@masterthesis{Jun, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Jun, Mi-Ran}, title = {Das Prinzip des Faltens : Als grundlegende Software-Methapher f{\"u}r Benutzeroberfl{\"a}chen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-opus-1399}, school = {Fachhochschule Potsdam}, abstract = {Das Prinzip des Faltens soll als Metapher f{\"u}r grafische Benutzeroberfl{\"a}chen weiterentwickelt werden. Es soll untersucht werden, ob das Erlernen und das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Bedienung bestimmter Programmfunktionen im Wesentlichen durch Faltprinzipien erleichtert werden. Eine Vielzahl von Funktionen wird heute in einem einzigen Ger{\"a}t integriert. Die so entstehenden Hybriden stellen aus Sicht des Designs jedoch die Frage nach Form und Gestalt des Artefakts. Wegen der kleinen Gr{\"o}ße der mobilen Ger{\"a}te ist es folglich problematisch all diese unterschiedlichen Interfaces auf der Benutzeroberfl{\"a}che zu integrieren. Versucht man diese unterschiedlichen Interfaces zu vereinen, ist das Ergebnis ein un{\"u}bersichtliches, verwirrendes Interface mit eingeschr{\"a}nkter Bedienung. Zudem findet das Interface f{\"u}r die obsolete Desktop-Metapher immer noch Verwendung. Durch den bezug zu real existierenden Arbeitsumgebungen sind Desktop-Systeme zwar einfach zu bedienen und verst{\"a}ndlich, doch k{\"o}nnen sie nicht ausgebaut werden. Problematisch ist vor allem die kleine Gr{\"o}ße der Desktops, um die Desktop-Metapher konvenabel auszuf{\"u}hren. Demnach ist eine konvenable Bedienung aufgrund der veralteten Desktop-Metapher sowie des Interfaces hinsichtlich der Miniaturisierung der mobilen Ger{\"a}te nur eingeschr{\"a}nkt m{\"o}glich oder sogar undurchf{\"u}hrbar. Die Arbeit erhebt hiernach den Anspruch, {\"U}berlegungen anzustreben, die den Begriff ‚Interface' neu definieren sowie die daraus resultierende These „Das Paradigma ‚Falten' ist die Zukunft der ‚ePaper-Technologie' zu diskutieren.}, subject = {Computer}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Hamann, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Hamann, Susann}, title = {Warum ist die Maus immer noch die Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-opus-1373}, school = {Fachhochschule Potsdam}, abstract = {In dieser Bachelorarbeit besch{\"a}ftige ich mich mit dem Problem, dass die Maus f{\"u}r die Anwendung in neuartigen Kontexten leicht an die Grenzen ihrer Benutzbarkeit st{\"o}ßt. So etwa im mobilen Bereich, da sie auf unebenen Oberfl{\"a}chen schlecht oder gar nicht funktioniert. Ich zeige die Entwicklung der Maus im Laufe der Geschichte auf, um ihre Nutzung als verschiebungsbasiertes Zeigeger{\"a}t zu erkunden. Außerdem pr{\"a}sentiere ich, wie sich die Verwendung des Computers durch die Verbreitung des Internets ver{\"a}ndert hat, um festzustellen, dass das Internet immer mehr M{\"o}glichkeiten zur medialen Unterhaltung des Nutzers bietet und damit die Anzahl der n{\"o}tigen Interaktionen schon weit h{\"o}her ist, als beispielsweise bei einem Fernsehger{\"a}t. Dieses Mehr an Interaktion und das Fehlen eines ad{\"a}quaten Eingabeger{\"a}tes bedingt, dass das Internet zu Hause, trotz seiner Rolle als Unterhaltungsmedium, immer noch am Schreibtisch stattfindet - also nach vorn gelehnt und nicht bequem zur{\"u}ckgelehnt.}, subject = {Maus }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Krohn, author = {Krohn, Matthias}, title = {Design mit digitalen Medien : das Projekt "Human Touch"}, series = {Images of a conference}, booktitle = {Images of a conference}, address = {Potsdam}, organization = {Fachhochschule Potsdam}, isbn = {3-928710-27-3}, pages = {204 -- 209}, abstract = {Designkonferenz Potsdam 23./24.Juni 1995}, subject = {Design}, language = {de} } @misc{Stefaner, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Stefaner, Moritz}, title = {Visual tools for the socio-semantic web}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-opus-586}, school = {Fachhochschule Potsdam}, pages = {112}, abstract = {This thesis contributes to a new discipline of science: web science, as introduced in [Berners-Lee:2006]. The big challenge is, that such a research area has only been recently postulated, however, does not yet exist in a coherent form. Designers, computer scientists, sociologists, cognitive scientists, psychologists etc. have individual perspectives on the complex and rapidly evolving interplay of technological and social infrastructure and human society. However, a well-defined discipline — unifying the scientific analysis of social and human factors to understand, but also to shape and steer web developments by informed design and engineering — is not established yet. I hope to contribute to an interdisciplinary dialogue between science, engineering and design with this thesis.}, subject = {Informationsbedarf}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Benker, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Benker, Janine}, title = {Threads : A tool to support the integration of user centered design into the scrum process}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-opus-1513}, school = {Fachhochschule Potsdam}, abstract = {"THREADS" is an efficient and feasible virtual tool which in theory is easily accessible from everywhere, where users can surf the internet. Nowadays with laptops, netbooks and mobile phones this is possible wherever one goes. This leaves a lot of potential for such a workspace related Software as proposed in this thesis. The problem of finding something specific in a mass of data, even if it is located on ones own storage, is familiar to every Person, that uses a Computer System and especially if it is used together with other people. This thesis has to be seen as an approach to make it easier to find data and to have an overview of things, that are not so obvious on first sight. The author has decided to leave as much room to the user as possible to set own preference of search and consider different search behavior. People are very different, not only within different cultures or different age groups also within friends or farnily. This is why the future of the digital world needs to focus more on individuals and has to be more adaptable and dynamic. All aspects considered it can be concluded that this thesis has dynamically improved during the process of researching and developing a concept. This concept can be taken into further development and with the help of users, a successful final product can be developed that will help to strengthen the position of user experience work inside a scrum team.}, subject = {Information}, language = {en} } @article{DoerkMuellerStangeetal., author = {D{\"o}rk, Marian and M{\"u}ller, Boris and Stange, Jan-Erik and Herseni, Johannes and Dittrich, Katja}, title = {Co-Designing Visualizations for Information Seeking and Knowledge Management}, series = {Open Information Science}, volume = {4}, journal = {Open Information Science}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter Saur}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2451-1781}, doi = {10.1515/opis-2020-0102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-26188}, pages = {217 -- 235}, abstract = {Creativity is a crucial factor in finding novel and useful visualization and interaction techniques, but its emergence is contingent on the right conditions. The focus of visualization research has traditionally been on techniques, and to a lesser degree on the process of creating them with domain experts and end users. This paper focuses on the collaborative design of visualizations for information seeking and knowledge management. The difficult, yet common challenge in any visualization project is to find meaningful visual representations and useful interaction techniques to carry out complex analysis tasks. The unique difficulty for preparing co-design activities for visualization lies in the gap between the abstract nature of data and the concrete form of visual representations. To bridge this gap, our co-design framework for visualization places particular emphasis on actors, activities, and artifacts as categories that expand the focus of visualization design beyond the traditional triad of users, tasks, and data. Drawing from general co-design principles, the framework is developed and validated during the course of two case studies in the context of information management systems and library collection databases. Based on observed patterns during the case studies, practical tactics provide advice on carrying out co-design in information visualization.}, subject = {Methodologie}, language = {en} } @article{Distelmeyer, author = {Distelmeyer, Jan}, title = {From object to process}, series = {Artnodes}, volume = {24}, journal = {Artnodes}, publisher = {Universitat Oberta de Catalunya}, address = {Barcelona}, issn = {1695-5951}, doi = {10.7238/a.v0i24.3300}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-26387}, pages = {83 -- 90}, abstract = {One of the most difficult tasks today is trying to grasp the presence of computing. The almost ubiquitous and diverse forms of networked computers (in all their stationary, mobile, embedded, and autonomous modes) create a nearly overwhelming complexity. To speak of what is here evading and present at the same time, the paper proposes to reconsider the concept of interface, its historical roots, and its heuristic advantages for an analysis and critique of the current and especially everyday spread of computerization. The question of interfaces leads to isolable conditions and processes of conduction, as well as to the complexity of the cooperation formed by them. It opens both an investigative horizon and a mode of analysis, which always asks for further interface levels involved in the phenomenon I am currently investigating. As an example, the paper turns to the displacement of the file with the launch of the iPhone in 2007 and its comeback in 2017 with the "Files" apps. Both developments are profoundly related to the establishment of computers as permanently networked machines, whereby their functionality, depresentations, and ideology come into focus.}, subject = {Schnittstelle}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OttenHildebrandNageletal., author = {Otten, Heike and Hildebrand, Lennart and Nagel, Till and D{\"o}rk, Marian and M{\"u}ller, Boris}, title = {Shifted Maps}, series = {2018 IEEE VIS Arts Program}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE VIS Arts Program}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, address = {Berlin}, organization = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, isbn = {978-1-7281-2805-4}, doi = {10.1109/VISAP45312.2018.9046054}, pages = {1 -- 10}, abstract = {We present a hybrid visualization technique that integrates maps into network visualizations to reveal and analyze diverse topologies in geospatial movement data. With the rise of GPS tracking in various contexts such as smartphones and vehicles there has been a drastic increase in geospatial data being collect for personal reflection and organizational optimization. The generated movement datasets contain both geographical and temporal information, from which rich relational information can be derived. Common map visualizations perform especially well in revealing basic spatial patterns, but pay less attention to more nuanced relational properties. In contrast, network visualizations represent the specific topological structure of a dataset through the visual connections of nodes and their positioning. So far there has been relatively little research on combining these two approaches. Shifted Maps aims to bring maps and network visualizations together as equals. The visualization of places shown as circular map extracts and movements between places shown as edges, can be analyzed in different network arrangements, which reveal spatial and temporal topologies of movement data. We implemented a web-based prototype and report on challenges and opportunities about a novel network layout of places gathered during a qualitative evaluation.}, subject = {Karte}, language = {en} } @incollection{Distelmeyer, author = {Distelmeyer, Jan}, title = {Programmatisches Spiel : Computerisierung, Algorithmen und Angry Birds}, series = {Einspielungen : Prozesse und Situationen digitalen Spielens}, booktitle = {Einspielungen : Prozesse und Situationen digitalen Spielens}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-30721-9}, issn = {2524-3217}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-30721-9_7}, pages = {141 -- 153}, abstract = {Vor dem Hintergrund der laufenden Computerisierung - der Verbreitung, Diversifizierung, Vernetzung und zunehmenden Unsichtbarkeit von Computertechnologie - zeichnen sich Computerspiele durch eine herausfordernde Offensivit{\"a}t aus. Games konfrontieren, um einzubeziehen. W{\"a}hrend im Hinblick auf „Ubiquitous Computing" diskutiert wird, wie die ehedem deutlich erkennbare Technologie zunehmend unmerklich in unsere Lebenswelt integriert wird, streben Computerspiele eine geradezu gegens{\"a}tzliche Bewegung an. Sie m{\"u}ssen sich und ihre Spielm{\"o}glichkeiten zeigen, damit jene Form von Spielen omnipr{\"a}sent werden kann. So geben sie zugleich Anlass und Mittel, sich mit der wirkenden Pr{\"a}senz von Computern auseinanderzusetzen. In diesem Sinne nimmt der Aufsatz die popul{\"a}re „Casual Game"-Reihe „Angry Birds" zum Anlass, um {\"u}ber Games als Funktionen des Computers, {\"u}ber Algorithmen und {\"u}ber Programmierbarkeit nachzudenken.}, subject = {Computerspiel}, language = {de} } @incollection{Distelmeyer, author = {Distelmeyer, Jan}, title = {IT sees : speculations on the technologization of the view and its distribution}, series = {Versatile camcorders : looking at the GoPro movement}, booktitle = {Versatile camcorders : looking at the GoPro movement}, editor = {Gerling, Winfried and Krautkr{\"a}mer, Florian}, publisher = {Kulturverlag Kadmos}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86599-461-5}, pages = {63 -- 77}, subject = {Digitalkamera}, language = {en} }