TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Haftaoglu, Cetin A1 - Nolze, Gert A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Camin, B. A1 - Lopez-Galilea, I. A1 - Ruttert, B. A1 - Theisen, W. T1 - Untersuchung des Kriechverhaltens einer Nickelbasis-Superlegierung bei ultrahohen homologen Temperaturen und Anwendung auf das heiß-isostatische Pressen (HIP) N2 - Mit Hilfe des HIP-Verfahrens („Hot Isostatic Pressing“) werden Poren in der einkristallinen Nickel-Basis Superlegierung CMSX-4 kontinuierlich geschrumpft und dadurch die nach der Erstarrung und der Wärmebehandlung vorhandene Porosität stark reduziert. In diesem Beitrag werden experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen der Porenschrumpfung zusammengefasst. Es zeigt sich, dass das Verformungsverhalten während Kriechversuchen bei der HIP-Temperatur durch Versetzungsgleitung auf oktaedrischen Ebenen dominiert wird. Dagegen zeigen Messungen der Porositätsabnahme und Simulationen des Porenschließens, dass die Kinetik der Porenschrumpfung durch das Phänomen der Leerstellendiffusion zwischen Poren und Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen („Low Angle Boundary“, LAB) bestimmt wird. Im Gegensatz führt die klassische Kristallviskoplastizität zu einer systematischen Überschätzung dieser Kinetik. Der scheinbare Widerspruch lässt sich auflösen, wenn man bedenkt, dass auf der Skala der Poren Versetzungsquellen nicht gleichmäßig verteilt sind, wie in der konventionellen Kristallplastizität implizit angenommen wird. Stattdessen wird in einem weiterführenden Modell davon ausgegangen, das Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen (LABs) als Versetzungsquellen fungieren, während die Scherspannungen sehr stark in der Nähe der Poren lokalisiert sind, was die Emission von Versetzungen deutlich reduziert. T2 - Langzeitverhalten warmfester Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe CY - Online meeting DA - 27.11.2020 KW - HIP KW - Superlegierung KW - Kriechen PY - 2020 SN - 978-3-946885-95-5 VL - 2020 SP - 28 EP - 39 PB - Forschungsvereinigung Warmfeste Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe AN - OPUS4-51796 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Creep and fracture behavior of conventionally and additively manufactured stainless steel 316L N2 - A critical task within the frame of establishing process-structure-property-performance relationships in additive manufacturing (AM) of metals is producing reliable and well-documented material behavior’s data and knowledge regarding the structure-property correlation, including the role of defects. After all, it represents the basis for developing more targeted process optimizations and more reliable predictions of performance in the future. Within this context, this contribution aims to close the actual gap of limited historical data and knowledge concerning the creep behavior of the widely used austenitic stainless steel 316L, manufactured by Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion (L-PBF). To address this objective, specimens from conventional hot-rolled and AM material were tested under application-relevant conditions according to existing standards for conventional material, and microstructurally characterized before and after failure. The test specimens were machined from single blocks from the AM material. The blocks were manufactured using a standard scan and build-up strategy and were subsequently heat-treated. The creep behavior is described and comparatively assessed based on the creep lifetime and selected creep curves and characteristic values. The effect of defects and microstructure on the material’s behavior is analyzed based on destructive and non-destructive evaluations on selected specimens. The AM material shows shorter creep lives, reaches the secondary creep stage much faster and at a lower strain, and features lower creep ductility compared to its conventional counterpart. The creep damage behavior of the AM material is more microstructure than defect controlled and is characterized by the formation and accumulation of single intergranular damage along the whole volume. Critical features identified are the grain morphology and the grain-boundary as well as the dislocation’s density. Micro-computed tomography (µCT) proves to be an alternative to metallography to analyze the creep damage. T2 - ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 16.11.2020 KW - 316L KW - Creep behavior KW - Laser powder bed fusion KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Microstructure PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51823 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Kriech- und Bruchverhalten von additiv hergestelltem austenitischem Stahl 316L. Vergleich zum konventionellen Werkstoff. N2 - Eine kritische Aufgabe im Rahmen der Etablierung von Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschafts-Performance-Beziehungen bei der additiven Fertigung (AM) von Metallen ist die Ermittlung von zuverlässigen und gut dokumentierten Kennwerten zum Materialverhalten sowie das Schaffen von Wissen über die Struktur-Eigenschafts-Korrelation. Schließlich ist dies die Grundlage für die Entwicklung gezielterer Prozessoptimierungen und zuverlässigerer Lebensdauer-Vorhersagen. In diesem Zusammenhang zielt dieser Beitrag darauf ab, Daten und Erkenntnisse über das Kriechverhalten des austenitischen Edelstahls 316L zu liefern, der mittels Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion (L-PBF) hergestellt wird. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden Proben aus konventionellem warmgewalztem sowie AM-Material gemäß den bestehenden Normen für konventionelles Material geprüft und vor und nach dem Versagen mikrostrukturell charakterisiert. Die Probekörper wurden aus einzelnen Blöcken des AM-Materials gefertigt. Die Blöcke wurden mit einer Standard-Scan- und Aufbaustrategie hergestellt und anschließend wärmebehandelt. Das Kriechverhalten wird anhand der Kriechlebensdauer und ausgewählter Kriechkurven und Kennwerte beschrieben und vergleichend bewertet. Der Einfluss von Defekten und Mikrostruktur auf das Materialverhalten wird anhand von zerstörenden und zerstörungsfreien Auswertungen an ausgewählten Proben analysiert. Der AM-Werkstoff zeigt kürzere Kriechlebensdauern, erreicht das sekundäre Kriechstadium deutlich schneller und bei geringerer Dehnung und weist eine geringere Kriechduktilität im Vergleich zu seinem konventionellen Gegenstück auf. Das Kriechschädigungsverhalten des AM-Werkstoffs ist eher mikrostruktur- als defektgesteuert und ist durch die Bildung intergranularer Kriechrisse gekennzeichnet. Als kritische Merkmale werden die Versetzungsdichte sowie die Versprödung der Korngrenzen identifiziert. Die Mikro-Computertomographie (µCT) erweist sich als Alternative zur Metallographie, um die Kriechschädigung zu analysieren. T2 - Sitzung des DGM-Arbeitskreises Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten bei hoher Temperatur CY - Online meeting DA - 07.10.2020 KW - 316L KW - Kriechen KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Mikro-Computertomographie PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51824 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Innovations- Plattform Material Digital N2 - Mit der Initiative MaterialDigital fördert das BMBF seit dem letzten Jahr ein wichtiges Instrument zur Digitalisierung der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik in Deutschland. In der ersten Phase dieser Initiative wird seit Juli 2019 die Plattform MaterialDigital von einem Konsortium aufgestellt. Ziel dieser Plattform ist der Aufbau eines virtuellen Materialdatenraums, um zusammen mit allen Interessenten die Systematisierung des Umgangs mit Werkstoffdaten voranzutreiben. In einer zweiten Phase werden akademische F&E-Projekte voraussichtlich Anfang 2021 gefördert. In jedem dieser Projekte wird an einer konkreten Fragestellung das Themenfeld „Digitalisierung der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik“ adressiert und multidisziplinär bearbeitet. In einer dritten Phase werden im Rahmen industriegeführter vorwettbewerblicher Verbundprojekte mit der gleichen Zielsetzung gefördert. T2 - Workshop - “Datenmanagement in der Additiven Fertigung” CY - Online meeting DA - 27.10.2020 KW - Digitalisierung KW - Plattform Material Digital KW - Virtueller Materialdatenraum KW - Vernetzung KW - Ontologien PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51609 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Mishurova, Tatiana T1 - Influence of residual stress and microstructure on mechanical performance of LPBF TI-6AL-4V N2 - Ti-6Al-4V alloy is intensively used in the aerospace industry because of its high specific strength. However, the application of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Ti-6Al-4V alloy for structurally critical load-bearing components is limited. One of the main limiting factors affecting the structural integrity, are manufacturing defects. Additionally, the high cooling rates associated with LPBF process result in the formation of large residual stress (RS) with complex fields. Such RS can cause cracking and geometrical distortions of the part even right after production. Also, the microstructure of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V in the as-built condition is significantly different from that of the conventionally produced alloy. All these factors affect the mechanical behavior of the material. Therefore, to improve the material performance it is important to evaluate the individual effect of RS, defects, and microstructure on fatigue life. To this aim Ti-6Al-4V LPBF material in as-built condition and subjected to different post-processing, including two heat treatments (for stress relief and microstructural modification) and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP, for densification), were investigated. Prior to Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) tests at operating temperature (300°C), the microstructure (phases, crystallographic texture, and grain morphology), the mesostructure (defect shape and distribution), and subsurface RS on the LCF samples were investigated. It was found that the fatigue performance of HIPped samples is similar to that of conventionally produced Ti-6Al-4V. The tensile RS found at the surface of as-built samples decreased the fatigue life compared to heat-treated samples. Additionally, the modification of the microstructure (by heat treatment) did not affect the fatigue performance in the regime of mostly elastic strain. This shows that in the absence of tensile RS the manufacturing defects solely control the failure of LPBF components and densification has the strongest effect on the improvement of the mechanical performance. T2 - ASTM ICAM 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 16.11.2020 KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Computed tomography KW - Residual stress PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51695 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Towards digitalization of materials in PMD: An application ontology of the tensile test N2 - Due to the diversity of materials and the processes associated with their production and use, the complexity of the lifecycles of materials and the multitude of academic and industrial researchers participating in generation of data for material design impose a huge challenge. The topical goal of digitalizing materials and processes can only be adequately addressed by consolidating the efforts of all stakeholders in this field. There are many scattered activities, but there is a demand for an elimination of redundancies as well as an advance in acceptance and a common basis in the digitalization of materials. Furthermore, data analysis methods play an important role in both, the experimental and simulation-based digital description of materials, but they have been poorly structured so far. Therefore, the two joint projects Platform Material Digital (PMD, materialdigital.de) and Materials open Laboratory (Mat-o-Lab, matolab.de) aim to contribute to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. Besides stimulating the formation of a collaborative community in this respect, their main technical goals are the quality assurance of the processes and the output data, the acquisition and definition of their accuracy as well as the interoperability between applications. In this regard, data management in accordance with the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reuseability) principles is addressed. There is a common agreement in the scientific community following current discussions that data is supposed to be conform to these principles. This includes storage, processing and querying of data in a preferably standardized form. To meet the challenge to contextualize material data in a way that is consistent with all stakeholders, all necessary information on the condition of the material including production and application-related changes have to be made available via a uniform, machine-readable description. For this purpose, ontologies are to be used since they allow for machine-understandable knowledge representations and conceptualizations that are needed for data management and the digitalization in the field of materials science. As first efforts in PMD and Mat-o-Lab, application ontologies are created to explicitly describe processes and test methods. Thereby, the well-known tensile test of metals at room temperature was described ontologically in accordance with the respective ISO standard 6892-1:2019-11. The efforts in creating this tensile test application ontology are shown in this presentation. Especially, the path of ontology development based on standards to be pursued is focused, which is in accordance with the generic recommendations for ontology development and which is supposed to be exemplary for the creation of other application ontologies. T2 - VirtMet: 1st International Workshop on Metrology for Virtual Measuring Instruments and Digital Twins CY - Online meeting DA - 21.09.2021 KW - Platform Material Digital (PMD) KW - Ontology KW - Tensile test KW - Standard KW - Ontology development PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53481 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fedelich, Bernard ED - Cailletaud, G. ED - Cormier, J. ED - Eggeler, G. ED - Maurel, V. ED - Nazé, L. T1 - Crystal orientation and elastic properties N2 - The elastic constants are the most basic mechanical properties of a material and are needed for any structural analysis of a component. For example, they have a major influence on the eigenfrequencies of vibrating parts. Single crystals of Ni-base superalloys are strongly anisotropic, which means that the observed properties are orientation dependent. Tensor algebra is then required to mathematically formulate the elastic properties and their relations to the crystal orientation. Hence, this chapter first summarizes some basic definitions and calculation rules for Rotation matrices, including the definition of the Euler angles, which are most commonly used to define the relative orientations of the crystal and the component. Parts of this chapter closely follow the lines of the excellent exposition of the topic by Olschewski. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Elasticity PY - 2022 SN - 978-0-12-819357-0 SP - 41 EP - 67 PB - Elsevier Inc. AN - OPUS4-53435 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fedelich, Bernard ED - Cailletaud, G. ED - Cormier, J. ED - Eggeler, G. ED - Maurel, V. ED - Nazé, L. T1 - Crystal plasticity models: dislocation based N2 - The large number of TEM investigations and the regular microstructure of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys has boosted the development of a number of physically motivated constitutive laws. In contrast to the more phenomenological models discussed in the next chapter, these models use dislocation densities as internal variables. Obvious advantages are that the computed densities can be compared to TEM observations and the Deformation mechanisms can be easier translated into mathematical equations. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Creep KW - Plasticity PY - 2022 SN - 978-0-12-819357-0 SP - 401 EP - 427 PB - Elsevier Inc. ET - 1 AN - OPUS4-53436 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Wang, L. T1 - Elastic energy of multi-component solid solutions and strain origins of phase stability in high-entropy alloys N2 - The elastic energy of mixing for multi-component solid solutions is derived by generalizing Eshelby's sphere-in-hole model. By surveying the dependence of the elastic energy on the chemical composition and lattice misfit, we derive a lattice strain coefficient λ*. Studying several high-entropy alloys and superalloys, we propose that most solid solution multi-component alloys are stable when λ*<0.16, generalizing the Hume-Rothery atomic-size rule for binary alloys. We also reveal that the polydispersity index δ, frequently used for describing strain in multi-component alloys, directly represents the elastic energy e with e=qδ², q being an elastic constant. Furthermore, the effects of (i) the number and (ii) the atomic-size distribution of constituting elements on the phase stability of high-entropy alloys were quantified. The present derivations and discussions open for richer considerations of elastic effects in high-entropy alloys, offering immediate support for quantitative assessments of their thermodynamic properties and studying related strengthening mechanisms. KW - Ordering KW - High-entropy alloys KW - Alloy design KW - Strain energy KW - Phase stability PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114226 SN - 1359-6462 VL - 206 SP - 1 EP - 6 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-53427 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - Incorporating elasticity into CALPHAD-informed density-based grain boundary phase diagrams reveals segregation transition in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg alloys N2 - The phase-like behavior of grain boundaries (GBs), recently evidenced in several materials, is opening up new possibilities in the design of alloy microstructures. In this context, GB phase diagrams are contributing to a predictive description of GB segregation and (interfacial) phase changes. The influence of chemo-mechanical solute-GB interactions on the GB phase diagram remains elusive so far. This is particularly important for multi-component alloys where the elastic interactions among solute atoms, of various sizes and bonding energies, can prevail, governing a complex co-segregation phenomenon. Recently, we developed a density-based model for GB thermodynamics that intrinsically accounts for GB elasticity in pure elements. In this work, we incorporate the homogeneous and heterogeneous elastic energies associated with the solutes into the density-based framework. We derive the multi-component homogeneous elastic energy by generalizing the continuum misfitting sphere model and extend it for GBs. The density-based free energy functional directly uses bulk CALPHAD thermodynamic data. The model is applied to binary and ternary Al alloys. We reveal that the elastic energy can profoundly affect the GB solubility and segregation behavior, leading to Cu segregation in otherwise Cu-depleted Al GBs. Consequently, GB segregation transition, i.e., a jump in the GB segregation as a function of alloy composition, is revealed in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg alloy systems with implications for subsequent GB precipitation in these alloys. CALPHAD-informed elasticity-incorporated GB phase diagrams enable addressing a broader range of GB phenomena in engineering multi-component alloys. KW - Grain boundary thermodynamics KW - Density-based model KW - Al alloys KW - Grain boundary phase diagram KW - CALPHAD KW - Elastic energy PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110717 VL - 199 SP - 110717 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-53058 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Hoyt, J. J. T1 - Layering misalignment and negative temperature dependence of interfacial free energy of B2-liquid interfaces in a glass forming system N2 - From molecular dynamics simulations and the capillary fluctuation method, the solid-liquid interfacial free energy has been computed for the B2-liquid interface in the Cu-Zr system. Consistent with previous results for the FCC-liquid interface in Cu-Zr and Al-Sm but atypical of most alloys, was found to increase as the temperature is lowered. In addition, the temperature dependence was obtained for model Lennard-Jones B2-liquid alloys. In all cases the unusual temperature dependence of is correlated with an atomic structure of the interfacial region characterized by a misalignment of the number density peaks between solvents and solutes. In cases where the number density peaks are aligned, the typical temperature dependence is observed. The results are discussed in terms of the Gibbs theory of the thermodynamics of interfaces. It is proposed that the unique interfacial structure and the atypical temperature dependence of are hallmarks of an easy glass forming alloy. KW - Atomistic simulations KW - Interfacial free energy KW - Layering misalignment KW - Glass forming PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117259 SN - 1359-6454 VL - 219 SP - 117259 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-53650 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. I. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Svetlov, I. L. A1 - Petrushin, N. V. A1 - Saillard, R. A1 - Proietti, A. A1 - Poquillon, D. A1 - Chyrkin, A. T1 - Creep of single-crystals of nickel-base γ-alloy at temperatures between 1150 °C and 1288 °C N2 - A γ-analogue of the superalloy CMSX-4 that does not contain the strengthening γ′ -phase and only consists of the γ-solid solution of nickel has been designed, solidified as single-crystals of different orientations, and tested under creep conditions in the temperature range between 1150 and 1288 °C. The tests have revealed a very high creep anisotropy of this alloy, as was previously found for CMSX-4 at supersolvus temperature of 1288 °C. This creep anisotropy could be explained by the dominance of 〈011〉{111} octahedral slip. Furthermore, the analysis of the creep data has yielded a high value of the creep activation energy, Qc≈442 kJ/mol, which correlates with the high activation energy of Re diffusion in Ni. This supports the hypothesis that dislocation motion in the γ-matrix of Re-containing superalloys is controlled by the diffusion of the Re atoms segregating at the dislocation core. The Norton stress exponent n is close to 5, which is a typical value for pure metals and their alloys. The absence of γ′ -reprecipitation after high-temperature creep tests facilitates microstructural investigations. It has been shown by EBSD that creep deformation results in an increasing misorientation of the existing low angle boundaries. In addition, according to TEM, new low angle boundaries appear due to reactions of the a/2 〈011〉 mobile dislocations and knitting of new networks. KW - Nickel alloys KW - Single-crystals KW - Creep KW - Electron microscopy KW - Deformation mechanisms PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.141880 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 825 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-53132 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abel, Andreas T1 - Microstructure-Property-Correlation of a Mo-Ti-B alloyed iron aluminide N2 - Iron aluminides depict a sustainable and light-weight material class which could be employed in many applications requiring high strength at intermediate to high temperatures. According to first results, the alloy Fe-26Al-4Mo-0.5Ti-1B surpasses conventional materials in wet corrosion resistance and creep resistance up to 650 °C. For these reasons, the AiF research project “WAFEAL – Materials applications for iron aluminides” was initiated to transfer these findings into a standardised materials dataset and to derive best practices for processing. In the first place, a set of different microstructures adjusted by varying casting methods, wall thicknesses and heat treatments was investigated and correlated with hardness on macro and micro scale. Correlations were drawn between solidification rates and resulting grain sizes and hardness. The effect of vacancy hardening was only verified for wall thickness as low as 2.5 mm. Moreover, a common decrease of macrohardness after a heat treatment at 1000 °C for 100 h was observed irrespective of casting process or wall thickness. This effect was linked with an unexpected decrease of the complex boride phase fraction which acts as a hardening phase. T2 - Intermetallics 2021 CY - Bad Staffelstein, Germany DA - 04.10.2021 KW - Fe-Al alloys KW - Intermetallics KW - Iron aluminides KW - Heat treatment KW - Wall thickness KW - Centrifugal casting KW - Die casting KW - Investment casting KW - Microstructure KW - Hardness KW - Complex borides PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53617 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Lin, L. L. A1 - Manzoni, Anna Maria A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Thompson, G. B. T1 - CALPHAD-informed density-based grain boundary thermodynamics N2 - The Gibbs free energy of a grain boundary is a complex thermodynamic function of temperature, pressure, and composition. These complexities add to the intrinsic crystallographic and chemical constraints imposed by the adjacent bulk phase. Recently we have proposed a density-based model for assessing grain boundary thermodynamics that enables a CALPHAD-informed description of the grain boundary. As such, the Gibbs free energy of the grain boundary is directly linked with available CALPHAD thermodynamic data. In this talk, new aspects of interfacial segregation and phase transformation are revealed by benchmarking the current model for various experimental cases, including several steels, high-entropy alloys and aluminum alloys. The effects of elastic interactions on the grain boundary segregation and the application of the model to a nanocrystalline Pt-Au alloy, with numerous grain boundaries of various characters, will be discussed. T2 - DPG (Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft) CY - Online meeting DA - 27.09.2021 KW - Density-based model KW - Defects thermodynamics KW - Defects phase diagram KW - CALPHAD KW - Crystal Defects PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53556 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Ansätze zur digitalen Wissensrepräsentation aus der Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) N2 - Die Digitalisierung von Materialien und Prozessen stellt eine große Herausforderung dar, die nur durch eine Bündelung der Bemühungen aller Beteiligten in diesem Bereich erreicht werden kann. Bei einer derartigen digitalen Beschreibung spielen Datenanalysemethoden, eine Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen inklusive Input- und Output-Daten sowie die Interoperabilität zwischen Anwendungen nach den FAIR-Prinzipien eine wichtige Rolle. Dies umfasst das Speichern, Verarbeiten und Abfragen von Daten in einer vorzugsweise standardisierten Form (Beteiligung von Normungsgremien). Zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderung ist eine mit allen Stakeholdern konsistente Kontextualisierung der Materialdaten anzustreben, d.h. alle erforderlichen Informationen über den Zustand des Materials einschließlich produktions- und anwendungsbezogener Änderungen müssen über eine einheitliche, maschinenlesbare Beschreibung verfügbar gemacht werden. Dazu werden Wissensrepräsentationen und Konzeptualisierungen ermöglichende Ontologien verwendet. Eine zentrale Betrachtungsweise in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Realisierung von (automatisierten) Datenpipelines, die eine Beschreibung und Verfolgung von Daten ausgehend von ihrer Erzeugung, bspw. in einem Messgerät, bis zu ihrer globalen Verwendung in möglicherweise verschiedenen Kontexten beinhalten. Erste Bemühungen und Ansätze zu diesen Problemstellungen führten im Projekt Innovations-Plattform Material Digital (PMD, materialdigital.de) zur Erstellung von Anwendungsontologien, die Prozesse und Testmethoden explizit beschreiben. Dabei wurde u.a. der Zugversuch an Metallen bei Raumtemperatur nach ISO 6892-1 ontologisch beschrieben. Diese als Beispiel dienende Ontologieentwicklung wird in dieser Präsentation vorgestellt. Weiterhin wurde, ausgehend von der domänenspezifischen Entwicklung von Anwendungsontologien, eine Kernontologie erstellt, die eine übergeordnete Verbindung von ontologischen Konzepten aufgrund der Verwendung gleichen Vokabulars und semantischer Verknüpfungen erlaubt. Diese sowie die das PMD-Projekt selbst werden ebenfalls in dieser Präsentation vorgestellt. T2 - DVM Workshop: Grundlagen und Beispiele zur Digitalisierung für die Materialforschung und -prüfung CY - Online meeting DA - 19.10.2021 KW - Plattform Material Digital (PMD) KW - Ontologie KW - Zugversuch KW - Wissensrepräsentation KW - Semantic Web PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53565 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, M. A1 - Diercks, P. A1 - Manzoni, Anna Maria A1 - Čížek, J. A1 - Ramamurty, U. A1 - Banhart, J. T1 - Positron annihilation investigation of thermal cycling induced martensitic transformation in NiTi shape memory alloy N2 - Thermal cycling of a Ni-excess NiTi alloy was conducted between 50 °C and liquid nitrogen temperature to induce martensitic transformations and to reverse them after. The starting point was an annealed and slowly cooled state, the end point a sample thermally cycled 1500 times. Positron annihilation lifetime spectra and Coincidence Doppler Broadening profiles were obtained in various states and at various tem- peratures. It was found that the initial state was low in defects with positron lifetimes close to that of bulk NiTi. Cycling lead to a continuous build-up of a defect structure up to 20 0 −50 0 cycles after which saturation was reached. Two types of defects created during cycling were identified, namely pure dislo- cations and vacancies attached to dislocations. KW - Shape memory alloy KW - Thermal Cycling KW - Defects KW - Positron annihilation spectroscopy KW - Austenite-to-martensite phase transformation PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-533641 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117298 VL - 220 SP - 117298 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-53364 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Tensile Test Ontology used in Platform Material Digital (PMD) N2 - Data analysis methods play an important role in both the experimental and simulation-based digital description of materials but have so far been poorly structured. The platform Material Digital (PMD) is supposed to contribute to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. The goal is the quality assurance of the processes and the output data, the acquisition and definition of their accuracy as well as the interoperability between applications. Therefore, application ontologies are created to explicitly describe processes and test methods. In this presentation, the first efforts within the joint project PMD in creating a tensile test application ontology in accordance with the ISO standard 6892-1:2019-11 are shown. Especially, the path of ontology development to be pursued based on standards was focused. Furthermore, the presentation includes a live demonstration of queries possibly performed to query data that was uploaded in the PMD triple store. T2 - Online Workshop: An introduction to the semantic web and ontologies CY - Online meeting DA - 23.04.2021 KW - Ontology KW - Tensile Test KW - Platform Material Digital KW - PMD KW - Knowledge Graphs KW - Semantic Web PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52949 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Schriever, Sina T1 - BAM reference data - Results of ASTM E139-11 creep tests on a reference material of Nimonic 75 nickel-base alloy N2 - Results of creep tests on a certified reference material at T = 600°C and a tensile creep load of 160 MPa are provided. The evaluated results include the times to reach 2% and 4% creep strain, respectively, and the creep rate after 400 h. The data were audited and are BAM reference data. KW - Reference data KW - Creep KW - Nickel-base alloy KW - Nimonic 75 KW - Reference material BCR-425 PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5106606 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-52970 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, X. A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Boyce, B.L. A1 - Clark, B.G. A1 - Raabe, D. A1 - Thompson, G.B. T1 - Spinodal Decomposition in Nanocrystalline Alloys N2 - For more than half a century, spinodal decomposition has been a key phenomenon in considering the formation of secondary phases in alloys. The most prominent aspect of the spinodal phenomenon is the lack of an energy barrier on its transformation pathway, offering an alternative to the nucleation and growth mechanism. The classical description of spinodal decomposition often neglects the influence of defects, such as grain boundaries, on the transformation because the innate ability for like-atoms to cluster is assumed to lead the process. Nevertheless, in nanocrystalline alloys, with a high population of grain boundaries with diverse characters, the structurally heterogeneous landscape can greatly influence the chemical decomposition behavior. Combining atom-probe tomography, precession electron diffraction and density-based phase-field simulations, we address how grain boundaries contribute to the temporal evolution of chemical decomposition within the miscibility gap of a Pt-Au nanocrystalline system. We found that grain boundaries can actually have their own miscibility gaps profoundly altering the spinodal decomposition in nanocrystalline alloys. A complex realm of multiple interfacial states, ranging from competitive grain boundary segregation to barrier-free low-dimensional interfacial decomposition, occurs with a dependency upon the grain boundary character. KW - Density-based Thermodynamics KW - Nanocrystalline alloys KW - Spinodal decomposition KW - Defects engineering PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117054 VL - 215 SP - 117054 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-52918 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Mishurova, Tatiana T1 - Separation of the impact of residual stress and microstructure on the fatigue performance of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V at elevated temperature (Keynote) N2 - Ti-6Al-4V alloy is intensively used in the aerospace industry because of its high specific strength. However, the application of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Ti-6Al-4V alloy for structurally critical load-bearing components is limited. One of the main limiting factors affecting the structural integrity, are manufacturing defects. Additionally, the high cooling rates associated with LPBF process result in the formation of large residual stress (RS) with complex fields. Such RS can cause cracking and geometrical distortions of the part even right after production. Also, the microstructure of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V in the as-built condition is significantly different from that of the conventionally produced alloy. All these factors affect the mechanical behavior of the material. Therefore, to improve the material performance it is important to evaluate the individual effect of RS, defects, and microstructure on fatigue life. To this aim Ti-6Al-4V LPBF material in as-built condition and subjected to different post-processing, including two heat treatments (for stress relief and microstructural modification) and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP, for densification), were investigated. Prior to fatigue tests at elevated temperature, the microstructure, the mesostructure, and subsurface RS on the fatigue samples were investigated. It was found that the fatigue performance of HIPped samples is similar to that of conventionally produced Ti-6Al-4V. The tensile RS found at the surface of as-built samples decreased the fatigue life compared to heat-treated samples. Additionally, the modification of the microstructure (by heat treatment) did not affect the fatigue performance in the regime of mostly elastic strain. This shows that in the absence of tensile RS the manufacturing defects solely control the failure of LPBF components and densification has the strongest effect on the improvement of the mechanical performance. T2 - EUROMAT 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 12.09.2021 KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Residual stress KW - Fatigue performance PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53278 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -