Weise diese Eltern Zeit mit ihren Kindern verbringen. Es wird zwar dezidiert abgefragt, in welcher Weise „Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r andere Personen geleistet werden, die nicht Teil der Haushaltsgemeinschaft sind". Die Betreuungsleistungen, die dem eigenen getrennt lebenden Kind entgegen gebracht werden, werden hingegen nicht erfasst (bzw. gehen in dieser Item-Batterie unter). Gleichermaßen gilt dies f{\"u}r die Betreuungsleistungen, die ein Haushalt durch den getrennt lebenden Elternteil empf{\"a}ngt. • Drittens wurde vermerkt, dass eine Erfassung von migrationsspezifischen Indikatoren in Befragungen (wie Sprache, Geburtsland der Eltern) grunds{\"a}tzlich sinnvoll ist. Jedoch wurde kritisch hinterfragt, ob dies ebenfalls f{\"u}r die Zeitverwendungsstudie gilt, in der keine Substichprobe f{\"u}r Personen mit Migrationshintergrund vorgesehen ist und die Befragung nur in deutscher Sprache durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. • Viertens wurde angeregt, nicht nur die Erhebungsmerkmale in den Blick zu nehmen, sondern auch Augenmerk auf die Methodenweiterentwicklung zu richten. Gleichermaßen sollten M{\"o}glichkeiten von L{\"a}ngsschnittbefragungen und „abgespeckten" Befragungen in k{\"u}rzeren Befragungswellen ausgelotet werden.}, language = {de} } @techreport{NaujoksKreyenfeldDummert, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Naujoks, Tabea and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Dummert, Sandra}, title = {The Coronavirus Crisis, Fathers' Short-Time Work, and the Division of Child Care in Couples}, doi = {10.48462/opus4-3870}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-38700}, pages = {50}, abstract = {Objective. This paper examines how participation in the short-time work scheme affected the gendered division of child care during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany. Background. Short-time work (Kurzarbeit) has been one of the main policies used to combat the economic and labour market repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. We examine whether and, if so, how the growing prevalence of short-time work has affected care patterns. Method. We use data from the IAB-HOPP, a longitudinal study monitored by the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The analytical sample includes couples with children aged 12 and younger (n=811). We employ multinomial logistic regressions in which the outcome variable is the change in the division of care work from a period before to a period during the coronavirus crisis (June to August 2020). Results: We find that among men, receiving short-time work benefits resulted in more gender-equal care patterns. However, we also find that participating in the short-time work programme had no strong or significant effects on the gendered division of care among women. Conclusion: The evidence from the coronavirus crisis suggests that changes in men's work patterns have the potential to shift the gendered division of care in the household.}, language = {en} } @article{MejiaKreyenfeld, author = {Mejia, Cristina Samper and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Marriage migration and women's entry into the German labour market}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, number = {2}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-491}, pages = {439 -- 466}, abstract = {Objective: We analyse the employment patterns of childless first-generation migrants to Germany. In particular, we focus on the behaviour of female "marriage migrants". Marriage migrants are defined as individuals who married after their spouse had moved to Germany. Background: Demographic studies have illustrated that marriage migrants have particularly high childbirth rates upon arrival. There is, however, little empirical evidence on how the childbearing behaviour of migrant women is related to their employment behaviour. Method: We use event history techniques to study women's labour market entry after migration in relation to their childbearing behaviour. We draw on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). The analytical sample is restricted to immigrant women who moved while childless to Germany between 1990 and 2016 (n=981). Results: Compared to other groups, marriage migrants have very low chances of entering the labour market. Only 32 per cent of the migrants in our sample had ever participated in the labour market in the five-year period after their arrival in Germany. A large share of the differences between these migrants and other migrants can be attributed to the socio-demographic composition of these women, and to their tendency to transition to parenthood soon after their arrival. Conclusion: We argue that the low employment rates of female marriage migrants must also be viewed in the context of Germany's migration policies, which do not provide many routes for female third-country nationals to move to Germany. One of the few available channels is that of marriage migration. We conclude by discussing the social policy implications of these findings at a time when Germany is gradually becoming a dual-earner society.}, language = {en} } @periodical{ZartlerSuwadaKreyenfeld, author = {Zartler, Ulrike and Suwada, Katarzyna and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Family Lives during the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Societies}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, number = {1}, edition = {43}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-2022-34-1}, language = {en} } @periodical{KreyenfeldDiehlKrohetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Diehl, Claudia and Kroh, Martin and Giesecke, Johannes}, title = {Employment and Family Behaviour after Migration}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {Special Issue}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, number = {33}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-2021-33-2}, language = {en} } @article{WalperKreyenfeld, author = {Walper, Sabine and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {The intensification of parenting in Germany: The role of socioeconomic background and family form}, series = {Social Sciences}, volume = {11 (3)}, journal = {Social Sciences}, number = {134}, doi = {10.3390/socsci11030134}, abstract = {Drawing on the international discourse on the intensification of parenting and new data from Germany, this paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the unique challenges that parents face in the 21st century. We used data from the survey "Parenthood Today", which was conducted in 2019 to examine parents' views on parenting in Germany. The data comprised standardized interviews with 1652 mothers and fathers. We focused on three dimensions of parental pressures: namely, time pressure, financial pressure, and pressure that emanates from the educational system. Time pressure referred to the pressure currently felt, whereas financial pressure and pressure from the educational system referred to changes across time. In each of these domains, more than 60\% of the parents experienced high (time) or increasing (education and financial) pressure. Binary logistic regressions showed that while parental education was a strong predictor of experiencing an increase in financial pressure, parental education did not matter for other realms of parenting. However, employment and family form were strongly related to parental time pressure. Full-time employed lone mothers, but also non-resident fathers, reported experiencing heavy pressure when trying to balance their roles as a worker and as a carer. Our results draw attention to the importance of better integrating the needs of post-separation families, including of non-resident fathers, in the debate on the "intensification of parenting".}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldSchmaukMika, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Schmauk, Sarah and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {The gender pension gap in Germany: Is divorce a gender-equaliser?}, series = {Ageing \& Society}, journal = {Ageing \& Society}, doi = {10.1017/S0144686X21001513}, abstract = {Germany is one of the few countries in Europe that has implemented a system of 'divorce splitting'. Under this system, the pension credits that spouses have accumulated during their marriage are combined and then split equally between them upon divorce. This study examines how divorce affects public pension entitlements in Germany, and how these patterns are influenced by the system of divorce splitting. The data for our analysis comes from SHARE-RV, a direct linkage of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) with administrative data of the research data centre of the German Pension Insurance Fund (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund). The data include information on the beneficiaries' monthly earnings and employment biographies, as well as on their pension entitlements and the credits they received through divorce splitting. The results of the analysis, which was restricted to West German men and women born between 1935 and 1954, reveal that there are large gender gaps in public pension benefit levels. However, the investigation also shows that single and divorced West German women have larger personal pension entitlements than their married or widowed counterparts. Furthermore, the public pension entitlements of divorced men and women in West Germany are very similar. This can be attributed partially to the divorce-splitting system, which tends to increase the pension benefits of divorced women, while reducing the pension benefits of their male counterparts.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Sozialstruktur und Familienformen}, series = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, editor = {Hill, Paul B. and Kopp, Johannes}, publisher = {Springer VS}, isbn = {978-3-658-02276-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02276-1_12}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {345 -- 373}, abstract = {Der Beitrag beschreibt die Grundz{\"u}ge des sozialstrukturellen Wandels der Lebensformen in Deutschland. Zun{\"a}chst werden Konzepte und theoretische Ans{\"a}tze zur Erkl{\"a}rung von Lebensformen und familialen Verhaltensweisen skizziert. Anschließend werden Strukturen und Wandel der Lebens- und Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland nach 1990 auf der Grundlage des Mikrozensus und des deutschen Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam) empirisch untersucht. Dargestellt werden die altersspezifische Verteilung der Lebensformen, der Wandel der Familienformen von Frauen und M{\"a}nnern seit den 1990er Jahren sowie bildungsspezifische Entwicklungen. Weiterhin beleuchtet der Artikel an den Beispielen des {\"U}bergangs zur Mutterschaft und der nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft die kohortenspezifi sche Lebenslaufdynamik von Familienformen. Schließlich wird mit Stieff amilien ein in der empirischen Forschung bislang wenig untersuchter Aspekt der Differenzierung der Familienformen aufgegriffen.}, language = {de} } @article{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Getrennte Eltern, geteilte Betreuung}, series = {DJI Impulse}, volume = {1/22}, journal = {DJI Impulse}, pages = {38 -- 41}, language = {de} } @techreport{WalperKreyenfeldBebloetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Walper, Sabine and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Beblo, Miriam and Hahlweg, Kurt and Nebe, Katja and Schuler-Harms, Margarete and Fegert, J{\"o}rg M. and f{\"u}r Familienfragen, Wissenschaftliche Beirat}, title = {Gemeinsam getrennt erziehen. Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats f{\"u}r Familienfragen beim Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend}, abstract = {Gemeinsam getrennt erziehen" ist das Thema des heute ver{\"o}ffentlichten Gutachtens des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats f{\"u}r Familienfragen beim BMFSFJ. Das Gutachten gibt einen umfassenden {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber Trennungsfamilien in Deutschland. Immer mehr Eltern w{\"u}nschen sich vor, aber auch nach einer Trennung ihre Kinder gemeinsam zu betreuen. Deshalb legt das Gutachten den Fokus auf Familien, die eine geteilte (asymmetrische wie symmetrische) Betreuung leben. Internationale Vergleiche zeigen, wie geteilte Betreuung anderswo gelebt wird und wo es Reformbedarf gibt.}, language = {de} } @article{ZartlerSuwadaKreyenfeld, author = {Zartler, Ulrike and Suwada, Katarzyna and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Family lives during the COVID-19 pandemic in European Societies: Introduction to the Special Issue}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {34}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, number = {1}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-808}, pages = {1 -- 15}, abstract = {Objective: This chapter introduces the reader to the Special Issue "Family Lives during the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Societies". Background: This Special Issue analyses how families, parents, and children have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they have been coping with its related challenges in different societal contexts. Method: The studies collected in this Special Issue are based on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches and data that have been gathered during 2020 in a range of European countries. It covers the first lockdown period, the reopening phases, and the months thereafter. Results: The 20 contributions of this Special Issue show that families shouldered large responsibilities during the pandemic. While the pandemic did not lead to radical shifts in gendered care patterns, mothers and fathers experienced the pandemic differently, with mothers reporting higher levels of stress. Moreover, there was great heterogeneity in how different types of families and children were affected by the pandemic. Single parents and parents and children in low-income households were most strongly affected in their social and economic wellbeing. Social and economic distress are strongly interwoven, and the developments during the pandemic aggravated existing social disparities. Conclusion: This Special Issue underlines the importance of the family for the functioning of societies during times of crisis. It also shows that policy makers often adopted a too narrow view of what constitutes a family and did not adequately address family diversity in their decision making. This Special Issue furthermore emphasized that there is a danger that the pandemic will increase disparities between families. Thus, parents and their children need adequate support measures that are tailored to their needs, and that are designed to alleviate these social, economic and educational disparities.}, language = {en} } @article{NisenKluesenerDahlbergetal., author = {Nis{\´e}n, Jessica and Kl{\"u}sener, Sebastian and Dahlberg, Johan and Dommermuth, Lars and Jasilioniene, Aiva and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Lappeg{\aa}rd, Trude and Li, Peng and Martikainen, Pekka and Neels, Karel and Riederer, Bernhard and te Riele, Saskia and Szab{\´o}, Laura and Trimarchi, Alessandra and Viciana, Francisco and Wilson, Ben and Myrskyl{\"a}, Mikko}, title = {Educational differences in cohort fertility across subnational regions in Europe}, series = {European Journal of Population}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, doi = {10.1007/s10680-020-09562-0}, abstract = {Educational differences in female cohort fertility vary strongly across high-income countries and over time, but knowledge about how educational fertility differentials play out at the sub-national regional level is limited. Examining these sub-national regional patterns might improve our understanding of national patterns, as regionally varying contextual conditions may affect fertility. This study provides for the first time for a large number of European countries a comprehensive account of educational differences in the cohort fertility rate (CFR) at the sub-national regional level. We harmonise data from population registers, censuses, and large-sample surveys for 15 countries to measure women's completed fertility by educational level and region of residence at the end of the reproductive lifespan. In order to explore associations between educational differences in CFRs and levels of economic development, we link our data to regional GDP per capita. Empirical Bayesian estimation is used to reduce uncertainty in the regional fertility estimates. We document an overall negative gradient between the CFR and level of education, and notable regional variation in the gradient. The steepness of the gradient is inversely related to the economic development level. It is steepest in the least developed regions and close to zero in the most developed regions. This tendency is observed within countries as well as across all regions of all countries. Our findings underline the variability of educational gradients in women's fertility, suggest that higher levels of development may be associated with less negative gradients, and call for more in-depth sub-national-level fertility analyses by education.}, language = {en} } @article{BujardDiehlKreyenfeldetal., author = {Bujard, Martin and Diehl, Claudia and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Leyendecker, Birgit and Spieß, C. Katharina}, title = {Gefl{\"u}chtete, Familien und ihre Kinder: warum der Blick auf die Familien und die Kindertagesbetreuung entscheidend ist}, series = {Sozialer Fortschritt}, volume = {69}, journal = {Sozialer Fortschritt}, pages = {561 -- 577}, abstract = {Seit 2015 viele Menschen mit Fluchthintergrund nach Deutschland gezogen sind, stand h{\"a}ufig deren Arbeitsmarktintegration im Zentrum des gesellschaftlichen, politischen und wissenschaftlichen Interesses. Lebenslagen und Lebensformen der gefluchteten Familien wurden hingegen viel weniger thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag pr{\"a}sentiert familiendemografische Daten f{\"u}r Gefluchtete der Herkunftsl{\"a}nder Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Eritrea und verdeutlicht den großen Anteil von Familien mit kleinen Kindern unter den nach Deutschland Gefluchteten. Daten zur Nutzung von Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen von Kindern gefluchteter Familien zeigen, dass institutionelle Kinderbetreuung wesentlich zur Integration und Bildung beitragen kann. Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat f{\"u}r Familienfragen des BMFSFJ versucht, diesen f{\"u}r die Integration zentralen Aspekt in den Diskurs zu Fl{\"u}chtlingen einzubringen und evidenzbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben. Abstract in English: Since 2015, many refugees have moved to Germany. So far, scholarly and political interests have focused on the possibilities of their labour market integration. However, the well-being and living arrangements of refugee families have been less investigated. This paper provides family-demographic data on refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eritrea, and illustrates the high proportion of families with young children among them. The literature review of refugee families' usage of public funded day care demonstrates the potential of positive effects of early childhood education and care services on the integration and education of refugee children. The Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth aims to bring this important issue for integration into the discourse on refugees and to provide evidence-based policy advice.}, language = {de} } @article{AlonsoPerezGellertKreyenfeldetal., author = {Alonso-Perez, Enrique and Gellert, Paul and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and O'Sullivan, Julie Lorraine}, title = {Family Structure and Family Climate in Relation to Health and Socioeconomic Status for Older Adults: A Longitudinal Moderated Mediation Analysis}, series = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, volume = {19}, journal = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, number = {18}, doi = {10.3390/ijerph191811840}, abstract = {Family characteristics are associated with individuals' health and wellbeing. However, the link between family structure (e.g., operationalized via marital status) and health outcomes is ambiguous, and whether family climate mediates the relationship is unclear. This study uses the Biobehavioral Family Model (BBFM) to investigate the association of older adults' family structure with later health, the mediating role of family climate and mental health and how these links vary by socioeconomic status (SES). Using data from n = 29,457 respondents aged over 50 in Waves 4, 5 and 6 (2011, 2013 and 2015) of the Survey of Health, Retirement and Ageing in Europe (SHARE), the BBFM was applied in a longitudinal mediation analysis of family structure and health, including both indicators of mental and physical health. Structural equation modeling was applied, and a multigroup analysis was performed to test the role of SES in a moderated mediation. Family climate and mental health mediated the relationship between family structure and subsequent physical health. Good levels of family climate were found to be consistently associated with improved mental and physical health. These relationships were significantly moderated by SES, showing that the association of family climate and health was weaker for those in low SES positions. Family climate and mental health should be considered as potential mechanisms linking family structure to later physical health outcomes across time; however, these associations are diminished for those with low SES.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzkaLambertetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk and Lambert, Philippe and Ramos, Vincent Jerald}, title = {Second Birth Fertility in Germany: Social Class, Gender, and the Role of Economic Uncertainty}, series = {European Journal of Population}, volume = {39}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, doi = {10.1007/s10680-023-09656-5}, abstract = {Building on a thick strand of the literature on the determinants of higher-order births, this study uses a gender and class perspective to analyse second birth progression rates in Germany. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1990 to 2020, individuals are classified based on their occupation into: upper service, lower service, skilled manual/higher-grade routine nonmanual, and semi-/unskilled manual/lower-grade routine nonmanual classes. Results highlight the "economic advantage" of men and women in service classes who experience strongly elevated second birth rates. Finally, we demonstrate that upward career mobility post-first birth is associated with higher second birth rates, particularly among men.}, language = {en} } @article{BrueggmannKreyenfeld, author = {Br{\"u}ggmann, Daniel and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Earnings Trajectories After Divorce: The Legacies of the Earner Model During Marriage}, series = {Population Research and Policy Review}, volume = {42}, journal = {Population Research and Policy Review}, doi = {10.1007/s11113-023-09756-4}, abstract = {Divorce marks the legal endpoint of a marital union. While divorce is increasingly seen as a 'clean break', the past marital history of the couple may nevertheless shape their present conditions. In particular, there may be a legacy of a highly gendered division of labour during marriage that may affect the ex-spouses' earning trajectories beyond the date of divorce. Using register data from the German Pension Fund, we examine the earning trajectories of heterosexual couples who filed for a divorce in 2013 (24,616 men and 24,616 women). Using fixed-effects and matching techniques, we compare the earning trajectories of divorcees with those of a control group of married persons in the period spanning two years before and two years after divorce. In particular, we examine how the earner models divorcees followed during marriage shaped their future earning trajectories. Our results show that, on average, the earnings of a divorced woman in a male breadwinner constellation increased after divorce, while the earnings of her male ex-spouse declined. Nevertheless, large gender differences in earnings persisted: 2 years after separation, a divorced woman who had been in a male breadwinner constellation was, on average, earning 72\% less than her ex-spouse. We discuss our findings against the background of recent policy reforms in Germany, which assume that ex-partners should be economically 'self-reliant' after divorce.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldSprengholzSchieckoff, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Sprengholz, Maximilian and Schieckoff, Bentley}, title = {Frauen. Arbeit mit Hindernissen}, series = {Atlas der Migration: Neue Daten und Fakten {\"u}ber Menschen in Bewegung}, booktitle = {Atlas der Migration: Neue Daten und Fakten {\"u}ber Menschen in Bewegung}, editor = {Bussemer, Johanna and Albrecht, Franziska and Riethm{\"u}ller, Dorit and Jakob, Christian}, publisher = {Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {42 -- 43}, language = {de} } @techreport{LambertKreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Lambert, Philippe and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Exogenous time-varying covariates in double additive cure survival model with application to fertility}, publisher = {arXiv}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2302.00331}, abstract = {Extended cure survival models enable to separate covariates that affect the probability of an event (or `long-term' survival) from those only affecting the event timing (or `short-term' survival). We propose to generalize the bounded cumulative hazard model to handle additive terms for time-varying (exogenous) covariates jointly impacting long- and short-term survival. The selection of the penalty parameters is a challenge in that framework. A fast algorithm based on Laplace approximations in Bayesian P-spline models is proposed. The methodology is motivated by fertility studies where women's characteristics such as the employment status and the income (to cite a few) can vary in a non-trivial and frequent way during the individual follow-up. The method is furthermore illustrated by drawing on register data from the German Pension Fund which enabled us to study how women's time-varying earnings relate to first birth transitions.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Alltagsmobilit{\"a}t und Lebenslauf}, series = {Wie die Zeit vergeht - Analysen zur Zeitverwendung in Deutschland}, booktitle = {Wie die Zeit vergeht - Analysen zur Zeitverwendung in Deutschland}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-23727}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {163 -- 178}, abstract = {Im Alltag stellt sich oftmals das Gef{\"u}hl ein, dass die Zeit nur so fliegt. Zeit ist ein kostbares, da begrenztes Gut. Womit also verbringen die Menschen ihre kostbare Zeit? Und wie teilen sie sie auf? Dazu liefert die dritte Zeitverwendungserhebung 2012/2013, durchgef{\"u}hrt von den Statistischen {\"A}mtern des Bundes und der L{\"a}nder im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, umfangreiche Ergebnisse. Schwerpunkt der Analysen sind familien- und sozialpolitische Fragestellungen, wie zum Beispiel die Zeitverwendung von Frauen und M{\"a}nnern, die Arbeitsteilung in Familien oder die Zeit f{\"u}r Ehrenamt und Nachbarschaftshilfe. Viele Beitr{\"a}ge thematisieren das Spannungsfeld von Erwerbsarbeit, unbezahlter Arbeit und Freizeit.}, language = {de} } @article{ScholzKreyenfeld, author = {Scholz, Rembrandt and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Der registergest{\"u}tzte Zensus in Deutschland: Historische Einordnung und Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Bev{\"o}lkerungswissenschaft}, series = {Comparative Population Studies}, volume = {41 (2016)}, journal = {Comparative Population Studies}, issn = {1869-8999}, doi = {10.12765/CPoS-2016-08de}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-23764}, pages = {3 -- 34}, abstract = {Im Jahr 2011 f{\"u}hrte Deutschland nach mehr als zwanzigj{\"a}hriger Pause wieder einen Zensus durch. Die Vorgaben der Vereinten Nationen, nach der L{\"a}nder mindestens alle zehn Jahre eine Volksz{\"a}hlung veranlassen sollten, waren l{\"a}ngst {\"u}berschritten und von Seiten der Bev{\"o}lkerungswissenschaft wurde schon l{\"a}nger eine neue Z{\"a}hlung gefordert, um die Berechnung demografi scher Indikatoren wieder auf eine solide Basis stellen zu k{\"o}nnen. Mit dem Zensus 2011 kam Deutschland der Forderung einer aktuellen Z{\"a}hlung nach und beschritt zugleich mit einem registergest{\"u}tzten Zensus einen neuen Weg. Im Gegensatz zu den skandinavischen L{\"a}ndern, die auf eine lange Tradition der Registerdatenanalysen und der Verkn{\"u}pfung von Registerdaten zur{\"u}ckblicken k{\"o}nnen, stellte in Deutschland, wo die Zusamme nf{\"u}hrung von Registern durch die gegebenen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen stark eingeschr{\"a}nkt ist, ein registergest{\"u}tzter Zensus ein ambitioniertes Projekt dar. Dieser Beitrag diskutiert nach einer historischen Einordnung die Bedeutung des Zensus 2011 f{\"u}r die Generierung zentraler demografi scher Daten. Insbesondere werden die fortgeschriebenen Ergebnisse des alten Zensus 1987 mit den Ergebnissen des Zensus 2011 verglichen, um m{\"o}gliche systematische Fehlerquellen zu eruieren, welche die demografi schen Indikatoren und Analysen verzerren.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Un enfant ou un emploi ? Dilemme des Allemandes de l'Est et de l'Ouest}, series = {Travail, Genre et Soci{\´e}t{\´e}s}, volume = {37}, journal = {Travail, Genre et Soci{\´e}t{\´e}s}, doi = {10.3917/tgs.037.0053}, pages = {53 -- 69}, abstract = {In East Germany, childlessness was below 10 percent before reunification, while West Germany witnessed a steady and substantial increase in the proportion of childless women, with proportions reaching over 20 percent. This paper describes these divergent developments based on micro-census data. We examine the social policy contexts that shaped women's work and family patterns before reunification. Moreover, we discuss more recent trends and policy reforms, in particular the expansion of childcare and the parental leave benefit reform of 2007. Although family and employment patterns have become similar in eastern and western Germany, distinct behavioral patterns have prevailed. Even today, childlessness is more common in western than in eastern Germany. Furthermore, East German women regularly work full-time, while maternal full-time employment is only gradually increasing in the western parts of Germany.}, language = {fr} } @article{KoeppenKreyenfeldTrappe, author = {K{\"o}ppen, Katja and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Loose Ties? Determinants of Father-Child Contact after Separation in Germany}, series = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, journal = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, doi = {10.1111/jomf.12504}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-25407}, pages = {1 -- 13}, abstract = {Objective: This paper examines the determinants of father-child contact in Germany after divorce and separation, with a special emphasis on the role of legal child support. Background: The contact separated fathers have with their children is a policy-relevant issue that has been intensively addressed in previous research for the US, the UK, and Canada. For continental Europe, there has been far less research on this topic. This paper investigated how fathers' union status at childbirth, custody arrangements, and past and present partnership dynamics affect the level of contact they had with their first-born child from a prior union. Method: Data were used from wave 2 (2009/10) to wave 8 (2015/16) of the German family panel pairfam (www.pairfam.de). With a final sample size of 285 fathers, population average logistic models were estimated that examined non-resident fathers' probability of having frequent contact versus having little or no contact with their first-born children. Results: Whether a non-resident father shared legal custody with the mother or not was a decisive factor in whether he had regular contact with his minor child, particularly if he was not living with the mother of the child at the time of delivery. There were strong interaction effects between having joint legal custody and the time since the parental separation. Joint legal custody did not have an immediate impact on father-child contact around the time of separation, but as time elapsed, men without joint legal custody were more likely to lose contact with their children than men with joint legal custody. Conclusion: Joint legal custody may provide an institutional arrangement for separated parents to exercise their responsibility for the well-being of their children and thus be conducive to regular father-child contact.}, language = {en} } @article{GeislerKreyenfeld, author = {Geisler, Esther and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Policy reform and fathers' use of parental leave in Germany: The role of education and workplace characteristics}, series = {Journal of European Social Policy}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, doi = {10.1177/0958928718765638}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-25411}, pages = {1 -- 19}, abstract = {The introduction of the parental leave benefit scheme in 2007 is widely regarded as a landmark reform that has shifted the German welfare state toward a model that is more supportive to the compatibility of work and family life. In this paper, we investigate whether and how this reform has affected men's use of parental leave based on data from the German microcensus 1999-2012. We find that parental leave usage has increased across all educational levels, but the shift has been strongest for university-educated fathers. Public sector employment is beneficial for men's uptake of leave, while self-employment and temporary work lowers fathers' chances of taking leave. The parental leave reform has not affected these associations much.}, language = {en} } @article{BremhorstKreyenfeldLambert, author = {Bremhorst, Vincent and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Lambert, Philippe}, title = {Nonparametric double additive cure survival models: An application to the estimation of the non-linear effect of age at first parenthood on fertility progression}, series = {Statistical Modelling}, volume = {19}, journal = {Statistical Modelling}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1177/1471082X18784685}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-25438}, pages = {275 -- 28}, abstract = {This article introduces double additive models to describe the effect of continuous covariates in cure survival models, thereby relaxing the traditional linearity assumption in the two regression parts. This class of models extends the classical event history models when an unknown proportion of the population under study will never experience the event of interest. They are used on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) to examine how age at first birth relates to the timing and quantum of fertility for given education levels of the respondents. It is shown that the conditional probability of having further children decreases with the mother's age at first birth. While the effect of age at first birth in the third birth's probability model is fairly linear, this is not the case for the second child with an accelerating decline detected for women that had their first kid beyond age 30.}, language = {en} } @article{RadenackerKreyenfeld, author = {Radenacker, Anke and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Das Erwerbsverhalten von Geschiedenen in Westdeutschland}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, volume = {8/2018}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, pages = {337 -- 384}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag wird die Bedeutung der Unterhaltsreform 2008 vor dem Hintergrund des sich wandelnden Scheidungs- und Erwerbsverhaltens in Westdeutschland diskutiert. Die Gesetzesreform war von der Vorstellung geleitet, dass sich mit dem Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung sukzessive die Erwerbsverl{\"a}ufe von M{\"a}nnern und Frauen angleichen w{\"u}rden, sodass nach einer Scheidung, st{\"a}rker als zuvor, eine {\"o}konomische Eigenst{\"a}ndigkeit beider Partner eingefordert werden k{\"o}nnte. Zudem basierte die Unterhaltsrechtsreform auf der Vorstellung, dass kinderlose Ehen und solche von kurzer Dauer, f{\"u}r die eine nacheheliche Solidarit{\"a}t nicht in gleicher Weise bedeutsam ist wie f{\"u}r langj{\"a}hrige Ehen, im Zeitverlauf zugenommen haben. Auswertungen der amtlichen Scheidungsdaten zeigen jedoch, dass der Anteil der Scheidungen, in denen minderj{\"a}hrige Kinder involviert sind, konstant geblieben und die Scheidungsintensit{\"a}t von Ehen mit langer Dauer in den letzten Jahren angestiegen ist. Vertiefend werden in diesem Beitrag Daten der Deutschen Rentenversicherung pr{\"a}sentiert, die die Erwerbst{\"a}tigenquoten und das Einkommen von Geschiedenen sowohl im Scheidungsverlauf als auch im Zeitverlauf abbilden. Die Erwerbst{\"a}tigenquoten von Frauen steigen demnach nach Scheidung deutlich an. Im Vergleich zu M{\"a}nnern erzielen geschiedene Frauen nach wie vor jedoch ein deutlich niedrigeres Erwerbseinkommen.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldGeislerCastroMartinetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Geisler, Esther and Castro Mart{\´i}n, Teresa and Hannemann, Tina and Heintz-Martin, Valerie and Jalovaara, Marika and Kulu, Hill and Meggiolaro, Silvia and Mortelmans, Dimitri and Pasteels, Inge and Seiz, Marta and Solaz, Anne}, title = {Social policies, separation, and second birth spacing in Western Europe}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {37}, journal = {Demographic Research}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.37}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-24944}, pages = {1245 -- 1274}, abstract = {OBJECTIVE This paper studies postseparation fertility behavior. The aim is to investigate whether,and if so how, separation affects second birth spacing in Western European countries. METHODS This analysis makes use of rich survey data from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,Spain, and the United Kingdom, as well as from Finnish register data. We thus cover the behavior of a large proportion of the population of Western Europe. We also use descriptive measures, such as Kaplan‒Meier survival functions and cumulative incidence curves. In the multivariate analysis, we employ event history modeling to show how education relates to postseparation fertility behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Von der alternativen zur prek{\"a}ren Familienform? Der Wandel des Zusammenhangs von Bildung und nichtehelichen Familienformen in Deutschland.}, series = {Schweizerische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, volume = {43}, journal = {Schweizerische Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1515/sjs-2017-0030}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-25040}, pages = {611 -- 637}, abstract = {This paper examines the association of education and family forms based on data of the German microcensus 1996-2012. The investigation shows that highly educated women in western Germany had a higher probability of living in a nonmarital instead of a marital union. With an increase in the share of nonmarital births, the association has reversed. Likewise, the highly educated couples were initially the vanguards of living in nonmarital unions with children, but they are nowadays the least likely to do so. Patterns differ between eastern and western Germany, though.}, language = {de} } @misc{ErlinghagenHankKreyenfeld, author = {Erlinghagen, Marcel and Hank, Karsten and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Innovation und Wissenstransfer in der empirischen Sozial- und Verhaltensforschung}, publisher = {Campus}, address = {Frankfurt, New York}, pages = {339}, abstract = {Gert G. Wagner ist als Sozial- und Wirtschaftsforscher {\"u}ber disziplin{\"a}re Grenzen gegangen. Als engagierter Politikberater und innovativer Wissenschaftsmanager hat er immer wieder sozial- und wissenschaftspolitische Debatten angestoßen und begleitet. Kollegen und Weggef{\"a}hrten liefern mit ihren Beitr{\"a}gen zu diesem Band eine Bestandsaufnahme der empirisch- quantitativen Forschung, die Gert G. Wagner seit Anfang der 1980er-Jahre wesentlich gepr{\"a}gt hat.}, language = {de} } @techreport{EstherKoeppenKreyenfeldetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Esther, Geisler and K{\"o}ppen, Katja and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike and Pollmann-Schult, Matthias}, title = {Familien nach Trennung und Scheidung in Deutschland}, isbn = {978-3-00-058996-6}, doi = {10.24352/UB.OVGU-2018-096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-24936}, pages = {52}, abstract = {Trennungen und Scheidungen auf einem hohen Niveau - auch unter Familien mit minderj{\"a}hrigen Kindern - kennzeichnen bereits seit l{\"a}ngerer Zeit die Familienentwicklung in Deutschland und anderen europ{\"a}ischen L{\"a}ndern. Sofern aus einer Beziehung gemeinsame Kinder hervorgegangen sind, impliziert eine Trennung zwar das Ende der Partnerschaft, jedoch nicht das Ende der Elternschaft. Sowohl auf gesellschaftlicher als auch auf individueller Ebene besteht, mit Ausnahme von Sondersituationen, mittlerweile die explizite Erwartung, dass Eltern nach einer Trennung in {\"o}konomischer und sozialer Hinsicht weiterhin gemeinsam Verantwortung f{\"u}r ihre Kinder wahrnehmen. In der gesetzlichen Grundlage wird allerdings weiterhin davon ausgegangen, dass Kinder nach der Trennung bei nur einem Elternteil leben. F{\"u}r andere Modelle existieren bisher keine oder nur unzureichende Regelungen. Die {\"o}konomischen, sozialen und psychischen Folgen einer Trennung oder Scheidung k{\"o}nnen nach Geschlecht, sozialer Position und Alter variieren und damit soziale Ungleichheit hervorrufen oder verst{\"a}rken. Neue Partnerschaften bzw. sogenannte Fortsetzungsfamilien beeinflussen das Leben der betroffenen Erwachsenen und Kinder zus{\"a}tzlich. Bislang existieren {\"u}ber die Verbreitung und Lebensumst{\"a}nde von Nachtrennungsfamilien in Deutschland nur rudiment{\"a}re sozialwissenschaftliche Befunde. Die vorliegende Brosch{\"u}re stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, bislang vorliegende sozialwissenschaftliche Befunde zur Lebenswirklichkeit von Nachtrennungsfamilien in Deutschland allgemeinverst{\"a}ndlich in knapper Form zu bilanzieren. Folgende thematische Schwerpunkte werden behandelt: 1) Allgemeine Trends und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, 2) Elternschaft und Partnerschaft nach Trennung und Scheidung, 3) Wohlbefinden und Lebenszufriedenheit nach Trennung und Scheidung sowie 4) Finanzielle Folgen von Trennung und Scheidung. Diese Aspekte werden aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet und zugrundeliegende empirische Analysen decken ein breites Spektrum der derzeit verf{\"u}gbaren Datenquellen ab.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldMartin, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Martin, Valerie}, title = {Economic conditions of stepfamilies from a cross-national perspective}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (ZfF)}, volume = {23}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung (ZfF)}, number = {2}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Leverkusen [u.a.]}, issn = {0935-4018}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9624}, pages = {128 -- 153}, abstract = {This paper investigates the economic conditions of stepfamilies in Germany, the Russian Federation and France using data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). The analysis shows that stepfamilies more often report economic hardship than nuclear families in France and western Germany. Socio-demographic differences between family types — particularly the fact that stepfamilies tend to be larger families — explain the differences in economic well-being between families in France. For western Germany, differences between nuclear and stepfamilies remain after controlling for socio-economic composition of different family types. For the Russian Federation and eastern Germany, we do not find any statistically significant differences in economic well-being between stepfamilies and nuclear families. The major dividing line for these regions runs between single parents and other types of families.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldGeisler, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Geisler, Esther}, title = {Against all odds: Fathers' use of parental leave in Germany}, series = {Journal of European Social Policy}, volume = {21}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, number = {1}, publisher = {Sage Publications}, address = {New York, NY [u.a.]}, issn = {0958-9287}, doi = {10.1177/0958928710385732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9631}, pages = {88 -- 99}, abstract = {This paper investigates fathers' usage of parental leave in Germany based on data from the microcensuses of 1999—2005. Special attention is given to the role that education has in leave-taking behaviour. Our empirical results show that educational differences between the partners are strong predictors of fathers' usage of parental leave. A father is more likely to take parental leave if he has a partner who is more highly educated or older. We also find that employment through a temporary working contract substantially lowers the chances that a man will take advantage of parental leave, while being employed in the public sector increases the likelihood that a man will use his parental leave entitlement.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldScholzPetersetal., author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Scholz, Rembrandt and Peters, Frederik and Wlosnewski, Ines}, title = {Order specific fertility rates for Germany: Estimates from Perinatal Statistics for the period 2001-2008}, series = {Comparative population studies (CPOS)}, volume = {35}, journal = {Comparative population studies (CPOS)}, number = {2}, publisher = {Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Bev{\"o}lkerungsforschung}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {1869-8980}, doi = {10.4232/10.CPoS-2010-06en}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-9642}, pages = {207 -- 224}, abstract = {Until 2008, Germany's vital statistics did not include information on the biological order of each birth. This resulted in a dearth of important demographic indicators, such as the mean age at fi rst birth and the level of childlessness. Researchers have tried to fill this gap by generating order-specifi c birth rates from survey data, and by combining survey data with vital statistics. This paper takes a different approach by using Perinatal Statistics to generate birth order-specific fertility rates for the period 2001 to 2008. Perinatal Statistics includes information on births that took place in German hospitals. Out-of-hospital births, which account for about 2 \% of all births, are not included in the Perinatal Statistics. In a sensitivity analysis, we show how robust our estimates are to the inclusion of out-of-hospital births. Our general assessment is that the Perinatal Statistics is a valuable source for generating order-specific fertility rates, regardless of whether out-of-hospital births are included.}, language = {en} } @misc{KreyenfeldHank, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hank, Karsten}, title = {Social Demography - Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Soziologie und Demographie}, series = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, volume = {55}, journal = {K{\"o}lner Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, number = {55}, publisher = {VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften}, isbn = {978-3-658-11490-9}, pages = {439}, abstract = {Das Buch versammelt einschl{\"a}gige Beitr{\"a}ge im Bereich „Social Demography", der Schnittstelle von soziologischer und demographischer Forschung. In den Einzelbeitr{\"a}gen wird die Bedeutung klassischer soziologischer Konzepte, wie des Lebenslaufs, des Generationenzusammenhangs und der sozialen Ungleichheit f{\"u}r demographische Prozesse, vor allem der Fertilit{\"a}t, der Migration und der Mortalit{\"a}t herausgearbeitet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus beinhaltet der Band aktuelle Studien im Bereich soziobiologischer Forschung wie auch zur gesamtgesellschaftlichen Bedeutung demographischer Entwicklungen f{\"u}r moderne Wohlfahrtsstaaten.}, language = {de} } @techreport{KreyenfeldPoetzschKubisch, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and P{\"o}tzsch, Olga and Kubisch, Karolin}, title = {The Human Fertility Database Documentation: Germany}, editor = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, publisher = {humanfertility.org}, pages = {14}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldKrapf, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra}, title = {Fertility assessment with the Own-Children Method: a validation with data from the German Mikrozensus}, series = {MPIDR Technical Report TR-2015-003}, journal = {MPIDR Technical Report TR-2015-003}, publisher = {Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research}, address = {Rostock}, pages = {13}, abstract = {The German Mikrozensus is a data set that is frequently used to study fertility behavior. With its large sample size, the dataset also offers the opportunity to investigate childbearing among population subgroups, such as particular migrant groups. Because birth histories are not surveyed in the Mikrozensus, scholars have frequently employed the Own-Children Method (OCM) to generate fertility schedules from this data. The OCM draws on information on the number and ages of the co-residential children in order to estimate the fertility schedule of women. It is clear that this method leads to an underestimation of fertility, because children do not necessarily live with their biological mother. It is also clear that the bias is stronger for older women, because children may have left parental home. In the past, it was not possible to assess the bias. With the Mikrozensus 2008, we are able to validate the OCM by relying on respondent's own report on the total number of children. We furthermore examine whether the OCM leads to worse estimates for migrants and non-migrants. The results show that the OCM provides reasonable fertility estimates for women in western Germany up to age 40, irrespective of migrant background. For eastern Germany, there is a stronger bias at later ages than in western Germany. This relates to the early age at childbirth in this region and the more diverse family structures.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldHenselWalke, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Hensel, Tom and Walke, Rainer}, title = {Guidelines for linking contextual factors and survey data: an application with data from the German Family Panel (pairfam)}, series = {MPIDR Technical Report TR-2015-005}, journal = {MPIDR Technical Report TR-2015-005}, pages = {15}, abstract = {Geo-coded survey data are a prerequisite for any analysis that examines the impact of contextual factors on individual-level outcomes. The local unit may be districts, municipalities, or blocks of houses. However, regional identifiers are sensitive information and including them in a scientific-use-file of a survey may violate data protection regulations. This Technical Report demonstrates how analyses with geo-coded data from the German Family Panel (pairfam) may be conducted. The procedure that we suggest has been tailored for pairfam, but it is applicable to other data sets as well.}, language = {en} } @article{BremhorstKreyenfeldLambert, author = {Bremhorst, Vincent and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Lambert, Philippe}, title = {Fertility progression in Germany : An analysis using flexible nonparametric cure survival models}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {35}, journal = {Demographic Research}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.18}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21352}, pages = {505 -- 534}, abstract = {Objective: This paper uses data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) to study the transition to second and third births. In particular, we seek to distinguish the factors that determine the timing of fertility from the factors that influence ultimate parity progression. Methods: We employ cure survival models, a technique commonly used in epidemiological studies and in the statistical literature but only rarely applied to fertility research. Results: We find that education has a different impact on the timing and the ultimate probability of having a second and a third birth. Furthermore, we show that the shape of the fertility schedule for the total population differs from that of 'susceptible women' (i.e., those who have a second or a third child). Conclusions: Standard event history models conflate timing and quantum effects. Our approach overcomes this shortcoming. It estimates separate parameters for the hazard rate of having a next child for the 'susceptible population' and the ultimate probability of having another child for the entire population at risk. Contribution: We go beyond standard cure survival models, also known as split population models, used in fertility research by specifying a flexible non-parametric model using Bayesian P-splines for the latent distribution (related to the timing of an extra birth) instead of a parametric model. Our approach is, so far, limited to time-constant covariates, but can be extended to include time-varying covariates as well.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyenfeldGeislerTrappe, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Geisler, Esther and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Erwerbsbeteiligung von M{\"u}ttern und V{\"a}tern in Ost- und Westdeutschland : Strukturstarre oder Trendwende}, series = {Archiv f{\"u}r Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit}, volume = {2}, journal = {Archiv f{\"u}r Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit}, issn = {0340 - 3564}, pages = {4 -- 15}, language = {de} } @book{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, editor = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-44665-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21378}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {XI, 370}, abstract = {This open access book provides an overview of childlessness throughout Europe. It offers a collection of papers written by leading demographers and sociologists that examine contexts, causes, and consequences of childlessness in countries throughout the region.The book features data from all over Europe. It specifically highlights patterns of childlessness in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. An additional chapter on childlessness in the United States puts the European experience in perspective. The book offers readers such insights as the determinants of lifelong childlessness, whether governments can and should counteract increasing childlessness, how the phenomenon differs across social strata and the role economic uncertainties play. In addition, the book also examines life course dynamics and biographical patterns, assisted reproduction as well as the consequences of childlessness. Childlessness has been increasing rapidly in most European countries in recent decades. This book offers readers expert analysis into this issue from leading experts in the field of family behavior. From causes to consequences, it explores the many facets of childlessness throughout Europe to present a comprehensive portrait of this important demographic and sociological trend.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKrapf, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Krapf, Sandra}, title = {Familiengr{\"u}ndung und Migration : Aussiedlerinnen und t{\"u}rkischst{\"a}mmige Migrantinnen im Vergleich}, series = {Die transformative Macht der Demografie}, booktitle = {Die transformative Macht der Demografie}, editor = {Mayer, Tilman}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-13166-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-13166-1}, pages = {109 -- 126}, language = {de} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Analyzing Childlessness}, series = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, booktitle = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-44665-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7_1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21392}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {3 -- 15}, abstract = {Childlessness has been on the rise in many European societies. In Germany, the UK, Austria, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, childlessness has increased starting with the 1950s cohorts. In these countries, about 20 \% of the women born around 1965 will remain childless. In southern Europe and the former state-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the rise in levels of childlessness is a more recent phenomenon. Yet among younger cohorts in these countries, childlessness has reached levels of 15 \% or higher. In this introductory chapter, we summarize the long-term trends in childlessness and discuss the differences between European countries in the prevalence of childlessness. We also outline the structure and the logic of this volume.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Childlessness in East and West Germany : Long-Term Trends and Social Disparities}, series = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, booktitle = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-44665-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7_5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21405}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {97 -- 114}, abstract = {This chapter provides an overview of the long-term trends in childlessness in East and West Germany. Based on vital statistics, census, and micro-census data we show that for the East German cohorts born in 1940-1964 the share who have remained childless has stalled at around 10 \%. For the same cohorts in West Germany, we find that the share who are childless has increased from 10 \% to about 20 \%. We furthermore describe socio-economic disparities in the childlessness levels of West German birth cohorts based on our analysis of data from the German Family Panel (pairfam). We find that higher levels of female education are associated with higher levels of childlessness, but that differences by education have narrowed among women of recent birth cohorts. For men, we find a clear negative gradient in childlessness, as less educated men are more likely to be childless than their better educated counterparts. Finally, having a turbulent partnership history is shown to be associated with a high probability of remaining childless.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKuhntTrappe, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Kuhnt, Anne-Kristin and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Fertility Ideals of Women and Men Across the Life Course}, series = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, booktitle = {Childlessness in Europe : Contexts, Causes, and Consequences}, editor = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-44665-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7_11}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21415}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {235 -- 251}, abstract = {This paper explores the stability of women's and men's fertility preferences across the life course. The data come from the first six waves of the German Family Panel (pairfam), which span the period from 2008/2009 until 2013/2014. In our analysis, fertility preferences are measured using the following question: "Under ideal circumstances, how many children would you like to have?" The average number cited by both women and men is 2.2. With rising age, this number declines modestly. Relying on fixed-effects modelling, we find that neither partnership status nor economic circumstances have any causal effect on fertility preferences. However, as the number of children a respondent has increases, his or her ideal number of children is also likely to grow. Thus, fertility ideals appear to undergo changes over time, and are adjusted in line with the size of the respondent's own family.}, language = {en} } @article{ScholzKreyenfeld, author = {Scholz, Rembrandt and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {The register-based census in Germany : Historical context and relevance for population research}, series = {Comparative Population Studies}, volume = {41}, journal = {Comparative Population Studies}, number = {2}, issn = {1869-8999}, doi = {10.12765/CPoS-2016-08en}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-21340}, pages = {175 -- 204}, abstract = {In 2011, Germany carried out its first census after a 20-year break. In light of the United Nations' recommendations that countries initiate a population census at least every 10 years, the census was long overdue. Moreover, demographers had for some time been demanding a new enumeration that would enable them to place the calculation of demographic indicators on a reliable basis. With the 2011 census, Germany not only met the demand for a current population census, but also broke new ground by using a register-based approach. Unlike the Scandinavian countries, which have a long tradition of performing register-based data analyses, the linking of administrative data in Germany is restricted by the country's legal framework. Thus, the 2011 census was an ambitious project. After contextualising the 2011 census historically, we discuss in this contribution the census' relevance for generating central demographic data. Specifically, we compare the updated population estimates of the 1987 census to the results of the 2011 census in order to identify possible systematic sources of error that distort demographic indicators and analyses.}, language = {en} } @article{VatterottKreyenfeld, author = {Vatterott, Anja and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Salmon migration and fertility in East Germany - An analysis of birth dynamics around German reunification}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung - Journal of Family Research}, volume = {30}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienforschung - Journal of Family Research}, number = {3}, doi = {10.3224/zff.v30i3.02}, pages = {247 -- 268}, abstract = {This paper uses rich administrative data from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German Pension Fund) to describe changes in the timing and the spacing of births that occurred in the period following German reunification. We examine differences in the birth dynamics of East Germans, West Germans, and women who migrated between the two parts of Germany in these years. As the pension registers provide monthly records on whether a person is living in East or West Germany, they also allow us to examine the role of regional mobility in birth behaviour. In particular, we test the "salmon hypothesis", which suggests that migrants are likely to postpone having a child until after or around the time they return to their region of origin. Our investigation shows that a large fraction of the cohorts born in 1965-74 migrated to West Germany after reunification, but that around 50\% of these migrants returned to East Germany before reaching age 40. The first birth risks of those who returned were elevated, which suggests that the salmon hypothesis explains the behaviour of a significant fraction of the East German population in the period following German reunification.}, language = {en} } @article{GambaroKreyenfeldSchachtetal., author = {Gambaro, Ludovica and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Schacht, Diana and Spieß, C. Katharina}, title = {Refugees in Germany with Children Still Living Abroad Have Lowest Life Satisfaction}, series = {DIW Weekly Report}, volume = {42}, journal = {DIW Weekly Report}, pages = {415 -- 425}, abstract = {Family strongly influences personal well-being—especially in the case of refugees, whose family members often remain in their homeland. This report is the first to closely examine the well-being and family structures of refugees who came to Germany between January 2013 and January 2016. It uses data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany. Among individuals aged between 18 and 49, nine percent have minor children living outside Germany, whereas twelve percent have a husband or wife living abroad. If the nuclear family is living in Germany—which is more often the case for women than men—refugees are measurably more satisfied with their lives. These findings are also confirmed when accounting for other potential factors for well-being. These findings should be given greater consideration—not least in the debate on family reunification—to enable successful migration, integration, and family policies.}, language = {en} } @article{GambaroKreyenfeldSchachtetal., author = {Gambaro, Ludovica and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Schacht, Diana and Spieß, C. Katharina}, title = {Lebenszufriedenheit von Gefl{\"u}chteten in Deutschland ist deutlich geringer, wenn ihre Kinder im Ausland leben}, series = {DIW Wochenbericht}, volume = {42}, journal = {DIW Wochenbericht}, pages = {905 -- 916}, abstract = {Familie hat f{\"u}r das pers{\"o}nliche Wohlbefinden eine große Bedeutung - das gilt vor allem f{\"u}r Gefl{\"u}chtete, deren Familienmitglieder oftmals im Herkunftsland zur{\"u}ckbleiben. Dieser Bericht nimmt die Familienstruktur von Gefl{\"u}chteten, die zwischen Januar 2013 und Januar 2016 nach Deutschland kamen, und deren Wohlbefinden erstmals detailliert unter die Lupe. Er basiert auf Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Stichprobe von nach Deutschland Gefl{\"u}chteten. Insgesamt haben neun Prozent der 18- bis 49-J{\"a}hrigen minderj{\"a}hrige Kinder, die im Ausland leben. Zw{\"o}lf Prozent dieser Gefl{\"u}chteten haben einen Ehepartner oder eine Ehepartnerin im Ausland. Befindet sich die Kernfamilie in Deutschland - was bei Frauen deutlich h{\"a}ufiger der Fall ist als bei M{\"a}nnern -, sind die Gefl{\"u}chteten messbar zufriedener mit ihrem Leben. Diese Befunde best{\"a}tigen sich auch dann, wenn weitere potentielle Faktoren f{\"u}r das Wohlbefinden ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. F{\"u}r eine gelungene Migrations-, Integrations- und Familienpolitik sollten diese Erkenntnisse st{\"a}rker beachtet werden - nicht zuletzt in der Debatte um den Familiennachzug.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyenfeldMikaRadenacker, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Mika, Tatjana and Radenacker, Anke}, title = {Der Gender Pension Gap in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Welchen Einfluss hat eine Scheidung auf die Alterssicherung?}, series = {Sozialer Fortschritt}, volume = {67/18}, journal = {Sozialer Fortschritt}, number = {11/12}, doi = {10.3790/sfo.67.11-12.973}, pages = {973 -- 996}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag untersucht den „Gender Pension Gap" in Deutschland auf Basis der sechsten Welle des „Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe" (SHARE-RV), welcher mit Registerdaten der Deutschen Rentenversicherung aus dem Jahr 2015 verbunden wurde. In die Untersuchung gehen Frauen und M{\"a}nner der Geburtsjahrg{\"a}nge 1930 bis 1955 ein. F{\"u}r diese Kohorten existiert in Westdeutschland ein erheblicher „Gender Pension Gap". Frauen dieser Geburtsjahrg{\"a}nge haben im Schnitt nur halb so hohe Anwartschaften in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung aufgebaut wie M{\"a}nner. Im Vergleich zu verheirateten und verwitweten Frauen k{\"o}nnen ledige und geschiedene Frauen in Westdeutschland deutlich h{\"o}here Altersrenten vorweisen. Geschiedene Frauen dieser Kohorten konnten vor allem aufgrund des Versorgungsausgleichs ihre Rentenanwartschaften um etwa 20 Prozent erh{\"o}hen. Bei westdeutschen M{\"a}nnern zeigt sich hingegen ein umgekehrter Zusammenhang, d.h. ledige und geschiedene M{\"a}nner erhalten im Vergleich zu anderen M{\"a}nnern stark unterdurchschnittliche Altersrenten. In Ostdeutschland existiert kein Zusammenhang zwischen Familienstand und Rentenniveau. Abstract: The Gender Pension Gap in East and West Germany: How Does Divorce Affect Old-Age Pensions? This study examines the gender pension gap in Germany based on data from the sixth wave of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE-RV). This data has been combined with register data from the German Pension Fund of the year 2015. The analytical sample for our analysis includes women and men born between 1930 and 1955. We observe a substantial gender pension gap for West Germans of these cohorts. Women have earned only half of the pension credits of men. Comparing pension entitlements by family status, one finds that single and divorced West German women were able to collect much higher pension entitlements than their married or widowed counterparts. Divorced women could profit from the splitting of pension points that is conducted after divorce. The equalization of the pension points in the case of divorce increases West German women's pensions by about 20 percent. For West German men the relationship is vice versa: Single and divorced men are at a particular risk of receiving a low old age pension. There is no relationship between family status and pension entitlements in East Germany, though.}, language = {de} } @article{GeislerKreyenfeld, author = {Geisler, Esther and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Why Do Lone Mothers Fare Worse than Lone Fathers? Lone Parenthood and Welfare Benefit Receipt in Germany}, series = {Comparative Population Studies}, volume = {44}, journal = {Comparative Population Studies}, issn = {1869-8980 (Print) - 1869-8999 (Internet)}, doi = {10.12765/CPoS-2019-09en}, pages = {61 -- 84}, abstract = {This article uses data from the German microcensuses of 2007 and 2012 to examine gender differences in welfare reliance among lone parents. Binary logistic regression was employed as the method of analysis. We show that the risk of welfare benefit receipt is lower among lone fathers than lone mothers. We also find that these gender differences can be partially explained by the socio-economic characteristics of lone fathers; compared to lone mothers, lone fathers are, on average, better educated and more likely to be living with older children. Gender differences decreased over time among parents who have never married, but remained constant among divorced parents. We present a discussion of our findings in light of recent policy reforms, in particular the reform of the German Maintenance Law of 2008, which curbed the ability of a divorced parent to collect support from an ex-spouse.}, language = {en} } @incollection{JalovaaraKreyenfeld, author = {Jalovaara, Marika and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Childbearing across partnerships in Finland and Germany}, series = {Divorce in Europe. New Insights in Trends, Causes and Consequences of Relation Break-ups}, booktitle = {Divorce in Europe. New Insights in Trends, Causes and Consequences of Relation Break-ups}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {9783030258375 (print), 9783030258382 (online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-25838-2}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {315 -- 335}, abstract = {This chapter examines gender differences in "multipartner fertility" - i.e., having children with several partners - in Germany and Finland. The analyses focus on women and men born around 1970 who are followed until age 41. We show that multipartner fertility is more common in Finland than in Germany. However, there are large East-West differences within Germany. East Germans are less likely to have a second or third child than West Germans, but those East Germans who progress to a higher order birth often have this child with a new partner. We also find some gender differences in behaviour. Men display lower transition rates than women of having a second child with a new partner. Further, having a first child at an early age is strongly and positively associated with multipartner fertility. No consistent relationship between education and multipartner fertility was found for Germany. In Finland, however, low education is associated with elevated risks of having children with different partners.}, language = {en} } @techreport{WolfKreyenfeld, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Wolf, Katharina and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Migrant Fertility in Germany and the Eastern Enlargement of the EU}, series = {SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research}, journal = {SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research}, edition = {1076-2020}, publisher = {DIW Berlin}, issn = {1864-6689}, abstract = {This paper uses data from the Migrant Samples of the German Socio-Economic Panel to study the fertility behaviour of women who migrated to Germany between 1990 and 2015. Special emphasis is placed on the large groups of migrants who have moved to Germany from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries since the 1990s. We find that CEE migrants had higher first birth, but much lower second birth rates than migrants from other European countries. Different from the pattern of African and Middle Eastern migrants, we do not find a spike in first birth rates after migration. We also examined differences within the group of migrants from CEE-countries. In particular, we examined whether Ethnic German migrants differed from migrants who moved as third country national or those who moved after their country became EU-members with the right to free movement of labor. We find that CEE-migrants who moved when their country was a member state of the European Union display strongly reduced first birth rates.}, language = {en} } @misc{KreyenfeldTrappe, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Parental Life Courses after Separation and Divorce in Europe}, publisher = {Springer Open}, isbn = {978-3-030-44575-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-44575-1}, abstract = {This open access book assembles landmark studies on divorce and separation in European countries, and how this affects the life of parents and children. It focuses on four major areas of post-separation lives, namely (1) economic conditions, (2) parent-child relationships, (3) parent and child well-being, and (4) health. Through studies from several European countries, the book showcases how legal regulations and social policies influence parental and child well-being after divorce and separation. It also illustrates how social policies are interwoven with the normative fabric of a country. For example, it is shown that father-child contact after separation is more intense in those countries which have adopted policies that encourage shared parenting. Correspondingly, countries that have adopted these regulations are at the forefront of more egalitarian gender role attitudes. Apart from a strong emphasis on the legal and social policy context, the studies in this volume adopt a longitudinal perspective and situate post-separation behaviour and well-being in the life course. The longitudinal perspective opens up new avenues for research to understand how behaviour and conditions prior or at divorce and separation affect later behaviour and well-being. As such this book is of special appeal to scholars of family research as well as to anyone interested in the role of divorce and separation in Europe in the 21st century.}, language = {en} } @article{SolazJalovaaraKreyenfeldetal., author = {Solaz, Anne and Jalovaara, Marika and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Meggiolaro, Silvia and Mortelmans, Dimitri and Pasteels, Inge}, title = {Unemployment and separation: Evidence from five European countries}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, volume = {32}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, number = {1}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-368}, pages = {145 -- 176}, abstract = {Since the 1970s, several European countries have experienced high union dissolution risk as well as high unemployment rates. The extent to which adverse economic conditions are associated with union instability is still unknown. This study explores the relationship between both individual and aggregate unemployment and union dissolution risk in five European countries before the recent economic crisis. Using rich longitudinal data from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, and Italy, the empirical analysis, based on discrete-time event history models, shows that male unemployment consistently increases the risk of union dissolution. While a strong association is observed between male unemployment and separation at the micro level, no association is found between male unemployment and union dissolution at the macro level. The results for female unemployment are mixed, and the size of the impact of female unemployment is smaller in magnitude than that of male unemployment. In Germany and Italy, where until very recently work has been less compatible with family life than in other countries, female unemployment is not significantly associated with union dissolution.}, language = {en} } @article{HoemKreyenfeld, author = {Hoem, Jan M. and Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {Anticipatory analysis and its alternatives in life-course research. Part 2: Marriage and first birth}, series = {Demographic Research}, volume = {15}, journal = {Demographic Research}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2006.15.17}, pages = {485 -- 498}, abstract = {In the second part of these reflections, we use the connection between marriage and first childbearing to demonstrate further issues involved in anticipatory analysis. We show that an anticipatory approach cannot be used to represent intentionality: People may marry with the intention of having a child, but the analyst should be wary of using anticipatory analysis to pick that up.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KreyenfeldJalovaara, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Jalovaara, Marika}, title = {Childbearing across Partnerships in Finland and Germany}, series = {Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues}, journal = {Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-27041}, pages = {1 -- 24}, abstract = {This paper examines gender differences in "multipartner fertility" - i.e., having children with several partners - in Germany and Finland. The analyses focus on women and men born around 1970 who are followed until age 41. We show that multipartner fertility is more common in Finland than in Germany. However, there are large East-West differences within Germany. East Germans are less likely to have a second or third child than West Germans, but those East Germans who progress to a higher order birth more often have this child with a new partner. We also find some gender differences in behaviour. Men display lower transition rates than women of having a second child with a new partner. We also examined individual-level factors associated with multipartner fertility. Having a first child at an early age is strongly and positively associated with multipartner fertility. No consistent relationship between education and multipartner fertility was found for Germany. In Finland, however, low education is associated with elevated risks of having children with different partners.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Kreyenfeld, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela}, title = {A new policy paradigm for the employment-fertility nexus to respond to the 'future of work' challenge}, series = {New visions for Gender Equality 2019}, booktitle = {New visions for Gender Equality 2019}, editor = {Crowley, Niall and Sansonetti, Silvia}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, address = {Luxembourg}, issn = {978-92-76-12015-5}, doi = {10.2838/307975}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {16 -- 19}, abstract = {The economic foundation of the family has shifted gradually in European countries. Female work no longer suppresses fertility. Instead, women's employment and labour market integration have become a prerequisite for family formation in many countries. Pivotal for this development was the expansion of childcare, which allowed parents to better combine work and family life.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BujardDiehlKreyenfeldetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Bujard, Martin and Diehl, Claudia and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Spieß, C. Katharina}, title = {Familien mit Fluchthintergrund: Aktuelle Fakten zu Familienstruktur, Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung und Wohlbefinden. Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats f{\"u}r Familienfragen beim Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend}, publisher = {Wissenschaftliche Beirat f{\"u}r Familienfragen}, language = {de} } @techreport{SolazJalovaaraKreyenfeldetal., type = {Working Paper}, author = {Solaz, Anne and Jalovaara, Marika and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Meggiolaro, Silvia and Mortelmans, Dimitri and Pasteels, Inge}, title = {Unemployment and separation: Evidence from five European countries}, series = {Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues}, journal = {Working Papers on Social and Economic Issues}, number = {5/2019}, pages = {1 -- 33}, abstract = {To what extent are economic difficulties associated with union instability? Since the 1970s, several European countries have experienced both high rates of union dissolution and high unemployment rates. This article uses the experience of five European countries before the recent economic crisis to explore the relationship between both individual and aggregate unemployment and union dissolution risk. Using rich longitudinal data from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, and Italy, discrete-time models show that male partner's unemployment increases the risk of union dissolution in all countries. Female partner's unemployment is associated to more varied effects and is only significant in countries where it is standard practice to be in paid employment. The effect is always of lower magnitude than the male partner's unemployment. Interestingly, there is no association between unemployment and union dissolution at the macro level for men. In France and Belgium, we find that individual unemployment during a recession lowers divorce risk for women, while it increases them in Italy. Findings are interpreted in light of the different ways that individual unemployment may be perceived during recession.}, language = {en} } @article{RadenackerKreyenfeldStrackeetal., author = {Radenacker, Anke and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Stracke, Elmar and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {Der Ausschluss des Versorgungsausgleichs. Hintergr{\"u}nde und Trends.}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht}, number = {21}, issn = {2198-2333}, pages = {937 -- 941}, language = {de} } @incollection{KoeppenKreyenfeldTrappe, author = {K{\"o}ppen, Katja and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Trappe, Heike}, title = {Gender Differences in Parental Well-being After Separation: Does Shared Parenting Matter?}, series = {Parental Life Courses after Separation and Divorce in Europe. Life Course Research and Social Policies, vol 12}, booktitle = {Parental Life Courses after Separation and Divorce in Europe. Life Course Research and Social Policies, vol 12}, publisher = {Springer, Cham}, isbn = {9783030445744 (print); 9783030445751 (online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-44575-1}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {235 -- 264}, abstract = {A large body of literature has examined how separation and divorce influence social and economic well-being. One consistent finding of the literature is that women and men are affected differently by divorce and separation. Women, and particularly mothers, are likely to suffer from a loss of income. Fathers frequently suffer from having reduced contact with their children, who usually continue to live with their mother after a union dissolution. This chapter uses 10 years of data from the German Family Panel (pairfam) to examine more closely the gender differences in life satisfaction after separation. In line with previous research, we show that following a separation, satisfaction with family life declines more among fathers than among mothers, and that mothers tend to experience a greater decline in their satisfaction with their financial situation than fathers. We also examine the role of shared parenting (Wechselmodell) in parents' life satisfaction. Our findings indicate that shared parenting is positively associated with well-being, but also that the association is not stable to the inclusion of socio-economic characteristics that explain the selection into shared parenting. The results are discussed in the context of the current German policy debate on shared parenting.}, language = {en} } @article{KeckRadenackerBrueggmannetal., author = {Keck, Wolfgang and Radenacker, Anke and Br{\"u}ggmann, Daniel and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {Statutory Pension Insurance Accounts and Divorce: A New Scientific Use File}, series = {Jahrb{\"u}cher f{\"u}r National{\"o}konomie und Statistik}, volume = {240}, journal = {Jahrb{\"u}cher f{\"u}r National{\"o}konomie und Statistik}, number = {6}, issn = {0021-4027}, doi = {10.1515/jbnst-2019-0064}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldKonietzka, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Konietzka, Dirk}, title = {Sozialstruktur und Familienformen}, series = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, editor = {Arr{\´a}nz Becker, Oliver and Hank, Karsten and Steinbach, Anja}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-35218-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-35219-6_26}, publisher = {Hertie School}, pages = {657 -- 674}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag gibt auf Basis der Daten des Mikrozensus einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber den Wandel der Familienformen in Deutschland. Es wird untersucht, inwieweit alleinerziehende, nichteheliche und eheliche Familien sozialstrukturell differenziert sind und in welchem Ausmaß sich die {\"o}konomische Lebenslage der verschiedenen Familienformen unterscheidet.}, language = {de} } @article{AlonsoPerezHeisigKreyenfeldetal., author = {Alonso-Perez, Enrique and Heisig, Jan Paul and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Gellert, Paul and O'Sullivan, Julie Lorraine}, title = {Intersectional inequalities in the transition to grandparenthood and cognitive functioning: A longitudinal Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA)}, series = {The Journals of Gerontology: Series B}, journal = {The Journals of Gerontology: Series B}, doi = {10.1093/geronb/gbae088}, abstract = {Objectives In aging societies, more people become vulnerable to experiencing cognitive decline. Simultaneously, the role of grandparenthood is central for older adults and their families. Our study investigates inequalities in the level and trajectories of cognitive functioning among older adults, focusing on possible intersectional effects of social determinants and grandparenthood as a life course transition that may contribute to delaying cognitive decline. Methods Using longitudinal data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we analyzed a sample of 19,953 individuals aged 50-85 without grandchildren at baseline. We applied Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy to investigate variation in cognitive functioning across 48 intersectional strata, defined by sex/gender, migration, education, and occupation. We allowed the impact of becoming a grandparent on cognitive functioning trajectories to vary across strata by including random slopes. Results Intersectional strata accounted for 17.43\% of the overall variance in cognitive functioning, with most of the stratum-level variation explained by additive effects of the stratum-defining characteristics. Transition to grandparenthood was associated with higher cognitive functioning, showing a stronger effect for women. Stratum-level variation in the grandparenthood effect was modest, especially after accounting for interactions between grandparenthood and the stratum-defining variables. Discussion This study highlights the importance of social determinants for understanding heterogeneities in older adults' level of cognitive functioning and its association with the transition to grandparenthood. Cumulative disadvantages negatively affect cognitive functioning, hence adopting an intersectional lens is useful to decompose inequalities and derive tailored interventions to promote equal healthy aging.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KreyenfeldSchmauckMika, author = {Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Schmauck, Sarah and Mika, Tatjana}, title = {Der Wandel der Lebensformen und seine Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Alterssicherung in Deutschland}, series = {Gerechte Rente: Sozialethische Perspektiven einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Sondierung der Alterssicherung}, booktitle = {Gerechte Rente: Sozialethische Perspektiven einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Sondierung der Alterssicherung}, editor = {Karger-Kroll, Anna and Sch{\"a}fers, Lars}, publisher = {Nomos}, isbn = {978-3-7560-1712-6}, publisher = {Hertie School}, language = {de} } @article{NaujoksKreyenfeldDummert, author = {Naujoks, Tabea and Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Dummert, Sandra}, title = {The division of child care during the coronavirus crisis in Germany: How did short-time work affect fathers' engagement?}, series = {Journal of Family Research}, journal = {Journal of Family Research}, doi = {10.20377/jfr-717}, abstract = {Objective: This paper examines how participation in the short-time work scheme affected the gendered division of child care during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany. Background: Short-time work (Kurzarbeit) has been one of the main policies used to combat the economic and labour market repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. We examine whether and, if so, how the growing prevalence of short-time work has affected care patterns. Method: We use data from the IAB-HOPP, a longitudinal study monitored by the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The analytical sample includes couples with children aged 12 and younger. We employ multinomial logistic regressions in which the outcome variable is the change in the division of care work from a period before to a period during the coronavirus crisis (June to October 2020). Results: We find that among men, receiving short-time work benefits resulted in more gender-equal care patterns. The positive effect of short-time work on the division of child care is moderated by the level of education. Fathers with low or medium education are more likely to increase their child care share when receiving short-time work benefits compared to fathers with high education. However, we also find that participating in the short-time work programme had no strong or significant effects on the gendered division of care among women. Conclusion: The evidence from this study suggests that men's working time is a major vehicle to change the gendered division of care in couple households.}, language = {en} }