@article{FlachslandKnopfEdenhoferetal.2015, author = {Christian Flachsland and Brigitte Knopf and Ottmar Edenhofer and Marcel Kok and Hermann Lotze-Campen and Gunnar Luderer and Alexander Popp and Detlef P. van Vuuren}, title = {Managing the Low-Carbon Transition - From Model Results to Policies, Special Issue:'The Economics of Low Stabilization'}, journal = {The Energy Journal}, volume = {31}, number = {Special Issue 1}, pages = {223 -- 245}, url = {http://widgets.ebscohost.com/prod/customlink/hanapi/hanapi.php?profile=4dfs1q6ik\%2BHI6trd2JLhy6XO1eGS3NLlldzU0trT4ZLZ19elxNzcp6jHspXmyNipz6WP\&DestinationURL=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true\&db=eoh\&AN=EP59360746\&site=eds-live}, year = {2015}, }