- Englisch (3)
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- ja (3)
- Nanoparticles (2)
- SAXS (2)
- Small-angle X-ray scattering (2)
- Toxicology (2)
- Dynamic Light Scattering (1)
- Microplastics (1)
- Nanoparticle (1)
- Nanoplastics (1)
- Reference Material (1)
- Reference Method (1)
Organisationseinheit der BAM
Fate of fluorescence labels - Their adsorption and desorption kinetics to silver nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles are among the most widely used and produced nanoparticles. Because of their frequent application in consumer products, the assessment of their toxicological potential has seen a renewed importance. A Major difficulty is the traceability of nanoparticles in in vitro and in vivo experiments. Even if the particles are labeled, for example, by a fluorescent marker, the dynamic exchange of ligands often prohibits their spatial localization. Our study provides an insight into the adsorption and desorption kinetics of two different fluorescent labels on silver nanoparticles with a core radius of 3 nm by dynamic light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering, and fluorescence spectroscopy. We used BSA-FITC and tyrosine as examples for common fluorescent ligands. It is shown that the adsorption of BSA-FITC takes at least 3 days, whereas tyrosine adsorbs immediately. The quantitative amount of stabilizer on the particle surface was determined by fluorescence spectroscopy and revealed that the particles are stabilized by a monolayer of BSA-FITC (corresponding to 20 ± 9 molecules), whereas tyrosine forms a multilayered structure consisting of 15900 ± 200 molecules. Desorption experiments show that the BSA-FITC-stabilized particles are ideally suited for application in in vitro and in vivo experiments because the ligand desorption takes several days. Depending on the BSA concentration in the particles surroundings, the rate constant is k = 0.2 per day or lower when applying first order kinetics, that is, 50% of the BSAFITC molecules are released from the particle’s surface within 3.4 days. For illustration, we provide a first application of the fluorescence-labeled particles in an uptake study with two different commonly used cell lines, the human liver cell model HepG2 and the human intestinal cell model of differentiated Caco-2 cells.
The production of plastics is rising since they have been invented. Micro, submicro- and nanoplastics are produced intentionally or generated by environmental processes, and constitute ubiquitous contaminants which are ingested orally by consumers. Reported health concerns include intestinal translocation, inflammatory response, oxidative stress and cytotoxicity. Every digestive milieu in the gastrointestinal tract does have an influence on the properties of particles and can cause changes in their effect on biological systems. In this study, we subjected plastic particles of different materials (polylactic acid, polymethylmethacrylate, melamine formaldehyde) and sizes (micro- to nano-range) to a complex artificial digestion model consisting of three intestinal fluid simulants (saliva, gastric and intestinal juice). We monitored the impact of the digestion process on the particles by performing Dynamic Light Scattering, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation. An in vitro model of the intestinal epithelial barrier was used to monitor cellular effects and translocation behavior of (un)digested particles. In conclusion, artificial digestion decreased cellular interaction and slightly increased transport of all particles across the intestinal barrier. The interaction with organic matter resulted in clear differences in the agglomeration behavior. Moreover, we provide evidence for polymer-, size- and surface-dependent cellular effects of the test particles.
Iron oxide of various structures is frequently used as food colorant (E 172). The spectrum of colors ranges from yellow over orange, red, and brown to black, depending on the chemical structure of the material. E 172 is mostly sold as solid powder. Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of nanoscaled particles in E 172 samples, often to a very high extent. This makes it necessary to investigate the fate of these particles after oral uptake. In this study, 7 differently structured commercially available E 172 food colorants (2 x Yellow FeO(OH), 2 x Red Fe2O3, 1 x Orange Fe2O3 + FeO(OH) and 2 x Black Fe3O4) were investigated for particle dissolution, ion release, cellular uptake, crossing of the intestinal barrier and toxicological impact on intestinal cells. Dissolution was analyzed in water, cell culture medium and artificial digestion fluids. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was employed for determination of the specific surface area of the colorants in the digestion fluids. Cellular uptake, transport and toxicological effects were studied using human differentiated Caco-2 cells as an in vitro model of the intestinal barrier. For all materials, a strong interaction with the intestinal cells was observed, albeit there was only a limited dissolution, and no toxic in vitro effects on human cells were recorded.