@inproceedings{Lengenfeld2022, author = {Lengenfeld, Jonas}, title = {The complex masonry of the Sch{\"o}nburg Castle Keep chimney system (1201 CE) in the context of contemporary examples}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5980}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-59801}, year = {2022}, abstract = {High Medieval chimneys, although often the focal point of contemporary representative buildings, are rarely a topic of construction history. More often they appear in art or architectural history where they are discussed regarding their style and ornamentation. It is however worthwhile to examine these important representative objects with the tools of the construction historian. In them, we can find important information regarding the contemporary craftsmanship and skills. Based on extensive firsthand examinations and building archaeology this paper aims to discuss the planning and building process of the highly complex cut-stone chimney system in the keep of Sch{\"o}nburg Castle (1201 CE) using new methods of reverse engineering.}, subject = {Chimney; Medieval; Reverse engineering; Building archaeology; Kamin; Mittelalter; Bauforschung; Sch{\"o}nburg; Werkstein; Sch{\"o}nburg Naumburg, Saale; Kamin; Geschichte}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2009, author = {Fischer, Michael}, title = {Steineisendecken im Deutschen Reich 1892-1925}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-7812}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Im fr{\"u}hen 20. Jahrhundert pr{\"a}gten Steineisendecken als einfach zu erstellende und preiswerte L{\"o}sungen maßgeblich den Stockwerksbau. Sie {\"u}bertrafen hinsichtlich Vielfalt und Verbreitung viele Jahre lang die etwa zeitgleich entwickelten Eisenbetondecken und erlangten vor allem in Verbindung mit Skeletttragwerken weltweit Bedeutung. Der Bedeutung der Steineisendecken steht die weitgehende Unkenntnis {\"u}ber die Geschichte und ihre zeitgen{\"o}ssische Berechnung gegen{\"u}ber. Dies hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den heutigen Umgang mit historischen Steineisendecken. Aktuelle statische Nachweise sind von unscharfen Randbedingungen gepr{\"a}gt. Ein Ausweg wird h{\"a}ufig in Probebelastungen oder der Verst{\"a}rkung der Deckenfelder gesucht. Beides ist kostenintensiv, oft resultiert aus der Unkenntnis der noch teurere bauliche Ersatz. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die historisch-konstruktive Entwicklung der Steineisendecken. Erstmals wird eine umfassende Entwicklungsgeschichte erarbeitet, dokumentiert und bewertet. Band 1 der Dissertation wird durch ein Kapitel zur Genealogie der Hohlk{\"o}rper-Deckentragwerke eingeleitet, welches die Entwicklung der Steineisendecke im technisch-historischen Kontext verortet. Eine anschließende Chronologie der Steineisendecken im Deutschen Reich zeigt deren Herausbildung, Verbreitung und Differenzierung sowie die nachlassende Anwendung bei damit einhergehender Stagnation neuer Entwicklungen auf. Aufbauend auf den gemeinsamen Eigenschaften der Deckensysteme wird eine Typologie erarbeitet, die die Einteilung der Steineisendecken in verschiedene Typen sowie die Charakterisierung der einzelnen Deckensysteme erm{\"o}glicht. Im Weiteren werden die zur Herstellung der Steineisendecken verwendeten Baustoffe, die baupolizeiliche Zulassung und das historische Bemessungsverfahren behandelt. Eine Zusammenstellung der urspr{\"u}nglichen Bemessungsmethoden und -regelungen dient der Bewertung der damaligen Vorgehensweise zur Bemessung von Steineisendecken. Da es im Rahmen heutiger Nachbemessungen {\"u}blich ist, auf das n-Verfahren zur{\"u}ckzugreifen und die historischen Steineisendecken nach den zur Erbauungszeit g{\"u}ltigen baupolizeilichen Regelungen zu bemessen, werden erste Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die Korrektur der Bemessungsparameter unterbreitet. Die Beschreibung m{\"o}glicher die Tragf{\"a}higkeit der historischen Steineisendecken beeinflussende Befunde bildet den Abschluss des ersten Teils dieser Arbeit. Im 2. Band werden die zahlreichen historischen Steineisendeckensysteme zu einem Katalog aufbereitet. In diesem sind nach Kenntnisstand des Verfassers alle in der historischen Fachliteratur beschriebenen Steineisendecken unabh{\"a}ngig von der Existenz einer Patent- oder Gebrauchsmusterschrift sowie der Anwendung der Decke in der Praxis dokumentiert und zeichnerisch in einheitlichem Maßstab dargestellt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird der zweite Band durch die ausf{\"u}hrliche Abhandlung der f{\"u}r die Herstellung jedes Deckensystems n{\"o}tigen Arbeitsschritte erg{\"a}nzt. Im 3. Band werden eine repr{\"a}sentative Auswahl historischer Erlasse und Verf{\"u}gungen sowie zahlreiche Illustrationen zur Erl{\"a}uterung von Band 1 und Band 2 zusammengestellt.}, subject = {Deutschland; Decke; Stahlbeton; Geschichte; Steineisendecke; Hohlziegeldecke; Ziegeldecke; Stahlsteindecke; Eisenbetondecke; Reinforced brick floor; Hollow block floor; Clay brick floor; Reinforced block floor; Reinforced concrete slab}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Luong2017, author = {Luong, Thi Mai Hoa}, title = {Identification of the state of stress in iron and steel truss structures by vibration-based experimental investigations}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar, Fakult{\"a}t Bauingenieurwesen}, issn = {1610-7381}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-44142}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Safety evaluation of truss structures depends upon the determination of the axial forces and corresponding stresses in axially loaded members. Due to presence of damages, change in intended use, increase in service loads or accidental actions, structural assessment of existing truss structures is necessary. Precise identification of the stresses plays a crucial role for the preservation of historic truss structures. The assessment measures require non-destructiveness, minimum intervention and practical applicability. Motivated by the preservation of existing truss-type constructions composed of axially loaded slender members, the present work aims to develop a non-destructive methodology to identify the axial forces or corresponding stress states in iron and steel truss structures. The approach is based on vibration measurements and the finite element method combined with optimization techniques. After a state of the art review, numerical and experimental studies were carried out in the research work on different partial systems of truss-type structures. The examined aspects included the effects of structural loading on the dynamic performance of truss structures, modelling of joint connections, mode pairing criteria, selection of updating parameters and definition of an objective function, as well as the use of different optimization techniques. A methodology consisted of a two-stage model updating procedure using optimization techniques was proposed for the determination of multiple member axial forces and estimation of the joint flexibility of truss-type constructions. In the first stage optimization, the validation criterion is based on the experimentally identified global natural frequencies and mode shapes of the truss. Additionally, the axial forces in selected individual members of the truss are used. They are estimated from the natural frequencies and five amplitudes of the corresponding local mode shapes of the members using an analytically-based algorithm. Based on the results of the identified axial forces in the first stage, a second optimization procedure for the joint stiffness is performed. In this stage, the modal parameters of the global natural frequencies and mode shapes are used as validation criterion. From the results of the investigated systems, the identified axial forces by the proposed methodology agree well with the experimentally measured axial forces. Furthermore, recommendations are given in the work for a guideline of measuring concepts and assessment strategies applied to existing iron and steel truss-type structures.}, subject = {State of stress; Truss structures; Vibration measurements; Finite element model updating; Optimization techniques; Finite-Elemente-Modellkalibrierung; Optimierungsmethoden; Fachwerk; Stahl; Tragf{\"a}higkeit; Normalkraft; Finite-Elemente-Methode; Fachwerkbau; Tragwerk; Kalibrieren ; Beanspruchungszustand; Fachwerkartige Stahltragwerke; Schwingungsmessungen}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Schmitt2023, author = {Schmitt, Rebecca Erika}, title = {The geometric design of Christoph Dientzenhofer's 'radical' vaults}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6408}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Christoph Dientzenhofer (1655-1722) is considered one of the most important Baroque master builders of Central Europe. From his extensive architectural oeuvre, a group of six church buildings with geometrically complex forms stands out, recognised by architectural historians as particularly innovative and influential. These churches, located in Bohemia (Czech Republic), and often collectively referred to as the 'radical', 'dynamic', 'Guarinesque', or simply 'Bohemian' group, are: St. Joseph in Obořiště (1702-11), the Castle Church in Smiřice (1702-11), St. Nicholas in the Lesser Town of Prague (1703-11), St. Clare in Cheb (1707-11), St. Margaret in Břevnov (1708-16), and the Church of the Holy Assumption in Nov{\´a} Paka (1709-24). The brick vaults of these six buildings, sequences of oval domes and double-curved vault areas, are of particular interest for building research. In this study, the geometric design of the vaults of Dientzenhofer's 'radical' churches is documented, analysed, and compared using 3D laser scans of the buildings as primary source. The 3D models generated from the scans enable a geometric analysis through the method of reverse geometric engineering, breaking down the vaults' complex three-dimensional forms into their basic two-dimensional components: segments of circles with different radii and orientations, curved in one or two directions. These forms can be found in the architectural and stereotomic treatises that were widespread at the time. By comparing the vault geometry of the six churches with each other and with the geometric concepts discussed in the treatises, general statements can be made about the architect's design choices. On the basis of this investigation, hypotheses are made about the design and underlying geometric ideas of the vaults of Dientzenhofer's 'radical group', and the results are placed in context.}, subject = {Geometric Design; Brick Vault; Christoph Dientzenhofer; Reverse Engineering; Stereotomy; Geometrischer Entwurf; Backsteingew{\"o}lbe; Reverse Engineering; Stereotomie; Dietzenhofer, Christoph; Kirchenbau; Baugestaltung; Gew{\"o}lbe; Ziegel; Geometrie; Dreidimensionales Modell}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wetzk2010, author = {Wetzk, Volker}, title = {Br{\"u}ckenlager.1850-1950}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-20692}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Mit der Zunahme von Sanierungs- und Ert{\"u}chtigungsmaßnahmen an bestehenden Br{\"u}ckentragwerken r{\"u}cken auch die historischen gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlager wieder in den Fokus der Ingenieure. Das Fehlen verl{\"a}sslicher Grundlagen f{\"u}r eine statisch-konstruktive Bewertung dieser Lager gab Anlass f{\"u}r die vorliegende Dissertation, die im Wesentlichen drei Punkte bearbeitet: In einem ersten Schritt wird die Geschichte der Br{\"u}ckenlager unter genealogischen Gesichtspunkten von den Anf{\"a}ngen bis zur Gegenwart aufgearbeitet. Aus den Ursachen, die zur Einf{\"u}hrung wie auch zur Abl{\"o}sung der gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlager f{\"u}hrten, werden deren spezifische Vor- und Nachteile abgeleitet. Im zweiten und dritten Schritt der Arbeit stehen ausschließlich die gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlager im Mittelpunkt, die zwischen 1850 und 1950 wichtiger Bestandteil eines jeden gr{\"o}ßeren Br{\"u}ckenbauwerks waren. Diese einhundert Jahre bilden prinzipiell den Untersuchungszeitraum der vorliegenden Arbeit. Da die Impulse bei der Entwicklung der gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlagertechnik vornehmlich aus Deutschland kamen, konnten sich die Untersuchungen auf den deutschsprachigen Raum konzentrieren, ohne jedoch den Blick f{\"u}r entsprechende Arbeiten im Ausland zu verlieren. Auf den Erkenntnissen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Br{\"u}ckenlagertechnik aufbauend, werden die gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlager zun{\"a}chst typologisch erfasst. Im Anschluss wird der bauaufsichtliche und technikgeschichtliche Hintergrund der Lagerherstellung innerhalb des Untersuchungszeitraumes erl{\"a}utert. Abschließend fokussiert die Arbeit die haupts{\"a}chlichen Problembereiche der historischen gusseisernen und st{\"a}hlernen Br{\"u}ckenlager, die aus der f{\"u}r Br{\"u}ckenlager geforderten Kinematik an den beweglichen Lagern resultierten. Kern der Untersuchungen bilden die zur Sicherstellung der Tragf{\"a}higkeit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Lager entwickelten Bemessungsans{\"a}tze bzw. die in diesem Zusammenhang veranlassten Versuche. Die genannten Punkte werden im Wesentlichen durch Auswertung historischer Literatur sowie ausgew{\"a}hlter Archivmaterialien erarbeitet. Ein der Arbeit beiliegender Katalog fungierte dabei als Hilfsmittel, um bei der Auswertung des umfassenden Quellenmaterials die f{\"u}r diese Arbeit relevanten Inhalte nach spezifischen Kriterien ordnen zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Br{\"u}ckenlager; Geschichte; Gusseisen; Stahl; Holz; Br{\"u}ckenlager; Lager; Geschichte; Bridge bearings; Bearings; History}, language = {de} } @incollection{WendlandGielen, author = {Wendland, David and Gielen, Mark}, title = {The design and construction of the vaults in Notre-Dame in Paris and the development of medieval vaulting and stereotomy : surveys, analyses and experiments}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6060}, publisher = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, abstract = {Among the many innovative church constructions in the {\^I}le-de-France during the twelfth century that immediately followed the ground-breaking new building of the abbey church of Saint-Denis, the high vaults in the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris mark a turning point - both in sheer dimensions and in their quality of execution as stone constructions. On the other hand, some solutions in design and construction that can be observed in these vaults remain unique within the dynamic development of Gothic vaulting in the great cathedrals built in the following years. On closer view it turns out that the general design of the vault as well as its construction details are hardly understood until now, mainly because they have been overlooked in a unifying perspective on Gothic architecture coined by the idealistic view of the Gothic Revival in the nineteenth century. Further, the particular relation between vault design and stereotomy needs to be clarified, and its significance needs to be understood.}, subject = {Vault; Medieval architecture; Gothic; Notre-Dame de Paris; Speyer Cathedral; Gew{\"o}lbe; Mittelalterliche Architektur; Gotik; Dom zu Speyer; Notre-Dame (Paris); Kirchenbau; Gew{\"o}lbe; Gotik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Schmitt, author = {Schmitt, Rebecca Erika}, title = {Geometric design and construction of a Late Baroque brick vault : Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer's Benedictine Church of the Holy Cross and St. Hedwig at Legnickie Pole}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5905}, abstract = {This paper investigates the case study of Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer's church of St. Hedwig in the Polish region of Silesia. The building, a popular pilgrimage church, is known in the history of art and architecture as a Late Baroque jewel with a curious design and famous frescoes. While the shape of the building and its vault has led to different interpretations in the past, its geometry has not yet been analysed on a reliable basis. Moreover, the construction of the brick vault has not yet been subject to scientific research. In order to investigate these aspects, a 3D laser scan of the vault's extrados and intrados was utilised as the primary source. The 3D model generated from the scan not only enabled the detailed description of structural ribs, brick patterns and construction details on the extrados, but also made a geometrical analysis using reverse geometric engineering possible. The results show a geometric design of the vault surfaces as well as double-curved arches based on simple plane circle segments. This clear geometric definition of the vault is associated with a remarkable simplicity of construction method and centering. In the context of other vault designs by members of the Dientzenhofer professional circle of master builders and architects, the vault of St. Hedwig can be seen as both a continuation and an improvement in terms of geometric design and construction details.}, subject = {Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer; Legnickie Pole; Geometric design; Construction; Vault; Geometrischer Entwurf; Konstruktion; Gew{\"o}lbe; Dientzenhofer; Kilian Ignaz; Wahlstatt (Liegnitz); Kirchenbau; Gew{\"o}lbe; Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion; Geometrie}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchmittWendland, author = {Schmitt, Rebecca Erika and Wendland, David}, title = {The geometric design of the "Guarinesque" vaults in Banz and Vierzehnheiligen in relation to the treatises of stereotomy}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5904}, publisher = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, abstract = {Johann Dientzenhofer's Banz Abbey Church (1710-1718) and Balthasar Neumann's church of Vierzehnheiligen (1743-1772), both located in Upper Franconia (Germany), are characterised by their masonry vaults, sequences of oval domes separated by double-curved arches. This Late Baroque architecture has been called "Guarinesque"; however, the conceptual connection between the vaults and Guarino Guarini's architecture remains to be thoroughly investigated. This paper resumes the discussion about the geometric definitions of these vaults using the modern methods of geometric analysis and reverse geometrical engineering, based on 3D laser scanning. The analysis of these scans reveals a design process based on plane circle segments and ovals, while more complex geometric procedures are not necessary to describe the vaults. Further, the relationship between these designs and the procedures of geometric design described in the treatises of stereotomy since the 16th century can be shown. On this background, the relation to Guarini's Architettura Civile (1737) is discussed.}, subject = {Balthasar Neumann; Johann Dientzenhofer; Vierzehnheiligen; Banz; Vault; Gew{\"o}lbe; Klosterkirche Banz (Bad Staffelstein); Wallfahrtskirche Vierzehnheiligen (Staffelstein); Kirchenbau; Gew{\"o}lbe; Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion; Geometrie}, language = {en} } @article{LuongZabelLorenzetal.2017, author = {Luong, Thi Mai Hoa and Zabel, Volkmar and Lorenz, Werner and Rohrmann, Rolf G.}, title = {Non-destructive Assessment of the Axial Stress State in Iron and Steel Truss Structures by Dynamic Measurements}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.447}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-42910}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This paper is concerned with the inverse identification of the stress state in axially loaded slender members of iron and steel truss structures using measured dynamic data. A methodology is proposed based on the finite element model updating coupled with nature-inspired optimization techniques, in particular the particle swarm optimization. The numerical model of truss structures is calibrated using natural frequencies and mode shapes from vibration tests, as well as additional information of the axial forces in selected truss members based on the experimentally identified modal parameters. The results of the identification are the axial forces or corresponding stresses in truss structures and the joint rigidity in relation to pinned and rigid conditions. Attention is given to several examined aspects, including the effects of the axial tensile and compressive forces on the dynamic responses of trusses, mode pairing criteria, as well as modeling assumptions of joints and the use of a joint rigidity parameter. Considering the pairing of modes, it is performed by adapting an enhanced modal assurance criterion that allows the selection of desired clusters of degrees-of-freedom. Thus, information extracted from the measurements related to specific modes is utilized in a more beneficial way. For modeling of joints, the numerical model of a truss structure includes rotational springs of variable stiffness to represent semi-rigid connections. Moreover, a fixity factor is introduced for practical estimation of the joint flexibility. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by case studies involving simulated and laboratory experimental data.}, subject = {Lightweight truss structures; Stress state; Modal parameters; Finite element model updating; Nature-inspired optimization techniques; Eisenkonstruktion; Stahlkonstruktion; Tragwerk; Dynamische Belastung; Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaiser2005, author = {Kaiser, Christiane}, title = {Die Fleischbr{\"u}cke in N{\"u}rnberg 1596-1598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-000000942}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die seit 1974 unter Denkmalschutz stehende Fleischbr{\"u}cke in N{\"u}rnberg (erbaut 1596-1598) gilt als das bedeutendste Br{\"u}ckenbauwerk der Sp{\"a}trenaissance in Deutschland. In der dreib{\"a}ndigen Monographie wird die Fleischbr{\"u}cke erstmalig mit den Methoden der Bauforschung im historischen Kontext untersucht. Baugeschichte, Bauaufnahme, eine historisch akzentuierte statisch-konstruktive Analyse sowie Modellversuche im Maßstab 1:10 wurden herangezogen (Bd. 1). Den zahlreichen Entwurfspl{\"a}nen kam besondere Bedeutung zu, weil sie qualitative statisch-konstruktive {\"U}berlegungen visualisieren. Die ca. 100 Pl{\"a}ne - {\"u}ber Archive und Einrichtungen vorwiegend der Stadt N{\"u}rnberg verstreut - wurden erstmals systematisch erfasst und im „Katalog der Entwurfs- und Konstruktionspl{\"a}ne" (Bd. 2) aufbereitet. Zum Denkmal geh{\"o}rende {\"U}berlieferungen in Wort und Bild, die dessen Zeugniswert und {\"o}ffentliche Bedeutung dokumentieren, finden sich als repr{\"a}sentative Auswahl in der „Materialsammlung" (Bd. 3). Die Monographie der Fleischbr{\"u}cke entstand parallel zu Planungsarbeiten f{\"u}r eine konstruktive Instandsetzung seitens des Tiefbauamtes N{\"u}rnberg (Realisierung 2004/05).}, subject = {N{\"u}rnberg; Br{\"u}ckenbau; Bauforschung; Bauaufnahme; Steinbr{\"u}cke; Konstruktive Analyse; Modellversuche; Entwurfspl{\"a}ne; Konstruktionspl{\"a}ne}, language = {de} }