@phdthesis{Sut2014, author = {Sut, Magdalena Maria}, title = {Detection and behavior of iron-cyanide complexes in soils of a former Manufactured Gas Plant site}, address = {Cottbus}, issn = {2196-4122}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-40631}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Soils and groundwater on sites of the former Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs) are contaminated with various complex iron-cyanides (Fe-CN). The aim of this thesis was to evaluate a new method for the CN detection and to investigate the stability and retardation of Fe-CN complexes in soils. This study seeks for enhancing the efficiency of phytoremediation as a proper approach to decontaminate Fe-CN complexes and thus tries to make a contribution to environmental protection. Feasibility of Field Portable Near Infrared (FP NIR) Spectrometry to determine CN concentrations in soil was evaluated in order to develop a rapid and non-destructive in-situ method. The study revealed that FP NIR could be a reliable device for detecting CN concentrations >2400 mg kg-1 in the field and >1750 mg kg-1 after sample preparation in the laboratory, however the limits of detection are too high to replace the traditional methods. The applicability of neutral solution extraction to determine the water soluble CN fraction and the stability of Prussian Blue under saturated and unsaturated water conditions was studied in a column and batch experiments. Study revealed continuous solubility of Prussian Blue, in acidic and slightly alkaline MGP soils. Dissolution of ferric ferrocyanide under circum-neutral pH and oxic water conditions was proposed to be a function of time, where the released amount is dependent on the soil pH and total CN content. Modeling the long-term release of Fe-CN complexes from the MGP soils revealed two-phase-process. The fast released phase was attributed to the transport process of readily dissolved hexacyanoferrats that is taking place in the liquid phase combined with desorption of CN bound to heterogeneous surfaces that are in direct contact with aqueous phase (outer-sphere complexation). The CN release rates increased with increasing pH, decreased with low initial CN concentration and were retarded by the increase in OM content. The retardation of Fe-CN in soil was investigated in batch and column experiments. Experiments revealed that the excess of the available iron, which induced the formation of the Prussian Blue colloids despite the circum-neutral pH, was a very important factor in decreasing the CN concentration. Additionally, despite the chemical factors influencing the potential reaction with manganese oxides, the physical factors like pore size distribution, variation in the grain size etc. can reduce the CN concentration due to mechanical retention of the vertical colloidal ferric ferrocyanide movement. This study proposes colloidal vertical transport of the solid Fr-CN complexes as a potential alternative process influencing the CN mobility in the circum-neutral pH and under the excess of available iron conditions. The results presented in this thesis revealed limitations of the FP, but advancing the sample pretreatment procedures can improve the feasibility of the spectrometer in detecting CN signal. Long-term extraction with the distilled water provides reliable assessment of the potential environmental hazard due to continuous dissolution of the solid Fe-CN complexes. Inconsistency of the Prussian Blue stability reported in the literature to the one obtained in this study imply usage of the CN contaminated MGP soils, instead of synthetic solutions, to advance the knowledge concerning the solid Fe-CN dissolution behavior. Furthermore, in the non-acidic soils the CN solubility might be influenced by the equilibrium with manganese Fe-CN mineral.}, subject = {Phytoremediation; Soil contamination; Cyanide; Remediation; FIA; NIR; Altlastsanierung; Phytoremediation; {\"U}bergangsmetallcyanide; NIR-Spektroskopie; Fließinjektionsanalyse}, language = {en} } @misc{Gypser2014, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Gypser, Stella}, title = {{\"O}kophysiologischer Vergleich von biologischen Bodenkrustentypen an den ehemaligen Tagebaustandorten Schlabendorf und Welzow „Neuer Lugteich"}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-41412}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In der Praxis der Braunkohlegewinnung im Lausitzer Tagebaurevier werden nat{\"u}rlich gewachsene B{\"o}den in den betroffenen Gebieten zerst{\"o}rt. In der Folge entwickeln sich aus den verkippten Substraten n{\"a}hrstoffarme Rohb{\"o}den, auf deren Oberfl{\"a}chen als erste Pioniere zumeist Gr{\"u}nalgen, Moose, Flechten und Bakterien siedeln, welche die obersten Bodenpartikel vernetzen und so biologische Bodenkrusten ausbilden. Diese Biokrusten stabilisieren die durch sp{\"a}rliche Vegetation gekennzeichneten Rekultivierungsfl{\"a}chen, wirken erosionshemmend und beeinflussen die Hydrologie und Wasserumverteilung der oberen Bodenschicht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von unterschiedlichen Sukzessionsstadien von Biokrusten auf zwei Rekultivierungsfl{\"a}chen der Bergbaufolgelandschaft in der Niederlausitz, die durch unterschiedliche Substrateigenschaften, Topographie und Rekultivierungszeiten gekennzeichnet sind. Auf einer k{\"u}nstlichen Sandd{\"u}ne und einer terti{\"a}ren Fl{\"a}che wurden Krustentypen hinsichtlich einer divergenten Artenauspr{\"a}gung und den damit verbundenen funktionellen Eigenschaften untersucht. Parameter der Photosynthese wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Charakterisierung und Funktion der Biokrusten analysiert. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der Biokrusten auf den Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffhaushalt der B{\"o}den untersucht. Zuletzt sollte festgestellt werden, ob und wie die kleinr{\"a}umige Mosaikstruktur der Biokrusten die Hydrologie sowie Funktion und Aktivit{\"a}t der Krustenorganismen beeinflusst. In Bezug auf die Artenzusammensetzung der Bodenkrusten konnten auf beiden Standorten {\"U}bereinstimmungen als auch Unterschiede festgestellt werden, da es sich bei allen Organismen um ubiquit{\"a}re Arten handelte. Auf beiden Standorten fanden sich die Gr{\"u}nalgen Zygogonium und Ulothrix, die Moose Ceratodon und Polytrichum sowie Flechten der Gattung Cladonia. In Schlabendorf wurde aufgrund der l{\"a}ngeren Rekultivierungszeit bereits eine h{\"o}here Artendichte festgestellt. Das betraf besonders Arten der Flechtengattung Cladonia. Eine standortspezifische Pr{\"a}ferenz hinsichtlich des Substrates oder der naturr{\"a}umlichen Gegebenheiten nicht festgestellt werden konnte. Die Auswertung der {\"o}kophysiologischen Parameter ergab einen Anstieg der Chlorophyllgehalte, des Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), der Chlorophyllfluoreszenz sowie der Netto-Photosyntheseraten mit fortschreitender Krustenentwicklung. Der Anstieg der Photosynthese-relevanten Parameter verlief aufgrund der heterogenen Verteilung der Organismen zwischen den Biokrusten des gleichen Sukzessionsstadiums nur in fr{\"u}hen Stadien linear. Die h{\"o}chste photosynthetische Aktivit{\"a}t wurde bei den Moos-Krusten festgestellt, gefolgt von den Gr{\"u}nalgen-Krusten und den Flechten-Krusten. Das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Brutto-Photosynthese zu Respiration lies den Schluss zu, dass die CO2-Fixierungsrate in den Flechten-Krusten aufgrund der mycobiontischen Respiration niedriger ausfiel. Die Infiltration in den Krusten wurde durch das Vernetzen von Sandpartikeln durch Gr{\"u}nalgen-Filamente und den Verschluss der Porenr{\"a}ume gehemmt. Die Wasserspeicherkapazit{\"a}t nahm jedoch aufgrund des organischen Materials zu. Das Auftreten von Moosen f{\"o}rderte hingegen die Infiltration und verringerte die Wasserhaltekapazit{\"a}t, da Rhizoide das Substrat auflockerten bzw. sich pr{\"a}ferentielle Fließwege bildeten. Die C- und N-Gehalte der Krusten nahmen durch den Zuwachs der organischen Biomasse bei fortschreitender Entwicklung zu.}, subject = {Biologische Bodenkrusten; Chlorophyllfluoreszenz; NDVI; CO2 Gaswechsel; Wasserhaltekapazit{\"a}t; Biocrusts; Chlorophyll fluorescence; NDVI; CO2 exchange; Water holding capacity; Rekultivierung; Boden{\"o}kologie; Aut{\"o}kologie; Hydrologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Alzagameem2020, author = {Al-zagameem, Abla}, title = {Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of lignin and lignin-based composites for active food packaging applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-53024}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Due to the use of fossil fuel resources, many environmental problems have been increasingly growing. Thus, the recent research focuses on the use of environment friendly materials from sustainable feedstocks for future fuels, chemicals, fibers and polymers. Lignocellulosic biomass has become the raw material of choice for these new materials. Recently, the research has focused on using lignin as a substitute material in many industrial applications. The antiradical and antimicrobial activity of lignin and lignin-based films are both of great interest for applications such as food packaging additives. DPPH assay was used to determine the antioxidant activity of Kraft lignin compared to Organosolv lignins from different biomasses. The purification procedure of Kraft lignin showed that double-fold selective extraction is the most efficient confirmed by UV-Vis, FTIR, HSQC, 31PNMR, SEC, and XRD. The antioxidant capacity was discussed regarding the biomass source, pulping process, and degree of purification. Lignin obtained from industrial black liquor are compared with beech wood samples: Biomass source influences the DPPH inhibition (softwood > grass) and the TPC (softwood < grass). DPPH inhibition affected by the polarity of the extraction solvent. Following the trend: ethanol > diethylether > acetone. Reduced polydispersity has positive influence on the DPPH inhibition. Storage decreased the DPPH inhibition but increased the TPC values. The DPPH assay was also used to discuss the antiradical activity of HPMC/lignin and HPMC/lignin/chitosan films. In both binary (HPMC/lignin) and ternary (HPMC/lignin/chitosan) systems the 5\% addition showed the highest activity and the highest addition had the lowest. Both scavenging activity and antimicrobial activity are dependent on the biomass source; Organosolv of softwood > Kraft of softwood > Organosolv of grass. Lignins and lignin-containing films showed high antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria at 35 °C and at low temperatures (0-7 °C). Purification of Kraft lignin has a negative effect on the antimicrobial activity while storage has positive effect. The lignin leaching in the produced films affected the activity positively and the chitosan addition enhances the activity for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Testing the films against food spoilage bacteria that grow at low temperatures revealed the activity of the 30\% addition on HPMC/L1 film against both B. thermosphacta and P. fluorescens while L5 was active only against B. thermosphacta. In HPMC/lignin/chitosan films, the 5\% addition exhibited activity against both food spoilage bacteria.}, subject = {Lignin; Bioactivity; Food packaging; Lignin; Bioaktivit{\"a}t; Lebensmittelverpackungen; Lignin; Bioaktive Verbindung; Kunststoffverpackung; Antioxidans}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dido2021, author = {Dido, Mann Samuel}, title = {Use of close-to-nature surfactants and microbiological degradation for improving the remediation of crude oil contaminated soils in the Nigerian Niger-Delta}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-57301}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The existence of large deposit of crude oil in the Nigerian Niger-Delta accords the region a strategic position in the country's economy. However, activities associated with the oil and gas industry have resulted in extensive and in some instances indelible damages on the ecosystems. The destructive effect of hydrocarbon on bionetwork necessitated this study that aimed at evaluating the potential of adopting microbial and biosurfactant technology as tools for bioremediation. The research involved gas chromatography monitoring of hydrocarbon degradation in polluted soil, microbiological/molecular identification of hydrocarbon degraders and the evaluation of biosurfactant production by indigenous bacteria. The performance of four treatments involving; co-treatment with mixed bacterial consortium and close-to-nature surfactants (Bioversal QF and Bioversal UK), treatments with mixed bacteria culture, single bacteria culture and treatment with close-to-nature surfactants only were evaluated for the mineralization of hydrocarbons contained in 500g of 2\% crude oil contaminated soil supplemented with NaH₂PO*₄2HO₂, KHP₂O₄ and NHC₄l as nutrient sources over a period of 20 weeks. Six indigenous biosurfactant producing and/or hydrocarbon degrading bacteria strains were isolated namely: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus sp, Achromobacter sp, Stenotrophonas sp, Lysinibacillus sp. and Delftia sp. Molecular characterization of sequenced polymerase chain reaction products of these cultured bacteria using Nucleotide Basic Local Alignment Search Tool confirmed close relationships ranging from 98.83\% to 100\% with those on the NCBI databank. Co-treatment with mixed bacteria culture and Bioversal UK/Bioversal QF yielded synergetic impact that enhanced 73.35\% and 71.52\% degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon respectively. Treatments with close-to-nature surfactants and with mix bacterial culture recorded 53.61\% and 54.58\%. The use of single bacteria strains resulted in the mineralization of 46\% - 62.26\% total petroleum hydrocarbon while their use as a consortium yielded 54\%. Liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry assessment of extracellular polymeric substances produced by cultured bacteria strains indicated the presence of rhamnolipids (L-rhamnosyl-3-hydroxydecanoyl-3-hydroxydecanoic acid with a mass of 504.654 Da) and lipopeptides (2-(Hydroxymethyl) phenyl 6-O-palmitoyl-β-D-glucopyranoside with a mass of 524.687 Da). Extracellular polymeric substances produced yielded emulsion index ranging from 70.70\% to 75\% and 39\% to 65\% with crude oil and heptane respectively. EPS yields ranging from 1.34 g/ml to 1.5 g/ml were recorded.}, subject = {Environmental pollution; Crude oil; Biosurfactants; Bioremediation; Ecology; Umweltverschmutzung; Erd{\"o}l; Biotenside; Bioremediation; {\"O}kologie; Nigeria; Nigerdelta; Bodenverschmutzung; Erd{\"o}lindustrie; Bioremediation; Biotensid; Biologischer Abbau; Kohlenwasserstoffe}, language = {en} }