
The publication process

The library of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences offers you the possibility to publish your documents as pure online publications in h_docs. The documents submitted to OPUS should meet the requirements of scientific work in terms of both content and formatting. Please also refer to our Guidelines


Your publication will primarily be published in PDF (Portable Document Format). Other accepted file formats include: avi, mp3 and mp4.

You can register and upload your document under Publish. Your details and the full texts will be loaded into an h_docs cache (upload). Please enter all the necessary information on the content and formal description of the document in the form. Your electronic publication will then be placed on the h_docs server after a formal check by library staff and thus made publicly accessible.

In addition, the declaration on the publication of electronic documents must be signed and submitted for each publication. In this you confirm that

  • the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt is granted the right to store the document, to make it publicly accessible in data networks and, if necessary, to convert it into other data formats,

  • that the publication of this document does not violate any rights of third parties.

In the course of the publication process, you can determine the extent to which third parties are allowed to further use your publication by selecting a CC licence. Please note that the corresponding rights must still be yours, i.e. you must check whether you have assigned exclusive rights, e.g. to a publisher. More information on CC licences can be found at With regard to non-commercial use, please note that this choice may limit the visibility of your document, as this regulation also affects providers of search engines and resource discovery systems.

After publication, your electronic document will be listed in the library's catalogue and in the catalogue of the Hessian Library Network. All published documents are freely accessible on the Internet and cannot be made accessible only to a certain group of people.

All documents are indexed by the authors themselves. The content of the documents is indexed using standardised keywords, freely assigned keywords and classification systems.