@phdthesis{Gu2014, author = {Gu, Xiaoying}, title = {Animal biodiversity and food web restoration based on large vertebrate carcasses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-30752}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Carcasses of large vertebrate animals are integral elements in the natural environment. The aim of the present study is to clarify the relation between large carcasses and local ecosystems. It has been investigated which and how many animals are directly or indirectly involved into the carcass decomposition process, and whether there is a succession of community pattern during different carcass decomposition stages. A special focus was on the question how the temporal and the spatial distribution of arthropods are influenced by the carcass and its properties. A new classification of decomposition stages is proposed based on a new openness index for a carcass. Three carcass food web models for the research area were composed dependent on different seasons in the course of the year: Carcass exposed in spring, summer, and winter, respectively. Subsequently, the feasibility of using carcasses as a tool for food web restoration on a regional scale has been discussed. From 2009 to 2011, in total, nine different carcasses from Meles meles, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, and Sus scrofa were exposed in the research area, a former military training area situated in Eastern Germany. Pitfall traps were used to collect arthropods visiting the carcasses. Bird's and Mammal's attendance have been detected by automatic cameras and direct observation. In total, more than 112,000 arthropods from 25 taxa were identified. For Coleoptera Silphidae, Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Staphylinidae (partly) and Heteroptera the investigation could be carried out on species level. The existence of carcasses in the research area significantly increased arthropod diversity and abundance. Long term exposed carcasses significantly influenced vertebrates occurrence, vegetation and the surrounding soil as to diversity and various environmental conditions, respectively. The main consumers of carcasses in summer were various arthropods, Corvus corax and Haliaeetus albicilla. Besides the already well-known carrion arthropods, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, and Apocrita were observed using carcasses directly. In winter, the main consumers of carcasses were Sus scrofa, Vulpes vulpes, Canis lupus, Corvus corax, and Haliaeetus albicilla. By multivariate analysis it could be shown that the main factors influencing the occurrences of arthropods are the weight and the degree of openness of the carcass, and the main factor for the carcasses decomposition process is the openness index of the carcass. Carcass exposition is a cheap and efficient method to use large wild games which did not die from disease for the food web restoration in the research area.}, subject = {Germany; Wiederherstellung nat{\"u}rlicher Nahrungsnetze; Dekomposition; Arthropoda; Gr{\"o}ßere Vertebraten-Tierkadaver; Deutschland; Large vertebrate animal carcasses; Decomposition process; Arthropods; Food web restoration; Lieberoser Heide; Kadaver; Boden{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Denkinger2014, author = {Denkinger, Petra}, title = {Auswirkungen kleinr{\"a}umiger St{\"o}rung auf Vegetationsbest{\"a}nde der Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-32242}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Entwicklung der Vegetation in Sandlebensr{\"a}umen nach kleinr{\"a}umiger St{\"o}rung. Sie leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Erforschung von Prozessen, die im Rahmen von Sekund{\"a}rsukzessionen ablaufen. Die Auswertung folgt dem „multi-patch"-Ansatz. Durch die Auswahl einer Braunkohlen-Bergbaufolgelandschaft als Untersuchungsgebiet kommen einige Besonderheiten hinzu, wie Großr{\"a}umigkeit und Unzerschnittenheit der Landschaft, z. T. extreme abiotische Verh{\"a}ltnisse, bekanntes Fl{\"a}chenalter und gleichzeitig ablaufende Prim{\"a}rsukzession. Regelm{\"a}ßige h{\"a}ufige kleinr{\"a}umige St{\"o}rungen durch Wildschwein-W{\"u}hlt{\"a}tigkeit pr{\"a}gen das nat{\"u}rliche St{\"o}rungsregime. In einem experimentellen Ansatz wurde 1-malig im Fr{\"u}hjahr eine St{\"o}rung durchgef{\"u}hrt, die nat{\"u}rliche Wildschwein-W{\"u}hlt{\"a}tigkeit imitieren sollte. Anschließend wurde die pflanzliche Wiederbesiedlung parallel zur Entwicklung der Vegetation auf ungest{\"o}rten Referenzfl{\"a}chen analysiert. Dabei wurden in drei ehemaligen Tagebauen die repr{\"a}sentativen Vegetationseinheiten Sandtrockenrasen, Calamagrostis epigejos-Hochgrasbestand und Roteichenforst einbezogen. Erg{\"a}nzend fanden Kartierungen der Umgebungsvegetation sowie Diasporenbank- und Diasporenfall-Untersuchungen statt. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen die Hypothese, dass in den untersuchten Sandlebensr{\"a}umen auf der „patch"-Ebene der Artenreichtum nach kleinr{\"a}umiger St{\"o}rung im Allgemeinen zunimmt. Auf der „multi-patch"-Ebene findet keine Artenzunahme statt, da alle hinzutretenden Arten Teil des lokalen Arteninventars sind. Artenausf{\"a}lle gab es kaum, die Arten haben an derartige St{\"o}rungen angepasste Eigenschaften: sie regenerieren sich vegetativ bzw. generativ. Vor allem kurzlebige Arten, d. h. Therophyten und zweij{\"a}hrige bis kurzlebige Arten mit einmaliger Bl{\"u}hphase, traten nach der St{\"o}rung hinzu. Die meisten sind in der Lage eine langlebige Diasporenbank aufzubauen. Die hinzutretenden Arten k{\"o}nnen sowohl aus der Diasporenbank als auch aus dem Diasporeneintrag stammen. In Einzelf{\"a}llen wurde indirekt Fernausbreitung nachgewiesen, d. h. es traten Arten hinzu, die nicht in der Lage sind eine Diasporenbank aufzubauen und f{\"u}r die sich die n{\"a}chste Diasporenquelle mehr als 100 m entfernt befand. Die Geschwindigkeit der Wiederbesiedlung unterschied sich an den einzelnen Probestellen und von Jahr zu Jahr. Es bestand keine generelle Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Fl{\"a}chenalter oder Vegetationstyp, sondern die Geschwindigkeit war in erster Linie vom Verhalten der vor der St{\"o}rung dominierenden Arten abh{\"a}ngig: Kryptogamen regenerierten sich in der Regel langsam, einzelne krautige Arten besiedelten die Fl{\"a}chen rasch durch vegetative Ausbreitung. Einige Arten wurden offensichtlich gef{\"o}rdert und konnten ihre urspr{\"u}nglich geringe Deckung, zumeist vor{\"u}bergehend, ausbauen. Die untersuchten Vegetationseinheiten k{\"o}nnen in ihrer Gesamtreaktion auf die St{\"o}rung weder nach dem Tagebau, dem Fl{\"a}chenalter noch nach dem Vegetationstyp zusammengefasst werden. Sie reagieren trotz {\"a}hnlicher abiotischer Bedingungen, wie N{\"a}hrstoffarmut, Trockenheit, sandiges Substrat, {\"u}berwiegend niedrige pH-Werte, vermutlich vor allem aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen biotischen Voraussetzungen verschieden. Das Konzept der „preemptive initial floristics", welches auf den Offenlandfl{\"a}chen der Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft eine große Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Prim{\"a}rsukzession hat, hat nach der vorliegenden Untersuchung f{\"u}r Sekund{\"a}rsukzession nach kleinr{\"a}umiger St{\"o}rung auf Offenland- und Aufforstungsfl{\"a}chen ebenfalls eine große Bedeutung. Es stellte sich heraus, dass kleinr{\"a}umige St{\"o}rung im Fr{\"u}hjahr in der Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft in der Regel zu kurzfristigen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Artenzahl und -kombination, jedoch nicht zu anderen Vegetationsstadien f{\"u}hrt. Nachweise f{\"u}r die Einwanderung und anschließende nachhaltige Deckungszunahme neuer Arten konnten nicht erbracht werden. In Einzelf{\"a}llen festgestellte Deckungszunahmen bisher nicht in der Vegetation dominierender Arten anderer Sukzessionsstadien sind allerdings ein Hinweis auf eine m{\"o}gliche gerichtete Vegetationsver{\"a}nderung hin zu einem „sp{\"a}teren" Sukzessionsstadium. Unter dem gegenw{\"a}rtigen nat{\"u}rlichen St{\"o}rungsregime k{\"o}nnen die unterschiedlichen Vegetationseinheiten auf Landschaftsebene vermutlich nicht als Mosaik in einem dynamischen Gleichgewicht erhalten bleiben, da Intensit{\"a}t und H{\"a}ufigkeit der St{\"o}rungen nicht ausreichen, um „die Sukzession wieder an den Anfang zur{\"u}ck zu setzen". Stattdessen bleibt, zumindest nach 1-maliger St{\"o}rung, die gegebene Vegetationseinheit in der Regel erhalten. Hingegen zeigen die Ergebnisse Tendenzen, dass W{\"u}hlt{\"a}tigkeiten durch Wildschweine die Entwicklung hin zu „sp{\"a}teren" Sukzessionsstadien beschleunigen k{\"o}nnten. Außerdem kommt es zum Teil, mit oder ohne kleinr{\"a}umige St{\"o}rung, zu zunehmendem Pinus sylvestris-Aufwuchs. Ein Erhalt des Offenlandes in der Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft ist unter dem gegenw{\"a}rtigen nat{\"u}rlichen St{\"o}rungsregime ohne geeignete Maßnahmen nicht m{\"o}glich.}, subject = {Disturbance; Succession; Post-mining landscape; Sandy habitats; Vegetation ecology; St{\"o}rung; Sukzession; Bergbaufolgelandschaft; Vegetations{\"o}kologie; Sandlebensr{\"a}ume; Niederlausitz; Bergbaunachfolgelandschaft; Sandboden; Pflanzen{\"o}kologie; Sukzession; St{\"o}rung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ishizawa2014, author = {Ishizawa, Maya}, title = {About the conservation of cultural landscapes: sustainability or unviability? A comparative study on the emergent landscape management in heritage sites in mountain regions: the Andes and the Pyrenees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-30644}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cultural landscapes have become categories of increasing use in the nominations to the World Heritage, because they provide frameworks for the integration of alternative understandings of heritage into the List. Nevertheless, the concept of cultural landscape takes its roots within a Western naturalist ontology. By assuming this ontology the interpretation of heritage sites is based on the division between nature and culture. The lack of a model of protection designed for the integration of all categories of heritage is evident, with the models used following the culture/nature and tangible/intangible divides. In order to study this problem, a comparative approach has been used. Two sites from mountain areas have been selected as case studies. The Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park in Spain has been part of the transnational mixed cultural and natural heritage property in the World Heritage List Pyrenees/Mont Perdu since 1997, shared with France. The Archaeological Park of Ollantaytambo, neighbor to the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu in Peru, is included in the serial and transnational property Qhapaq {\~N}an/Andean Road System inscribed in the List in 2014. These sites are protected under two different models: the first focused on the conservation of nature and the second on the conservation of the past. Nevertheless, both sites have been nominated as cultural landscapes based on the presence of Intangible Cultural Heritage maintained by agropastoral communities inhabiting them. The focus is to put in question the relevance of the concepts of conservation and sustainability in these contexts and to propose landscape management as an alternative that implies maintenance and at the same time adaptation to change. The methodological design is based on a qualitative approach. The focus is the analysis of the 'emergent landscape management', defined as a self-organized process resulting from the interactions between the most influential actors in landscapes - the state, local communities and visitors -, ultimately leading to synergies between these actors' practices. The results show that, first, the diversity of approaches to the notion of "landscape" entails the lack of precision of the object to be conserved. The definition set in the Operational Guidelines of the 1972 World Heritage Convention presents the concept from different epistemological perspectives. Contrasted with the criteria under which these sites have been justified as World Heritage Cultural Landscapes, an inherent contradiction is evident between the models of protection and the continuity of the way of life of local communities that represent their heritage value. Second, three landscapes have been identified based upon the model of the emergent landscape management: the landscape as a container; the landscape as habitat; and the landscape as picture. Three sets of maps, corresponding with each group of actors portray the results. Nevertheless, the groups and its understandings are not close. Key actors have been found playing roles in different groups. An overlay of the maps shows the potential for common ground connected by the key actors. Finally, even if these sites represent particular cases, they exemplify the need to reflect upon the inherent contradictions of the current conservation system. In order to develop comprehensive strategies for the viability of cultural landscapes alternatives for the continuity and autonomy of local communities need to be reflected upon.}, subject = {Cultural landscapes; Landscape management; World heritage; Intangible cultural heritage; Community involvement; Kulturlandschaften; Landschaftsmanagement; Welterbe; Immaterielles Kulturerbe; Einbezug der Lokalbev{\"o}lkerung; Paisajes culturales; Manejo del Paisaje; Patrimonio Mundial; Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial; Participaci{\´o}n de la comunidad; Kulturlandschaft; Weltnaturerbe; Kulturerbe; Landschaftsschutz; Umweltbezogenes Management}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nkengla2014, author = {Nkengla, Lilian}, title = {Community-based forest management and changing gender roles in a patriarchal society in Cameroon: The case of Korup and Bechati forest areas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-33404}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Forest resources provide a means of livelihoods in rural communities in most developing countries. Growing threats of disappearance of these resources as a result of human and natural activities led Cameroon in 1994 to institute new forest policy reforms which amongst others aimed to formalize and strengthen the involvement of local communities in forest management. Although much has been written on the importance and methods of participation of the local people in sustainable forest management, little has been done to assess the involvement of especially women in forest management activities. This study aims to contribute to an understanding of the roles of indigenous men and women in forest management activities, how they are shaped by management regimes and the influence on their livelihoods. Results are based on empirical findings from two case studies-the Korup National Park Area (KNPA) and Bechati Forest Area (BFA). The analysis focuses on the different roles of men and women in forest activities, exploring how policies have influenced their participation. It further uses the concepts provided by gender analysis and SLF to check the potentials for improved participation of men and women in forest management and sustainable rural livelihoods. Results show that men and women in the research communities are solely dependent on forest resources for their livelihoods. They perform different roles with different interests and needs regarding the forest and its resources. Men and women have different responsibilities in protecting and maintaining homestead, common and forest lands. The results show that men are interested in cash crop production and usually own large plots and a greater proportion of women are involved in food crop production mostly for subsistence. The analysis of the management practices in both research areas show that formal and traditional ways of managing the forest are practiced. The traditional method is supplementary to the formal as the inability of traditional council to solve some forest problems are forwarded to the court of law where sanctions are taken. Considering that they are few guards to patrol the forest or visit the communities regularly would mean increase illegal activities in the forest. With some recognition, cooperation and mutual understanding between the local people, government and conservation staff, the management of the forest would be improved. The analysis further reveals clashing traditional, governmental and participatory management strategies leading to tensions, conflicts and lack of trust among actors. Results on gender analysis in research communities portray power relations in forest issues. Rights and access to natural resources like land, trees and animals is gendered. Land tenure rights BFA are hereditary and entitled to the male successor of the family. In KNPA, it is based on demarcation and occupation. However, though land acquisition is open to both men and women in the KNPA, women were found to acquire less land due to numerous responsibilities and lack of strength. The amount of land acquired determines the degree of authority a family or an individual possesses. The analysis also shows that there is some form of change in gender roles although women are not highly represented and even fewer women take part in decision-making processes. Gender issues are integrated in most policy commitments in Cameroon but if steps are not taken to translate them into practice, the increase participation of women in forest management will remain limited. True change can be achieved if decision-makers ensure an inclusive implementation of gender issues at all levels of project planning. A change in traditional attitudes on the roles of men and women should be adopted and a rethinking on policies (e.g. land tenure and property rights) is necessary to pave the way for greater female participation.}, subject = {Gender; Forest management; Rural community; Livelihoods; Cameroon; Geschlecht; Forstwirtschaft; L{\"a}ndliche Gemeinschaften; Lebensunterhalt; Kamerun; Kamerun; Forstwirtschaft; Geschlechterrolle}, language = {en} }