TY - CONF A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Von Elementspezies, Isotope und Zellen oder: wie kommt man eigentlich von Westfalen nach Berlin N2 - Im Rahmen des Vortrages werden die Möglichkeiten der Elementanalytik an Applikationsbeispielen aus Umwelt und life-sciences aufgezeigt. Hierbei kommen ICP-MS Kopplungstechniken, stabile Isotope und Einzellen- und Partikelanalytik (sc-/sp-ICP-ToF-MS) zum Einsatz. T2 - DAAS PhD Seminar CY - Online meeting DA - 20.09.2021 KW - Elementspezies & Isotope KW - ICP-MS & HR-CS-GFMAS KW - Kopplungstechniken PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53378 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Meermann, Björn A1 - Faßbender, Sebastian A1 - Rodiouchkina, K. A1 - Vanhaecke, F. T1 - On-line hyphenation of CE with multicollector-icp-ms for species-specific isotopic analysis of sulfur N2 - In many scientific fields, isotopic analysis can offer valuable information, e.g., for tracing the origin of food products, environmental contaminants, forensic and archaeological samples (provenance determination), for age determination of minerals (geochronological dating) or for elucidating chemical processes. Up to date, typically bulk analysis is aimed at measuring the isotopic composition of the entire elemental content of the sample. However, the analyte element is usually present under the form of different species. Thus, separating species of interest from one another and from matrix components prior to isotope ratio measurements can provide species-specific isotopic information, which could be used for tracing the origin of environmental pollutants and elucidation of (environmental) speciation. Using on-line hyphenations of separation techniques with multicollector-ICP-MS (MC-ICP-MS) can save time and effort and enables the analysis of different species during a single measurement. In this work, we developed an on-line hyphenation of CE with multicollector-ICP-MS (CE/MC-ICP-MS) for isotopic analysis of sulfur species using a multiple-injection approach for instrumental mass bias correction by standard-sample bracketing. With this method, the isotopic composition of sulfur in sulfate originating from river water could be analyzed without sample preparation. The results were compared to data from off-line analysis of the same samples to ensure accuracy. The precision of the results of the on-line measurements was promising regarding the differentiation of the river systems by the isotopic signature of river water sulfate. The great potential of this method is based on the versatility of the applied separation technique, not only in the environmental field but also for, e.g., biomolecules, as sulfur is the only covalently bound constituent of proteins that can be analyzed by MC-ICP-MS. T2 - 12th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications (IMA) CY - Online meeting DA - 20.09.2021 KW - CE/MC-ICP-MS KW - Species-specific Isotope Analysis KW - Environmental & life science application KW - Speciation Analysis PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53379 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Langenhan, Jennifer A1 - Lisec, Jan A1 - Jaeger, Carsten T1 - PEGomics: A meta-study on factors affecting polyethylene glycol (PEG) levels in human blood N2 - Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are widely used in everyday items such as food additives and in personal care products. In addition, they have multiple medical applications: as laxatives, excipients, and covalently coupled to drug molecules leading to improved pharmacokinetics (PEGylation). While generally regarded as biologically inert, the human body is known to produce antibodies against PEGylated molecules. In addition, PEGs have been shown to be part of a biomarker signature to predict colon cancer outcome, suggesting a more complex and yet unknown behavior of PEGs in the human body. Here, we introduce PEGomics, a retrospective screening approach of publicly available LC-MS data. Using a custom R script to process entire studies, the presence of PEGs was reveled in most human plasma, serum and whole blood samples investigated. Several PEG species and adducts were identified and their correlation with different diseases and health conditions was investigated further. Blood PEG levels significantly differed between patient groups in multiple clinical studies related to e.g. pregnancy duration, fasting and smoking. We discuss possible causes for these effects in the light of recent reports of allergies against PEGs and outline our further strategies to identify the source of PEGs in the human body as well as possible metabolic transformations. T2 - ACS Spring 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 05.04.2021 KW - PEG KW - Polyethylene glycole KW - PEGomics KW - Retrospective analysis KW - Meta-study PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53392 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - HR-CS-GFMAS for PFAS sum parameter analysis in surface water and soil samples N2 - Vorstellung neuer HR-CS-GFMAS basierter Analysemethoden zur Analytik von PFAS in Oberflächenwasser und Boden. T2 - 2. Online-Workshop "Emissionsmessverfahren für per- und polyfluorierte Chemikalien (PFC)" CY - Online meeting DA - 30.09.2021 KW - HR-CS-GFMAS KW - PFAS KW - Oberflächenwasser und Boden PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53465 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gornushkin, Igor B. A1 - Veiko, V. P. A1 - Karlagina, J. J. A1 - Polyakov, D. S. A1 - Samokhvalov, A. A. T1 - Reverse deposition of TI-oxides under nanosecond laser ablation of TI N2 - Processes of laser induced oxidation of metals are typically studied in the framework of heterogeneous chemical reactions occurring on the irradiated surface, which lead to the formation of dense oxide films deposited on it. Such technology has many applications like color-laser marking technology and laser recording on thin metal films for creation of diffractive optical elements . Under the conditions of strong laser ablation, another oxidation mechanism becomes possible: evaporated atoms react with oxygen in a surrounding atmosphere and the products of such reaction are redeposited back onto the substrate. The chemical and phase composition of such deposited layer, its density, morphology and structure depend on the conditions of laser ablation. By varying these conditions, the main properties of such coating can be controlled that is important for some potential application (for example in biomedicine). In our report we present the study of the processes of redeposition of oxides structure under the conditions of multipulse nanosecond laser ablation of titanium (Grade 2) in air atmosphere at normal conditions. Our experiments show that titanium-implants with such deposited oxide layer have increased biocompatibility. Modelling of chemical reaction in laser-induced plasma coupled with experimental methods of plasma optical emission spectroscopy allows us to determine the types of main chemical reactions in laser plasma as well as it influences on the plume dynamics and vapor condensation kinetics. As a result, we propose the general physical picture of reverse deposition of oxides structure under the condition of strong nanosecond laser ablation. The formation of the titanium oxide precipitate is explained not only by collisions in the plasma, but also by the chemical interaction of titanium and oxygen, which leads to the formation of а low pressure area near the substrate and additionally stimulates the reverse deposition of oxides. We expect, similar processes are valid not only for titanium but also for other metals and, possibly, semiconductors. T2 - 28th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies CY - Online meeting DA - 06.09.2021 KW - Laser ablation KW - Laser induced plasma deposition KW - Surface coating KW - Emission spectroscopy KW - Titanium dioxide KW - Hydrodynamic model KW - Plasma chemistry PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53245 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Simon, Fabian A1 - Gehrenkemper, Lennart A1 - von der Au, Marcus A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Untersuchung von PFAS-Summenparameter-Methoden Vergleich zwischen AOF vs. EOF und CIC vs. HR-CS-GFMAS N2 - Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen (PFAS) sind eine Substanzklasse mit über 5200 Verbindungen. Aufgrund der Persistenz, Bioakkumulation in Nahrungsketten, Toxizität und der ubiquitären Verbreitung von PFAS zählen sie zu den „emerging pollutants“. Die PFAS-Analytik ist wegen den vielfältigen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften und der sehr hohen Anzahl an PFAS eine große Herausforderung. Da es für viele Anwendungen noch ungewiss ist, welche PFAS verwendet werden, wie sie in die Umwelt gelangen und welche Transformations- bzw. Abbauprodukte entstehen, stoßen analytische Ansätze, die nur auf Einzelsubstanzen abzielen, hier an ihre Grenzen. Weiterhin wird die Analytik aufgrund der Substitution von bereits regulierten PFAS mit ständig steigenden Anzahlen an PFAS-Verbindungen in der Umwelt konfrontiert. PFAS-Summenparameter-Methoden, die ein nahezu vollständiges Abbild der PFAS-Belastungssituation wiedergeben, werden daher immer wichtiger. In unserer Studie haben wir die zwei meistverwendeten PFAS-Summenparameter, das adsorbierbare organisch gebundene Fluor (AOF) und das extrahierbare organisch gebundene Fluor (EOF), miteinander verglichen. Beide Summenparameter können zur Analyse mit entweder combustion-Ionenchromatographie (CIC) oder hochauflösender Molekülabsorptionsspektrometrie (HR-CS-GFMAS) gekoppelt werden. Hierbei diskutieren wir die Vor- und Nachteile sowohl von beiden Summenparameter- als auch beider Detektions-Methoden. Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Oberflächenwasserproben aus der Spree in Berlin durchgeführt. Neben AOF und EOF wurde auch der Gesamt-Fluorgehalt (TF) mit CIC sowie HR-CS-GFMAS bestimmt. Die Fluor-Massenbilanzierung zeigte, dass das Verhältnis AOF/TF höher als das Verhältnis EOF/TF war. Dabei machte der AOF 0.14–0.81% vom TF und der EOF 0.04–0.28% vom TF aus. Insgesamt war die neue EOF/HR-CS-GFMAS-Methode schneller, präziser und sensitiver als die bereits etablierte AOF/CIC-Methode. Beide Methoden sind vielversprechend für die zukünftige Überwachung von Umweltproben und bilden die Grundlage für mögliche Grenzwerte, die auf die Summe PFAS abzielen. T2 - Umwelt 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 07.09.2021 KW - PFAS KW - HR-CS-GFMAS KW - CIC KW - AOF KW - EOF KW - Fluor PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53226 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gehrenkemper, Lennart A1 - Simon, Fabian A1 - von der Au, Marcus A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Erfassung der PFAS-Belastungssituation in Umweltproben - Schnelle & sensitive PFAS-Summenparameteranalytik mittels HR-CS-GFMAS N2 - In der Verbindungsklasse der per- und polyfluorierte alkylischen Substanzen (PFAS) werden über 5200 organische Verbindungen zusammengefasst. PFAS sind an mindestens einem Kohlenstoffatom vollständig fluoriert. Sie werden mit negativen Einflüssen auf die menschliche und tierische Gesundheit assoziiert, sind extrem persistent in der Umwelt und bioakkumulieren entlang von Nahrungsnetzen. Daher zählen PFAS zu den „emerging pollutants“. Gleichzeitig machen ihre physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften sie für die Verwendung in diversen technischen Anwendungen attraktiv. Sie sind sowohl hydro- als auch lipophob und zeigen durch die starke C-F-Bindung hohe thermische wie chemische Beständigkeit. Erste Regulierungen einiger PFAS in Kombination mit den technisch hervorragenden Eigenschaften erzeugt einen Innovationsdruck und führten zu einem enormen Anstieg in der Zahl der Substitutionsverbindungen. Auf Grund der steigenden Komplexität der Substanzklasse ist die Target-Analytik nicht in der Lage eine solche Vielfalt und Vielzahl an Analyten zu erfassen. Für eine akkurate Erfassung der Belastungssituation durch PFAS, die Identifikation von PFAS-Hotspots und eine Bewertung von geeigneten Sanierungsmaßnahmen ist daher eine geeignete PFAS-Summenparameteranalytik notwendig. Daher geben wir hier Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der PFAS-Summenparameterentwicklung und präsentieren unsere neusten Ergebnisse zur Methodenentwicklung für die quantitative Analyse von PFAS als extrahierbares organisch gebundenes Fluor (EOF) in Umweltproben mittels hochauflösender Molekülabsorptionsspektrometrie (HR-CS-GFMAS). Hierfür optimierten wir die Extraktion von PFAS aus verschieden Feststoff-Matrizes bei zeitgleicher Abtrennung anorganischen Fluorids. Durch den Zusatz von Galliumsalz-Lösungen als modifier in der HR-CS-GFMAS kann Fluor indirekt sehr selektiv durch die in situ Bildung von GaF sehr nachweisstark (instrumentelle LOQ ~3 µg/L) quantifiziert werden. T2 - Umwelt 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 07.09.2021 KW - Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) KW - High resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) KW - Solid phase extraction (SPE) KW - Extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF) KW - Solid-liquid extraction KW - Böden PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53227 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gehrenkemper, Lennart A1 - Simon, Fabian A1 - von der Au, Marcus A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Finding the most suitable PFASs sum parameter method - A Comparison of AOF vs. EOF and CIC vs. HR-CS-GFMAS N2 - Since it is unknown for many applications, which PFASs are used and how they enter the environment, target analysis-based methods reach their limits. The two most frequently used sum parameters are the adsorbable organically bound fluorine (AOF) and the extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF). Both can be quantified using either combustion ion chromatography (CIC) or high resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS). Here we provide an insight on the advantageous and disadvantageous of both sum parameters and both detection methods. Our study is based on the analysis of surface water samples. Next to total fluorine (TF) analysis, AOF and EOF were determined as well as CIC and HR-CS-GFMAS are compared and results are comparatively discussed. Fluorine mass balancing revealed that, the AOF/TF proportion was higher than the EOF/TF proportion. The AOF made up 0.14–0.81% of TF and the EOF 0.04–0.28% of TF. Although, organically bound fluorine represents only a small portion of TF, PFASs are of worldwide concern, because of their extreme persistence and their bioaccumulation potential. The EOF-HR-CS-GFMAS method turned out to be more precise and sensitive than the AOF-CIC method and is a promising tool for future monitoring studies/routine analysis of PFASs in the environment. T2 - Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference CY - Online meeting DA - 27.04.2021 KW - High resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) KW - Combustion ion chromatography (CIC) KW - Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) KW - Adsorbable organically bound fluorine (AOF) KW - Extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF) PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53228 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Dinter, Adelina-Elisa A1 - An-Stepec, Biwen Annie A1 - Wurzler, Nina A1 - Koerdt, Andrea A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Development of a single cell-ICP-ToF-MS-method for multielement analysis of MIC organisms grown on solid steel samples N2 - The latest ICP-MS technology - ICP-ToF (time of flight)-MS – enables the analysis of the multi-element fingerprint of individual cells. The interface between material and environmental analysis thus receives special attention, e.g., when considering corrosion processes. Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a highly unpredictable phenomenon due to the influence of the environment, microbial communities involved and the respective electron source. However, the interaction pathway between cells and the metal surface remains unclear. The development of the MIC-specific ICP-ToF-MS analytical method presented here at the single cell level, in combination with the investigation of steel-MIC interactions, contributes significantly to progress in instrumental MIC analysis and will enable clarification of the processes taking place. For this, a MIC-specific staining procedure was developed. It allows the analysis of archaea at a single cell level and provides information about the interaction of the cells with the staining agent which is extremely scarce compared to other well characterized organisms. Additionally, the single cell ICP-ToF-MS is used for the analysis of archaea involved in MIC of steel. Hence, the possible uptake of individual elements from different steel samples is investigated - the information obtained will be used in the future to elucidate underlying mechanisms and develop possible material protection concepts, thus combining modern methods of analytical sciences with materials. T2 - DAAS Doktorandenseminar 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 20.09.2021 KW - Sc-ICP-ToF-MS KW - Single cell analysis KW - Microbiologically influenced corrosion KW - Archaea PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53340 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gehrenkemper, Lennart A1 - Simon, Fabian A1 - von der Au, Marcus A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - Detection of PFAS pollution in environmental samples - A Fast & sensitive PFAS sum parameter method using HR CS GFMAS N2 - The substance class of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) comprises more than 5300 organic compounds. PFAS are completely fluorinated on at least one carbon atom. They are associated with negative impacts on human and animal health, are extremely persistent in the environment, and bioaccumulate along food chains. Therefore, PFAS are classified as emerging pollutants. At the same time, their physicochemical properties make them attractive for use in diverse technical applications. They are both hydrophobic and lipophobic and show high thermal as well as chemical resistance due to the strong C-F bond. First regulations of some PFAS in combination with the technically excellent properties generated an innovation pressure and led to an enormous increase in the number of fluorinated substitution compounds. Due to the increasing complexity of this substance class, target analysis is not able to cover such a variety and multitude of analytes. Therefore, a suitable PFAS sum parameter method is necessary for an accurate detection of PFAS pollution in the environment, the identification of PFAS hotspots and an evaluation of appropriate remediation measures. Here we provide insights into the current state of PFAS sum parameter development and present our latest results on method development for the quantitative analysis of PFAS as extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF) in environmental samples using high-resolution molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS). For this purpose, we optimized the extraction of PFAS from different solid matrices with simultaneous separation of inorganic fluoride. For quantification resulting extracts were measured using a fluorine specific HR-CS-GFMAS method. By adding gallium salt solutions as modifiers in HR-CS-GFMAS, fluorine can be indirectly quantified very selectively by the in situ formation of GaF with low limits of quantification (instrumental LOQ c(F) < 3 µg/L). Here we will show results from real soil samples from sites with and without known contamination. T2 - 6. Doktorandenseminar des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Analytische Spektroskopie (DAAS) CY - Online meeting DA - 20.09.2021 KW - High resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) KW - Soil KW - Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) KW - Extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF) KW - Solid-liquid extraction PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53333 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Vogl, Jochen T1 - Detector deadtime N2 - Deadtime effects for counting detectors in ICP-MS and deadtime correction are discussed. Approaches for determining the deadtime are presented. T2 - Workshop & Training "Isotope Ratio Analysis" CY - Pathum Thani, Thailand DA - 06.12.2023 KW - Counting detector KW - Detector deadtime KW - Isotope ratio KW - Dual mode detector PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-59166 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Vogl, Jochen T1 - Isotope Ratio Measurement - Quantities and calibration N2 - The quantities and the terminoly in isotope ratio measurements is presented, followed by explaining calibration approaches for isotope ratio measurements. Sources of error and bias are presented and special focus is given on single detector mass spectrometry. T2 - Workshop & Training "Isotope Ratio Analysis" CY - Pathum Thani, Thailand DA - 06.12.2023 KW - Isotope fractionation KW - Matrix separation KW - Interferences KW - Noise KW - Optimization PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-59165 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Gräßer, Patrick A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin A1 - Paul, Andrea A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Kern, Simon T1 - NMR spectroscopy for online monitoring and process control N2 - Due to NMR spectroscopy as an “absolute analytical comparison method”, independent of the matrix, it runs with extremely short set-up times in combination with “modular” spectral models. Such models can simply be built upon pure component NMR spectra within a few hours (i.e., assignment of the NMR signals to the components) instead of tedious calibrations runs. We present a range of approaches for the automated spectra analysis moving from statistical approach, (i.e., Partial Least Squares Regression) to physically motivated spectral models (i.e., Indirect Hard Modelling and Quantum Mechanical calculations). The departure from the current automation landscape to next generation automation concepts for the process industry has already begun. Smart functions of sensors simplify their use and enable plug-and-play integration, even though they may appear to be more complex at first sight. Monitoring specific information (i.e., “chemical” such as physico-chemical properties, chemical reactions, etc.) is the key to “chemical” process control. Here we introduce our smart online NMR sensor module provided in an explosion proof housing as example.Based on concentration measurements of reagents and products by the NMR analyzer a continuous production and direct loop process control were successfully realized for several validation runs in a modular industrial pilot plant and compared to conventional analytical methods (HPLC, near infrared spectroscopy). The NMR analyser was developed for an intensified industrial process funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. T2 - Global Expert Meeting Analytical Quantification, Syngenta Crop Protection AG CY - Stein, Switzerland DA - 22.05.2018 KW - Process monitoring KW - Online NMR spectroscopy KW - Indirect hard modeling KW - Benchtop NMR spectroscopy PY - 2018 N1 - Geburtsname von Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. - Birth name of Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. AN - OPUS4-45004 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Gräßer, Patrick A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin A1 - Paul, Andrea A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Kern, Simon T1 - Already producing or still calibrating? – Online NMR spectroscopy as smart field device N2 - The departure from the current automation landscape to next generation automation concepts for the process industry has already begun. Smart functions of sensors simplify their use and enable plug-and-play integration, even though they may appear to be more complex at first sight. Monitoring specific information (i.e., “chemical” such as physico-chemical properties, chemical reactions, etc.) is the key to “chemical” process control. Here we introduce our smart online NMR sensor module provided in an explosion proof housing as example. Due to NMR spectroscopy as an “absolute analytical comparison method”, independent of the matrix, it runs with extremely short set-up times in combination with “modular” spectral models. Such models can simply be built upon pure component NMR spectra within a few hours (i.e., assignment of the NMR signals to the components) instead of tedious calibrations runs. We present a range of approaches for the automated spectra analysis moving from statistical approach, (i.e., Partial Least Squares Regression) to physically motivated spectral models (i.e., Indirect Hard Modelling and Quantum Mechanical calculations). Based on concentration measurements of reagents and products by the NMR analyzer a continuous production and direct loop process control were successfully realized for several validation runs in a modular industrial pilot plant and compared to conventional analytical methods (HPLC, near infrared spectroscopy). The NMR analyser was developed for an intensified industrial process funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (“Integrated CONtrol and SENsing”, www.consens-spire.eu). T2 - Analytical Chemists Meeting, Syngenta Crop Protection Monthey SA CY - Monthey, Switzerland DA - 23.05.2018 KW - Process monitoring KW - Online NMR spectroscopy KW - Indirect hard modeling KW - Benchtop NMR spectroscopy KW - Direct loop control PY - 2018 N1 - Geburtsname von Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. - Birth name of Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. AN - OPUS4-45006 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Steinmüller, D A1 - Gerlach, M T1 - Wandel der Prozessanalytik vom Exot zur Informationsquelle der digitalisierten Automation N2 - Die ehemals wegen komplexer Technik und vergleichsweise hohen Wartungskosten beim Anwender ungeliebte Prozessanalysentechnik (PAT) erfährt sich mittlerweile immer mehr als etablierender Bereich mit einem großen Zuwachs und Dynamik. Die Prozesskontrolle und -steuerung über physikalische Kenngrößen wie Druck und Temperatur lässt eine weitere Optimierung der Anlagen kaum mehr zu. Nur mittels stoffspezifischer Analysen lassen sich Rohstoffschwankungen, Ausbeuten und Energieeinsatz konsequent optimieren. Der systematische Einsatz der Prozessanalysentechnik verändert Prozesse und Produktionsumgebungen und hat damit die Chance, Kernstück dezentral automatisierter Produktionseinheiten zu werden. Ein neuer Arbeitskreis der NAMUR AK 3.7 „Smarte Sensorik, Aktorik und Kommunikation“ wird diesem verstärkt Rechnung tragen. Es werden reale Anwendungsbeispiele aufgezeigt, die eine schnelle Amortisation von PAT im Prozess untermauern. T2 - ACHEMA 2018 - AUTOMATION IM DIALOG CY - Frankfurt a. M., Germany DA - 11.06.2018 KW - Prozessanalytik KW - Automation KW - Industrie 4.0 KW - Prozessanalysentechnik KW - NAMUR KW - ZVEI PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45193 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Kern, Simon A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin T1 - Produzieren Sie schon oder kalibrieren Sie noch? – Online-NMR-Spektrometer als Smarte Feldgeräte N2 - Der Übergang von der aktuellen Automatisierungslandschaft zur nächsten Generation von Automatisierungskonzepten für die Prozessindustrie hat bereits begonnen. Intelligente Funktionen der Sensoren vereinfachen ihre Anwendung und ermöglichen eine Plug-and-Play-Integration, auch wenn sie auf den ersten Blick komplexer erscheinen mögen. Dies ist die Basis für die Digitalisierung der Prozessindustrie und hilft uns, komplexere Prozesse schneller umzusetzen. Der Vortrag fasst die derzeit diskutierten allgemeinen Anforderungen an „Smarte Feldgeräte“ zusammen und diskutiert dieses am Beispiel eines smarten Online-NMR-Sensors. NMR-Spektroskopie bietet sich durch den Vorteil der direkten Vergleichsmethode (ohne Kalibrierung) für die Prozess-Steuerung an und verringert somit die Rüstzeiten. Zudem basiert der Sensor auf physikalisch motivierten Modellen (Indirect Hard Modeling, IHM), die sich modular kombinieren lassen. Die Methoden wurden anhand eines vorgegebenen pharmazeutischen Reaktionsschrittes im Rahmen des „Horizon 2020“-Projekts CONSENS der Europäischen Union demonstriert und validiert. Zuletzt werden Anforderungen an die Weiterentwicklung der Datenauswertemethoden diskutiert, um letztlich die semantische Information aus den Messdaten herauszulesen oder das in der Industrie 4.0 geforderte „durchgehende Engineering“ für die Automatisierungskomponenten zu ermöglichen. T2 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 10.09.2018 KW - Prozessindustrie KW - Prozessanalytik KW - Online-NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Datenkonzepte KW - Datenanalyse KW - CONSENS PY - 2018 N1 - Geburtsname von Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. - Birth name of Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. AN - OPUS4-45934 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Gräßer, Patrick A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin A1 - Paul, Andrea A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Kern, Simon T1 - NMR spectroscopy for online monitoring and process control N2 - The departure from the current automation landscape to next generation automation concepts for the process industry has already begun. Smart functions of sensors simplify their use and enable plug-and-play integration, even though they may appear to be more complex at first sight. Monitoring specific information (i.e., “chemical” such as physico-chemical properties, chemical reactions, etc.) is the key to “chemical” process control. Here we introduce our smart online NMR sensor module provided in an explosion proof housing as example. Due to NMR spectroscopy as an “absolute analytical comparison method”, independent of the matrix, it runs with extremely short set-up times in combination with “modular” spectral models. Such models can simply be built upon pure component NMR spectra within a few hours (i.e., assignment of the NMR signals to the components) instead of tedious calibrations runs. We present a range of approaches for the automated spectra analysis moving from statistical approach, (i.e., Partial Least Squares Regression) to physically motivated spectral models (i.e., Indirect Hard Modelling and Quantum Mechanical calculations). Based on concentration measurements of reagents and products by the NMR analyzer a continuous production and direct loop process control were successfully realized for several validation runs in a modular industrial pilot plant and compared to conventional analytical methods (HPLC, near infrared spectroscopy). The NMR analyser was developed for an intensified industrial process funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (“Integrated CONtrol and SENsing”, www.consens-spire.eu). T2 - REsearch and Development Seminar, Syngenta Crop Protection AG CY - Münchwilen, Switzerland DA - 22.05.2018 KW - Process monitoring KW - Online NMR spectroscopy KW - Indirect hard modeling KW - Benchtop NMR spectroscopy PY - 2018 N1 - Geburtsname von Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. - Birth name of Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. AN - OPUS4-45003 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Gräßer, Patrick A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Kern, Simon T1 - Sustainable and Flexible Production of High Quality Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Using Smart Sensors and Modular Production Units N2 - The departure from the current automation landscape to next generation automation concepts for the process industry has already begun. Smart functions of sensors simplify their use and enable plug-and-play integration, even though they may appear to be more complex at first sight. Monitoring specific information (i.e., “chemical” such as physico-chemical properties, chemical reactions, etc.) is the key to “chemical” process control. The talk introduces a smart online NMR sensor module provided in an explosion proof housing as example. This sensor was developed for an intensified industrial process (pharmaceutical lithiation reaction step) funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (www.consens-spire.eu). Due to NMR spectroscopy as an “absolute analytical comparison method”, independent of the matrix, it runs with extremely short set-up times in combination with “modular” spectral models. Such models can simply be built upon pure component NMR spectra within a few hours (i.e., assignment of the NMR signals to the components) instead of tedious calibrations runs. The talk also generally covers current aspects of high-field and low-field online NMR spectroscopy for reaction monitoring and process control and gives also an overview on direct dissolution studies of API cocrystals. T2 - Chemistry Group Seminar Pfizer Inc. CY - La Jolla, California, USA DA - 09.03.2018 KW - Process Monitoring KW - Online NMR Spectroscopy KW - Smart Sensors KW - Indirect Hard Modeling KW - Modular Production KW - CONSENS PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-444382 AN - OPUS4-44438 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy Uncertainty Analysis Workshop N2 - qNMR provides the most universally applicable form of direct concentration or purity determination without need for reference materials of impurities or the calculation of response factors but only exhibiting suitable NMR properties. The workshop presents basic terms of statistics and uncertainty analysis, which are the basis for qNMR spectroscopy and data analysis such as, e.g., standard deviations, linear regression, significance tests, etc. and gives typical examples of applications in qNMR spectroscopy. T2 - Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference ​(PANIC) Validation Workshop 2018 CY - La Jolla, California, USA DA - 08.03.2018 KW - qNMR KW - NMR Validation KW - Basic Statistics KW - Linear Regression PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-444395 AN - OPUS4-44439 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Prozessanalytik – von der Online-NMR-Spektroskopie im Feld bis zum Plasmaspektrometer auf dem Acker N2 - Der Vortrag stellt einige aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Prozessanalytik und mögliche Antworten vor. Gepulste Raman-Spektrometer akkumulieren das Raman-Signal mit Hilfe schneller optischer Schalter im Picosekunden-Bereich, bevor langlebigere Fluoreszenzanregung entsteht. Damit lassen sich stark fluoreszierende Materialien untersuchen, die bislang nicht zugänglich sind. Eine weitere interessante Entwicklung ist etwa die Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS) die besonders für biologische Anwendungen interessant ist. Flexible, modulare Produktionsanlagen stellen einen vielversprechenden Ansatz für die kontinuierliche Produktion von Fein- und Spezialchemikalien dar. In einem EU-Projekt wurde die Feldintegration eines Online-NMR-Sensormoduls als smartes Modul für die Prozesskontrolle vorangebracht. Dieses Modul basiert auf einem kommerziell erhältlichen Niederfeld-NMR-Spektrometer, welche zurzeit für die Anwendung im Laborbereich erhältlich ist. Für die Feldintegration wurde ein ATEX-zertifiziertes, explosionsgeschütztes Gehäuse entwickelt sowie Automationsschemen für den unbeaufsichtigten Betrieb und für die kalibrierfreie spektrale Datenauswertung erstellt. Eine sehr gut anwendbare analytische Messtechnik zur Kontrolle der elementaren Zusammensetzung von verschiedensten Materialien ist die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIPS, engl. LIBS - Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). Bei der LIBS wird ein kurz gepulster Laser auf eine Probe fokussiert, um ein Leuchtplasma zu erzeugen. Das dabei erzeugte Atomemissionsspektrum ermöglicht eine qualitative und quantitative Analyse der Zusammensetzung der Probe bezüglich praktisch aller Elemente des Periodensystems. In einem aktuellen Projekt wird diese Methode neben anderen zur Online-Analyse von Ackerböden für die ortsspezifischer Bewirtschaftung (Precision Agriculture) weiterentwickelt und bewertet. T2 - Seminar der Institute Analytische Chemie CY - Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany DA - 23.04.2018 KW - Prozessanalytik KW - Time-gated Raman-Spektroskpie KW - Online-NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy KW - Online-RFA-Spektroskopie PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44754 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Workshop: Basic Statistics for NMR N2 - qNMR provides the most universally applicable form of direct concentration or purity determination without need for reference materials of impurities or the calculation of response factors but only exhibiting suitable NMR properties. The workshop presents basic terms of statistics and uncertainty analysis, which are the basis for qNMR spectroscopy and data analysis such as, e.g., standard deviations, linear regression, significance tests, etc. and gives typical examples of applications in qNMR spectroscopy. T2 - qNMR-Summit 2018 CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 10.10.2018 KW - Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy KW - Statistics KW - Quality Assurance KW - NMR validation KW - qNMR PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46368 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Raab, A. A1 - Solovyev, N. A1 - El-Kathib, Ahmed A1 - Vogl, Jochen A1 - Costas-Rodriguez, M. A1 - Vanhaecke, F. A1 - Schwab, K. A1 - Griffin, E. A1 - Platt, B. A1 - Theuring, F. T1 - Isotope signature of iron, copper and zinc in mouse models (L66 and 5XFAD) and their controls used for dementia research N2 - Introduction: The influence of copper, iron and zinc concentrations on the formation of ß-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is widely discussed in the community. The results from human and animal studies so far are mixed with some studies showing a correlation and others not. From a number of studies, it is known that disease state and isotopic composition of essential elements can be coupled. Aim: The aim of the study was to identify changes in element content and isotopic composition in two transgenic mouse models used in AD research compared to their genetic WT relatives and to establish whether element content and isotopic signature between different laboratories is comparable. Methods: ß-amyloid (5xFAD) and tau overexpressing (L66) mice together with their matching wild-types were bred at dedicated facilities in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive (63/2010/EU). Serum and brain were sampled after sacrifice and the samples distributed among the participants of the study. The tissues were acid digested for total element determination and high-precision isotope ratio determination. Element content was determined by either sector-field or quadrupole-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). For the determination of isotope ratios multi-collector ICPMS was used. Results: Total copper content was significantly higher for L66 and their matched WT compared to 5xFAD and WT. Brains of L66 mice contained more Fe in brain than their WT, Zn and Cu were not significantly different between L66 and WT. Whereas 5xFAD mice had a slightly lower Cu and slightly higher Zn concentration in brain compared to WT. The isotopic signature in brain of L66 mice for Fe was different from their controls, whereas Zn isotope ratios were influenced in 5xFAD mice compared to their WT . The Cu isotopic ratio did not seem to be influenced in either strain. In serum, the shifts were less pronounced. Conclusion: Even though neither Tau-protein nor amyloid precursor protein are known to be metal-dependent / -containing proteins, the overexpression of both influences the Fe, Cu and Zn metabolism in brain and to some extent also in serum as can be seen not only using total element determination but probably more clearly studying the isotopic signature of Fe, Cu and Zn. T2 - International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 05.06.2022 KW - Isotope delta value KW - Copper KW - Zinc KW - Iron KW - Dementia PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-58230 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abad Andrade, Carlos Enrique A1 - Winckelmann, Alexander A1 - Hoffmann, Volker A1 - You, Zengchao A1 - Richter, Silke A1 - Recknagel, Sebastian T1 - What does GD-OES reveal about the aging and manufacturing processes of lithium-ion batteries? N2 - Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GD-OES), a powerful analytical technique, sheds light on the two critical aspects of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs): manufacturing and aging 1, 2. We optimized cell production in manufacturing by adjusting parameters, including cathode doping, electrolyte concentration, and pressing force. GD-OES provided in-depth elemental composition and homogeneity analysis, which is crucial for identifying optimal manufacturing conditions. These findings were validated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, confirming the quality of the manufactured batteries. Shifting the focus to aging, we use GD-OES for fluorine depth profiling, a key element in understanding polymer and electrolyte degradation. However, fluorine presents analytical challenges. We addressed this by substituting argon with a neon:argon mixture, which significantly enhanced fluorine detection sensitivity. This advancement not only improves accuracy but also holds the potential to guide sustainable and cost-efficient manufacturing strategies. Through its versatility, GD-OES has proven to be a powerful tool for not only optimizing LIB manufacturing processes but also gaining deeper insights into their aging mechanisms. This research extends beyond academic interest, offering tangible benefits for the industry by translating into improved battery quality, extended lifespan, and overall performance. T2 - The 6th International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium CY - Liverpool, United Kingdom DA - 21.04.2024 KW - GD-OES KW - Depth profiles KW - Lithium KW - Battery KW - Fluorine KW - Aging KW - Manufacturing KW - Glow-discharge PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59945 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grimmer, Christoph A1 - Strzelczyk, Rebecca A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Musyanovych, Anna A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Development, application and measurement uncertainty of emission reference materials N2 - Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by furniture and building materials can cause health issues. For an improvement of indoor air quality low emitting materials should be used. Quality assurance and –control (QA/QC) measures require an emission reference material (ERM) with a predictable emission rate of VOCs. The idea is to use porous materials as ERM, which store the VOCs inside their pores and emit them constantly. T2 - Webinar Metrology for Indoor Air Quality Reference materials for QA/QC of the emission test chamber procedure CY - Online meeting DA - 11.04.2024 KW - Emission reference materials KW - Indoor air quality KW - Materials emissions test KW - VOC PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59963 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grimmer, Christoph A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Musyanovych, Anna A1 - Strzelczyk, Rebecca A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Preparation of novel emission reference materials: μ-capsules & impregnated porous materials N2 - Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by furniture and building materials can cause health issues. For an improvement of indoor air quality low emitting materials should be used. Quality assurance and –control (QA/QC) measures require an emission reference material (ERM) with a predictable emission rate of VOCs. The idea is to use porous materials as ERM, which store the VOCs inside their pores and emit them constantly. T2 - WORKSHOP: METROLOGY FOR INDOOR AIR QUALITY CY - Mol, Belgium DA - 18.10.2023 KW - Emission reference materials KW - Indoor air quality KW - Materials emissions test KW - VOC PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-59961 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Die Digitalisierung der Prozessindustrie – Voll integrierte und intelligent vernetzte Sensoren und Prozesse für die kontinuierliche Produktion von Chemikalien und Pharmazeutika N2 - Um in einem veränderten Umfeld erfolgreich bestehen zu können, müssen Chemie-unternehmen neue Pfade beschreiten. Dazu gehört insbesondere das Potential digi-taler Technologien. Mit flexiblen, modularen chemischen Vielzweck-Produktionsanlagen lassen sich häufig wechselnde Produkte mit kürzeren Vorlauf- und Stillstandzeiten zwischen den Kampagnen und dennoch hoher Qualität realisie-ren. Intensivierte, kontinuierliche Produktionsanlagen erlauben auch den Umgang mit schwierig zu handhabenden Substanzen. Grundvoraussetzung für solche Konzepte ist eine hochautomatisierte "chemische" Prozesskontrolle zusammen mit Echtzeit-Qualitätskotrolle, die "chemische" Informati-onen über den Prozess bereitstellt. In einem Anwendungsbeispiel wurde eine phar-mazeutische Lithiierungsreaktion aus einer modularen Pilot-Anlage betrachtet und dabei die Vorzüge eines vollautomatischen NMR-Sensors untersucht. Dazu wurde ein kommerziell erhältliches Benchtop-NMR-Spektrometer mit Permanentmagnet auf die industriellen Anforderungen, wie Explosionsschutz, Feldkommunikation und voll-automatischer, robuster Datenauswertung angepasst. Der NMR-Sensor konnte schließlich erfolgreich im vollautomatischen Betrieb nach fortschrittlichen Regelkon-zepten und für die Echtzeitoptimierung der Anlage getestet werden. Die NMR-Spektroskopie erwies sich als hervorragende Online-Methode und konnte zusammen mit einer modularen Datenauswertung sehr flexibel genutzt werden. Die Methode konnte überdies als zuverlässige Referenzmethode zur Kalibrierung konventioneller Online-Analytik eingesetzt werden. Zukünftig werden voll integrierte und intelligent vernetzte "smarte" Sensoren und Pro-zesse eine kontinuierliche Produktion von Chemikalien und Pharmazeutika mit ver-tretbaren Qualitätskosten möglich machen. T2 - ANAKON 2019 CY - Münster, Germany DA - 25.03.2019 KW - Digitalisierung KW - Datenauswertung KW - Digitaler Zwilling KW - Prozessindustrie KW - Prozessanalytik PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47650 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Kern, Simon A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Wander, Lukas A1 - Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin A1 - Gräßer, Patrick A1 - Peters, Claudia A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Quantitative NMR-Spektroskopie – Eine unverzichtbare Methode für die Analytische Chemie N2 - Die NMR-Spektroskopie stellt heutzutage eine der wichtigsten Analysenmethoden in der organischen Chemie dar. Während der Großteil aller Untersuchungen qualitativ mit dem Ziel der Stoffidentifikation und Strukturaufklärung erfolgt, erlangt die quantitative NMR-Spektroskopie (qNMR) zunehmend an Bedeutung in Forschung und Industrie. Der entscheidende Vorteil gegenüber anderen Analysenmethoden liegt in der direkten Proportionalität der Signalfläche zur Anzahl Kernspins im Messvolumen. Dies erlaubt eine kalibrationsfreie Relativquantifizierung. Zur Absolutquantifizierung reicht die Zugabe einer definierten Menge eines vom Analyten unabhängigen NMR-Standards aus. Trotz dieser Vorteile findet sich die qNMR bislang nur vereinzelt in Normen und Standardverfahren wieder. Zahlreiche Ringversuche in Metrologie und Industrie demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit moderner NMR-Spektrometer und stärken das Vertrauen in die Methode. Die Entwicklung von Validierungskonzepten, sowie die kommerzielle Verfügbarkeit geeigneter zertifizierter Referenzmaterialien erleichtern die Anwendung, insbesondere im zumeist stark regulierten industriellen Umfeld. Neben etablierten Hochfeld-NMR Spektrometern hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein stark wachsender Markt für kompakte Benchtop-NMR Geräte auf Permanentmagnetbasis entwickelt. Die geringeren Anschaffungs- und Betriebskosten, sowie die einfache Bedienbarkeit erlaubt es auch kleineren Unternehmen in diese Analysenmethode einzusteigen. Weiterhin besteht die Möglichkeit diese mobilen Systeme näher an die Produktion zu bringen, welches von der klassischen Qualitätskontrolle bis hin zur Online-Prozesskontrolle als vollautomatisierter Analysator reicht. Die geringere Feldstärke der Systeme erfordert hier oft den Einsatz modellbasierter Ansätze zur Spektrenauswertung (z.B. Indirect Hard Modeling). Dieser Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht über aktuelle Anwendungen und Entwicklungen der qNMR von der universellen, hochgenauen Labormethode bis hin zur robusten Anwendung als Online-Analysator im Feld. T2 - ANAKON 2019 CY - Münster, Germany DA - 25.03.2019 KW - qNMR KW - NMR Spektroskopie KW - Messunsicherheit PY - 2019 N1 - Geburtsname von Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. - Birth name of Bornemann-Pfeiffer, Martin: Bornemann, M. AN - OPUS4-47661 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - NMR Validation - Measurement Uncertainty N2 - There is a need within the NMR community to progress forward in exploring new facets in which we can use analytical techniques to advance our understanding of various systems. One aspect the NMR community hasn’t fully encompassed is the validation process, which also involves setting reference standards, establishing a common language that directly relates to NMR, communication relating to validation, and much more. This workshopcontribution starts with an overview on international metrology for qNMR spectroscopy. Since NMR is completely described by mathematical equations, the measurement unceartainty can directly be dreived from formula. Examples are presented. These are differentiated between type A and B evaluations. Finally the Expanded Unceartainty is defined. Since the user needs a risk-based unceartainty assessment, different "leagues" for routine, advanced, and high level needs are proposed to make clear, that no all sources of uncertainty have to be taken in considerention at practical levels. T2 - Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC) 2019 - Validation Workshop CY - Hilton Head Island, USA DA - 04.03.2019 KW - Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy KW - qNMR KW - Uncertainty Evaluation KW - Weighing Uncertainty KW - NMR Method Validation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47509 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Compact NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Automated Continuous-Flow Production of Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals N2 - Chemical companies must find new paths to successfully survive in a changing environment. The potential of digital technologies belongs to these. Flexible and modular chemical plants can produce various high-quality products using multi-purpose equipment with short down-times between campaigns and reduce time to market for new products. Intensified continuous production plants allow for difficult to produce compounds. Therefore, fully automated “chemical” process control along with real-time quality control are prerequisites to such concepts and thus should be based on “chemical” information. The advances of a fully automated NMR sensor were exploited, using a given pharmaceutical lithiation reaction as an example process within a modular pilot plant. A commercially available benchtop NMR spectrometer was integrated to the full requirements of an automated chemical production environment such as , e.g., explosion safety, field communication, and robust evaluation of sensor data. It was thereof used for direct loop advanced process control and real-time optimization of the process. NMR appeared as preeminent online analytical tool and allowed using a modular data analysis tool, which even served as reliable reference method for further PAT applications. In future, such fully integrated and intelligently interconnecting “smart” systems and processes can speed up the high-quality production of specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals. T2 - Global PAT Meeting Bayer AG CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 12.11.2019 KW - Process Analytical Technology KW - Reaction Monitoring KW - Online NMR Spectroscopy KW - CONSENS PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49602 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - You, Zengchao A1 - Winckelmann, Alexander A1 - Roik, Janina A1 - Weisheit, Wolfram A1 - Recknagel, Sebastian A1 - Abad Andrade, Carlos Enrique T1 - Multi-element analysis in different matrices using nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric pressure plasma mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) N2 - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) emerged as a powerful technique for trace analysis of soil due to its multi-element capability, high sensitivity and low sample consumption. However, despite its success and widespread use, ICP-MS has several persistent drawbacks, such as high argon gas consumption, argon-based polyatomic interferences and the need for complicated RF-power generators. Unlike argon-based ICP, the nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) uses nitrogen as plasma gas, which eliminates high operating costs associated with argon-gas consumption as well as the argon-based interferences1. In this work, the applicability of MICAP-MS for elemental analysis in different matrices is investigated. For this purpose, reference soil samples and steel samples are digested with aqua regia and used for analysis. Concentrations of selected elements are determined using MICAP-MS and validated with ICP-MS und certified values. Sensitivities, limits of detection and gas consumption for both methods are compared and discussed in detail. Performance of MICAP-MS under different nitrogen plasma gas concentrations is investigated and compared. Moreover, the performance of MICAP-MS in alloy matrices is investigated and discussed. T2 - EWCPS 2023 CY - Ljubljana, Slovenia DA - 29.01.2023 KW - Microwave inductively coupled atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) KW - Multi-element analysis KW - Soil KW - Steel KW - Nitrogen plasma PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-56994 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Lisec, Jan A1 - Jaeger, Carsten T1 - Metabolomics N2 - A 90 minutes overview on metabolomics as an analytical method for life sciences. T2 - IceBio Network training event CY - Grenoble, France DA - 29.02.2024 KW - Mass Spectrometry KW - Metabolomics KW - Data Analyses PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59596 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gornushkin, Igor B. T1 - Laser-Induced Plasma for Spectroscopy and More N2 - An overview of personal experience with laser-induced plasma (LIP) will be given. The combination of LIP with laser-induced fluorescence, atomic absorption, Raman spectroscopy and spatial heterodyne spectroscopy for elemental and isotopic analysis will be discussed. Unusual applications of LIP will be covered, such as LIP-based lasers and LIP-based chemical reactors. T2 - 2024 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry CY - Tucson, Arizona, USA DA - 15.01.2024 KW - Laser induced plasma KW - Laser ablation KW - LIP-LIF KW - LIP-AAS PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59431 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Simon, Fabian A1 - Gehrenkemper, Lennart A1 - Meermann, Björn T1 - HR-CS-GFMAS a new screening tool for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment N2 - Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) are a large group of anthropogenic contaminates. Concerning are especially their persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties. Mostly, target-based approaches (e.g., LC-MS/MS) are utilized for the analysis of PFASs in the environment. But these approaches are limited to the availability of analytical grade standards and therefore drastically underestimate the total PFAS burden. Analytical approaches based on total fluorine for PFAS sum parameter analysis become increasingly important to indicate realistic PFAS pollution levels. PFAS sum parameters display the proportion of organically bound fluorine that can either be extracted (EOF) or adsorbed to activated carbon (AOF). For the instrumental analysis of such sum parameters, a fluorine selective detector is needed. Besides combustion ion chromatography (CIC), high resolution-continuum source-graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-GFMAS) is a sensitive and highly selective tool for fluorine determination. The method is based on the in situ formation of diatomic gallium-mono fluoride (GaF) in a graphite furnace at a temperature of 1550°C. The molecular absorption of GaF can be detected at its most sensitive wavelength at 211.248 nm providing limits of quantification in the low µg F L-1 range. Here, we present a comparison of total fluorine analysis methods – AOF vs. EOF and HR-CS-GFMAS vs. CIC. Therefore, surface water samples from the Spree River in Berlin, Germany were analyzed at 10 locations for total fluorine (TF), AOF and EOF. The AOF made up 0.14–0.81% of TF and the EOF 0.04–0.28% of TF while AOF concentrations were systematically higher. For the instrumental comparison, HR-CS-GFMAS was the more sensitive and precise method for fluorine analysis compared to CIC. T2 - ICOBTE / ICHMET 2023 CY - Wuppertal, Germany DA - 06.09.2023 KW - PFAS KW - HR-CS-GFMAS KW - Fluorine KW - WWTP KW - SPE PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58245 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Grimmer, Christoph A1 - Musyanovych, A. A1 - Strzelczyk, Rebecca Skadi A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Emission reference materials for indoor air measurements N2 - In industrialised countries more than 80% of the time is spent indoors. Products, such as building materials and furniture, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are therefore ubiquitous in indoor air. VOC in combination may, under certain environmental and occupational conditions, result in reported sensory irritation and health complaints. Emission concentrations can become further elevated in new or refurbished buildings where the rate of air exchange with fresh ambient air may be limited due to improved energy saving aspects. A healthy indoor environment can be achieved by controlling the sources and by eliminating or limiting the release of harmful substances into the air. One way is to use (building) materials proved to be low emitting. Meanwhile, a worldwide network of professional commercial and non-commercial laboratories performing emission tests for the evaluation of products for interior use has been established. Therefore, comparability of test results must be ensured. A laboratory’s proficiency can be proven by internal and external validation measures that both include the application of suitable emission reference materials (ERM). For the emission test chamber procedure according to EN 16516, no artificial ERM is commercially available. The EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ aims to fill this gap by developing new and improved ERMs. The goal is to obtain a material with a reproducible and temporally constant compound release (less than 10 % variability over 14 days). Two approaches were tested: the impregnation of porous materials with VOC, and the encapsulation of VOC in polymer microcapsules. Impregnation is performed with help of an autoclave and supercritical CO2. The encapsulation is done by interfacial polymerisation on VOC droplets. For both approaches, synthesis and/or material parameters were varied to obtain an optimal ERM. Findings about the optimisation of ERM generation, as well as performance of the best emission reference materials, will be presented. T2 - GAS Analysis 2024 CY - Paris, France DA - 30.01.2024 KW - Emission reference materials KW - Materials emissions test KW - VOC KW - Indoor air quality PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59506 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Engell, S. A1 - Gottu Mukkula, A. R. A1 - Kern, Simon A1 - Guhl, Svetlana A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Maiwald, Michael A1 - Holtkamp, M. T1 - PAT‐basierte iterative Optimierung der Fahrweise eines kontinuierlichen organischen Syntheseprozesses N2 - Generell ist es Ziel der Prozessführung, Reaktions- und Trennprozesse wirtschaftlich optimal zu betreiben. Hierzu werden in großen Anlagen modellbasiere Echtzeitoptimierungsverfahren (Real-time Optimization, RTO) eingesetzt. Die Qualität der Ergebnisse der Optimierung hängt dabei entscheidend von der Güte des verwendeten Modells ab. Die Entwicklung hochgenauer Modelle ist allerdings aufwändig, was für kleine Produktionsvolumina ein wesentliches Hindernis zur Nutzung solcher Methoden darstellt. Mit Hilfe der sogenannten Modifier-Adaptation ist eine iterative Betriebspunktoptimierung auch mit ungenauen Modellen möglich, wenn Messungen der für die Bewertung relevanten Größen (beispielsweise Produktkonzentrationen im Ausgangsstrom) verfügbar sein. Für eine Lithiierungsreaktion in einem bei INVITE kontinuierlich betriebenen Reaktor wurde im Rahmen des EU-Projekts CONSENS eine solche iterative Optimierung auf der Grundlage einer Messung der Zusammensetzung des Ausgangsstroms des Reaktors mit einem Online-NMR-Spektrometer realisiert. Das Spektrometer wurde an den Betrieb in einer explosionsgefährdeten Umgebung angepasst. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Messdaten genau genug sind, um darauf eine Optimierung der Produktausbeute aufzubauen. Die iterative Optimierung führt den Prozess ausgehend vom mit dem Modell berechneten Betriebspunkt schrittweise zum wirtschaftlichen Optimum für die reale Anlage. Dabei reagiert die Optimierung auch auf unbekannte Abweichungen im Prozess (wie die Zusammensetzung des Feeds) und fährt iterativ den jeweils optimalen Betriebspunkt an. Die Arbeiten wurden im Rahmen des EU-SPIRE-Projekts CONSENS, Förderkennzeichen 636942, durchgeführt. T2 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 10.09.2018 KW - Prozessindustrie KW - Prozessanalytik KW - Betriebspunktoptimierung KW - Quadratic approximation (MAWQA) KW - Modellbasierte Optimierung KW - CONSENS PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46020 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Meyer, Klas A1 - Bornemannn-Pfeiffer, Martin A1 - Kern, S. A1 - Abele, M. A1 - Falkenstein, S. A1 - Döring, T. A1 - Friedrich, Y. A1 - Maiwald, Michael T1 - Online-NMR Spektroskopie in der PAT - Entwicklungen zwischen Labor- und Feldeinsatz N2 - Die NMR-Spektroskopie ist eine der zentralen nicht-invasiven Analysenmethoden in der organischen Chemie und aus dem Laboralltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die direkte Proportionalität zwischen der Anzahl der Atomkerne im Messvolumen und der Signalfläche im Spektrum ist vergleichbar mit einem „Zählen der Kernspins“. Der Kalibrieraufwand für die Quantifizierung ist minimal und aus dem NMR-Spektrum sind Informationen zu Struktur und Identität zugänglich. Online-NMR-Spektroskopie wird unter Zuhilfenahme von speziellen Durchflussproben-köpfen und Messzellen bereits seit Jahrzehnten erforscht und eingesetzt. Durch die hohen Anforderungen an die Aufstellung und den Betrieb von klassischen Hochfeld-NMR-Spektrometern konnte sie allerdings nie den Sprung vom Labor in den Prozess schaffen. Dies hat sich durch die Entwicklungen im Bereich mobil einsetzbarer Benchtop-NMR-Spektrometer grundlegend verändert. Geringere Investitions- und Betriebskosten, sowie die Robustheit und einfache Bedienbarkeit dieser Systeme sind entscheidende Faktoren. Damit rückt eine Anwendung als Online-PAT-Methode technisch in greifbare Nähe. Designierte Prozess-NMR-Spektrometer sucht man heutzutage allerdings auf dem Markt meist noch vergebens. Die Reaktionsverfolgung im Labormaßstab konnte an unterschiedlichen Systemen erfolgreich demonstriert werden. Dabei zeigten sich allerdings Limitierungen in Hinblick auf einen möglichen Prozesseinsatz. Insbesondere die Temperaturempfindlichkeit der Magnetsysteme ist hier zu nennen. Anhand eines Prototyps wurde eine aktive Temperaturisolation mittels temperierter Luftströmungen entwickelt und erprobt. Eine Feldintegration von Laborsystemen geht sowohl technisch als auch regulatorisch mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen einher. Das raue Umfeld von Produktionsanlagen, sowie die Anforderungen an Explosionsschutz erfordern eine zugelassene Einhausung. Auf Basis von Erfahrungen mit einem ersten Prototyp erfolgte die gemeinsame Entwicklung eines möglichst flexibel einsetzbaren Analysenschranks. Neben der Hardware-Integration sind die automatisierte modellbasierte Auswertung der NMR-Spektren, sowie die Einbindung in die Prozessleittechnik essenziell für einen zuverlässigen Betrieb als PAT-Analysengerät. T2 - 18. Kolloquium AK Prozessanalytik CY - Krefeld, Germany DA - 27.11.2023 KW - Prozessanalytik KW - Online-NMR-Spektroskopie KW - NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Benchtop-NMR KW - Feldintegration PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58969 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Döring, Sarah A1 - Konthur, Zoltán A1 - Heiner, Zsuzsanna T1 - Optimization of surface-functionalized particles for improved antibody digestion N2 - Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are the fastest-growing group of biological agents which generated a yearly turnover of USD 210 billion in 2022 and whose sales are expected to grow by 10% annually over the next 10 years. With steadily increasing market importance, analytical methods for reliable quantification of therapeutic antibodies also become more and more relevant. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) has become the main technology for antibody quantification. This approach, however, requires enzymatic digestion of the intact protein into peptides, for which a wide range of different protocols exists that often lead to different results depending on the digestion procedure or trypsin variants used. In particular, the amount and type of detergents added for protein unfolding prior to digestion is known to create significant bias in measurement results. The overall goal of the presented project is the application of novel thermostable and surface-functionalized trypsin particles for improved antibody digestion. Specifically, a trypsin-variant described in the literature exhibiting increased activity and thermal stability above 80°C, will be examined. The application of this enzyme should allow to perform digestion at elevated temperatures where the protein is naturally unfolding thereby increasing enzyme accessibility without the need for detergents. Furthermore, we will immobilize the thermostable trypsin onto the surface to further enhance enzyme stability, prevent self-digestion, and enable separation of trypsin from target peptides before LC–MS/MS analysis. As an immobilization platform, cheap and non-porous corundum particles will be used as these show high chemical stability and low levels of interaction of matrix proteins with the functionalized surface. adsorption. In a multidisciplinary collaboration with the SALSA Photonics Lab, we will investigate the characteristics of covalent enzyme binding and unspecific peptide binding using an interface-sensitive analytical tool, vibrational sum-frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy. The insights gained will not only lead to new competencies in peptide and enzyme surface analysis using VSFG spectroscopy in SALSA but will also significantly contribute to optimizing antibody quantification. T2 - SALSA STF24 Kick-Off Meeting CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 11.04.2024 KW - Antibody Quantification KW - Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy KW - LC-MS/MS KW - Enzyme Immobilisation KW - Corundum PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59864 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Winckelmann, Alexander T1 - Taking Chances – Cheese, Chocolate and Laser Spectroscopy N2 - Science Café Adlershof is having its next edition in 2024 on February 20th '24! We will have one speaker next week: Alexander Winckelmann is a PhD student at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -Prüfung and will give a talk about his stay abroad in Switzerland - there will be free chocolates! There will be enough time to ask questions or simply chat with the guests and participants. T2 - Science Café Adlershof CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 20.02.2024 KW - Laser-induced XUV Spectroscopy KW - Multivariate Data Analysis KW - Science Communication PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60197 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Winckelmann, Alexander T1 - Advanced spectroscopic methods for fluorine microanalysis in lithium-ion batteries N2 - To address the challenges of the climate crisis, multiple solutions for sustainable energy sources and storage systems are needed. One such solution is lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Currently, 5 to 30 % of LIBs are discarded immediately after manufacturing. The homogeneous distribution of all materials used in the coating of cathodes and anodes is critical for the quality of LIBs. Furthermore, during formation i.e., the first steps of the charge/discharge cycling, the solid-electrolyte interphase forms on the anode particles, which has a huge impact on the performance. The same happens to some extent on the cathode, forming the cathode-electrolyte interphase. Fluorinated polymers and electrolytes are used in the manufacturing of LIBs. The electrolyte in particular is prone to degradation during formation and aging of the batteries. The interface of the cathode material with the aluminum current collector is also a critical point where degraded fluorine components cause pitting corrosion and at the same time promote passivation of the metal foil. Monitoring the spatial distribution of fluorine on these surfaces and interfaces is essential for sustainable LIB production. T2 - SALSA Kick-Off Meeting CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 11.04.2024 KW - Lithium Ion Batteries KW - solid microanalysis KW - depth-profiling KW - fluorine PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60199 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Resch-Genger, Ute A1 - Hoffmann, Katrin A1 - Wegmann, Marc A1 - Hannemann, M. A1 - Somma, V. A1 - Jochum, T. A1 - Niehaus, J. A1 - Roggenbuck, D. T1 - Automated determination of genotoxicity of nanoparticles with DNA-based optical assays - The NANOGENOTOX project N2 - The overall interest in nanotoxicity, triggered by the increasing use of nanomaterials in the material and life sciences, and the synthesis of an ever increasing number of new functional nanoparticles calls for standardized test procedures1,2 and for efficient approaches to screen the potential genotoxicity of these materials. Aiming at the development of fast and easy to use, automated microscopic methods for the determination of the genotoxicity of different types of nanoparticles, we assess the potential of the fluorometric γH2AX assay for this purpose. This assay, which can be run on an automated microscopic detection system, relies on the detection of DNA double strand breaks as a sign for genotoxicity3. Here, we provide first results obtained with broadly used nanomaterials like CdSe/CdS and InP/ZnS quantum dots as well as iron oxide, gold, and polymer particles of different surface chemistry with previously tested colloidal stability and different cell lines like Hep-2 and 8E11 cells, which reveal a dependence of the genotoxicity on the chemical composition as well as the surface chemistry of these nanomaterials. These studies will be also used to establish nanomaterials as positive and negative genotoxicity controls or standards for assay performance validation for users of this fluorometric genotoxicity assay. In the future, after proper validation, this microscopic platform technology will be expanded to other typical toxicity assays. T2 - SPIE 2018 CY - San Francisco, USA DA - 27.01.2018 KW - Nanoparticle KW - Fluorescence KW - Surface chemistry KW - Size KW - Assay KW - Microscopy KW - Nanotoxicity KW - Toxicity KW - Automation KW - Calibration KW - Standard PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44186 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Makowski, Maike A1 - Jung, Christian A1 - Werneburg, Martina A1 - Haase, H. A1 - Koch, Matthias T1 - Non-invasive Cereal Analysis by GC-MS detection of Trichodiene as a Volatile Mycotoxin Biomarker N2 - Due to the increasing consumption of cereals worldwide, the monitoring of growth, storage and processing is becoming more and more crucial. Particularly when stored, infested grains breed fungal clusters (“hot spots”) in which mycotoxins greatly exceed allowed maximum levels. Because of their unpredictable presence, current sample drawing and procedures for mycotoxin analysis represent a complex challenge for operators, involving invasive and cost intensive steps. Therefore, new time- and labour-saving mycotoxin control methods including sampling and analysis steps are needed. A possible approach is the non-invasive analysis of the homogeneous gas phase above the crops, instead of analyzing random samples. However, this procedure requires microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC´s) being released by the samples and representing the present mycotoxins. Previous investigations revealed trichodiene to be a precursor in trichothecenes biosynthesis – one of the largest mycotoxin groups with over 180 compounds. Due to its non-functionalized sesquiterpene structure, trichodiene has already been quantified using Headspace GC-MS methods (for instance). Thereby, it can possibly be used as a biomarker for trichothecene contamination in foodstuff. However, further investigations are necessary. The correlation between trichodiene concentration in the gas phase and trichothecenes mass fraction in the sample must be examined closely to draw conclusions about the exact trichothecene content within samples. Realizing this idea, would widely extend the applicability of trichodiene and enormously simplify trichothecene quantification. Hence, this first step of an ongoing study aims to develop a laboratory reference method using trichodiene as volatile biomarker to quantify trichothecenes in cereals. Static headspace and SPME-enrichment coupled to gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were employed. In a second step, this reference method is intended to validate new approaches for fast on-site screening of trichodiene in cereals. T2 - 10th World Mycotoxin Forum Conference CY - Amsterdam, The Netherlands DA - 11.03.2018 KW - Trichodiene KW - GC-MS KW - Mycotoxin Biomarker PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44509 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nutsch, A. A1 - Dill, S. A1 - Kamleitner, I. A1 - Sehorz, A. A1 - Schwarzenberger, M. A1 - Streeck, C. A1 - Beckhoff, B. A1 - Merz, H. A1 - Recknagel, Sebastian T1 - A Methodology to Obtain Traceability and Validation of Calibration Samples for Thin Metal Alloy Layers for X-Ray Fluorescence Tools N2 - Statistic process control as well as process capability demand for calibrated determination of layer thicknesses in various industries, e.g. automotive, aerospace, microelectronics manufacturing. Calibration requires well know and well characterized samples. A calibration laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025 has the objective to distribute standards traceable to SI units to industrial laboratories for quality control of manufacturing of various products. Especially, the thickness determination of thin metallic coatings e.g. from galvanic processes or layer deposition using X-Ray Fluorescence can be significantly improved by customized calibration samples. This is essential as the measurement uncertainty directly correlates to the capability performing reliable control of processes with high yield. For calibration laboratories, the validation of results using round robins and the direct comparison to national metrology institutes is a prerequisite to demonstrate the competence to perform calibration services. In this paper a strategy to obtain traceability and validation for thin alloy layers as well as first results are presented. The combined use of the accredited method for determination of mass per area from measurement of mass and area combined with standard free X-Ray Fluorescence as well as chemical analysis of dissolved samples with thin layers is deployed for material systems as NixZn1-x as well as NixP1-x. The obtained results are compared to reference free X-Ray Fluorescence at the BESSY II laboratories of Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. An excellent agreement of the obtained measured values as mass per unit area and alloy concentrations from the different applied methods within the measurement uncertainty was observed for NixP1-x showing the successful performed traceability of the calibration samples to SI units in combination with a validation of results by national metrology institutes and the round robin approach. T2 - European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry CY - Ljubljana, Slowenia DA - 24.06.2018 KW - Traceability KW - Thin metal alloy layers KW - X-ray fluorescence PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45317 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Traub, Heike A1 - Drescher, D. A1 - Büchner, T. A1 - Merk, V. A1 - Kneipp, J. A1 - Jakubowski, Norbert T1 - Studying nanoparticle-cell interaction by LA ICP-MS N2 - The interaction of nanoparticles (NPs) with cells has become a major field of interest, ranging from medical applications to nanotoxicology. Size, shape and surface modification of the NPs determine the uptake rate and pathway into the cells, and therefore impact specific cell components and processes. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is an established quantitative multi-elemental analysis and mapping technique. In recent years, it was shown that LA-ICP-MS can provide quantitative as well as distribution information of NPs in cell samples. Here LA-ICP-MS was applied for the imaging of individual cells to study the uptake and intracellular processing of metal-containing nanostructures. Additionally, the local distribution of naturally occurring elements in cells like P was measured to indicate cell morphology. The cells were incubated with different types of NPs under varying experimental conditions. For LA analysis, the cells were fixed and dried. Our findings show, that LA-ICP-MS is suitable for the localisation of nanoparticle aggregates within cellular compartments. The studied NPs accumulate in the perinuclear region in the course of intracellular processing, but do not enter the cell nucleus. The uptake efficiency depends strongly on the physicochemical properties of the nanostructures as well as on the incubation conditions like concentration and incubation time. The results demonstrate the potential of LA-ICP-MS providing insight into NP uptake, intracellular distribution and cell-to-cell variation dependent on experimental parameters. T2 - Workshop on Laser Bioimaging Mass Spectrometry CY - Münster, Germany DA - 24.05.2018 KW - Imaging KW - Laser ablation KW - ICP-MS KW - Nanoparticle KW - Cell PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45071 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Jakubowski, Norbert T1 - Heritage Lecture N2 - After finishing my diploma thesis in plasma physics in 1981, I dreamt of a future in a research lab to develop novel fusion reactors for energy production or to study universal plasmas and their emission in the cosmos. This dream never became real, however I found my first job in a team to build up a new museum dedicated to “Energy”, and this first part of my career was already finished after a year, because the funding was not extended. So, I found immediately a new job as a young scientist in the institute for analytical sciences (originally ISAS: Institute for Plasmachemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) in 1982 to develop novel plasma ion sources for inorganic mass spectrometry. The first source of interest was based on a glow discharge for direct analysis of conducting solids (technically supported by Finnigan MAT, Bremen). Here I adopted the design of the Grimm type discharge for the first time, which was well known in optical emission spectroscopy, and coupled it to a quadrupole mass analyzer. The advantage of this design was that flat craters are produced by sputtering which made this source very powerful for in-depth analysis of technical layers. This then became the topic of my PhD, which was not originally planned, and I had to learn a lot about surface analysis. However, since the first project was too successful we established a small team (in cooperation with Jose Broekaert - an expert in ICP-OES) which started with the development of our own inductively coupled plasma ion source in 1986 coupled to a quadrupole and in 1989 to a sector field mass spectrometer (funded by the Minister of Science and Technology; again in cooperation with Finnigan MAT). The latter device was launched to the market in 1993 as the Element 1. The second decade of my career was still related to instrumental development but mainly of glow discharge sources. In an EU funded project first an automated glow discharge sector field instrument was developed where the Grimm type geometry was combined with a fast flow concept (in cooperation with Volker Hoffmann at IFW in Dresden). This was done in cooperation with VG (which became later a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific together with Finnigan MAT), so that it is not surprising that this concept for the Element GD. This project was later continued in the third phase of my career, again funded by the EU and in cooperation with the group of Alfredo Sanz-Medel (Rosario Pereiro and Jorge Pisonero), to develop a fast flow, but now rf-powered GD ion source in combination with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which was later launched to the market commercially by Horiba Jobin Yvon (France) for in-depth profiling of thin layers even of non-conducting materials. In the first decade of my career I started to study already “analytical chemistry” from the scratch because the instruments developed have been applied now for direct analysis of solid materials, technical layers and environmental samples. In case of environmental applications our ICP-MS (the quadrupole and the sector field instrument) was coupled with separation techniques, so that this period of instrumental development was dominated in the second decade by development of high efficiency sample introduction systems in combination with speciation studies of Pt group elements, arsenic, selenium and phosphorus (in DNA and phosphorylated proteins), Ni and Cr. Additionally, we continued with the analysis of solid ceramic materials (Al2O3, SiC, SiN) and ambient air-born particles. At the end of the second decade we complemented our instrumental pool by a collision and reaction cell instrument in cooperation with Micromass and used this instrument for speciation studies of peptides and proteins and demonstrated that by ICP-HEX-MS quantitative proteomics is feasible. Therefore, we more and more focused in the following years on metalloproteins and published a famous paper on “Metallobiomolecules: The basis of life, the challenge of atomic spectroscopy” (together with Luc Moens and Ryszard Lobinski). For detection of metalloproteins we applied typical workflows of biochemistry and proteomics, for which I had to extend my knowledge about biochemistry and proteomics. As a new analytical tool, we used a homemade laser ablation cell for sample introduction of metalloproteins after their separation by gel electrophoresis and extended this work by applying metal-tagging of antibodies for Western blot assays. For this purpose, proteins were separated in SDS-PAGE and electroblotted onto membranes. Specific detection of proteins even not containing any metal could be performed by laser ablation ICP-MS using the metal tagged antibodies for indirect detection. This research was interrupted in 2009 by a movement from ISAS (where atomic spectroscopy was declining) to BAM (the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin) where this research direction was fostered. The experience we achieved at ISAS in the previously mentioned projects were now used here at BAM in the fourth decade for materials research and the development of a quantitative elemental microscope with cellular resolution. So, at the end of my career I am trying to apply all my knowledge and expertise to develop analytical methods and to apply multimodal spectroscopies to decipher the construction code of the cellular machinery, which is the most precise and complex machinery I have ever seen. If we were able to understand how this machinery works, we can better diagnose and treat a malfunction in case of the development of a disease. Finally, I can conclude that lifelong learning starts before school but does not end at the end of this lecture. It looks like this heritage lecture will be focused on my career only, but this is not the case because some highlights of my career will be used to illustrate a few universal principles: how to have fun, how to find friends and how this all leads to an increase of joy and joy is the basis of new ideas (which must not always be related to your profession) and novel ideas are essential for a successful and satisfying career. So, this heritage lecture wants to answer the most important question of a life which was dedicated to plasma spectrochemistry: 1) Is it possible - at all - to have fun in this research direction? 2) Can we learn already today what we need tomorrow? 3) How can we still realize our scientific dreams of cutting edge research in times of cutting budgets? Which automatically leads to the next question: 4) Is necessity the mother of invention? All questions will be answered! Controversial discussions (for angry or disappointed colleagues) will be stimulated and my visions of future research (for students and postdocs) and instrumental developments (for manufacturer) will be presented. Finally, conclusions will be drawn by the auditorium (everybody) and thanks will be given to Ramon Barnes (by me) already in advance! T2 - 2018 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry CY - Amelia Island, FL, USA DA - 08.01.2018 KW - History of the research work of Norbert Jakubowski KW - Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry KW - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry KW - Laser Ablation PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44461 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Jakubowski, Norbert T1 - Heritage Lecture N2 - After finishing my diploma thesis in plasma physics in 1981, I dreamt of a future in a research lab to develop novel fusion reactors for energy production or to study universal plasmas and their emission in the cosmos. This dream never became real, however I found my first job in a team to build up a new museum dedicated to “Energy”, and this first part of my career was already finished after a year, because the funding was not extended. So, I found immediately a new job as a young scientist in the institute for analytical sciences (originally ISAS: Institute for Plasmachemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) in 1982 to develop novel plasma ion sources for inorganic mass spectrometry. The first source of interest was based on a glow discharge for direct analysis of conducting solids (technically supported by Finnigan MAT, Bremen). Here I adopted the design of the Grimm type discharge for the first time, which was well known in optical emission spectroscopy, and coupled it to a quadrupole mass analyzer. The advantage of this design was that flat craters are produced by sputtering which made this source very powerful for in-depth analysis of technical layers. This then became the topic of my PhD, which was not originally planned, and I had to learn a lot about surface analysis. However, since the first project was too successful we established a small team (in cooperation with Jose Broekaert - an expert in ICP-OES) which started with the development of our own inductively coupled plasma ion source in 1986 coupled to a quadrupole and in 1989 to a sector field mass spectrometer (funded by the Minister of Science and Technology; again in cooperation with Finnigan MAT). The latter device was launched to the market in 1993 as the Element 1. The second decade of my career was still related to instrumental development but mainly of glow discharge sources. In an EU funded project first an automated glow discharge sector field instrument was developed where the Grimm type geometry was combined with a fast flow concept (in cooperation with Volker Hoffmann at IFW in Dresden). This was done in cooperation with VG (which became later a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific together with Finnigan MAT), so that it is not surprising that this concept for the Element GD. This project was later continued in the third phase of my career, again funded by the EU and in cooperation with the group of Alfredo Sanz-Medel (Rosario Pereiro and Jorge Pisonero), to develop a fast flow, but now rf-powered GD ion source in combination with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which was later launched to the market commercially by Horiba Jobin Yvon (France) for in-depth profiling of thin layers even of non-conducting materials. In the first decade of my career I started to study already “analytical chemistry” from the scratch because the instruments developed have been applied now for direct analysis of solid materials, technical layers and environmental samples. In case of environmental applications our ICP-MS (the quadrupole and the sector field instrument) was coupled with separation techniques, so that this period of instrumental development was dominated in the second decade by development of high efficiency sample introduction systems in combination with speciation studies of Pt group elements, arsenic, selenium and phosphorus (in DNA and phosphorylated proteins), Ni and Cr. Additionally, we continued with the analysis of solid ceramic materials (Al2O3, SiC, SiN) and ambient air-born particles. At the end of the second decade we complemented our instrumental pool by a collision and reaction cell instrument in cooperation with Micromass and used this instrument for speciation studies of peptides and proteins and demonstrated that by ICP-HEX-MS quantitative proteomics is feasible. Therefore, we more and more focused in the following years on metalloproteins and published a famous paper on “Metallobiomolecules: The basis of life, the challenge of atomic spectroscopy” (together with Luc Moens and Ryszard Lobinski). For detection of metalloproteins we applied typical workflows of biochemistry and proteomics, for which I had to extend my knowledge about biochemistry and proteomics. As a new analytical tool, we used a homemade laser ablation cell for sample introduction of metalloproteins after their separation by gel electrophoresis and extended this work by applying metal-tagging of antibodies for Western blot assays. For this purpose, proteins were separated in SDS-PAGE and electroblotted onto membranes. Specific detection of proteins even not containing any metal could be performed by laser ablation ICP-MS using the metal tagged antibodies for indirect detection. This research was interrupted in 2009 by a movement from ISAS (where atomic spectroscopy was declining) to BAM (the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin) where this research direction was fostered. The experience we achieved at ISAS in the previously mentioned projects were now used here at BAM in the fourth decade for materials research and the development of a quantitative elemental microscope with cellular resolution. So, at the end of my career I am trying to apply all my knowledge and expertise to develop analytical methods and to apply multimodal spectroscopies to decipher the construction code of the cellular machinery, which is the most precise and complex machinery I have ever seen. If we were able to understand how this machinery works, we can better diagnose and treat a malfunction in case of the development of a disease. Finally, I can conclude that lifelong learning starts before school but does not end at the end of this lecture. It looks like this heritage lecture will be focused on my career only, but this is not the case because some highlights of my career will be used to illustrate a few universal principles: how to have fun, how to find friends and how this all leads to an increase of joy and joy is the basis of new ideas (which must not always be related to your profession) and novel ideas are essential for a successful and satisfying career. So, this heritage lecture wants to answer the most important question of a life which was dedicated to plasma spectrochemistry: 1) Is it possible - at all - to have fun in this research direction? 2) Can we learn already today what we need tomorrow? 3) How can we still realize our scientific dreams of cutting edge research in times of cutting budgets? Which automatically leads to the next question: 4) Is necessity the mother of invention? All questions will be answered! Controversial discussions (for angry or disappointed colleagues) will be stimulated and my visions of future research (for students and postdocs) and instrumental developments (for manufacturer) will be presented. Finally, conclusions will be drawn by the auditorium (everybody) and thanks will be given to Ramon Barnes (by me) already in advance! T2 - BAM-Doktorandenseminar CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 07.02.2018 KW - History of the research work of Norbert Jakubowski KW - Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry KW - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry KW - Laser Ablation PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44462 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Keller, Julia A1 - Koch, Matthias A1 - Haase, H. T1 - Kopplung von Elektrochemie und Massenspektrometrie in der Mykotoxinforschung N2 - Mykotoxine werden als sekundäre Metabolite von Schimmelpilzen gebildet und haben diverse schädliche Effekte auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen. Laut FAO sind weltweit bis zu 25 % aller Lebens- und Futtermittel mit Mykotoxinen kontaminiert, wodurch jährlich immense ökonomische Verluste entstehen. Neben den eigentlichen Mykotoxinen rücken zunehmend deren Transformationsprodukte (TPs) in den Fokus. Diese können als natürliche Stoffwechselprodukte toxischer sein als das eigentliche Mykotoxin und stellen eine potenzielle zusätzliche Gefahr für den Verbraucher dar. TPs werden überwiegend mit in vitro und in vivo Techniken untersucht, welche sowohl zeit- als auch kostenintensiv sind. Ziel war es nun, schnelle und zudem verlässliche Techniken zur Simulation von TPs diverser Mykotoxine zu testen. Die Kopplung von Elektrochemie und Massenspektrometrie, kurz EC/MS, als rein instrumenteller Ansatz ist seit vielen Jahren in der pharmazeutischen Forschung etabliert. Hierbei wird mithilfe einer elektrochemischen Durchflusszelle der oxidative Metabolismus einer Substanz simuliert und zugleich analysiert. Unter Verwendung von EC/MS, EC/LC/MS und HPLC-MS Techniken (MS/MS und FT-ICR) wurden nun die Mykotoxine Zearalenon, Citrinin und Dihydroergocristin (als Modellsubstanz für die Ergotalkaloide) elektrochemisch bei Potentialen bis zu 2500 mV vs. Pd/H2 oxidiert und deren TPs mit mikrosomalen in vitro Ansätzen verglichen. Hierbei konnten mehrere Übereinstimmungen hydroxylierter Spezies, sowohl elektrochemisch als auch biochemisch generiert, festgestellt werden. Die EC/MS ist somit auch in der Lebensmittelanalytik als nützliches und vielseitiges Werkzeug verwendbar. T2 - 24. Arbeitstagung des Regionalverband Nordost der LChG CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 06.03.2018 KW - Elektrochemie KW - Mykotoxine KW - Metabolismus PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44425 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Traub, Heike A1 - Drescher, D. A1 - Büchner, T. A1 - Pisonero, J. A1 - Bouzas-Ramos, D. A1 - Kneipp, J. A1 - Jakubowski, Norbert T1 - LA-ICP-MS to study nanoparticle-cell interaction N2 - Nanoparticles (NPs) have found a wide range of applications in research and industry. Thereby the interaction of NPs with biological systems like cells has become a major field of interest, ranging from medical applications to nanotoxicology. Size, shape and surface modification of the nanomaterials determine the uptake rate and pathway into the cells, and therefore impact specific cell components and processes. In recent years, elemental imaging of biological samples using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is gaining more and more importance. Improvements concerning both spatial resolution (down to 1 µm) and signal-to-background ratio due to low-dispersion LA chambers make LA-ICP-MS particularly interesting for single cell analysis. Here LA-ICP-MS was applied for the imaging of individual cells to study the uptake and intracellular processing of metal-containing nanostructures. The cells were incubated with different NPs under varying experimental conditions and afterwards fixed with para-formaldehyde and dried for LA analysis. High-spatial resolution LA-ICP-MS was achieved by careful optimisation of the laser ablation parameters. Our findings show, that LA-ICP-MS is applicable to localize NP aggregates within cellular compartments. The uptake efficiency depends strongly on the physicochemical properties of the nanostructures as well as on the incubation conditions like concentration and incubation time. The results demonstrate the potential of LA-ICP-MS providing insight into nanoparticle-cell interaction dependent on experimental parameters. T2 - 14th European Workshop on Laser Ablation (EWLA) CY - Pau, France DA - 26.06.2018 KW - Laser ablation KW - ICP-MS KW - Imaging KW - Nanoparticle KW - Cell PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45570 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Mansurova, Maria A1 - Bell, Jérémy A1 - Gotor, Raul A1 - Rurack, Knut T1 - Fluorescence-based optical system for the detection of total petroleum hydrocarbons in water and soil with smartphone read-out compatibility - Spectrocube, a sensor for rapid oil test in water and soil N2 - Contamination of natural bodies of water with oil and lubricants (or generally, hydrocarbon derivatives such as petrol, fuel and others) is a commonly found phenomenon around the world due to the extensive production, transfer and use of fossil fuels. The timely identification of these contaminants is of utmost importance, since they directly affect water quality and represent a risk for wildlife and human health even in trace amounts. In this work, we develop a simple system for the on-field detection of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in water and soil, the "Spectrocube". The test is based on the measurement of the fluorescence signal emitted by the molecular rotor 4-DNS-OH dye. This dye is embedded in a hydrophobic polymeric matrix (PVDF), avoiding interactions of water with the dye and providing a robust support for use in test-strip fashion. The test-strip’s fluorescence intensity increases linearly at low concentrations of TPH, reaching a saturation value at higher concentrations. For excitation and evaluation of the test-strip fluorescence, a simple miniature optical system was designed. The system works semi-quantitatively as solvent-free TPH detection kit, as well as quantitatively when using a simple cyclopentane extraction step. To simplify the fluorescence read-out, the device is coupled to a tablet computer via Bluetooth, running a self-programmed software ("app"). T2 - Oil Spill India 2018 CY - New Delhi, India DA - 05.07.2018 KW - Oil analysis KW - Water analysis KW - Fluorescence KW - Spectrocube KW - Rapid test KW - Field test KW - Spectroscopy KW - Sensor PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45606 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Jakubowski, Norbert A1 - Müller, L. A1 - Wanka, Antje T1 - Development of immuno-assays and metal-staining techniques for bioimaging of cells and tissues using LA-ICP-MS N2 - We are using LA-ICP-MS to quantify metals in biological cells and thin cuts of tissues from varies organs. Different applications will be presented to demonstrate the state of the art of bioimaging to visualize the elemental distribution pattern in soft bio-materials (tissue, single cells) of metals, metal containing stains and metal-tagged antibodies. For this purpose, different strategies for metal tagging will be presented and will be compared in terms of analytical figures of merit. First applications for detection of biomarkers in animal and human tissue samples will be presented. In a first example, we have applied LA-ICP-MS to visualize the local distribution of proteins, which are used as bio-markers for neurodegenerative diseases. For this purpose, brain tissues from mice experiments have been stained by metal-tagged antibodies. House-keeping proteins have been investigated as internal cellular standards. Additionally, ink-jet printing of metal doped inks onto the surface of tissue samples has been applied for drift corrections and quantification. Validation of our results are achieved in comparison to immune-histochemical staining and optical microscopy. In a second example, we used specific metal-tagged antibodies for detection of biomarker specific for prostate cancer. For this purpose, micro tissue arrays are incubated with metal-tagged antibodies for bioimaging of samples from many patients using simultaneous detection of all relevant biomarkers and their tags. For improvement of sensitivity in the next example application nanoparticle tagged antibodies for detection of metallothionines in eye lens tissue samples will be discussed. Recently we have used our tagging and staining strategies to determine the cell cycle of single cells, which is of future interest for toxicological studies. Finally, future trends in elemental microscopy and mass cytometry imaging will be discussed. T2 - Workshop on Laser Bioimaging Mass Spectrometry CY - Münster, Germany DA - 24.05.2018 KW - Single cell analysis KW - LA-ICP-MS KW - Immuno-Assays PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45160 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Keller, Julia A1 - Borzekowski, Antje A1 - Haase, H. A1 - Rueß, L. A1 - Menzel, R. A1 - Koch, Matthias T1 - Using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans for the toxicity testing of citrinin, zearalenone and zearalenone-14-sulfate N2 - To keep up with emerging mycotoxins and their transformation products fast and reliable toxicity tests are needed. Toxicity testing of mycotoxins is carried out usually by performing in vitro assays or is evaluated by using laboratory animals like mice, rats or chicken in in vivo studies. Settled between classical in vitro approaches and in vivo studies with higher animals are tests with the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Since Sydney Brenner described 1974 the cultivation and handling of C. elegans, this worm is widely used as model organism in developmental biology and neurology. Due to many benefits like easy and cheap cultivation, a completely sequenced genome and short generation time, it also plays an important role in toxicological research. Finally, the high number of conserved genes between human and C. elegans make the worm an ideal candidate for toxicological investigations. In this study we used C. elegans to assess the toxic effects of the relevant food mycotoxin citrinin (CIT), the mycoestrogen zearalenone (ZEN) and the modified mycotoxin ZEN-14-sulfate (ZEN-14-S) on different lifetable parameters including reproduction, thermal and oxidative stress tolerance and lifespan. All tested mycotoxins significantly decreased the amount of offspring. In case of ZEN and CIT also significant negative effects on stress tolerance and lifespan were observed compared to the control group. Moreover, metabolization of mycotoxins in the worms was investigated by using LC MS/MS. Extraction of the worms treated 5 days with mycotoxin-containing and UVC-killed bacteria showed metabolization of ZEN to α-ZEL and β-ZEL (ZEL = zearalenol, ratio about 3:2). ZEN 14-S was reduced to ZEL 14-S and CIT was metabolized to mono hydroxylated CIT. T2 - 40th Mycotoxin Workshop CY - Munich, Germany DA - 11.06.2018 KW - Mycotoxins KW - Caenorhabditis elegans KW - Toxicity testing PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45170 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -