TY - JOUR A1 - Pelegrina, J. L. A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Yawny, A. A1 - Eggeler, G. T1 - Temperature-induced transformations and martensitic reorientation processes in ultra-fine-grained Ni rich pseudoelastic NiTi wires studied by electrical resistance N2 - Temperature-induced, stress-induced martensitic phase transitions and martensite reorientation process in Ni rich (50.9 at.%) NiTi pseudoelastic NiTi wires with ultra-fine grained (UFG) microstructure were studied by electrical resistance measurements. Measurements of the electrical resistance as a function of temperature at different constant mechanical loads accompanied by complementary experiments with variable loads at constant temperature were performed. Results show that the transformation mechanisms in UFG microstructures exhibit a higher level of complexity when compared with those characterizing the behavior of other microstructures (e.g., recrystallized or larger grains size). It was found that a threshold stress level below 150 MPa delimits the transition from a homogeneous (low stress) to localized but reversible Lüders type transformation (high stress) when the transformations are induced under constant applied stress and that reorientation processes require stresses of 100 MPa in the present UFG wires. Even though the strain evolutions do not always show two distinct yielding events during cooling or heating, electrical resistance measurements proved that a two-step transformation involving R-phase and B19' martensite was always present in the extended range of temperatures and stresses investigated here. KW - Shape memory alloys KW - NiTi KW - Martensitic transformation KW - Electrical resistance PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.12.009 SN - 0925-8388 VL - 735 SP - 2574 EP - 2583 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-43549 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Karlin, J. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Schweizer, C. T1 - Lebensdauerberechnung von Aluminium-Radialverdichterrädern unter Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung N2 - Die Mikrostruktur von ausscheidungsgehärteten Aluminiumlegierungen ist von herausragender Bedeutung für ihre Festigkeit, da nur Werkstoffe mit gezielt eingestellter Mikrostruktur für Radialverdichterräder ausreichende Festigkeiten erreichen. Diese optimierte Mikrostruktur ändert sich jedoch während des Betriebs, denn die Bauteile werden bei Temperaturen eingesetzt, die nahe der Aushärtetemperatur liegen oder sogar darüber hinausgehen und folglich ist mit Alterung der Mikrostruktur und damit einhergehender Degradation der Eigenschaften zu rechnen. Diese Effekte konnten bisher in der Lebensdauervorhersage nicht berücksichtigt werden, da ihre diesbezüglichen Auswirkungen lediglich qualitativ bekannt waren. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wurde daher für die Legierung EN AW-2618A einerseits eine sorgfältige und umfassende Charakterisierung der Gefügeentwicklung für anwendungsrelevante Temperaturen und Zeiten bis zu 25.000 h vorgenommen und andererseits eine solide Datenbasis bezüglich der mechanischen Eigenschaften (Zugfestigkeit, Kriechwiderstand, LCF-, TMF-Verhalten) und ihren Änderungen geschaffen. Darauf aufbauend wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, um die Genauigkeit der Lebensdauerbewertung für Abgasturbolader (ATL)-Verdichterräder aus EN AW-2618A zu verbessern. Ein zeit- und temperaturabhängiges Verformungsmodell nach Chaboche, welches die wesentlichen Phänomene der Hochtemperaturverformung und der Wechselplastizität beschreibt, wurde erweitert und berücksichtigt nun die Werkstoffalterung, indem die Festigkeit nicht nur als Funktion der Temperatur, sondern auch des Alterungszustands (d. h. des mittleren Radius der Ausscheidungen) dargestellt wird. Für die Erweiterung des Modells zur Bewertung der Ermüdungslebensdauer unter Rainflow-klassierten Betriebslastkollektiven wurde analog verfahren. Die berechnete Lebensdauer der im Verlauf des Vorhabens durchgeführten LCF- und TMF-Versuche stimmt gut mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) KW - S-Phase KW - Aluminum PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 123 AN - OPUS4-44618 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Augenstein, E. A1 - Karlin, J. A1 - Piesker, Benjamin A1 - Schweizer, Ch. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Lebensdauerberechnung von Aluminium-Radialverdichterrädern unter Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung N2 - In this project, a procedure was developed to improve the lifetime assessment precision of exhaust turbo charger radial compressor wheels made from the age hardenable aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A. This comprises particularly the consideration of material aging, which has to be anticipated during operation of such components under relevant service conditions (temperature, time, stress). First of all, a solid experimental database was established for the investigated material. This includes a mechanical as well as a microstructural characterization of the as-received state (T61) and after aging up to 25,000 h at relevant service temperatures (160 °C, 180 °C, 190 °C). The microstructural investigations focused on the development of the radii of the cylindrical hardening phase, which coarsens during aging. The relation between aging temperature, time and mechanical load (if applicable) was established for the first time to this extent. An interrelationship to describe the coarsening was established. The effect of aging on hardness, strength, creep behavior and fatigue lifetime (LCF, TMF) was studied and a correlation to the microstructure was established. The results of the creep tests were used to calibrate a modified hyperbolic sine creep model. A time and temperature dependent deformation model according to Chaboche, which describes the relevant phenomena of high temperature deformation and cyclic plasticity, was extended. It now considers material aging by describing the strength not only as a function of temperature but also as a function of aging, i.e. of the mean radius of the precipitates. A similar procedure was applied to extend the model in order to assess the fatigue lifetime. The calculated lifetimes of LCF and TMF tests completed during this project match well with the experimental results. Only one LCF test with a hold time of 900 s in tension deviates clearly from the mean value and shows the limits of the time independent damage model. Tests with shorter hold times of 60 s are within the scatter band, likewise the different aging conditions. A damage accumulation model additionally describing the progressive aging during lifetime was developed and implemented. Besides considering aging in the deformation and lifetime assessment, it is also possible to judge complex loading cycles in a postprocessing by rain flow classification of typical complex loading cycles. The methodology and the models were implemented into the Finite-Element software Abaqus and Ansys and are available for numerical assessment of components. N2 - In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, um die Genauigkeit der Lebensdauerbewertung für Abgasturbolader (ATL)-Verdichterräder aus der ausscheidungs-härtbaren Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-2618A zu verbessern. Dies umfasst insbesondere die Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung, mit der beim Einsatz dieser Bauteile unter entsprechender Betriebsbeanspruchung (Temperatur, Zeit, Spannung) gerechnet werden muss. Zunächst wurde eine solide experimentelle Datenbasis für den untersuchten Werkstoff geschaffen. Dies umfasste sowohl eine mechanische als auch eine mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung des Ausgangszustands (T61) sowie von ausgelagerten Zuständen bis zu 25.000 h bei betriebsrelevanten Temperaturen (160 °C, 180 °C, 190 °C). Bei den Untersuchungen zur Mikrostruktur wurde der Fokus auf die Entwicklung der Radien der stäbchen-förmigen aushärtenden Phase gelegt, die während der Alterung vergröbern. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Auslagerungstemperatur, -zeit und ggfs. mechanischer Belastung wurde erstmals in diesem Umfang quantifiziert und entsprechende Gesetzmäßigkeiten zur Beschreibung der Vergröberung ermittelt. Vergleichend dazu wurde der Einfluss der Alterung auf die Härte, die Festigkeit, das Kriechverhalten und die Ermüdungslebensdauer (LCF, TMF) bestimmt, so dass eine Korrelation zur Mikrostruktur vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Kriechversuche wurden zur Kalibrierung eines modifizierten Sinus-hyperbolicus-Kriechmodells verwendet. Ein zeit- und temperaturabhängiges Verformungsmodell nach Chaboche, welches die wesentlichen Phänomene der Hochtemperaturverformung und der Wechselplastizität beschreibt, wurde erweitert und berücksichtigt nun die Werkstoffalterung, indem die Festigkeit nicht nur als Funktion der Temperatur, sondern auch des Alterungszustands (d. h. des mittleren Radius der Ausscheidungen) dargestellt wird. Für die Erweiterung des Modells zur Bewertung der Ermüdungslebensdauer wurde analog verfahren. Die berechnete Lebensdauer der im Verlauf des Vorhabens durchgeführten LCF- und TMF-Versuche stimmt gut mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. Lediglich ein LCF-Versuch mit einer Haltezeit von 900 s im Zug weicht deutlich vom Mittelwert ab und zeigt die Grenzen des zeitunabhängigen Schädigungsmodells auf. Versuche mit kürzeren Haltezeiten bis zu 60 s liegen im Streuband, ebenso die verschiedenen Alterungszustände. Eine Schädigungsakkumulation unter Berücksichtigung der fortschreitenden Alterung über der Lebensdauer wurde entwickelt und implementiert. Neben der Berücksichtigung der Alterung in der Verformungs- und Lebensdaueranalyse besteht auch die Möglichkeit, komplexe Belastungszyklen in einem Postprozessing zu bewerten, indem Rainflow-Klassierungen typischer komplexer Belastungszyklen vorgenommen werden. Die Methodik und die Modelle wurden in die Finite-Elemente-Programme Abaqus und Ansys implementiert und stehen für die rechnerische Bewertung von Bauteilen zur Verfügung. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 22.03.2018 KW - Aluminium KW - Centrifugal compressor wheel KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) KW - Degradation KW - S-phase PY - 2018 SP - 97 EP - 130 AN - OPUS4-44604 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Bokstein, B. A1 - Svetlov, I. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Le Bouar, Y. A1 - Ruffini, A. A1 - Finel, A. A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Poquillon, D. T1 - A vacancy model for pore annihilation during hot isostatic pressing of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys N2 - An improved diffusion model is proposed for pore annihilation during HIP of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys. The model assumes the pore dissolution by emission of vacancies and their sink to the low angle boundaries. Calculation, considering distribution of the pore sizes, predicts the kinetics of pore annihilation similar to the experimental one. KW - Single crystal superalloys KW - Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) KW - Porosity KW - Diffusion KW - Vacancies PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1134/S2075113318010100 SN - 2075-1133 VL - 9 IS - 1 SP - 57 EP - 65 PB - Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. AN - OPUS4-43990 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Piesker, Benjamin A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Comparison of long-term radii evolution of the S-phase in aluminum alloy 2618A during ageing and creep N2 - A study was made on the effect of creep loading on the precipitate radii evolution of the aluminum alloy 2618A. The overageing process of the alloy was investigated under load at a temperature of 190 °C with stresses between 79 and 181 MPa and compared to stress free isothermal ageing. The precipitates responsible for strength were characterized using dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM). This allows the experimental Determination of radii distributions of the rod-shaped Al2CuMg precipitates and the evaluation regarding their mean precipitate radius. It was found that the mean precipitate radius enables the comparison of the different microstructural conditions of crept and uncrept samples. The mean precipitate radii of the samples experiencing creep are significantly higher than those of undeformed samples. It was shown that the acquired radii distributions are viable to determine averaged particle radii for comparison of the aged samples. A ripening process including pipe diffusion along dislocations describes the data on coarsening very well for the creep samples. KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Electron microscopy KW - Aging KW - Creep KW - Microstructure KW - S-Phase PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.01.033 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 716 SP - 78 EP - 86 PB - Elsevier B. V. AN - OPUS4-44090 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Lifetime Assessment of Aluminium radial compressor wheels considering material ageing N2 - The results of the project "Lifetime Assessment of Aluminium radial compressor wheels considering material ageing" were presented. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 22.03.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy KW - Aluminum PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44706 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Viguier, B. T1 - Etude expérimentale des mécanismes de fermeture des pores par CIC dans un superalliage monocristallin CMSX4 N2 - Data about the creep behaviour of metals and their alloys at temperatures close to the melting point are very limited. The reason is that most engineering alloys are used at temperatures below 0.6-0.8 of their melting point, so, investigation of creep at higher temperatures has no practical relevance. For some special applications however it is important, in our case hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of singlecrystal turbine blades cast from nickel-base superalloys. In order to remove porosity the blades are HIPed at temperatures between -solvus and solidus where superalloy has no strengthening -phase and therefore is very soft. For example, the company Howmet Castings HIPs the superalloy CMSX-4 at the temperature 1288°C, which corresponds to a homologous temperature of about 0.97=1561 K/1612 K (solidus temperature). Knowledge about the creep behaviour of CMSX-4 at this temperature and understanding of the creep mechanisms are necessary to model the kinetics of pore closure during HIPing as well as to plan the parameters of the HIP process. N2 - Les aubes de turbines à gaz utilisées en particulier pour les turboréacteurs de l’aéronautique sont élaborées par fonderie en superalliage monocristallin à base de nickel. Le procédé de fonderie, ainsi que les traitements thermique d’homogénéisation réalisés à très haute température, induisent la présence de pores au sein des pièces qui affectent les propriétés mécaniques et la durée de vie des aubes. Afin de réduire cette porosité les motoristes effectuent un traitement de compression isostatique à chaud (CIC) au cours duquel la porosité diminue par fermeture des pores. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués au cours du traitement de CIC, nous avons lancé un programme de recherche dans le cadre du projet ERA-Net MICROPORE. La modélisation par champ de phase des mécanismes en jeu est présentée au cours de ce colloque. Nous présentons dans cette affiche un des volets de la caractérisation expérimentale du projet. Des échantillons de superalliage CMSX4 sont observés après traitement de mise en solution et CIC sous 103 MPa à 1288°C pour différentes durées. Les pores présents sont caractérisés par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) afin de suivre l’évolution du taux de porosité au cours du traitement. Une caractérisation plus détaillée de pores partiellement refermés est menée par MEB et grâce à la diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés (EBSD). Une vision tridimensionnelle de ces défauts est obtenue par des coupes métallographiques effectuées par découpe ionique (FIB). Le projet ERA – Net MICROPORE est financé en Allemagne par la DFG (projects EP 136/1-1 and FE933/2-1) et en France par l’ANR (projects ANR15-MERA-000-03 and ANR15-MERA-0003-04). T2 - Plasticité 2018 CY - Nancy, France DA - 09.04.2018 KW - Creep KW - CMSX4 KW - Superalloy KW - Dislocations PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44827 LA - fra AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy A1 - Titscher, Thomas A1 - Unger, Jörg F. T1 - A Fourier transformation-based method for gradient-enhanced modeling of fatigue N2 - A key limitation of the most constitutive models that reproduce a Degradation of quasi-brittle materials is that they generally do not address issues related to fatigue. One reason is the huge computational costs to resolve each load cycle on the structural level. The goal of this paper is the development of a temporal Integration scheme, which significantly increases the computational efficiency of the finite element method in comparison to conventional temporal integrations. The essential constituent of the fatigue model is an implicit gradient-enhanced formulation of the damage rate. The evolution of the field variables is computed as amultiscale Fourier series in time.On a microchronological scale attributed to single cycles, the initial boundary value problem is approximated by linear BVPs with respect to the Fourier coefficients. Using the adaptive cycle jump concept, the obtained damage rates are transferred to a coarsermacrochronological scale associated with the duration of material deterioration. The performance of the developedmethod is hence improved due to an efficient numerical treatment of the microchronological problem in combination with the cycle jump technique on the macrochronological scale. Validation examples demonstrate the convergence of the obtained solutions to the reference simulations while significantly reducing the computational costs. KW - Accelerated temporal integration KW - Fourier series KW - Gradient-enhanced fatigue model PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5740 SN - 1097-0207 SN - 0029-5981 VL - 114 IS - 2 SP - 196 EP - 214 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-44008 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - von Hartrott, P. T1 - Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminum alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C N2 - Ther results of research on correlation of precipitate size Evolution and the creep rate of the Aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C was presented. T2 - ICAA16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Creep KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45283 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C N2 - A short description of the work done on the topic "Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C" is given. T2 - International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Aluminium KW - Creep KW - Coarsening PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-926872-41-4 SP - 99 AN - OPUS4-45284 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Age hardening of a high purity Al‐4Cu‐1Li‐0.25Mn alloy: Microstructural investigation and phase‐field simulation N2 - Research results considering the "Age Hardening of a High Purity Al‐4Cu‐1Li‐0.25Mn Alloy: Microstructural Investigation and Phase‐Field Simulation" were presented. T2 - ICAA16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Age hardening KW - Aluminium KW - Phase-field simulation KW - Precipitates KW - Transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45286 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Augenstein, E. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Long term ageing of alloy 2618A N2 - The result of an Investigation of the "Long term ageing of alloy 2618A" are discussed. T2 - International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2818A KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - S-phase PY - 2018 SP - Paper 400101 AN - OPUS4-45287 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Long term ageing of alloy 2618A N2 - Results of the in vestigation of the "Long term ageing of alloy 2618A" were presented. T2 - ICAA 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - S-phase PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45288 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Stegemann, Robert A1 - Löwe, Peter A1 - Kreutzbruck, M. T1 - The role of surface topography on deformation-induced magnetization under inhomogeneous elastic-plastic deformation N2 - It is widely accepted that the magnetic state of a ferromagnetic material may be irreversibly altered by mechanical loading due to magnetoelastic effects. A novel standardized nondestructive testing (NDT) technique uses weak magnetic stray fields, which are assumed to arise from inhomogeneous deformation, for structural health monitoring (i.e., for detection and assessment of damage). However, the mechanical and microstructural complexity of damage has hitherto only been insufficiently considered. The aim of this study is to discuss the phenomenon of inhomogeneous “self-magnetization” of a polycrystalline ferromagnetic material under inhomogeneous deformation experimentally and with stronger material-mechanical focus. To this end, notched specimens were elastically and plastically deformed. Surface magnetic states were measured by a three-axis giant magnetoresistant (GMR) sensor and were compared with strain field (digital image correlation) and optical topography measurements. It is demonstrated that the stray fields do not solely form due to magnetoelastic effects. Instead, inhomogeneous plastic deformation causes topography, which is one of the main origins for the magnetic stray field formation. Additionally, if not considered, topography may falsify the magnetic signals due to variable lift-off values. The correlation of magnetic vector components with mechanical tensors, particularly for multiaxial stress/strain states and inhomogeneous elastic-plastic deformations remains an issue. KW - Magnetic stray fields KW - Magnetomechanical effect KW - Damage KW - Topography KW - Multiaxial deformation KW - Notch KW - Plastic deformation KW - Metal magnetic memory KW - Digital image correlation KW - Structural steel PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-457878 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11091518 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 11 IS - 9 SP - 1518, 1 EP - 26 PB - MDPI CY - Basel, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-45787 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stegemann, Robert A1 - Cabeza, Sandra A1 - Pelkner, Matthias A1 - Lyamkin, Viktor A1 - Pittner, Andreas A1 - Werner, Daniel A1 - Wimpory, R. A1 - Boin, M. A1 - Kreutzbruck, Marc A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Influence of the microstructure on magnetic stray fields of low-carbon steel welds N2 - This study examines the relationship between the magnetic mesostructure with the microstructure of low carbon steel tungsten inert gas welds. Optical microscopy revealed variation in the microstructure of the parent material, in the heat affected and fusion zones, correlating with distinctive changes in the local magnetic stray fields measured with high spatial resolution giant magneto resistance sensors. In the vicinity of the heat affected zone high residual stresses were found using neutron diffraction. Notably, the gradients of von Mises stress and triaxial magnetic stray field modulus follow the same tendency transverse to the weld. In contrast, micro-X-ray fluorescence characterization indicated that local changes in element composition had no independent effect on magnetic stray fields. KW - TIG-welding KW - GMR sensors KW - Magnetic stray field KW - Neutron diffraction KW - Residual stress KW - Microstructure KW - Low carbon steel PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-018-0522-0 SN - 0195-9298 SN - 1573-4862 VL - 37 IS - 3 SP - 66,1 EP - 18 PB - Springer US CY - New York AN - OPUS4-45855 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grelle, Tobias T1 - Creep Investigations on Aluminum Seals for Application in Radioactive Waste Containers N2 - In Germany spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high level radioactive waste (HLW) are stored in interim storage containers with double lid systems. Those lids are equipped with metal seals (e.g. Helicoflex®) that ensure the safe enclosure of the inventory. Being licensed for up to 40 years of interim storage the evaluation of the long-term behavior of the seals is necessary, taking into account storage conditions, decay heat and possible mechanical loads. T2 - International Conference on Aluminum Alloys CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Metal seal KW - Creep KW - Long-term behavior PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45843 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grelle, Tobias A1 - Probst, Ulrich A1 - Jaunich, Matthias A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Wolff, Dietmar T1 - Creep investigations on aluminum seals for application in radioactive waste containers N2 - In Germany spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste is stored in interim storage containers with double lid systems. Those lids are equipped with metal seals (e.g. Helicoflex®) that ensure the safe enclosure of the inventory. The used metal seals consist of three components as can be seen in the cross-sectional view in Figure 1. The innermost part is a helical spring that is surrounded by an inner jacket made of stainless steel. The outer jacket that is made of a softer material which in case of assembly in the aforementioned storage containers is silver or aluminum (i.e. Al 99.5). During application the seal is compressed and due to the restoring force of the helical spring, the outer jacket is plastically deformed and adapts to the sealing surface. Hence, leakage paths are closed and the sealing function is generated. In Germany the above-mentioned containers are licensed for up to 40 years of interim storage, which in case extended storage becomes necessary before a final repository is available will have to be extended to even longer periods. Therefore, the evaluation of the long-term behavior of the seals is necessary, taking into account storage conditions, decay heat and possible mechanical loads as well. At Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) long-term investigations are being conducted in which seals are assembled in test flanges and aged at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 150°C for accelerated aging. The aged seals are tested semi-annually (after the first 6 months in which the seals are tested more frequently) regarding the sealing performance, the remaining seal force, and the useable resilience upon decompression. Results of these investigations have been published over the past years (e.g. Grelle, Wolff, Probst, Jaunich, & Völzke, 2017; Völzke, Wolff, Probst, Nagelschmidt, & Schulz, 2014). It was found that the seal force and the useable resilience decrease with time and temperature, which is in agreement with the result of other studies (Sassoulas et al., 2006; Wataru et al., 2016) as well. Geometry change of the outer jacket has been identified as the main reason for this seal behavior. At the prevailing operating temperatures and stresses the aluminum is subjected to creep deformation leading to a thinning of the outer jacket. Since the seal groove depth remains unchanged the helical spring expands, which in turn leads to a decrease of the generated spring and seal force. Although the main reason for the change of seal parameters over time and temperature is known, a detailed characterization of the seal behavior and a reliable prediction of the parameter development for aging times that exceed the experimental time frame have not been possible, yet. For deeper understanding of the aging processes, an Investigation program, which is covered in this contribution, is conducted at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) that focusses on the behavior of the aluminum jacket and its influence on the long-term sealing performance. The program investigates properties of material samples as well as the behavior of the seal as a component. Original sheet material of the same aluminum that is used for manufacturing of the seals is investigated in compression creep tests. For this, a DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis) machine is employed (here used for static tests) that allows for a measurement of the specimens deformation under forces of up to 500 N. The advantage of this method is that the original material can be tested in the same shape as used for the seals which is 0.5 mm thick sheet material. For investigation of tensile creep standard specimens are used, that were machined from surrogate material of the same composition and annealing condition. Furthermore, aluminum seals that are cut into smaller segments are assembled in flanges and placed in heating chambers at temperatures ranging from 23°C to 150°C. After different periods of time from 3 days to 300 days the segments are taken out of the flanges and are investigated, thus giving information on different states of aging. Measurements of the development of the seal contact width and the aluminum jacket thickness are done with an optical microscope. Further investigations on the segments will include metallography and hardness measurements. From the detailed material and component behavior including the results of the long-term seal force and useable resilience investigations a better understanding of the overall seal behavior can be gained. The aim is to contribute to the development of material models and analytical approaches for the prediction of the sealing behavior in dependence of time and temperature. T2 - International Conference on Aluminum Alloys CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Metal seal KW - Creep KW - Long-term behavior PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-926872-41-4 SP - 1 EP - 2 AN - OPUS4-45844 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A N2 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A was introduced and discussed The dark-field transmission electronmicroscopical resilts werde shown and evaluated regarding the precipitate radii. The influence of the precipitate radii regarding ageing was used for a preliminary ageing assessment. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46120 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A N2 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A was introduced and discussed The dark-field transmission electronmicroscopical resilts werde shown and evaluated regarding the precipitate radii. The influence of the precipitate radii regarding ageing was used for a preliminary ageing assessment. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46123 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Influence of heat treatment and creep loading on an Al-Cu-Li alloy N2 - The influence of heat treatment and creep loading on the microstructure of an Al-Cu-Li alloy was investigated. Especially the formation of different precipitates (T1 and Theta') were characterized and the microstructural changes under different ageing conditions (with and without external strain) were investigated to determine the effect od stress on the ageing process. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Aluminium KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46129 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -