Run-time hardware reconfiguration of functional units to support mixed-critical applications

  • System reconfiguration of hardware resources has been done in multiple system domains. Such systems are usually found in the context of FPGAs, where reconfiguration is done usually over its primitives (e.g., LUTs, Flip-Flops). Or even in the context of MPSoC designs, where core management (e.g., lock-step operation in multi-core designs) is the most used approach. However, recent works have shown that configuration at Functional Units (FUs) granularity might come with benefits. For example, it can increase the configuration space due to its finer granularity, and, as a consequence, the options to deal with problems (e.g., due to aging) in the units itself. Within this context, this paper presents a system capable to configure its FUs (e.g., ALUs, multipliers, dividers) into different operation modes. The system uses an Operating System to control HW reconfiguration during process switching time and takes into account the health state of its units in a mixed-criticality applications scenario. Results show that, within this scenario,System reconfiguration of hardware resources has been done in multiple system domains. Such systems are usually found in the context of FPGAs, where reconfiguration is done usually over its primitives (e.g., LUTs, Flip-Flops). Or even in the context of MPSoC designs, where core management (e.g., lock-step operation in multi-core designs) is the most used approach. However, recent works have shown that configuration at Functional Units (FUs) granularity might come with benefits. For example, it can increase the configuration space due to its finer granularity, and, as a consequence, the options to deal with problems (e.g., due to aging) in the units itself. Within this context, this paper presents a system capable to configure its FUs (e.g., ALUs, multipliers, dividers) into different operation modes. The system uses an Operating System to control HW reconfiguration during process switching time and takes into account the health state of its units in a mixed-criticality applications scenario. Results show that, within this scenario, the system is able to reconfigure itself accomplishing health state modifications of its HW moreshow less

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Author: Raphael Segabinazzi FerreiraORCiD, Jörg Nolte, Fabian Vargas, Nevin George, Michael Hübner
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Year of Completion:2020
Release Date:2020/06/08
Tag:Fine-grained; Functional units; Mixed-criticality; Reconfiguration; Run-time
GND Keyword:Rekonfiguration; Laufzeit; Funktionseinheit; Fehlererkennung
Fundername (EU):European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions / 722325
Source:R. Segabinazzi Ferreira; J. Nolte; F. Vargas; N. George and M. Hübner: Run-time Hardware Reconfiguration of Functional Units to Support Mixed-Critical Applications, 2020 IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), Maceio, Brazil, 2020, pp. 1-6. DOI 10.1109/LATS49555.2020.9093692
Institutes:Fakultät 1 MINT - Mathematik, Informatik, Physik, Elektro- und Informationstechnik / FG Verteilte Systeme und Betriebssysteme
Licence (German):Keine Lizenz vergeben. Es gilt das deutsche Urheberrecht.
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