On the Viability of Memory Forensics in Compromised Environments

Document Type
Doctoral Thesis
Issue Date
Issue Year
Stuettgen, Johannes

Memory forensics has become a powerful tool for the detection and analysis of malicious software. It provides investigators with an impartial view of a system, exposing hidden processes, threads, and network connections, by acquiring and analyzing physical memory. Because malicious software must be at least partially resident in memory in order to execute, it cannot remove all its traces from RAM. However, the memory acquisition process is vulnerable to subversion in compromised environments. Malicious software can employ anti-forensic techniques to intercept the acquisition and filter memory contents while they are copied.

In this thesis, we analyze 12 popular memory acquisition tools for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and study their implementation in regard to how they enumerate and map memory. We find that all of the analyzed programs use the operating system to perform these tasks, and further illustrate this by implementing an open source memory acquisition framework for Mac OS X. In a survey of kernel rootkit techniques, that prevent or filter physical memory access, we show that all 12 tested programs are vulnerable to anti-forensics, because they rely on the operating system for critical functions.

To elliminate this vulnerability, we develop an operating system independent approach that directly utilizes the hardware to enumerate and map memory. By interacting with the PCI controller, we are able to safely avoid memory mapped device buffers while acquiring the entire physical address space. We program the page tables directly to map memory, forcing the MMU to facilitate arbitrary physical memory access from our driver's data segment. We implement our techniques into the open source memory acquisition frameworks Winpmem, Pmem, and OSXPmem, furthering the capabilities of memory acquisition software on the Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X platforms.

Finally, we apply our novel technique to related problems in memory forensics. Memory acquisition software for Linux can only be run on a system with the exact same kernel version and configuration as the system it was compiled on, due to dependencies on kernel data structures. We are able to create a minimal, kernel independent version of our module, which we inject into a compatible host module on the target. By hijacking the hosts data structures, we are able to load the infected module, redirect control flow, and communicate with it using a character device. A second innovative property of our acquisition approach is that, because we can enumerate the location of memory mapped device buffers, we are able to safely access memory regions unknown to the operating system. This allows us to acquire malicious firmware during of the memory acquisition process. We present a survey on firmware code and data in the physical address space, and show how we can capture the BIOS, PCI option ROMs, and the ACPI tables using our approach. We implement plugins for the open source memory analysis framework Volatility, which are able to extract the ACPI tables from memory and analyze them for malicious behavior.

Faculties & Collections
Zugehörige ORCIDs