3D Dixon water-fat LGE imaging with image navigator and compressed sensing in cardiac MRI

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Zeilinger, Martin Georg
Wiesmüller, Marco
Forman, Christoph
Schmidt, Michaela
Munoz, Camila
Piccini, Davide
Kunze, Karl-Philipp
Neji, Radhouene
Botnar, René Michael
Prieto, Claudia
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Objectives To evaluate an image-navigated isotropic high-resolution 3D late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) prototype sequence with compressed sensing and Dixon water-fat separation in a clinical routine setting.

      Material and methods
      Forty consecutive patients scheduled for cardiac MRI were enrolled prospectively and examined with 1.5 T MRI. Overall subjective image quality, LGE pattern and extent, diagnostic confidence for detection of LGE, and scan time were evaluated and compared to standard 2D LGE imaging. Robustness of Dixon fat suppression was evaluated for 3D Dixon LGE imaging. For statistical analysis, the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed.
      LGE was rated as ischemic in 9 patients and non-ischemic in 11 patients while it was absent in 20 patients. Image quality and diagnostic confidence were comparable between both techniques (p = 0.67 and p = 0.66, respectively). LGE extent with respect to segmental or transmural myocardial enhancement was identical between 2D and 3D (water-only and in-phase). LGE size was comparable (3D 8.4 ± 7.2 g, 2D 8.7 ± 7.3 g, p = 0.19). Good or excellent fat suppression was achieved in 93% of the 3D LGE datasets. In 6 patients with pericarditis, the 3D sequence with Dixon fat suppression allowed for a better detection of pericardial LGE. Scan duration was significantly longer for 3D imaging (2D median 9:32 min vs. 3D median 10:46 min, p = 0.001).
      The 3D LGE sequence provides comparable LGE detection compared to 2D imaging and seems to be superior in evaluating the extent of pericardial involvement in patients suspected with pericarditis due to the robust Dixon fat suppression.
      Key Points
        • Three-dimensional LGE imaging provides high-resolution detection of myocardial scarring.
        • Robust Dixon water-fat separation aids in the assessment of pericardial disease.
        • The 2D image navigator technique enables 100% respiratory scan efficacy and permits predictable scan times.
Journal Title
European Radiology

European Radiology 31.6 (2021): 3951-3961. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00330-020-07517-x

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