- Zeitschriftenartikel (24)
- Beitrag zu einem Tagungsband (3)
- Buchkapitel (1)
- Vortrag (1)
Organisationseinheit der BAM
- 9 Komponentensicherheit (12)
- 9.3 Schweißtechnische Fertigungsverfahren (12)
- 1 Analytische Chemie; Referenzmaterialien (3)
- 7 Bauwerkssicherheit (2)
- 7.6 Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz (2)
- 8 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (2)
- 8.1 Sensorik, mess- und prüftechnische Verfahren (2)
- 1.1 Anorganische Spurenanalytik (1)
- 1.4 Prozessanalytik (1)
- 1.5 Proteinanalytik (1)
Paper des Monats
- ja (1)
Eingeladener Vortrag
- nein (1)
Reaction between an aqueous ethanol solution of tin(II) chloride and that of 4-propanoyl-2,4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3 H-pyrazol-3-one in the presence of O2 gave the compound cis-dichlorobis(4-propanoyl-2,4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3 H-pyrazol-3-onato) tin(IV) [(C26H26N4O4)SnCl2]. The compound has a six-coordinated SnIV centre in a distorted octahedral configuration with two chloro ligands in cis position. The tin atom is also at a pseudo two-fold axis of inversion for both the ligand anions and the two cis-chloro ligands. The orange compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P 1 with unit cell dimensions, a = 8.741(3) Å, b = 12.325(7) Å, c = 13.922(7) Å; = 71.59(4), = 79.39(3), = 75.18(4); Z = 2 and Dx = 1.575 g cm-3. The important bond distances in the chelate ring are Sn-O [2.041 to 2.103 Å], Sn-Cl [2.347 to 2.351 Å], C-O [1.261 to 1.289 Å] and C-C [1.401 Å] the bond angles are O-Sn-O 82.6 to 87.7° and Cl-Sn-Cl 97.59°. The UV, IR, 1H NMR and 119Sn Mössbauer spectral data of the compound are reported and discussed.
Within the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and designated laboratories, an interlaboratory comparison, CCQM-P107, was conducted to verify the degree of international comparability concerning the results of purity analysis. The mass fractions of Ag, Bi, Cd, Cr, Ni, Tl at the lower mg/kg-level in a high purity zinc material were determined, but the real measurand in metrological sense was the sum of the six mass fractions. Homogeneity was investigated by glow discharge mass spectrometry, reference values were obtained using isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Six NMIs participated, contributing eight independent data sets. The agreement amongst the results of the participants, their median and the agreement with the reference values were usually excellent and in almost all cases below the target uncertainty of 30% relative. In this manner, the accuracy of results and the comparability between the participants was demonstrated to be established.
Vor einer geplanten Weiter- oder Wiedernutzung von Bestandsgründungen stellt sich die Frage nach deren Lage, Geometrie und Zustand im Untergrund. Hierfür gibt es verschiedene Prüfverfahren. Die Abläufe bei Planung und Prüfung sind jedoch bisher nicht standardisiert und die Möglichkeiten bzw. Grenzen der Prüfverfahren den Planern wenig bekannt. Im Forschungsprojekt REFUND (2014–2016) wurden unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Normen und des Stands der Technik Ablaufdiagramme für die Planung der Wiedernutzung sowie die Untersuchung des Bestands entwickelt.
Dies geschah getrennt für Einzel- und Streifenfundamente, Platten und Pfähle. An zwei Praxisbeispielen wurden die Abläufe getestet und optimiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden in einem Handbuch zusammengefasst. Es soll Planer und andere Verantwortliche bei der wirtschaftlich und technisch optimierten Durchführung von Wiedernutzungsprojekten unterstützen.
Electromagnetic weld pool support system is illustrated successfully for hybrid laser arc welding of 20 -30 mm ferromagnetic Steels Welding of thick-walled steels in flat position and reduced welding velocities is possible Gap and misalignment between welded plates can be tolerated by use of this Technology Opportunity to reduce the laser beam power because of reduced welding velocity respectively increase of weldable material thickness with a 20 kW- fibre laser Mechanical properties of welds are in correspondence with requirements of Standards.
Hybrid laser-arc welding of thick-walled ferromagnetic steels with electromagnetic weld pool support
The hybrid laser-arc welding (HLAW) process provides many advantages over laser welding and arc welding alone, such as high welding speed, gap bridgeability, and deep penetration. The developments in hybrid laser-arc welding technology using modern high-power lasers allow single-pass welding of thick materials. This technology can be used for the heavy metal industries such as shipbuilding, power plant fabrication, and line-pipe manufacturing. The obvious problem for single-pass welding is the growth of the hydrostatic pressure with increasing thickness of materials leading to drop-out of molten metal. This phenomenon is aggravated at slow welding velocities because of increasing weld seam width followed by a decrease of Laplace pressure compensating the hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, weld pool support is necessary by welding of thick materials with slow welding velocities. The innovative electromagnetic weld pool support system is contactless and has been used successfully for laser beam welding of aluminum alloys and austenitic and ferromagnetic steels. The support system is based on generating Lorentz forces within the weld pool. These are produced by an oscillating magnetic field orientated perpendicular to the welding direction. The electromagnetic weld pool support facilitates a decrease in the welding speed without a sagging and drop-out of the melt thus eliminating the limitations of weldable material thickness.
The hybrid laser arc welding (HLAW) process provides many advantages such as improved gap bridgeability, deep penetration and misalignment of edges, that is why the process is used increasingly in industrial applications e.g. shipbuilding, power plant industry and line-pipe manufacturing. The obvious encountered problem for single pass welding in flat position is the gravity drop-out at low welding velocities. With the usage of an electromagnetic weld pool support system, which is based on generating Lorentz forces within the weld pool, wide seams followed by reduced welding velocities could be achieved in this study leading to the realization of a gap bridgeability up to 1 mm, misalignment of edges up to 2 mm and a single pass weld up to 28 mm thickness with a 20-kW fibre laser. These developments expand the boundaries of the HLAW process for different industrial applications. As a result, less accurate preparation of the edges would be sufficient, which saves time for manufacturing.
The laser hybrid welding process offers many advantages regarding deep penetration, increased welding velocity and with the help of the supplied filler wire an improved bridgeability to gap and misalignment tolerances. High power laser systems with a power of approx. 30 kW are already available on the market. Nevertheless, multi-layer technology with an arc process is still used for welding of plates from a thickness from 20 mm. A potential cause is the process instability with increasing laser power. It is inevitable that gravity drop-out due to the high hydrostatic pressure at increasing wall thickness especially at welding in flat position and with a low welding speed. The surface tension decreases with increasing root width resulting from low welding velocities. To prevent such inadmissible defects of the seam a use of weld pool support is required. Usual weld pool support systems such as ceramic or powder supports require a mechanical detachment which is time-consuming. The electromagnetic weld pool support system described in this work shows an alternative weld pool support which works contactless. It is based on generating Lorentz forces in the weld pool due to oscillating magnetic field and induced eddy currents. This innovative technology offers single pass welds up to 28 mm in flat position and reduced welding velocity with a laser power of just 19 kW. It also leads to improved mechanical-technological properties of the seams because of the slow cooling rate. With usage of an electromagnetic weld pool support the limitation of the hybrid laser arc welding process in the thick sheet metal will be extend.
Laserhybridschweißen von dickwandigen Stählen mit elektromagnetischer Schmelzbadunterstützung
Die steigenden Anforderungen in Hinsicht auf Sicherheitsfaktoren von gefügten Bauteilen führen zu einer Zunahme der zu schweißenden Bauteildicken. Das Laserstrahl-Lichtbogen-Hybridschweißverfahren – verbreitet im industriellen Einsatz vor allem im Schiffs- und Windkraftanlagenbau – ermöglicht das einlagige Fügen von dickwandigen Strukturen. Eine Herausforderung stellt das Schweißen von dickwandigen Bauteilen mit reduzierter Geschwindigkeit in Wannenlage (PA-Position) da. Sie ist aufgrund des erhöhten hydrostatischen Druckes und die daraus resultierenden Tropfenbildung an der Wurzelseite bedingt realisierbar. Die im Rahmen dieser Studie eingesetzte elektromagnetische Schmelzbadunterstützung wirkt dem gravitationsbedingten Austropfen der Schmelze entgegen und kompensiert den hydrostatischen Druck. Dabei werden unterhalb der Schweißzone mit Hilfe eines extern angelegten oszillierenden Magnetfeldes Wirbelströme im Werkstück induziert, die eine nach oben gerichtete Lorentzkraft erzeugt. Die Lorentzkraft wirkt dem hydrostatischen Druck entgegen und stellt einen sicheren Schweißprozess ohne Tropfenbildung dar. Mit dem Hybridschweißverfahren mithilfe der elektromagnetischen Schmelzbadunterstützung gelingt es mit einem 20-kW Faserlaser bis zu 30 mm dicke Bleche in einer Lage zu schweißen. Bei 25 mm dicken einlagig geschweißten Platten aus S355 konnte ein Spalt bis 1 mm und ein Kantenversatz bis zu 2 mm sicher überbrückt werden. Die Reduzierung der Schweißgeschwindigkeit hat eine Verringerung der notwendigen Laserleistung zur Folge und begünstigt außerdem die mechanisch-technologischen Eigenschaften, infolge der reduzierten Abkühlgeschwindigkeit. Durch die geringe Martensitbildung führt dies zu einer Verbesserung der Kerbschlagzähigkeit.