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- Korrosion (274)
- Corrosion (189)
- Additive manufacturing (164)
- Nanoparticles (155)
- Additive Manufacturing (151)
- LIBS (137)
- Hydrogen (133)
- Concrete (125)
- Additive Fertigung (124)
- Fluorescence (123)
Organisationseinheit der BAM
- 8 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (1283)
- 6 Materialchemie (1208)
- 1 Analytische Chemie; Referenzmaterialien (960)
- 7 Bauwerkssicherheit (947)
- 9 Komponentensicherheit (838)
- 5 Werkstofftechnik (605)
- 4 Material und Umwelt (590)
- 3 Gefahrgutumschließungen; Energiespeicher (535)
- 9.4 Integrität von Schweißverbindungen (387)
- 7.6 Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz (385)
This presentation gives an overview on the importance of joining processes for component fabrication in hydrogen technologies. For that reason, the current need and future research and developement activites are highlighted for the three technological fields: hydrogen storage, transport and use (in terms of the emerging field of additive manufacturing). Finally, some remarks are given for necessary changes in the standardization.
A lack of harmonised terminology hinders accurate description of many nano-object properties. An overview on nanoscale reference materials for environmental , health and safety measurements has been provided by Stefaniak et al. Since then several nanoscale reference materials were produced as finely dispersed nanoparticles, including catalytic active silver nanoparticles and iron oxide nanocubes. Polymeric nanoparticles made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) are ongoing reference materials projects. A first study on PP has shown that mechanical breakdown of macroscopic PP towards nano PP is possible. Hereby the nano PP is stabilized by a strongly negative zeta potential of – 44 mV. This provides a long-term stability of the nanoparticles at ambient conditions in cases of low ionic strength. Since this nano PP has no added colloidal stabilizers, we suggest this as a potential reference materials candidate for reliable determination PP nanoplastics. Moreover, the nano PP may function as a reference for the estimation of possible toxic effects of nanoplastics. Efforts in producing nano PP labeled with ultra-small gold nanoparticles are reported.
Compound semiconductors (CS) are promising materials for the development of high-power electrical applications. They have low losses, can withstand high temperatures and can operate at very high voltages and currents. This makes them a key technology for the electrification of many high energy applications, especially electromobility and HVDC power lines.
The challenge with CS technology is that most of the process technology has to be developed anew to the high standards required by electronic applications. Today, compound semiconductors can be produced in thin layers on top of substrates fabricated from classical crystal growth processes that are already well established. A promising method for this is metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). With this method, many different compounds with semiconducting properties can be synthesized. Additionally, this process technology is a direct thin layer deposition method. Therefore, complex multilayer systems can be generated directly by the deposition process and without the need of doping after growing.
There are a number of critical defects that can originate from the deposition process of these thin film devices. Within this project, we intend to develop new correlative imaging and analysis techniques to determine defect types, to quantify defect size and number density, as well as to characterise defects for process optimisation.
We report here on the use of spectroscopic ellipsometry and imaging ellipsometry to investigate defects in several different compound semiconductor materials used in high-power electronic devices. The materials we investigated are β-Ga2O3, SiC, GaN, AlN, and AlGaN materials as well as oxidised SiC surfaces. All of these materials have their typical defects and require optimised measurement and analysis schemes for reliable detection and analysis. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a highly sensitive method for determining the thicknesses and dielectric function of thin layers, yielding potentially a high number of microscopic properties. The combined method between ellipsometry and optical microscopy is called imaging ellipsometry and is especially powerful for the large amount of data it produces. We have analysed defects in SiC- and AlN-based thin film semiconductors as well as characterised the properties of different types of SiO2 layers created on top of SiC monocrystals. We developed ellipsometric models for the data analysis of the different semiconductor materials.
If the defects have geometric features, it is useful to combine the ellipsometric analysis with topometry method like interference microscopy and scanning probe microscopy. We have successfully characterised function-critical defects in MOVPE SiC layers and correlated the findings with topography from WLIM measurements. We have developed an imaging ellipsometric measurement methodology that allows to estimate the relative defect area on a surface by a statistical raw data analysis.
Clay is increasingly coming back into people's consciousness with the demand for ecological, healthy and sustainable building materials.
Earthen building materials, including clay from the historical building stock, offer a high potential for their reusability and thus for saving natural resources. Unfired clay can be reused at any time and indefinitely. Dry clay only needs to be crushed and moistened with water and it can be processed again. However, there exist only a few studies on the contamination with pollutants and on the accumulation of salts in existing historic buildings regarding the evaluation of reuse potential. Within the framework of a project, preliminary tests are being carried out taking into account the previous usage of the buildings. In order to evaluate the suitability for indoor use, the potential transfer of volatile organic compounds into the air is investigated.
Fine fractions of C&D waste (particle size less than 2 mm) are currently mostly landfilled. However, such materials can be suitable for substituting primary resources of earthen building materials provided they are adequately processed. Therefore, in another research project it is investigated whether and to what extent fine and ultra-fine fractions of construction and demolition waste processed by washing can be employed for that purpose. The recycled fines are investigated considering organic and inorganic contaminants in solid matter and leaching tests are carried out to assess the potential to mobilize harmful substances. Additionally, the recycled fines are investigated in emission test chambers regarding indoor air requirements to construction products. The results will be transferred to standardization work as in Germany in standards for earthen building materials only aggregates and binders from natural sources are permitted currently.
Extrusion based 3D concrete printing (3DCP) is a growing technology because of its high potential for automating construction and the new possibilities of design. In conventional construction methods, a sample is taken to be representative for one material batch. However, in 3DCP continuous mixing is used which results in variations during the mixing process. Therefore, one sample is not representative for the entire structure. This leads to the necessity of continuous and real-time process monitoring.
This study focuses on the variations of pressure and temperature which are caused by changes in the material due to the ongoing mixing process. Changes in material, which is transported downstream, are influencing sensor signals in different positions with a time delay. In the following, the data is analysed to investigate if the changing material and the so caused change in pressure can be used to calculate volume flow.
With increasing demand and environmental concerns, researchers are exploring new materials that can perform as well or better than traditional materials while reducing environmental impact. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) enables unique atom-specific tool to probe the electronic structure of materials. The BAM plays a central role in this highly collaborative research. The BAMline, a real-life sample materials research beamline, at the Berlin Synchrotron BESSY-II, provides unique insights into materials’ electronic and chemical structure at different time and length scales. This enables real-time optimization of material properties and performance for various applications, such as energy storage and conversion, catalysis, and corrosion resistance. This talk provides an overview of the analytical methods and sample environments of the BAMline and addresses its potential for further advances in sustainable materials research.
Der One-Health-Ansatz hat die Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt im Fokus. Dazu ist eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit von Akteuren aus Human- und Veterinärmedizin sowie den Umweltwissenschaften notwendig. Ein Ineinandergreifen von methodischen Ansätzen und der Analytik wird angestrebt.
Im Zuge der anstehenden Novellierung (2924) der EU-Kommunalabwasserrichtlinie (91/271/EWG) wird die Umsetzung eines One-Health-Ansatzes bereits adressiert. Dazu gehört zum einen der Ausbau und die Prozessüberwachung einer vierten Reinigungsstufe in Klärwerken. Zum anderen ist europaweit die Infrastruktur einer Abwassersurveillance zur Überwachung von Krankheitserregern zu gewährleisten. Dies wird aktuell in Deutschland mit dem Projekt AMELAG ("Abwassermonitoring zur epidemiologischen Lagebewertung") mit zwei Probennahmen pro Woche auf ca. 170 Kläranlagen umgesetzt.
Ziele der Jungen GfKORR
Die Junge GfKORR soll ein attraktives Angebot für junge Leute sein, sich fachübergreifend zu vernetzen und einen Einstieg in Querschnittsthemen bieten. Sowohl der Korrosionsschutz zum Zwecke der Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit von Bauwerken als auch der Korrosionsschutz bei Energie- und Mobilitätssystemen soll in zukünftigen Veranstaltungen übergreifend betrachtet werden. Dabei wollen wir den fachlichen und informativen Input aus den Arbeitskreisen der GfKORR bei unseren Seminaren suchen. In diesem 1. Netzwerk- und Arbeitstreffen wurde die Fahrtrichtung der Jungen GfKORR genauer abgesteckt und es hat sich eine Leitungsebene gefunden. Weiter wollen wir ab 2024 interessante Präsenzveranstaltungen mit Exkursionen anbieten.
Im Rahmen der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie fordert die EU-Kommission seit März 2021 die systematische Erfassung und Überwachung von SARS-CoV-2 über das Abwasser, welche der Entscheidungsfindung bezüglich bevölkerungsbezogener Maßnahmen dienen soll. Hierbei können Trendanalysen für die epidemiologische Lagebewertung abgeleitet werden, sofern ein großer Anteil des kommunalen Abwassers der Bevölkerung durch das Monitoring abdeckt wird. Die Datenerhebung erfolgt somit unabhängig vom individuellen Test- und Meldeverhalten der Bevölkerung. Eine bedeutende Herausforderung bei der Bestimmung der Gensequenzen mittels polymerase chain reaction (PCR) stellen standortabhängige Faktoren des Einzugsgebietes sowie Schwankungen der Durchflussrate und der Abwasserzusammensetzung dar. Zu den möglichen Ursachen zählen Verdünnungseffekte durch Regen- und Schmelzwasser, Größenunterschiede des kommunalen Entwässerungssystems, Veränderungen der Demografie und Zuflüsse von Indirekteinleitern. Um eine verbesserte Korrelation quantitativ ermittelter Genkopien des SARS-CoV-2 aus der jeweiligen Abwasserprobe mit dem Anteil der infizierten Bevölkerung zu erzeugen, ist eine Normalisierung der PCR Daten vorzunehmen. Neben relativ einfach zu ermittelnden physikalischen Größen, wie der mittleren Durchflussrate oder der Leitfähigkeit, die Aufschlüsse über den Anteil von Fremd- und Regenwasser ermöglichen, können auch anthropogene Marker, wie Spurenstoffe und Surrogatviren im Abwasser, als direkte Indikatoren für menschliche Fäkalien aus dem häuslichen Abwasser dienen.
Im Folgenden soll eine vergleichende Untersuchung von vier Spurenstoffen ‒ Koffein (CAF), Carbamazepin (CBZ), Diclofenac (DCF), Isolithocholsäure (ILA) ‒ sowie einem Surrogatvirus (SV) (Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) oder CrAssphage), die Eignung der jeweiligen Paramater als Normalisierungsfaktoren analysieren. Die Untersuchung fand an 19 Standorten über drei Monate im Rahmen einer Studie aus dem Projekt ESI-CorA statt.
Germany has set itself the task to become a world leader in the field of green hydrogen technologies and is promoting the transition to a hydrogen economy. The H2Mare flagship project is exploring the offshore production of green hydrogen and other power-to-X products. One of the most important goals is the safe and cost-efficient operation of offshore infrastructures, where a service life of at least 25 years is aimed. However, the corrosive environment towards metallic materials presents challenges in marine areas. The atmosphere at one location could be affected by the distance to the sea level and does not have the same corrosivity for all exposed kinds of materials. The creation of an atmosphere corrosion atlas for marine environments by weathering campaigns aims to close this gap. Operators of offshore structures can use the data to estimate the corrosivity of the atmosphere on the construction site. This allows planning to be optimized in terms of platform safety as well as maintenance costs.