@article{CowleyLavenVollmer2005, author = {Cowley, L. and Laven, Ph. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Rings around sun and moon : coronae and diffraction}, series = {In: Physics Education 40 (2005) 1, 51-59}, journal = {In: Physics Education 40 (2005) 1, 51-59}, pages = {51 -- 59}, year = {2005}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmannKarstaedt2004, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef}, title = {Microwave oven experiments with metals and light sources}, series = {In: Physics Education 39 (2004), 500-508}, journal = {In: Physics Education 39 (2004), 500-508}, pages = {500 -- 508}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Don't put metal objects in the microwave' is common safety advice. But why? Here we describe demonstration experiments involving placing household metallic objects in a microwave oven. These allow a better understanding of the interaction of microwaves with materials. Light bulbs and discharge lamps can also be used in instructive demonstrations.}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmannKarstaedt2004, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef}, title = {More experiments with microwave ovens}, series = {In: Physics education 39 (2004) 4, 346 - 351}, journal = {In: Physics education 39 (2004) 4, 346 - 351}, pages = {346 -- 351}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Microwave ovens can be used to perform exciting demonstrations that illustrate a variety of physics topics. Experiments discussed here show superheating, visualize the inhomogeneous heating that takes place in a microwave and also show how to use a mobile phone to detect radiation leaking from the oven. Finally eggs can give some spectacular (though messy) explosions. In all cases please note the safety advice given.}, language = {en} } @article{ParkerVollmer2004, author = {Parker, Kerry and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Bad food and good physics : the development of domestic microwave cookery}, series = {In: Physics Education 39 (2004) 1, 82-90}, journal = {In: Physics Education 39 (2004) 1, 82-90}, pages = {82 -- 90}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This article forms the second of two papers on the subject of microwave cookers. In the first paper Michael Vollmer describes the physics behind the production of microwaves in the magnetron of the oven, the waveguide and the interaction between the microwaves and the food. This article looks at the physics of cooking, and how the appliance and the food industries have developed products which are now part of many of our students' lifestyles. We include many interesting demonstrations that illustrate this history and which could be used to teach many principles of physics.}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2004, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Physics of the microwave oven}, series = {In: Physics education 39 (2004) 1, 74-81}, journal = {In: Physics education 39 (2004) 1, 74-81}, pages = {74 -- 81}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This is the first of two articles about the physics of microwave ovens. This article deals with the generation of microwaves in the oven and includes the operation of the magnetrons, waveguides and standing waves in resonant cavities. It then considers the absorption of microwaves by foods, discussing the dielectric relaxation of water, penetration depths of electromagnetic waves in matter and, in considering the possible chemical changes during the microwave heating, multi-photon ionization or dissociation.}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2003, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Physics teacher training and research in physics education: results of an inquiry by the European Physical Society}, series = {In: European journal of physics 24 (2003), 131-147}, journal = {In: European journal of physics 24 (2003), 131-147}, pages = {131 -- 147}, year = {2003}, abstract = {An inquiry among national experts on physics education research and teaching has been carried out using a questionnaire that deals with the organization of physics teacher training and the main tasks and research activities of professionals in physics education. The goal was to collect data on a European scale on physics teacher training at universities by professionals as well as on research activities by professionals in the field of physics education. Results are presented based on answers from 22 European countries.}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2003, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Estimating the thickness of the atmosphere by rayleigh scattering}, series = {In: American journal of physics 71 (2003) 10, 979-983}, journal = {In: American journal of physics 71 (2003) 10, 979-983}, pages = {979 -- 983}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @article{MoellmannVollmer2000, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Eine etwas andere, physikalische Sehweise - Visualisierung von Energieumwandlungen und Strahlungsphysik f{\"u}r die (Hochschul-)lehre}, series = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 56 (2000) 9, 65-69}, journal = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 56 (2000) 9, 65-69}, doi = {10.1002/phbl.20000560915}, pages = {65 -- 69}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Max Planck legte 1900 mit dem nach ihm benannten Strahlungsgesetz das quantitative Fundament zu so genannten W{\"a}rmebildsystemen. 100 Jahre sp{\"a}ter gibt es — mit bedingt durch Fortschritte in der Halbleitertechnologie und Mikrosystemtechnik — Infrarotkameras, mit denen sowohl die von Planck untersuchten Strahlungsgesetze zur Hohlraumstrahlung als auch allgemein wissenschaftliche und technische Anwendungen der Temperaturstrahlung von K{\"o}rpern untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bieten sich solche Systeme auch f{\"u}r didaktische Zwecke an, da physikalische Gesetzm{\"a}ßigkeiten mit Energieaustauschprozesssen aus sehr vielen Gebieten der Physik durch eine etwas andere, physikalische Sehweise visualisiert und damit f{\"u}r Lehrzwecke eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @article{MoellmannVollmer2000, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Zauberei, Diffusion, industrielle Messtechnik und 100 Jahre Quantentheorie : Einige Freihandexperimente zur Optik und W{\"a}rmestrahlung}, series = {In: Physik in der Schule 38 (2000) 4, 260-262}, journal = {In: Physik in der Schule 38 (2000) 4, 260-262}, pages = {260 -- 262}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer2000, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Unschuldige Schule! : In den vergangenen Jahren hat zwar die Zahl der Physikstudenten dramatisch abgenommen, nicht aber die Zahl der Sch{\"u}ler, die in der Oberstufe Physik w{\"a}hlen}, series = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 56 (2000) 6, 21-22}, journal = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 56 (2000) 6, 21-22}, doi = {10.1002/phbl.20000560606}, pages = {21 -- 22}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1999, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Physikalische Texte zum Thema Atmosph{\"a}rische Optik}, series = {In: Meteorologischer Kalender 2000(1999)}, journal = {In: Meteorologischer Kalender 2000(1999)}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer2000, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Das ist ein seltsam wunderbares Zeichen! Ein Streifzug durch die Kulturgeschichte des Regenbogens}, series = {In: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 53 (2000), 497 - 511}, journal = {In: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 53 (2000), 497 - 511}, pages = {497 -- 511}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer2000, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Nach der Sonnenfinsternis in Deutschland: ein Nachschlag und Ausblick (auch) f{\"u}r die Schule}, series = {In: Physik in der Schule 38 (2000) 1, 50-54}, journal = {In: Physik in der Schule 38 (2000) 1, 50-54}, pages = {50 -- 54}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{KarstaedtPinnoMoellmannetal.1999, author = {Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef and Pinno, Frank and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Anschauliche W{\"a}rmelehre im Unterricht : ein Beitrag zur Visualisierung thermischer Vorg{\"a}nge}, series = {In:: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 48 (1999) 5, 24-31}, journal = {In:: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 48 (1999) 5, 24-31}, pages = {24 -- 31}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{VollmerMoellmann1999, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Beispiele physikalischer Freihand- und Low-Cost-Experimente in der Schule}, series = {In: Physik in der Schule 37 (1999) 5, 332-336}, journal = {In: Physik in der Schule 37 (1999) 5, 332-336}, pages = {332 -- 336}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1999, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Motivation und Stellenwert physikalischer Freihand- und Low-Cost-Experimente in der Schule}, series = {In: Physik in der Schule 37 (1999) 3, 187-192}, journal = {In: Physik in der Schule 37 (1999) 3, 187-192}, pages = {187 -- 192}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1998, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Gespiegelt in besondern D{\"u}ften …: Oasen, Seeungeheuer und weitere Spielereien der Fata Morgana}, series = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 54 (1998) 10, 903-909}, journal = {In: Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter 54 (1998) 10, 903-909}, doi = {.1002/phbl.19980541006}, pages = {903 -- 909}, year = {1998}, abstract = {„Wer die Natur liebt, der braucht das Beobachten ihrer Erscheinungen wie die Luft zum Atmen." — So formulierte Marcel Minnaert das Bed{\"u}rfnis der Naturbeobachtung im Vorwort seines ber{\"u}hmten Buchs „Licht und Farbe in der Natur" [1]. Bekannte Beispiele f{\"u}r Naturerscheinungen in der Atmosph{\"a}re sind Luftspiegelungen, Regenb{\"o}gen und Halos. Diese optischen Ph{\"a}nomene bieten nicht nur faszinierende Anblicke, sondern beinhalten auch gen{\"u}gend Aspekte f{\"u}r eine interessante Physik (z. B. [2]). — Der vorliegende Artikel geht von grundlegenden physikalischen Betrachtungen aus und zeigt, daß sich alle Ph{\"a}nomene atmosph{\"a}rischer Optik {\"u}bersichtlich klassifizieren lassen. Luftspiegelungen werden exemplarisch im Detail behandelt. Viele n{\"u}tzliche Informationen findet man in Standardwerken [1, 3-5]; den aktuellen Stand der Forschung in Konferenzberichten, z. B. [6].}, language = {de} } @article{GedzelmanVollmer2009, author = {Gedzelman, S. D. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Twice in a blue moon}, series = {In: Weatherwise 62 (2009) 5, 28-35}, journal = {In: Weatherwise 62 (2009) 5, 28-35}, issn = {0043-1672}, pages = {28 -- 35}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Newton´s law of cooling revisited}, series = {In: European Journal of Physics 30 (2009), 1063-1084}, journal = {In: European Journal of Physics 30 (2009), 1063-1084}, issn = {0143-0807}, pages = {1063 -- 1084}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{GedzelmanVollmer2009, author = {Gedzelman, S. D. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Progress in atmospheric optics and light and color in nature}, series = {In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society : BAMS 90 (2009), 689-693}, journal = {In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society : BAMS 90 (2009), 689-693}, issn = {0003-0007}, pages = {689}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Mirrors in the Air: Mirages in Nature and in the Laboratory}, series = {In: Physics Education 44 (2009) 2, 165-174}, journal = {In: Physics Education 44 (2009) 2, 165-174}, issn = {0031-9120}, pages = {165 -- 174}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmann2008, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Michelson Interferometer for your kitchen table}, series = {In: The Physics Teacher 46 (2008), 114-117}, journal = {In: The Physics Teacher 46 (2008), 114-117}, issn = {0031-921x}, pages = {114 -- 117}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{PlaninsicVollmer2008, author = {Planinsic, G. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {The surface to volume ratio in thermal physics: from cheese cube physics to animal metabolism}, series = {In: European Journal of Physics 29 (2008), 369-384}, journal = {In: European Journal of Physics 29 (2008), 369-384}, issn = {0143-0807}, pages = {369 -- 384}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmannArnold2007, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Arnold, F.}, title = {Locomotion by blowing into the sail of a sailboat? From a basic physics question to thrust reversal of jet airplanes}, series = {In: Physics Education 42 (2007), 369-377}, journal = {In: Physics Education 42 (2007), 369-377}, issn = {0031-9120}, pages = {369 -- 377}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmann2007, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Infrared thermal imaging as a tool in university physics education}, series = {In: European Journal of Physics 28 (2007), S37-S50}, journal = {In: European Journal of Physics 28 (2007), S37-S50}, pages = {37 -- 50}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @article{MoellmannVollmer2006, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Measurements and predictions of the illuminance during a solar eclipse}, series = {In: European journal of physics 27 (2006), 1299-1314}, journal = {In: European journal of physics 27 (2006), 1299-1314}, pages = {1299 -- 1314}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Measurements of illuminance during a solar eclipse are presented. The data are compared to theoretical predictions, based on a geometrical model for obscuration. The model assumes a straight and uniform motion of the sun and moon as well as a spherical shape of both, i.e. it neglects any effects of limb darkening. Furthermore, the sun's disk is assumed to have homogeneous luminosity, i.e. any luminosity variations due to sun spots are neglected. Input parameters are the duration of the eclipse, the duration of totality, the impact parameter, i.e. the distance between the two trajectories of sun and moon, and the sizes of sun and moon. The model applies to all types of eclipses, partial, annular and total.}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerGedzelman2006, author = {Vollmer, Michael and Gedzelman, S. D.}, title = {Colors of the sun and moon : the role of the optical air mass}, series = {In: European journal of physics 27 (2006), 299-309}, journal = {In: European journal of physics 27 (2006), 299-309}, pages = {299 -- 309}, year = {2006}, abstract = {A geometric model for the optical air mass of the atmosphere is developed. Using the model, simple formulae are derived for the optical thickness of light passing through (1) a molecular atmosphere, (2) an atmosphere with uniformly distributed tropospheric aerosols and (3) atmospheres with elevated aerosol layers. The formulae are used to model the spectra and perceived colours of the Sun and Moon.}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer1999, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Naturwissenschaftler auf Banknoten}, series = {In: Physik in unserer Zeit 30 (1999) 3, 114-117}, journal = {In: Physik in unserer Zeit 30 (1999) 3, 114-117}, doi = {10.1002/piuz.19990300305}, pages = {114 -- 117}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Portr{\"a}ts von Naturwissenschaftlern und sachliche Darstellungen aus der Physik finden sich in zahlreichen Bereichen des t{\"a}glichen Lebens, insbesondere auch auf vielen Banknoten. Die Auswahl -- vorgegeben durch die politisch inspirierte Motivwahl der Notenbanken -- stellt eine interessante Reise durch die Wissenschaftsgeschichte dar.}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer2001, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Strahlungsgesetz und Augenempfindlichkeit: Bemerkungen zu einer klassischen Fehlinterpretation}, series = {In: Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht : MNU 54 (2001) 4, 196-200}, journal = {In: Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht : MNU 54 (2001) 4, 196-200}, pages = {196 -- 200}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1997, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Der Regenbogen : Vorschlag zur Gestaltung einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Unterrichtseinheit}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 7, 36-38}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 7, 36-38}, pages = {36 -- 38}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{VollmerVollmer1997, author = {Vollmer, J. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Am Himmel geschehen Zeichen und Wunder : Aberglauben und Bauernregeln bei optischen Erscheinungen der Atmosph{\"a}re}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 31-37}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 31-37}, pages = {31 -- 37}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{TammerTraenkleKarstaedtetal.1997, author = {Tammer, R. and Tr{\"a}nkle, E. and Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Spektakel bei Sonnenschein : Lichts{\"a}ulen, Sonnenhunde und und und ...}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 24-30}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 24-30}, pages = {24 -- 30}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{TammerVollmer1997, author = {Tammer, R. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Regenb{\"o}gen in Wasser und edleren Tropfen}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 15-23}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 15-23}, pages = {15 -- 23}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1997, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Lichtbrechung, Oasen und Luftschl{\"o}sser: Gibt es den Palast der Fata Morgana ?}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 10-15}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 10-15}, pages = {10 -- 15}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1997, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Von den Ph{\"a}nomenen zur Physik: Atmosph{\"a}rische Optik in der Schule}, series = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 2-9}, journal = {In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften / Physik 46 (1997) 3, 2-9}, pages = {2 -- 9}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1995, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {"Wenn das Licht in Farben sich erbricht ...", Teil 1}, series = {In: : Physik in unserer Zeit 26 (1995) 3, 106 - 115}, journal = {In: : Physik in unserer Zeit 26 (1995) 3, 106 - 115}, doi = {10.1002/piuz.19950260303}, pages = {106 -- 115}, year = {1995}, abstract = {Fata Morgana, Regenb{\"o}gen, Sonnenhunde, Brockengespenst, gr{\"u}ne Sonnenstrahlen, D{\"a}mmerungsfarben bei klarer und tr{\"u}ber Atmosph{\"a}re. Diese optischen Erscheinungen der Atmosph{\"a}re bieten nicht nur faszinierende Anblicke, sondern beinhalten vor allem interessante Physik.}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer1995, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {"Wenn das Licht in Farben sich erbricht ...", Teil 2}, series = {In: Physik in unserer Zeit 26 (1995) 4, 176 - 184}, journal = {In: Physik in unserer Zeit 26 (1995) 4, 176 - 184}, doi = {10.1002/piuz.19950260406}, pages = {176 -- 184}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{SchneiderVollmer2005, author = {Schneider, Werner B. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Experimental simulations of pollen coronas}, series = {In: Applied optics 44 (2005) 27, 5746-5753}, journal = {In: Applied optics 44 (2005) 27, 5746-5753}, doi = {10.1364/AO.44.005746}, pages = {5746 -- 5753}, year = {2005}, abstract = {A procedure to experimentally simulate pollen coronas is discussed. Observed coronas are due to pine and birch pollen having different geometries. Using computer simulations, two-dimensional projections of a large number of pollenlike objects with adjustable shapes, with or without preferential orientation and statistical or regular spatial distribution, are generated. The photograph of the printout allows samples with typical sizes between 20 and 200 µm. Their diffraction patterns can closely resemble the ones observed in nature and predicted by theory. © 2005 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannLutzVollmeretal.2004, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Lutz, Norbert and Vollmer, Michael and Wille, Ch.}, title = {Thermography of Microsystems}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 5 (2004), 183-196}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 5 (2004), 183-196}, pages = {183 -- 196}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerGreenler2003, author = {Vollmer, Michael and Greenler, Robert}, title = {More Halo and Mirage Experiments in Atmospheric Optics}, series = {In: Applied Optics 42 (2003) 3, pp. 394-398}, journal = {In: Applied Optics 42 (2003) 3, pp. 394-398}, doi = {10.1364/AO.42.000394}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Some laboratory demonstrations on atmospheric optics are presented. The focus is on dispersion effects in mirages, lateral mirages, and inferior mirages produced with small hot plates. We also show a demonstration of the upper-tangent-arc halo, produced with a hexagonal prism, rotating about two axes. © 2003 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerTammer1998, author = {Vollmer, Michael and Tammer, Robert}, title = {Laboratory Experiments in Atmospheric Optics}, series = {In: Applied optics 37 (1998) 9, pp. 1557-1568}, journal = {In: Applied optics 37 (1998) 9, pp. 1557-1568}, doi = {10.1364/AO.37.001557}, pages = {1557 -- 1568}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Old and new laboratory experiments on atmospheric optics with a focus on mirages, rainbows, and halos are presented. Some qualitative demonstrations serve primarily didactical purposes, e.g., by proving the existence of curved light rays in media with a gradient of the index of refraction, by directly visualizing the minimum-deviation curve for rainbow paths in water droplets, or by helping to elucidate the ray classes in hexagons that contribute to a specific halo. In addition, quantitative experiments allow a direct comparison of angular positions and intensities with analytical computations or Monte Carlo simulations of light scattering from small water droplets or ice hexagons. In particular, the latter can help us to understand complex halo phenomena. © 1998 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannPinnoVollmer2009, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Pinno, Frank and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Microscopic and high-speed thermal imaging: a powerful tool in physics R\&D}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol.10 (2009), 303-317}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol.10 (2009), 303-317}, pages = {303 -- 317}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmannPinno2008, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Pinno, Frank}, title = {Cheese cubes, light bulbs, soft drinks: An unusual approach to study convection, radiation and size dependent heating and cooling}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), p. 477-492}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), p. 477-492}, pages = {477 -- 492}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannPinnoVollmer2008, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Pinno, Frank and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Night sky radiant cooling - influence on outdoor thermal imaging analysis}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), 279-295}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), 279-295}, pages = {279 -- 295}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PinnoMoellmannVollmer2008, author = {Pinno, Frank and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Thermography of window panes - problems, possibilities and troubleshooting}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), 355-362}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 9 (2008), 355-362}, pages = {355 -- 362}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannPinnoVollmer2007, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Pinno, Frank and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Influence of wind effects on thermal imaging results - Is the wind chill effect relevant ?}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 8 (2007), 21-31}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings Vol. 8 (2007), 21-31}, pages = {21 -- 31}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @article{Vollmer2005, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Effects of absorbing particles on coronas and glories}, series = {In: Applied optics 44 (2005) 27, 5658-5666}, journal = {In: Applied optics 44 (2005) 27, 5658-5666}, doi = {10.1364/AO.44.005658}, pages = {5658 -- 5666}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Light scattering from small particles changes if the particles are absorbing. Whereas the effect is small for coronas and Bishop's ring, glories show pronounced attenuation with increasing absorption. Results indicate suitable wavelength regions for studies of glory scattering from cloud tops. The behavior of core-shell particles could have applications for studying the atmosphere of Venus; in addition it provides more insight into the simple ray-path model of the glory. © 2005 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChristmannVollmer2004, author = {Christmann, S. and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Jahrgangs{\"u}bergreifendes Projekt zum Wetter f{\"u}r die Grundschule}, series = {In: Didaktik der Physik : Beitr{\"a}ge zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung D{\"u}sseldorf 2004 ; CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft / V. Nordmeier ... (Hrsg.). - Berlin : Lehmanns Media, 2004. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-86541-066-9}, booktitle = {In: Didaktik der Physik : Beitr{\"a}ge zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung D{\"u}sseldorf 2004 ; CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft / V. Nordmeier ... (Hrsg.). - Berlin : Lehmanns Media, 2004. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-86541-066-9}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @article{GedzelmanVollmer2011, author = {Gedzelman, Stanley David and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Crepuscular rays: laboratory experiments and simulations}, series = {In: Applied Optics Vol. 50 (2011) 28, pp. F142-F151}, journal = {In: Applied Optics Vol. 50 (2011) 28, pp. F142-F151}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.00F142}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Model simulations of laboratory-generated and natural crepuscular rays are presented. Rays are created in the laboratory with parallel light beams that pass through artificial fogs and milk-water solutions. Light scattered by 90° in a dilute mixture of whole milk first increases in intensity with distance from the source to a maximum as a result of multiple scattering by mainly small angles before decreasing exponentially due to extinction as distance continues to increase. Crepuscular rays are simulated for three cloud configurations. In case 1, the Sun at the zenith is blocked by a cloud with an overhanging anvil. The rays appear white against blue sky and are brightest when atmospheric turbidity, β≈11 . Shading by the anvil separates maximum brightness from apparent cloud edge. In case 2, a ray passes through a rectangular gap in a cloud layer. The ray is faint blue in a molecular atmosphere but turns pale yellow as β and solar zenith angle, ϕsun , increase. At ϕsun=60° it appears most striking when the cloud is optically thick, β≈5 , and the beam width Δx≈1000 m . In these cases, increasing aerosol radius, raer , to about 1000 nm brightens, narrows, and shortens rays. In case 3, the twilight Sun is shaded by a towering cloud or mountain. The shaded rays are deeper blue than the sunlit sky because the light originates higher in the atmosphere, where short waves have suffered less depletion from scattering. The long optical path taken by sunlight at twilight makes color and lighting contrasts of the rays greatest when the air is quite clean, i.e., for β-1≪1 . In all cases, the brightest rays occur when sunlight passes through an optical thickness of atmosphere, τ≈O(1) . © 2011 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmann2011, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Rainbows, water droplets, and seeing—slow motion analysis of experiments in atmospheric optics}, series = {In: Applied optics Vol. 50 (2011) 28, pp. F21-F28}, journal = {In: Applied optics Vol. 50 (2011) 28, pp. F21-F28}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.000F21}, pages = {F21 -- F28}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Many physics processes underlying phenomena in atmospheric optics happen on a rather short time scale such that neither the human eye nor video cameras are able to analyze the details. We report applications of high-speed imaging of laboratory experiments in atmospheric optics with subsequent slow motion analysis. The potential to study respective transient effects is investigated in general and for a few phenomena in detail, in particular for rainbow scattering due to single oscillating droplets during free fall, and for light propagation effects through atmospheric paths with turbulences, leading, e.g., to scintillation of stars or shimmering of mirage images. © 2011 Optical Society of America}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerPinnoMoellmann2010, author = {Vollmer, Michael and Pinno, Frank and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Measurements of sun and moon with IR cameras: effects of air mass}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 ( 2010) , 57-74}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 ( 2010) , 57-74}, pages = {74}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannPinnoVollmer2010, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Pinno, Frank and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Two-color or ratio thermal imaging - potentials and limits}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), pp.41-56}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), pp.41-56}, pages = {41 -- 56}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PinnoVollmerMoellmann2010, author = {Pinno, Frank and Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Improved sensitivity for blower door thermography using image subtraction}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), p. 29-40}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), p. 29-40}, pages = {29 -- 40}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmann2010, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {New book on IR imaging: the ultimate resource for all users}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), pp 75-80}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 11 (2010), pp 75-80}, pages = {75 -- 80}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmann2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {IR imaging of gases: potential applications for CO2 cameras}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 10 (2009), p.113-124}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 10 (2009), p.113-124}, pages = {113 -- 124}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmann2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {IR imaging of gases: quantitative analysis}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 10 (2009), p. 99-112}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 10 (2009), p. 99-112}, pages = {99 -- 112}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerVujkovićTrelluetal.2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael and Vujković, M. and Trellu, Y. and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {IR feedback loops to spotlights: thermography and contemporary dancing}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings.- Vol. 10 (2009), p. 89-97}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings.- Vol. 10 (2009), p. 89-97}, pages = {89 -- 97}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PinnoMoellmannVollmer2009, author = {Pinno, Frank and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Solar load and reflection effects and respective time constants in outdoor building inspections}, series = {In: Inframation proceedings Vol. 10 (2009), 319-330}, booktitle = {In: Inframation proceedings Vol. 10 (2009), 319-330}, pages = {319 -- 330}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{OertelFandre2009, author = {Oertel, Christian and Fandre, A.}, title = {Tire Model RMOD-K 7 and Misuse Load Cases}, series = {In: SAE technical papers 2009-01-0582}, journal = {In: SAE technical papers 2009-01-0582}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Among load cases concerning vehicle suspension strength and durability, the misuse case is very special because of large obstacles. In this paper, an extension of the flexible belt model RMOD-K 7 concerning misuse situations is discussed. In normal rolling conditions, contact occurs between tire and road surface. To handle misuse deformations, the contact between the inner surface of the tire and the rim has to be dealt with. Results of the validation process are shown, leading to normal forces up to 70 [kN]. The model can be used together with mbs full vehicle models. One example is the determination of the critical test velocity, which generates the maximum of suspension stresses and can be found using RMOD-K 7.}, language = {en} } @article{OertelWei2012, author = {Oertel, Christian and Wei, Yintao}, title = {Tyre rolling kinematics and prediction of tyre forces and moments: part I - theory and method}, series = {In: Vehicle system dynamics 50 (2012) 11, 1673-1687}, journal = {In: Vehicle system dynamics 50 (2012) 11, 1673-1687}, doi = {10.1080/00423114.2012.694452}, pages = {1673 -- 1687}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A new method to describe tyre rolling kinematics and how to calculate tyre forces and moments is presented. The Lagrange-Euler method is used to calculate the velocity and contact deformation of a tyre structure under large deformation. The calculation of structure deformation is based on the Lagrange method, while the Euler method is used to analyse the deformation and forces in the contact area. The method to predict tyre forces and moments is built using kinematic theory and nonlinear finite element analysis. A detailed analysis of the tyre tangential contact velocity and the relationships between contact forces, contact areas, lateral forces, and yaw and camber angles has been performed for specific tyres. Research on the parametric sensitivity of tyre lateral forces and self-aligning torque on tread stiffness and friction coefficients is carried out in the second part of this paper.}, language = {en} } @article{WeiOertelShena2012, author = {Wei, Yintao and Oertel, Christian and Shena, Xiaoliang}, title = {Tyre rolling kinematics and prediction of tyre forces and moments: part II - simulation and experiment}, series = {In: Vehicle system dynamics 50 (2012) 11, 1689-1706}, journal = {In: Vehicle system dynamics 50 (2012) 11, 1689-1706}, doi = {10.1080/00423114.2012.694453}, pages = {1689 -- 1706}, year = {2012}, abstract = {There are two aims for the second part of this paper: verifying the theory presented in the first part through parameter variation and comparison between simulation and experiment, and to study the effect of the belt structure on the cornering properties of radial tyres. Research has been carried out with a passenger car radial tyre and two different kinds of truck or bus radial tyres using both simulation and experiment. This second part of the paper shows that belt structure plays an important role in the generation of tyre forces and moments in addition to the effects of the tread stiffness and friction coefficients. The theory and method presented in this paper opens a new robust way to predict the tyre forces and moments from the tyre design and provides a reliable model for a generation mechanism.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Oertel2008, author = {Oertel, Christian}, title = {Tyre models in vehicle dynamics: theory and application, part 1: vehicle dynamics tyre model}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @techreport{Oertel2007, author = {Oertel, Christian}, title = {Reifenmodelle als Komponenten in der Gesamtfahrzeugmodellierung}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @techreport{Oertel2007, author = {Oertel, Christian}, title = {RMOD-K V 7.09}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @techreport{OertelFriedemannDeteretal.2005, author = {Oertel, Christian and Friedemann, D. and Deter, T. and Quaissa, A.}, title = {Methodenentwicklung Hindernis{\"u}berfahrt}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{PlattVollmerPfeilsticker2012, author = {Platt, Ulrich and Vollmer, Michael and Pfeilsticker, Klaus}, title = {Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere}, series = {In: Springer handbook of lasers and optics : with 163 tables / Tr{\"a}ger (ed.). - 2. ed. - Berlin : Springer, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-642-19408-5}, booktitle = {In: Springer handbook of lasers and optics : with 163 tables / Tr{\"a}ger (ed.). - 2. ed. - Berlin : Springer, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-642-19408-5}, pages = {1493 -- 1517}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PinnoMoellmannVollmer2012, author = {Pinno, Frank and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Dark colors of building walls - thermal problems due to solar load}, series = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannVollmer2012, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Thermal effects due to focused light from glass fronts}, series = {InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, booktitle = {InfraMation proceedings. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmannWood2012, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Wood, S.}, title = {Surprising warm edges associated with moisture on surfaces}, series = {In: InfraMation proceeding. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, booktitle = {In: InfraMation proceeding. - Vol. 13 (2012)}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @article{VollmerMoellmann2012, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {CO2 Detektion mit IR Kameras: Grundlagen, Experimente und Anwendungen}, series = {Technisches Messen : tm 79 (2012) 1, 65-72}, journal = {Technisches Messen : tm 79 (2012) 1, 65-72}, doi = {10.1524/teme.2012.0189}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Gasdetektion mit Infrarotkameras ist eine relativ neue Anwendung. Aufgrund der industriellen Bedeutung einiger Gase wurden sensitive Kameras mit Schmalbandfiltern entwickelt. Heute gibt es kommerzielle Systeme f{\"u}r die Detektion fl{\"u}chtiger Kohlenwasserstoffe, Schwefelhexafluorid und Kohlenmonoxid. In dieser Arbeit werden Laborergebnisse der Detektion von CO2 vorgestellt und potenzielle Anwendungen diskutiert.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MoellmannVollmerWinburn2011, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael and Winburn, M.}, title = {Optics of glass fronts of buildings: the science of skyscraper "death rays"}, series = {InfraMation proceedings. - 12 (2011), S. 79-92}, booktitle = {InfraMation proceedings. - 12 (2011), S. 79-92}, pages = {79 -- 92}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Vollmer2002, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {{\"U}ber die Farben der Sonne und des Himmels: Rayleigh- und Miestreuung in Demonstrationsexperimenten}, series = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft : Leipzig, 2002 / Red.: V. Nordmeier. - Berlin : Lehmann, [2002]. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-936427-11-9}, booktitle = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft : Leipzig, 2002 / Red.: V. Nordmeier. - Berlin : Lehmann, [2002]. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-936427-11-9}, year = {2002}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Vollmer2002, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Freihandspektroskopieexperimente im Unterricht und als Hausaufgabe}, series = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft : Leipzig, 2002 / Red.: V. Nordmeier. - Berlin : Lehmann, [2002]. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-936427-11-9}, booktitle = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft : Leipzig, 2002 / Red.: V. Nordmeier. - Berlin : Lehmann, [2002]. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-936427-11-9}, year = {2002}, language = {de} } @article{Vollmer2000, author = {Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Finsternisse, Transits, Kometen und Meteore: ein Blick in die Zukunft}, series = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Dresden 2000 ; weiterhin enthalten: Beitr{\"a}ge zu den Lehrertagen und Exponate der Kunstausstellung Grenzfl{\"a}chen bei der Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung Regensburg 2000 / Red.: V. Nordmeier . - Berlin : Lehmann, 2000. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-931253-71-6}, journal = {In: CD zur Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Dresden 2000 ; weiterhin enthalten: Beitr{\"a}ge zu den Lehrertagen und Exponate der Kunstausstellung Grenzfl{\"a}chen bei der Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung Regensburg 2000 / Red.: V. Nordmeier . - Berlin : Lehmann, 2000. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-931253-71-6}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MoellmannVollmerKarstaedt1999, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael and Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef}, title = {Tieftemperaturexperimente in der Experimentalphysikausbildung an Hochschulen: Experimente mit fl{\"u}ssigem Stickstoff in der Hochschullehre}, series = {In: Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbands Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Ludwigsburg 1999 ; zus{\"a}tzlich mit den Beitr{\"a}gen des Lehrertages und der Kunstausstellung bei der Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung 1999 des Arbeitskreises Festk{\"o}rperphysik in M{\"u}nster. - Berlin : Lehmann, 1999. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-931253-41-4}, booktitle = {In: Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung des Fachverbands Didaktik der Physik in der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Ludwigsburg 1999 ; zus{\"a}tzlich mit den Beitr{\"a}gen des Lehrertages und der Kunstausstellung bei der Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung 1999 des Arbeitskreises Festk{\"o}rperphysik in M{\"u}nster. - Berlin : Lehmann, 1999. - 1 CD-ROM. - ISBN 3-931253-41-4}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmannShawetal.2013, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Shaw, J. A. and Nugent, P. W.}, title = {Measurements of the surface temperature of the moon from earth with IR cameras}, series = {In: Temperatur 2013 : Fachtagung ; PTB Institut Berlin, 5./6. Juni 2013 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2013. - ISBN 3-9810021-8-0}, booktitle = {In: Temperatur 2013 : Fachtagung ; PTB Institut Berlin, 5./6. Juni 2013 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2013. - ISBN 3-9810021-8-0}, pages = {149 -- 154}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannVollmer2013, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {Einfache Charakterisierung der zeitlichen und r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung von W{\"a}rmebildkameras}, series = {In: Temperatur 2013 : Fachtagung ; PTB Institut Berlin, 5./6. Juni 2013 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2013. - ISBN 3-9810021-8-0}, booktitle = {In: Temperatur 2013 : Fachtagung ; PTB Institut Berlin, 5./6. Juni 2013 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2013. - ISBN 3-9810021-8-0}, pages = {137 -- 142}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmann2009, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Perspectives of IR imaging for industrial detection and monitoring of CO2}, series = {In: Temperatur 2009 : Fachtagung PTB Institut Berlin, 24./25. Juni 2009 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2009. - ISBN 3-9810021-9-9}, booktitle = {In: Temperatur 2009 : Fachtagung PTB Institut Berlin, 24./25. Juni 2009 ; [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik ; Tagungsband] / [Hrsg.: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig und Berlin]. Fachl. Mittr{\"a}ger: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Fachgebiet 2.50: Temperatur und Feuchte. - Braunschweig [u.a.] : Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanst., 2009. - ISBN 3-9810021-9-9}, pages = {27 -- 36}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @techreport{OertelHempel2010, author = {Oertel, Christian and Hempel, J.}, title = {Finite Elemente f{\"u}r die Reifenmodellierung}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{RoseZaehrSchnicketal.2011, author = {Rose, Sascha and Z{\"a}hr, Julia and Schnick, Michael and F{\"u}ssel, Uwe and Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and H{\"u}bner, Mark}, title = {Arc attachments on aluminium during tungsten electrode positive polarity in TIG welding of aluminium}, series = {In: Welding in the World 55 (2011) 9-10, pp 91-99}, volume = {55}, journal = {In: Welding in the World 55 (2011) 9-10, pp 91-99}, number = {9-10}, issn = {1878-6669}, doi = {10.1007/bf03321325}, pages = {91 -- 99}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In modem AC power sources, both balance and current of EP (tungsten electrode positive) and EN (tungsten electrode negative) can be readily adjusted. According to conventional assumptions the surface of aluminium workpieces is cleaned during EP but the tungsten electrode is more heated due to electron work function. During EN the tungsten electrode cools down and the workpiece is melted. Therefore, optimal settings of the power source mostly aim for maximal penetration and minimal electrode wear. This paper presents a study of arc attachments in TIG welding on aluminium. Two different arc attachments to the cathodic workpiece could be attested with only one of them actually cleaning the surface. The first one is a spot mode (highly dynamic) that attaches to the edges of oxide layers and cracks them. The second one is also a spot mode, but it attaches to weld pools. It does not clean the surface but heats the base material intensively. Both arc attachment modes compete against each other. As a result, the cleaning area narrows with wider weld pools due to an increasing attachment to the weld pool during EP. The influences on the arc attachment to the aluminium cathode as well as the contradictions in present literature are discussed. Possible adjustments of the AC balance for optimized processes are proposed.}, language = {en} } @article{WildenJahnMelahinetal.2010, author = {Wilden, J. and Jahn, S. and Melahin, N. and Rehfeldt, L. and Luhn, T. and Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and Schmid, E. and Berger, U.}, title = {Brazing as the key to resource-efficient and energy-efficient joining in the product life cycle}, series = {In: Welding and cutting (2010) 5, 301-312}, journal = {In: Welding and cutting (2010) 5, 301-312}, issn = {1612-3433}, pages = {301 -- 312}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{WildenJahnMilahinetal.2010, author = {Wilden, J. and Jahn, S. and Milahin, N. and Luhn, T. and Rehfeldt, L. and Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and Schmid, E. and Berger, U.}, title = {Perspektiven und Visionen zum Schweissen moderner Stahlwerkstoffe}, series = {In: Stahl und Eisen 130 (2010) 10, S. 71-75}, journal = {In: Stahl und Eisen 130 (2010) 10, S. 71-75}, issn = {0340-4803}, pages = {71 -- 75}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{WildenJahnMelahinetal.2010, author = {Wilden, Johannes and Jahn, Simon and Melahin, Natalie and Rehfeldt, Lars and Luhn, Thomas and Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and Schmid, Eberhard and Berger, Uwe}, title = {L{\"o}ten als Schl{\"u}ssel zum ressourcen- und energieeffizienten F{\"u}gen im Produktlebenszyklus}, series = {In: Schweissen und Schneiden 62 (2010) 5, 264-277}, journal = {In: Schweissen und Schneiden 62 (2010) 5, 264-277}, pages = {264 -- 277}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der Einsatz von L{\"o}tverfahren zum F{\"u}gen reduziert gegen{\"u}ber der Schweißtechnik die Prozesstemperaturen und erm{\"o}glicht sowohl die Realisierung anspruchsvoller Mischverbindungen als auch das F{\"u}gen verzinkter St{\"a}hle mit minimaler Zinkschichtverletzung. Aktuelle Entwicklungen von Lotwerkstoffen zielen sowohl in Richtung Absenkung der Schmelztemperaturen als auch in Richtung Festigkeitssteigerung, um die Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten noch weiter zu vervielf{\"a}ltigen. Dabei unterliegen sowohl Eisenbasislegierungen als auch Systeme auf Kupfer- oder Zinkbasis einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung. Die bereits heute erreichbaren Festigkeiten reichen bis etwa 900 MPa (CuAl8Mn13Ni2Fe2) bei Kupferbasislegierungen und 410 MPa (AnAl7,5Cu2,5 + 180 ppm Mg) bei Zinklegierungen. Neben der Energieeinsparung durch die reduzierten Prozesstemperaturen beim F{\"u}gen und der M{\"o}glichkeit Hybridstrukturen herzustellen, ergeben sich außerdem Vorteile bei der Reparatur und dem Recycling von Bauteilen. Da der Zusatzwerkstoff unabh{\"a}ngig vom Grundwerkstoff wiederaufgeschmolzen werden kann, sind eine leichtere Reparatur und auch ein Trennen der Bauteile zum Recycling m{\"o}glich. Dies f{\"u}hrt bei Betrachtung des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus zu einer h{\"o}heren Energieeffizienz und einer Schonung der nat{\"u}rlichen Rohstoffe und Ressourcen. Durch die steigenden Energie- und Werkstoffkosten und den damit verbundenen Kostendruck r{\"u}ckt dieser Aspekt neben der Machbarkeit und Produktivit{\"a}t langsam, aber sicher ins Blickfeld der Unternehmen. Kostenvorteile ergeben sich außerdem durch Betrachtung und Modifikation ganzer Fertigungsketten. Niedrigschmelzende Zusatzwerkstoffe erm{\"o}glichen beispielsweise das F{\"u}gen verzinkter Halbzeuge ohne Zinkschichtverletzung. Da Halbzeuge in großen Mengen kosteng{\"u}nstiger verzinkt werden k{\"o}nnen als fertige Konstruktionen, ist das F{\"u}gen verzinkter Halbzeuge insgesamt g{\"u}nstiger als das Verzinken geschweißter Stahlkonstruktionen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GoeckeBergmannWitte2012, author = {Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and Bergmann, J. P. and Witte, K.-H.}, title = {Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz des MSG-Schweißens}, series = {In: DVS Congress 2012 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress ; Vortr{\"a}ge der Veranstaltungen in Saarbr{\"u}cken am 17. und 18. September 2012 / Veranst.: DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren. - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2012. - (DVS-Berichte / DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., ISSN 0418-9639 ; 286). - ISBN 3-87155-593-2, 978-3-87155-593-0}, booktitle = {In: DVS Congress 2012 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress ; Vortr{\"a}ge der Veranstaltungen in Saarbr{\"u}cken am 17. und 18. September 2012 / Veranst.: DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren. - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2012. - (DVS-Berichte / DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., ISSN 0418-9639 ; 286). - ISBN 3-87155-593-2, 978-3-87155-593-0}, pages = {263 -- 264}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GoeckeHuebnerPenningetal.2012, author = {Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and H{\"u}bner, M. and Penning, O. and H{\"o}cker, F. and Suchodoll, D.}, title = {Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz des MSG-Schweissens}, series = {In: DVS Congress 2012 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress ; Vortr{\"a}ge der Veranstaltungen in Saarbr{\"u}cken am 17. und 18. September 2012 / Veranst.: DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren. - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2012. - (DVS-Berichte / DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., ISSN 0418-9639 ; 286). - ISBN 3-87155-593-2, 978-3-87155-593-0}, booktitle = {In: DVS Congress 2012 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Studentenkongress ; Vortr{\"a}ge der Veranstaltungen in Saarbr{\"u}cken am 17. und 18. September 2012 / Veranst.: DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren. - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2012. - (DVS-Berichte / DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., ISSN 0418-9639 ; 286). - ISBN 3-87155-593-2, 978-3-87155-593-0}, pages = {265 -- 268}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WildenJahnSabelfeldetal.2010, author = {Wilden, J. and Jahn, S. and Sabelfeld, N. and Rehfeldt, L. and Luhn, T. and Goecke, Sven-Frithjof and Schmid, E. and Berger, U.}, title = {L{\"o}ten als Schl{\"u}ssel zum ressourcen - und energieeffizienten F{\"u}gen im Produktlebenszyklus}, series = {In: Hart- und Hochtemperaturl{\"o}ten und Diffusionsschweißen : L{\"O}T 2010; Vortr{\"a}ge und Posterbeitr{\"a}ge des 9. internationalen Kolloquiums in Aachen vom 15. bis 17. Juni 2010 = Brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding / Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung von DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., D{\"u}sseldorf ... - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2010. - (DVS-Berichte ; 263) - ISBN 978-3-87155-589-3 ; 3-87155-589-4}, booktitle = {In: Hart- und Hochtemperaturl{\"o}ten und Diffusionsschweißen : L{\"O}T 2010; Vortr{\"a}ge und Posterbeitr{\"a}ge des 9. internationalen Kolloquiums in Aachen vom 15. bis 17. Juni 2010 = Brazing, high temperature brazing and diffusion bonding / Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung von DVS - Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren e.V., D{\"u}sseldorf ... - D{\"u}sseldorf : DVS Media, 2010. - (DVS-Berichte ; 263) - ISBN 978-3-87155-589-3 ; 3-87155-589-4}, pages = {159 -- 163}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{BoudnitskiEdel2005, author = {Boudnitski, Grigori and Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Spannungsintensit{\"a}tsfaktoren f{\"u}r Risse in Schienen}, series = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP Vol. 47 (2005) 11-12, 674-681}, journal = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP Vol. 47 (2005) 11-12, 674-681}, issn = {0025-5300}, doi = {10.3139/120.100700}, pages = {674 -- 681}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Eisenbahnschienen k{\"o}nnen unter Betriebsbedingungen brechen. Mit Hilfe der Bruchmechanik lassen sich das Risswachstums- und Bruchverhalten der Schienen untersuchen. Um dieses Verhalten z.B. im Hinblick auf die zerst{\"o}rungsfreie Pr{\"u}fung der Schienen im Gleis analysieren zu k{\"o}nnen, m{\"u}ssen die folgenden Einzelheiten bekannt sein: Betriebs- und Bruchbedingungen (Schienentyp, Radkr{\"a}fte, Biegemomente, Temperaturen, Normalkr{\"a}fte und Eigenspannungen), die bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften des Schienenstahls unter Betriebsbedingungen, die Form der Risse und die entsprechenden Spannungsintensit{\"a}tsfaktoren. F{\"u}r Schienen des Typs R65 sind die Spannungsintensit{\"a}tsfaktoren f{\"u}r Querrisse, die von der Fahrfl{\"a}che ausgehen, mit dem FEM-Programm ANSYS berechnet worden f{\"u}r die radkraftbedingte Biegung, f{\"u}r Temperatur-Normalkr{\"a}fte sowie f{\"u}r die L{\"a}ngseigenspannungen.}, language = {de} } @article{BoudnitskiEdelSchumann2004, author = {Boudnitski, Grigori and Edel, Karl-Otto and Schumann, Lars}, title = {Bewertung der Rissausbreitung an Federstellen in Zungenschienen}, series = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP Vol. 46 (2004) 7-8, 390-396}, journal = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP Vol. 46 (2004) 7-8, 390-396}, issn = {0025-5300}, doi = {10.3139/120.100604}, pages = {390 -- 396}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im Bereich des Querschnitts{\"u}bergangs der Federstelle bilden sich unter ung{\"u}nstigen Umst{\"a}nden im Fuß von Zungenschienen Erm{\"u}dungsrisse, die letztlich den Bruch der Schiene verursachen k{\"o}nnen. Zur Qualifizierung der Bewertungskriterien, d.h. des Pr{\"u}fzyklusses der zerst{\"o}rungsfreien Pr{\"u}fung der Zungenschienen, wird die bruchmechanische Analyse als Monte-Carlo-Simulation gestaltet. Aus dem ung{\"u}nstigsten Risswachstumsverhalten wird f{\"u}r die zerst{\"o}rungsfrei ermittelte Rissgr{\"o}ße der erforderliche Pr{\"u}fzyklus in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Betriebsbelastung abgeleitet.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BoudnitskiEdelSchumann2003, author = {Boudnitski, Grigori and Edel, Karl-Otto and Schumann, Lars}, title = {Die Bewertung der Rissausbreitung an Federstellen in Zungenschienen}, series = {In: 35. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorg{\"a}nge, 18. und 19. Februar 2003 in Freiberg : Themenschwerpunkt: Fortschritte der Bruch- und Sch{\"a}digungsmechanik, Simulationsmethoden der Bruchmechanik. - Berlin : DVM, 2003. - (Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Materialforschung und -pr{\"u}fung: DVM-Bericht ; 235)}, booktitle = {In: 35. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorg{\"a}nge, 18. und 19. Februar 2003 in Freiberg : Themenschwerpunkt: Fortschritte der Bruch- und Sch{\"a}digungsmechanik, Simulationsmethoden der Bruchmechanik. - Berlin : DVM, 2003. - (Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Materialforschung und -pr{\"u}fung: DVM-Bericht ; 235)}, pages = {151 -- 160}, year = {2003}, language = {de} } @techreport{MoellmannVollmerKarstaedtetal.2001, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael and Karst{\"a}dt, Detlef and Lutz, Norbert and Pinno, Frank}, title = {Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden der Infrarotthermographie}, series = {In: Forschungsbericht der Fachhochschule Brandenburg 2001}, journal = {In: Forschungsbericht der Fachhochschule Brandenburg 2001}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MoellmannVollmer2011, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Vollmer, Michael}, title = {IR Imaging of Mircosystems: Special Requirements, Experiments and Applications}, series = {In: Sensor + Test Conferences 2011 : N{\"u}rnberg Exhibition Centre, Germany, 7. - 9.6.2011 ; [including] SENSOR 2011, 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, OPTO 2011, photonic metrology, 10th International Conference on Optical Technologies for Sensing and Measurement, IRS2 2011, 12th International Conference on Infrared Sensors \& Systems ; short proceedings / AMA Fachverband f{\"u}r Sensorik e.V. - Wunstorf/Germany : AMA Service GmbH, 2011. - ISBN 978-3-9810993-8-6}, booktitle = {In: Sensor + Test Conferences 2011 : N{\"u}rnberg Exhibition Centre, Germany, 7. - 9.6.2011 ; [including] SENSOR 2011, 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, OPTO 2011, photonic metrology, 10th International Conference on Optical Technologies for Sensing and Measurement, IRS2 2011, 12th International Conference on Infrared Sensors \& Systems ; short proceedings / AMA Fachverband f{\"u}r Sensorik e.V. - Wunstorf/Germany : AMA Service GmbH, 2011. - ISBN 978-3-9810993-8-6}, pages = {236}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{VollmerMoellmann2011, author = {Vollmer, Michael and M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {IR Imaging of CO~2: Basics, Experiments, and Potential Industrial Applications}, series = {In: Sensor + Test Conferences 2011 : N{\"u}rnberg Exhibition Centre, Germany, 7. - 9.6.2011 ; [including] SENSOR 2011, 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, OPTO 2011, photonic metrology, 10th International Conference on Optical Technologies for Sensing and Measurement, IRS2 2011, 12th International Conference on Infrared Sensors \& Systems ; short proceedings / AMA Fachverband f{\"u}r Sensorik e.V. - Wunstorf/Germany : AMA Service GmbH, 2011. - ISBN 978-3-9810993-8-6}, booktitle = {In: Sensor + Test Conferences 2011 : N{\"u}rnberg Exhibition Centre, Germany, 7. - 9.6.2011 ; [including] SENSOR 2011, 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, OPTO 2011, photonic metrology, 10th International Conference on Optical Technologies for Sensing and Measurement, IRS2 2011, 12th International Conference on Infrared Sensors \& Systems ; short proceedings / AMA Fachverband f{\"u}r Sensorik e.V. - Wunstorf/Germany : AMA Service GmbH, 2011. - ISBN 978-3-9810993-8-6}, pages = {240}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoellmannLooseLutzetal.2003, author = {M{\"o}llmann, Klaus-Peter and Loose, Harald and Lutz, Norbert and Pinno, Frank}, title = {Emissionsgradkompensierte Temperaturmessung an hochreflektierenden Leichtmetalloberflachen}, series = {In: Temperatur 2003 : [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik] ; Tagung Berlin, 8. und 9. September 2003 / VDI-VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. - D{\"u}sseldorf : VDI-Verl., 2003. - (VDI-Berichte , ISSN 0083-5560 ; 1784). - ISBN 3-18-091784-9}, booktitle = {In: Temperatur 2003 : [Verfahren und Ger{\"a}te in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik] ; Tagung Berlin, 8. und 9. September 2003 / VDI-VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. - D{\"u}sseldorf : VDI-Verl., 2003. - (VDI-Berichte , ISSN 0083-5560 ; 1784). - ISBN 3-18-091784-9}, pages = {179 -- 186}, year = {2003}, language = {de} } @article{Edel2001, author = {Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Effects of securing temperatures on crack propagation in railway rails}, series = {In: Rail international Vol. 32 (2001), 36-42}, journal = {In: Rail international Vol. 32 (2001), 36-42}, issn = {0020-8442}, pages = {36 -- 42}, year = {2001}, language = {en} } @article{BoudnitskiEdel1998, author = {Boudnitski, Grigori and Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Spannungsintensit{\"a}tsfaktor f{\"u}r {\"U}berwalzungen}, series = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP 40 (1998) 1/2, 30-33}, journal = {In: Materialpr{\"u}fung : MP 40 (1998) 1/2, 30-33}, issn = {0025-5300}, pages = {30 -- 33}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchnitzerEdel2005, author = {Schnitzer, Thomas and Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Analyse und Bewertung der Ausbreitung von Rollkontakt-Erm{\"u}dungsrissen in Eisenbahnschienen}, series = {In: 37. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorg{\"a}nge : Technische Sicherheit, Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit und Lebensdauer ; Themenschwerpunkt: Bruchmechanische Schadensanalyse ; 22. und 23. Februar 2005 an der TU Hamburg-Harburg / Obmann des Arbeitskreises: Meinhard Kuna. - Berlin : DVM, 2005. - (DVM-Bericht / Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Materialforschung und -pr{\"u}fung, ISSN 1434-257X ; 237)}, booktitle = {In: 37. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorg{\"a}nge : Technische Sicherheit, Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit und Lebensdauer ; Themenschwerpunkt: Bruchmechanische Schadensanalyse ; 22. und 23. Februar 2005 an der TU Hamburg-Harburg / Obmann des Arbeitskreises: Meinhard Kuna. - Berlin : DVM, 2005. - (DVM-Bericht / Deutscher Verband f{\"u}r Materialforschung und -pr{\"u}fung, ISSN 1434-257X ; 237)}, pages = {109 -- 124}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @article{Edel2001, author = {Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Der Einfluss der Verspannungstemperatur auf die Rissausbreitung in Eisenbahnschienen}, series = {In: Rail international = Schienen der Welt / Deutsche Ausgabe 32 (2001) 10, 36-42}, journal = {In: Rail international = Schienen der Welt / Deutsche Ausgabe 32 (2001) 10, 36-42}, pages = {36 -- 42}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @book{Edel1995, author = {Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Querrisse im Radkranz klotzgebremster G{\"u}terwagenvollr{\"a}der}, publisher = {Fachhochsch., Presse- und {\"O}ffentlichkeitsarbeit}, address = {Brandenburg}, pages = {67 S.}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Edel1993, author = {Edel, Karl-Otto}, title = {Mit Rissen leben? : Zur Betriebssicherheit rissgesch{\"a}digter Bauteile; ein Vortrag, gehalten am 14. April 1993 in der FH Brandenburg}, publisher = {Fachhochsch. Presse- und {\"O}ffentlichtkeitsarbeit}, address = {Brandenburg}, pages = {69 S.}, year = {1993}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{EdelBoudnitski1995, author = {Edel, Karl-Otto and Boudnitski, Grigori}, title = {Fracture mechanical fatigue analysis of railway wheels with rolling defects}, series = {In: Fatigue Design 1995 / Ed. by Gary Marquis, .. Teil: 2. Espoo : Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1995. - (VTT symposium ; 156). - ISBN 951-38-4547-8}, booktitle = {In: Fatigue Design 1995 / Ed. by Gary Marquis, .. Teil: 2. Espoo : Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1995. - (VTT symposium ; 156). - ISBN 951-38-4547-8}, pages = {119 -- 128}, year = {1995}, language = {en} }