@article{LiBierMarsetal., author = {Li, Hailong and Bier, Markus and Mars, Julian and Weiss, Henning and Dippel, Ann-Christin and Gutowski, Olof and Honkim{\"a}ki, Veijo and Mezger, Markus}, title = {Interfacial premelting of ice in nano composite materials}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, volume = {21}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, pages = {3734 -- 3741}, abstract = {The interfacial premelting in ice/clay nano composites was studied by high energy X-ray diffraction. Below the melting point of bulk water, the formation of liquid water was observed for the ice/vermiculite and ice/kaolin systems. The liquid fraction is gradually increasing with temperature. For both minerals, similar effective premelting layer thicknesses of 2-3 nm are reached 3 K below the bulk melting point. For the quantitative description of the molten water fraction in wet clay minerals we developed a continuum model for short range interactions and arbitrary pore size distributions. This model quantitatively describes the experimental data over the entire temperature range. Model parameters were obtained by fitting using a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach. Pronounced differences in the deviation from Antonow's rule relating interfacial free energy between ice, water, and clay are observed for the charged vermiculite and uncharged kaolin minerals. The resultant parameters are discussed in terms of their ice nucleation efficiency. Using well defined and characterized ice/clay nano composite samples, this work bridges the gap between studies on single crystalline ice/solid model interfaces and naturally occurring soils and permafrost.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TargitayRothZinketal., author = {Targitay, Deniz and Roth, Lisa and Zink, Markus H. and K{\"u}chler, Andreas and Bier, Markus and Kobus, Maja and Geißler, Michael and Schlittler, Balz}, title = {An FEM simulation model of oil-pressboard insulating systems for HVDC transformers}, series = {23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023)}, booktitle = {23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023)}, publisher = {Institution of Engineering \& Technology}, pages = {7}, abstract = {In this contribution, a simulation model for the description of the nonlinear dielectric behaviour of an insulation system composed of mineral oil and oil-impregnated pressboard is presented. The model was verified by comparing the simulation results with electric field and current measurements. At the outset, the ideal case, where a homogeneous initial charge carrier distribution according to the definition of ohmic conductivity is present, is analysed to establish the preliminary foundations pertaining to a typical measurement. Following that, the influence of distinct charge carriers on the measured quantities are investigated by altering their parametrisations. In contrast to the ideal case, a real measurement reveals a current trend, that can be explained by an excess amount of initial charge carriers related to the oil-impregnated pressboard layers. Potential possibilities to the origin of the surplus are discussed. Furthermore, it is shown that the dissociable and intrinsic charge carriers alone can reconstruct the measured quantities in terms of the transient behaviour. This points out that, for the field strength studied here ( E ≤ 1 kV/mm ), the charging of the highly resistive pressboard barriers is dominated by the dissociation of charge carriers in the oil gaps.}, language = {en} } @article{BartschBierDietrich, author = {Bartsch, Hendrik and Bier, Markus and Dietrich, S.}, title = {The role of counterions in ionic liquid crystals}, series = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, volume = {154}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, number = {1}, pages = {014901}, abstract = {Previous theoretical studies of calamitic (i.e., rod-like) ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) based on an effective one-species model led to indications of a novel smectic-A phase with a layer spacing being much larger than the length of the mesogenic (i.e., liquid-crystal forming) ions. In order to rule out the possibility that this wide smectic-A phase is merely an artifact caused by the one-species approximation, we investigate an extension that accounts explicitly for cations and anions in ILCs. Our present findings, obtained by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, show that the phase transitions between the isotropic and the smectic-A phases of the cation-anion system are in qualitative agreement with the effective one-species model used in the preceding studies. In particular, for ILCs with mesogens (i.e., liquid-crystal forming species) carrying charged sites at their tips, the wide smectic-A phase forms, at low temperatures and within an intermediate density range, in between the isotropic and hexagonal crystal phases. We find that in the ordinary smectic-A phase, the spatial distribution of the counterions of the mesogens is approximately uniform, whereas in the wide smectic-A phase, the small counterions accumulate in between the smectic layers. Due to this phenomenology, the wide smectic-A phase could be interesting for applications, which hinge on the presence of conductivity channels for mobile ions.}, language = {en} } @article{BierMussotterDietrich, author = {Bier, Markus and Mußotter, Maximilian and Dietrich, S.}, title = {Structure of electrolyte solutions at nonuniformly charged surfaces on a variety of length scales}, series = {Physical Review E}, volume = {106}, journal = {Physical Review E}, number = {5}, pages = {054801}, abstract = {The structures of dilute electrolyte solutions close to nonuniformly charged planar substrates are systematically studied within the entire spectrum of microscopic to macroscopic length scales by means of a unified classical density functional theory approach. This is in contrast to previous investigations, which are applicable either to short or to long length scales. It turns out that interactions with microscopic ranges, e.g., due to the hard cores of the fluid molecules and ions, have a negligible influence on the formation of nonuniform lateral structures of the electrolyte solutions. This partly justifies the Debye-H{\"u}ckel approximation schemes applied in previous studies of that system. In general, a coupling between the lateral and the normal fluid structures leads to the phenomenology that, upon increasing the distance from the substrate, fewer details of the lateral nonuniformities contribute to the fluid structure, such that ultimately only large-scale surface features remain relevant. It can be expected that this picture also applies to other fluids characterized by several length scales.}, language = {en} } @article{JanssenBier, author = {Janssen, Mathijs and Bier, Markus}, title = {Transient response of an electrolyte to a thermal quench}, series = {Physical Review E}, volume = {99}, journal = {Physical Review E}, number = {4}, pages = {042136}, abstract = {We study the transient response of an electrolytic cell subject to a small, suddenly applied temperature increase at one of its two bounding electrode surfaces. An inhomogeneous temperature profile then develops, causing, via the Soret effect, ionic rearrangements towards a state of polarized ionic charge density q and local salt density c. For the case of equal cationic and anionic diffusivities, we derive analytical approximations to q,c, and the thermovoltage VT for early (t≪τT) and late (t≫τT) times as compared to the relaxation time τT of the temperature. We challenge the conventional wisdom that the typically large Lewis number, the ratio a/D of thermal to ionic diffusivities, of most liquids implies a quickly reached steady-state temperature profile onto which ions relax slowly. Though true for the evolution of c, it turns out that q (and VT) can respond much faster. Particularly when the cell is much bigger than the Debye length, a significant portion of the transient response of the cell falls in the t≪τT regime, for which our approximated q (corroborated by numerics) exhibits a density wave that has not been discussed before in this context. For electrolytes with unequal ionic diffusivities, VT exhibits a two-step relaxation process, in agreement with experimental data of Bonetti et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 142, 244708 (2015)].}, language = {en} } @article{MajeeBierBlosseyetal., author = {Majee, Arghya and Bier, Markus and Blossey, Ralf and Podgornik, Rudolf}, title = {Charge symmetry broken complex coacervation}, series = {Physical Review Research}, volume = {2}, journal = {Physical Review Research}, number = {4}, abstract = {Liquid-liquid phase separation has emerged as one of the important paradigms in the chemical physics as well as biophysics of charged macromolecular systems. We elucidate an equilibrium phase separation mechanism based on charge regulation, i.e., protonation-deprotonation equilibria controlled by pH, in an idealized macroion system which can serve as a proxy for simple coacervation. First, a low-density density functional calculation reveals the dominance of two-particle configurations coupled by ion adsorption on neighboring macroions. Then a binary cell model, solved on the Debye-H{\"u}ckel as well as the full nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann level, unveils the charge symmetry breaking as inducing the phase separation between low- and high-density phases as a function of pH. These results can be identified as a charge symmetry broken complex coacervation between chemically identical macroions.}, language = {en} } @article{MussotterBierDietrich, author = {Mußotter, Maximilian and Bier, Markus and Dietrich, S.}, title = {Heterogeneous surface charge confining an electrolyte solution}, series = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, volume = {152}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, number = {23}, abstract = {The structure of dilute electrolyte solutions close to a surface carrying a spatially inhomogeneous surface charge distribution is investigated by means of classical density functional theory within the approach of fundamental measure theory. For electrolyte solutions, the influence of these inhomogeneities is particularly strong because the corresponding characteristic length scale is the Debye length, which is large compared to molecular sizes. Here, a fully three-dimensional investigation is performed, which accounts explicitly for the solvent particles, and thus provides insight into effects caused by ion-solvent coupling. The present study introduces a versatile framework to analyze a broad range of types of surface charge heterogeneities even beyond the linear response regime. This reveals a sensitive dependence of the number density profiles of the fluid components and of the electrostatic potential on the magnitude of the charge as well as on the details of the surface charge patterns at small scales.}, language = {en} } @article{MajeeBierDietrich, author = {Majee, Arghya and Bier, Markus and Dietrich, Siegfried}, title = {Electrostatic interaction of particles trapped at fluid interfaces: effects of geometry and wetting properties}, series = {Soft Matter}, volume = {14}, journal = {Soft Matter}, pages = {9436 -- 9444}, abstract = {The electrostatic interaction between pairs of spherical or macroscopically long, parallel cylindrical colloids trapped at fluid interfaces is studied theoretically for the case of small inter-particle separations. Starting from the effective interaction between two planar walls and by using the Derjaguin approximation, we address the issue of how the electrostatic interaction between such particles is influenced by their curvatures and by the wetting contact angle at their surfaces. Regarding the influence of curvature, our findings suggest that the discrepancies between linear and nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann theory, which have been noticed before for planar walls, also occur for spheres and macroscopically long, parallel cylinders, though their magnitude depends on the wetting contact angle. Concerning the influence of the wetting contact angle θ simple relations are obtained for equally sized particles which indicate that the inter-particle force varies significantly with θ only within an interval around 90°. This interval depends on the Debye length of the fluids and on the size of the particles but not on their shape. For unequally sized particles, a more complicated relation is obtained for the variation of the inter-particle force with the wetting contact angle.}, language = {en} } @article{BartschBierDietrich, author = {Bartsch, Hendrik and Bier, Markus and Dietrich, Siegfried}, title = {Interface structures in ionic liquid crystals}, series = {Soft Matter}, volume = {15}, journal = {Soft Matter}, pages = {4109 -- 4126}, abstract = {Ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) are anisotropic mesogenic molecules which additionally carry charges. This combination gives rise to a complex interplay of the underlying (anisotropic) contributions to the pair interactions. It promises interesting and distinctive structural and orientational properties to arise in systems of ILCs, combining properties of liquid crystals and ionic liquids. While previous theoretical studies have focused on the phase behavior of ILCs and the structure of the respective bulk phases, in the present study we provide new results, obtained within density functional theory, concerning (planar) free interfaces between an isotropic liquid L and two types of smectic-A phases (SA or SAW). We discuss the structural and orientational properties of these interfaces in terms of the packing fraction profile η(r) and the orientational order parameter profile S2(r) concerning the tilt angle α between the (bulk) smectic layer normal and the interface normal. The asymptotic decay of η(r) and of S2(r) towards their values in the isotropic bulk is discussed, too.}, language = {en} } @article{MajeeBierBlosseyetal., author = {Majee, Arghya and Bier, Markus and Blossey, Ralf and Podgornik, Rudolf}, title = {Charge regulation radically modifies electrostatics in membrane stacks}, series = {Physical Review E}, volume = {100}, journal = {Physical Review E}, number = {5}, pages = {050601}, abstract = {Motivated by biological membrane-containing organelles in plants and photosynthetic bacteria, we study charge regulation in a model membrane stack. Considering (de)protonation as the simplest mechanism of charge equilibration between the membranes and with the bathing environment, we uncover a symmetry-broken charge state in the stack with a quasiperiodic effective charge sequence. In the case of a monovalent bathing salt solution our model predicts complex, inhomogeneous charge equilibria depending on the strength of the (de)protonation reaction, salt concentration, and membrane size. Our results shed light on the basic reorganization mechanism of thylakoid membrane stacks.}, language = {en} } @article{ZarubinBierDietrich, author = {Zarubin, Grigorii and Bier, Markus and Dietrich, S.}, title = {A ferronematic slab in external magnetic fields}, series = {Soft Matter}, volume = {14}, journal = {Soft Matter}, pages = {9806 -- 9818}, abstract = {The behavior of a uniformly magnetized ferronematic slab is investigated numerically in a situation in which an external magnetic field is applied parallel and antiparallel, respectively, to its initial magnetization direction. The employed numerical method allows one to determine hysteresis curves from which a critical magnetic field strength (i.e., the one at which the ferronematic sample becomes distorted) as a function of the system parameters can be inferred. Two possible mechanisms of switching the magnetization by applying a magnetic field in the antiparallel direction are observed and characterized in terms of the coupling constant between the magnetization and the nematic director and in terms of the coupling strength of the nematic liquid crystal and the walls of the slab. Suitably prepared walls allow one to combine both switching mechanisms in one setup, such that one can construct a cell, the magnetization of which can be reversibly switched off.}, language = {en} } @article{Bier, author = {Bier, Markus}, title = {Non-equilibrium steady states of electrolyte interfaces}, series = {New Journal of Physics}, volume = {26}, journal = {New Journal of Physics}, number = {1}, pages = {013008}, abstract = {The non-equilibrium steady states of a semi-infinite quasi-one-dimensional univalent binary electrolyte solution, characterised by non-vanishing electric currents, are investigated by means of Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) theory. Exact analytical expressions of the electric field, the charge density and the number density are derived, which depend on the electric current density as a parameter. From a non-equilibrium version of the Grahame equation, which relates the total space charge per cross-sectional area and the corresponding contribution of the electric potential drop, the current-dependent differential capacitance of the diffuse layer is derived. In the limit of vanishing electric current these results reduce to those within Gouy-Chapman theory. It is shown that improperly chosen boundary conditions lead to non-equilibrium steady state solutions of the PNP equations with negative ion number densities. A necessary and sufficient criterion on surface conductivity constitutive relations is formulated which allows one to detect such unphysical solutions.}, language = {en} }