Zitieren Sie bitte immer diesen URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-598127
High Precision Nail‐Penetration Setup for the Controlled Thermal Runaway Initiation of Lithium‐Ion Cells at Very Low Temperatures
- A high precision nail‐penetration (NP) tool for characterizing the mechanically induced thermal‐runaway (TR) of lithium‐ion battery (LIB) cells in a defined range of temperatures down to −140 °C was developed. To understand the cell specific behavior at low temperatures aiming at the determination of safe handling conditions, different scenarios are analyzed. First, accuracy tests of the NP‐tool regarding motion and penetration depth are conducted with cylindrical cells at different temperatures. Thus, postmortem computer tomographic (CT) images are compared to the data measured with the newly integrated 3‐axis force sensor which is further combined with a high‐resolution position sensor. The herein developed setup allows evaluation of the NP‐metrics at an accuracy of ±1 pierced electrode layer without CT‐scans. Further NP examinations at 20 °C of fully charged cylindrical lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide cells reveal a reproducible minimum damage as a reliable TR‐trigger.A high precision nail‐penetration (NP) tool for characterizing the mechanically induced thermal‐runaway (TR) of lithium‐ion battery (LIB) cells in a defined range of temperatures down to −140 °C was developed. To understand the cell specific behavior at low temperatures aiming at the determination of safe handling conditions, different scenarios are analyzed. First, accuracy tests of the NP‐tool regarding motion and penetration depth are conducted with cylindrical cells at different temperatures. Thus, postmortem computer tomographic (CT) images are compared to the data measured with the newly integrated 3‐axis force sensor which is further combined with a high‐resolution position sensor. The herein developed setup allows evaluation of the NP‐metrics at an accuracy of ±1 pierced electrode layer without CT‐scans. Further NP examinations at 20 °C of fully charged cylindrical lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide cells reveal a reproducible minimum damage as a reliable TR‐trigger. Moreover, NP‐tests at low temperature disclose a relation of the short circuit conductivity and TR‐reactions during subsequent rethermalization to room temperature. Finally, the implementation of a novel fixture for a controlled very fast cooling of LIB‐cells during critical damage opens the way to investigate the individual steps during a TR and, thus, to gain important information of the specific TR‐mechanism of different LIB‐cells.…
Autor*innen: | Nils BöttcherORCiD, Shahabeddin DayaniORCiD, Henning MarkötterORCiD, Alexander Bau, Max Setzchen, Anita SchmidtORCiD, Julia KowalORCiD, Jonas Krug von NiddaORCiD |
Dokumenttyp: | Zeitschriftenartikel |
Veröffentlichungsform: | Verlagsliteratur |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch): | Energy Technology |
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung: | 2024 |
Organisationseinheit der BAM: | 3 Gefahrgutumschließungen; Energiespeicher |
3 Gefahrgutumschließungen; Energiespeicher / 3.1 Sicherheit von Gefahrgutverpackungen und Batterien | |
Veröffentlichende Institution: | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) |
Verlag: | Wiley VHC-Verlag |
Aufsatznummer: | 2301379 |
Erste Seite: | 1 |
Letzte Seite: | 13 |
DDC-Klassifikation: | Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / Ingenieurwissenschaften / Angewandte Physik |
Freie Schlagwörter: | Abuse testing; Battery Safety; High-precision nail penetration; Lithium-ion batteries; Thermal runaway |
Themenfelder/Aktivitätsfelder der BAM: | Energie |
Energie / Elektrische Energiespeicher und -umwandlung | |
DOI: | 10.1002/ente.202301379 |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-598127 |
ISSN: | 2194-4288 |
Verfügbarkeit des Dokuments: | Datei für die Öffentlichkeit verfügbar ("Open Access") |
Lizenz (Deutsch): | Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International |
Datum der Freischaltung: | 08.04.2024 |
Referierte Publikation: | Ja |
Datum der Eintragung als referierte Publikation: | 08.04.2024 |
Schriftenreihen ohne Nummerierung: | Wissenschaftliche Artikel der BAM |