@phdthesis{Jia2009, author = {Jia, Guobin}, title = {Characterization of electrical and optical properties of silicon based materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-14030}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In this work, the electrical and luminescence properties of a series of Si based materials used for photovoltaics, microelectronics and nanoelectronics have been investigated by means of electron beam induced current (EBIC), cathodoluminescence (CL), photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL). Photovoltaic Si produced by block casting has been investigated by EBIC on wafers sliced from different parts of the ingot. The impact of selected solar cell processing steps on the material properties has been evaluated by EBIC utilizing adjacent wafers from the ingot. The temperature dependence of dislocations' EBIC contrast was measured to assess the degree of dislocation contamination with impurities, yielding low dislocation contamination for the middle of the block and high contamination in the top and bottom regions. This is in agreement with the impurity distribution in the block. It was found that phosphorus diffusion gettering (PDG) followed by SiN firing greatly reduces the recombination activity of extended defects at room temperature, and improves the bulk property simultaneously. The improvement is attributed to both PDG of metal impurities and a passivation effect of SiN firing. In order to better understand the factors limiting the properties of thin polycrystalline Si layers prepared by the Aluminum induced layer exchange (Alile) technique, epilayers grown on (111) and (100) monocrystalline Si substrates were used as a model system to investigate the impact of processing temperature (Ts) and type of substrate. It was found that no dislocations are formed for epilayers on (100) Si, while a high density of dislocations was detected on epilayers prepared on (111) Si at 450 °C. The dislocation density decreases with increasing TS. The diffusion lengths extracted from the energy dependent EBIC collection efficiencies reveal an improvement of the epilayer quality with increasing TS during growth from 450 °C to 650 °C, and a decrease of the epilayer quality at 700 °C. This is attributed to a reduction of the dislocation density with increasing TS and a formation of precipitates during the process. Precipitate formation of at 700 °C is limited because the metal impurities are very mobile at high TS, resulting in a homogeneous distribution of the impurities. Because the impurities are effective lifetime killers of the minority carriers, so the diffusion length decreases. PL measurements on epilayers grown on Si substrates revealed no characteristic dislocation-related luminescence (DRL) lines at room temperature and 77 K, while intense characteristic DRL lines D1 - D4 have been detected in the sample prepared by the Alile technique. This indicates that dislocations in the Alile sample are relatively clean. The possible reason for the purification of the Alile samples is Al induced gettering during the polycrystalline Si layer growth. The diffusion length in the thin top layer of Si-on-insulator (SOI) samples has been successfully measured by EBIC employing suppression of the surface recombination at the buried oxide layer and at surface of the top layer by biasing. The measured diffusion length is several times larger than the layer thickness. Dislocation networks produced by Si wafer direct bonding have been investigated with regard to their electrical properties by EBIC. The networks were observed to show charge carrier collection and electrical conduction. Inhomogeneities in the charge collection were detected in n- and p-type samples under appropriate beam energy. The EBIC contrast behavior can be understood under the consideration of the positively charged oxide precipitates along with dislocations charged with majority carriers, where the appearance of the contrast in dark or bright depends strongly on the ratio of the collection and the recombination loss of the carriers.The luminescence properties of Si nanostructures (Si nanowires, Si nano rods, porous Si, and Si/SiO2 multi quantum wells (MQWs)) are another important subject of this work. Sub-bandgap infrared (IR) luminescence around 1570 nm has been found in Si nanowires, nano rods and porous Si. PL measurements with samples immersed in different liquid media, for example, in aqueous HF (50\%), concentrated H2SO4 (98\%) and H2O2 established that the sub-bandgap IR luminescence originates from the Si/SiOx interface. Its origin was explained in terms of a simple recombination model through radiative interface states. EL in the sub-bandgap IR range has been observed in simple diodes prepared on porous Si and MQWs at room temperature. The results show the possibility to fabricate an efficient light emitter around 1570 nm wavelength based on the radiative recombination at the Si/Si oxide interface. Based on the knowledge about radiative transitions via the interface states, an improved understanding of luminescence in dislocated samples was proposed.}, subject = {Siliciumverbindungen; Werkstoffkunde; Silicium; Elektrische Eigenschaft; Optische Eigenschaft; Versetzungsnetzwerk; Elektrische Leitf{\"a}higkeit; Diffusionsl{\"a}nge in SOI-Schichten; Solarzellen; Infrarote Lumineszenz im Sub-bandgap-Bereich; Dislocation network; Electrical conductivity; Diffusion length in SOI layer; Solar cells; Sub-bandgap infrared luminescence from Si/SiOx interface}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Oriwol2014, author = {Oriwol, Daniel}, title = {Die Versetzungsstruktur von multikristallinem Silicium aus der industriellen VGF-Blockkristallisation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-31553}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Struktur und der Entwicklung von Versetzungen in multikristallinen Siliciumbl{\"o}cken aus der gerichteten Blockkristallisation. Versetzungen k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r die Rekombination von Ladungstr{\"a}gern verantwortlich sein und damit den Wirkungsgrad von Solarzellen und -modulen mindern. Die experimentelle Arbeit gliedert sich bez{\"u}glich ihrer Fragenstellung und der Methodenwahl in drei Teile und wird in den Kapiteln 2 bis 4 behandelt. In Kapitel 2 wird die Defektstruktur vieler Siliciumbl{\"o}cke mittels automatisierten Verfahren untersucht. Die Analysemethoden umfassen dabei die Auswertung der Wafertextur und der Infrarot-Durchlichtbilder sowie {\"A}tzgrubendichtez{\"a}hlung (EPD) und Photolumineszenz (PL). Der Betrachtungsabstand ist makroskopisch und die Ergebnisse geben das Verhalten von vielen Versetzungen wieder. Die Versetzungsstruktur in multikristallinem Silicium ist gepr{\"a}gt durch scharf abgegrenzte Bereiche mit sehr hoher Versetzungsdichte. Diese sog. Versetzungscluster bestehen aus einem Netzwerk aus Versetzungs-Pile-ups (Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen) und k{\"o}nnen in sogenannte leichte und dichte Cluster unterschieden werden. Die Versetzungscluster haben im Siliciumblock einen Ausgangspunkt, von dem aus sie sich ausbreiten. Dieser befindet sich haupts{\"a}chlich an Korngrenzen und generiert sich spontan w{\"a}hrend der Erstarrung in der N{\"a}he der Phasengrenze. Das Auftreten von leichten und dichten Clustern ist abh{\"a}ngig von der Kornorientierung parallel zur Wachstumsrichtung. K{\"o}rner mit Orientierungen nahe <111>, <211> und <311> neigen dazu leichte Cluster auszubilden, w{\"a}hrend K{\"o}rner mit Orientierungen um <110>, <331> und <531> eher dichte Cluster ausbilden. Kornorientierungen um <100> und <511> sind unauff{\"a}llig bzgl. der Ausbildung von Versetzungsclustern. Der Zusammenhang liegt in der Orientierung der Gleitebenen begr{\"u}ndet. Kapitel 3 behandelt die strukturelle Untersuchung der Versetzungen mit der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) sowie der Synchrotron- R{\"o}ntgentopographie (WB-XRT). Die Versetzungen formen streng geordnete Pile-ups, welche letztendlich Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen entlang der Wachstumsrichtung ausbilden. Der Versetzungsabstand betr{\"a}gt etwa 30 bis 800 nm, was mit einer Verkippung in der Kristallorientierung von 0,3 bis 0,07 ° korrespondiert. Die Rotation der Kristallorientierung verl{\"a}uft haupts{\"a}chlich um eine Achse parallel zur Wachstumsrichtung. Anhand dieser Beobachtungen wurde ein Modell zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Versetzungsdichte aufgestellt. F{\"u}r die leichten Cluster betr{\"a}gt diese ca. 2*10^5 cm^2 und f{\"u}r die dichten Cluster etwa 3*10^7 cm^2. Die Auswirkungen der Versetzungsstruktur auf die elektrischen Eigenschaften werden in Kapitel 4 behandelt. Mit Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) und Dunkel-Lock-In-Thermographie (DLIT) wurde herausgestellt, dass vor allem solche Versetzungen elektrisch aktiv sind, welche sich zu Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen angeordnet haben. Ein niedriger Versetzungsabstand innerhalb der Subkorngrenzen scheint nur eine Bedingung f{\"u}r eine elektrische Aktivierung zu sein. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Betrag der Verkippung einer Subkorngrenze und dem EBIC-Kontrast konnte nicht hergestellt werden. In der abschließenden Diskussion (Kap. 5) wird ein Modell zur Entstehung und Evolution von Versetzungsclustern vorgeschlagen. Die Versetzungscluster generieren sich haupts{\"a}chlich an Korngrenzen. Dabei werden die Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen durch die Restrukturierung von Versetzungen sekund{\"a}r gebildet. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass dies w{\"a}hrend der Erstarrung unmittelbar nach der Phasengrenze geschieht. Die treibenden Kr{\"a}fte sind demnach thermische Spannungen an der Erstarrungsfront. Die Versetzungen und damit die Subkorn-Strukturen erreichen die Phasengrenze und bleiben bei der weiteren Kristallisation erhalten, sodass die kontinuierlich auftretenden thermischen Spannungen mit neuen Versetzungen und damit mit erneuter Bildung von Versetzungen und Subkorngrenzen abgebaut werden m{\"u}ssen. Durch diesen Vererbungseffekt erh{\"o}ht sich die Versetzungsdichte stetig mit steigender Blockh{\"o}he. Im Abschluss werden Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Versetzungsdichte im Kristallisationsprozess diskutiert. Beim Ankeimen am Tiegelboden oder w{\"a}hrend der Erstarrung sollten geeignete Kornorientierungen bevorzugt werden. Eine weitere Maßnahme ist die Reduktion der radialen thermischen Spannungen w{\"a}hrend der Kristallisation. Unbekannt bleibt die genaue, atomare Ursache der erh{\"o}hten Versetzungsgeneration an Korngrenzen und die damit verbundene spontane Bildung von Versetzungsclustern. Weiterhin bleibt offen, ob und in welchem Umfang Lomer-Cottrell-Versetzungen innerhalb der Subkorngrenzen gebildet werden und welchen Einfluss diese auf die elektrische Aktivit{\"a}t haben.}, subject = {Versetzungen; Multikristallines Silicium; Gerichtete Erstarrung; Synchrotron R{\"o}ntgentopographie; Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie; Dislocation; Multicrystalline silicon; Directional soldification; Synchrotron X-Ray topography; Transmission electron microscopy; Silicium; Polykristall; Versetzung }, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Arguirov2007, author = {Arguirov, Tzanimir Vladimirov}, title = {Electro-optical properties of dislocations in silicon and their possible application for light emitters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-5837}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This thesis addresses the electro-optical properties of silicon, containing dislocations. The interest in those properties is driven mainly by two practical reasons. One is the optical characterisation of multicrystalline silicon for solar cells, and the other is the design of light emitting diodes based on silicon by enhancement of silicon radiative properties via introduction of dislocations. The work demonstrates that dislocation specific radiation may provide a means for optical diagnostics of solar cell grade silicon. It provides insight into the mechanisms governing the dislocation recombination activity, their radiation, and how are they influenced by other defects present in silicon. We demonstrate that photoluminescence mapping is useful for monitoring the recombination activity in solar cell grade silicon and can be applied for identification of contaminants, based on their photoluminescence signatures. It is shown that the recombination at dislocations is strongly influenced by the presence of metals at the dislocation sites. The dislocation radiation activity correlates with their electrical activity. Thus, photoluminescence mapping at room temperature may provide a means for revealing and characterising of dislocation-rich regions in multicrystalline silicon. It is shown that the dislocation and band-to-band luminescence are essentially anti-correlated. The band-to-band intensity being related to the diffusion length of minority carriers can be used for measurements of diffusion length, as long as the surface recombination rate is controlled. Moreover, photoluminescence mapping can be used for the detection of optically active defects in solar grade materials. Thus, betaFeSi2 precipitates, with a luminescence at 0.8 eV, were detected within the grains of block cast materials. They exhibit a characteristic feature of quantum dots, namely blinking. The second aspect of the thesis concerns the topic of silicon based light emitters for on-chip optical interconnects. The goal is an enhancement of sub-band-gap or band-to-band radiation by controlled formation of dislocation-rich areas in microelectronics-grade silicon as well as understanding of the processes governing such enhancement. For light emitters based on band-to-band emission it is shown, that internal quantum efficiency of nearly 2 \% can be achieved, but the emission is essentially generated in the bulk of the wafer. On the other hand, light emitters utilizing the emission from dislocation-rich areas of a well localized wafer depth were explored. Three different methods for reproducible formation of a dislocation-rich region beneath the wafer surface were investigated and evaluated in view of their room temperature sub-band-gap radiation: (1) silicon implantation and annealing, (2) epitaxially grown SiGe buffer, and (3) direct wafer bonding. The most promising dislocation-based emitter appears the utilization of a dislocation network produced by wafer bonding. It is shown, that monochromatic D1 radiation (wavelength 1.5 µm) can be generated in a well localised depth of the wafer. The radiation is not absorbed in silicon and such localized emitter can, potentially, be coupled with silicon waveguides and Ge-based detectors for optical interconnects.}, subject = {Silicium; Versetzung ; Lumineszenz; Lumineszenz; Versetzungen; Silizium; Luminescence; Dislocations; Silicon}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Trushin2011, author = {Trushin, Maxim}, title = {Electronic properties of interfaces produced by silicon wafer hydrophilic bonding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-22841}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The thesis presents the results of the investigations of electronic properties and defect states of dislocation networks (DNs) in silicon produced by wafers direct bonding technique. Practical interest for the investigations in this area issued - first of all - from the potential application of such dislocation networks in microelectronics as all-Si light emitter for on-chip interconnection. Besides, dislocation networks may serve as a perfect model object to get new information about the fundamental properties of dislocations and grain boundaries in Si, what is of particular importance for multicrystalline silicon solar cells performance. Despite of a long story of studying of dislocations in silicon, a new insight into the understanding of their very attractive properties was succeeded due to the usage of a new, recently developed silicon wafer direct bonding technique, allowing to create regular dislocation networks with predefined dislocation types and densities. Samples for the investigations were prepared by hydrophilic bonding of p-type Si (100) wafers with same small misorientation tilt angle (~0,5°), but with four different twist misorientation angles Atw (being of <1°, 3°, 6° and 30°, respectively), thus giving rise to the different DN microstructure on every particular sample. The main experimental approach of this work was the measurements of current and capacitance of Schottky diodes prepared on the samples which contained the dislocation network at a depth that allowed one to realize all capabilities of different methods of space charge region spectroscopy (such as CV/IV, DLTS, ITS, etc.). The key tasks for the investigations were specified as the exploration of the DN-related gap states, their variations with gradually increasing twist angle Atw, investigation of the electrical field impact on the carrier emission from the dislocation-related states, as well as the establishing of the correlation between the electrical (DLTS), optical (photoluminescence PL) and structural (TEM) properties of DNs. The most important conclusions drawn from the experimental investigations and theoretical calculations can be formulated as follows: - DLTS measurements have revealed a great difference in the electronic structure of small-angle (SA) and large-angle (LA) bonded interfaces: dominating shallow level and a set of 6-7 deep levels were found in SA-samples with Atw of 1° and 3°, whereas the prevalent deep levels - in LA-samples with Atw of 6° and 30°. The critical twist misorientation angle separating SA- and LA- interfaces was estimated as Atw*≈ 3,5±0,5°, what agrees quiet well with the results of previous PL and TEM investigations. - For the dominating shallow traps in SA-samples (denoted as ST1/ST3 traps) a new phenomenon - that is 'giant Poole-Frenkel effect' of enhanced carrier emission due to dislocations elastic strain field was observed for the first time. Performed theoretical calculations have shown that in the investigated samples such an effect should be ascribed to the row of 60° dislocations rather than to the mesh of screw ones. In this respect, shallow traps ST1/ST3 were identified either with shallow 1D bands (directly or as being coupled with them) or with shallow stacking fault states on splitted 60° dislocation. - From the comparison and correlations of measured DLTS spectra with the results of PL and TEM investigations it was established, that shallow ST1/ST3 traps participate in D1 radiative recombination and that the structural elements, responsible for D1 luminescence of small-angle DNs, are the triple knots (intersections with screw dislocations) along the 60° dislocations. However, the optimal density of 60° dislocations as well as of triple knots, in other words - the optimal tilt and twist misorientation angles for maximal D1 intensity - needs further clarification.}, subject = {Elektronische Eigenschaft; Siliciumbauelement; Bonden; Wafer; Silicium; Versetzungsnetzwerk; Poole-Frenkel Effekt; DLTS; D1 Lumineszenz Band; Dislocation networks; DLTS; Poole-Frenkel effect; D1 Luminescence band}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krause2015, author = {Krause, Christoph}, title = {Investigation of particular crystal defects in solar silicon materials using electron beam techniques}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-34846}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The aim of this work is to describe and explain the properties of defects in multicrystalline (mc) and thin-film solar silicon (Si). For this reason, investigations with scanning electron microscope methods were performed, namely cathodoluminescence (CL), electron beam induced current (EBIC), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Additionally, photoluminescence (PL) and reverse-biased electro luminescence (ReBEL) measurements were also conducted. Through correlation of PL, ReBEL and EBIC, it was possible to localize breakdown sites at mc-Si solar cells. Problems that occurred during the thin-film EBIC investigations could be demonstrated and explained. For the first time cross sectional EBIC investigations could be performed on thin-film silicon tandem cells. At mc-Si, it was possible to observe the oxygen related P-line next to the common D1-line luminescence at 10 K clearly distinguishable from each other at once. Furthermore, a hitherto not comprehensively discussed intense luminescence line at 0.93 eV could be described in detail. Through correlation of PL, CL, EBIC, EBSD, and TEM measurements, the origin of the now named Di luminescence at 0.93 eV is postulated to be in connection with Frank partial dislocations, with two energetic levels inside the band gap, one at 112±9 meV below the conduction band and the other at 93±10 meV above the valence band. Finally, it was attempted to explain the behavior of twin boundaries at temperatures below 30 K, where these show an enhanced collection efficiency in comparison to the surrounding grains. An alteration of the local "freeze out" temperature, possibly by a local band gap narrowing, is suggested as a reason. Another conceivable explanation is a breakdown of the diode potential at the grains.}, subject = {Defects; Silicon; EBIC; CL; Di luminescence; Defekte; Silizium; EBIC; CL; Di Lumineszenz; Solarzelle; Silicium; Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mankovics2015, author = {Mankovics, Daniel}, title = {Luminescence investigation of bulk solar silicon and silicon thin films on glass substrate}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-35196}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The aim of this work is to study the optical properties of crystal defects in multicrystalline solar silicon and poly-/microcrystalline silicon thin films on glass substrate. First a setup for photoluminescence imaging on multicrystalline silicon solar wafers was developed. This system is suitable for detecting band-to-band luminescence as well as defect-related luminescence at room temperature on large-scale wafers at different stages of their processing. Spectroscopic photoluminescence investigations of multicrystalline silicon solar wafers indicated a new intense luminescence line at ≈ 0.91 eV at room temperature. The origin of this line is probably found in a specific grain boundary. Furthermore, luminescence in the region of 0.8 eV was investigated in detail, and it was found that probably oxygen is responsible for a peak at 0.77 eV at 80 K. Electroluminescence investigations at room temperature at both materials exhibit extended defect structures such as grain boundaries. Furthermore, it can be concluded that electroluminescence imaging in reverse bias mode indicate on serious breakdown points in solar cells, which can lead to destruction of solar cells and modules. By comparing defect-related and reverse bias electroluminescence images, a difference in the spatial distribution of defects emitting D1 radiation and defects emitting light under reverse bias beyond -12 V is detectable. In addition, there seems to be a correlation in the distribution of non-doping impurities and photoluminescence. Concerning this, vertical slabs of two silicon blocks were examined by means of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence. A correlation of the distributions of interstitial oxygen and the band-to-band luminescence profiles could be found. Additionally, a correlation between D3/D4 luminescence profile and nitrogen distribution in the blocks was observed. Finally, the growth process, particularly the transition from amorphous to microcrystalline silicon by PECVD, was studied by combined photoluminescence and Raman investigations. Formation of silicon nano-grains was detected by means of photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy.}, subject = {Silicon; Defects; Photoluminescence; Luminescence imaging; Silicon thin films; Silizium; Defekte; Photolumineszenz; Lumineszenz-Imaging; Silizium-D{\"u}nnfilme; Silicium; D{\"u}nnschichttechnik; Solarzelle; Fehleranalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lublow2009, author = {Lublow, Michael}, title = {Surface analytical characterization of horizontal and vertical nanotopographies at the silicon/silicon oxide/electrolyte phase boundaries}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-14390}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Nanotopography development induced by photoelectrochemical in situ conditioning of silicon is followed using a combination of surface sensitive analysis techniques. In an etching study, vertical nanostructure analysis reveals a buried stressed layer within silicon, identified by Brewster-angle analysis (BAA). In conjunction with in system synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES), a superior quality hydrogen terminated Si(111) surface could be prepared by obliteration of the intermediate stressed layer. Using a novel photoelectrochemical structure formation method, a variety of vertical nanotopographies has been generated and analyzed by in situ Brewster-angle reflectometry (BAR) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). Shaping of the nanostructures became possible by real-time monitoring using BAR. Appearances range from aligned single nanoislands with improved aspect ratio to connected Si nano-networks. A model was developed to describe the nanostructure formation based on stress-induced selective oxidation. Increased local photo-oxidation is found to result in the formation of extended horizontal micro- and nanostructures with fractal properties. Within a defined light intensity range, the structures reveal the azimuthal symmetry of the investigated crystal planes (111), (100), (110) and (113). The observed features could be reproduced using a model that is based on the interplay of stress in silicon, oxidation by light generated excess holes and locally increased etching in fluoride containing solution.}, subject = {Siliciumdioxid; Oberfl{\"a}chenanalyse; Silicium; Oberfl{\"a}chenanalyse; Selbstorganisierte elektrochemische Systeme; Optik; Silicon; Surface analysis; Self-organized electrochemical systems; Optics}, language = {en} }