@thesis{Riedel2022, author = {Riedel, Andreas Luca}, title = {Evaluation, conception and prototypical implementation of telemetry dashboard components in motorsport}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-35945}, pages = {VIII, 99}, year = {2022}, abstract = {With the rapid development of technology in recent years, telemetry has become one of the most important components in motorsport. The remote collection of telemetry data is crucial to the success of each team. In addition, full compliance with technical and safety regulations by all vehicles must be monitored at any time by the race scrutineers. This master's thesis concerns interactive visualisation of telemetry data on the web for scrutineers. The first part of the thesis deals with basic UX concepts that describe how huge amount of data sets can be visualised as comprehensively as possible in a performant and clear manner in the web. Furthermore, it is investigated whether it is possible to visualise large amounts of data interactively with web technologies. Building on this, the second part of the thesis describes the conception and realisation of prototypical virtualisation components for the web. For this purpose, software systems and technologies are evaluated based on requirements previously defined using the qualitative methods of expert interviews and the contextual inquiry method at the 24 Hours of Le Mans 2022.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Sanverdi2023, author = {Sanverdi, G{\"u}ls{\"u}m}, title = {Digital Memories}, subtitle = {designing an interactive wellbeing concept for people with dementia and their family members}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-36095}, pages = {91, XLVII}, year = {2023}, abstract = {"Digital Memories - Designing an interactive wellbeing concept for people with dementia and their family members" is a master's thesis that investigates how to design an interactive wellbeing concept for people with dementia and their family members. Qualitative and quantitative research was conducted to study the needs and experiences of people with dementia and their family members. Based on the results, a prototypical concept was developed that offers various functions and tools that promotes shared remembering and communication. These includes a memory section, activities, and a individual home-screen. The concept was successfully tested in a study with family members and an expert and received positive feedback. The results of this thesis shows that the concept can be a valuable approach to supporting the wellbeing of people with dementia and their family members. It offers the opportunity to share joint memories and experiences and promote communication and interaction. The developed prototypical application could serve as a basis for further research and the development of wellbeing concepts for people with dementia. The use of technology to improve the wellbeing of persons with dementia and their family members is a growing focus in the field. This master thesis explores the design of an interactive concept called "Digital Memories" that aims to support the physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of dementia patients and their loved ones through the use of digital memories. Through a combination of theoretical analysis and practical design research, the study aims to contribute to the understanding of how digital technologies can be used to support the well-being of individuals with dementia and their families. The focus of the study is on the family members of dementia patients and seeks to answer the research question of how an interactive application can be designed to support the well-being of these individuals. The study will explore current approaches in the field, identify key challenges and opportunities for design, and examine various design strategies for creating effective and meaningful interventions.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Homm2021, author = {Homm, Benjamin}, title = {Gamification for mental health}, subtitle = {designing a supportive treatment concept for depression in young adults}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-21898}, pages = {152}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This thesis deals with the concept and design of a mobile application to support young adults with depression. The goal of this application is to support affected individuals in self-care in the best possible way through the use of gamification. The entire process is carried out according to the User-Centered Design approach (UCD). In order to acquire basic knowledge on the subject of depression and gamification, the basics are dealt with at the beginning and research is carried out in these areas. Based on expert interviews and an online survey as well as a workshop with affected persons, the problems, needs and requirements of the target group were defined. Based on the conducted analysis, a paper prototype was developed, which was subsequently evaluated by three experts. This was followed by usability tests with representative users. Based on the findings of the evaluation, further high-fidelity prototypes are then created in the form of wireframes, which are then evaluated and tested again. The design was then developed and finally evaluated by experts and representative users. In addition to the final usability tests, the User Experience Questionnaire was used and a needs profile was created. Based on the results of the UEQ, the concept achieved good values in the pragmatic and hedonic quality, as well as good values in the attractiveness dimension. According to the participants, the use of the application fulfilled all basic psychological needs. The needs Competence, Stimulation, Meaning, Security and Autonomy were fulfilled very well and the needs Relatedness and Popularity were in the middle range. Besides sufferers rated the use of the app for self-care quite positively and believe that it can be helpful and supportive in combating depression. In summary, it can be said that the use of gamification in the self-care of depressed young people makes perfect sense and can also be a great support in the treatment.}, language = {en} } @thesis{2024, author = {., Tilak Kamkar}, title = {Be here now}, subtitle = {Development and evaluation of scalable eHMIs to enhance the attention, perception, and safety of inattentive pedestrians through targeted communication in complex traffic scenarios}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-49698}, pages = {102, LXV}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the near future, automated vehicles are expected to become commonplace in traffic, necessitating effective communication with various traffic participants. External Human-Machine Interfaces (eHMIs) are employed to facilitate these interactions, but there is a need for scalable solutions to address a range of challenges. In complex urban environments, pedestrians often fail to perceive the intentions of automated vehicles, especially if they are distracted by multitasking or using gadgets while moving in groups. This thesis aims to enhance the attention, perception, and safety of inattentive pedestrians through the development of eHMIs that utilize multi-modal targeted communication. The effectiveness of these targeted eHMIs is evaluated against the more common multimodal broadcast communication. The study focuses on situational awareness, intent perception, and perceived safety among pedestrians using mobile phones while crossing streets, comparing targeted communication with broadcast methods. The approach involves comparing two targeted eHMIs—one using personalized projection and audio, and another using personalized mobile notifications—with a broadcast eHMI using audio and visual cues. A literature review identified research gaps and informed the design process, which included creating personas and storyboards. These were translated into three simulation conditions in a virtual reality application developed in Unity. The preliminary study was followed by a final usability study with qualitative and quantitative feedback from 28 participants. The results indicate that targeted nudging from an eHMI improves situational awareness and perceived safety among distracted pedestrians compared to broadcast eHMIs. Additionally, multi-modal targeted communication enhances the perception of intent more effectively than multi-modal broadcast communication. Thus, targeted eHMI systems could make roads safer for pedestrians and reduce automated vehicle time in traffic.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Vogl2024, author = {Vogl, Annalena Maria}, title = {The impact of explainability \& mental modeling on human flawed thinking in automated driving}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-46308}, pages = {82, LVII}, year = {2024}, abstract = {If we, as user experience designers, want to create truly user-centered experiences, we need to understand not only what people want, but what they need and how they behave. Human behavior, however, also results from the choices people make every day. The same applies to the development and design of automated transportation. To achieve and maintain these goals, we need to accept that human decisions are not only made on a rational level, but rather on the basis of mental shortcuts, which may be efficient, but can also lead to cognitive biases and thus to sub-optimal results. This master's thesis specifically sheds light on four cognitive biases - truthiness, illusion of control, action bias and automation bias -, their existence in automated driving, as well as their relationship to each other and possible influencing factors. As part of a preliminary study (n=117), which was implemented as an online questionnaire, the existence of the cognitive biases in focus of this work is examined in more detail and initial findings of visualizations and explanations as an influencing factor are collected. In the further course, a user study (n=34) was completed to build on the knowledge gained and examine the accuracy of the mental model of the occupants of an automated ride and their individual personality traits as further influential parameters. This work should serve as a cornerstone to include cognitive biases and their influencing forces in the development of automated vehicles in the future and to use the knowledge gathered to integrate psychological aspects that affect every human being into user-centered humanmachine interactions.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Reddy2024, author = {Reddy, Aramalla Saipriya}, title = {Enhancing user experience in Carla through optimization of AI/ML-based real-world map import}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-49850}, pages = {65, XXIV}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This master thesis investigates enhancing user experience (UX) in driving simulators by optimizing AI/ML-based processes for importing real-world map data. The research addresses the challenges of accurately replicating real-world environments in simulations, focusing on the CARLA, an open-source simulator, as a case study. A mixed-methods approach is employed, combining a preliminary survey of 111 participants with in-depth interviews of 10 driving simulator experts. The findings reveal a strong preference for real-world map data over synthetic data, highlighting its impact on perceived realism, accuracy, and overall User Experience. The optimization process utilized YOLOv8 models for object detection, specifically for identifying buildings and trees, and MATLAB, a licenced tool for processing spatial relationships and creating virtual environments. These AI-driven enhancements ensure fidelity and realism in the imported maps. The research also identifies technical challenges in data integration and emphasises the need for user-friendly tools and interfaces. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing UX in driving simulators, including prioritising real-world data and incorporating real-time feedback mechanisms. The implications of this research extend to the broader field of autonomous vehicle (AV) development, offering insights into creating realistic and practical simulation driving environments for testing and validating autonomous driving algorithms.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Ledl2022, author = {Ledl, Patrick}, title = {Analyzing the potential of low-code platforms in digital transformation and implementing a project management application}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34958}, pages = {XXVIII, 73}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The rapidly advancing technological progress combined with the demands of a society who wants to be able to do everything, anywhere and anytime form a dynamic process, which constantly increases the demands and pressure on companies. One solution to meet the constantly changing needs in the area of digitization and digital transformation are low-code platforms. The aim of this thesis is to answer the potential and risks that low-code platforms can bring to organizations and how an existing business process example can be digitally transformed by a low-code platform. From this, the following research question can be formulated: How can a business process be digitally transformed with the help of a low-code platform and what potential and risks is such a transformation associated with? In order to answer the research question, an analysis of the potential and risks of low-code platforms and in particular of the underlying cloud services was carried out. As a result, a project management application was developed with the help of a platform, which transforms a real business process. This solution was then compared with the existing solution based on usability and user experience.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Peters2024, author = {Peters, Daniel Michael}, title = {The influence of environment design on attention \& learning}, subtitle = {a comparison of abstract and biophilic VR environments}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-45594}, pages = {97}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a promising and effective tool for education. The serenity of nature and the underlying Biophilic design theory promise positive effects on learning by influencing attention, well-being and immersion in advanced technology. However, the specifics of how and under what contexts learning is most effective in VR with a focus on the abstraction level remains to be elucidated. This study aims to determine how radically different virtual environments (VE) - natural vs. abstract - design approaches affect learning and attention and the underlying interplay of these two constructs with attention, comfort, presence, and immersion. A mixed-method design with a comparative exploratory approach within subjects was adopted to explore the influence of different VR settings, one being natural and one being abstractly designed without elements. The study emphasizes the crucial role of interaction between presence and attention in VE design. However, while there were no significant quantitative differences regarding this data set, naturalistic VR environments significantly influenced learning effectiveness and attention spans according to qualitative data about the same result. Also, biophilic elements facilitate emotional comfort while considering user comfort and engagement during thematic analysis. It is also evident that quantitative measuring within Immersion and Presence effects reveal slight trends towards natural VE, while qualitative data favored the abstract VE, which raises the question of sensitivity on the MPS Questionnaire and incorporating and elevating the perspective of Acceptance of Virtual Reality Environments to be more sensitive and valid. Our research confirms VR's potential in education and highlights that traditional classroom elements should blend with VR capabilities (educational VR spaces should augment, not replace, conventional methods). The broader explorative approach revealed potential gaps in VR research, new perspectives on abstraction levels, and the impact on VR learning.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Wild2022, author = {Wild, Shalin Naomi}, title = {Rethink, restructure, redesign}, subtitle = {enhancing the user experience of an employee resource planning tool}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-35213}, pages = {88, LVIII}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The aim of this master thesis is to rethink, restructure and redesign an existing software management tool for planning employee resources based on user experience in order to strengthen the business processes within a company. The user centered design process goes through eight phases, from planning, understanding, ideation, conception, design, and evaluation of the project with the user. Working directly with end users, project managers, and developers allowed for usability testing, surveys, and discussions to make the application and system supportive and intuitive. These insights created a system that can be used by new customers, but also reused by existing customers. The results of the literature and field research show that the needs and also the user behavior adapted design is significantly more popular and thus better accepted compared to the current solution. The entire user experience and not only the visual design is included. The final output are purposes, concepts, misfits, and a whole redesign of the employee planning tool.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Liske2022, author = {Liske, Tim}, title = {Development of a smartphone app for managing non-public charge points with a focus on a high UUX}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-35427}, pages = {68, XXVI}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The market for electromobility has almost taken off in recent years. Developments in the area of environmental and climate protection have only accelerated this trend. At the same time, it can be observed that many aspects of this area are new and that experience must first be gained with them bit by bit. Thus it happens that the management software of the charging infrastructure has been optimized for the big players on the market, but now one has to realize that there are many small operators of charging stations in addition to the big ones. And precisely these have their problems with the applications of the big players. Too complex, not understandable, and not very intuitive to use are just a few of the points one hears there. This master thesis has taken on this problem and has set itself the goal of identifying and defining this target group precisely and then developing a concept for an application on the smartphone that optimizes the operation of one's own charging infrastructure in the non-public sector with a special focus on high usability and user experience. During the process of this master thesis, the requirements and needs of this target group were worked out in a comprehensive analysis and then prototypically implemented and tested. The results show that the target group concerned can be identified as non-professional operators, a smartphone app is a well-suited implementation for the management system, and the functional scope should be limited to the essentials, requiring only basic information and interactions. The implemented prototype could already show very good values regarding usability and user experience and the results of the study brought equally valuable information, which can be used in the future to further develop the application based on the result of this master thesis.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Schlackl2021, author = {Schlackl, Dominik}, title = {UX improvements in intelligent user interfaces through AI deployment}, subtitle = {design and evaluation of human-centered explainable AI concepts}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-33341}, pages = {65, XLIX}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Artificial intelligence (AI) is a highly relevant subfield of computer science and a basic prerequisite for the implementation of intelligent user interfaces. However, AI-supported systems often entail a lack of transparency (i.e., explainability and interpretability) for the inexperienced end user, resulting in poor user interaction and ultimately the loss of trust and acceptance. This has resulted in calls for human-centered explainable AI. In this work, we applied the user centered design process in order to design an explainable and understandable AI assistant in the business-to- business invoicing context. It supports users in filling out web forms by intelligently prefilling input fields, and thus increases performance and enhances user experience. We combined several quantitative and qualitative measures in a mixed methods approach. Based on a review of prior work as well as investigative preliminary interviews and a focus group discussion, an empirical main study (n = 30) was conducted. In it, five prototyped concepts varying in degrees of transparency (different visual and textual indicators) were evaluated and compared. Our findings indicate that an increase in the level of detail provided by the system results in decreasing efficiency, measured in longer task completion times. Displaying AI confidence level via percentage values and color codes tends to increase accuracy, measured in an 8 \% lower error rate and almost twice as many error-free tasks, compared to AI proposals without contextual information. We found interrelations between the respondents' age and achieved efficiency as well as accuracy across concepts. User satisfaction seems to increase with an increasing level of detail, whereas hedonic quality (be-goals) achieved high ratings, especially for the display of the confidence level, and for textual explanations of the AI proposals. Almost no differences were found for the pragmatic quality (do-goals). Trust was high for the baseline (no AI support) and when the AI proposals are supplemented by confidence levels. We found low trust for AI proposals without contextual information. In summary, we recommend a clear and quick-to-grasp indicator. Displays of the confidence level with percentage values and color codes were evaluated well in almost all dimensions and achieved the highest overall attractiveness.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Rosbach2024, author = {Rosbach, Emely}, title = {On the influence of explainable AI and time pressure on confirmation bias in digital pathology}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-47445}, pages = {50, XXXVII}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has opened the door to its employment for life-saving applications in the medical field. In particular, the increasing prevalence of AI in diagnostic pathology holds the potential to enhance diagnostic accuracy and provide more efficient patient care. While explainability is often identified as a crucial component in terms of safety and AI acceptance for future clinical use, it may also introduce or strengthen human cognitive biases such as the confirmation bias. Confirmation Bias describes the selective search for and intake of information to strengthen prior existing beliefs, which could be further amplified by the time pressure ubiquitously present in everyday pathology. To date, very few user-centric studies have been carried out in this domain, thus this thesis seeks to empirically examine the effects of explainable AI and time pressure on confirmation bias during the interaction with clinical decision support systems in a mixed-method study and aims to contribute to the safe and efficient development and design of intelligent support systems in the medical sector.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Schmidt2022, author = {Schmidt, Sabrina}, title = {UX Office}, subtitle = {development and evaluation of guidelines to enhance productivity and comfort in (home) offices in the era of new work}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34553}, pages = {64, LXXX}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Due to the immense changes in the office work from the early beginnings till now, the requirements for a productive working environment have also changed. The topic new work deals with exactly that: finding concepts on how the future office work can look like. Additionally, focusing on the workforce and their tasks can help to build a satisfying future office. Moreover there are existing different personality types of office workers. It can be hard to implement the new work-approach if no one explains how to do it and what to look out for. Also responding to the various industries and personalities makes it more complicated. Unfortunately, there are no general guidelines for the topic new work yet. The aim of this thesis is to develop and evaluate the Guidelines - How to create an UX Office, to improve (home) offices for employees. In addition, the following research questions have been defined: Will the UX Office be rated better than the actual company office? Which elements can enhance the office environment? To answer these research questions a preliminary survey was done, to find out more about the employees' preferences and to create the Guidelines - How to create an UX Office. Thereupon an user study with eight participants in the company "UX Agency" - which used the new work-approach for the interior design - was conducted. Here the guidelines have been tested in a real life office environment. The results show, that the UX Office was perceived and rated more positive as the high agreement of the most diverse statements shows. Likewise the User Experience Questionnaire - Short achieved excellent ratings. The UX Office reached very positive results for both, the pragmatic and hedonic quality. Moreover it has been found out, that home elements - like plants and decoration - make an office more comfortable. Providing acoustic panels, a height-adjustable desk and chair, as well as high-quality equipment like an ultra-wide monitor, can increase the productivity at the workplace.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Wittmann2022, author = {Wittmann, Christopher Ludwig}, title = {Development and evaluation of guidelines to enhance gamification and interaction in e-learning platforms}, subtitle = {Use case education in UX-Design}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34465}, pages = {vi, 66, XXXIII}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @thesis{Petrick2023, author = {Petrick, Jasmin}, title = {Enhancing interdisciplinary communication and documentation in UX projects}, subtitle = {a human-centred approach to internal tool development}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-36687}, pages = {532}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The present master's thesis investigates the idea of a tool focusing on the challenges of interdisciplinary work, including interdisciplinary communication, adaptation management in iterative work processes, and their documentation. The human-centred design process is used as the basis for planning and executing project activities. As a result, context of use interviews are conducted to build a basis for deriving needs and requirements. Wireframes are iteratively created and explored with the expert users of the practice partner (Die Plusbringer GmbH). The theoretical foundation mainly includes the aspects of the working areas of programming and design, as these disciplines are mainly involved in the UX (user experience) projects of Die Plusbringer GmbH. Since communication builds a foundation of interdisciplinary projects, underlying linguistic concepts are presented and considered within the derivation of a corresponding concept. An evaluation of the suitability of derived functions as well as their technical feasibility and a SWOT analysis conclude the thesis.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Endres2023, author = {Endres, Leon-David}, title = {The redesign of a construction mobile application}, subtitle = {establishing the user-centered design process in a business to business startup}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-39118}, pages = {91, LI}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This paper explores the redesign process of the VESTIGAS mobile application and investigates the significance of user-centeredness in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. VESTIGAS is a startup aiming to revolutionize the construction sector by offering a supply chain operating system. However, many users within the VESTIGAS user group lacked motivation to use the app and continued to rely on paper alternatives. The redesign aimed to address this issue by improving the app's usability and user-friendliness to increase user engagement. To achieve this, low-budget UX methods, including qualitative user interviews and UX-expert interviews, were employed to guide the creative process. Subsequently, a user study was conducted to compare the new app with the old app. The study revealed significant improvements as users were able to complete tasks more efficiently and expressed a preference for the new app. Contrary to previous assumptions by VESTIGAS employees, the study demonstrated that users highly value the user-centeredness of the new app. These findings suggest that the user-centered design process holds value in the B2B sector and provide an initial foundation for VESTIGAS to further explore this dimension.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Schuster2023, author = {Schuster, Sabrina}, title = {Development of a gamified onboarding process for the METUS software and analysis of the impact on the learning curve of new users}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-37276}, pages = {74, XLI}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Organizations increasingly rely on technology to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment. Implementing new software solutions is a common strategy for organizations to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and improve overall performance. However, learning new business software can be time-consuming and may cause frustration among new users. To counteract this, gamification can be used, which has been proven to affect motivation, user experience, and usability positively. In order to understand the effects of game elements on the onboarding experience and learning curve of new users in a business context, an onboarding process called the Basic Onboarding was developed for the METUS software and tested during a between-subjects user study. METUS is a methodology and software solution by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG to create and manage products by creating an aligned 360-degree perspective connecting the market and product view. The onboarding development was based on literature analysis, an expert interview, and a survey among experienced METUS users. The study results showed no significant impact, only discernible trends, of game elements on the perceived user experience, usability, learning curve, and mental workload. Based on the quantitative and qualitative data, recommendations are given to improve the Basic Onboarding, the METUS software, and the overall experience.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Langner2023, author = {Langner, Veronika Lena}, title = {Influence and ethical impact of design of technology on user behavior}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-40469}, pages = {51, XVII}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The aim of this master's thesis is to explore the impact of technology design on users and its ethical implications. The research question posed is: "How does the design of technology influence user behavior, and how are designers allowed to influence the user?" In order to answer the research question, a literature review and a quantitative user study with 135 participants that targeted general technology users were conducted. The results highlight that design has a significant impact on user decision-making. Users tend to prefer colors that have positive associations, such as green, over colors that are associated with negative emotions, like red. Additionally, users tend to prefer larger, round buttons over smaller, square ones. The user study also found that trust is a critical factor in how susceptible a user is to the influence of design. The overall impact of technology on users is influenced by several factors, including aesthetics, usability, trust, credibility, and the user's personality, emotions, and context. The literature revealed that the use of technology could have negative consequences such as addiction, financial harm, loss of autonomy, violation of privacy, and negative impacts on society and the environment, such as waste. If technology is consciously designed and applied positively, it can also have positive outcomes. How technology affects the user and society depends, among other things, on its design. Therefore, designers have a high responsibility to be mindful of their designs. However, ethical design is not a straightforward process as a design can be beneficial for an individual, society, or economic purposes. What may be good for one may be bad for another. Therefore, it is crucial for technology designers to possess the necessary knowledge and motivation to incorporate ethical values into their designs.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Balcombe2023, author = {Balcombe, Jonathan Christopher}, title = {The effects of gamified affordances on the gameful experience in FinTech services targeted at young audiences}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-40959}, pages = {73, XXXII}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In recent years the idea of enhancing services with game-like features has gained traction in the field of Human Computer Interactions. This act of using these affordances to heighten motivation in users has been coined "gamification". The process of gamification starts with the "gameful experience" a user has when interacting with these gamified services, which therefore plays a huge role in reaching behavioral change. One domain in which empirical research about gamification overall, but more closely gameful experiences, has been limited is the wide domain of FinTech. In this field services targeting younger users can have huge benefits in the user's financial decision-making. This thesis tries to answer two research questions: (1) can gamified affordances in a FinTech service targeted at younger audiences have a positive effect on the user and (2) can gamified affordances have a positive effect on the perceived user experience in these services. For this, two gamified affordances (achievements and leaderboards) were created, built into prototypes of the FinTech start-up Pigtie and tested with participants in the ages from 18-32 (n=15) in a controlled usability setting. Analysis of the gameful experience questionnaire GAMEFULQUEST, the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) and qualitative statements showed possible benefits in using gameful affordances in these systems and heightening the perceived gameful experience for end-users. Therefore, this work showed overall positive results on all gameful dimensions of the GAMEFULQUEST as well as a higher perceived hedonic quality. But due to the fact that FinTech is a special domain in regard to privacy, security and user's attitudes toward personal finances and particularities only relating to this field are also discussed. As this work represents only a small segment in the FinTech space with a younger target group, it can be assumed that further research is needed to explore and validate more gameful designs in FinTech.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Vogl2023, author = {Vogl, Katharina Eva Maria}, title = {Design and evaluation of a private digital companion for women's perception of safety in shared automated vehicles}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-40478}, pages = {98}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The aim of this master thesis is to develop and evaluate a private digital companion for the specific needs of women to increase the women's individual sense of safety in shared automated vehicles (SAVs). To do this, the essential aspects of SAVs, perceived safety and digital assistants will be explained, and women's needs will be highlighted in the context of shared mobility. To gain an even better understanding of women's con-cerns and needs regarding SAVs and to learn what women understand as a feeling of safety, a workshop (N = 5) that was held will be described. Further will be explored how women envision personal digital companionship in the context of a ride in SAVs. The three prototypes of a private digital companion that were developed on basis of the workshop will be introduced and the user study (N = 13) in which these companions were testes will be described. The user study aims to explore the usability and accepta-bility of digital companions, the level of trust placed in them, and the impact they have on women's overall anxiety. In addition, the emotional response to digital companions will be assessed to avoid a sense of uncanniness that can occur with artificial beings.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Shah2023, author = {Shah, Tanmesh Manoj}, title = {Potential of virtual reality in improving student's memorization and understanding of complex learning content}, subtitle = {Concept development and empirical validation}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-42741}, pages = {84, LXXXV}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Virtual Reality (VR) is an emerging tool that is effective in improving student engagement and learning outcomes in educational settings. Studies show that VR-based education can enhance motivation, critical thinking skills, and learning outcomes. However, further research is still needed to understand VR's impact on long-term memory retention and its effectiveness in education. This thesis addresses the challenge of engaging students with complex subjects and improving their attention spans. The research has two main objectives: (1) to identify design principles that are essential for creating effective VR learning environments, and (2) to assess the impact of VR on student engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention. The study is focused on exploring how VR can be thoughtfully designed to enhance engagement, motivation, memorization, and understanding of complex educational concepts. A multi-faceted approach was taken to achieve this, including an online survey, expert interviews, and student interviews. The data collected from these sources was used to inform the development process, which involved creating personas and storyboards as a basis for a VR application developed in Unity for offline study. A total of 19 participants were involved in usability testing, providing both qualitative and quantitative feedback. The results of the study indicated that VR-based learning significantly improved memory retention and enhanced Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) when compared to traditional learning methods. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) revealed high acceptance and usability. The VR system was seen as a valuable educational supplement, motivating students and providing real-world examples through a "learning by doing" approach. Keywords: Virtual Reality (VR) · Immersive Learning · Concept Memorization · Conceptual Understanding · Active Learner Participation · VR Learning Environment · Educational Simulations · Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) · STEM Education}, language = {en} } @thesis{Kendrick2023, author = {Kendrick, Caroline Grace}, title = {Investigating the impact of AI explanation on users' experience of control during cooperative driving}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-43198}, pages = {50, XIII}, year = {2023}, abstract = {As automated driving becomes a closer reality for consumers, accurate understandings of user behavior with and perceptions of automated vehicles are needed. This work investigates the effect of the level of explanation used in automated driving on an individual's perception of control. Two explore this question, two studies were carried out. The first study (N = 26) was an online survey that measured Locus of Control and Desire to Intervene in relation to automated driving scenarios. A second study was conducted based on the design of the first. This VR Simulation ( N = 14) enabled the level of AI explanation to be tested in a semi-realistic scenario and evaluated levels of explanation in relation to Locus of Control and Desire to Intervene. The first study found no significant between Locus of Control and Desire to Intervene. The second study found a significant difference between the How and Why, and Baseline conditions. Qualitative findings of both studies suggest a framework for why participants desire to intervene in automated driving scenarios.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Kroneck2023, author = {Kroneck, Franziska Lena Maria}, title = {Exploring needs and challenges of designers and developers when implementing digital accessibility in software development projects}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-39205}, pages = {65, XXV}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This master thesis explores the implementation of digital accessibility into software development projects. The business benefits of accessibility get recognized more and more. One of the most pressing issues for the industry is integrating accessibility practices successfully on a project level. The goal is to incorporate accessibility as a standard practice in the daily activities of designers and developers. Therefore, we explored the needs and challenges they may face.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Anees2024, author = {Anees, Esha}, title = {Improving user experience of smart Kiosk interface}, subtitle = {Redesigning the Kiosk webapp}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-47403}, pages = {53}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Smart Kiosks are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of use, accessibility, and cashless payment options. With this technology, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design is taken into account to enhance optimal user satisfaction. This thesis addresses usability issues arising from unclear information and cluttered interfaces in existing webapp of Livello Kiosk's Webapp. Through user research, competitor analysis, iterative redesign and AB Testing, the aim of this study is improving the User Experience of the entire purchasing process for Livello's Smart Kiosk system. By understanding user needs and learning from competitor successes and failures, interviews, and surveys from real users, drawing insights from their feedback, the redesigned interface will prioritize clarity, ease of use, and intuitive navigation. This research has the potential to contribute valuable insights for the development of user-centered and intuitive interfaces for Kiosk Webapp (KWA). Ultimately, it will be enhancing customer satisfaction, reduce frustration and increase task completion rates.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Forster2022, author = {Forster, Laura Franziska}, title = {Development of a new interaction concept and visual design for the communication of distributed systems in the automotive environment}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-35912}, pages = {77}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This master thesis is about the design of a new interaction concept and visual design for the trace tool TraceViewer of the company e.solutions GmbH. This program is used for trace analysis in the automotive environment and should support the user in the analysis and evaluation of traces. The work is based on the User Centered Design process to ensure the best possible user experience. To implement this approach, user requirements are identified and defined, an exemplary scenario is planned, and a concept is created. The visual design and interaction are based on this concept. An expert analysis and the final evaluation were conducted with eight participants each. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The final usability study is a comparative study between the TraceViewer and the newly developed concept. The most important results are that the new concept, in contrast to the TraceViewer, has a significantly better usability and user experience. In addition, the new concept is more intuitive and easier to use.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Megos2022, author = {Megos, Alina Katherina}, title = {Design and implementation of an application to support the social institution Piustreff to offer new possibilities of interaction and communication.}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34641}, pages = {X, 117, lxiii}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In these uncertain times, young people in particular need more than ever a place of retreat that offers them the opportunity for exchange and prepares them for an independent life. At the same time, the digital development of the Internet and smartphones is omnipresent for this target group, which can lead to risks and opportunities. The goal of this work is to use the attention of the internet and to increase the transparency, accessibility and online visibility of the social institution Piustreff by means of a mobile-first application. Therefore, the research question consists of how an application can support an institution like Piustreff in its work to offer new possibilities of interaction and communication that are beneficial for the different stakeholders. To answer this question, after in-depth research and a benchmark analysis, the four steps of the User Centered Design (UCD) process were followed with two iterations of the evaluation phase. In the analysis phase different methods like a field study, focus group, workshops and questionnaires helped to understand the target group, their needs, the context of use and requirements of the potential solution. An affinity diagram and information architecture helped to structure the gathered qualitative and quantitative data before a draft of the solution was created using prototyping techniques like paper prototyping and wireframes. The resulted clickable low-fidelity prototype was taken into the first evaluation phase where potential users needed to fulfill specific tasks by using the prototype. Part of this usability testing was the System Usability Scale (SUS) whose results indicated very good usability of the prototype. The concept was adjusted according to the qualitative feedback of the testings. The results of the analysis phase showed amongst other things, that the three main target groups including employees of the institution, children in the age range of 6 to 13 years and adolescents in the age group of 14 to 27 years have different expectations and preferences regarding the application. Therefore, the design of the solution was developed to address these differences by creating three approaches of design systems each for one target group with mood boards and style guides. Furthermore, a high-fidelity prototype was created and tested in the second iteration of evaluation, where the focus lay on the design and user experience of the product. Based on the results of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), which was used to quantitatively measure the user experience, the concept achieved good values in the three dimensions of attractiveness, hedonic and pragmatic quality. After adjusting the prototype according to the qualitative results of the second evaluation phase, the last phase of this project started where the concept was partly implemented using the Content Management System (CMS) Webflow. In summary, it can be said that the concept addresses the needs of the three main stakeholders and the implementation of the solution will continue in cooperation with Piustreff after this work has been submitted.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Malsam2022, author = {Malsam, Julia}, title = {Perceived quality of fully automatic espresso machines for semiotic and sensory perception fields}, subtitle = {Definition and structure of semiotic and sensory perceived quality levers of FAEMs and their modes of action in the premium segment for a defined target group at BSH}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34282}, pages = {208}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This masterthesis deals with the topic of perceived quality for fully automatic espresso machines in the premium segment for a defined target group at BSH. It focuses on the semiotic and sensory perception fields. The purchase of fully automatic espresso machines is an investment for customers, therefore the perceived quality plays a special role within this product category. Design has the capability to enhance the perceivable quality of a product besides the classic unterstanding of quality management. The central questions to be answered in the course of this work were as follows: How do users interpret quality in the context of fully automatic espresso machines? What are the factors that influence this impression of quality? Which of these factors have the greatest influence? How can these be adjusted by designers to enhance the perceived quality? The thesis defines and structures perceived quality levers of fully automatic espresso machines for use in the design process. The entire process is carried out according to the User-Centered Design approach (UCD). In order to acquire basic knowledge on the subject of perceived quality, the basics are dealt with at the beginning and research is carried out in these areas. After an extensive analysis with expert and user interviews, the relevant product dimensions were identified. Further the target group with specific charactersitcs, needs and expectations was defined. The examination and structuring of the defined product attributes and components, according their influence on the perceived quality, were done in a pre-study. Following an in depth elaboration of the most relevant parameters was conducted in the main study to derive design recommendations. The final research results are presented in a theoretical guideline and in a multi-sensorial experience model. The key findings of the work show that the perceived quality of fully automatic espresso machines is strongly influenced by its material, finish and colour. The control unit and the front area are components that must be prioritised for a fully automatic espresso machine. Perceived quality in general is very context dependent and must always be considered specifically. By precisely defining the product structure with components and relevant factors, the potential for improving the perceived quality of each product can be approached.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Akhmedov2023, author = {Akhmedov, Nurkhon}, title = {Designing and prototyping a learning and testing platform for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers with the aim of improving knowledge and establishing a standard evaluation benchmark for UX/UI design skills and competencies.}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-38197}, pages = {70, XXIV}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Objective - This research paper introduces Xpert, an all-encompassing platform conceived to augment UX designers' educational journey and employment-seeking process. The platform's design and development were guided by a user-centric approach, primarily focusing on delivering personalized experiences and global acknowledgement through UX certification. Methodology - The research commenced with a comprehensive examination of the unique needs and challenges faced by UX designers during their educational and professional pursuits. This was accomplished through expert consultations, digital surveys, and interactive workshops involving UX designers at various career stages. The insights gleaned from this research were instrumental in shaping the initial prototype of the platform, which was subsequently evaluated by industry experts and tested by potential users. Results - Post the initial evaluation, high-fidelity prototypes were developed and subjected to additional rounds of evaluation and user testing. The final design of the platform was then assessed by experts and representative users employing the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Findings - The UEQ study results revealed that the platform performed exceptionally well across most of the selected scales, indicating a high degree of user satisfaction with the platform's functionalities and user experience. However, areas such as efficiency and trust were identified as potential avenues for improvement, which will be addressed in future iterations of the platform. Conclusion - In summary, the Xpert platform has shown considerable promise in transforming the educational journey and job-seeking process for UX designers. The user-centric design approach, coupled with an emphasis on personalized experiences and global recognition through UX certification has significantly contributed to the platform's success. Future enhancements to the app will focus on expanding its functionalities and user experience, with plans for collaboration with educational institutions and companies and the development of personalized dashboards for recruiters and mentors. Keywords: User Experience Design, Personalized Learning, Job Search, UX Certification, UserCentric Design, Platform Development, User Experience Questionnaire, UX Designers, Educational Journey, Employment Seeking Process, Platform Evaluation. Paper Type: Research Paper}, language = {en} } @thesis{Sahoo2023, author = {Sahoo, Bimalesh}, title = {User experience design for automated damage detection through camera bridge in the freight rail sector}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-39159}, pages = {VII, 63}, year = {2023}, abstract = {DB Cargo, a prominent player in the international transport and logistics industry and responsible for rail freight activities of Deutsche Bahn worldwide, has adopted camera bridges and AI software to enhance maintenance and offer innovative services to cargo customers. However, the current process of detecting damage using these Intelligent Video Gateways (IVGs) is outdated and requires significant technical expertise, leading to inefficiencies. This thesis aims to streamline the damage detection process, minimize the efforts of DB Cargo employees in this area, address visualization challenges related to wagon damage detection, and effectively represent data on damaged wagons through an AI-generated user interface. With the support of Bavaria's Digital Minister Judith Gerlach, this technology is being implemented nationwide, creating new opportunities for the freight rail sector. The study employs the Stanford Design Thinking Process to identify and analyze viable solutions for improving user experience in locomotive damage detection. It explores innovative approaches for interactive applications and intuitive data visualization to analyze damaged wagon data effectively. Prototype design solutions introduce a novel 3D model-based approach, leveraging Artificial Intelligence for wagon visualization and damage identification. Expert users evaluated these solutions using the Wizard-of-Oz approach, showing positive outcomes in terms of improved user experience, ease of use, learnability, interaction design, and time efficiency. Moreover, the study explores the potential of expanding this concept as a foundation for enhancing other wagon operations.}, language = {en} } @thesis{Kleitsch2022, author = {Kleitsch, Iris}, title = {Conception and design of a mandatory web-based training on user experience basics}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt}, address = {Ingolstadt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:573-34755}, pages = {273}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This master thesis deals with the creation of a mandatory web-based training (WBT) on basic user experience knowledge with the focus on motivational enhancement of the target group, the employees of BSH. Since mandatory WBTs are usually rejected by the employees due to their obligatory character and the learning motivation is accordingly low, this thesis aims to clarify whether it is possible to conceptualize and design a mandatory WBT in such a way that it has a motivating effect on the users. The entire process of this work is based on the user centered design (UCD) approach. To guarantee a holistic consideration, a comprehensive research was carried out on theoretical basics in the subject areas of e-learning, motivation, emotion, acceptance and reactance, didactics and instructional design, user experience (UX) and usability as well as user centered design. Based on the extensive findings from the expert and user interviews as well as the online survey from the analysis phase, the problems, needs, expectations, and usage requirements of the target group were defined. To enable an empathetic understanding of the target group, a persona was created as a representative of this target group with its typical characteristics and attributes, supplemented by user stories and a storyboard. Based on this, an initial interactive prototype was developed in the concept phase, which formed the basis for the first evaluation through expert and user tests. In the design phase, the findings from the concept phase were considered in the development of the design prototype and evaluated once again with experts and users. In addition to the final usability tests, an online questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data on user experience, emotions experienced during use, fulfillment of psychological needs related to motivation enhancement, and further questions on the design of the WBT and associated motivation. This work demonstrated that the mandatory WBT on UX Basics created as part of this thesis was designed to enhance motivation through a user-centered approach, has a good user experience, and participants felt predominantly positive during their interaction with the WBT. This, together with the fact that the psychological needs decisive for motivational enhancement have been met, leads to increased motivation.}, language = {en} }