TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Zur Wirksamkeit und Berechenbarkeit von elastischen Gebäudelagerungen N2 - Es wird die Vorgehensweise erläutert wie die Notwendigkeit einer elastischen Gebäudelagerung geprüft wird. Es werden die Möglichkeiten und Schwächen vereinfachter Rechenverfahren dargestellt. Es folgen weitere Beispiele detaillierter Gebäudemodelle und ihres Schwingungsverhaltens. Schließlich greift eine aktuelle Bachelorarbeit die Fragestellung komplexen Gebäudeschwingungsverhaltens auf. Die letzte Folie zeigt dazu Gebäudemodelle, die an die konkreten Erschütterungsprognosen anknüpfen. T2 - Elastische Gebäudelagerungen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 23.5.2019 KW - Gebäudemodelle KW - Gebäudeschwingungen KW - elastische Gebäudelagerungen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48089 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Zur Prognose von Erschütterungen aus Bahntunneln N2 - Zur Erschütterungsausbreitung an oberirdischen Bahnlinien gibt es gute Übereinstimmungen zwischen Messungen und der Theorie geschichteter Böden. Bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse spielt die Rayleigh-Welle eine große Rolle. Je nach Frequenz und Wellenlänge hat die Rayleigh-Welle eine bestimmte Eindringtiefe und erreicht damit mehr oder weniger steife Bodenschichten. Damit bekommt man eine frequenzabhängige Bodensteifigkeit für die Erschütterungsprognose. Für die Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe statt an der Bodenoberfläche müssen eigene Gesetzmäßigkeiten gefunden werden. Es werden die Punktlastlösungen im Frequenz-Wellenzahlbereich und durch Integration über die Wellenzahlen berechnet. Man erhält die Wellenfelder, die Terzspektren für verschiedene Entfernungen und Frequenzen. Es wird die Tiefenlage und das Bodenmodell (homogen, geschichtet und kontinuierlich zunehmende Steifigkeit) variiert. Die Rayleigh-Welle verliert ihre Bedeutung und stattdessen kann die Vollraumlösung zur Interpretation und Prognose verwendet werden. Es werden die Halbraumlösung mit und ohne Rayleigh-Welle und die Vollraumlösung in der Tiefe diskutiert und verglichen. Neben der Wellenausbreitung (der Transmission) werden auch Effekte der Erschütterungsanregung (der Emission) und der Übertragung in Gebäude (der Immission) mit Hilfe der Finite-Element-Randelement-Methode berechnet. Die Verteilung der dynamischen Achslast durch die Tunnelsohle ergibt eine Minderung gegenüber der Punktlastanregung. Bei der Immission hat man keine Freifeldanregung wie an der Bodenoberfläche. Man muss entweder neben der Wellenamplitude (Verschiebung oder Schwinggeschwindigkeit) in der Tiefe auch die Spannung der ankommenden Welle berücksichtigen, oder man muss die Freifeldamplituden nach Bodenaushub berechnen. Die Rechenergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass man als Freifeldanregung die zweifache Vollraumlösung ansetzen kann. T2 - Wiener Dynamik Tage 2021 CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 22.7.2021 KW - Erschütterungsausbreitung KW - Tunnel KW - Halbraum KW - Vollraum PY - 2021 SP - 1 EP - 11 PB - Steinhauser Consulting Engineers (STCE) CY - Wien AN - OPUS4-53253 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Zur Prognose von Erschütterungen aus Bahntunneln N2 - Zur Erschütterungsausbreitung an oberirdischen Bahnlinien gibt es gute Übereinstimmungen zwischen Messungen und der Theorie geschichteter Böden. Bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse spielt die Rayleigh-Welle eine große Rolle. Je nach Frequenz und Wellenlänge hat die Rayleigh-Welle eine bestimmte Eindringtiefe und erreicht damit mehr oder weniger steife Bodenschichten. Damit bekommt man eine frequenzabhängige Bodensteifigkeit für die Erschütterungsprognose. Für die Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe statt an der Bodenoberfläche müssen eigene Gesetzmäßigkeiten gefunden werden. Es werden die Punktlastlösungen im Frequenz-Wellenzahlbereich und durch Integration über die Wellenzahlen berechnet. Man erhält die Wellenfelder, die Terzspektren für verschiedene Entfernungen und Frequenzen. Es wird die Tiefenlage und das Bodenmodell (homogen, geschichtet und kontinuierlich zunehmende Steifigkeit) variiert. Die Rayleigh-Welle verliert ihre Bedeutung und stattdessen kann die Vollraumlösung zur Interpretation und Prognose verwendet werden. Es werden die Halbraumlösung mit und ohne Rayleigh-Welle und die Vollraumlösung in der Tiefe diskutiert und verglichen. Neben der Wellenausbreitung (der Transmission) werden auch Effekte der Erschütterungsanregung (der Emission) und der Übertragung in Gebäude (der Immission) mit Hilfe der Finite-Element-Randelement-Methode berechnet. Die Verteilung der dynamischen Achslast durch die Tunnelsohle ergibt eine Minderung gegenüber der Punktlastanregung. Bei der Immission hat man keine Freifeldanregung wie an der Bodenoberfläche. Man muss entweder neben der Wellenamplitude (Verschiebung oder Schwinggeschwindigkeit) in der Tiefe auch die Spannung der ankommenden Welle berücksichtigen, oder man muss die Freifeldamplituden nach Bodenaushub berechnen. Die Rechenergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass man als Freifeldanregung die zweifache Vollraumlösung ansetzen kann. T2 - Wiener Dynamik Tage 2021 CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 22.07.2021 KW - Erschütterungsausbreitung KW - Tunnel KW - Halbraum KW - Vollraum PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53254 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Zur Berechnung der Erschütterungsminderung von Eisenbahngleisen mit ein- und zweidimensionalen Modellen N2 - Eindimensionale Modelle des Gleises aus einem Schienenstützpunkt, zweidimensionale Modelle enthalten die Kraftverteilung der Schiene. Eindimensionale Modelle machen einen Fehler, weil sie eine zu große Fahrzeugmasse berücksichtigen. Man kann jedoch bei der Berechnung der Minderungswirkung von Gleiselementen eindimensionale Gleismodelle verwenden, um die Kraftübertragung des Gleises bzw. die Minderungswirkung des Gleises zu berechnen. Die Wechselwirkung mit dem Fahrzeug kann einfach mit der dynamischen Stützpunktsteifigkeit berechnet werden. Dabei muss die Stützpunktsteifigkeit mit einer charakteristischen Gleislänge multipliziert werden, die frequenz- und systemabhängig ist. T2 - Norm-Arbeitsausschuss Schwingungsminderung in der Umgebung von Verkehrswegen CY - Munich, Germany DA - 14.01.2020 KW - Richtige Fahrzeugmasse KW - Erschütterungsminderung KW - Elastische Gleiselemente KW - Rechenverfahren PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50268 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wellenmessungen zur Identifikation der dynamischen Eigenschaften von Böden N2 - Erschütterungen durch Industrie und Verkehr, Schwingungen von Gebäuden, Fundamenten und Gleisen hängen im hohen Maße vom jeweiligen unterliegenden Boden ab. Die Eigenschaften des Bodens ermitteln wir mit Wellenmessungen vor Ort. Die Wellen werden in der Regel mit einem Impulshammer erzeugt und mit Geophonen als Schwinggeschwindigkeits-signale gemessen. Geophone sind aktive Sensoren, die eine kleine Messspannung liefern. Ein 72-kanaliges Messsystem mit entsprechenden Messverstärkern ist im Messwagen der Arbeitsgruppe eingebaut. Es werden im Vortrag fünf verschiedene Auswertemethoden vorgestellt. Im einfachsten Fall versucht man die Laufzeit von einem Geophon zum andern auszumessen und damit die vorherrschende Wellengeschwindigkeit zu ermitteln. Wir haben Wellengeschwindigkeiten von 30 m/s für Moorboden bis 1000 m/s für Felsboden gemessen. Der Boden hat aber nicht nur eine Wellengeschwindigkeit, sondern mehrere frequenzabhängige Wellen-geschwindigkeiten. Dadurch wird aus einem kurzen Hammerschlag eine längere Schwingung (Zerstreuung, Dispersion). Für die Auswertung von dispersiven Wellen nutzt man die spektrale Analyse, zunächst mit zwei Aufnehmern (SASW Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves), später mit einer ganzen Messachse (Multi-Station SASW). Schließlich kann man eine ganze Messachse auch mit verschiedenen Transformationsmethoden auswerten wie die f,v-Methode und Spatial AutoCorrelation SPAC Methode. Alle diese Methoden wurden von uns auf Messreisen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz getestet. Durch die Approximation der frequenzabhängigen Wellengeschwindigkeiten erhält man ein passendes Bodenmodell. Zu diesem Bodenmodell kann man die Übertra¬gungsfunktionen für Hammer- und Zuganregung berechnen. Bei etlichen Mess¬orten wurden deutliche Merkmale einer Bodenschichtung beobachtet. Es ergibt sich eine Reduktion der tiefen Frequenzanteile durch den steifen unterliegenden Halbraum. Die weiche Deckschicht bestimmt das hochfrequente Verhalten. T2 - Vortragsseminar der BAM-Abteilung 7 Bauwerkssicherheit CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 27.8.2019 KW - Wellenausbreitung KW - Spektralanalyse KW - Wellengeschwindigkeit PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48866 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wellenausbreitung und Pfähle im inhomogenen Boden – Gesetzmäßigkeiten für die Gründung von Windenergieanlagen und für die Prognose von Bahnerschütterungen aus Tunneln N2 - Es wird eine gekoppelte Finite-Element-Randelementmethode zur Berechnung von Pfahlgrün-dungen in inhomogenen (geschichteten) Böden vorgestellt. Sie beruht auf den Greenschen Funktionen (Punktlastlösungen) für inhomogene Böden. Diese Lösungen können auch für die Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe, zum Beispiel von einem Bahntunnel zu einem eingebetteten Gebäude, dem Kellergeschoss benutzt werden. Die Punktlastlösungen in der Tiefe werden mit der Halbraumlösung an der Bodenoberfläche und mit der Vollraumlösung verglichen und Gesetzmäßigkeiten für geschichtete Böden abgeleitet. Zu den Pfahlgründungen werden die Horizontalnachgiebigkeiten von Pfählen in geschichteten Böden dargestellt. Für den homogenen und den kontinuierlich steifer werdenden Boden werden Potenzgesetze für den Boden- und Pfahleinfluss aufgestellt. Der Vergleich mit dem Winkler-Modell der rein lokalen Bodenreaktion zeigt, dass die Winkler-Bettung in allen Fällen einen zu kleinen Bodeneinfluss ergibt. T2 - 7. VDI-Fachtagung Baudynamik CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 27.04.2022 KW - Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe KW - Nachgiebigkeiten KW - Windenergieanlagen PY - 2022 SN - 978-1-18-092379-6 SN - 0083-5560 VL - 2379 SP - 697 EP - 706 PB - VDI-Verlag CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-54768 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wellenausbreitung und Pfähle im inhomogenen Boden – Gesetzmäßigkeiten für die Gründung von Windenergieanlagen und für die Prognose von Bahnerschütterungen aus Tunneln N2 - Es wird eine gekoppelte Finite-Element-Randelementmethode zur Berechnung von Pfahlgrün-dungen in inhomogenen (geschichteten) Böden vorgestellt. Sie beruht auf den Greenschen Funktionen (Punktlastlösungen) für inhomogene Böden. Diese Lösungen können auch für die Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe, zum Beispiel von einem Bahntunnel zu einem eingebetteten Gebäude, dem Kellergeschoss benutzt werden. Die Punktlastlösungen in der Tiefe werden mit der Halbraumlösung an der Bodenoberfläche und mit der Vollraumlösung verglichen und Gesetzmäßigkeiten für geschichtete Böden abgeleitet. Zu den Pfahlgründungen werden die Horizontalnachgiebigkeiten von Pfählen in geschichteten Böden dargestellt. Für den homoge-nen und den kontinuierlich steifer werdenden Boden werden Potenzgesetze für den Boden- und Pfahleinfluss aufgestellt. Der Vergleich mit dem Winkler-Modell der rein lokalen Boden-reaktion zeigt, dass die Winkler-Bettung in allen Fällen einen zu kleinen Bodeneinfluss ergibt. T2 - 7. VDI-Fachtagung Baudynamik CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 27.4.2022 KW - Wellenausbreitung in der Tiefe KW - Pfahlnachgiebigkeiten KW - Erschütterungen KW - Tunnel PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-54769 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wellenausbreitung in geschichteten Böden – Rechenmethoden und Messbeispiele von Zug- und Gebäudeerschütterungen N2 - Im ersten Teil werden Methoden der Wellenanalyse vorgestellt, Seismogramme, Multistation Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), f,v-Analyse (Dispersion aus zweifacher Fourier-Analyse), Spatial AutoCorrelation (SPAC, hier auch für deterministische Quellen), und auf Messungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz angewendet. Mit den Wellengeschwindigkeiten des Bodens werden die Berechnungsgrundlagen für die Erschütterungsausbreitung im Boden und die Bauwerk-Boden-Wechselwirkung geschaffen. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Wellensynthese, das heißt mit der Berechnung von Wellenfeldern (aus Wellenzahlintegralen). Die Rechnungen können wesentlich vereinfacht werden, wenn man die Dimensionsanalyse und Symmetrieüberlegungen ausnutzt, so dass maximal fünf dimensionslose Verschiebungsfunktionen verbleiben (im Vollraum sind es sogar nur zwei Verschiebungsfunktionen, die sich einfach explizit angeben lassen). Es gibt Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Halbraum-Amplituden an der Oberfläche, den Halbraum-Amplituden in der Tiefe und der Wellenausbreitung im Vollraum. Die berechneten Wellenfelder (als Terzspektren in verschie-denen Entfernungen von der Erschütterungsquelle) werden verwendet, um die gemessene Übertragungsfunktionen des Bodens zu approximieren und Erschütterungen von Zugvorbeifahrten zu prognostizieren. Auch dies wird an einigen Messorten vorgeführt. Dabei werden einige gemessene Besonderheiten der Eisenbahnerschütterungen mit dem geschichteten Aufbau des Bodens erklärt. Der dritte Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung der Wellenfelder beziehungsweise der Punkt-lastlösungen beziehungsweise der Greenschen Funktionen in der Randelementmethode. Es wird ein einfaches Prinzip der Herleitung der Randelementmethode vorgeführt. Bei einer beliebigen Berandung benötigt man neben den Verschiebungswellenfeldern auch die Spannungswellen-felder. Eine einfache Berechnung der Spannungswellenfelder wird vorgeführt, die im Vollraum auf drei Spannungsfunktionen, ähnlich einfach wie die Verschiebungsfunktionen, führt. Durch die Kopplung der Randelementmethode mit der Finite-Element-Methode können dann Probleme der Bauwerk-Boden-Wechselwirkung gelöst werden. Der vierte Teil beschäftigt sich schließlich mit der Freifeld-Wellenanregung unter einem Gebäude und der Wellenanregung im Gebäude. Dabei geht es um die Wechselwirkung der Freifeldwellen mit starren oder flexiblen Fundamenten (Pfählen, Fundamentplatten) und den Übertragungs-faktoren zwischen dem Freifeld und dem Gebäude. Bei der Wellenanregung in einem Büro-gebäude in Wien konnten die gleichen Methoden wie bei der Wellenanregung im Boden eingesetzt werden, Seismogramme, MASW, Übertragungsfunktionen und Amplituden-Abstandsgesetze. T2 - Festkolloquium Baudynamik CY - Graz, Austria DA - 05.10.2018 KW - Dispersionsmessung KW - Wellenfeldberechnung KW - Erschütterungsprognose KW - Randelementmethode KW - Bauwerk-Boden-Wechselwirkung KW - Deckenschwingungen PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46403 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wave propagation from hammer, vibrator and railway excitation – theoretical and measured attenuation in space and frequency domain N2 - The attenuation of wave amplitudes is ruled by the planar, cylindrical or spherical geometry of the wave front (the geometric or power-law attenuation) but also by the damping of the soil (an exponential attenuation). Several low- and high-frequency filter effects are derived for the layering and the damping of the soil, for the moving static and the distributed train loads and for a homogeneous or randomly heterogeneous soil. Measurements of hammer- and train-induced vibrations at five sites have been analysed for these attenuation and filter effects. The measured attenuation with distance can be discribed by generalised power laws and some reasons will be discussed. The theoretical filter effects can well be found in the measurements. T2 - Wave Mechanics and Vibrations Conference CY - Lisbon, Potugal DA - 04.07.2022 KW - Hammer impact KW - Train passage KW - Layered soil KW - Attenuation KW - Filter effects KW - Randomly heterogeneous soil KW - Scattering PY - 2023 SN - 978-3-031-15757-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15758-5_35 SP - 352 EP - 359 PB - Springer Nature CY - Cham, Schweiz AN - OPUS4-56034 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Wave propagation from hammer, vibrator and railway excitation – theoretical and measured attenuation in space and frequency domain N2 - The attenuation of wave amplitudes is ruled by the planar, cylindrical or spher-ical geometry of the wave front (the geometric or power-law attenuation) but also by the damping of the soil (an exponential attenuation). Several low- and high-frequency filter effects are derived for the layering and the damping of the soil, for the moving static and the distributed train loads and for a homoge-neous or randomly heterogeneous soil. Measurements of hammer- and train-induced vibrations at five sites have been analysed for these attenuation and filter effects. The measured attenuation with distance can be discribed by gen-eralised power laws and some reasons will be discussed. The theoretical filter effects can well be found in the measurements. T2 - 10th Wave Mechanics and Vibration Conference (WMVC)nce CY - Lisbon, Potugal DA - 04.07.2022 KW - Hammer impact KW - Train passage KW - Layered soil KW - Attenuation KW - Filter effects KW - Randomly heterogeneous soil KW - Scattering PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55246 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Said, Samir ED - Bian, Xuecheng ED - Chen, Y. ED - Ye, X. T1 - Vibration measurements for the control of damaged and repaired railway tracks N2 - This contribution presents experimental methods to detect track damage. At BAM (Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing), a measuring car with a measuring system of 72 channels, geophones, mountings, cables, harmonic and impulsive exciters is used for dynamic measurements of the track, the soil and buildings. An instrumented hammer allows force measurements and to evaluate transfer functions of the track, and the soil. Wave measurements are used to identify the soil characteristics. Train passages are measured at the track and for the train induced ground vibrations. In addition to these in situ options, tests of tracks or track elements can be performed in a large laboratory. KW - Track vibration KW - Track damage PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-10-4507-3 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4508-0_2 SP - 13 EP - 30 PB - Springer CY - Singaporer AN - OPUS4-45457 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Müller, R. A1 - Brechbühl, Y. A1 - Lutzenberger, S. A1 - Said, Samir A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Guigou-Carter, C. A1 - Villot, M. A1 - Müller, R. ED - Degrande, G. ED - al., et T1 - Vibration Excitation at Turnouts, Mechanism, Measurements and Mitigation Measures N2 - There is a strong need for cost-effective mitigation measures for turnouts. SBB has initiated a series of examinations using different methodologies to gain a deeper understanding of the excitation mechanisms at low frequencies, in addition to that obtained in the RIVAS project. To date it is not yet clear what constitutes a complete measurement data set that would enable understanding most of the vibration excitation mechanisms in turnouts. Increasing vibration at turnouts in comparison to normal track is observed for all measured frequencies. The different methodologies are presented in the paper. Under-sleeper pads (USP) are a cost-effective method to reduce vibration at frequencies above 63 Hz (1/3 octave), but there is probably no improvement for frequencies below 63 Hz. A first test of new frog geometry did not show relevant improvements in Vibration emission in comparison to a reference frog geometry. Axle box acceleration measurements are an interesting method to identify defects in a turnout. A specialized measurement system of rail roughness could identify certain geometry Problem areas for some frogs. Noise increases also are observed at turnouts for frequencies ranging between 80 to 1000 Hz. The use of railway source models to calculate contact forces for ballasted track and turnouts seems promising, in particular for understanding the influence of ground. KW - Turnout KW - Switch KW - Vibration excitation KW - Vibration measurements PY - 2021 SN - 978-3-030-70288-5 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70289-2_42 SN - 1612-2909 VL - 150 SP - 403 EP - 410 PB - Springer Nature Switzerland AG CY - Cham AN - OPUS4-52612 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Vehicle-Track-Soil Interaction of Isolated, Un-isolated and Damaged Railway Tracks N2 - This article deals with two topics of vehicle-track-soil interaction, the mitigation of railway induced ground vibration by soft track elements, and the identification of track damage. Theoretical results have been achieved by a combined finite-element boundary-element method (FEBEM). The theoretical results are confronted with measurements at four sites. Improved mitigation effects have been found for soft rail pads under heavy sleepers. The insertion loss, however, can be too optimistic if a strong vehicle track resonance occurs for the un-isolated reference track. Two measurement sites show this strong vehicle-track resonance at about 80 Hz, which has been approximated by using the results of a wide parameter study including the rail pad, ballast, and soil stiffness, as well as the ballast model and the soil layering. – The detection of slab track damage is mainly based on the differences of the receptance or compliance functions. Theoretical results have been confirmed by measurements at one site where a loss of contact between track plate and base layer was visible. Measurements at a second site with a hidden damage have been compared with the theoretical results of a loose sleeper. The differences between intact (or repaired) and damaged tracks are strong enough to encourage the further development of this method for the identification of track damages. KW - Railway track KW - Track-soil interaction KW - Ground vibration KW - Mitigation KW - Under-sleeper pads KW - Track damage monitoring PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.4203/ijrt.6.3.2 SN - 2049-5358 VL - 2 IS - 20 SP - 21 EP - 49 PB - Saxe-Coburg Publications CY - London AN - OPUS4-51257 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Vehicle-track-soil interaction and train-induced ground vibration: Theory and measurements in Germany, Switzerland and France N2 - Three measurement campaigns of train-induced ground vibrations are evaluated for the vehicle-track-soil interaction. Ground vibrations, track vibrations and vehicle vibrations have been measured for train passages and impulse excitation and compared with theoretical results. The soil and the track-soil system are calculated by wavenumber integrals. The influence of the vehicle is introduced by a substructure method. By comparing theory and measurement the different components of excitation force and ground vibration can be analysed, the quasi-static excitation, track-alignment errors, the out-of-roundness of wheels, the wheel and rail roughness, and moreover, scattered axle impulses and ineffective high-frequency parts of the wheelset accelerations and Forces. T2 - Recent Advance in Structural Dynamics CY - Lyon, France DA - 15.04.2019 KW - Vehicle-track-soil interaction KW - Train-induced ground vibration PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47893 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz ED - Ruspighi, Emiliano T1 - Vehicle-track-soil interaction and train-induced ground vibration: Theory and measurements in Germany, Switzerland and France N2 - Abstract. Three measurement campaigns of train-induced ground vibrations are evaluated for the vehicle-track-soil interaction. Ground vibrations, track vibrations and vehicle vibrations have been measured for train passages and impulse excitation and compared with theoretical results. The soil and the track-soil system are calculated by wavenumber integrals. The influence of the vehicle is introduced by a substructure method. By comparing theory and measurement the different components of excitation force and ground vibration can be analysed, the quasi-static excitation, track-alignment errors, the out-of-roundness of wheels, the wheel and rail roughness, and moreover, scattered axle impulses and ineffective high-frequency parts of the wheelset accelerations and forces. T2 - 13th International Conference on recent Advances in Structural Dynamics CY - Lyon, France DA - 15.4.2019 KW - Vehicle-track interaction KW - Train-induced ground vibration KW - Ground vibration measurements PY - 2019 SP - 810 EP - 821 PB - University of Southampton CY - Southampton AN - OPUS4-48423 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Vehicle-track-soil interaction and train-induced ground vibration – Theory and measurements in Germany, Switzerland and France N2 - Three measurement campaigns of train-induced ground vibrations are evaluated for the vehicle-track-soil interaction. Ground vibrations, track vibrations and vehicle vibrations have been measured for train passages and impulse excitation and compared with theoretical results. The soil and the track-soil system are calculated by wavenumber integrals. The influence of the vehicle is introduced by a substructure method. By comparing theory and measurement the different components of excitation force and ground vibration can be analysed, the quasi-static excitation, track-alignment errors, the out-of-roundness of wheels, the wheel and rail roughness, and moreover, scattered axle impulses and ineffective high-frequency parts of the wheelset accelerations and forces. T2 - Recent Advance in Structural Dynamics CY - Lyon, France DA - 15.04.2019 KW - Vehicle-track-soil interaction KW - Train-induced ground vibration KW - Vibration measurements PY - 2019 SP - 810 EP - 821 PB - University of Southampton CY - Southampton AN - OPUS4-47892 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Vehicle-track-soil interaction and train-induced ground vibration – Theory and measurements in Germany, Switzerland and France N2 - Three measurement campaigns of train-induced ground vibrations are evaluated for the vehicle-track-soil interaction. Ground vibrations, track vibrations and vehicle vibrations have been measured for train passages and impulse excitation and compared with theoretical results. The soil and the track-soil system are calculated by wavenumber integrals. The influence of the vehicle is introduced by a substructure method. By comparing theory and measurement the different components of excitation force and ground vibration can be analysed, the quasi-static excitation, track-alignment errors, the out-of-roundness of wheels, the wheel and rail roughness, and moreover, scattered axle impulses and ineffective high-frequency parts of the wheelset accelerations and forces. KW - Vehicle-track-soil interaction KW - Train-induced ground vibration KW - Measurement campaigns KW - Wavenumber integrals KW - Components of excitation KW - Wheelset accelerations PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-486702 DO - https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1264/1/012034 SN - 1742-6596 SN - 1742-6588 VL - 1264 SP - Artikel 012034-1 EP - 12 PB - IOP Publishing Ltd AN - OPUS4-48670 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Vehicle Dynamics and Train‑Induced Ground Vibration—Theoretical Analyses and Simultaneous Vehicle, Track, and Soil Measurements N2 - Ground vibrations near railway lines are generated by the forces that are acting between wheel and rail. It seems to be a straight forward assumption that the vehicle dynamics are important for the level and the frequencies of the excitation forces. Different vehicle dynamics phenomena are analysed for their role in the excitation of ground vibrations: rigid body modes of the bogies, elastic (bending) modes of the car body, and elastic modes of the wheelset. The theoretical analyses use rigid body models, simplified elastic models, and detailed elastic models. Some of these problems are vehicle–track interaction problems where 3D finite‑element boundary‑element models have been used for the track and soil. It is shown that the rigid or flexible vehicle modes are well in the frequency range of ground vibrations (4 to 100 Hz). They have an influence on the excitation force but the additional forces are rather small and can be neglected in ground vibration prediction. The theoretical results are checked by experimental results of a simultaneous measurement of vehicle, track, and ground vibrations. KW - Rigid vehicle model KW - Flexible car body KW - Flexible wheelset KW - Dynamic loads KW - Ground vibration PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-569796 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles5010013 VL - 5 IS - 1 SP - 223 EP - 247 PB - MDPI CY - Basel AN - OPUS4-56979 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Train-induced ground vibrations – The emission and transmission from tunnel and surface lines N2 - Train-induced ground vibrations are quite different for tunnel and surface lines. The excitation of the track and ground vibration by the vehicle-track-soil interaction maybe influenced by the stiffer track support of the tunnel invert. The excited waves are propagating on a different path compared to the surface line. The wave propagation in the interior of the soil is calculated by a wavenumber integral in a similar way as the propagation along the surface and a general reduction of < 0.5 has been found. An additional reduction has been found because of the missing Rayleigh wave. The different excitation of tunnel lines is analysed theoretically by the combined finite-element boundary-element method and some results about the influencing tunnel and soil parameters will be shown. Measurements have been made at the Mühlberg-Tunnel in Germany. The vibrations of the train, the track and the soil have been measured simultaneously at the tunnel and a nearby surface line. Spectra will be shown for different train speeds between 60 and 160 km/h. A clear reduction effect for the tunnel line compared to the surface line has been observed in a specific (train-speed-dependent) frequency range. This agrees well with the observations of other research institutes. The mid-frequency tunnel-surface reduction seems to be a consequence of the stiffer track structure which leads to a wider distribution of the axle loads. Therefore, the axle impulses due to the train passage are longer and have a lower frequency content. This will have an effect on the ground vibrations at some distance which are present in case of an irregular transmission path through a ballast and soil with varying stiffness. A similar reduction effect can also be found for other track forms where the axle impulses are distributed on a longer track segment, for example slab tracks, tracks with under ballast plates, under ballast mats or under sleeper pads. T2 - 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29) CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 09.07.2023 KW - Ground vibration KW - Railway tunnel KW - Layered soil KW - Surface-tunnel reduction KW - Measurements PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57956 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Train-induced ground vibrations - the emission and transmission from tunnel and surface lines N2 - Train-induced ground vibrations are quite different for tunnel and surface lines. The excitation of the track and ground vibration by the vehicle-track-soil interaction maybe influenced by the stiffer track support of the tunnel invert. The excited waves are propagating on a different path compared to the surface line. The wave propagation in the interior of the soil is calculated by a wavenumber integral in a similar way as the propagation along the surface and a general reduction of < 0.5 has been found. An additional reduction has been found because of the missing Rayleigh wave. The different excitation of tunnel lines is analysed theoretically by the combined finite-element boundary-element method and some results about the influencing tunnel and soil parameters will be shown. Measurements have been made at the Mühlberg-Tunnel in Germany. The vibrations of the train, the track and the soil have been measured simultaneously at the tunnel and a nearby surface line. Spectra will be shown for different train speeds between 60 and 160 km/h. A clear reduction effect for the tunnel line compared to the surface line has been observed in a specific (train-speed-dependent) frequency range. This agrees well with the observations of other research institutes. The mid-frequency tunnel-surface reduction seems to be a consequence of the stiffer track structure which leads to a wider distribution of the axle loads. Therefore, the axle impulses due to the train passage are longer and have a lower frequency content. This will have an effect on the ground vibrations at some distance which are present in case of an irregular transmission path through a ballast and soil with varying stiffness. A similar reduction effect can also be found for other track forms where the axle impulses are distributed on a longer track segment, for example slab tracks, tracks with under ballast plates, under ballast mats or under sleeper pads. T2 - 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 09.07.2023 KW - Ground vibration KW - Railway tunnel KW - Layered soil KW - Surface-tunnel reduction KW - Measurements PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - IIAV CY - Auburn, USA AN - OPUS4-57962 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Train-induced ground vibration due to the irregularities of the soil N2 - Many measurements of train induced ground vibrations show high amplitudes for a certain mid-frequency range. This ground vibration component cannot be well explained by dynamic loads of the train. Many characteristics indicate that the axle impulses, which are scattered by an irregular soil, are the excitation. This new understanding of railway-induced ground vibration is verified by numerical analysis. The response of the regular homogeneous and irregular inhomogeneous soils has been calculated by the finite-element method in frequency domain. A specific superposition of the impulse responses has been invented including time shift, axle sequence, track filter and hanning filter. The superposition yields the quasi-static component of the ground vibration which is restricted to very low frequencies and to the close near-field of the track. In case of an irregular soil of which the stiffness varies randomly in space, the superposition yields a mid-frequency ground vibration component from the scattering of the axle impulses. The existence and the importance of this component can thus be demonstrated by the calculations. Some rules of the influence of distance, train speed, soil stiffness, strength and width of the stiffness variation have been derived from the calculations. Many measurements show the unique explanation of the mid-frequency ground vibration component by the scattered axle impulses. KW - Train-induced ground vibration KW - Static axle loads KW - Quasi-static response; KW - Axle impulses KW - Irregular soil KW - Random stiffness variation KW - Scattered axle impulses PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106438 SN - 0267-7261 VL - 140 SP - 106438 PB - Elsevier Ltd. CY - London AN - OPUS4-52006 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - The role of vehicle dynamics in train-induced ground vibrations and the detection of irregular axle-pulse responses due to a varying track support stiffness N2 - Train-induced ground vibrations are all generated by the vehicle, by static or dynamic vehicle loads. The most important and most accepted excitation are the dynamic wheel loads from the passage over track irregularities. Dynamic wheel loads will be compared from parallel axle-box and ground vibration measurements at more than seven sites. Some low-frequency excitation of ground vibrations, typically between 10 and 30 Hz, cannot be found in the axle-box measurements. Therefore, other vehicle modes, such as rigid bogie modes, flexible carriage modes, rigid and flexible wheelset modes, have been analysed for additional excitation forces. These vehicle dynamics analyses give an explanation for higher axle-box results at high frequencies, but not for the excitation of the higher low-frequency ground-vibration component. Finally, the effect of the moving static train loads will be analysed. For a regular track and soil, the moving static train loads yield the quasi-static response which exists only in the low-frequency nearfield of the track. If the support stiffness is randomly varying along the track, the pulses on the track generate an additional low-frequency component which is called the irregular pulse responses. This component will be demonstrated by numerical analysis where all axle pulses are superposed in frequency domain. KW - Wheelset KW - Vehicle-track interaction KW - Rail roughness KW - Random dynamics and vibrations KW - Modal analysis PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1177/09544097221086064 SN - 0954-4097 VL - 236 IS - 10 SP - 1218 EP - 1233 PB - Sage CY - London AN - OPUS4-55000 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Ziemens, Susanne T1 - The response of different buildings to free-field excitation – a study using detailed finite element models N2 - A study on building vibrations has been performed by finite element calculations. Family houses, multi-storey residential buildings, office buildings and office towers have been modelled in detail. The frequency-dependent response due to a free-field excitation has been evaluated for walls, columns and floors. The ratio of building amplitudes to free-field amplitudes starts with uB/u0 = 1 at zero frequency and is usually lower than 1 at 50 Hz, the end of the frequency range considered here. In between, amplifications occur due to several reasons. There are „soil resonances“ where the whole building is vibrating on the compliant soil, “column resonances” where the upper storeys are vibrating on the compliant columns, and the “floor resonances” where the floors are vibrating excited by their supports. Results are presented for all building types, but a special focus is set on office buildings. A parameter study shows the influence of the stiffness of the soil, the number of storeys, and the width of the building. It has been found that the “soil resonance” is strongly modified by the low-frequency floor resonances for the normal office building. The main resonance of a twenty-storey office tower is determined equally by the “soil mode” and the “column mode”. It is an important observation for these office buildings that the resonances can differ for different parts of the building such as the centre, the edge, the corner, and the core of the building. This leads to non-uniform vibration modes across the building, which look like another type of “floor resonance” and which have been observed in several real building projects. Experimental results will be shown which can confirm the calculated phenomena. T2 - EURODYN 2020 XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics CY - Online meeting DA - 13.11.2020 KW - Building vibration KW - Office building KW - Residential building KW - Soil-building resonance KW - Floor resonance KW - Column/wall resonance PY - 2020 SN - 978-618-85072-2-7 SP - 4560 EP - 4576 CY - Athen AN - OPUS4-51678 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - The response of different buildings to free-field excitation – a study using detailed finite element models N2 - A study on building vibrations has been performed by finite element calculations. Family houses, multi-storey residential buildings, office buildings and office towers have been modelled in detail. The frequency-dependent response due to a free-field excitation has been evaluated for walls, columns and floors. The ratio of building amplitudes to free-field amplitudes starts with uB/u0 = 1 at zero frequency and is usually lower than 1 at 50 Hz, the end of the frequency range considered here. In between, amplifications occur due to several reasons. There are „soil resonances“ where the whole building is vibrating on the compliant soil, “column resonances” where the upper storeys are vibrating on the compliant columns, and the “floor resonances” where the floors are vibrating excited by their supports. Results are presented for all building types, but a special focus is set on office buildings. A parameter study shows the influence of the stiffness of the soil, the number of storeys, and the width of the building. It has been found that the “soil resonance” is strongly modified by the low-frequency floor resonances for the normal office building. The main resonance of a twenty-storey office tower is determined equally by the “soil mode” and the “column mode”. It is an important observation for these office buildings that the resonances can differ for different parts of the building such as the centre, the edge, the corner, and the core of the building. This leads to non-uniform vibration modes across the building, which look like another type of “floor resonance” and which have been observed in several real building projects. Experimental results will be shown which can confirm the calculated phenomena. T2 - EURODYN 2020 XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics CY - Online meeting DA - 23.11.2020 KW - Building vibration PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51679 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - The dynamic train-track interaction on a bridge and in a tunnel compared with the simultaneous vehicle, track, and ground vibration measurements at a surface line N2 - The vehicle–track interaction generates forces and consequently vibrations in the environment. The interaction has been analysed by the simultaneous measurements of vehicle, track and ground vibrations during test runs with varied train speeds. The special effects of the passage over a bridge and through a tunnel are studied and compared with the measurements on a conventional ballasted surface line. The maximum amplitudes, narrow band and one-third octave band spectra are presented for the axle-box accelerations and for the track, bridge and ground vibrations. The different frequencies and frequency bands are related to wheel out-of-roundness, track alignment errors, the sleeper passage and the wheelset–track resonance. An axle impulse component has been observed at the track, at the near-field soil and as a scattered version in the far field. Specific results can be found for the bridge track, where clearly speed-dependent bridge resonances occur due to the axle sequence of the train, and for the tunnel track where soft rail pads are responsible for a strong amplification around the wheelset–track resonance. On the other hand, the axle impulses are strongly reduced by the tunnel track, and the scattered axle impulse component is not as relevant as for the surface track. As a consequence, a strong mid-frequency amplitude reduction of the tunnel compared to the surface line has been measured for low and high train speeds by the Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing (BAM) and by other institutes. KW - Vehicle–track interaction KW - Ground vibration KW - Tunnel-to-surface reduction KW - Bridge resonance KW - Axle sequence PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-585139 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/app131910992 VL - 13 IS - 19 SP - 1 EP - 23 PB - MDPI CY - Basel, Schweiz AN - OPUS4-58513 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Strukturschwingungen und Schwingungsminderung – Bauwerksmodelle, Messungen vor Ort und auf dem Versuchsgelände der BAM N2 - Die Grundidee einer Schwingungsminderung ist es eine tiefe Eigenfrequenz der Struktur zu erreichen, so dass höhere Frequenzen abgemindert werden. Das gilt für die Minderung an der Quelle, zum Beispiel einem Eisenbahngleis, und für die Minderung am Empfänger, dem Gebäude. Die Eigenfrequenz ermittelt man aus dem Verhältnis der Auflagersteifigkeit und der Masse. Wie ist die Masse bei einem Gebäude zu wählen? Und wie ist die Untergrund-steifigkeit zu berücksichtigen? Als Referenzsituation ohne Minderungsma߬nahme? Der Beitrag bringt Rechenergebnisse zu abgefederten Gebäuden mit einfachen und komplexen (FE-) Modellen, Mess- und Rechenergebnisse zur Schwingungsübertragung von unabge-federten Gebäuden. Es wird der Einfluss der Abstimmfrequenz, der Bodensteifigkeit und der „starren“ Gebäudemasse untersucht. Die komplexen Gebäudemodelle erlauben, neben der Berechnung einer elastischen Gebäudelagerung, auch die Variation von Gebäudepara¬metern zur Reduktion der Deckenschwingungen. Den Ergebnissen bei der Erschütterungs-übertragung in Gebäude werden zwei ähnliche Beispiele zur elastischen Maschinenlagerung und zur elastischen Gleislagerung gegenübergestellt. T2 - 6. VDI-Fachtagung Baudynamik CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 17.04.2018 KW - Elastische Gebäudelagerung KW - Rechenmodelle PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45472 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Said, Samir T1 - Strukturschwingungen und Schwingungsminderung - Bauwerksmodelle, Messungen vor Ort und auf dem Versuchsgelände der BAM T1 - Structural Vibrations and Vibration Reduction Building Models, On-site Measurements and Test Site of the BAM N2 - Die Grundidee einer Schwingungsminderung ist es eine tiefe Eigenfrequenz der Struktur zu erreichen, so dass höhere Frequenzen abgemindert werden. Das gilt für die Minderung an der Quelle, zum Beispiel einem Eisenbahngleis, und für die Minderung am Empfänger, dem Gebäude. Die Eigenfrequenz ermittelt man aus dem Verhältnis der Auflagersteifigkeit und der Masse. Wie ist die Masse bei einem Gebäude zu wählen? Und wie ist die Untergrundsteifigkeit zu berücksichtigen? Als Referenzsituation ohne Minderungsmaßnahme? Der Beitrag bringt Rechenergebnisse zu abgefederten Gebäuden mit einfachen und komplexen (FE-) Modellen, Mess- und Rechenergebnisse zur Schwingungsübertragung von unabgefederten Gebäuden. Es wird der Einfluss der Abstimmfrequenz, der Bodensteifigkeit und der „starren“ Gebäudemasse untersucht. Die komplexen Gebäudemodelle erlauben, neben der Berechnung einer elastischen Gebäudelagerung, auch die Variation von Gebäudeparametern zur Reduktion der Deckenschwingungen. Den Ergebnissen bei der Erschütterungs-übertragung in Gebäude werden zwei ähnliche Beispiele zur elastischen Maschinenlagerung und zur elastischen Gleislagerung gegenübergestellt. T2 - 6. VDI Fachtagung Baudynamik CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 17.04.2018 KW - Rechenmodelle KW - Elastische Gebäudelagerung PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-18-092321-5 SN - 0083-5560 VL - 2321 SP - 421 EP - 434 PB - VDI-Verlag CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-45471 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Some resonance effects of non-typical trains and railway bridges investigated by a frequency-domain method N2 - The resonances of railway bridges have often been analysed for short bridges under periodical high-speed trains, for simply supported one-span bridges, for the fundamental bridge mode, and by time-domain analyses. Many time-consuming calculations have been performed to establish simplified rules for standards. In this contribution, the passage of different (existing, new and hypothetic) trains over different bridges will be analysed in frequency domain by using three separated spectra with the purpose to get a better physical insight in the phenomena. At first, the excitation spectrum of the modal forces is built by the mode shape and the passage time of the train over the bridge. The second spectrum is the frequency response function of the bridge which include the modal frequency, damping and mass. The third part is the spectrum of the axle sequence of an arbitrary train which is not limited to periodical or specific (conventional, articulated, regular or standard) trains and which does not include any bridge parameters. The final solution in frequency domain is obtained as the product of these three complex, strongly varying spectra for the dominating bridge mode or in general as the sum of these products over all relevant bridge modes. The time domain solution is obtained via the inverse Fourier transform, and the resulting time histories have been successfully compared with some measurement results. The method is applied to the vertical and torsional modes of a mid-long 1-span bridge on elastomeric bearings under standard train speeds, and to a long multi-span integral bridge under long periodical freight trains. Different resonance and cancellation effects have been found for systematically varied train speeds according to the axle sequence of the whole train which is dominated by the two locomotives in that case. To be more specific, the first torsional mode of the mid-span bridge is excited for a train speed of 100 km/h whereas the second bending mode is excited for a train speed of 160 km/h. In both cases, the other mode is suppressed by the minima of the axle-distance spectra. In addition, the case of the German high-speed train ICE4 and the very high-speed hyperloop case will be discussed briefly. In general, it is shown that resonance effects are also worth to be studied for freight and passenger trains with lower speeds. T2 - XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics CY - Delft, The Netherlands DA - 03.07.2023 KW - Railway bridge KW - Transfer function KW - Modal force spectrum KW - Axle-sequence spectrum KW - Freight train KW - Passenger train KW - High-speed train KW - 2-span bridge KW - Long-span bridge PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - TU Delft CY - Delft AN - OPUS4-57961 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Some resonance effects of non-typical trains and railway bridges investigated by a frequency-domain method N2 - The resonances of railway bridges have often been analysed for short bridges under periodical high-speed trains, for simply supported one-span bridges, for the fundamental bridge mode, and by time-domain analyses. Many time-consuming calculations have been performed to establish simplified rules for standards. In this contribution, the passage of different (existing, new and hypothetic) trains over different bridges will be analysed in frequency domain by using three separated spectra with the purpose to get a better physical insight in the phenomena. At first, the excitation spectrum of the modal forces is built by the mode shape and the passage time of the train over the bridge. The second spectrum is the frequency response function of the bridge which include the modal frequency, damping and mass. The third part is the spectrum of the axle sequence of an arbitrary train which is not limited to periodical or specific (conventional, articulated, regular or standard) trains and which does not include any bridge parameters. The final solution in frequency domain is obtained as the product of these three complex, strongly varying spectra for the dominating bridge mode or in general as the sum of these products over all relevant bridge modes. The time domain solution is obtained via the inverse Fourier transform, and the resulting time histories have been successfully compared with some measurement results. The method is applied to the vertical and torsional modes of a mid-long 1-span bridge on elastomeric bearings under standard train speeds, and to a long multi-span integral bridge under long periodical freight trains. Different resonance and cancellation effects have been found for systematically varied train speeds according to the axle sequence of the whole train which is dominated by the two locomotives in that case. To be more specific, the first torsional mode of the mid-span bridge is excited for a train speed of 100 km/h whereas the second bending mode is excited for a train speed of 160 km/h. In both cases, the other mode is suppressed by the minima of the axle-distance spectra. In addition, the case of the German high-speed train ICE4 and the very high-speed hyperloop case will be discussed briefly. In general, it is shown that resonance effects are also worth to be studied for freight and passenger trains with lower speeds. T2 - EURODYN 2023 XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics CY - Delft, Netherlands DA - 03.07.2023 KW - Railway bridge KW - Transfer fuction KW - Modal load spectrum KW - Axle-sequence spectrum KW - Freight train KW - Passenger train KW - High-speed train KW - 2-span bridge PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57955 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Soil-foundation-structure problems related to train induced vibrations - the kinematic interaction of tunnel excited pile foundations and the inertial interaction of high rise buildings N2 - The soil-foundation-structure interaction is always important when building vibrations due to train passages have to be considered. The frequency range for train vibrations is up to 100 Hz. Normally, soft surface soils are crucial so that the wavelength can be much smaller than the foundation dimensions. Three topics are of interest for the prediction and the under-standing of building vibrations. 1. The „kinematic interaction“ or the „added foundation ef-fect“, which is calculated either by the combined boundary-element finite-element method or by the wavenumber domain method, results in a reduction of the free-field vibration. The stiff-ness of the foundation resists the wave deformation, plates and walls for horizontally propa-gating waves or piles for vertically incident waves. 2. The „inertial interaction“ or the „added building effect“ yields an amplification around the vertical building resonance, which may be a rigid mode on the compliant soil or a flexible mode for high-rise buildings, and a reduction at higher frequencies. This has been analysed by detailed finite element models of apartment and office buildings. 3. Base isolation is a method to further reduce building vibrations. It is important to know the soil-foundation impedance for the possible reduction, as well as the correct building impedance. A high-rise building cannot be considered as a rigid mass model. It has a frequency-dependent behaviour with longitudinal waves travelling from the founda-tion to the top of the building which include the effect of floor vibrations. Experiences from building projects in Vienna, Frankfort and Berlin will give some additional results for the ex-citation from tunnel lines, the kinematic response of pile foundations, and the inertial re-sponse of the flexible multi-storey buildings. T2 - COMPDYN 2023 CY - Athen, Greece DA - 12.06.2023 KW - Kinematic Interaction KW - Inertial Interaction KW - Surface Foundation KW - Pile Foundation KW - High-Rise Building PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 14 PB - NTUA CY - Athens AN - OPUS4-57959 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Soil-foundation-structure problems related to train induced vibrations - the kinematic interaction of tunnel excited pile foundations and the inertial interaction of high rise buildings N2 - The soil-foundation-structure interaction is always important when building vibrations due to train passages have to be considered. The frequency range for train vibrations is up to 100 Hz. Normally, soft surface soils are crucial so that the wavelength can be much smaller than the foundation dimensions. Three topics are of interest for the prediction and the under-standing of building vibrations. 1. The „kinematic interaction“ or the „added foundation ef-fect“, which is calculated either by the combined boundary-element finite-element method or by the wavenumber domain method, results in a reduction of the free-field vibration. The stiff-ness of the foundation resists the wave deformation, plates and walls for horizontally propa-gating waves or piles for vertically incident waves. 2. The „inertial interaction“ or the „added building effect“ yields an amplification around the vertical building resonance, which may be a rigid mode on the compliant soil or a flexible mode for high-rise buildings, and a reduction at higher frequencies. This has been analysed by detailed finite element models of apartment and office buildings. 3. Base isolation is a method to further reduce building vibrations. It is important to know the soil-foundation impedance for the possible reduction, as well as the correct building impedance. A high-rise building cannot be considered as a rigid mass model. It has a frequency-dependent behaviour with longitudinal waves travelling from the founda-tion to the top of the building which include the effect of floor vibrations. Experiences from building projects in Vienna, Frankfort and Berlin will give some additional results for the ex-citation from tunnel lines, the kinematic response of pile foundations, and the inertial re-sponse of the flexible multi-storey buildings. T2 - Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023) CY - Athens, Greece DA - 12.06.2023 KW - Soil-pile interaction KW - Pile groups KW - Kinematic interaction KW - Inertial interaction KW - High-rise buildings KW - Base isolation PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57954 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Said, Samir T1 - Slab track behaviour under train passage and hammer impact – Measurements at different sites and calculated track interaction with continuous soils N2 - This contribution intends to give an overview on the vibration behaviour of slab tracks in comparison of measurements and calculations and also by comparison of different track types at more than ten different measuring sites. In theory, tracks on continuous soil are calculated by the frequency-wavenumber domain method. In experiment, geophone measurements are transformed to displacement results. Two aspects of track behaviour are considered, the frequency-dependant compliance of the track, measured by hammer impact, and the deflection under a passing axle load. In theory, the response to a single axle can be calculated, whereas in experiment, only the passage of the whole train can be measured. For comparison of theory and experiment, the calculated deflection under a single axle is superposed to get the response of the whole train. As a result, the slab track characteristics are completely different from the ballast track characteristics where each axle can be seen in the time histories. The slab track has a more global behaviour where only a whole bogie can be found in the track response and moreover, the two neighbouring bogies are not completely separated. The measurement of the different track elements (rail, sleeper, track plate, base layer) and the frequency-dependant compliances with possible resonances yield further information About the properties of the track elements. The calculations show that the soil has the dominant influence on the amplitudes and the width of the track-plate displacements. In the measurement results, the following parameters are analysed: slab track vs. ballast track, different types of slab tracks, damaged slab tracks, different trains, switches at different measuring points, voided sleepers, an elastic layer, the mortar layer, and different soils at different places. Finally, a good agreement between measured and calculated results is found for the normal and some special (damaged, floating) slab tracks. KW - Slab track KW - Train passage KW - Hammer impact KW - Compliance function KW - Track deflection PY - 2020 UR - https://iiav.org/ijav/index.php?va=viewpage&vaid=177&id_number=95 DO - https://doi.org/10.20855/ijav.2020.25.31622 SN - 1027-5851 VL - 25 IS - 3 SP - 341 EP - 354 PB - International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration CY - Gliwice AN - OPUS4-51346 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Site-specific amplitude-distance laws, wave velocities, damping, and transfer functions of the soil from hammer impacts and application to railway-induced ground vibration – Similarities and mid-frequency differences N2 - The propagation of ground vibrations is theoretically analysed with frequency-wavenumber and simplified methods. Experimental methods are presented which can characterise the site-specific ground vibrations by wave velocities, stiffness and damping. Measurements with hammer and train excitation have been performed at several sites. The one-third octave spectra show the stiffness-dependent amplitudes and the low- and high-frequency filter effects due to the layering and the damping of the soil. Specific train effects, an additional high-frequency filter, the sleeper passage frequency, and an amplified mid-frequency component can be clearly found. The attenuation with distance is analysed in detail where the theoretical exponential and the empirical frequency-dependent power law are considered. Hammer and train excitation show the same site-specific effects which are mainly due to the stronger or weaker damping of the soil. The train attenuation is generally weaker than the hammer attenuation. The attenuation exponent of the power law, which is strongly dependent on the site and the frequency, is reduced for the train vibration by 0.3 to 0.5 in agreement with the theory. Reasons are discussed for the overall power law and for the dominating mid-frequency component. KW - Hammer impact KW - Train passage KW - Layered soil KW - Attenuation KW - Filter effects KW - Randomly heterogeneous soil KW - Scattering PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-585020 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s42417-023-01095-0 SN - 2366-2557 SP - 1 EP - 17 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-58502 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Simple and fast prediction of train-induced track forces, ground and building vibrations N2 - A simple and fast prediction scheme is presented for train induced ground and building vibrations. Simple models such as (1-dimensional) transfer matrices are used for the vehicle-track-soil interaction and for the building-soil interaction. The wave propagation through layered soils is approximated by a frequency-dependent homogeneous half-space. The prediction is divided into the parts “emission” (excitation by railway traffic), “transmission” (wave propagation through the soil) and “immission” (transfer into a building). The link between the modules is made by the excitation force between emission and transmission, and by the free-field vibration between transmission and immission. All formula for the simple vehicle-track, soil and building models are given in this article. The behaviour of the models is demonstrated by typical examples, that is the mitigation of train vibrations by elastic track elements, the low- and high-frequency cut-offs characteristic for layered soils, and the interacting soil, wall and floor resonances of multi-storey buildings. It is shown that the results of the simple prediction models can well represent the behaviour of the more time-consuming detailed models, the finite-element boundary-element models of the track, the wavenumber integrals for the soil, and the three-dimensional finite-element models of the building. In addition, measurement examples are given for each part of the prediction confirming that the methods provide reasonable results. As the prediction models are fast in calculation, many predictions can be done, for example to assess the environmental effect along a new railway line. The simple models have the additional advantage that the user needs to know only a minimum of parameters. So, the prediction is fast and user-friendly, but also theoretically and experimentally well-founded. KW - Railway induced vibration KW - Ground vibration KW - Layered soil KW - Building response KW - Excitation forces KW - Track and vehicle irregularities PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-513340 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40534-020-00218-7 SN - 2662-4745 VL - 28 IS - 3 SP - 232 EP - 250 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-51334 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Roughness and wheelset acceleration from axle-box measurements for understanding the generation and mitigation of ground vibrations N2 - Two measurement campaigns of train-induced ground vibrations are evaluated for the vehicle-track-soil interaction. Ground vibrations, track vibrations and vehicle vibrations have been measured for train passages and impulse excitation and compared with theoretical results. The soil and the track-soil system are calculated by wavenumber integrals. The influence of the vehicle is introduced by a substructure method. By comparing theory and measurement the different components of excitation force and ground vibration can be analysed, the quasi-static excitation, track-alignment errors, the out-of-roundness of wheels, the wheel and rail roughness, and moreover, scattered axle impulses and ineffective high-frequency parts of the wheelset accelerations and forces. T2 - ISO/TC 108/SC 2/WG 8 Working group Ground-borne noise and vibration from rail systems CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 12.03.2019 KW - Vehicle-track-soil interaction KW - Train-induced ground vibration PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47894 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Resonances of railway bridges analysed in frequency domain by the modal-force-excitation, bridge-transfer and axle-sequence spectra N2 - In this article, the passage of different trains over different bridges will be studied for resonant excitation. The intensity of the resonance will be estimated in frequency domain by using three separated spectra. At first, the excitation spectrum of the modal forces is built by the mode shape and the passage time of the train over the bridge. The second spectrum is the frequency response function of the bridge which include the modal frequency, damping and mass. The third part is the spectrum of the axle sequence of the train. The influences of train speed, bridge length, bridge support, track irregularities, and train type on the resonance amplitudes will be analysed for each of these spectra separately for getting a better insight. A variety of axle-sequence spectra and corresponding rules will be presented for different vehicles and trains. As examples, the passage of a slow freight train over a long-span bridge, a normal passenger train over a medium-span bridge, and a high-speed train over a short bridge will be analysed. Corresponding measurements show the amplification, but also the cancellation of the subsequent axle responses. Namely in one of the measurement examples, the first mode of the bridge was amplified and the second mode was cancelled at a low speed of the train and vice versa at a higher speed. KW - Railway bridge KW - Bridge vibration KW - Train passage KW - Axle sequence KW - Resonance KW - Cancellation KW - Fequency domain PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113282 SN - 0141-0296 VL - 249 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Elsevier Ltd. CY - London AN - OPUS4-53766 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Reduction in Train-Induced Vibrations—Calculations of Different Railway Lines and Mitigation Measures in the Transmission Path N2 - The reduction in train-induced ground vibrations by different railway lines and by mitigation measures in the propagation path was analysed in a unified approach by two-dimensional finite element calculations. In general, there was no reduction at low frequencies, and the reduction be-came stronger with increasing frequencies. A maximum reduction of 0.1 at high frequencies was established with an open trench. Reductions between 0.7 and 0.2 have been found for the other sit-uations, filled trenches, walls, plates, and blocks, as well as for railway lines on dams, in cuts and in a tunnel. Bridges can produce amplifications due to their resonance frequencies, but also strong reductions due to massive bridge piers. The influence of some parameters has been analysed, such as the bridge span, the inclination of the dam and the cut, the stiffness of the soil, and the tunnel structure. The dynamic track stiffnesses of a surface, bridge, and tunnel track have been calculated using the 3D finite-element boundary-element method for comparison with corresponding meas-urements. KW - Train-induced vibration KW - Mitigation KW - Trench KW - Obstacles KW - Tunnel KW - Bridge KW - Finite element KW - Boundary element PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-579573 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/app13116706 VL - 13 IS - 11 SP - 1 EP - 19 PB - MDPI CY - Basel AN - OPUS4-57957 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Railway-induced ground and building vibrations – Analysis in frequency-wavenumber domain and fast prediction with approximate models N2 - A simple and fast prediction scheme is presented for train-induced ground and building vibrations. For the emission, finite-element boundary-element or multiple-beam-on-continuous-soil models of the track have been analysed and approximated by faster track-on-Winkler-soil models. The vehicle-track interaction due to irregularities yields the excitation forces. For the transmission of waves in the soil, the wavenumber integral of the compliance of layered soils has been evaluated. The calculation time is reduced for the prediction by using the solution of a homogeneous half-space with a frequency-dependent wave velocity (the dispersion) of the soil. For the immision, many 2 and 3-dimenisonal finite-element building models have been investigated, and a good approximation has been established by a 1-dimensional soil-wall-floor model. In addition, the axle sequence of the train, the quasi-static and the “scattered” response of the soil, and the wave propagation from a tunnel to a pile foundation of a building have been included. T2 - ISMA-Conference 2022 CY - Leuven, Belgium DA - 12.09.2022 KW - Ground vibration KW - Simple prediction KW - Vehicle-track interaction KW - Layered soil KW - Soil-building interaction KW - Soil-wall-floor model KW - Propagation from a tunnel KW - Tunnel-pile transfer PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - KU Leuven CY - Leuven AN - OPUS4-56603 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Railway-induced ground and building vibrations – Analysis in frequency-wavenumber domain and fast prediction with approximate models N2 - A simple and fast prediction scheme is presented for train-induced ground and building vibrations. For the emission, finite-element boundary-element or multiple-beam-on-continuous-soil models of the track have been analysed and approximated by faster track-on-Winkler-soil models. The vehicle-track interaction due to irregularities yields the excitation forces. For the transmission of waves in the soil, the wavenumber integral of the compliance of layered soils has been evaluated. The calculation time is reduced for the prediction by using the solution of a homogeneous half-space with a frequency-dependent wave velocity (the dispersion) of the soil. For the immision, many 2 and 3-dimenisonal finite-element building models have been investigated, and a good approximation has been established by a 1-dimensional soil-wall-floor model. In addition, the axle sequence of the train, the quasi-static and the “scattered” response of the soil, and the wave propagation from a tunnel to a pile foundation of a building have been included. T2 - ISMA-Conference CY - Leuven, Belgium DA - 12.09.2022 KW - Ground vibration KW - Building vibration KW - Railways KW - Simple and fast prediction PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56038 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Prognoseverfahren für Bahnerschütterungen – DIN 45672-3, VDI 3837, HighSpeed2 und die Fahrzeug-Fahrweg-Boden Wechselwirkung N2 - Die VDI Richtlinie 3837 enthält detaillierte Angaben zur Erschütterungsemission. Die DIN 45672-3 enthält nur den Tunnel- oder einen Bodenmesspunkt als Ausgangspunkt der Prognose. Die Erschütterungsanregung durch die Fahrzeug-Fahrweg-Wechselwirkung wird beschrieben. Die ERgebnisse der BAM stimmen sehr gut mit dem Prognosekonzept von Highspeed 2 überein. Dies wird an den Punkten 1. Störgrößen, 2. Achsimpulse, 3. Tunnelstrecken aufgezeigt. T2 - Norm-Arbeitsausschuss Schwingungsminderung in der Umgebung von Verkehrswegen CY - Frankfurt/M., Germany DA - 08.02.2023 KW - Normung KW - Bahnerschütterungen KW - Emission KW - Fahrzeug-Fahrweg-Boden-Wechselwirkung KW - Störgrößen KW - Achsimpulse KW - Tunnelstrecke PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-56978 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Said, Samir A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Prediction of explosion-induced ground and building vibrations - measured wave velocities, transfer functions and attenuation N2 - Explosion-induced ground vibrations have been measured at several places. Results about the wave propagation are shown in this contribution. The particle velocities of the soil have been measured at up to 1000 m distance from the explosion and are presented as time records (seismograms) and one-third octave band spectra (transfer functions). The results are compared with the results of hammer impacts. The seismograms clearly show different wave types, compressional waves of the air, the water and the soil, and the Rayleigh wave. The hammer impacts yield good results up to 100 m and incorporate higher frequencies at about 50 Hz, whereas the explosion results in a ground vibration with frequencies around 10 Hz and a longer range of influence. Explosion and hammer excitations are evaluated for the wave velocities of the soil by using the wavenumber and the spatial auto-correlation method. The attenuation of the ground vibration amplitudes A with distance r can well be presented by a power law A ~ r -q. This type of amplitude-distance law and the corresponding power q > 1 are substantiated in the contribution. The influence of the charge weight W is evaluated as an additional power law A ~ W -p for each measuring site. The power is found quite similarly around q  0.6 as all sites have a medium soft soil such as sand and clay. The obtained amplitude-charge-distance law can be used to predict the explosion-induced ground and building vibrations at other sites. T2 - International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25) CY - Hiroshima, Japan DA - 08.07.2018 KW - Prediction of explosion induced ground and building vibration KW - Explosion-induced ground vibrations KW - Hammer impact KW - Soil properties KW - Amplitude-distance laws KW - Amplitude-charge weight laws PY - 2018 SN - 978-83-7880-552-6 SN - 2329-3675 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Silesian University of Technology Press CY - Gliwice, Poland AN - OPUS4-45506 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Prediction of building noise and vibration – 3D finite element and 1D wave propagation models N2 - Construction work or traffic excite nearby buildings, and the perceptible or audible vibration can be a nuisance for the inhabitants. The transfer of the vibration from the free field to the building has been calculated by the finite element method for many models in consultancy and research work. The analysis for all storeys of certain building points such as walls, columns and floors unveiled some rules, some typical modes, and some wavetype responses. A simplified building-soil model has been created, which includes well these effects of building-soil resonance, wall/column resonance, floor resonances, and the high-frequency reduction. The model consists of one wall for a wall-type apartment building or a column for each specific part (mid, side or corner) of a column-type office building. The building response in the high-frequency (acoustic) region is calculated as mean values over all storeys and over wider frequency bands, by wave-type asymptotes of an infinitely tall building, and by the soil to wall ratio of impedances. The secondary noise is predicted by Transfer values between the building vibration (center of floors, walls at a room corner) and the sound pressure. T2 - Euronoise 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 25.10.2021 KW - Building vibration KW - Finite element models KW - Soil-wall-floor model KW - Apartment building KW - Office tower PY - 2021 SN - 978-989-53387-0-2 SP - 1792 EP - 1801 AN - OPUS4-53702 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Prediction of building noise and vibration – 3D finite element and 1D wave propagation models N2 - Construction work or traffic excite nearby buildings, and the perceptible or audible vibration can be a nuisance for the inhabitants. The transfer of the vibration from the free field to the building has been calculated by the finite element method for many models in consultancy and research work. The analysis for all storeys of certain building points such as walls, columns and floors unveiled some rules, some typical modes, and some wavetype responses. A simplified building-soil model has been created, which includes well these effects of building-soil resonance, wall/column resonance, floor resonances, and the high-frequency reduction. The model consists of one wall for a wall-type apartment building or a column for each specific part (mid, side or corner) of a column-type office building. The building response in the high-frequency (acoustic) region is calculated as mean values over all storeys and over wider frequency bands, by wave-type asymptotes of an infinitely tall building, and by the soil to wall ratio of impedances. The secondary noise is predicted by Transfer values between the building vibration (center of floors, walls at a room corner) and the sound pressure. T2 - Euronoise 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 25.10.2021 KW - Building vibration KW - Finite element models KW - Soil-wall floor model KW - Apartment building KW - Office tower PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53703 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz ED - Lombaert, G. ED - Degrande, G. T1 - Predicted and measured amplitude-speed relations of railway ground vibrations at four German sites with different test trains N2 - The present contribution evaluates four measuring series made by the Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing for the relations between train speed and ground vibration amplitudes. This experimental evaluation is supported by the simulation of the train passages at the different sites by using appropriate excitation mechanisms and forces as well as layered soil models which have been derived from impact measurements at each site. T2 - 13th International Workshop on Railway Noise and Vibration CY - Leuven, Belgium DA - 16.09.2019 KW - Train speed KW - Ground vibration KW - Excitation forces KW - Layered soils PY - 2019 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - KU Leuven CY - Leuven AN - OPUS4-49440 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Predicted and measured amplitude-speed relations of railway ground vibrations at four German sites with different test trains N2 - The present contribution evaluates four measuring series made by the Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing for the relations between train speed and ground vibration amplitudes. This experimental evaluation is supported by the simulation of the train passages at the different sites by using appropriate excitation mechanisms and forces as well as layered soil models which have been derived from impact measurements at each site. T2 - 13th International Workshop on Railway Noise and Vibration CY - Leuven, Belgium DA - 16.09.2019 KW - Excitation forces KW - Train speed KW - Ground vibration KW - Layered soils PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49444 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Auersch, Lutz ED - Degrande, G. ED - al., et T1 - Predicted and measured amplitude-speed relations of railway ground vibrations at four German sites with different test trains N2 - The present contribution evaluates four measuring series made by the Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing for the relations between train speed and ground vibration amplitudes. This experimental evaluation is supported by the simulation of the train passages at the different sites by using appropriate excitation mechanisms and forces as well as layered soil models which have been derived from impact measurements at each site. KW - Train speed KW - Ground vibration KW - Excitation forces KW - Layered soils PY - 2021 SN - 978-3-030-70288-5 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70289-2_43 SN - 1612-2909 VL - 150 SP - 411 EP - 419 PB - Springer Nature Switzerland AG CY - Cham AN - OPUS4-52611 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Said, Samir A1 - Rohrmann, R. T1 - Natural frequencies and modes of poles, beams, floors, road and rail bridges N2 - In the last three decades, the vibrations of many floors and bridges have been measured. The contribution shows some evaluation methods, experimental results and some modelling and theoretical results. Simple evaluation methods have been developed for single and coupled floors. Two coupled beams have been measured in good agreement with the theory. A more complex coupling model has been found for a large wooden floor in a castle consisting of six floor bays which correlates well with the measurements. Damaged and intact poles have been tested by their natural frequencies and damping values, and a fair correlation between the degree of damage and the shift of the frequency. Road bridges have been analysed in detail and some examples are presented. Railway bridges and trains are studied for resonant excitation. The risk of resonance can be estimated in frequency domain by using axle-sequence spectra of the train and the natural frequencies of the bridge. A measurement example shows the amplification, but even stronger the cancellation of the subsequent axle responses. Several high-speed trains and freight trains have been analysed for their potential resonance amplification. T2 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA/USD 2020) CY - Online meeting DA - 07.09.2020 KW - Modalanalyse KW - Bauwerke KW - Bauteile KW - Brücken KW - Achsfolgespektren PY - 2020 SP - 1573 EP - 1585 PB - KULeuven CY - Leuven AN - OPUS4-51211 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Natural frequencies and modes of poles, beams, floors, road and rail bridges N2 - In the last three decades, the vibrations of many floors and bridges have been measured. The contribution shows some evaluation methods, experimental results and some modelling and theoretical results. Simple evaluation methods have been developed for single and coupled floors. Two coupled beams have been measured in good agreement with the theory. A more complex coupling model has been found for a large wooden floor in a castle consisting of six floor bays which correlates well with the measurements. Damaged and intact poles have been tested by their natural frequencies and damping values, and a fair correlation between the degree of damage and the shift of the frequency. Road bridges have been analysed in detail and some examples are presented. Railway bridges and trains are studied for resonant excitation. The risk of resonance can be estimated in frequency domain by using axle-sequence spectra of the train and the natural frequencies of the bridge. A measurement example shows the amplification, but even stronger the cancellation of the subsequent axle responses. Several high-speed trains and freight trains have been analysed for their potential resonance amplification. T2 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA/USD 2020) CY - Online meeting DA - 07.09.2020 KW - Modalanalyse KW - Bauwerke KW - Bauteile KW - Brücken KW - Achsfolgespektren PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51213 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Said, Samir A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Measurement of slab track behaviour at different sites N2 - Measured train passages and hammer impacts in combination with track-soil calculation have been successfully used for the detection of damaged slab tracks. This approach is now extended to intact slab and ballast tracks. The vibrations of many tracks have been measured at several levels from rail, sleeper, track plate, base plate, base layer to the subsoil by velocity or acceleration sensors. The time histories have to be integrated once or twice to get the displacements. The displacement signals include an arbitrary time-dependent shift which must be eliminated or respected in the interpretation. On the other hand, the calculation of slab and ballast tracks have been done in frequency-wavenumber domain. The displacements along the track and the frequency-dependent compliance transfer functions can be calculated. The latter can be compared with the results of the hammer impacts on the track. The deformation of the track can be transformed to time histories for a whole train and compared to the measured train passages. Many slab (and ballast) tracks have been measured at different sites. The displacements of the tracks are presented, and the following parameters have been analysed in the measurement results: slab track vs. ballast track, different types of slab tracks, damaged slab tracks, different trains, switches at different measuring points, an elastic layer, the mortar layer, different soils at different places. The soil should have the dominant influence on the track-plate displacements. Slab and ballast track yield also big differences in maximum displacement and width of deformation. Some of the preceding aspects will be analysed in comparison of measurement and theory. T2 - 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26) CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 07.07.2019 KW - Displacements KW - Train passage KW - Slab track KW - Hammer impact KW - Vibration measurements PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48495 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz A1 - Said, Samir T1 - Measurement of slab track behaviour at different sites N2 - Measured train passages and hammer impacts in combination with track-soil calculation have been successfully used for the detection of damaged slab tracks. This approach is now extended to intact slab and ballast tracks. The vibrations of many tracks have been measured at several levels from rail, sleeper, track plate, base plate, base layer to the subsoil by velocity or acceleration sensors. The time histories have to be integrated once or twice to get the displacements. The displacement signals include an arbitrary time-dependent shift which must be eliminated or respected in the interpretation. On the other hand, the calculation of slab and ballast tracks have been done in frequency-wavenumber domain. The displacements along the track and the frequency-dependent compliance transfer functions can be calculated. The latter can be compared with the results of the hammer impacts on the track. The deformation of the track can be transformed to time histories for a whole train and compared to the measured train passages. Many slab (and ballast) tracks have been measured at different sites. The displacements of the tracks are presented, and the following parameters have been analysed in the measurement results: slab track vs. ballast track, different types of slab tracks, damaged slab tracks, different trains, switches at different measuring points, an elastic layer, the mortar layer, different soils at different places. The soil should have the dominant influence on the track-plate displacements. Slab and ballast track yield also big differences in maximum displacement and width of deformation. Some of the preceding aspects will be analysed in comparison of measurement and theory. T2 - 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26) CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 07.07.2019 KW - Displacements KW - Slab track KW - Train passage KW - Hammer impact KW - Vibration measurements PY - 2019 SN - 978-1-9991810-0-0 SN - 2329-3675 SP - T15RS01_316_1 EP - T15RS01_316_8 PB - Canadian Acoustical Association CY - Montreal, Kanad AN - OPUS4-48498 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -