- Vortrag (2331)
- Zeitschriftenartikel (1949)
- Posterpräsentation (520)
- Beitrag zu einem Tagungsband (440)
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- Sonstiges (80)
- Forschungsbericht (46)
- Buchkapitel (45)
- Zeitschriftenheft (Herausgeberschaft für das komplette Heft) (33)
- Dissertation (28)
- Englisch (4471)
- Deutsch (1140)
- Mehrsprachig (22)
- Russisch (6)
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- Französisch (2)
- Chinesisch (2)
- Italienisch (1)
- Portugiesisch (1)
- Additive manufacturing (238)
- Additive Manufacturing (186)
- Corrosion (178)
- Nanoparticles (151)
- Korrosion (141)
- Additive Fertigung (130)
- Mechanochemistry (100)
- Laser beam welding (98)
- Microstructure (98)
- SAXS (95)
Organisationseinheit der BAM
- 6 Materialchemie (1701)
- 9 Komponentensicherheit (1360)
- 5 Werkstofftechnik (1040)
- 7 Bauwerkssicherheit (746)
- 8 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (726)
- 9.4 Integrität von Schweißverbindungen (527)
- 9.3 Schweißtechnische Fertigungsverfahren (455)
- 6.3 Strukturanalytik (452)
- 6.1 Oberflächen- und Dünnschichtanalyse (441)
- 8.5 Röntgenbildgebung (407)
Paper des Monats
- ja (46)
This presentation gives an overview on the importance of joining processes for component fabrication in hydrogen technologies. For that reason, the current need and future research and developement activites are highlighted for the three technological fields: hydrogen storage, transport and use (in terms of the emerging field of additive manufacturing). Finally, some remarks are given for necessary changes in the standardization.
A lack of harmonised terminology hinders accurate description of many nano-object properties. An overview on nanoscale reference materials for environmental , health and safety measurements has been provided by Stefaniak et al. Since then several nanoscale reference materials were produced as finely dispersed nanoparticles, including catalytic active silver nanoparticles and iron oxide nanocubes. Polymeric nanoparticles made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) are ongoing reference materials projects. A first study on PP has shown that mechanical breakdown of macroscopic PP towards nano PP is possible. Hereby the nano PP is stabilized by a strongly negative zeta potential of – 44 mV. This provides a long-term stability of the nanoparticles at ambient conditions in cases of low ionic strength. Since this nano PP has no added colloidal stabilizers, we suggest this as a potential reference materials candidate for reliable determination PP nanoplastics. Moreover, the nano PP may function as a reference for the estimation of possible toxic effects of nanoplastics. Efforts in producing nano PP labeled with ultra-small gold nanoparticles are reported.
Compound semiconductors (CS) are promising materials for the development of high-power electrical applications. They have low losses, can withstand high temperatures and can operate at very high voltages and currents. This makes them a key technology for the electrification of many high energy applications, especially electromobility and HVDC power lines.
The challenge with CS technology is that most of the process technology has to be developed anew to the high standards required by electronic applications. Today, compound semiconductors can be produced in thin layers on top of substrates fabricated from classical crystal growth processes that are already well established. A promising method for this is metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). With this method, many different compounds with semiconducting properties can be synthesized. Additionally, this process technology is a direct thin layer deposition method. Therefore, complex multilayer systems can be generated directly by the deposition process and without the need of doping after growing.
There are a number of critical defects that can originate from the deposition process of these thin film devices. Within this project, we intend to develop new correlative imaging and analysis techniques to determine defect types, to quantify defect size and number density, as well as to characterise defects for process optimisation.
We report here on the use of spectroscopic ellipsometry and imaging ellipsometry to investigate defects in several different compound semiconductor materials used in high-power electronic devices. The materials we investigated are β-Ga2O3, SiC, GaN, AlN, and AlGaN materials as well as oxidised SiC surfaces. All of these materials have their typical defects and require optimised measurement and analysis schemes for reliable detection and analysis. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a highly sensitive method for determining the thicknesses and dielectric function of thin layers, yielding potentially a high number of microscopic properties. The combined method between ellipsometry and optical microscopy is called imaging ellipsometry and is especially powerful for the large amount of data it produces. We have analysed defects in SiC- and AlN-based thin film semiconductors as well as characterised the properties of different types of SiO2 layers created on top of SiC monocrystals. We developed ellipsometric models for the data analysis of the different semiconductor materials.
If the defects have geometric features, it is useful to combine the ellipsometric analysis with topometry method like interference microscopy and scanning probe microscopy. We have successfully characterised function-critical defects in MOVPE SiC layers and correlated the findings with topography from WLIM measurements. We have developed an imaging ellipsometric measurement methodology that allows to estimate the relative defect area on a surface by a statistical raw data analysis.
With increasing demand and environmental concerns, researchers are exploring new materials that can perform as well or better than traditional materials while reducing environmental impact. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) enables unique atom-specific tool to probe the electronic structure of materials. The BAM plays a central role in this highly collaborative research. The BAMline, a real-life sample materials research beamline, at the Berlin Synchrotron BESSY-II, provides unique insights into materials’ electronic and chemical structure at different time and length scales. This enables real-time optimization of material properties and performance for various applications, such as energy storage and conversion, catalysis, and corrosion resistance. This talk provides an overview of the analytical methods and sample environments of the BAMline and addresses its potential for further advances in sustainable materials research.
Ziele der Jungen GfKORR
Die Junge GfKORR soll ein attraktives Angebot für junge Leute sein, sich fachübergreifend zu vernetzen und einen Einstieg in Querschnittsthemen bieten. Sowohl der Korrosionsschutz zum Zwecke der Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit von Bauwerken als auch der Korrosionsschutz bei Energie- und Mobilitätssystemen soll in zukünftigen Veranstaltungen übergreifend betrachtet werden. Dabei wollen wir den fachlichen und informativen Input aus den Arbeitskreisen der GfKORR bei unseren Seminaren suchen. In diesem 1. Netzwerk- und Arbeitstreffen wurde die Fahrtrichtung der Jungen GfKORR genauer abgesteckt und es hat sich eine Leitungsebene gefunden. Weiter wollen wir ab 2024 interessante Präsenzveranstaltungen mit Exkursionen anbieten.
The ACCORDs project, funded through Horizon Europe, is pioneering a novel approach to investigate Graphene Family Materials (GFMs) through image analysis. Our aim is to unveil how these materials might influence health and the environment. To achieve this, we are developing a platform designed for the easy retrieval, access, sharing, and utilisation of GFM data and the coordination between biological and physico-chemical data formats. Integral to this platform is an OMERO-based library for image storage, alongside data collection forms and image analysis tools. Efforts are underway to streamline the process for researchers to upload and disseminate their findings, manage information within a database and navigate the data with ease. Adhering to REMBI guidelines, which set the standard for annotating biological images with metadata, we ensure our data collection is comprehensive and adheres to established best practices. Initially, we are employing thresholding and basic machine learning techniques for image segmentation, laying the groundwork for advanced analysis through deep learning to gain more profound insights. Upon completion, the project will deliver a comprehensive platform facilitating efficient data and image management concerning GFMs. This platform will enable the straightforward discovery and use of protocols and results, all organised in accordance with the FAIR principles – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
This initiative is poised to significantly impact materials science, enhancing our comprehension of the safety and environmental implications of 2D materials.
The recently certified reference material (CRM) BAM-N012 as cubical iron oxide FeOx nanoparticles (NPs) of 8 nm area equivalent square edge length (ESL) and the RM candidate BAM-N013 as nearly spherical NPs of 22 nm size were analyzed in detail by electron microscopy (EM).
For the metrological characterization with SEM, STEM in SEM and TEM, the understanding of the imaging contrasts and sensitivities, and the correct interpretation of the (art)effects which are inherent to each detection mode is necessary.
The same sample areas with NPs deposited on a TEM grid were analyzed by two SEM acquisition modes, i. e. SE InLens and STEM in SEM using a dedicated transmission sample holder, and further, correlatively, analyzed with TEM.
With increasing kV, SE InLens shows increasing particle size (unless overcharging at the particle boundaries is filtered), as a known effect. For STEM-in-SEM the particle size decreases significantly and individual particles are identified easier (at 2 kV only a few single particles can be detected automatically).
❑ Documentation of the sample preparation and measurement conditions (including optimization process) is important for reproducibility.
❑ Plasma cleaning, analysis in the transmission mode at SEM is recommended for FeOx NPs.
❑ Selection of the threshold algorithm can significantly alter the reported ECD.
The paper presents the experimental results into the development of a multi-channel system for monitoring and quality assurance of the multi-wire submerged arc welding (SAW) process for the manufacture of large diameter pipes. Process signals such as welding current, arc voltage and the acoustic signal emitted from the weld zone are recorded and processed to provide information on the stability of the welding process. It was shown by the experiments that the acoustic pattern of the SAW process in a frequency range between 30 Hz and 2.5 kHz contains the most diagnostic information. The on-line quality assessment of the weld seam produced is carried out in combination with methods of artificial intelligence (AI). From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the use of the latest concepts in welding and automation technology, combined with the high potential of AI, can achieve a new level of quality assurance in pipe manufacturing.
Es wird eine Studie zur Charakterisierung eines anisotropen Stahls vorgestellt, bei der Ultraschalluntersuchungen mit Mikrostrukturanalysen verbunden werden. Das Material weist hohe Festigkeit und Korrosionsbeständigkeit auf, zugleich ist mit anisotropen Eigenschaften die mechanischen und betrieblichen Eigenschaften beeinflussen zu rechnen. Vorläufige Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind, um die Fähigkeiten und Grenzen des Materials genau zu bestimmen. Es wird ein systematischer Ansatz mit Array- Prüfköpfen, Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Technik und mikrostrukturellen Untersuchungen angewendet, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Anisotropie und Mikrostruktur des Stahls zu analysieren. Ultraschallprüfungen mit der TOFD-Technik und in Tauchtechnik liefern Einblicke in das anisotrope Verhalten des Werkstoffes, einschließlich entsprechenden Kornorientierung, Dämpfung und Schallgeschwindigkeitsvariation. Diese Messungen führen in Verbindung mit mikrostrukturellen Analysen zu einem tieferen Verständnis des Materialverhaltens. Unser Hauptziel ist es, ein Framework zu erstellen, welches die Ultraschallantwort anisotroper Materialien mit ihren mikroskopischen Struktureigenschaften verbindet. Die vorgestellte Methodik ermöglicht eine zerstörungsfreie und zügige Bewertung der Materialintegrität, was besonders bei der Anwendung von Hochleistungsmaterialien relevant ist. Durch diesen integrativen Ansatz werden verschiedener Charakterisierungsmethoden kombiniert, um ein umfassenderes Materialverständnis zu erreichen.
Die in dieser Studie vorgestellte 3D-Gefüge-Analyse konzentriert sich auf die Kugelgrafite eines Gusseisens des Typs EN-GJS. Es werden die Form anhand des Formfaktors und des Seitenverhältnisses sowie die durchschnittliche Teilchengröße und -verteilung untersucht.
Die Form der Grafite in Gusseisenwerkstoffen ist mitentscheidend für die mechanischen Eigenschaften dieser Legierungen und ist bei der Charakterisierung des Werkstoffs unumgänglich. Mittels Metallografischen Serienschnittverfahrens wird von dem Schicht für Schicht abgetragenen und lichtmikroskopisch schichtweise dargestellten Werkstoff ein digitaler Zwilling erstellt. Von diesem dreidimensionalen Zwilling lassen sich beliebige Ebenen digital projizieren und analysieren. Eine konventionelle quantitative 3D-Analyse untersucht die Voxelmenge und -zusammensetzung eines Körpers im 3D-Raum. Die hier vorgestellte Analyse wendet stereologische 2D-Analyseverfahren auf drei Raumebenen des Werkstoffs an. Dabei sind zwei der Ebenen digitale Projektionen des Zwillings. Die zwei rekonstruierten Ebenen des Werkstoffs sind so gewählt, dass die Richtungsvektoren aller drei Ebenen einen 90°-Winkel zueinander bilden. Diese Methodik wird eingehend beschrieben sowie Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten des hier vorgestellten Serienschnittverfahrens diskutiert.