@article{Klemm, author = {Klemm, Marcus}, title = {Well-being Changes from Year to Year}, series = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, issn = {1573-7780}, abstract = {I study yearly changes in personal well-being combining data on current, retrospective and prospective life satisfaction from the German Socio-Economic Panel. Predicted and remembered changes in life satisfaction are both positive on average and match well, whereas the average year to year-change inferred from reports of current life satisfaction is negative. Retrospective assessments of past well-being are strongly influenced by current life satisfaction, significantly related to past life satisfaction and linked to past predictions of current satisfaction. Due to different problems related to the ordinal measurement scale, changes in subjective reference systems and recall ability, the analysis overall suggests that direct reports of intertemporal changes provide valuable additional information for the analysis of individual well-being.}, language = {en} } @article{KlemmtHenking, author = {Klemmt, Malte and Henking, Tanja}, title = {Wishes and needs of nursing home residents and their relatives regarding end-of-life decision-making and care planning}, series = {Journal of Clinical Nursing}, volume = {29}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Nursing}, number = {13-14}, issn = {1365-2702}, pages = {2663 -- 2674}, abstract = {Aims and Objectives To explore wishes and needs, such as existing and preferred communication processes, of residents and relatives regarding medical and nursing planning at the end of life. Background Nursing home residents are a relevant target group for advance care planning (ACP) due to their high age and multimorbidity. Their relatives seem to be important partners in terms of communication and their documentation of wishes and needs. Design A qualitative descriptive design was used. Methods Thirty-two guideline-based interviews with nursing home residents (n = 24) and relatives (n = 8) were conducted in nursing homes in Germany (n = 7). All interviews were analysed by content-structured content analysis. The COREQ checklist was used to document reporting of the study. Results Residents particularly express wishes and needs regarding their health, like the desire to maintain or improve one's current state of health and to be active and mobile and also regarding their social situation, for example the well-being of relatives and beloved ones. A limited group of people was identified with whom residents spoke about issues such as preparedness and self-determination. These were mainly their relatives. Relatives themselves have a need for more communication. Various communication barriers could be identified. Conclusion Residents express diverse and partly explicit wishes and needs. Although many of the respondents had already drafted advanced directives, the demand for offers of communication to plan ahead for the end of life remains clear. The results indicate the unconditional participation of relatives and people close to the residents, if they are available. Relevance to clinical practice Derivations for a target group-related ACP concept in the study region are identified. Besides the involvement of relatives, nurses could also be involved in the communication and decision-making process of residents in nursing homes under certain conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{Heusinger, author = {Heusinger, Moritz}, title = {Dimensionality reduction in the context of dynamic social media data streams}, series = {Evolving Systems}, journal = {Evolving Systems}, issn = {1868-6486}, abstract = {In recent years social media became an important part of everyday life for many people. A big challenge of social media is, to find posts, that are interesting for the user. Many social networks like Twitter handle this problem with so-called hashtags. A user can label his own Tweet (post) with a hashtag, while other users can search for posts containing a specified hashtag. But what about finding posts which are not labeled by the creator? We provide a way of completing hashtags for unlabeled posts using classification on a novel real-world Twitter data stream. New posts will be created every second, thus this context fits perfectly for non-stationary data analysis. Our goal is to show, how labels (hashtags) of social media posts can be predicted by stream classifiers. In particular, we employ random projection (RP) as a preprocessing step in calculating streaming models. Also, we provide a novel real-world data set for streaming analysis called NSDQ with a comprehensive data description. We show that this dataset is a real challenge for state-of-the-art stream classifiers. While RP has been widely used and evaluated in stationary data analysis scenarios, non-stationary environments are not well analyzed. In this paper, we provide a use case of RP on real-world streaming data, especially on NSDQ dataset. We discuss why RP can be used in this scenario and how it can handle stream-specific situations like concept drift. We also provide experiments with RP on streaming data, using state-of-the-art stream classifiers like adaptive random forest and concept drift detectors. Additionally, we experimentally evaluate an online principal component analysis (PCA) approach in the same fashion as we do for RP. To obtain higher dimensional synthetic streams, we use random Fourier features (RFF) in an online manner which allows us, to increase the number of dimensions of low dimensional streams.}, language = {en} } @article{Heusinger, author = {Heusinger, Moritz}, title = {Passive concept drift handling via variations of learning vector quantization}, series = {Neural Computing and Applications}, volume = {34}, journal = {Neural Computing and Applications}, issn = {1433-3058}, pages = {89 -- 100}, abstract = {Concept drift is a change of the underlying data distribution which occurs especially with streaming data. Besides other challenges in the field of streaming data classification, concept drift has to be addressed to obtain reliable predictions. Robust Soft Learning Vector Quantization as well as Generalized Learning Vector Quantization has already shown good performance in traditional settings and is modified in this work to handle streaming data. Further, momentum-based stochastic gradient descent techniques are applied to tackle concept drift passively due to increased learning capabilities. The proposed work is tested against common benchmark algorithms and streaming data in the field and achieved promising results.}, language = {en} } @article{Henking, author = {Henking, Tanja}, title = {Suizid und Suizidbeihilfe aus rechtlicher und ethischer Perspektive}, series = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, volume = {65}, journal = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, number = {1}, issn = {1437-1588}, pages = {67 -- 73}, abstract = {Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat im Jahr 2020 das Verbot der gesch{\"a}ftsm{\"a}ßigen Beihilfe zur Selbstt{\"o}tung f{\"u}r verfassungswidrig und nichtig erkl{\"a}rt. Das Gericht leitet aus dem allgemeinen Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsrecht ein Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben ab. Dieses Recht schließe auch die Freiheit ein, sich das Leben zu nehmen sowie hierf{\"u}r bei Dritten Hilfe zu suchen und Hilfe, soweit sie angeboten wird, auch in Anspruch zu nehmen. Inzwischen liegen einige Regelungsvorschl{\"a}ge und Gesetzesentw{\"u}rfe vor, die unterschiedliche Konzeptionen einer m{\"o}glichen zuk{\"u}nftigen Regelung der Suizidbeihilfe verfolgen. Der Suche nach einer neuen Regelung sollte aber aus strafrechtlicher Perspektive stets die Frage nach der Erforderlichkeit einer neuen Regelung vorausgehen. Eine Neuregelung darf sich nicht auf bestimmte Personengruppen, wie beispielsweise Personen mit unheilbarer, t{\"o}dlicher Erkrankung, beschr{\"a}nken, weil andernfalls das Suizidmotiv bewertet w{\"u}rde. Dieses bringt die besondere Herausforderung mit sich, eine Regelung zu finden, die ohne eine Bewertung des Suizidmotivs die unterschiedlichen Problem- und Bed{\"u}rfnislagen erfasst und dabei auch in den Blick nimmt, dass die Autonomie des Einzelnen in unterschiedlicher Weise gef{\"a}hrdet sein kann. Der Beitrag nimmt seinen Ausgangspunkt in dem Recht auf Selbstt{\"o}tung, beleuchtet unterschiedliche Konzepte und diskutiert ihre Vor- und Nachteile, ohne einzelne Gesetzesvorschl{\"a}ge explizit herauszustellen. Hierdurch soll die weitere Debatte um einzelne Aspekte bereichert werden. Zugleich wird daf{\"u}r geworben, gesetzgeberische Zur{\"u}ckhaltung zu {\"u}ben.}, language = {de} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Kristin}, title = {Insider Threats}, series = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, volume = {57}, journal = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, issn = {2198-2775}, pages = {613 -- 627}, abstract = {Eine große Bedrohung f{\"u}r die Informationssicherheit geht von Mitarbeitern aus, die absichtlich der eigenen Organisation schaden wollen. Mitarbeiter besitzen Zugriffsrechte f{\"u}r sensible Informationen und genießen das Vertrauen des Unternehmens. Werden sie allerdings aufgrund pers{\"o}nlicher Motive oder {\"a}ußerer Umst{\"a}nde zu Whistleblowern, Spionen, Betr{\"u}gern, Saboteuren, Malicious Enablern oder Datendieben, k{\"o}nnen sie großen Schaden anrichten. Dieser Artikel untersucht die Motive sogenannter Malicious Insider und stellt die sechs verschiedenen Typen anhand von realen Beispielen der j{\"u}ngeren Vergangenheit vor. Er zeigt, welche erkennenden, pr{\"a}ventiven und reaktiven Maßnahmen Organisationen ergreifen sollten, um die Risiken durch Attacken von b{\"o}swilligen Insidern zu minimieren. Der Fokus liegt auf den erkennenden Maßnahmen. Durch fr{\"u}hzeitiges Eingreifen werden Mitarbeiter gar nicht erst zu Malicious Insidern. Eine Kombination aus pers{\"o}nlicher Veranlagung (z. B. Introversion, Gier, Kritikunf{\"a}higkeit), Stressfaktoren (z. B. Frustration, Unzufriedenheit) und auff{\"a}lligem Verhalten (z. B. außergew{\"o}hnliche Arbeitszeiten oder Reiseziele) weist h{\"a}ufig auf potentielle T{\"a}ter hin.}, language = {de} } @article{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, Nicholas}, title = {Mensch und Technik in der angewandten Forschung}, series = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, volume = {57}, journal = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, issn = {2198-2775}, pages = {372 -- 384}, abstract = {Empirische Erkenntnisse der Grundlagenforschung in den Alltag zu {\"u}berf{\"u}hren, ist eine der elementaren Herausforderungen der angewandten Forschung. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang der Mensch-Technik-Interaktionsforschung werden Erkenntnisse der Ingenieurs‑, Kognitions- und Sozialwissenschaften interdisziplin{\"a}r kombiniert und in nutzbringende Kontexte {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt. Der vorliegende Artikel betrachtet ausgew{\"a}hlte Themengebiete aus dem Forschungsgebiet Human-Computer-Interaction: Roboter und k{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz, Virtual und Augmented Reality sowie Datensicherheit im Hinblick auf IoT-Ger{\"a}te. In den einzelnen Abschnitten wird ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Themengebiete gegeben und die aktuelle Forschung, sowie Herausforderungen f{\"u}r die Anwendung der Technologien betrachtet. Den verschiedenen Herausforderungen m{\"u}ssen Forscher dabei mit Interdisziplinarit{\"a}t und Praxisbezug begegnen.}, language = {de} } @article{Boerdlein, author = {B{\"o}rdlein, Christoph}, title = {Promoting Hand Sanitizer Use in a University Cafeteria}, series = {Behavior and Social Issues}, volume = {29}, journal = {Behavior and Social Issues}, issn = {2376-6786}, pages = {255 -- 263}, abstract = {Handwashing is the most cost-efficient method to lower the risk of the transmission of infectious diseases. Especially before eating in public places like cafeterias, handwashing is recommended. Often, people do not wash their hands before eating because of the response effort associated with going to the bathroom. As an alternative way to improve hygiene, disinfection with a hand sanitizer gel is recommended. The current study used an A-B-C-A design (and a no-intervention control site) with prompts and feedback to increase the number of cafeteria patrons using hand sanitizer. Dispensers for hand sanitizer gel were placed at the entrance area of two halls of a university cafeteria. Intervention took place in one hall, whereas the other served as a control. After baseline, a poster explaining the usefulness of hand sanitizing was posted near the entrance of the cafeteria. This led to a doubling of the percentage of cafeteria patrons using the hand sanitizer, from 10.79\% during baseline to 24.45\%. A second poster provided feedback about the percentage of patrons sanitizing their hands and asked for more participation. This led to no further increases in hand sanitizing (23.73\%). After all posters were removed, the percentage dropped to 15.63\% in the mean. This research demonstrated that a simple, informative prompt can have a considerable impact on hand-sanitizing behavior. However, the role of feedback in such interventions remains questionable.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Kristin}, title = {Rezension „Security Awareness"}, series = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, volume = {57}, journal = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, issn = {2198-2775}, pages = {631 -- 633}, abstract = {Der „Faktor Mensch" ist heute im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung wichtiger denn je f{\"u}r die Gew{\"a}hrleistung der Informationssicherheit in Organisationen. Durch geeignete Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen werden die Anwender zu wertvollen Ressourcen f{\"u}r den Schutz sensibler Informationen und der IT-Infrastruktur. Und obwohl diese Sensibilisierung - oder Information Security Awareness - ein hochaktuelles und relevantes Thema ist, gibt es derzeit sehr wenige deutschsprachige B{\"u}cher dazu auf dem Markt. Grund genug, sich mit einer von zwei Neuerscheinungen der letzten Jahre auseinanderzusetzen.}, language = {de} } @article{DiethelmKiryakovaLuchkoetal., author = {Diethelm, Kai and Kiryakova, Virginia and Luchko, Yuri and Tenreiro Machado, Jos{\´e} A. and Tarasov, Vasily E.}, title = {Trends, directions for further research, and some open problems of fractional calculus}, series = {Nonlinear Dynamics}, volume = {107}, journal = {Nonlinear Dynamics}, issn = {1573-269X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-021-07158-9}, pages = {3245 -- 3270}, abstract = {The area of fractional calculus (FC) has been fast developing and is presently being applied in all scientific fields. Therefore, it is of key relevance to assess the present state of development and to foresee, if possible, the future evolution, or, at least, the challenges identified in the scope of advanced research works. This paper gives a vision about the directions for further research as well as some open problems of FC. A number of topics in mathematics, numerical algorithms and physics are analyzed, giving a systematic perspective for future research.}, language = {en} } @article{DiethelmTuan, author = {Diethelm, Kai and Tuan, Hoang The}, title = {Upper and lower estimates for the separation of solutions to fractional differential equations}, series = {Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis}, volume = {25}, journal = {Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis}, issn = {1314-2224}, doi = {10.1007/s13540-021-00007-x}, pages = {166 -- 180}, abstract = {Given a fractional differential equation of order α∈(0,1] with Caputo derivatives, we investigate in a quantitative sense how the associated solutions depend on their respective initial conditions. Specifically, we look at two solutions x1 and x2, say, of the same differential equation, both of which are assumed to be defined on a common interval [0, T], and provide upper and lower bounds for the difference x1(t)-x2(t) for all t∈[0,T] that are stronger than the bounds previously described in the literature.}, language = {en} } @article{HellBrandmeierBriechleetal., author = {Hell, Maximilian and Brandmeier, Melanie and Briechle, Sebastian and Krzystek, Peter}, title = {Classification of Tree Species and Standing Dead Trees with Lidar Point Clouds Using Two Deep Neural Networks: PointCNN and 3DmFV-Net}, series = {PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science}, volume = {90}, journal = {PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science}, issn = {2512-2819}, doi = {10.1007/s41064-022-00200-4}, pages = {103 -- 121}, abstract = {Knowledge about tree species distribution is important for forest management and for modeling and protecting biodiversity in forests. Methods based on images are inherently limited to the forest canopy. Airborne lidar data provide information about the trees' geometric structure, as well as trees beneath the upper canopy layer. In this paper, the potential of two deep learning architectures (PointCNN, 3DmFV-Net) for classification of four different tree classes is evaluated using a lidar dataset acquired at the Bavarian Forest National Park (BFNP) in a leaf-on situation with a maximum point density of about 80 pts/m2. Especially in the case of BFNP, dead wood plays a key role in forest biodiversity. Thus, the presented approaches are applied to the combined classification of living and dead trees. A total of 2721 single trees were delineated in advance using a normalized cut segmentation. The trees were manually labeled into four tree classes (coniferous, deciduous, standing dead tree with crown, and snag). Moreover, a multispectral orthophoto provided additional features, namely the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. PointCNN with 3D points, laser intensity, and multispectral features resulted in a test accuracy of up to 87.0\%. This highlights the potential of deep learning on point clouds in forestry. In contrast, 3DmFV-Net achieved a test accuracy of 73.2\% for the same dataset using only the 3D coordinates of the laser points. The results show that the data fusion of lidar and multispectral data is invaluable for differentiation of the tree classes. Classification accuracy increases by up to 16.3\% points when adding features generated from the multispectral orthophoto.}, language = {en} } @article{SchweighartThaetzDemaretal., author = {Schweighart, Roxana and Th{\"a}tz, Jessica and Demar, Lisa and Zehl, Franziska and Neuderth, Silke and L{\"o}bmann, Rebecca}, title = {Welche Bedarfe haben Studierende hinsichtlich gesundheitsf{\"o}rderlicher Maßnahmen und welche sind ihnen bekannt?}, series = {Pr{\"a}vention und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, journal = {Pr{\"a}vention und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, doi = {10.1007/s11553-023-01031-w}, abstract = {Hintergrund Viele Studierende in Deutschland sind von gesundheitlichen Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen, darunter prim{\"a}r von Stress und psychischen Belastungen, betroffen. Die Pr{\"a}valenz psychischer St{\"o}rungen nimmt unter Studierenden kontinuierlich zu. Im Rahmen des Studentischen Gesundheitsmanagements an der Hochschule f{\"u}r Angewandte Wissenschaften W{\"u}rzburg-Schweinfurt wurden Bedarfe und W{\"u}nsche zu Gesundheitsbereichen, die Studierende als relevant f{\"u}r ihr Studium betrachten, erfasst und das Wissen {\"u}ber vorhandene Gesundheitsangebote ermittelt. Methoden Im Mai 2022 wurde ein standardisierter Online-Fragebogen per E‑Mail an alle Studierenden der Hochschule W{\"u}rzburg-Schweinfurt geschickt. Unterschiede zwischen den Hochschulstandorten sowie zwischen deutsch- und nicht-deutschmuttersprachigen Studierenden wurden {\"u}ber nonparametrische Verfahren ermittelt. Ergebnisse Stress und psychische Belastung sind gesundheitsgef{\"a}hrdende Probleme, mit denen sich die Befragten besonders h{\"a}ufig konfrontiert sehen. Studieren in Schweinfurt und Fremdsprachlichkeit stehen in Zusammenhang mit einer erh{\"o}hten Relevanz einiger Gesundheitsbereiche. Unterst{\"u}tzungsangebote w{\"u}nschen sich die Befragten v. a. in den Bereichen Sport/Bewegung, psychische Belastung/Erkrankung und Stressreduktion. Die Studierenden haben mitunter kaum Kenntnis {\"u}ber vorhandene Angebote. Vor allem Studierende in Schweinfurt und internationale Studierende sind kaum informiert. Schlussfolgerungen Erstens sollten vorrangig Angebote zur Reduktion von Stress und psychischer Belastung an der Hochschule implementiert werden. Zweitens sollten zuk{\"u}nftig die gesundheitlichen Belange von Studierenden in Schweinfurt und internationalen Studierenden st{\"a}rkere Beachtung finden. Drittens sollten alle Studierenden verst{\"a}rkt {\"u}ber bereits bestehende Angebote informiert werden.}, language = {de} } @article{DiethelmThaiTuan, author = {Diethelm, Kai and Thai, Ha Duc and Tuan, Hoang The}, title = {Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to non-commensurate fractional-order planar systems}, series = {Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis}, volume = {25}, journal = {Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis}, issn = {1314-2224}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13540-022-00065-9}, pages = {1324 -- 1360}, abstract = {This paper is devoted to studying non-commensurate fractional order planar systems. Our contributions are to derive sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of non-trivial solutions to fractional-order inhomogeneous linear planar systems and for the Mittag-Leffler stability of an equilibrium point to fractional order nonlinear planar systems. To achieve these goals, our approach is as follows. Firstly, based on Cauchy's argument principle in complex analysis, we obtain various explicit sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of linear systems whose coefficient matrices are constant. Secondly, by using Hankel type contours, we derive some important estimates of special functions arising from a variation of constants formula of solutions to inhomogeneous linear systems. Then, by proposing carefully chosen weighted norms combined with the Banach fixed point theorem for appropriate Banach spaces, we get the desired conclusions. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effect of the main theoretical results.}, language = {en} } @article{BoerdleinVorbeck, author = {B{\"o}rdlein, Christoph and Vorbeck, Benedict}, title = {Using auditory feedback in body weight training}, series = {Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis}, volume = {53}, journal = {Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis}, number = {4}, issn = {1938-3703}, doi = {10.1002/jaba.723}, pages = {2349 -- 2359}, abstract = {Auditory feedback has been successfully used to enhance performance in several sports such as golf and dance. The current study used auditory feedback procedures (i.e., a clicker) to improve the performance of 3 students performing a handstand. Handstands are part of a discipline called body weight training, that uses only the weight of an individual's own body to gain strength and body control. A multiple baseline design across four components was used to evaluate the effectiveness of auditory feedback. The results showed that auditory feedback was effective. The students and the trainer were highly satisfied with the auditory feedback procedure. Implications for future research are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{FleischmannHenkingNeuderth, author = {Fleischmann, Carolin and Henking, Tanja and Neuderth, Silke}, title = {Wissensstand und Fehlvorstellungen zu Vorsorgedokumenten - Ergebnisse einer B{\"u}rgerbefragung}, series = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, journal = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, doi = {10.1007/s00103-023-03751-y}, abstract = {Einleitung Vorsorgedokumente wie Patientenverf{\"u}gung oder Vorsorgevollmacht sind bedeutsame Instrumente der Vorausplanung f{\"u}r Situationen, in denen ein Mensch nicht mehr f{\"u}r sich selbst entscheiden kann. Obwohl immer mehr B{\"u}rger:innen in Deutschland solche Dokumente erstellen, ist {\"u}ber ihr Wissen zu Zweck, Arten und Anwendung von Vorsorgedokumenten wenig bekannt. Nach {\"u}ber 10 Jahren seit der gesetzlichen Verankerung der Patientenverf{\"u}gung soll diese Studie das Wissen von B{\"u}rger:innen erfassen und Wissensl{\"u}cken detektieren. Methoden In der Stadt und im Landkreis W{\"u}rzburg wurde 2021 eine Querschnittsbefragung von vollj{\"a}hrigen B{\"u}rger:innen u. a. zu Besitz, Umgang mit und Wissensstand zu Vorsorgedokumenten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Rekrutierung erfolgte {\"u}ber Werbeanzeigen und lokale Netzwerke. Ergebnisse Von den 282 Befragten (MAlter = 50 J., zu 2 Drittel weiblich) hatten 43,4 \% nach Selbstangabe zumindest ein Vorsorgedokument verfasst. Im Wissenstest wurden im Mittel 22/34 Punkten erreicht. Fragen zur konkreten Anwendung von Vorsorgedokumenten anhand eines Fallbeispiels sowie zu Sterbehilfearten wurden h{\"a}ufig korrekt beantwortet, wohingegen beim Faktenwissen zu den einzelnen Dokumenttypen gr{\"o}ßere Wissensdefizite bestanden. Objektiv getestetes Wissen und Variablen zum subjektiven Wissensstand korrelieren positiv. Diskussion Die relativ hohe Quote an erstellten Dokumenten in dieser Stichprobe ist Ausdruck ihrer raschen Verbreitung in den letzten Jahren. Das Wissensniveau ist als niedrig einzusch{\"a}tzen und zeigt Fehlvorstellungen zu Rechten und Pflichten der verfassenden Person sowie der beteiligten Akteure. Das gemessene Wissen der B{\"u}rger:innen steht in Diskrepanz zum h{\"a}ufig ge{\"a}ußerten Wunsch, durch informiertes Erstellen von Vorsorgedokumenten ihre Selbstbestimmung zu wahren.}, language = {de} } @article{OlberdingVetter, author = {Olberding, Helge and Vetter, Mark}, title = {Dynamic 3D-Cartographic Symbols for VR Geovisualizations}, series = {KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information}, volume = {73}, journal = {KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information}, number = {4}, issn = {2524-4965}, doi = {10.1007/s42489-023-00153-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-53072}, pages = {265 -- 275}, abstract = {Geovisualizations that use a virtual reality headset can have a more immersive effect on users than when only a desktop application is viewed. However, to have an overview, a VR 3D map is usually viewed from a top-down perspective. On the other hand, the first-person perspective is used when the scenario is visualized as realistically as possible, and the ultimate goal is to feel present inside the 3D city. With the help of dynamic cartographic visualization methods, such as animated symbols appearing or a dynamic change of selected or complete visualization, it is possible to convey targeted information while being inside the 3D. For this purpose, techniques and ideas from cartography and video games were utilized and combined. The combination resulted in dynamically changeable symbol objects, which can be placed automatically using tables or building information, and dynamically changeable post-processing methods. Users can interactively select a predefined set of visualization methods and show/hide dynamic cartographic symbols in the running application via an interface. The study aims to develop cartographic visualization methods that can be technically used within a game engine for VR applications to improve spatial perception.}, language = {en} } @article{Sesselmann, author = {Sesselmann, Stefan}, title = {An intratendious ganglion cyst of the patellar tendon - A rare cause of anterior knee pain}, series = {Georgian Medical News}, volume = {343}, journal = {Georgian Medical News}, number = {10}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-53678}, abstract = {Ganglion cysts in the knee region can manifest as anterior knee pain. Unlike synovial cysts, these lesions lack synovial epithelial lining and occur secondary to mucoid degeneration of connective tissue because, often in response to chronic irritation and repetitive traumas. However, an intratendinous location is a rare finding. In the knee region, infrapatellar fat pad, the alar folds, and the anterior cruciate ligament are recognized to degenerate into ganglion. There are few case reports describing an involvement of the patellar tendon. We present the clinical case of a 72 years old male patient suffering from anterior knee pain attributed to an intratendinous ganglion cyst of the patellar tendon, obviously after a single traumatic event. After aspiration of the ganglion cyst the patient reported no complaints, and there has been no recurrence during the latest follow-up examination.}, language = {en} } @article{Sesselmann, author = {Sesselmann, Stefan}, title = {Cubital tunnel syndrome due to an intraneural ganglion cyst of the ulnar nerve}, series = {Georgian Medical News}, volume = {343}, journal = {Georgian Medical News}, number = {10}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-53666}, pages = {3}, abstract = {Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common neuropathy of the upper extremity. Cubital tunnel syndrome caused by intraneural ganglion cysts is rare in clinical practice. We present the case of a 71-year-old male patient with a 4-month history of cubital tunnel syndrome of the left elbow due to an intraneural ganglion cyst. After revision of the ulnar nerve and resection of the intraneural cyst nearly complete recovery was achieved within a 5 month follow-up but some sensory deficits of the fifth fingertip. We recommend preoperative ultrasound examination of the cubital tunnel even in cases with clear diagnosis. Ganglion cyst as a cause of cubital tunnel is rare but needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to prevent irreversible complications.}, language = {en} } @article{HartKoblachMoeser, author = {Hart, Lukas and Koblach, Stefan and M{\"o}ser, Michael}, title = {Automation Strategies for the Photogrammetric Reconstruction of Pipelines}, series = {PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science}, journal = {PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science}, number = {91}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, doi = {10.1007/s41064-023-00244-0}, pages = {313 -- 334}, abstract = {A responsible use of energy resources is currently more important than ever. For the effective insulation of industrial plants, a three-camera measurement system was, therefore, developed. With this system, the as-built geometry of pipelines can be captured, which is the basis for the production of a precisely fitting and effective insulation. In addition, the digital twin can also be used for Building Information Modelling, e.g. for planning purposes or maintenance work. In contrast to the classical approach of processing the images by calculating a point cloud, the reconstruction is performed directly on the basis of the object edges in the image. For the optimisation of the, initially purely geometrically calculated components, an adjustment approach is used. In addition to the image information, this approach takes into account standardised parameters (such as the diameter) as well as the positional relationships between the components and thus eliminates discontinuities at the transitions. Furthermore, different automation approaches were developed to facilitate the evaluation of the images and the manual object recognition in the images for the user. For straight pipes, the selection of the object edges in one image is sufficient in most cases to calculate the 3D cylinder. Based on the normalised diameter, the missing depth can be derived approximately. Elbows can be localised on the basis of coplanar neighbouring elements. The other elbow parameters can be determined by matching the back projection with the image edges. The same applies to flanges. For merging multiple viewpoints, a transformation approach is used which works with homologous components instead of control points and minimises the orthogonal distances between the component axes in the datasets.}, language = {en} } @article{DiethelmUhlig, author = {Diethelm, Kai and Uhlig, Frank}, title = {A New Approach to Shooting Methods for Terminal Value Problems of Fractional Differential Equations}, series = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, volume = {97}, journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, number = {2}, issn = {0885-7474}, abstract = {For terminal value problems of fractional differential equations of order α∈(0,1) that use Caputo derivatives, shooting methods are a well developed and investigated approach. Based on recently established analytic properties of such problems, we develop a new technique to select the required initial values that solves such shooting problems quickly and accurately. Numerical experiments indicate that this new proportional secting technique converges very quickly and accurately to the solution. Run time measurements indicate a speedup factor of between 4 and 10 when compared to the standard bisection method.}, language = {en} } @article{SchweighartDemarThaetz, author = {Schweighart, Roxana and Demar, Lisa and Th{\"a}tz, Jessica}, title = {Unterst{\"u}tzungsgespr{\"a}che als Teil des Studentischen Gesundheitsmanagements - Erfahrungen an der Technischen Hochschule W{\"u}rzburg-Schweinfurt}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Beratung und Studium (ZBS)}, volume = {18}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Beratung und Studium (ZBS)}, number = {2+3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsVerlagWebler}, address = {Bielefeld}, issn = {1860-3068}, pages = {48 -- 53}, language = {de} }