Year of publication
- 2022 (170)
Document Type
- Article (66)
- Part of a Book (21)
- Contribution to a Periodical (20)
- Conference Proceeding (17)
- Master's Thesis (12)
- Other (9)
- Working Paper (8)
- Report (6)
- Book (5)
- forschungsdaten (2)
- Fachbereich Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz (60)
- Fachbereich Wald und Umwelt (49)
- Forschungszentrum [Nachhaltigkeit - Transformation - Transfer] (15)
- Fachbereich Holzingenieurwesen (12)
- Fachbereich Nachhaltige Wirtschaft (11)
- Biosphere Reserves Institute (10)
- Zentrale Hochschuleinrichtungen (10)
- Nachhaltiges Tourismusmanagement M.A. (7)
- Logbuch der Veränderung (3)
- Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung M.A. (2)
Umweltzertifizierungen sind per Definition der International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Gütekennzeichnungen, die Angaben über Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf deren allgemeinen Umweltcharakter oder bestimmte Umweltaspekte in aggregierter Form liefern. Weltweit existieren über 280 im Tourismus anwendbare Zertifizierungsstandards und sind ein fest etabliertes Phänomen des Sektors. Inwieweit durch die Kennzeichnungen Maßstäbe vorgegeben werden, die dabei helfen nachhaltige Unternehmen von weniger nachhaltigen zu unterscheiden, ist umstritten. Ein zentrales Bedenken bezieht sich dabei auf die Validität bzw. Aussagekraft von Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen und auf welcher Basis die an die Beherbergungsbetriebe gestellten Anforderungen beruhen bzw. entwickelt wurden. Es wachsen mithin die Erwartungen an die Zertifizierungssysteme verlässlich und transparent zu belegen, dass ihr Wirken zu einer tatsächlichen Verbesserung der Umweltleistung bzw. Vermeidung umweltschädlicher Praktiken führt. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Erbringung konkreter, quantitativer Wirkungsnachweise in Form vergleich- bzw. übertragbarer Daten, mittels derer eine objektive Bewertung anhand geeigneter Benchmarks erfolgen kann. Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Annäherung an die Fragestellung, ob Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen hinreichende bzw. aussagekräftige Indikatoren für eine überdurchschnittlich bessere Umweltleistung von Beherbergungsbetrieben im Vergleich zum Branchendurchschnitt bzw. nicht-zertifizierten Betrieben darstellen. Dazu wurde eine selektive Stichprobe von 20 Zertifizierungssystemen in Bezug auf die Güte der Datengrundlage und Anforderungselemente in den bedeutenden Umweltaspekten Abfallaufkommen, Wasserverbrauch, Energieverbrauch und THG-Emissionen sowie das Querschnittsthema Biodiversität untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung legen nahe, dass Umweltkennzeichen für Beherbergungsbetriebe nur bedingt einen gesicherten Hinweis auf besonders umwelt- und klimafreundliche Betriebe geben.
Voluntourism enjoys worldwide popularity and has shown rapid development in the last two decades - especially in countries of the global south. Due to the voluntary help provided by tourists during their vacations, this form of tourism is also considered to be particularly sus-tainable: It enables a deeper understanding of the conditions in the destination and the volun-tary work itself is seen as a boost to important social, educational and nature conservation projects. Even if this image has been clouded in the detailed analyses of the voluntourism market, there is still the idea that, if implemented well, both locals and tourists can benefit from it. This very idea is examined in the project "Voluntourism for Biological Diversity" initiated by the Nationale Naturlandschaften e. V.
(National Natural Landscapes). In four different regions of Germany, three models are cur-rently being tested, which cover daily assignments and package tours as well as long-term assignments. Although such offers do exist in Germany, they only occur sporadically. The big question is whether voluntourism will gain more momentum through a push to implement these offers in cooperation with the protected areas, which ultimately have the task of pro-moting nature conservation on the one hand and raising people's awareness in society on the other.
A crucial condition for assessing the (market) potential, and ultimately for influencing the goal of the project, is knowledge about the target group. For this study, campsite visitors were chosen
because it was assumed that they would be interested in and willing to participate in such offers.
On the basis of an intensive literature review, through which the phenomenon of voluntour-ism is embedded in the context of the society as and previous target groups and motivations are recorded, a standardized questionnaire was developed, by means of which the campsite visitors as potential users of voluntourism offers can be better assessed. Based on demo-graphic, behavioural and value-oriented characteristics and motives, they were assigned to three categories, which are measured by the strength of their interest in voluntourism in na-ture conservation. Differentiation also took place with regard to the (market) potential of the various offerings.
Making predictions about the future based on existing literature and a questionnaire must be considered a risky proposition. However, it may come as no surprise that for the lowest-threshold offer, day assignments, the highest potential was identified for the future. Never-theless, the present study generated findings for all offerings, which will be passed on to the project participants and interested parties as recommendations for the design of the offerings, for cooperation with new partners, marketing strategies and future research needs.
The area covered with forests and trees is an important indicator of the state of the environment. There are multiple difficulties that forests face which cause them to decline. It is possible to track the physiological stress caused by biotic or abiotic stimuli in forests. At present, one of the major problems is the large number of dead trees that directly damage neighbouring trees. If a thorough overview of the affected area and the number of damaged trees can be quickly recorded and incorporated into the planning of forest management measures. Dead trees can be identified appropriately using Remote Sensing (RS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches. AI has developed a number of image segmentation algorithms that can classify dead trees from RS data, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) images. One of the Machine Learning (ML) algorithm, Deep Learning (DL), is becoming increasingly popular due to its outstanding image segmentation performance and various image processing methods. From this perspective, this research aims to utilize one of the DL models, U-net, to segment the dead spruce (Picea abies) trees in the UAV orthophotos. The network was trained using several experiments as preliminary tests by altering the pixel size, loss functions, the number of parameters, etc. As an outcome, the semantic image segmentation using U-net architecture and the combination of an appropriate training strategy for dead spruce tree detection on UAV orthophotos were successful. However, the prediction model revealed a minor overfitting, which may be fixed by adding more training data sets and modifying the U-net architecture. Even though the constructed model and the available data were used to produce a very effective visual explanation of the classification.
In the field of instrument making, the use of indigenous wood species is becoming more and more important due to the increasing environmental awareness of instrument makers and their customers. As the properties of some of these wood species cannot meet the high demands of this field of application, processes are being sought that can achieve improvements. In recent years, many studies have shown that different modification methods, such as furfurylation, thermal treatment, densification or impregnation methods, can partly improve wood properties such as elasticity, strength values, damping behaviour, but also moisture behaviour and wood moisture content significantly. The extent to which different modification processes and their positive changes in properties can be combined with each other and thus achieve further improvements will become increasingly important in the future, not only in instrument making but also in other areas of application. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of thermal treatment followed by linseed oil impregnation of wood on its sound propagation velocity and the associated acoustic properties of characteristic impedance and acoustic radiation.
Riparian forests are rare and valuable ecosystems in Central Asia, both due to their significance for biodiversity and to their provision of vital ecosystem services to local residents. However, the actual forest use behaviour is under-researched, official figures may not be trustworthy, and the question of over-use is up in the air. This paper sets out to shed light on riparian forest use behaviour by local residents using the example of Ak-Tal Village upon the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan: Which economic use patterns do they practice (focusing on fuel wood and pasture)? Which other ecosystem services do they recognise? Is there forest over-exploitation? To answer these questions, this study builds on local knowledge, by applying the methods of focus group discussions and a household survey. Results show an extreme discrepancy between official wood consumption figures (50–60 m3 p.a.) and figures based on household wood consumption (310–404 m3 p.a.). The forest also serves as an important winter pasture over the seven months between October and April (stocking density 0.61 livestock units/ha), but payments for these ecosystem services are low, with annually 40 KGS/ha. Local residents are aware of additional material and nonmaterial ecosystem services of the riparian forest. Opinions diverge upon the question if there is forest over-exploitation, potentially because different stakeholders have different concepts of an optimal forest status. Consequently, optimal forest use behaviour can only be defined by the local users themselves, e.g., in a future stakeholder dialogue.
The thermal modification of wood is considered to be an environmentally friendly and cost-effective treatment process, which has been able to establish itself in many areas of application due to its positive effect on a whole range of different material properties through a wide variety of process designs. In addition to heat transfer and pressure, closed and open systems differ primarily in the choice of treatment atmosphere mainly used to prevent combustion (Sandberg et al. 2021). Although many studies in recent years have investigated influencing process parameters such as temperature, pressure or treatment duration, there exists a knowledge gap regarding the influence of the treatment atmosphere or its behaviour during the treatment process (Candelier et al. 2016). Therefore, this study aims to analyse different oxygen-nitrogen concentrations in the treatment atmosphere at different residual oxygen levels during the process duration and their influence on different property parameters of Fagus sylvatica (L.).
Aufgrund von Rohstoffknappheit auch bei nachwachsenden Rohstoffen kann das Recyceln von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen auch im Möbelsektor nur an vorletzter Stelle, vor der thermischen Verwertung, stehen. Davor gilt es, schon bei der Produktion den Materialeinsatz zu reduzieren bzw. Möbel so zu gestalten, dass eine verlängerte Nutzung möglich ist. Insgesamt muss die Produktnutzung intensiviert werden. Dafür sind unter anderem geeignete Businessmodelle erforderlich. Hiermit beschäftigt sich das Projekt PERMA an der HNEE. Wird Holz dann zum Altholz, muss die Nachnutzungsquote deutlich erhöht werden. Mit der Identifizierung und Indexierung von Altholz befasst sich daher das Kooperations-projekt WIn-Altholz. Sind allerdings Holzspan- und Holzfaserwerkstoffe beschä-digt oder werden nicht mehr benötigt, gibt es bisher keine sinnvollen Nachnut-zungsszenarien. Das Forschungsprojekt „Respan“ will nun ein Recyclingverfahren entwickeln, dass die Nachnutzung möglichst aller Bestandteile der Werkstoffe realisiert.
Agrobiodiversity is the foundation of our ecosystems and food supply. However, agrobiodiversity is declining rapidly. A prominent strategy to safeguard endangered varieties, an important component of agrobiodiversity, is their cultivation and preservation in their natural environments. In order to make the cultivation of these varieties attractive to farmers, a functioning value chain and communication concepts for these goods have to be developed. Using heirloom vegetable varieties as an example, we examine existing communication approaches for endangered varieties and evaluate their suitability to transport their added value to organic consumers. We furthermore examine organic consumers’ purchasing motives to buy heirloom vegetable varieties. We collected data in three focus group discussions in Berlin (Germany) in 2018. This exploratory study shows that existing communication approaches for heirloom vegetable varieties strongly appeal to altruistic and biospheric purchasing motives. However, our results suggest that egoistic and hedonic purchasing motives are just as important to organic consumers. Hence, existing communication approaches for heirloom vegetable varieties, including the “Red List of Endangered Local Crops”, are not entirely suitable to communicate the added value of biodiversity-enhancing products to consumers. Based on these results, we will develop a holistic communication scheme for heirloom vegetable varieties for organic supermarkets and further distribution channels in Germany.
The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties and structural changes of wood during long-term tempering in mild temperatures. As a result of a long-term heat treatment on beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L), the degradation or decomposition reaction of wood-bound cellulose, hemicellulose and lignins in the low temperature range up to 150°C investigated. For this purpose, test series in the dry state are thermally treated over a period of 6 weeks at a temperature of 120°C and 140°C. Weekly, the mass and dimensions of the test specimens are recorded in order to effectively track the density curve. The mechanical
resistance of the wood substrate was realized by a hardness measurement in a weekly period.
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Ein wort- und bildstarker Brückenschlag zwischen der Wissenschafts- und Märchenwelt, die näher beieinanderliegen, als man gemeinhin vermuten mag. Mit fakten- und fantasiereichen Texten von Melanie Adam und wahrhaft-märchenhaften Illustrationen von Charlotte Thömmes. Ergänzt um interaktive Live- und Film-Aufführungen vom Berliner Figurentheater Schwarze Laterne.
Ein innovatives Projekt der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE), gefördert durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg (MWFK). Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stadt Eberswalde und der Eberswalder Hochschulgesellschaft (EHG).
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