@misc{Mazačova2024, author = {Maz{\´a}čov{\´a}, Pavl{\´i}na}, title = {Teaching Librarian as an Actor in Media and Information Literacy Development: From Research to Practice}, series = {TK 3: Berufsfeld Bibliothek/ Qualifizierung und Kompetenzentwicklung (05.06.2024, 14:00 - 15:30, Saal C.1 / 1. OG)}, journal = {TK 3: Berufsfeld Bibliothek/ Qualifizierung und Kompetenzentwicklung (05.06.2024, 14:00 - 15:30, Saal C.1 / 1. OG)}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the Czech Republic, efforts have been underway for the last ten years to establish the creation professional position of teaching librarian. Part of the activities within the professional profiling of teaching librarians has been the Media Education for Librarians series, two successful years of which are presented in this paper. The Media Education for Teaching Librarians series was sponsored by the Open Society Found Foundation and experts from libraries and academic institutions. The cycle aimed to enable a group of active librarians from different types of libraries to develop and strengthen didactic, didactic and didactic competences for media education in the library in an intensive six-month modular training programme. The first and second years of the cycle were accompanied by mixed methodology design research. The results of the research are presented in the present contribution. Several methods of data collection were used in the research - it was a combination of pretest, posttest, questionnaire survey and evaluative semi-structured interviews. The aim of the research was to provide answers to the questions to what extent teaching librarians have developed their didactic and pedagogical competences, how they evaluate the content, difficulty and overall design of the educational cycle and to what extent they have used the acquired competences in their library educational practice in media education. The educational cycle took place within the framework of the two-year communication theme of Czech librarianship 2023-2024 Media Education.}, language = {en} }