@techreport{Wunderlich, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {Eine alte {\"O}denburger B{\"u}rgerfamilie namens Unger: ihre Geschichte vom 16. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-18078}, pages = {35}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag skizziert die Geschichte der {\"O}denburger/Soproner B{\"u}rgerfamilie Unger vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Bereits Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts ist ein Mitglied der Familie als {\"a}ußerer Stadtrat belegt und immer wieder tauchten Mitglieder als Honoratioren auf und wurden ab dem 19. Jahrhundert h{\"a}ufiger als Beamte t{\"a}tig. Außerdem {\"u}bersiedelte ein Teil der Familie im 19. Jahrhundert f{\"u}r einige Zeit nach Raab/Győr, wo Mathias M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Unger der {\"A}ltere (1789-1862) und der J{\"u}ngere (1824-1878) als Erste {\"u}berhaupt landesweite Bekanntheit mit ihren patriotischen ungarischen Spielkarten erreichten. Dabei unterst{\"u}tzte sie als Designer der an der Wiener Akademie v.a. unter Leopold Kupelwieser und Johann Ender ausgebildete akademische Maler Alois Alajos Unger (1814-1848).}, language = {de} } @techreport{Wunderlich, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {Remarks on Alajos Alois Unger's The Recapture of Győr 1598 (1840, Hungarian National Gallery) on the occasion of the 425th anniversary of the landmark event}, organization = {Claudia Wunderlich}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-24318}, pages = {11}, abstract = {The oil painting The Recapture of Győr 1598 (1840) is one of the two works by Alajos Alois Unger (Győr 1814-1848) in the collection of the Hungarian National Gallery since the 1970s. It depicts a landmark event in the Ottoman Wars that had an immense impact on the whole of Christian Europe, but outside of Hungary it has been largely forgotten. In the past two decades, considerable insight was gained into the obscure painter Unger, his works, family and networks. Playing-card maker M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Mathias Unger the Elder was his father and Alajos Unger must have been the designer behind the family's prized playing-cards. Unger was trained at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Vienna between 1833 and 1842, particularly under Leopold Kupelwieser and Johann Ender. All this new insight enables a more detailed interpretation of this history painting frequently displayed and its religious and political meaning. It is part of an unusual cycle of patriotic Hungarian artwork glorifying the House of Habsburg.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wunderlich2006, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {Eine rechnergest{\"u}tzte Untersuchung zu Kombinationsm{\"o}glichkeiten und Kategorisierung von Determiners}, publisher = {Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t}, address = {Erlangen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/rn:nbn:de:bvb:29-opus-3358}, school = {Hochschule f{\"u}r Angewandte Wissenschaften W{\"u}rzburg-Schweinfurt}, pages = {400}, year = {2006}, abstract = {1. In den vergangenen Jahren hat das Interesse an der NP und ihren Bestandteilen stark zugenommen, weshalb auch verst{\"a}rkt zum Thema „Determiners" geforscht wurde. Jedoch gibt es hierbei stark divergierende Meinungen. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher zun{\"a}chst ein Forschungs{\"u}berblick erstellt, in dem verschiedene f{\"u}r die hier gef{\"u}hrte Diskussion besonders relevante Positionen untersucht und wichtige Unterschiede heraus gearbeitet wurden. 2. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass in den verschiedenen Werken u.a. Kontroversen dar{\"u}ber herrschen, ob Determiners eine Wortart oder eher eine funktionale Gruppe darstellen, ob sie die K{\"o}pfe der NP sind, ob sie mit den Pronomina und/oder sogar Adjektiven gleichzusetzen sind, in welchem Bezug dazu die Quantoren stehen, wie sie und ihre Kombinationsm{\"o}glichkeiten am Besten darstellbar sind und ob f{\"u}r eine ad{\"a}quate theoretische Erfassung prim{\"a}r syntaktische Kriterien ausreichen. Diese Probleme wurden im zweiten Teil der Arbeit behandelt. 3. Nach gr{\"u}ndlicher Abw{\"a}gung aller Fakten wird es hier als sinnvoller erachtet, Determiner nicht als Wortart, sondern als funktionale Kategorie zu betrachten. Als Grund daf{\"u}r kann genannt werden, dass sie sich aus formalen Gr{\"u}nden nicht gut rechtfertigen l{\"a}sst, die Kategorie insgesamt sehr heterogen ist und auch aus dem epistemologisch begr{\"u}ndeten {\"O}konomiebestrebungen redundant ist, weil sich die Vertreter dieser Kategorie bereits anderen Wortarten zurechnen lassen. 4. Eine Unterscheidung und Abgrenzung zwischen Determination und Modifikation in der Nominalphrase ist entgegen einiger Gegenpositionen nach den hier vorgenommenen Erw{\"a}gungen sinnvoll, da wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Funktionen bestehen, die diese Dichotomie rechtfertigen. 5. Als Kopf der Nominalphrase wird hier das Nomen gewertet, da es trotz aller Gegenargumente als das Element betrachtet wird, dass die grammatischen Eigenschaften (Genus, Numerus - sofern noch im Englischen vorhanden) den pr{\"a}nominalen W{\"o}rtern diktiert und auch aus kognitiver Sicht eine wichtigere Rolle spielt. 6. Auf Dependenz-/Valenzans{\"a}tze kann bei der Beschreibung der Nominalphrase und der Determination nicht verzichtet werden, da nur unter deren Einbeziehung bestimmte grammatische Ph{\"a}nomene und so auch die Determiners ad{\"a}quat beschrieben werden k{\"o}nnen. Da aber auch die Konstituentenanalyse f{\"u}r die Beschreibung relevant ist, ist es f{\"u}r eine besonders erkl{\"a}rungst{\"u}chtige Theorie sinnvoll, beide Methoden miteinander zu verbinden. 7. Auch wenn die hier untersuchten W{\"o}rter hoch frequent sind, unterliegen ihre Kombinationsm{\"o}glichkeiten starken Restriktionen und sind dann teilweise von außerordentlich niedriger Frequenz. Diese Kombinationsm{\"o}glichkeiten variieren stark, d.h. jedes Wort der hier analysierten Kategorie ist sehr idiosynkratisch und l{\"a}sst sich in kein rigides Schema pressen oder durch die Annahme einiger weniger features erkl{\"a}ren. Vielmehr erfordert jedes untersuchte Wort eine genaue Darstellung im Sinne einer Einzelwortgrammatik. 8. Auch andere Faktoren bestimmen den Gebrauch von Determiners entscheidend. Dazu geh{\"o}ren die Textsorte, das Register und die Sprachvariet{\"a}t. In der vorgenommenen Korpusstudie wurden im Besonderen die Unterschiede zwischen britischem und amerikanischem Englisch untersucht, wobei viele statistisch signifikante Abweichungen auftraten. Auch derartige grammatische Homonyme zeigen, dass eine erkl{\"a}rungst{\"u}chtige Darstellung das Einbeziehen vieler verschiedener Faktoren bedarf. Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik liefern, in jeweils unterschiedlicher Auspr{\"a}gung wertvolle Erkenntnisse f{\"u}r das im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit behandelte Thema. 9. Die Ergebnisse der Korpusstudie zu Unterschieden im amerikanischen und britischen Englisch unterst{\"u}tzen die Hypothese, dass die Konstruktionen all the children und all of the children funktionsgleich sind, da erstere im BE frequenter ist, letztere hingegen im AE. Dies untermauert die Annahme, dass der pronominale Gebrauch im zweiten Fall der Determination synonym und funktionsgleich mit dem des ersten Falls ist. Daher werden beide einer Kategorie zugerechnet, die wiederum dem Nomen angeh{\"o}rt. 10. Floating quantifiers, d.h. nachgestelltes all, both und each lassen sich nicht mit wenigen Regeln vollst{\"a}ndig beschreiben, sondern bed{\"u}rfen ebenfalls einer Einzelwortbeschreibung. 11. Durch die in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Ergebnisse konnte insgesamt gezeigt werden, dass Determiners im Rahmen einer Einzelwortgrammatik besonders gut dargestellt werden k{\"o}nnen, da in diesem Bereich viele unterschiedliche Informationen von Bedeutung sind, die nicht nur auf einige wenige (syntaktische) Regeln reduziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Solche relevanten Informationen k{\"o}nnen so sinnvoll in den theoretischen Beschreibungsapparat einbezogen werden.zeige weniger}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {Interkulturelle Pragmatik im Fremdsprachenunterricht an Hochschulen}, editor = {Tinnefeld, Thomas}, edition = {1}, publisher = {htw Saar}, address = {Saarbr{\"u}cken}, isbn = {ISBN 978-3-942949-00-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43136}, pages = {17}, abstract = {Da Sprache und Kultur untrennbar miteinander verkn{\"u}pft sind, h{\"a}lt Kultur als f{\"u}nfte S{\"a}ule neben den Fertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben, H{\"o}ren und Sprechen immer mehr Einzug in den modernen Fremdsprachenunterricht an Hochschulen. Waren pragmalinguistische Erscheinungen gerade bei aus europ{\"a}ischer Sicht ‚exotischen' Sprachen wie Japanisch oder Chinesisch von jeher Teil des Unterrichts, so wird dies im Falle des Englischen nun auch immer wichtiger. Gerade Englisch als internationale Sprache, als lingua franca, die sich, genau wie die moderne Welt, rasch ver{\"a}ndert, stellt in diesem Kontext besondere Anforderungen an die Lernenden. Sie m{\"u}ssen nicht nur {\"u}ber kulturspezifische Kenntnisse der englischsprachigen Welt verf{\"u}gen, sondern grunds{\"a}tzlich auch in der Lage sein, mit Sprechern zu interagieren, die aus den verschiedensten L{\"a}ndern der Erde stammen und die pragmatischen Strategien ihrer Ausgangskultur verwenden. Pragmatic failure ist ein Problem, das nicht selten das Gelingen von (Gesch{\"a}fts-) Beziehungen verhindert. Dies macht die interkulturelle Pragmatik zu einem notwendigen Unterrichtsgegenstand im Fremdsprachenunterricht.}, language = {de} } @misc{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {Empirical Methods in Discourse Analysis and the Internet}, volume = {9/2}, publisher = {Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts}, address = {Nitra, Slowakei}, organization = {Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts}, issn = {1337-7590}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43388}, pages = {4}, abstract = {Discourse analysis has greatly relied on the tried and tested methods of data collection as well as on the use of traditional corpora. The question therefore arises as to how far the Internet has changed methodology in discourse analysis and to what degree it will do so in the future. A further issue that results from the possibilities the Web offers is whether traditional corpora will still be necessary to thoroughly investigate the structure and functioning of language and discourse, with regard to both native and non-native speech. In this paper the opportunities the Internet offers, the availability of tools to the researcher in using the Internet in DA but also the limits and dangers the linguist is prone to encounter will be investigated. And finally it will be discussed whether traditional empirical methods will still play any role in discourse analysis in future.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {A győri Unger csal{\´a}d: t{\´a}rsadalmi szemiotika, politikai ikonogr{\´a}fia {\´e}s a 19. sz{\´a}zadi j{\´a}t{\´e}kk{\´a}rtyak{\´e}sz{\´i}t{\´e}s}, series = {Ethnographia}, volume = {133/3}, journal = {Ethnographia}, publisher = {Ungarische Volkskundegesellschaft}, address = {Budapest}, organization = {Ungarische Volkskundegesellschaft, Ungarisches Volkskundemuseum Budapest, Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften}, issn = {0014-1798}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43640}, pages = {22}, abstract = {The Unger Family from Győr: The Social Semiotics, Political Iconography and Manufacture of their 19th Century Playing Cards M{\´a}ty{\´a}s (Mathias) Unger the Elder (1789-1862) and his eponymous son M{\´a}ty{\´a}s (Mathias) the Younger (1824-1878) from Győr are prominent in the history of the Hungarian playing cards. Due to more recent research, new details about the family and their playing cards have surfaced. This includes the fact that another son of M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Unger the Elder was Alajos (Alois) Unger (1814-1848), an academic painter trained at the Vienna Academy of Arts, particularly under Leopold Kupelwieser and Johann Ender, in late Nazarene, late Romantic style. New findings on the Unger playing cards are presented drawing on social semiotics and its relationship to political iconography, whereby cards are considered as text and the two categories of denotation and connotation pivotal. Change in connotation and meaning is analysed to provide further explanation for how the four season cards, i.e. Tell cards (magyar k{\´a}rtya), today's standard pattern, came about with lost Unger playing cards serving as a missing link. These Unger cards reflected the art policy of the Austrian Empire of the time as image propaganda for the Casa d'Austria linked with the pietas austriaca/hungarica, in line with Alajos Unger's oil paintings. Over time, the connotation of the Tell cards changed into a clear anti-Habsburg stance. Further reasons for why this pattern became standard in Hungary and how the four seasoned D{\"a}user cards, popularized by the Ungers, must have become part of it are also given. Against this background, a novel bottom-up material flow simulation approach is proposed to investigate the artisanal playing card production process, output and profitability of the small workshop of the Ungers together with a research agenda for adapting it to the building and conditions of the last known production site, all on the basis of a reconstruction.}, language = {mul} } @inproceedings{Claudia, author = {Claudia, Wunderlich}, title = {Teaching Intercultural Skills through a Global Business Simulation}, editor = {Ministerium f{\"u}r ausw{\"a}rtige Angelegenheiten der Ukraine, Diplomatische Akademie der Ukraine}, publisher = {Diplomatische Akademie der Ukraine}, address = {Kiev}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43432}, pages = {264}, abstract = {This paper reports on how intercultural skills can be taught in English for Specific Purposes courses (ESP) in addition to reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a global business simulation}, language = {en} } @misc{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {K{\´e}sőnazar{\´e}nus, k{\´e}ső romantikus {\´e}s k{\´a}rtyatervező: a Kupelwieser-tan{\´i}tv{\´a}ny Unger Alajos {\´u}jrafelfedez{\´e}se}, series = {Arrabona}, volume = {50/2}, journal = {Arrabona}, publisher = {Fl{\´o}ris-R{\´o}mer-Museum Gy{\"o}r}, address = {Gy{\"o}r}, organization = {Fl{\´o}ris-R{\´o}mer-Museum Gy{\"o}r}, issn = {571-1304}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43519}, pages = {56}, abstract = {Alajos (Alois) Unger, who was descended from the well-known Unger playing- card making family from Győr, is a recently rediscovered Hungarian late Nazarene and late Romanticist artist. The son and brother of the playing-card makers M{\´a}ty{\´a}s (Mathias) Unger the Elder (1789-1862) and Younger (1824-78), he was originally apprenticed in this craft as well and, as could be proved for the first time, designed the family's playing-cards. First trained at the National Drawing School of his hometown under J{\´a}nos Hofbauer (creator of The Castle of D{\´e}v{\´e}ny, Hungarian National Gallery), which apprentices and journeymen of the local crafts attended, Alajos Unger enrolled at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts first in 1833 to train there as a draughtsman and then became a pupil of Leopold Kupelwieser (1796-1862) from 1836 until 1842. Among his classmates were the famous artists Eduard von Engerth (1818-97), Franz Josef Dobiaschofsky (1818-67), Ferenc Szoldatits (1820-1916) and August von Pettenkofen (1822-1889). In an art exhibition in Győr in 1903 the quality of Unger's genre paintings displayed there was likened to those of the latter. It has now been possible to demonstrate how strongly his art was rooted in the late Nazarene and late Romanticist tradition of the circle around his teacher. Overall, his style not only reflects the ''literary-musical-artistic" orientation of Kupelwieser, but also the "fairytale-like-poetical" variety represented by Joseph von F{\"u}hrich and particularly Moritz von Schwind. Alajos Unger had until recently only been known by name, but with the present article, a fuller picture of the artist's life and work has been presented. Thus, apart from the two oil paintings, which came into the possession of the Hungarian National Gallery in the 1970s, The Recapture ofRaab (1840) and a portrait of the artist and his family (1843), a series of hitherto unknown oilworks has been discovered: a portrait of an unknown lady (1836), now part of the art collection of the University of Pennsylvania, a copy of Cesare da Sesto's La vierge au bas-relief (date unknown), the Baptism of Vajk (1842) and a Biedermeier picture clock depicting a patriotic scene from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor set against the backdrop of a veduta of Venice (1847). The portrait of Ferenc Hergeszell, a local politician from Unger's hometown and later member of the Hungarian Diet, from 1841, now in the collection of the Fl{\´o}ris R{\"o}mer Museum in Győr, also bears Unger's painterly handwriting. Altogether, the torso of the extraordinary work of a representative of a younger generation of Nazarenes, who promoted Hungarian national art, has been unveiled in the bicentenary of his birth. In addition to this, the role of Nazarene artists and that of their networks in the development of Hungarian art generally was investigated.}, language = {mul} } @inproceedings{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {The influence of Nazarene Art on the development of Hungarian national art and the crafts. The academic painter Alajos (Alois) Unger (Bap Győr 29 Oct 1814 - Győr 28 Dec 1848)}, editor = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, publisher = {SZTE BTK N{\´e}prajzi {\´e}s Kultur{\´a}lis Antropol{\´o}giai Tansz{\´e}k}, address = {Szeged}, isbn = {978-963-306-260-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43529}, pages = {37}, abstract = {This paper will deals with the Nazarene Movement and its art in Hungary with special reference to Alajos (Alois) Unger, a recently rediscovered artist of Hungary's Reform Era, his links to Nazarene art, the relevance of (functional) semiotics in the interpretation of Nazarene works and the influence of the Nazarene Movement on the arts and crafts of the 19th century. This includes the design of new playing-card patterns in Hungary}, language = {en} } @misc{Wunderlich, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {THE ICONOGRAPHY, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF THE 19 TH CENTURY PLAYING-CARDS BY THE UNGER FAMILY FROM GYŐR}, series = {Acta Ethnographica Hungarica}, volume = {57/2}, journal = {Acta Ethnographica Hungarica}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, organization = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, issn = {1216-9803}, doi = {10.1556/AEthn.57.2012.2.4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43509}, pages = {22}, abstract = {The present article offers new evidence on the Unger playing-card making family of Győr,Western Transdanubia, as the result of a cross-disciplinary study. M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Unger the Elder (1789-1862) andhis like-named son M{\´a}ty{\´a}s the Younger (1824-1878) produced various types of playing-cards from theearly to mid-19th century. In particular, their cards, their iconography, design and production process will beanalysed. The family is best known for their cards with Sopron (Oedenburg) pattern. Also discussed will bethe role of M{\´a}ty{\´a}s the Elder's second eldest son Alajos Unger as a possible designer of the later Unger cards,which were of considerably higher quality than the earlier known ones by M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Unger the Elder. Thehitherto little-known Alajos Unger was trained as a draughtsman and painter first at the National DrawingSchool of his hometown and then, between 1833 and 1842, at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, particularlyunder Leopold Kupelwieser (1796-1862). Finally an innovative outside-in bottom-up method for gainingfurther, reliable insight into 19thcentury artisanal playing-card manufacturing will be proposed to determinethe size, output and profitability of the Unger workshop based on material-flow simulation.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Wunderlich, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Wunderlich, Claudia}, title = {M A K Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Hermeneutic Spiral: Interpreting Alajos Unger's late Nazarene painting Baptism of Vajk (1842)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-57169}, pages = {20}, abstract = {Michael O'Toole's functional semiotic model based on Hallidayan linguistics is applied to a hermeneutic analysis of 19th century art of the Austrian Empire. The obscure painter Alajos Unger (1814-1848) from Győr, Hungary, was the son of playing-card maker M{\´a}ty{\´a}s Unger the Elder (1789-1862) and a designer of award-winning playing cards during Vorm{\"a}rz (the Reform Era in Hungary). He trained at the Vienna Art Academy, and two of his paintings (The recapture of Győr 1598, 1840; Family portrait, 1843) are in the collection of the Hungarian National Gallery. His Baptism of Vajk (1842) is the only such Nazarene history painting known in Hungarian art. Nazarene art, recently reappraised as modern, conceptual art, influenced the British Pre-Raphaelites and thus modern Hungarian art. Due to its symbolic nature, it is ideal for functional semiotic interpretation. Such an analysis of Unger's Baptism of Vajk identifies its patriotic, yet conservative, Catholic pro-Habsburg stance promoting dynastic piety (Pietas Hungarica) and a supra-national, cosmopolitan stance opposed to nationalist rhetoric as part of a cycle of paintings created by the artist.}, language = {en} }