@phdthesis{Nehme2023, author = {Nehme, Sarkis}, title = {Sustainability assessment of bread production : the case of artisan bakeries in Germany}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6516}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-65169}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background: Food sustainability is becoming increasingly important for the achievement of sustainable development goals, especially in light of recent global challenges of climate change, geopolitical conflict and the increasing vulnerability of food systems. The world is emphasising the importance of holistic approaches to agriculture and food systems to tackle these challenges. Germany's Sustainable Development Strategy for 2030 associates SDGs 2, 3 12 and 15 with sustainable agriculture and food systems as crucial elements to achieve these goals. However, with the lack of knowledge in this area, and the scarcity of tools to monitor and assess food sustainability, it has become crucial to investigate potential holistic approaches and frameworks to assess the sustainability of food systems. Purpose: This study uses the national framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as the only available valid holistic framework, to explore the sustainability of the bread system in Germany. It operationalises the SDGs to bakery level to identify significant indicators that could, potentially, be used to assess the sustainability of artisan bakeries, and identify to which SDGs the bakeries contribute. Methods: This study utilises a mixed-methods research design to address the multi-disciplinary nature of the food sustainability concept. It critically evaluates the SDG framework and identifies a set of indicators, which are expanded with further indicators to address the cultural dimension of bread as a cultural heritage. To collect data, a 26-item questionnaire was issued to 586 artisan bakeries with a response rate of 8.8\% (n = 52); the 52 bakeries own 562 branches. This was followed by interviews with an acceptance rate of 19\% (n = 10). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the quantitative data, while the interviews were transcribed from German to English and coded using NVivo 11. Results: Sustainable bread is redefined from a holistic perspective encompassing theory, policies and artisan bakeries. The results confirm that bakeries positively contribute to bread sustainability in Germany, as well as towards achieving the national SDGs. Progress areas include energy efficiency, sustainable packaging, local procurement, heritage promotion, waste reduction and ecolabels. Interestingly, individual bakeries appear to be slightly more sustainable than chains due to their flexibility in adapting to new practices and their use of organic products; however, chain bakeries are slightly less sustainable, but are proven to be more efficient in terms of productivity and market reach.}, subject = {Food sustainability; Sustainable bread; Sustainability assessment; German bread; Lebensmittelnachhaltigkeit; Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung; Handwerksb{\"a}ckereien; Deutsches Brot; Nachhaltige Lebensmittel; Deutschland; B{\"a}ckerhandwerk; Brotherstellung; Nachhaltigkeit; Vereinte Nationen: Agenda 2030 f{\"u}r nachhaltige Entwicklung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Edo2023, author = {Edo, Iwebuke}, title = {Environmental laws as tools for effective management of Niger-Delta wetland : a case study of Upper Orashi forest}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6624}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-66244}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {With the increasing consciousness of the value of wetland ecological and environmental functions and its fast rate of decline in the size of this important and rich ecosystem globally, the Niger Delta ecosystem has been reported to be undergoing tremendous change, hence the need for this research, to identify the challenges and proffer solutions. This study focuses on ascertaining if a change has occurred in the Upper Orashi Forest Reserved wetland, to know and evaluate the policies used in managing the wetland in the region and Nigeria. To ascertain the wetland change, land cover change detection was carried out using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing to produce paradigm or data to detect change occurrence in the wetland area. Supervised classification of land use and land cover change was carried out using LANDSAT data from 2002, 2008, and 2019. Thereafter, the land cover transition was mapped for the period 2002 to 2019 and this was computed for the net land cover change for the period of study. The site was classified into three different classes and each class was analyzed using the land use and land cover change model formula. The result from this part shows that there is a consistent decrease in the wetland area for the period under review and in the other two identified classes, some interchangeable compositions were observed for the period of study. To validate this result, the opinion of experts and the host community is needed. Two sets of questionnaires were designed for experts and local community dwellers to sample their opinion in relation to the wetland and its management. The information collected was analyzed using Microsoft excel and the result shows that changes have occurred in the wetland of Upper Orashi Forest (decrease in size and other challenging issues with respect to policies and regulations). This study has identified critical challenging issues facing wetlands in the region or driving factors of wetland loss in the study area. Thereafter making recommendations that will help address these issues to actualize environmental sustainability and sustainable wetland in the region and Nigeria at large.}, subject = {Feuchtgebiet; Ramsar-Konvention; Nachhaltigkeit; Landnutzungs{\"a}nderung; {\"O}kosystem; Wetland management; Ramsar Convention; Geographic information system; Land use and cover change; Ecosystem; Nigeria; Umweltrecht; {\"O}kosystem; Ramsar-Konvention (1971 Februar 02); Feuchtgebiet; Bodenbedeckung; Geoinformationssystem; Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scharf2022, author = {Scharf, Elisabeth}, title = {Sustainable Finance in der mittelst{\"a}ndischen Unternehmensfinanzierung Deutschlands : ein zus{\"a}tzlicher Bestandteil in der Finanzierungsstrategie : eine empirische Analyse}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6018}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-60184}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die deutsche Wirtschaft und ihre international anerkannten Qualit{\"a}tsstandards sind insbesondere von einer hohen Anzahl an kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) gepr{\"a}gt. Diese Unternehmen sind gekennzeichnet von hoher Spezialisierung, traditionsreichen Unternehmensgeschichten mit famili{\"a}rem Hintergrund und einer regionalen Verwurzelung, aber ebenso auch von begrenzten Ressourcen, limitierter Infrastrukturanbindung, Fachkr{\"a}ftemangel sowie Nachfolgeproblemen. Vor dem Hintergrund der stetig voranschreitenden internationalen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, die sowohl auf gesellschaftlicher, finanzieller als auch regulatorischer Ebene stattfindet, wird diese Unternehmensgruppe vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. Dennoch liegen hinsichtlich der KMU-Unternehmensgruppe nur begrenzt wissenschaftliche Arbeiten vor, die sich empirisch mit der Integration von nachhaltigen Finanzierungsformen und -zwecken auseinandergesetzt haben. Der vorliegende wissenschaftliche Beitrag ging unter Durchf{\"u}hrung einer theoretischen Literaturrecherche und einer empirischen Unternehmensbefragung von 100 deutschen KMU der Frage nach, inwiefern Hemmnisse hinsichtlich der Integration nachhaltiger Finanzierungsformen und -zwecke bestehen. Des Weiteren wurde untersucht inwiefern die Integrationsbereitschaft in Zusammenhang mit charakteristischen Unternehmensmerkmalen wie u. a. der Unternehmensgr{\"o}ße und dem Alter der Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung bzw. Auspr{\"a}gungsmerkmalen von nachhaltigen Finanzierungsformen wie u. a. deren Verst{\"a}ndlichkeit und finanzielle Rentabilit{\"a}t stehen. Im Rahmen der empirischen Untersuchung wurden deskriptive Auswertungsformen, Korrelationsanalysen sowie die multiple lineare Regression angewendet. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass hinsichtlich der Unternehmensmerkmale ausschließlich das Alter der Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung und die Bedeutung des {\"o}ffentlichen Unternehmensimages signifikant in einem Zusammenhang mit der Integrationsbereitschaft standen. Auspr{\"a}gungsmerkmale nachhaltiger Finanzierungsformen konnten hingegen kaum in Zusammenhang mit der Integrationsbereitschaft gesetzt werden, was vermutlich auf den bisher eher gering ausgepr{\"a}gten diesbez{\"u}glichen Kenntnis- und Erfahrungsstand in den Unternehmen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Anhand dieser Ergebnissen kann abgeleitet werden, dass in der aktuellen Situation besonders niederschwellige Beratungs- und Informationsangebote sowie eine politische Dialogkultur, die sich an den individuellen Rahmenbedingungen von KMU orientieren, f{\"o}rderlich sein k{\"o}nnen, um den Wissensstand und die Integrationsbereitschaft auszubauen. Ebenso k{\"o}nnten die gezielte Ansprache durch Finanzpartner sowie wirtschaftliche Anreize in Verbindung mit nachhaltigen Finanzierungsformen und -zwecken dazu f{\"u}hren, dass das Thema st{\"a}rker in den Unternehmensfokus ger{\"u}ckt werden kann.}, subject = {Nachhaltigkeit; ESG; Sustainable finance; Corporate finance; Mittelstandsfinanzierung; KMU-Finanzierung; Sustainability; SME; Nachhaltige Finanzierung; Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen; Klein- und Mittelbetrieb; Finanzierung; Corporate Finance; Finanzmanagement; Nachhaltigkeit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hipp2022, author = {Hipp, Tamina Nicole}, title = {Lang lebe die Technik? : vom Umgang mit elektronischen Ger{\"a}ten im Alltag}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-6197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-61970}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Nutzungsdauer elektronischer Ger{\"a}te wird in der Debatte um einen zukunftsf{\"a}higen, nachhaltigen Konsum eine zentrale Rolle beigemessen, da die Produktion von Ger{\"a}ten mit einer vergleichsweise hohen Umweltlast verbunden ist. W{\"a}hrend in der aktuellen Forschung insbesondere das Produktdesign und Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle fokussiert werden, wird in der vorliegenden Untersuchung die Nutzungsphase in den Blick genommen. Dabei wird den Fragen nachgegangen, welche Bedingungen den Umgang mit Ger{\"a}ten im Alltag pr{\"a}gen und wie soziale Praktiken gef{\"o}rdert werden k{\"o}nnen, die lange Nutzungsdauern st{\"u}tzen. Theoretisches Fundament bilden Praxistheorien, Narratologie und Bewertungssoziologie. Das mittels der Grounded Theory entwickelte Modell Doing Value konzipiert die Nutzungsdauer als einen dynamischen, soziotechnischen Prozess, in dem elektronischen Ger{\"a}ten durch den Umgang mit ihnen Wert zugewiesen wird. Zentral f{\"u}r den Wertzuweisungsprozess sind Geschichten {\"u}ber Ger{\"a}te, die durch den Akt des Erz{\"a}hlens reproduziert und zugleich mit den Narrativen des sozialen Umfeldes abgeglichen werden. Ob diese lebensweltlichen Technik-Narrative Bedarfe, geplante Obsoleszenz oder Reparaturen thematisieren, sie sind sowohl als interpretierte Erfahrungen Resultat der fr{\"u}heren Produktnutzung als auch Referenzmaßstab f{\"u}r die Sinnhaftigkeit zuk{\"u}nftiger Handlungen. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung werden zehn h{\"a}ufig vorkommende und f{\"u}r die Nutzungsdauer bedeutsame Narrative rekonstruiert und systematisiert sowie abgeleitet, wie darauf aufbauend Lebensdauer beg{\"u}nstigende Praktiken gest{\"u}tzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurde eine Diskursintervention zum positiven Framing langlebiger Ger{\"a}te (\#LangLebeTechnik) konzipiert und in Kooperation mit Akteur*innen aus der Zivilgesellschaft umgesetzt. Parallel wurden berufliche Akteur*innen aus Politik und Verwaltung sowie Verbraucher- und Umweltschutz, die sich mit Kreislaufwirtschaft und Obsoleszenz befassen, dazu befragt, welche Ansatzpunkte sie sehen, um Lebensdauer beg{\"u}nstigende Praktiken im Alltag der Nutzer*innen zu st{\"a}rken. Basierend auf einem Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen der Nutzer*innen-Befragung werden Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die strategische Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation abgeleitet, um suffiziente Konsummuster im Umgang mit elektronischen Ger{\"a}ten zu f{\"o}rdern. Dabei werden den Ansatzpunkten zugrundeliegende Menschenbilder reflektiert und aufgezeigt, dass Kooperationen zwischen Nutzer*innen bei technischen Anliegen bedeutsam f{\"u}r lange Nutzungsdauern sind. Den Schwerpunkt des Mixed-Methods-Studien-Designs bilden problemzentrierte Interviews mit Nutzer*innen (In-Homes inklusive Tagebuchmethode und Fotodokumentation) und beruflichen Akteur*innen sowie online gesammelte Ger{\"a}teschichten. Quantitative Daten (CAPI und CAWI) werden flankierend einbezogen. Die Dissertation wurde angefertigt im Rahmen der inter- und transdisziplin{\"a}ren Forschungsgruppe Obsoleszenz als Herausforderung f{\"u}r Nachhaltigkeit (https://langlebetechnik.de).}, subject = {Nutzungsdauer; Obsoleszenz; Narrative; Nachhaltiger Konsum; Product lifetime; Obsolescence; Narrative; Sustainable consumption; Grounded theory; Elektroger{\"a}t; Verbrauch; Nachhaltigkeit; Grounded theory}, language = {de} } @misc{Bardhan2021, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Bardhan, Jayashree}, title = {Optimising ICOMOS' 'Heritage at Risk' initiatives : towards a comprehensive framework for cultural heritage at risk}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5620}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-56206}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cultural heritage faces many types of threats such as neglect, conflicts, disasters caused by natural and human induced hazards, unplanned infrastructure projects, climate change, etc. Over time, a number of institutions, organisations, programmes and initiatives to address the issues related to heritage at risk through varied modes of interventions such as advocacy work, conservation efforts, funding, awareness-raising regarding particular sites, etc. have emerged. Despite the stimulus and support of the various institutions, organisations and initiatives, diverse threats continue to impact cultural heritage in present times with some factors amplifying more than before, leading to the subsequent damages to or losses of heritage assets. Though reasons for these issues are varied and complex, one of the important factors to look into is the agency of the diverse 'Heritage at Risk' programmes or initiatives. ICOMOS being one of the pioneers in this global discourse of threatened heritage, its role is strategically vital. 20 years after ICOMOS's first attempts to initiate one of the first 'Heritage at Risk' programmes, this research is an opportunity to re-examine and analyse the effectiveness of ICOMOS' 'Heritage at Risk' programme within the current organisational/ institutional landscape of initiatives in the field of heritage at risk, that ICOMOS is embedded in. It is also an opportunity to situate the programme within the diverse views of the heritage at risk framework and the continuing shifts in the foundational paradigms of the international discourse on heritage conservation. The purpose of this analysis is to guide programme improvement for optimising efforts in favour of cultural heritage at risk within and/ or beyond ICOMOS and improve their ability to contribute towards - safeguarding heritage at risk, increasing the resilience of cultural heritage and sustainable development.}, subject = {ICOMOS; Heritage at Risk; Preventive conservation; Post-disaster recovery; Sustainable development; Pr{\"a}ventive Erhaltung; Wiederherstellung; Gef{\"a}hrdetes Kulturerbe; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Denkmalpflege; Kulturerbe; Baudenkmal; Denkmal; Gef{\"a}hrdung; Denkmalpflege; Nachhaltigkeit; Kulturg{\"u}terschutz}, language = {en} } @techreport{KollertWeidner2020, author = {Kollert, Christoph and Weidner, Silke}, title = {St{\"a}dte erforschen und R{\"a}ume gestalten - Forschung am Institut f{\"u}r Stadtplanung der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg}, organization = {Brandenburgische Technische Universit{\"a}t Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institut f{\"u}r Stadtplanung}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5235}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-52351}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sammelband {\"u}ber die Forschungsaktivit{\"a}ten des Instituts f{\"u}r Stadtplanung an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Stellt die Forschungsaktivit{\"a}ten anhand ausgew{\"a}hlter Projekte von Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts vor und bietet einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die derzeit am Institut eingebundenen Fachgebiete.}, subject = {Institut f{\"u}r Stadtplanung; Institute of Urban Planning; Stadtforschung; Stadtplanung; St{\"a}dtebau; Nachhaltigkeit; Stadtentwicklung; Altstadt; Stadtsanierung; Kulturerbe; Tourismus; Smart City}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jacobs2020, author = {Jacobs, Kathleen}, title = {Quantitative empirical studies on sustainable consumption}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-53333}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The overall research goal of this doctoral thesis is to better understand the determinants of sustainable purchase behaviour. By approaching several context-specific subgoals in a series of four quantitative empirical studies, major research gaps in the field of sustainable consumption are addressed. The first article examines the market potential for social banking in Germany. By means of an experimental survey using adaptive conjoint analysis, a sample of 2896 German social banking customers and a population-representative sample of 641 German conventional banking customers are compiled. Logistic regression modelling reveals that social banking customers differ significantly from their conventional counterparts regarding several consumer characteristics. The results further indicate a large untapped market potential ranging between 10 and 26\% of the German population in 2011. The second article investigates the phenomenon of the attitude-behaviour gap in the context of sustainable clothing. Based on survey data of 1085 female German consumers, a structural equation model is estimated to assess how large the possible gap between a positive attitude towards sustainable clothing and the corresponding purchase behaviour is. Apart from a considerable attitude-behaviour gap, the article indicates that a positive attitude, self-transcendence values, as well as an affinity to online and catalogue shopping, significantly enhance sustainable clothing purchases. Self-enhancement values and, remarkably, a preference for durability constitute purchase barriers. The third article studies the influence of product lifetime labelling by the example of electrical appliances. Using choice-based conjoint analysis, experimental survey data is collected from a population-representative sample of 499 German consumers. Hierarchical Bayes utility modelling suggests a decreasing positive effect of the label on purchase decisions and a deterioration of the purchase influence of existing brands. Structural equation modelling indicates, for instance, that the preference for a long product lifetime is fostered by a respective positive attitude and subjective norm. However, the attitude only exerts a significant influence if it is driven by personal rather than environmental gains. The fourth article sheds light on the effects of favourable and unfavourable environmental product information. The analysis draws on data gained from a survey-based experiment conducted among a population-representative sample of 524 German consumers. Using a two-level structural equation model, the results document that the negative effect caused by unfavourable product carbon footprint information on consumers' willingness to pay is significantly stronger than the positive effect caused by respective favourable information. Furthermore, consumers tend to not substantially differentiate between different high-range degrees of positive or negative environmental information.}, subject = {Quantitative empirical methods; Sustainable consumption; Purchase behaviour; Determinants; Labelling; Quantitative empirische Methoden; Nachhaltiger Konsum; Kaufverhalten; Determinanten; Labeling; Nachhaltigkeit; Kaufverhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Elattassi2020, author = {Elattassi, Najla}, title = {Learning from the past, designing for the future : sustainability of the Mediterranean vernacular}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-53091}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {With climate change and the depleting ozone layer, awareness about protecting the environment is increasing and "Sustainable Architecture" is becoming an essential part of the architectural future of cities. However, sustainable buildings of today are being built with high cost, high tech systems which can be reduced by taking advantage of past technologies and systems. The brilliance of vernacular architecture and the way man adapted to his surroundings fascinated me and inspired me to do further research on the sustainable characteristics of vernacular settlements of the Mediterranean area in order to determine if these characteristics can be applied to present and future architecture in an innovative way to create sustainable buildings with least possible energy consumption. The method of research was based upon a general analysis of the passive design (solar and wind) characteristics of a town or settlement in Mediterranean climate starting from its site elements such as topography, vegetation, water. After that its urban structure, such as the geometry, block and street orientation and dimensions. Following that, the dwelling characteristics like dwelling shape, orientation and dimensions and finally the thermal regulating elements found in these dwellings, such as windows and vegetation. These elements were given a score according to their contribution to energy savings in buildings. Four case studies were chosen: two vernacular case studies from the region of study (the Mediterranean Coasts) and two modern case studies inspired by the Mediterranean vernacular. The analysis was repeated in the same sequence mentioned: Site, Settlement, Dwelling, Element, for the actual performance of each case study. The elements were given a number of points out of the score assigned for each element in the general analysis. A total score and rating for each case study resulted from this analysis. The objective of these scores were to compare the performance of the vernacular case studies to the vernacular inspired case studies in terms of energy savings. The final scores displayed comparable results between both types of case studies meaning that when these modern settlements were designed with an influence from the Mediterranean vernacular, their performance in energy savings was close to that of a vernacular settlement. That means that it is possible to design settlements which are influenced by vernacular settlements and can even defeat them by following the general guidelines of the vernacular passive design characteristics in addition to modern tools and innovative methods. These guidelines can be reflected in a handbook and rating system which can become a simple step by step guide for architects and planners to design sustainable settlements without the need for expensive and complicated rating systems and consultants.}, subject = {Vernacular architecture; Sustainable; Passive design; Mediterranean; Vernakul{\"a}re Architektur; Passives Design; Energieeinsparung; Bewertungssystem; Nachhaltigkeit; Mittelmeerraum; Stadtentwicklung; Architektur; Solararchitektur; Nachhaltigkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{NyambiAnaka2018, author = {Nyambi Anaka, Regina Edawa}, title = {Forest conservation and management practices in Cameroon: Case study of Bimbia-Bonadikombo Community Forest and Takamanda National Park}, doi = {10.26127/BTUOpen-5011}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-50112}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Cameroon's forest is one of the richest ecosystems in the Congo Basin and in Africa as a whole in terms of its biodiversity. These forest types are currently subjected to multiple categories of threats. By enacting a new forestry law in 1994, the government of Cameroon intended to intensify efforts toward the protection and conservation of this rich biodiversity. This study aimed to compare two forest management systems, a state management system (the case of Takamanda National Park) and a community-based management system (the case of Bimbia- Bonadikombo Community Forest), to determine which management system better conserves and protects the forest against biodiversity loss. The study applied a methodological framework that made use of selected indicators and criteria to evaluate the extent of sustainability of the two forest management systems and challenges faced in implementing them. Both quantitative and qualitative results were realized through the administration of questionnaires, semi-structure interview and in-depth contents analysis of Law No.94-1 of 20th January 1994 that lays down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations and the 1996 Environmental Management Law that directs Cameroon's compliance to the international standard of protecting the environment.Results indicated that community-based system of forest management is a much more sustainable approach of forest management than a state management system. Based on the criterion of cultural values attributed to natural resources in the community-based management zone (Bimbia- Bonadikombo Community Forest), 78.2\% of the local communities were more willing to protect biodiversity as opposed to 48.3\% from state management zone (Takamanda National Park). This study found that the level of participation in the community-based management system was much more inclusive and transparent. On the other hand, in the state management system, a high level of corruption, lack of transparency, delayed and irregular salaries of forest guards and minimal participation of local communities in forest management decision-making was noted and likely responsible for the ineffectiveness and unsustainable management efforts in this system. The study recommends the adoption and implementation of a more inclusive, transparent and accountable management in the state managed system (Takamada national park), particularly the full involvement of respected Elites, Chiefs and Traditional Councils.}, subject = {Conservation; Biodiversity; Forest Management; Cameroon; Sustainability; Naturschutz; Biodiversit{\"a}t; Wald; Kamerun; Nachhaltigkeit; Kamerun; Forstwirtschaft; Biodiversit{\"a}t; Nachhaltigkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoppe2017, author = {Hoppe, Sebastian}, title = {Nachhaltiges Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessmanagement in produzierenden Unternehmen am Beispiel der deutschen Automobilhersteller}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-47050}, school = {BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Nachhaltig und Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse sind h{\"a}ufig benutzte Schlagworte der heutigen Zeit, vor allem in Politik und Wissenschaft. Auch deren Verbindung nachhaltige Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse hat Aufnahme in den allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch und Wortschatz gefunden. Das Ziel nachhaltiger Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse ist es, die Effektivit{\"a}t und Effizienz des Unternehmens langfristig zu verbessern, ohne die Wettbewerbsf{\"a}higkeit des Unternehmens zu beintr{\"a}chtigen. Nachhaltige Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse fokussieren dabei insbesondere auf drei unterschiedliche Aspekte: {\"O}konomie, {\"O}kologie und Soziales. Diese Aspekte sind unter dem allgemeinen Grundsatz der Nachhaltigkeit zu betrachten und in das bestehende Management zu integrieren. Auch dieses funktionale Managen von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen oder der Nachhaltigkeit ist zwischenzeitlich wissenschaftlich bearbeitet worden. Dessen Umsetzung in der Wirtschaft l{\"a}sst jedoch zu w{\"u}nschen {\"u}brig. Diese Arbeit hatte sich daher zur Aufgabe gemacht, das funktionale Managen, d. h. das Planen, das Steuern und Kontrollieren von nachhaltigen Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen in einen Kontext zu bringen. Dabei wurde unter den Gesichtspunkten der Effektivit{\"a}t und der Effizienz gepr{\"u}ft, ob f{\"u}r dieses komplexe Management ein separates Konzept notwendig wird. Es wurde daher untersucht, ob sich mit dem Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessmanagement die Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte planen, steuern und kontrollieren lassen. Zur Pr{\"u}fung dieser These wurden die deutschen Automobilhersteller als Validierungsobjekte herangezogen.}, subject = {Effektivit{\"a}t; Effizienz; Nachhaltigkeit; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessmanagement; Effectiveness; Efficiency; Sustainability; Sustainable development; Business process management; Deutschland; Kraftfahrzeugindustrie; Wertsch{\"o}pfungskette; Nachhaltigkeit; Prozessmanagement}, language = {de} }