TY - CONF A1 - Schneider, Ronald T1 - Vibration-based system identification of a large steel box girder bridge N2 - The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) collaborates with TNO to develop a software framework for automated calibration of structural models based on monitoring data. The ultimate goal is to include such models in the asset management process of engineering structures. As a basis for developing the framework, a multi-span road bridge consisting of ten simply supported steel box girders was selected as a test case. Our group measured output-only vibration data from one box girder under ambient conditions. From the data, we determined eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. In parallel, we developed a preliminary structural model of the box girder for the purpose of predicting its modal properties. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the measurement campaign, the operational modal analysis, the structural modeling and qualitatively compare the identified with the predicted modes. As an outlook, we discuss the further steps in the calibration process and future applications of the calibrated model. T2 - XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023) CY - Delft, Netherlands DA - 02.07.2023 KW - Bridge KW - Safety KW - Fatigue KW - Modal system identification KW - Model updating PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57863 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schneider, Ronald T1 - Structural integrity management research at BAM N2 - This presentation provides an overview on the structural integrity management research at BAM. In addition, a framework for monitoring and risk-informed inspection and maintenance planning for offshore steel structures is presented. T2 - Structural Health Monitoring Using Statistical Pattern Recognition CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 20.03.2023 KW - Structural integrity KW - Monitoring KW - Maintenance KW - Inspeciton KW - Bridges KW - Offshore wind PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57864 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Simon, Patrick T1 - Zustandsbewertung von Bauwerken unter veränderlichen Umgebungsbedingungen mittels Structural Health Monitoring N2 - Brücken sind Teil der alternden Verkehrsinfrastruktur. Um die Nutzungsdauer zu verlängern und plötzliche Schäden zu detektieren kann Bauwerksmonitoring ("Structural Health Monitoring") eingesetzt werden. Der Einfluss von Umgebungsbedingungen, beispielsweise der Temperatur, auf das Bauwerksverhalten ist meist größer als der Einfluss von Schäden. Diese Einflüsse bestmöglich voneinander zu trennen und Veränderungen im Tragverhalten korrekt Schäden oder Umgebungsbedingungen zuzuordnen ist eine offene Forschungsfrage. Diese Arbeit zeigt eine mögliche Lösung, bei der gekoppelte Modelle von Umwelteinflüssen, Schäden und Tragverhalten des Bauwerks auf Grundlage von Monitoringdaten aktualisiert werden. Das Framework dazu wird vorgestellt und an einem Laborexperiment eines Stahlbetonbalkens in der Klimakammer angewandt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Vorgehensweise. In nächsten Schritten müssen komplexere Tragwerke und die Sensitivität des Ansatzes untersucht werden. T2 - Forschungskolloquium, Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 28.06.2023 KW - Structural health monitoring KW - Bauwerksmonitoring KW - Umwelteinflüsse KW - Brücken PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58005 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Train-induced ground vibrations – The emission and transmission from tunnel and surface lines N2 - Train-induced ground vibrations are quite different for tunnel and surface lines. The excitation of the track and ground vibration by the vehicle-track-soil interaction maybe influenced by the stiffer track support of the tunnel invert. The excited waves are propagating on a different path compared to the surface line. The wave propagation in the interior of the soil is calculated by a wavenumber integral in a similar way as the propagation along the surface and a general reduction of < 0.5 has been found. An additional reduction has been found because of the missing Rayleigh wave. The different excitation of tunnel lines is analysed theoretically by the combined finite-element boundary-element method and some results about the influencing tunnel and soil parameters will be shown. Measurements have been made at the Mühlberg-Tunnel in Germany. The vibrations of the train, the track and the soil have been measured simultaneously at the tunnel and a nearby surface line. Spectra will be shown for different train speeds between 60 and 160 km/h. A clear reduction effect for the tunnel line compared to the surface line has been observed in a specific (train-speed-dependent) frequency range. This agrees well with the observations of other research institutes. The mid-frequency tunnel-surface reduction seems to be a consequence of the stiffer track structure which leads to a wider distribution of the axle loads. Therefore, the axle impulses due to the train passage are longer and have a lower frequency content. This will have an effect on the ground vibrations at some distance which are present in case of an irregular transmission path through a ballast and soil with varying stiffness. A similar reduction effect can also be found for other track forms where the axle impulses are distributed on a longer track segment, for example slab tracks, tracks with under ballast plates, under ballast mats or under sleeper pads. T2 - 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29) CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 09.07.2023 KW - Ground vibration KW - Railway tunnel KW - Layered soil KW - Surface-tunnel reduction KW - Measurements PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57956 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Damage detection by flexibility functions and quasi-static moving load tests N2 - The contribution shows measurement examples of cars, floors, foundations, railway tracks, a footbridge, and a railbridge. Vibrations may include modes and waves. Namely in soil-structure interaction, modes are damped, shifted and prevented so that alternatives for the modal analysis are necessary: The approximation of the whole spectrum (flexibility function) and of the whole train passage (moving-load response). T2 - Symposium Emerging Trends in Bridge Damage Detection, Localization and Quantification CY - Luxembourg, Luxembourg DA - 05.05.2023 KW - Flexibility KW - Movin load test KW - Frequency response function KW - Cars KW - Floors KW - Foundations KW - Railway tracks KW - Footbridge KW - Railbridge KW - Damage detection PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57951 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Frequenz- und bodenabhängige Prognose und Minderung von Bahnerschütterungen N2 - Die Prognose und Minderung von Bahnerschütterungen haben eine lange Tradition in der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung. Im Jahr 2006 wurde eine Prognose-Software fertiggestellt, die viele Forschungs- und Messergebnisse zusammenfasst. Sie umfasst die Teilbereiche Emission (die Anregung durch die Fahrzeug-Fahrweg-Untergrund-Wechselwirkung), die Transmission (die Ausbreitung durch den Boden) und die Immission (die Übertragung vom Freifeld in ein Gebäude). Die Prognose geschieht in allen Teilen mit einfachen Formeln, die veröffentlicht sind und zur Anwendung für Jedermann zur Verfügung stehen. Es werden Beispiele zur Emission und zur Transmission gezeigt. Im Bereich Transmissionsprognose werden zu den Anregungskräften (aus dem Emissionsteil) die Bodenerschütterungen als Schwinggeschwindigkeitsterzspektren berechnet. Das Ergebnis hängt stark von der Bodensteifigkeit, -dämpfung und -schichtung ab. Dies wurde später mit einer Messkampagne in der Schweiz an 10 Messorten bestätigt (Bild 1). Die Berechnung erfolgt näherungsweise für einen geschichteten Boden mit einer frequenzabhängigen Wellengeschwindigkeit (Dispersion) oder einem tiefenabhängigen Wellengeschwindigkeitsprofil. Die Anregungskräfte werden im Prognosebereich Emission mit einem 2-dimensionalen Gleismodell berechnet (Bild 2). 1-dimensionale Modelle liefern meist falsche Ergebnisse und 3-dimensionale Modelle (zum Beispiel mit der kombinierten Finite-Element-Randelement-Methode) sind für eine Erschütterungs¬prognose sicherlich zu aufwändig. Das 2-dimensionale Modell wurde an 3-dimensionale Ergebnisse so angepasst, dass die Ergebnisse für viele Gleise und Böden annähernd zutreffen. Auch Minderungs¬maßnahmen am Gleis können mit diesem Modell sehr gut berechnet werden. Die Prognoseverfahren wurden in den folgenden Jahren weiter verfeinert. Es wurde die quasi-statische Anregung durch die bewegten statischen Zuglasten mit einer Näherungsformel ergänzt, so dass auch das tieffrequente Nahfeld realistisch erfasst werden kann. Mit der Berücksichtigung der Achsfolge (insbesondere zwischen den Achsen im Drehgestell) ergeben sich zwei typische Minima in den Erschütterungsspektren, die oft auch in den Messungen beobachtet werden. Der Amplitudenanteil zwischen diesen beiden Minima ist oft stärker angehoben, so dass hier eine zusätzliche Erschütterungsanregung vermutet wird. Dieser Anteil kann rein empirisch prognostiziert werden, so wie das in den englischen Prognosen (zuletzt für das Highspeed2-Projekt) enthalten ist. Die Begründung dieses Anteils ist allerdings nicht die Achsfolge, sondern die Zerstreuung der statischen Achslastimpulse durch einen unregelmäßigen Gleisuntergrund und Boden. Die messtechnische Ermittlung eines Minderungseffektes ist komplizierter als allgemein angenommen. Es reicht nicht aus, jeweils an einem Messpunkt in der Nähe eines Gleises mit und ohne Minderungs¬maßnahme die Erschütterungen zu messen und aus dem Verhältnis der Amplituden (beziehungsweise aus der Differenz der Pegel) „die Einfügedämmung“ zu ermitteln. Es wird an Beispielen gezeigt, wie man hier sinnvoller vorgehen kann. 1. Zunächst ist es wichtig, nicht nur die Einfügedämmung sondern auch die Originalspektren mit und ohne Minderung zu dokumentieren und zu veröffentlichen, damit man kontrollieren kann, ob wesentliche Amplituden und Frequenzbereiche reduziert sind oder ob es sich um eher zufällige Minderungen oder Verstärkungen handelt. (Beispiel Unterschottermatte/Raron, Müller/SBB) 2. Der Messpunkt sollte nicht im Nahbereich des Gleises liegen, da ansonsten eine zu günstige, falsche Einfügedämmung bestimmt wird. (Beispiel Tunnel/ Leipzig/Breitsamter) 3. Um Zufälligkeiten zu vermeiden, sollte man an mehr als einem Punkt messen. (Beispiel Unterschotterplatte/Altheim/Auersch) 4. Man sollte eigentlich immer auch die Bodenkennwerte (Steifigkeit, Dämpfung, Amplituden-abnahme, Übertagungsfunktion) messen. Selbst bei nahegelegene Messquerschnitten kann man Überraschungen erleben. (Beispiel erste ICE-Messungen/bei Würzburg/Auersch) 5. Bei verschiedenen Bodenkennwerten kann man eine Korrektur durchführen. (Beispiel Gleis-tröge/Mistler) Am besten bestimmt man ein äquivalentes Kraftspektrum zu jedem Messort und jedem Messzug (Beispiel Feste Fahrbahn/Gardelegen/Auersch) 6. Prinzipiell gibt es nicht die Einfügedämmung einer Maßnahme. Die Einfügedämmung ist immer boden- und referenzsystemabhängig. Die „beste“ Einfügungsdämmung erhält man mit einem steifen Untergrund (Beispiel Unterschottermatte/Tunnel/München Gasteig/Wettschureck) Das heißt aber nicht, dass die Maßnahme durch einen künstlich versteiften Untergrund besser wird (Beispiel Unterschottermatten/RRT2006/Auersch) Es werden Messbeispiele gezeigt, die alle neben einer hochfrequenten dynamischen Minderung auch eine mittelfrequente quasi-statische Minderung aufweisen. Dabei wird der mittelfrequente Zerstreuanteil der statischen Achslastimpulse durch die breitere Lastverteilung und damit die Impulsdehnung der Achslastimpulse reduziert. Diese Impulsdehnung lässt sich mit dem 2-dimensionalen Gleismodell berechnen. Die Minderungswirkung hängt aber wiederum vom Referenzsystem und dessen unregel¬mäßiger Steifigkeitsverteilung ab. Je unregelmäßiger der Boden und Gleisuntergrund des Referenz¬systems, desto stärker ist die Minderungswirkung. T2 - 24. Symposium für Baudynamik und Erschütterungsmessungen CY - Dübendorf, Switzerland DA - 09.06.2023 KW - Bahnerschütterungen KW - Erschütterungsprognose KW - Erschütterungsminderung KW - Elastische Gleiselemente KW - Gleiströge KW - zerstreute Achslastimpulse PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57952 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Soil-foundation-structure problems related to train induced vibrations - the kinematic interaction of tunnel excited pile foundations and the inertial interaction of high rise buildings N2 - The soil-foundation-structure interaction is always important when building vibrations due to train passages have to be considered. The frequency range for train vibrations is up to 100 Hz. Normally, soft surface soils are crucial so that the wavelength can be much smaller than the foundation dimensions. Three topics are of interest for the prediction and the under-standing of building vibrations. 1. The „kinematic interaction“ or the „added foundation ef-fect“, which is calculated either by the combined boundary-element finite-element method or by the wavenumber domain method, results in a reduction of the free-field vibration. The stiff-ness of the foundation resists the wave deformation, plates and walls for horizontally propa-gating waves or piles for vertically incident waves. 2. The „inertial interaction“ or the „added building effect“ yields an amplification around the vertical building resonance, which may be a rigid mode on the compliant soil or a flexible mode for high-rise buildings, and a reduction at higher frequencies. This has been analysed by detailed finite element models of apartment and office buildings. 3. Base isolation is a method to further reduce building vibrations. It is important to know the soil-foundation impedance for the possible reduction, as well as the correct building impedance. A high-rise building cannot be considered as a rigid mass model. It has a frequency-dependent behaviour with longitudinal waves travelling from the founda-tion to the top of the building which include the effect of floor vibrations. Experiences from building projects in Vienna, Frankfort and Berlin will give some additional results for the ex-citation from tunnel lines, the kinematic response of pile foundations, and the inertial re-sponse of the flexible multi-storey buildings. T2 - Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023) CY - Athens, Greece DA - 12.06.2023 KW - Soil-pile interaction KW - Pile groups KW - Kinematic interaction KW - Inertial interaction KW - High-rise buildings KW - Base isolation PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57954 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auersch, Lutz T1 - Some resonance effects of non-typical trains and railway bridges investigated by a frequency-domain method N2 - The resonances of railway bridges have often been analysed for short bridges under periodical high-speed trains, for simply supported one-span bridges, for the fundamental bridge mode, and by time-domain analyses. Many time-consuming calculations have been performed to establish simplified rules for standards. In this contribution, the passage of different (existing, new and hypothetic) trains over different bridges will be analysed in frequency domain by using three separated spectra with the purpose to get a better physical insight in the phenomena. At first, the excitation spectrum of the modal forces is built by the mode shape and the passage time of the train over the bridge. The second spectrum is the frequency response function of the bridge which include the modal frequency, damping and mass. The third part is the spectrum of the axle sequence of an arbitrary train which is not limited to periodical or specific (conventional, articulated, regular or standard) trains and which does not include any bridge parameters. The final solution in frequency domain is obtained as the product of these three complex, strongly varying spectra for the dominating bridge mode or in general as the sum of these products over all relevant bridge modes. The time domain solution is obtained via the inverse Fourier transform, and the resulting time histories have been successfully compared with some measurement results. The method is applied to the vertical and torsional modes of a mid-long 1-span bridge on elastomeric bearings under standard train speeds, and to a long multi-span integral bridge under long periodical freight trains. Different resonance and cancellation effects have been found for systematically varied train speeds according to the axle sequence of the whole train which is dominated by the two locomotives in that case. To be more specific, the first torsional mode of the mid-span bridge is excited for a train speed of 100 km/h whereas the second bending mode is excited for a train speed of 160 km/h. In both cases, the other mode is suppressed by the minima of the axle-distance spectra. In addition, the case of the German high-speed train ICE4 and the very high-speed hyperloop case will be discussed briefly. In general, it is shown that resonance effects are also worth to be studied for freight and passenger trains with lower speeds. T2 - EURODYN 2023 XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics CY - Delft, Netherlands DA - 03.07.2023 KW - Railway bridge KW - Transfer fuction KW - Modal load spectrum KW - Axle-sequence spectrum KW - Freight train KW - Passenger train KW - High-speed train KW - 2-span bridge PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57955 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zinas, Orestis T1 - 3D Probabilistic Site Characterization N2 - The aim of the study is to infer the soil stratification from the provided CPT and borehole data. We infer the soil type at any location within the domain of interest from the SBT index Ic (Robertson, 2009). This index can be directly related to the CPT data through an empirical correlation model. In addition, the soil classes contained in the borehole logs can be expressed as bounds on Ic. A log-transformation was applied to Ic, Y = ln(Ic), and Y was modelled by a 3D Random Field, with a fully Bayesian hierarchical Gaussian Process model to explicitly capture uncertainties. T2 - 19th eawe PhD Seminar CY - Hannover, Germany DA - 06.09.2023 KW - Wind Energy KW - Site-characterization KW - Probabilistic PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58940 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kemmler, Samuel T1 - A Fluid Solid Coupled Micromechanical Simulation of Piping Erosion During the Installation of a Suction Bucket for the Foundation of an Offshore Wind Turbine N2 - We present our approach and methodology for simulating piping erosion, which occurs during the installation process of suction bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines. We show several simulations and analyze the hydrodynamic and contact forces acting on the granular fabric and the differential pressure of the fluid phase. We demonstrate weak scaling performance on the LUMI supercomputer with a parallel efficiency of up to 90% for 4096 Graphics Compute Dies. T2 - 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS) CY - Lisbon, Potugal DA - 03.06.2024 KW - Offshore wind turbine KW - Suction bucket KW - Coupled fluid-particle simulation KW - High-performance computing PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60207 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kemmler, Samuel T1 - Simulating Piping Erosion in Suction Buckets N2 - This presentation gives an overview of the recent achievements in simulating piping erosion during the installation process of suction bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines. The physical correctness of the code is validated, and the simulation code's performance on the LUMI supercomputer is presented. The simulation results are compared to experimental data. T2 - Forschungsbesuch CY - Aix-en-Provence, France DA - 14.05.2024 KW - Offshore wind turbine KW - Suction bucket KW - Coupled fluid-particle simulation KW - High-performance computing PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60136 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Artinov, Antoni T1 - Modeling the Relationship between Weld Pool Dynamics and Centerline Solidification Cracking in High Power Laser Beam Welding N2 - The present work deals with the recently confirmed widening of the weld pool interface, known as a bulging effect, and its relevance in high power laser beam welding. A combined experimental and numerical approach is utilized to study the influence of the bulge on the hot cracking formation and the transport of alloying elements in the molten pool. A technique using a quartz glass, a direct-diode laser illumination, a high-speed camera, and two thermal imaging cameras is applied to visualize the weld pool geometry in the longitudinal section. The study examines the relevance of the bulging effect on both, partial and complete penetration, as well as for different sheet thicknesses ranging from 8 mm to 25 mm. The numerical analysis shows that the formation of a bulge region is highly dependent on the penetration depth and occurs above 10 mm penetration depth. The location of the bulge correlates strongly with the cracking location. The obtained experimental and numerical results reveal that the bulging effect increases the hot cracking susceptibility and limits the transfer of alloying elements from the top of the weld pool to the weld root. T2 - Gastvortrag an der Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Konstruktion und Materialwissenschaften CY - Innsbruck, Austria DA - 18.06.2023 KW - Laser beam welding KW - Centerline solidification cracking KW - Bulging KW - Numerical simulation PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60333 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kemmler, Samuel T1 - Gekoppelte Fluid Partikel Simulationen einer Suction Bucket Gründung zur Analyse von Piping Erosion während der Installation von Offshore Windkraftanlagen N2 - Wir stellen unseren Ansatz und unsere Methodik zur Simulation von Piping-Erosion vor, welche während des Installationsprozesses von Suction Bucket Fundamenten für Offshore-Windkraftanlagen auftreten kann und ein kritisches Versagen des Installationsprozesses darstellt. Wir zeigen die Ergebnisse mehrere Simulationen und analysieren die hydrodynamischen und Kontaktkräfte, die auf das granulare Medium wirken, sowie die Druckdifferenz der flüssigen Phase. Solche Simulationen können zum besseren Verständnis von Piping-Erosion und letztendlich zu dessen Verhinderung beitragen. T2 - Gesinus-Treffen 2024 CY - Stuttgart, Germany DA - 20.06.2024 KW - Suction Bucket KW - Gekoppelte Fluid-Partikel Simulationen KW - Offshore-Windkraftanlagen PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60516 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schneider, Ronald T1 - Modeling in support of offshore wind farm end-of-life decision making N2 - The EU member states have set out ambitious long-term goals for deploying offshore wind energy. The installed offshore wind capacity is set to increase from 14.6 GW in 2021 to around 320 GW in 2050. This signifies the role of offshore wind energy as a major contributor to reaching the EU’s climate and energy goals. To ensure that the defined targets are met, a significant number of new wind farms has to be installed and existing wind farms reaching the end of their planned life need to be reused efficiently. Some of the relevant reuse alternatives are lifetime extension, repowering based on the existing support structures and repowering with new turbines. As a basis of the decision-making regarding the reuse of existing offshore wind farm, the expected utility of each relevant option should be determined based on the associated expected rewards, costs and risks. The optimal concept maximizes the utility of the decision-maker and fulfills the existing constraints and requirements. To facilitate such a quantitative decision-making, models and methods have to be developed. In particular, models are required that enable predictions of (a) the condition and performance of the turbines and support structures and (b) the renumeration, costs and consequences of adverse events. These predictions have to consider (a) the governing uncertainties, (b) the available information from the planning, construction, installation and operating phase, (b) potential repair, retrofitting and strengthening schemes and (c) possible monitoring, inspection and maintenance regimes for the future operating phase. Over the past years, several models, methods and tools have been developed at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) to support the structural integrity management of offshore wind turbine substructures. These include: (a) a prototype for reliability-based, system-wide, adaptive planning of inspections of welded steel structures in offshore wind farms, (b) a method for monitoring and risk-informed optimization of inspection and maintenance strategies for jacket structures subject to fatigue, and (c) a probabilistic cost model of inspection and maintenance of welded steel structures in offshore wind farms. This contribution provides an overview on these works and discusses how they can be adapted and extended to support the decision-making regarding lifetime extensions and repowering of offshore wind farms. T2 - 12th International Forum on Engineering Decision Making (12th IFED) CY - Stoos, Switzerland DA - 05.12.2023 KW - Windenergie KW - Offshore Wind KW - Lifetime Extension KW - Repowering PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-60430 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Balscheit, Hagen A1 - Schepers, Winfried A1 - Victor, Albrecht A1 - Daryaei, Reza A1 - Bianco, Marcelo A1 - Starost, Christina T1 - Close-out Webinar OWA VERBATIM N2 - The risk of pile base buckling is a major reason for high pile wall thicknesses in monopiles. The VERBATIM project - Verification of the buckling detection and behaviour of large monopiles - aimed to investigate buckling phenomena related to both the plastic deformation of the pile tip during installation and the buckling of the embedded pile near the seabed. Numerical models were developed and validated on the basis of extensive tests. This enables a better understanding of the buckling behaviour in order to reduce the wall thickness, which allows cost savings in the amount of steel and the development of safer and optimised structures. The previous design procedures were able to ensure the successful installation of the monopiles. However, as the size of monopiles continues to increase, the development of improved design methods for safe and cost-effective foundations is becoming increasingly important. The presentation provides an overview of the investigations carried out and the results. T2 - Webinar Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator CY - Online meeting DA - 22.05.2024 KW - Offshore Windenergy Pile Buckling PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60348 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Aubram, Daniel T1 - Vorstellung OWA VERBATIM N2 - Das Risiko von Pfahlfussbeulen ist ein wesentlicher Grund für hohe Pfahlwandstärken bei Monopiles. Das Projekt VERBATIM - Verifikation des Beulnachweises und –verhaltens großer Monopiles zielte darauf ab, Beulphänomene zu untersuchen, die sich sowohl auf die plastischen Verformungen der Pfahlspitze während der Installation als auch auf das Beulen des eingebetteten Pfahls in der Nähe des Seebodens beziehen. Auf der Basis aufwändiger Versuche wurden numerische Modelle entwickelt und validiert. Dies ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis des Beulverhaltens, um die Wanddicke zu reduzieren, was Kosteneinsparungen bei der Stahlmenge sowie die Entwicklung sicherer und optimierter Strukturen erlaubt. Die bisherigen Designverfahren konnten die erfolgreiche Installation der Monopiles gewährleisten. Da die Größe von Monopiles jedoch stetig zunimmt, wird die Entwicklung verbesserter Designverfahren für sichere und kostengünstige Fundamente immer wichtiger. Der Rückenwind-Vortrag gibt eine Übersicht zu den durchgeführten Untersuchungen und Ergebnissen T2 - Rückenwind Aktuelles aus der Windenergieforschung (PTJ) CY - Online meeting DA - 21.06.2024 KW - Offshore Windenergy Pile Buckling PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60349 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Weise, Sigurd T1 - Digitalization of Maintenance Processes N2 - Main aspects of Digitalization of Maintenance Processes are summarized and discussed. Introduction to the Windforce2024 session organised by BAM. T2 - Windforce 2024 CY - Bremerhaven, Germany DA - 11.06.2024 KW - Maintenance Digital Twin Offshore Wind Energy PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60350 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Eichner, Lukas A1 - Weise, Sigurd T1 - Digital building management for OWEC-structures N2 - The presentation summarizes the data management and Digital modeling processes in the recurring inspection of wind turbines as developed in DiMoWind-Inspect. T2 - Windforce 2024 CY - Bremerhaven, Germany DA - 10.06.2024 KW - DiMoWind RDS-PP Maintenance Digital Twin Offshore Wind Energy PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60351 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zinas, Orestis A1 - Papaioannou, Iason A1 - Schneider, Ronald A1 - Cuéllar, Pablo T1 - Spatial modeling of heterogeneous geotechnical site investigation data using multivariate Gaussian Process N2 - This presentation is part of the Engineering Risk Analysis group open seminars. It aims to showcase the results of an ongoing study centered on developing a novel probabilistic methodology for 3D geotechnical site characterization. This methodology integrates data from Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) and categorical borehole data. The presentation covers the mathematical details of the proposed Multivariate Gaussian Process model and demonstrates its application to a real geotechnical site in New Zealand. T2 - ERA Seminars CY - Munich, Germany DA - 24.07.2024 KW - Geotechnical site-characterization KW - CPT KW - Boreholes KW - Gaussian Process PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60716 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Agasty, Amit T1 - Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Blast Loading: Scopes and Challenges N2 - Protection against terrorist or accidental scenarios in industrial settings requires suitable designs of structures to resist blast loads. Field testing as well as finite element simulations are among the techniques available to engineers in the understanding of the structural behavior against blast loading. As blast testing of complex scenarios can be very resource intensive, tests are generally performed for simplified scenarios. Numerical tools can be used to model these scenarios in order to get a better insight into blast loading, structural response and the resulting damage to the structure. In the next steps, the simplified scenario is successively modified in numerical simulations to incorporate complexities that cannot be covered in blast testing experiments. One of the conditions for this approach to work is that the original simplified numerical simulation is valid. The scopes and challenges encountered in such a validation are the focus of this presentation. A relatively ‘simple’ field test of a horizontal reinforced concrete (RC) slab subjected to blast loading is taken as an example for validation of the performance of numerical tools. The blast test incorporated various measurement techniques to quantify the blast load as well as the behavior of the RC slab. Blast load was measured using flush-mounted piezoelectric pressure gauges, whereas acceleration sensors and fiber-optic sensor cables were used to characterize the dynamic behavior of the slab under blast loading. Additionally, damage characteristics were ascertained also using fiber-optic sensing. The application of such measurement techniques, along with different numerical software available for the analysis of the scenario in question, demonstrate the scope of our contribution. T2 - 24th International Physical Security Forum Brussels CY - Brussels, Belgium DA - 15.04.2024 KW - Blast KW - Reinforced Concrete Structures KW - Numerical simulations PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60880 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -