@techreport{Kunze2014, author = {Kunze, Conrad}, title = {A framework to analyse community energy in towns and villages}, issn = {2198-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-30875}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The article develops an analytical framework to explain the successes and failures of local community energy projects in the countryside. Theoretical elements based on ownership, technology acceptance, value chains and public opinions are developed and synthesised in two concepts: ´technical complexity and its antagonist social complexity. The achievement of a mature community energy regime is explained as a continuous process of consecutive single steps in both social and technical arenas.}, subject = {L{\"a}ndliche Entwicklung; Erneuerbare Energien; Renewable energy; Rural development; Community energy; Germany}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunze2011, author = {Kunze, Conrad}, title = {Soziographie l{\"a}ndlicher Energieprojekte: Eine vergleichende explorative Untersuchung {\"u}ber l{\"a}ndliche partizipative Initiativen zur Entwicklung regionaler Energie-Infrastrukturen mittels regenerativer Energien am Beispiel von sieben Kommunen in einem neuen Bundesland}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-22929}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die "Energiewende" wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit als umfassender gesellschaftlicher Prozess aus soziologischer Perspektive untersucht. Da die Vorreiter der Entwicklung bisher in geographischen und damit auch sozialen Nischen zu finden sind, wurden sieben m{\"o}glichst weit fortgeschrittene und ambitionierte „Energieregionen" im l{\"a}ndlichen Raum als Fallstudien ausgew{\"a}hlt. Das Paradigma der Energieautarkie oder der 100\% Region wurde dabei als Leitbild eines noch jungen Entwicklungspfades mit Hilfe qualitativer Methoden untersucht. Unter Energieautarkie (oder Energieautonomie) wird das Ziel verstanden, eine Region vollst{\"a}ndig durch erneuerbare Energieproduktion mit W{\"a}rme und Elektrizit{\"a}t zu versorgen. Dies ist aufgrund der hohen Anforderungen bisher selten vollst{\"a}ndig realisiert worden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Hindernisse, Entwicklungsstufen und typischen Probleme sowie die Faktoren, welche ihre Bew{\"a}ltigung erm{\"o}glichen. Im Vergleich der Fallstudien wird ein theoretisches Modell entwickelt, um den Erfolg einzelner Initiativen erkl{\"a}ren und in gewissem Umfang vorhersagen zu k{\"o}nnen. Daraus wird die These abgeleitet, dass sich die technische und {\"o}konomische Infrastruktur erneuerbarer „Energieregionen" langfristig der Sozialstruktur anpasst und die Diffusion weiterer „Energieregionen" vom gegebenen Niveau des Sozialkapitals bedingt wird. Aufgrund der gegenseitigen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit sozialer und technischer Komplexit{\"a}tsniveaus bedeutet die Energiewende f{\"u}r den l{\"a}ndlichen Raum in erster Linie eine soziale und organisatorische Herausforderung. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die verschiedenen Strategien der beteiligten Akteure und ihre Konstellationen.}, subject = {Deutschland <{\"O}stliche L{\"a}nder>; L{\"a}ndlicher Raum; Regionale Infrastruktur; Erneuerbare Energien; Energiewende; L{\"a}ndlicher Raum; Soziologie; Energieregion; Erneuerbare Energie; Energy shift; Countryside; Sociology; Energy region; Renewable energy}, language = {de} } @techreport{HaefnerLaschewskiZieschank2016, author = {H{\"a}fner, Daniel and Laschewski, Lutz and Zieschank, Roland}, title = {Regionale Indikatoren guten Lebens}, issn = {2189-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-40425}, year = {2016}, abstract = {„Das gute Leben ist lokal - Das Konzept des »Guten Lebens in Harmonie« und die Sorben/Wenden" lautete der Titel der Tagung an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg im Dezember 2015, welche diesem Band zu Grunde liegt. Diese Tagung steht in einer Reihe von durch die Herausgeber organisierten Veranstaltungen am Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaftliche Umweltfragen, die sich mit aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Diskursen und den Perspektiven f{\"u}r die Minderheit der Sorben und Wenden in der Lausitz auseinandersetzt. In diesem Band sind zwei Beitr{\"a}ge versammelt, die im Zusammenhang mit der Tagung entstanden sind.}, subject = {Buen vivir; Gutes Leben; Lebensqualit{\"a}t; R{\"a}umliche Regression; Migration; Regionale Indikatoren; Peru; Gutes Leben; Lebensqualit{\"a}t; Migration; Integration ; Konferenzschrift; Cottbus <2015>}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Missagia2011, author = {Missagia, Bruna}, title = {Agricultural and forestry residues for decentralized energy generation in Brazil}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-25180}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Regular electricity access is a key element for the economic development and social welfare of rural areas. Decentralized energy generation has the advantage of using local resources, increasing employment and reducing transmission and distribution losses. Brazil is a tropical country, endowed with vast arable land, plentiful precipitation levels, and a large supply of human labour. Furthermore, it has strong regional distinctions with geographical, cultural and economical differences. Forestry and agriculture, important activities in the Brazilian economy, are dependent on local people and are deeply connected to traditions, nature and culture. Furthermore, these activities generate a significant amount of residues that could be used in conversion technologies for biomass, based on type, availability and market demand. When biomass were used to generate energy locally, community members could have business opportunities, improving local economy and life quality of individuals while diversifying the Brazilian energy matrix, which is mostly based on hydropower. Alternatives for implementing small-scale decentralized biomass schemes are dependent on the screening of the existing biomass supply chains, the implementation of adapted technologies for local conditions and the exploration of local resources. The present research carried out a detailed field work in order to evaluate the potential of Brazilian biomass in different regions. The author identified crucial needs, usual constraints and possible challenges of rural electrification and economic development in Brazil. Several case studies and social groups were investigated in the Federal States of Minas Gerais, S{\~a}o Paulo and Par{\´a} to identify different resource management strategies, which biomass technology was applied and the needs of the local population. It was concluded that the compaction of biomass to generate solid biofuels with uniform properties could be a cost-effective alternative for communities taking advantage of the resources available in the region to produce energy. Nevertheless, each case has to be considered on its own. It was concluded that energy supply and consumption should be addressed through integrated research. Scientific research should be focused on technological solutions for improving living standards and socio-economic development in rural areas. The implementation of new regulatory arrangements and a constant revision of the Brazilian energy policies are crucial for encouraging a national industry for renewables. It was also concluded that the cultural, geographical and socio-economic discrepancies of Brazil could involve challenges for the implementation of future projects, even when their development would provide benefits for Brazil as a whole.}, subject = {Brasilien; Biomasse; Bioenergieerzeugung; Dezentralisation; Feste Biomasse; Dezentralisierte Energieerzeugung; Brasilien; Biomass residues; Forestry; Agriculture; Decentralized energy generation; Brazil}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheo2011, author = {Cheo, Victor Ngu}, title = {Policy and environmental communication in mitigation of non-sustainable forest exploitation in Cameroon: an impact assessment of Anglophone Cameroon}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-20769}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The economic crises of the mid 1980s and 1990s due to a fall in economic productivity inflicted serious negative consequences on Cameroon's forest ecosystems and forest resources which became the target of intense exploitation for multiple purposes. A forest policy reform at the behest of the World Bank was intended to regulate forest exploitation in a sustainable way. More than a decade since the inception of this policy, this study, through a three-tier methodological approach of survey, content analysis and observation, seeks to assess policy impacts per se, as well as the role of environmental communication in mitigating non-sustainable forest exploitation in Anglophone Cameroon. The study also investigates a valid and reliable option for the sustainable management of forest resources, by comparing and contrasting the two operational forest management paradigms. The outcome of the investigation reveals that both policy and environmental communication have a more positive impact in the community forest area than in the state-managed forest area, implying that the former is a better forest management option than the latter. However, forest sustainability is still at stake in both areas, due, generally, to bad forest governance such as corruption, minimal public participation, lack of transparency and accountability, as well as the ubiquitous presence of poverty, unemployment and inadequate public access to socio-economic development indicators. To this end, the study proffers some robust recommendations that if implemented will greatly enhance the badly needed forest sustainability.}, subject = {Kamerun; Wald{\"o}kosystem; Nachhaltigkeit; Umwelterziehung; Umweltpolitik; Umweltkommunikation; Forstwirtschaft; Kamerun; Policy; Environmental Communication; Forestry; Cameroon}, language = {en} } @techreport{HaefnerLaschewskiNagelKlausJuergenetal.2015, author = {H{\"a}fner, Daniel and Laschewski, Lutz and Nagel, Klaus-J{\"u}rgen, and Hoffmann, Gerd-R{\"u}diger and Groß, Steffen W.}, title = {Recht auf Perspektive: Das Verh{\"a}ltnis von europ{\"a}ischen Minderheiten und den Sorben/Wenden zur Mehrheitsgesellschaft}, editor = {Laschewski, Lutz and H{\"a}fner, Daniel}, issn = {2189-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-35137}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In diesem Band sind drei Beitr{\"a}ge versammelt, die im Zusammenhang mit einer Tagung an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg zum Thema „Das Recht auf Perspektive - Regionalentwicklung bei indigenen V{\"o}lkern, europ{\"a}ischen Minderheiten und den Sorben/Wenden" im Dezember 2014 entstanden sind. Aus dieser Tagung ist ein weiterer Beitrag zum Thema des Guten Lebens hervorgegangen, der gesondert als einzelnes Heft in dieser Schriftenreihe erscheint (Waldm{\"u}ller 2015). Diese Tagung schließt an eine Vorg{\"a}ngerveranstaltung an, deren Beitr{\"a}ge ebenfalls in dieser Schriftenreihe erschienen sind (H{\"a}fner/Laschewski 2013), in der das Verh{\"a}ltnis von (Minderheiten-)Kultur und Verf{\"u}gungsm{\"o}glichkeiten an nat{\"u}rlichen Ressourcen thematisiert wurde. Als spezifischen Ausgangspunkt wurde damals die internationale Konvention der ILO 169 {\"u}ber die rechte indigener V{\"o}lker gew{\"a}hlt. In dieser Tagung wurde deutlich, dass die Frage „nach der Selbst-Bestimmung von regionaler Entwicklung und Entwicklung der Kultur (...) komplex und kompliziert [wird], wenn eine Minderheiten-Kultur auch nicht exklusiv und eineindeutig einem bestimmten Territorium zugeordnet werden kann, wenn also Minderheiten auch in ihrem ‚angestammten Gebiet' selbst Minderheiten (geworden) sind. Und dies ist ja bei den Sorben/Wenden der Fall" (Laschewski/H{\"a}fner 2013, 2). Die Beitr{\"a}ge in diesem Band schließen auf unterschiedliche Weise an diese Fragestellung an und thematisieren den europ{\"a}ischen und nationalen Kontext mit Blick auf die Frage des Verh{\"a}ltnisses zwischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft und Minderheiten.}, subject = {Autochtone Minderheit; Hybridit{\"a}t; Hybridologie; Selbstverwaltung; Sorbisches Parlament; Sejmik; Europa; Minderheit; Sorben; Interkulturalit{\"a}t; Sejmik; Selbstverwaltung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Guerrero2012, author = {Guerrero, Cinthya}, title = {Labor market perspectives of the Brazilian sugarcane agro-industry : prospects and challenges}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-27182}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Brazil has five centuries of tradition in sugarcane production and is the world's largest producer and exporter of sugar. It is also the world's largest exporter and the second largest producer of ethanol fuel. Economic, social and environmental aspects have caused structural modifications in the sugarcane production system including the mechanization of the harvesting operation. Mechanization has potential economic, environmental, agronomic and social impacts. From the economic point of view, it leads to cost reductions, and possibly higher productivity. Mechanization could also have a positive impact on the environmental dimension of the sector's sustainability as it avoids the need for pre-burning practices, a point that is especially relevant for the ethanol supply chain. As mechanization enables the harvesting of raw sugarcane, dry leaves and tops (trash) are left on the field, which could have agronomic advantages. The recovery of a reasonable fraction of the sugarcane trash could potentially increase bioelectricity production. These energy gains could increase the sector's competitiveness and to some extent avoid emissions from fossil fuels. On the other hand, agricultural mechanization can be considered a controversial agricultural technology as its increased intensity causes a negative balance in rural jobs creation. Mechanization simultaneously causes a demand increase for specialized agricultural workers and reduces the demand for non-specialized workers. Currently, the lack of qualified workforce is a challenge for the sector. In an attempt to bridge this gap, partially coordinated qualification strategies had emerged. Even when a number of additional jobs will be created, presumably the sector will not be able to relocate its current rural staffing. Large portions of these workers are temporary migrants from deprived regions of Brazil who typically have low levels of schooling, including a share of illiterate. Other agricultural products have also shown the tendency to reduce their number of workers, regardless of the increases in their production. This phenomenon, partially caused by increasing mechanization, could also hinder the opportunities of sugarcane harvesters to absorb into other rural activities. In addition, the changes undergone by the sector have been accelerated due to the introduction of environmental laws phasing out the sugarcane burning practice in various federal entities. The complexity of this transition and the remarkable heterogeneity of the sector were approached in this dissertation using the Human Capability Framework. The use of this tool led to the identification of key capacity and labor market influencing features based on stakeholders' interaction and feedback. The framework was an instrumental part of understanding the multifaceted system of actors and structures, which have a stake in the developments of the sector. The identified capacity influencing features were: workers' background, workers' union affiliation, formal and informal skill formation, demographics and productivity. It was noted that key socio-economic indicators vary widely in a regional basis with a sharp substandard trend in the workers from the North and Northeast. The identified labor market influencing features were: national and international markets, legislation, agricultural trends, working conditions, the pace of mechanization, and Agro-environmental Zoning. The labor market is expected to undergo qualitative, quantitative, geographical and temporal changes depending of the interaction of these elements. It was concluded that there is an increasing influence of globalization on the developments of the sector and that these changes will heavily rely on the developments of production, area expansion, productivity, and the technology adopted. It was concluded that if coordinated policies in a number of separate but linked areas and plans for their implementation were developed, then labor supply and demand might be more constructively linked when dealing with economic, energy, and sustainability goals.}, subject = {Brasilien; Zuckerrohr; Agrobusiness; Arbeitsmarkt; Mechanisierung der Landwirtschaft; Brasilianisches Zuckerrohr; Agrarindustrie; Zucker-Alkohol-Sektor; Agricultural mechanization; Brazilian sugarcane; Agribusiness; Sugar-alcohol sector}, language = {en} } @techreport{Haefner2015, type = {Working Paper}, author = {H{\"a}fner, Daniel}, title = {Das Standortauswahlgesetz und die Anti-Atom-Bewegung}, issn = {2189-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-34623}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Mit dem Beschluss des sogenannten Atomausstiegs hat die Anti-Atom-Bewegung in der Bundesrepublik viele ihrer Forderungen realpolitisch durchgesetzt. Doch mit dem Atomausstieg und der erneuten Suche hat der Staat die Deutungshoheit im Bereich des Umgangs mit radioaktiven Reststoffen zun{\"a}chst wiedererlangt. Die protesterprobte Anti-Atom-Bewegung lehnt das Gesetz in der bisherigen Form zwar {\"u}berwiegend ab - wird sich dem Prozess der Endlagerstandortsuche aber dennoch kaum entziehen k{\"o}nnen. In diesem Beitrag wird aus drei verschiedenen aktuellen Forschungsans{\"a}tzen der Bewegungsforschung aufgezeigt, warum eine solche Ann{\"a}herung zuk{\"u}nftig als wahrscheinlich anzunehmen ist. Eine Kooperation von Staat und Anti-Atom-Bewegung erscheint langfristig wahrscheinlich, was aber nicht mit einer politisch-inhaltlichen Ann{\"a}herung identisch sein muss.}, subject = {Anti-Atom-Bewegung; Kernenergie; Governance; Entsorgung; Endlagerung; Soziale Bewegung; Antikernkraftbewegung; Soziale Bewegung; Governance; Endlagerung}, language = {de} } @techreport{Waldmueller2015, author = {Waldm{\"u}ller, Johannes M.}, title = {Gut Leben in Harmonie: Emergenz, Diskurs und lokalindigene Erfahrung eines neuen Paradigmas im Schatten des Rechts auf Selbstbestimmung in Ecuador}, issn = {2189-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-35143}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ausgehend vom andinen Raum ist das Konzept des Buen Vivir derzeit in zahlreichen Regionen und Facetten aktuell. In diesem Beitrag wird ein kurzer ideengeschichtlicher und inhaltlicher Abriss der als „Buen Vivir" bezeichneten Bewegung skizziert. Buen Vivir und Sumak Kawsay haben innerhalb von rund 15 Jahren einen internationalen Boom an Fach- und Popul{\"a}rliteratur ausgel{\"o}st, wobei die „Verstaatlichung" dieser Konzepte in Ecuador und Bolivien zu ihrem Erfolg beigetragen hat. Zugleich haben genau diese politischen Prozesse die Konzepte von innen her ausgeh{\"o}hlt und alternative Bewegungen tendenziell geschw{\"a}cht, insofern wenigstens echte Teilhabe neuer Akteure (z.B. indigener Parteien) am Regierungsprozess letztlich weitgehend verunm{\"o}glicht wurde. Der Beitrag analysiert diese Entwicklung und Versuche, welche den origin{\"a}ren Geist der Formulierungen rund um Sumak Kawsay (mehr als Buen Vivir) wiederbeleben und zu verbreiten suchen.}, subject = {Gutes Leben; Buen Vivir; Sumak Kawsay; Soziale Bewegung; Indigene V{\"o}lker; Verrechtlichung; Ecuador; Indigenes Volk; Gutes Leben; Soziale Bewegung; Verrechtlichung}, language = {de} } @techreport{LaschewskiWendtSucharowski2014, author = {Laschewski, Lutz and Wendt, Widar and Sucharowski, Wolfgang}, title = {Jenseits von Staat und Markt: Nutzung verst{\"a}ndigungsorientierter Verfahren in der Agrarpolitik am Beispiel von Online-Foren}, issn = {2198-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-29663}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag wird die Frage nach der Nutzung verst{\"a}ndigungsorientierter Verfahren in der Agrarpolitik am Beispiel von Online-Foren unter dem Aspekt handlungsleitender Konzepte der Akteure diskutiert. Es ist abzukl{\"a}ren, ob und wie derartige Prozesse eine Ann{\"a}herung und Anschlussf{\"a}higkeit unterschiedlicher Wahrnehmungen und Problemdeutungen erzeugen k{\"o}nnen. Mithilfe diskursanalytischer Methoden wurden Beitr{\"a}ge aus einem Online-Forum analysiert. Es zeigt sich eine Polarisierung von Positionen, jedoch wenig Dialog. Die Analyse erm{\"o}glichte es aber, Diskursfelder, die durch Akteure erzeugt werden, zu identifizieren. Das erlaubt eine Vorstellung {\"u}ber N{\"a}he und Distanz der Akteure und m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rungshinweise f{\"u}r das Ausbleiben von Dialog.}, subject = {Agrarpolitik; Computerunterst{\"u}tzte Kommunikation; Verst{\"a}ndlichkeit; Diskursanalyse; Agrarpolitik; Verst{\"a}ndigungsorientierung; Intersystemischer Dialog; Diskursanalyse; Online-Forum}, language = {de} } @book{HaefnerLaschewskiColelletal.2013, author = {H{\"a}fner, Daniel and Laschewski, Lutz and Colell, Arwen and Groß, Steffen and Kosel, Heiko and Ramstedt, Martin and Rathgeber, Theodor}, title = {Die Rechte indigener V{\"o}lker an nat{\"u}rlichen Ressourcen und die Sorben/Wenden}, issn = {2198-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-29566}, publisher = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In diesem Band sammeln wir Beitr{\"a}ge, die zum Anlass einer Tagung am 19.10.2013 an der BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg gehalten und f{\"u}r diese Ver{\"o}ffentlichung von den Referenten ausformuliert wurden. Im Zentrum der Tagung stand die internationale Konvention der ILO 169, welche Rechte indigener V{\"o}lker definiert, und die Frage, inwieweit diese Konvention und andere Ans{\"a}tze der (Selbst-)Organisation von Verf{\"u}gungsrechten an Natur Anregungen f{\"u}r die Ausgestaltung der Selbstverwaltungsrechte der Minderheit der Sorben/Wenden bieten.}, subject = {Sorben; Indigenes Volk; Nat{\"u}rliche Ressourcen; Kongress; Cottbus <2013>}, language = {de} } @techreport{Laschewski2014, author = {Laschewski, Lutz}, title = {Rural restructuring and conflicting definitions of the rural (problem) in East Germany}, issn = {2198-4689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-29808}, year = {2014}, abstract = {"Rurality" or "rural life" has not mattered much as a concept in public and political as well as scientific discourses during the 1990s. In recent years, it has experienced a remarkable resurgence. This paper tries to investigate this phenomenon. Therefore, major trajectories of rural change in East Germany since 1989 are briefly described, and rural discourses in selected policy arenas are explored. It is argued that the notion of rurality is differentiated across different discourse arenas. While the notions of rurality are not independent from each other, they do not form a coherent worldview. This fragmentation of rural discourses reflects the increasingly hybrid reconstitution of the global countryside. Paradoxically, the notions of rurality do not reflect this hybridity, but they mostly seem to remain in traditional ways of thinking and largely draw on widespread rural images of village, peasantry, cooperation and natural beauty. The resurgence of rurality in public debates is also an expression of a progressing German integration, in which the East-West divide and the narrative of post-socialist transformation are more and more replaced by new political agendas and new framings of problems and causal relations.}, subject = {Deutschland <{\"O}stliche L{\"a}nder>; L{\"a}ndlicher Raum; Strukturwandel; Diskurs; L{\"a}ndlicher Raum; L{\"a}ndlichkeit; Diskurs; Ostdeutschland; Demographisierung; Rural restructuring; Discourse; East Germany; Rural idyll; Rurality}, language = {en} } @techreport{SchluchterKunze2010, author = {Schluchter, Wolfgang and Kunze, Conrad}, title = {Umweltbewusstsein an der BTU Cottbus 2009 : Ergebnisse einer repr{\"a}sentativen Umfrage im Rahmen des EMAS Prozesses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-29543}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Im Jahr 2009 wurden {\"u}ber 2000 Mitarbeitende und Studierende der TU-Cottbus zu Umweltverhalten, Meinung und Handeln in einer Online-Umfrage befragt. Der Bericht wertet die Ergebnisse nach Themen, nach Geschlecht und nach Fakult{\"a}ten gesondert aus.}, subject = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Cottbus; Umweltbewusstsein; Statistik 2009; Umweltbewusstsein; Soziologie; Sozialforschung; Universit{\"a}t; Umfrage}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Tweneboah2009, author = {Tweneboah, Elaine}, title = {The role of environmental values and attitudes of Ghanaian coastal women in Natural Resource Management}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-7863}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Over the last decade or so, there has been an increasing need to acknowledge the role played by local resource users in environmental decision making and to incorporate their perceptions in the management of natural resources. This has led to the development of various methods of assessing environmental attitudes and of natural resource valuation. Most of these studies have been conducted in developed countries and have utilised economic methods of valuation. This study highlights the environmental attitudes and values of a very important group of stakeholders - women - and the significance of taking these into consideration in the management of local coastal natural resources. Using respondents from two Ghanaian coastal communities, Bortianor and Moree, the study also investigated poverty-coastal natural resource linkages and how this knowledge can be used to improve Natural Resource Management in Ghana. In proposing specific policy options for managing the coastal environment an examination of formal, informal institutional and legal framework was also done. Primary data was collected by means of focus group discussions, personal interviews and participant observations. A total of 304 women (151 from Bortianor and 153 from Moree) took part in the study. The results showed that the study communities had poor access to basic amenities such as potable water, schools, health facilities as well as basic sanitation services. Their livelihood patterns revolve around the availability of coastal natural resources such as fish and fuel wood. The attitudinal scale used to assess environmental attitudes achieved adequate internal consistency with Cronbach's (1951) Alpha reliability coefficients of 0.729 in Bortianor and 0.735 in Moree. The environmental attitudes of respondents were overwhelmingly positive; this however did not match the state of affairs in the area. The study showed that positive attitudes do not always result in pro-environmental behaviour. In the study areas poverty, low educational levels and other social and cultural practices could also influence the ability of respondents to translate the generally positive environmental attitudes into positive environmental action. The section on environmental values assessed the environmental values of respondents through the relative importance they placed on the different benefits derived from coastal natural resources. It also prioritised environmental issues or concerns in the study areas from the perspectives of the respondents. Rather than use a simple ordinal ranking of all objects, the paired comparison approach was used. The study showed that in both areas respondents placed the greatest importance on the coastal natural resources as sources of wealth creation and food. When it came to environmental concerns, it was not surprising that issues of safe drinking water, available fish and good sanitation were most important to respondents. From the results it was argued that since coastal natural resources as sources of food and income ranked highest, developing activities and policies that add value to the fishery industry, generate income and improve the standard of living of respondents would be most effective. Improving their standard of living could shift their focus from more utilitarian values to that of more pro-natural resource values. After examining existing institutional capacities and respondents' perceptions of who should manage local coastal natural resources, the study concludes by using the findings to make some practical policy recommendations.}, subject = {Ghana ; K{\"u}ste; Frau; Nat{\"u}rliche Ressourcen; Umweltbezogenes Management; Umweltbewusstsein; Frauen; Ghana; Umwelteinstellungen; Umweltwerte; Management nat{\"u}rlicher Ressourcen; Women; Ghana; Environmental attitudes; Environmental values; Natural resource management}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Moeller2011, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {M{\"o}ller, Carolin}, title = {Empowerment strategies for environmental sustainability : proposal of concepts to master social and environmental impacts of the large-scale gold and copper mining project in Didipio, Philippines}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-30767}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Conflicts emerging through large-scale mining projects among government, industry and affected population are common all over the world. Especially the indigenous communities and their strong human-nature relation are threatened by the land transformation due to mining operations. Open pit gold mining performed by transnational companies TNCs and supported by the Philippine government aligning decisions on economic standards and market orientated legislative period, have been imposing tremendous damage on the Philippine indigenous communities and the national environmental resources for many decades, from colonial times, dictatorship, and new democracy . This thesis displays and discusses the interwoven web of socially and environmentally degrading impacts introduced to the small village of Didipio in the north of the Philippines by a planned gold and copper mining project. After describing influencing sectors of industry and government for decision making in mining projects and introducing interests and purposes of all stakeholders, assessment of changes in water quality and quantity, which are associated with technical requirements of open pit gold mining, is used to specifically relate the initiation of a punctual impact, on a natural good, and its provoked tremendous environmental and furthermore social degradation. A central assertion of this thesis is the call for recognizing human-rights based participation of all affected stakeholders via emphasizing indigenous people's rights, balancing market-centred development aggression and foreign control over national markets, as well as implementing sustainable environmental awareness management by industry and government. Further recommendations are related to the resignation of defining nature merely according to its function under the utilization concept, to TNCs' application of postmodern understanding of reason based on flexibility and versatility, and to the promoting of indigenous self-determination and individual initiative.}, subject = {Environment; Indigenous; Mining; Philippines; Sustainability}, language = {en} }