@misc{Staninger2016, author = {Staninger, Steven}, title = {The psychodynamics of bullying in libraries}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The identification and evaluation of bullying in organizations has a rich body of research, but very little of it explores how bullying manifests itself in libraries. This paper will attempt to identify the psychological and structural dynamics that create environments ripe for bullying, particularly as they are manifested in the common structures of library organization and administration. Libraries tend to have rather rigid and hierarchical structures that create clearly defined ranks and responsibilities. This can create a situation in which superiors engage in bullying behaviors in order to maintain their place in the hierarchy. Bullying includes overt actions such as verbal abuse, ridiculing and persistent criticism as well as covert behaviors such as undermining performance at work by preventing individuals from obtaining the information and tools they need to work effectively. Insecurity about ones place in the library hierarchy, aggressive language, and secrecy can combine to create an environment of bullying in the library which leaves library employees isolated and excluded, not to mention exhausted. People become reluctant to act or take needed initiatives to confront bullies, because they doe not want to become targets, either again or for the first time. In an environment where bullying is allowed to continue, victims struggle to keep going and onlookers are distracted from their work. Victims of bullies in libraries need to be encouraged to document and confront bullying behavior for both themselves and the good operation of the library. Ultimately bullying creates a continuous fear of failure, so people work to avoid being bullied instead of attending to their assigned tasks. The result is an ineffective library that falls well short of its intended mission. Librarians are encouraged to recognize bullying and create positive strategies to break the cycle of bullying.}, language = {de} }