TY - CONF A1 - Günster, Jens T1 - Binder Jetting of Advanced Ceramics N2 - The Binder Jetting BJ process is one of the most versatile additive manufacturing technologies in use. In this process a binder is locally jetted into a powder bed for the consolidation of a 3D structure, layer by layer. Basically, all materials which can be provided as a flowable powder and, thus, spreadable to a thin layer, can be processed. Metals, ceramics and polymers are processable, but also materials from nature, such as sand, wood sawdust and insect frass. Moreover, the BJ technology is adapted to large building volumes of some cubic meters easily. Besides these striking advantages, the manufacture of ceramic parts by BJ is still challenging, as the packing density of the powder bed is generally too low and the particle size of a flowable powder too large for a successful densification of printed parts in a subsequent sintering step to an advanced ceramic product. After an introduction of binder jetting in general and highlighting some examples, strategies for obtaining dense ceramic parts by BJ will be introduced. T2 - yCAM 2022 CY - Barcelona, Spain DA - 08.11.2022 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramics PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-59887 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - BAM Characterization on Capabilities in Additive Manufacturing N2 - Quantitative image analysis, statistical approaches, direct discretization of tomographic reconstructions represent concrete possibilities to extend the power of the tomographic 3D representation to insights into the material and component performance. I will show a few examples of possible use of X-ray tomographic data for quantitative assessment of damage evolution and microstructural properties, as well as for non-destructive testing, with particular focus on additively manufactured materials. I will also show how X-ray refraction computed tomography (CT) and Neutron diffraction can be highly complementary to classic absorption CT, being sensitive to internal interfaces and residual stress analysis, respectively. T2 - Treffen des Konsortium AeroMatForAM CY - Köln, Germany DA - 16.03.2017 KW - Neutronenbeugung KW - Eigenspannungen KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Computertomographie KW - Röntgenrefraktion KW - X-ray Refraction KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Computed Tomography KW - Residual Stress analysis KW - Neutron Diffraction PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-39657 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Avoid living dangerously: non-destructive characterization of AM parts from powder to end-of-life N2 - The freeform and the revolutionary design possibilities offered by additive manufacturing have skyrocketed the amount of optimization studies in the realm of engineering, and metallic additive manufactured parts are becoming a reality in industry. Not surprisingly, this has not been paralleled by a similar enthusiastic wave in the realm of materials science, and still very little is known about AM materials properties. This has the consequence that, typically, conventional materials properties are still used in design and even in simulations. lt is necessary to dig a lot deeper than at present, in order to understand these new materials classes, and in particular their microstructure and their intemal stresses, largely different from their cast or wrought companions. T2 - ISAM Konferenz 2019 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 29.01.2019 KW - Computed Tomography KW - Microstructure KW - Metals KW - Additive Manufacturing PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47331 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Waske, Anja T1 - Anwendungsaspekte magnetischer Funktionsmaterialien: Untersuchungen mit Computertomographie N2 - In diesem Vortrag wird am Beispiel magnetischer Werkstoffe zur Energiewandlung gezeigt, wie röntgentomographische Untersuchungen zur Strukturaufklärung in Kompositen und Massivproben beitragen können. Die Bauteile werden zerstörungsfrei geprüft, um Risse, Poren und andere Defekte und ihren Einfluss auf die funktionellen Eigenschaften dreidimensional und rechtzeitig im Lebenszyklus des Werkstoffs zu charakterisieren. Kombiniert man Mikrotomographie mit anderen Methoden der magnetischen Werkstoffcharakterisierung, lassen sich einzigartige Aussagen über den Aufbau und die funktionellen Eigenschaften treffen. T2 - Werkstoffwoche CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 18.09.2019 KW - X-Ray Imaging KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Magnetocaloric KW - Material Science KW - Non-Destructive testing PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50175 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - An overview of ceramic AM with focus on bioceramics and powder bed technologies N2 - The presentation will start with an overview of ceramic additive manufacturing (AM) technologies and will discuss the potential of AM in the field of bioceramics. The presentation will then focus on two possible use cases of binder jetting technologies. In the first example, standard powder-based binder jetting is used to manufacture a porous implant design for large scale bone defects. The related challenges in the process chain will be discussed, from powder synthesis to sintering and characterization of the printed part. In the second example, the LSD-print slurry-based binder jetting technology is presented as a possibility to adapt powder-bed AM to produce dense ceramic parts. The use case will focus on an application in the field of dental ceramics, specifically for the manufacturing of patient individualized single tooth restorations (veneers, crowns) with a high throughput process chain. T2 - BioCAM - Additive Manufacturing Applied to Bioceramics CY - Mons, Belgium DA - 06.12.2023 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Bioceramic KW - Binder Jetting PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-60053 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Thiel, Erik T1 - AM activities at BAM with focus on process monitoring N2 - The presentation gives an overview of current projects in additive manufacturing at BAM. In particular, the results of the ProMoAm project were presented. T2 - VAMAS - Materials Issues in Additive Manufacturing CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 25.06.2018 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Laser Metal Deposition KW - Thermography KW - Data Fusion KW - In-situ monitoring PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45620 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Breese, Philipp Peter T1 - Aktive Laserthermografie im L-PBF-Prozess zur in-situ Detektion von Defekten N2 - Die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von metallischen Bauteilen hergestellt mit additiver Fertigung (Additive Manufacturing - AM) gewinnt zunehmend an industrieller Bedeutung. Grund dafür ist die Feststellung von Qualität, Reproduzierbarkeit und damit auch Sicherheit für Bauteile, die mittels AM gefertigt wurden. Jedoch wird noch immer ex-situ geprüft, wobei Defekte (z.B. Poren, Risse etc.) erst nach Prozessabschluss entdeckt werden. Übersteigen Anzahl und/oder Abmessung die vorgegebenen Grenzwerte für diese Defekte, so kommt es zu Ausschuss, was angesichts sehr langer Bauprozessdauern äußerst unrentabel ist. Eine Schwierigkeit ist dabei, dass manche Defekte sich erst zeitverzögert zum eigentlichen Materialauftrag bilden, z.B. durch thermische Spannungen oder Schmelzbadaktivitäten. Dementsprechend sind reine Monitoringansätze zur Detektion ggf. nicht ausreichend. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit ein Verfahren zur aktiven Thermografie an dem AM-Prozess Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) untersucht. Das Bauteil wird mit Hilfe des defokussierten Prozesslasers bei geringer Laserleistung zwischen den einzelnen gefertigten Lagen unabhängig vom eigentlichen Bauprozess erwärmt. Die entstehende Wärmesignatur wird ort- und zeitaufgelöst durch eine Infrarotkamera erfasst. Durch diese der Lagenfertigung nachgelagerte Prüfung werden auch zum Bauprozess zeitversetzte Defektbildungen nachweisbar. In dieser Arbeit finden die Untersuchungen als Proof-of-Concept, losgelöst vom AM-Prozess, an einem typischen metallischen Testkörper statt. Dieser besitzt eine Nut als oberflächlichen Defekt. Die durchgeführten Messungen finden an einer eigens entwickelten L-PBF-Forschungsanlage innerhalb der Prozesskammer statt. Damit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur aktiven Thermografie für L-PBF erforscht, der eine größere Bandbreite an Defektarten auffindbar macht. Der Ansatz wird validiert und Genauigkeit sowie Auflösungsvermögen geprüft. Eine Anwendung am AM-Prozess wird damit direkt forciert und die dafür benötigten Zusammenhänge werden präsentiert. T2 - DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2022 CY - Kassel, Germany DA - 23.05.2022 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Laser Powder Bed Fusion KW - Thermografie KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Aktive Laserthermografie PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55040 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Ageing in additively manufactured metallic components: from powder to mechanical failure” an overview of the project agil N2 - An overview of the BAM funed Focus Area Materials Project "AGIL" will be presented. AGIL focussed on the stdiy of the ageing characteristics of additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel with a "powder to mechanical failure" Approach. Recent Highlights are presented and a perspective for future studies. T2 - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 13.05.2019 KW - Residual stress KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Microstructure characterisation KW - Tensile testing KW - Fatigue KW - Crystal Plasticity Modelling KW - Crack propagation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49823 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Advanced ceramics by powder bed 3D printing N2 - Powder bed -based technologies are amongst the most successful Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. "Selective laser sintering/melting" (SLS/SLM) and "binder jetting 3D printing" (3DP) especially are leading AM technologies for metals and polymers, thanks to their high productivity and scalability. However, the flowability of the powder used in these processes is essential to achieve defect-free and densely packed powder layers. For standard powder bed AM technologies, this limits the use of many raw materials which are too fine or too cohesive. This presentation will discuss the possibilities to either optimize the powder raw material to adapt it to the specific AM process, or to develop novel AM technologies which are able to process powders in a wider range of conditions. In this context, the "layerwise slurry deposition" (LSD) has been developed as a layer deposition method which enables the use of very fine ceramic particles. Another technology, the Gas Flow Assisted Powder Deposition, can increase the stability of the powder bed and the packing density, even in extreme conditions such as in absence of gravitational forces. T2 - yCAM 2019 - young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum CY - Mons, Belgium DA - 03.04.2019 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Flowability KW - Ceramic KW - Powder PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47867 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Advanced ceramics by powder bed 3D printing N2 - Powder bed -based technologies are amongst the most successful Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. "Selective laser sintering/melting" (SLS/SLM) and "binder jetting 3D printing" (3DP) especially are leading AM technologies for metals and polymers, thanks to their high productivity and scalability. However, the flowability of the powder used in these processes is essential to achieve defect-free and densely packed powder layers. For standard powder bed AM technologies, this limits the use of many raw materials which are too fine or too cohesive. This presentation will discuss the possibilities to either optimize the powder raw material to adapt it to the specific AM process, or to develop novel AM technologies which are able to process powders in a wider range of conditions. In this context, the "layerwise slurry deposition" (LSD) has been developed as a layer deposition method which enables the use of very fine ceramic particles. T2 - Smart Made CY - Osaka, Japan DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramic KW - Powder KW - Layerwise slurry deposition KW - 3D printing PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49221 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Additive Manufacturing of Silicon Carbide by LSD-print N2 - The layerwise slurry deposition (LSD) has been established in the recent years as a method for the deposition of ceramic powder layers. The LSD consists in the layer-by-layer deposition of a ceramic slurry by means of a doctor blade; each layer is sequentially deposited and dried to achieve a highly packed powder layer. The combination of binder jetting and LSD was introduced as a novel technology named LSD-print. The LSD-print takes advantage of the speed of binder jetting to print large areas, parallel to the flexibility of the LSD, which allows the deposition of highly packed powder layers with a variety of ceramic materials. The working principle and history of the LSD technology will be shortly discussed. A theoretical background will be also discussed, highlighting advantages and drawbacks of the LSD compared to the deposition of a dry powder. The last part of the talk will be dedicated to highlight recent results on the LSD-print of SiSiC of geometrically complex components, in collaboration between BAM and HC Starck Ceramics GmbH. Density, microstructure and mechanical properties of LSD-printed and isostatic pressed samples will be discussed and compared. T2 - XVI ECerS CONFERENCE CY - Torino, Italy DA - 16.06.2019 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Silicon Carbide KW - 3D printing KW - Layerwise Slurry Deposition PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49220 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Lüchtenborg, Jörg T1 - Additive Manufacturing of Dense Ceramics with Laser Induced Slip Casting (LIS) N2 - Most additive manufacturing processes which produce dense ceramics are nowadays limited in size because of inevitable post-processing steps like for example binder removal in stereolithography. The additive manufacturing of voluminous ceramic parts is realized by powder bed based processes which, however, generate parts with residual porosity. Via infiltration these parts can be processed to dense parts like for example SiC but this is not possible for all ceramics like for example Si3N4. There is a lack of methods for the additive manufacturing of dense voluminous parts for most ceramics. We have developed a new additive manufacturing technology, the Laser Induced Slip casting (LIS), based on the layerwise deposition of slurries and their local drying by laser radiation. Laser Induced Slip casting generates ceramic green bodies which can be sintered to dense ceramic components like traditional formed ceramic powder compacts. We will introduce the LIS technology, green bodies and sintered parts will be shown and their microstructure and mechanical properties will be discussed. T2 - CIMTEC 2018 14th Ceramics Congress CY - Perugia, Italy DA - 04.06.2018 KW - Additive Manufacturing PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45781 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Lüchtenborg, Jörg T1 - Additive Manufacturing of Dense Ceramics with Laser Induced Slip Casting (LIS) N2 - The possibility to produce dense monolithic ceramic parts with additive manufacturing is at the moment restricted to small parts with low wall thickness. Up to now, the additive manufacturing of voluminous ceramic parts is realized by powder bed based processes which, however, generate parts with residual porosity. Via infiltration these parts can be processed to dense parts like for example SiC but this is not possible for all ceramics like for example Si3N4. There is a lack of methods for the additive manufacturing of dense voluminous parts for most ceramics. We have developed a new additive manufacturing technology, the Laser Induced Slip casting (LIS), based on the layerwise deposition of slurries and their local drying by laser radiation. Laser Induced Slip casting generates ceramic green bodies which can be sintered to dense ceramic components like traditional formed ceramic powder compacts. We will introduce the LIS technology, green bodies and sintered parts will be shown and their microstructure and mechanical properties will be discussed. T2 - 42nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites CY - Daytona Beach, FL, USA DA - 21.01.2018 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramics PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44182 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Materials N2 - Powder bed -based technologies are amongst the most successful Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. "Selective laser sintering/melting" (SLS/SLM) and "binder jetting 3D printing" (3DP) especially are leading AM technologies for metals and polymers, thanks to their high productivity and scalability. In this context, the "layerwise slurry deposition" (LSD) has been developed as a layer deposition method which enables the use of SLS/SLM and 3DP technologies for advanced ceramic materials. LSD consists in the layer-by-layer deposition of a ceramic slurry by means of a doctor blade. Each layer is deposited and dried to achieve a highly packed powder layer, which can be used for SLM or for 3DP. This technique offers high flexibility in the ceramic feedstock used, especially concerning material and particle size, and is capable of producing parts with physical and mechanical properties comparable to traditionally shaped parts. In this presentation, the LSD technique will be introduced and several examples of application to porcelain, SiC and alumina products will be reported. T2 - First Sino-German Workshop on 3D Printing in Space CY - Beijin, China DA - 20.02.2019 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramic KW - Layerwise PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47868 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Additive Manufacturing of advanced ceramics by layerwise slurry deposition and binder jetting (LSD-print) N2 - Powder bed technologies are amongst the most successful Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. Powder bed fusion and binder jetting especially are leading AM technologies for metals and polymers, thanks to their high productivity and scalability. The application of these techniques to most ceramics has been difficult so far, because of the challenges related to the deposition of homogeneous powder layers when using fine powders. In this context, the "layerwise slurry deposition" (LSD) has been developed as a layer deposition method which enables the use of powder bed AM technologies also for advanced ceramic materials. The layerwise slurry deposition consists of the layer-by-layer deposition of a ceramic slurry by means of a doctor blade, in which the slurry is deposited and dried to achieve a highly packed powder layer. This offers high flexibility in the ceramic feedstock used, especially concerning material and particle size. The LSD technology can be combined with binder jetting to develop the so-called “LSDprint” process for the additive manufacturing of ceramics. The LSDprint technology combines the high-speed printing of binder jetting with the possibility of producing a variety of high-quality ceramics with properties comparable to those achieved by traditional processing. In this presentation, the LSD process will be introduced and several examples of application ranging from silicate to high-performance ceramics will be shown. Recent developments towards the scale-up and industrialization of this process will be discussed, alongside future perspectives for the multi-material additive manufacturing. T2 - Ceramics in Europe 2022 CY - Krakow, Poland DA - 10.07.2022 KW - Layerwise slurry deposition KW - Laser induced slipcasting KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramics PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55543 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - Additive Manufacturing for dental restorations by layerwise slurry deposition (LSD-print) technology N2 - The growing market of custom-made dental restorations offers a major potential for an application of ceramic additive manufacturing (AM). The possibility to individualize patient specific design and to establish new efficient workflows, from model generation to manufacturing, can be fully exploited by AM technologies. However, for mass customization to be truly envisioned, ceramic AM needs to achieve a level of maturity, aesthetic quality, and productivity comparable to established manufacturing processes. In this presentation, the potential of the “layerwise slurry deposition” LSD-print technology for dental applications will be explored. It has been shown in the past years that the LSD-print can be applied to advanced ceramic materials such as alumina and silicon-infiltrated silicon carbide. For these materials, the LSD-print technology combines the high-speed printing of binder jetting with the possibility of producing a variety of high-quality ceramics. The current development deals with the challenges of applying this technology to a feldspar dental material, comparing the quality of AM restorations with the equivalent material for an established CAD/CAM workflow. Preliminary results not only indicate that the AM material produced by LSD-print can be competitive in terms of mechanical properties, but also that aesthetically satisfactory restorations can be manufactured for veneers, inlays and onlays as well as single unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). The presentation focuses on the material and technological challenges alongside the process chain, from the printing process, to debinding, firing and finishing the restorations. T2 - XVIIIth Conference of the European Ceramic Society CY - Lyon, France DA - 02.07.2023 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Layerwise slurry deposition KW - dental KW - ceramic PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58469 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schnieder, Verena T1 - Additive Fertigung von Nickel-Titan-Formgedächtnislegierungen aus den Elementpulvern mittels Laserpulverauftragschweißen N2 - Additive Fertigungsverfahren gewinnen aufgrund der schnellen, flexiblen und kostengünstigen Fertigung von Bauteilen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das Laserpulverauftragschweißen (LPA) wurde anfangs hauptsächlich als Beschichtungsverfahren eingesetzt. Diese Technologie bewerkstelligt aber auch das Reparieren von verschlissenen Bauteilen, sodass diese zeitsparend und ressourcenschonend erneuert werden können. Die hohe Aufbaurate, die flexible Pulverzusammensetzung sowie die hohe Endkonturnähe ermöglichen die Entwicklung und additive Fertigung von neuen Materialien. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wurde das Verfahren des Laserpulverauftragschweißens zur additiven Fertigung von Nickel-Titan-Formgedächtnislegierungen angewandt. Diese Legierungsgruppe ist aufgrund der Eigenschaft der Gestalterinnerung ein äußerst interessantes Legierungssystem mit unterschiedlichen Anwendungsbereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik sowie in der Medizintechnik. Zur Erzeugung einer äquiatomaren NiTi-Legierung wurden die Elementpulver in einem Verhältnis von 55,9 wt.% Nickel und 44,1 wt.% Titan miteinander vermischt. Das Auftragen von Einzelspuren, Schichten und dreidimensionalen Körpern erfolgte auf unterschiedlichen Substratplatten aus Titan-, Nickel- und Nickeltitanlegierungen. Die metallographischen Untersuchungen zeigten, dass sich in Abhängigkeit des Substratmaterials unterschiedliche Phasen ausbilden und Risse vom Substrat durch den additiven Aufbau auftreten. Bei mehrlagigem Aufbau kam es sogar zur Ablösung des additiven Aufbaus von der Substratplatte. Der artgleiche additive Aufbau, sprich NiTi-Legierung auf einem NiTi-Substrat (Ni50,8Ti49,2 in at.%), führte zur keiner Materialablösung. Das Gefüge sowie die Phasenzusammensetzungen bieten in diesem Bereich noch viel Forschungsbedarf. T2 - 39. Assistentenseminar CY - Eupen, Belgium DA - 12.09.2018 KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Laserpulverauftragschweißen KW - Formgedächtnislegierungen KW - NiTi-Legierungen PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46092 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Absorption and refraction tomography: Characterization and Non-destructive Testing of Micro-structured Materials N2 - The combination of tomographic, microstructural data with other experimental techniques and with modeling is paramount, if we want to extract the maximum amount of information on material and component properties. In particular, quantitative image analysis, statistical approaches, direct discretization of tomographic reconstructions represent concrete possibilities to extend the power of the tomographic 3D representation to insights into the material and component performance. This logic thread equally holds for industrial and academic research, and valorizes expensive experiments such as those carried out at synchrotron sources, which cannot be daily repeated. I will show a few examples of possible use of X-ray tomographic data for quantitative assessment of damage evolution and microstructural properties, as well as for non-destructive testing. Examples of micro-structured inhomogeneous materials will be given, such as Composites, Ceramics, Concrete, and Additively manufactured parts. I will also show how X-ray refraction computed tomography (CT) can be highly complementary to classic absorption CT, being sensitive to internal interfaces. Additionally, I will present a new technique in our portfolio, Neutron Diffraction, which is extremely well suited to the study of internal stresses, both residual and under external load. T2 - Seminare der EMPA CY - EMPA, Dubenddorf, Switzerland DA - 10.10.2017 KW - Computed Tomography KW - X-ray Refraction KW - Neutron Diffraction KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Image Analysis PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-42699 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea T1 - A comparison of layerwise slurry deposition and (LSD-print) laser induced slip casting (LIS) for the additive manufacturing of advanced ceramics N2 - The presentation gives an overview of two slurry-based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies specifically developed for advanced ceramic materials. The “Layerwise Slurry Deposition” (LSD-print) is a modification of Binder Jetting making use of a ceramic slurry instead of a dry powder as a feedstock. In this process, a slurry is deposited layer-by-layer by means of a doctor blade and dried to achieve a highly packed powder layer, which is then printed by jetting a binder. The LSD-print technology combines the high-speed printing of binder jetting with the possibility of producing a variety of high-quality ceramics with properties comparable to those achieved by traditional processing. The Laser Induced Slip casting (LIS) technology follows a novel working principle by locally drying and selectively consolidating layer-by-layer a ceramic green body in a vat of slurry, using a laser as energy source. LIS combines elements of Vat Photopolymerization with the use of water-based feedstocks containing a minimal amount of organic additives. The resulting technology can be directly integrated into a traditional ceramic process chain by manufacturing green bodies that are sintered without the need of a dedicated debinding. Both technologies offer high flexibility in the ceramic feedstock used, especially concerning material and particle size. Advantages and disadvantages are briefly described to outline the specific features of LSD-print and LIS depending on the targeted application. T2 - AM Ceramics CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 27.09.2023 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Dental KW - Ceramics KW - Feldspar PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58468 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -