TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Haftaoglu, Cetin A1 - Nolze, Gert A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Camin, B. A1 - Lopez-Galilea, I. A1 - Ruttert, B. A1 - Theisen, W. T1 - Untersuchung des Kriechverhaltens einer Nickelbasis-Superlegierung bei ultrahohen homologen Temperaturen und Anwendung auf das heiß-isostatische Pressen (HIP) N2 - Mit Hilfe des HIP-Verfahrens („Hot Isostatic Pressing“) werden Poren in der einkristallinen Nickel-Basis Superlegierung CMSX-4 kontinuierlich geschrumpft und dadurch die nach der Erstarrung und der Wärmebehandlung vorhandene Porosität stark reduziert. In diesem Beitrag werden experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen der Porenschrumpfung zusammengefasst. Es zeigt sich, dass das Verformungsverhalten während Kriechversuchen bei der HIP-Temperatur durch Versetzungsgleitung auf oktaedrischen Ebenen dominiert wird. Dagegen zeigen Messungen der Porositätsabnahme und Simulationen des Porenschließens, dass die Kinetik der Porenschrumpfung durch das Phänomen der Leerstellendiffusion zwischen Poren und Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen („Low Angle Boundary“, LAB) bestimmt wird. Im Gegensatz führt die klassische Kristallviskoplastizität zu einer systematischen Überschätzung dieser Kinetik. Der scheinbare Widerspruch lässt sich auflösen, wenn man bedenkt, dass auf der Skala der Poren Versetzungsquellen nicht gleichmäßig verteilt sind, wie in der konventionellen Kristallplastizität implizit angenommen wird. Stattdessen wird in einem weiterführenden Modell davon ausgegangen, das Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen (LABs) als Versetzungsquellen fungieren, während die Scherspannungen sehr stark in der Nähe der Poren lokalisiert sind, was die Emission von Versetzungen deutlich reduziert. T2 - Langzeitverhalten warmfester Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe CY - Online meeting DA - 27.11.2020 KW - HIP KW - Superlegierung KW - Kriechen PY - 2020 SN - 978-3-946885-95-5 VL - 2020 SP - 28 EP - 39 PB - Forschungsvereinigung Warmfeste Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe AN - OPUS4-51796 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Creep and fracture behavior of conventionally and additively manufactured stainless steel 316L N2 - A critical task within the frame of establishing process-structure-property-performance relationships in additive manufacturing (AM) of metals is producing reliable and well-documented material behavior’s data and knowledge regarding the structure-property correlation, including the role of defects. After all, it represents the basis for developing more targeted process optimizations and more reliable predictions of performance in the future. Within this context, this contribution aims to close the actual gap of limited historical data and knowledge concerning the creep behavior of the widely used austenitic stainless steel 316L, manufactured by Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion (L-PBF). To address this objective, specimens from conventional hot-rolled and AM material were tested under application-relevant conditions according to existing standards for conventional material, and microstructurally characterized before and after failure. The test specimens were machined from single blocks from the AM material. The blocks were manufactured using a standard scan and build-up strategy and were subsequently heat-treated. The creep behavior is described and comparatively assessed based on the creep lifetime and selected creep curves and characteristic values. The effect of defects and microstructure on the material’s behavior is analyzed based on destructive and non-destructive evaluations on selected specimens. The AM material shows shorter creep lives, reaches the secondary creep stage much faster and at a lower strain, and features lower creep ductility compared to its conventional counterpart. The creep damage behavior of the AM material is more microstructure than defect controlled and is characterized by the formation and accumulation of single intergranular damage along the whole volume. Critical features identified are the grain morphology and the grain-boundary as well as the dislocation’s density. Micro-computed tomography (µCT) proves to be an alternative to metallography to analyze the creep damage. T2 - ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 16.11.2020 KW - 316L KW - Creep behavior KW - Laser powder bed fusion KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Microstructure PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51823 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Kriech- und Bruchverhalten von additiv hergestelltem austenitischem Stahl 316L. Vergleich zum konventionellen Werkstoff. N2 - Eine kritische Aufgabe im Rahmen der Etablierung von Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschafts-Performance-Beziehungen bei der additiven Fertigung (AM) von Metallen ist die Ermittlung von zuverlässigen und gut dokumentierten Kennwerten zum Materialverhalten sowie das Schaffen von Wissen über die Struktur-Eigenschafts-Korrelation. Schließlich ist dies die Grundlage für die Entwicklung gezielterer Prozessoptimierungen und zuverlässigerer Lebensdauer-Vorhersagen. In diesem Zusammenhang zielt dieser Beitrag darauf ab, Daten und Erkenntnisse über das Kriechverhalten des austenitischen Edelstahls 316L zu liefern, der mittels Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion (L-PBF) hergestellt wird. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden Proben aus konventionellem warmgewalztem sowie AM-Material gemäß den bestehenden Normen für konventionelles Material geprüft und vor und nach dem Versagen mikrostrukturell charakterisiert. Die Probekörper wurden aus einzelnen Blöcken des AM-Materials gefertigt. Die Blöcke wurden mit einer Standard-Scan- und Aufbaustrategie hergestellt und anschließend wärmebehandelt. Das Kriechverhalten wird anhand der Kriechlebensdauer und ausgewählter Kriechkurven und Kennwerte beschrieben und vergleichend bewertet. Der Einfluss von Defekten und Mikrostruktur auf das Materialverhalten wird anhand von zerstörenden und zerstörungsfreien Auswertungen an ausgewählten Proben analysiert. Der AM-Werkstoff zeigt kürzere Kriechlebensdauern, erreicht das sekundäre Kriechstadium deutlich schneller und bei geringerer Dehnung und weist eine geringere Kriechduktilität im Vergleich zu seinem konventionellen Gegenstück auf. Das Kriechschädigungsverhalten des AM-Werkstoffs ist eher mikrostruktur- als defektgesteuert und ist durch die Bildung intergranularer Kriechrisse gekennzeichnet. Als kritische Merkmale werden die Versetzungsdichte sowie die Versprödung der Korngrenzen identifiziert. Die Mikro-Computertomographie (µCT) erweist sich als Alternative zur Metallographie, um die Kriechschädigung zu analysieren. T2 - Sitzung des DGM-Arbeitskreises Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten bei hoher Temperatur CY - Online meeting DA - 07.10.2020 KW - 316L KW - Kriechen KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Mikro-Computertomographie PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51824 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Innovations- Plattform Material Digital N2 - Mit der Initiative MaterialDigital fördert das BMBF seit dem letzten Jahr ein wichtiges Instrument zur Digitalisierung der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik in Deutschland. In der ersten Phase dieser Initiative wird seit Juli 2019 die Plattform MaterialDigital von einem Konsortium aufgestellt. Ziel dieser Plattform ist der Aufbau eines virtuellen Materialdatenraums, um zusammen mit allen Interessenten die Systematisierung des Umgangs mit Werkstoffdaten voranzutreiben. In einer zweiten Phase werden akademische F&E-Projekte voraussichtlich Anfang 2021 gefördert. In jedem dieser Projekte wird an einer konkreten Fragestellung das Themenfeld „Digitalisierung der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik“ adressiert und multidisziplinär bearbeitet. In einer dritten Phase werden im Rahmen industriegeführter vorwettbewerblicher Verbundprojekte mit der gleichen Zielsetzung gefördert. T2 - Workshop - “Datenmanagement in der Additiven Fertigung” CY - Online meeting DA - 27.10.2020 KW - Digitalisierung KW - Plattform Material Digital KW - Virtueller Materialdatenraum KW - Vernetzung KW - Ontologien PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51609 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Mishurova, Tatiana T1 - Influence of residual stress and microstructure on mechanical performance of LPBF TI-6AL-4V N2 - Ti-6Al-4V alloy is intensively used in the aerospace industry because of its high specific strength. However, the application of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Ti-6Al-4V alloy for structurally critical load-bearing components is limited. One of the main limiting factors affecting the structural integrity, are manufacturing defects. Additionally, the high cooling rates associated with LPBF process result in the formation of large residual stress (RS) with complex fields. Such RS can cause cracking and geometrical distortions of the part even right after production. Also, the microstructure of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V in the as-built condition is significantly different from that of the conventionally produced alloy. All these factors affect the mechanical behavior of the material. Therefore, to improve the material performance it is important to evaluate the individual effect of RS, defects, and microstructure on fatigue life. To this aim Ti-6Al-4V LPBF material in as-built condition and subjected to different post-processing, including two heat treatments (for stress relief and microstructural modification) and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP, for densification), were investigated. Prior to Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) tests at operating temperature (300°C), the microstructure (phases, crystallographic texture, and grain morphology), the mesostructure (defect shape and distribution), and subsurface RS on the LCF samples were investigated. It was found that the fatigue performance of HIPped samples is similar to that of conventionally produced Ti-6Al-4V. The tensile RS found at the surface of as-built samples decreased the fatigue life compared to heat-treated samples. Additionally, the modification of the microstructure (by heat treatment) did not affect the fatigue performance in the regime of mostly elastic strain. This shows that in the absence of tensile RS the manufacturing defects solely control the failure of LPBF components and densification has the strongest effect on the improvement of the mechanical performance. T2 - ASTM ICAM 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 16.11.2020 KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Computed tomography KW - Residual stress PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51695 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Towards digitalization of materials in PMD: An application ontology of the tensile test N2 - Due to the diversity of materials and the processes associated with their production and use, the complexity of the lifecycles of materials and the multitude of academic and industrial researchers participating in generation of data for material design impose a huge challenge. The topical goal of digitalizing materials and processes can only be adequately addressed by consolidating the efforts of all stakeholders in this field. There are many scattered activities, but there is a demand for an elimination of redundancies as well as an advance in acceptance and a common basis in the digitalization of materials. Furthermore, data analysis methods play an important role in both, the experimental and simulation-based digital description of materials, but they have been poorly structured so far. Therefore, the two joint projects Platform Material Digital (PMD, materialdigital.de) and Materials open Laboratory (Mat-o-Lab, matolab.de) aim to contribute to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. Besides stimulating the formation of a collaborative community in this respect, their main technical goals are the quality assurance of the processes and the output data, the acquisition and definition of their accuracy as well as the interoperability between applications. In this regard, data management in accordance with the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reuseability) principles is addressed. There is a common agreement in the scientific community following current discussions that data is supposed to be conform to these principles. This includes storage, processing and querying of data in a preferably standardized form. To meet the challenge to contextualize material data in a way that is consistent with all stakeholders, all necessary information on the condition of the material including production and application-related changes have to be made available via a uniform, machine-readable description. For this purpose, ontologies are to be used since they allow for machine-understandable knowledge representations and conceptualizations that are needed for data management and the digitalization in the field of materials science. As first efforts in PMD and Mat-o-Lab, application ontologies are created to explicitly describe processes and test methods. Thereby, the well-known tensile test of metals at room temperature was described ontologically in accordance with the respective ISO standard 6892-1:2019-11. The efforts in creating this tensile test application ontology are shown in this presentation. Especially, the path of ontology development based on standards to be pursued is focused, which is in accordance with the generic recommendations for ontology development and which is supposed to be exemplary for the creation of other application ontologies. T2 - VirtMet: 1st International Workshop on Metrology for Virtual Measuring Instruments and Digital Twins CY - Online meeting DA - 21.09.2021 KW - Platform Material Digital (PMD) KW - Ontology KW - Tensile test KW - Standard KW - Ontology development PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53481 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fedelich, Bernard ED - Cailletaud, G. ED - Cormier, J. ED - Eggeler, G. ED - Maurel, V. ED - Nazé, L. T1 - Crystal orientation and elastic properties N2 - The elastic constants are the most basic mechanical properties of a material and are needed for any structural analysis of a component. For example, they have a major influence on the eigenfrequencies of vibrating parts. Single crystals of Ni-base superalloys are strongly anisotropic, which means that the observed properties are orientation dependent. Tensor algebra is then required to mathematically formulate the elastic properties and their relations to the crystal orientation. Hence, this chapter first summarizes some basic definitions and calculation rules for Rotation matrices, including the definition of the Euler angles, which are most commonly used to define the relative orientations of the crystal and the component. Parts of this chapter closely follow the lines of the excellent exposition of the topic by Olschewski. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Elasticity PY - 2022 SN - 978-0-12-819357-0 SP - 41 EP - 67 PB - Elsevier Inc. AN - OPUS4-53435 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fedelich, Bernard ED - Cailletaud, G. ED - Cormier, J. ED - Eggeler, G. ED - Maurel, V. ED - Nazé, L. T1 - Crystal plasticity models: dislocation based N2 - The large number of TEM investigations and the regular microstructure of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys has boosted the development of a number of physically motivated constitutive laws. In contrast to the more phenomenological models discussed in the next chapter, these models use dislocation densities as internal variables. Obvious advantages are that the computed densities can be compared to TEM observations and the Deformation mechanisms can be easier translated into mathematical equations. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Creep KW - Plasticity PY - 2022 SN - 978-0-12-819357-0 SP - 401 EP - 427 PB - Elsevier Inc. ET - 1 AN - OPUS4-53436 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Wang, L. T1 - Elastic energy of multi-component solid solutions and strain origins of phase stability in high-entropy alloys N2 - The elastic energy of mixing for multi-component solid solutions is derived by generalizing Eshelby's sphere-in-hole model. By surveying the dependence of the elastic energy on the chemical composition and lattice misfit, we derive a lattice strain coefficient λ*. Studying several high-entropy alloys and superalloys, we propose that most solid solution multi-component alloys are stable when λ*<0.16, generalizing the Hume-Rothery atomic-size rule for binary alloys. We also reveal that the polydispersity index δ, frequently used for describing strain in multi-component alloys, directly represents the elastic energy e with e=qδ², q being an elastic constant. Furthermore, the effects of (i) the number and (ii) the atomic-size distribution of constituting elements on the phase stability of high-entropy alloys were quantified. The present derivations and discussions open for richer considerations of elastic effects in high-entropy alloys, offering immediate support for quantitative assessments of their thermodynamic properties and studying related strengthening mechanisms. KW - Ordering KW - High-entropy alloys KW - Alloy design KW - Strain energy KW - Phase stability PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114226 SN - 1359-6462 VL - 206 SP - 1 EP - 6 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-53427 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - Incorporating elasticity into CALPHAD-informed density-based grain boundary phase diagrams reveals segregation transition in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg alloys N2 - The phase-like behavior of grain boundaries (GBs), recently evidenced in several materials, is opening up new possibilities in the design of alloy microstructures. In this context, GB phase diagrams are contributing to a predictive description of GB segregation and (interfacial) phase changes. The influence of chemo-mechanical solute-GB interactions on the GB phase diagram remains elusive so far. This is particularly important for multi-component alloys where the elastic interactions among solute atoms, of various sizes and bonding energies, can prevail, governing a complex co-segregation phenomenon. Recently, we developed a density-based model for GB thermodynamics that intrinsically accounts for GB elasticity in pure elements. In this work, we incorporate the homogeneous and heterogeneous elastic energies associated with the solutes into the density-based framework. We derive the multi-component homogeneous elastic energy by generalizing the continuum misfitting sphere model and extend it for GBs. The density-based free energy functional directly uses bulk CALPHAD thermodynamic data. The model is applied to binary and ternary Al alloys. We reveal that the elastic energy can profoundly affect the GB solubility and segregation behavior, leading to Cu segregation in otherwise Cu-depleted Al GBs. Consequently, GB segregation transition, i.e., a jump in the GB segregation as a function of alloy composition, is revealed in Al-Cu and Al-Cu-Mg alloy systems with implications for subsequent GB precipitation in these alloys. CALPHAD-informed elasticity-incorporated GB phase diagrams enable addressing a broader range of GB phenomena in engineering multi-component alloys. KW - Grain boundary thermodynamics KW - Density-based model KW - Al alloys KW - Grain boundary phase diagram KW - CALPHAD KW - Elastic energy PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110717 VL - 199 SP - 110717 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-53058 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Hoyt, J. J. T1 - Layering misalignment and negative temperature dependence of interfacial free energy of B2-liquid interfaces in a glass forming system N2 - From molecular dynamics simulations and the capillary fluctuation method, the solid-liquid interfacial free energy has been computed for the B2-liquid interface in the Cu-Zr system. Consistent with previous results for the FCC-liquid interface in Cu-Zr and Al-Sm but atypical of most alloys, was found to increase as the temperature is lowered. In addition, the temperature dependence was obtained for model Lennard-Jones B2-liquid alloys. In all cases the unusual temperature dependence of is correlated with an atomic structure of the interfacial region characterized by a misalignment of the number density peaks between solvents and solutes. In cases where the number density peaks are aligned, the typical temperature dependence is observed. The results are discussed in terms of the Gibbs theory of the thermodynamics of interfaces. It is proposed that the unique interfacial structure and the atypical temperature dependence of are hallmarks of an easy glass forming alloy. KW - Atomistic simulations KW - Interfacial free energy KW - Layering misalignment KW - Glass forming PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117259 SN - 1359-6454 VL - 219 SP - 117259 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-53650 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. I. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Svetlov, I. L. A1 - Petrushin, N. V. A1 - Saillard, R. A1 - Proietti, A. A1 - Poquillon, D. A1 - Chyrkin, A. T1 - Creep of single-crystals of nickel-base γ-alloy at temperatures between 1150 °C and 1288 °C N2 - A γ-analogue of the superalloy CMSX-4 that does not contain the strengthening γ′ -phase and only consists of the γ-solid solution of nickel has been designed, solidified as single-crystals of different orientations, and tested under creep conditions in the temperature range between 1150 and 1288 °C. The tests have revealed a very high creep anisotropy of this alloy, as was previously found for CMSX-4 at supersolvus temperature of 1288 °C. This creep anisotropy could be explained by the dominance of 〈011〉{111} octahedral slip. Furthermore, the analysis of the creep data has yielded a high value of the creep activation energy, Qc≈442 kJ/mol, which correlates with the high activation energy of Re diffusion in Ni. This supports the hypothesis that dislocation motion in the γ-matrix of Re-containing superalloys is controlled by the diffusion of the Re atoms segregating at the dislocation core. The Norton stress exponent n is close to 5, which is a typical value for pure metals and their alloys. The absence of γ′ -reprecipitation after high-temperature creep tests facilitates microstructural investigations. It has been shown by EBSD that creep deformation results in an increasing misorientation of the existing low angle boundaries. In addition, according to TEM, new low angle boundaries appear due to reactions of the a/2 〈011〉 mobile dislocations and knitting of new networks. KW - Nickel alloys KW - Single-crystals KW - Creep KW - Electron microscopy KW - Deformation mechanisms PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.141880 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 825 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-53132 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abel, Andreas T1 - Microstructure-Property-Correlation of a Mo-Ti-B alloyed iron aluminide N2 - Iron aluminides depict a sustainable and light-weight material class which could be employed in many applications requiring high strength at intermediate to high temperatures. According to first results, the alloy Fe-26Al-4Mo-0.5Ti-1B surpasses conventional materials in wet corrosion resistance and creep resistance up to 650 °C. For these reasons, the AiF research project “WAFEAL – Materials applications for iron aluminides” was initiated to transfer these findings into a standardised materials dataset and to derive best practices for processing. In the first place, a set of different microstructures adjusted by varying casting methods, wall thicknesses and heat treatments was investigated and correlated with hardness on macro and micro scale. Correlations were drawn between solidification rates and resulting grain sizes and hardness. The effect of vacancy hardening was only verified for wall thickness as low as 2.5 mm. Moreover, a common decrease of macrohardness after a heat treatment at 1000 °C for 100 h was observed irrespective of casting process or wall thickness. This effect was linked with an unexpected decrease of the complex boride phase fraction which acts as a hardening phase. T2 - Intermetallics 2021 CY - Bad Staffelstein, Germany DA - 04.10.2021 KW - Fe-Al alloys KW - Intermetallics KW - Iron aluminides KW - Heat treatment KW - Wall thickness KW - Centrifugal casting KW - Die casting KW - Investment casting KW - Microstructure KW - Hardness KW - Complex borides PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53617 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Lin, L. L. A1 - Manzoni, Anna Maria A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Thompson, G. B. T1 - CALPHAD-informed density-based grain boundary thermodynamics N2 - The Gibbs free energy of a grain boundary is a complex thermodynamic function of temperature, pressure, and composition. These complexities add to the intrinsic crystallographic and chemical constraints imposed by the adjacent bulk phase. Recently we have proposed a density-based model for assessing grain boundary thermodynamics that enables a CALPHAD-informed description of the grain boundary. As such, the Gibbs free energy of the grain boundary is directly linked with available CALPHAD thermodynamic data. In this talk, new aspects of interfacial segregation and phase transformation are revealed by benchmarking the current model for various experimental cases, including several steels, high-entropy alloys and aluminum alloys. The effects of elastic interactions on the grain boundary segregation and the application of the model to a nanocrystalline Pt-Au alloy, with numerous grain boundaries of various characters, will be discussed. T2 - DPG (Deutsche Physiker Gesellschaft) CY - Online meeting DA - 27.09.2021 KW - Density-based model KW - Defects thermodynamics KW - Defects phase diagram KW - CALPHAD KW - Crystal Defects PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53556 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Ansätze zur digitalen Wissensrepräsentation aus der Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) N2 - Die Digitalisierung von Materialien und Prozessen stellt eine große Herausforderung dar, die nur durch eine Bündelung der Bemühungen aller Beteiligten in diesem Bereich erreicht werden kann. Bei einer derartigen digitalen Beschreibung spielen Datenanalysemethoden, eine Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen inklusive Input- und Output-Daten sowie die Interoperabilität zwischen Anwendungen nach den FAIR-Prinzipien eine wichtige Rolle. Dies umfasst das Speichern, Verarbeiten und Abfragen von Daten in einer vorzugsweise standardisierten Form (Beteiligung von Normungsgremien). Zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderung ist eine mit allen Stakeholdern konsistente Kontextualisierung der Materialdaten anzustreben, d.h. alle erforderlichen Informationen über den Zustand des Materials einschließlich produktions- und anwendungsbezogener Änderungen müssen über eine einheitliche, maschinenlesbare Beschreibung verfügbar gemacht werden. Dazu werden Wissensrepräsentationen und Konzeptualisierungen ermöglichende Ontologien verwendet. Eine zentrale Betrachtungsweise in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Realisierung von (automatisierten) Datenpipelines, die eine Beschreibung und Verfolgung von Daten ausgehend von ihrer Erzeugung, bspw. in einem Messgerät, bis zu ihrer globalen Verwendung in möglicherweise verschiedenen Kontexten beinhalten. Erste Bemühungen und Ansätze zu diesen Problemstellungen führten im Projekt Innovations-Plattform Material Digital (PMD, materialdigital.de) zur Erstellung von Anwendungsontologien, die Prozesse und Testmethoden explizit beschreiben. Dabei wurde u.a. der Zugversuch an Metallen bei Raumtemperatur nach ISO 6892-1 ontologisch beschrieben. Diese als Beispiel dienende Ontologieentwicklung wird in dieser Präsentation vorgestellt. Weiterhin wurde, ausgehend von der domänenspezifischen Entwicklung von Anwendungsontologien, eine Kernontologie erstellt, die eine übergeordnete Verbindung von ontologischen Konzepten aufgrund der Verwendung gleichen Vokabulars und semantischer Verknüpfungen erlaubt. Diese sowie die das PMD-Projekt selbst werden ebenfalls in dieser Präsentation vorgestellt. T2 - DVM Workshop: Grundlagen und Beispiele zur Digitalisierung für die Materialforschung und -prüfung CY - Online meeting DA - 19.10.2021 KW - Plattform Material Digital (PMD) KW - Ontologie KW - Zugversuch KW - Wissensrepräsentation KW - Semantic Web PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53565 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, M. A1 - Diercks, P. A1 - Manzoni, Anna Maria A1 - Čížek, J. A1 - Ramamurty, U. A1 - Banhart, J. T1 - Positron annihilation investigation of thermal cycling induced martensitic transformation in NiTi shape memory alloy N2 - Thermal cycling of a Ni-excess NiTi alloy was conducted between 50 °C and liquid nitrogen temperature to induce martensitic transformations and to reverse them after. The starting point was an annealed and slowly cooled state, the end point a sample thermally cycled 1500 times. Positron annihilation lifetime spectra and Coincidence Doppler Broadening profiles were obtained in various states and at various tem- peratures. It was found that the initial state was low in defects with positron lifetimes close to that of bulk NiTi. Cycling lead to a continuous build-up of a defect structure up to 20 0 −50 0 cycles after which saturation was reached. Two types of defects created during cycling were identified, namely pure dislo- cations and vacancies attached to dislocations. KW - Shape memory alloy KW - Thermal Cycling KW - Defects KW - Positron annihilation spectroscopy KW - Austenite-to-martensite phase transformation PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-533641 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117298 VL - 220 SP - 117298 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-53364 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Tensile Test Ontology used in Platform Material Digital (PMD) N2 - Data analysis methods play an important role in both the experimental and simulation-based digital description of materials but have so far been poorly structured. The platform Material Digital (PMD) is supposed to contribute to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. The goal is the quality assurance of the processes and the output data, the acquisition and definition of their accuracy as well as the interoperability between applications. Therefore, application ontologies are created to explicitly describe processes and test methods. In this presentation, the first efforts within the joint project PMD in creating a tensile test application ontology in accordance with the ISO standard 6892-1:2019-11 are shown. Especially, the path of ontology development to be pursued based on standards was focused. Furthermore, the presentation includes a live demonstration of queries possibly performed to query data that was uploaded in the PMD triple store. T2 - Online Workshop: An introduction to the semantic web and ontologies CY - Online meeting DA - 23.04.2021 KW - Ontology KW - Tensile Test KW - Platform Material Digital KW - PMD KW - Knowledge Graphs KW - Semantic Web PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52949 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Schriever, Sina T1 - BAM reference data - Results of ASTM E139-11 creep tests on a reference material of Nimonic 75 nickel-base alloy N2 - Results of creep tests on a certified reference material at T = 600°C and a tensile creep load of 160 MPa are provided. The evaluated results include the times to reach 2% and 4% creep strain, respectively, and the creep rate after 400 h. The data were audited and are BAM reference data. KW - Reference data KW - Creep KW - Nickel-base alloy KW - Nimonic 75 KW - Reference material BCR-425 PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5106606 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-52970 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, X. A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Boyce, B.L. A1 - Clark, B.G. A1 - Raabe, D. A1 - Thompson, G.B. T1 - Spinodal Decomposition in Nanocrystalline Alloys N2 - For more than half a century, spinodal decomposition has been a key phenomenon in considering the formation of secondary phases in alloys. The most prominent aspect of the spinodal phenomenon is the lack of an energy barrier on its transformation pathway, offering an alternative to the nucleation and growth mechanism. The classical description of spinodal decomposition often neglects the influence of defects, such as grain boundaries, on the transformation because the innate ability for like-atoms to cluster is assumed to lead the process. Nevertheless, in nanocrystalline alloys, with a high population of grain boundaries with diverse characters, the structurally heterogeneous landscape can greatly influence the chemical decomposition behavior. Combining atom-probe tomography, precession electron diffraction and density-based phase-field simulations, we address how grain boundaries contribute to the temporal evolution of chemical decomposition within the miscibility gap of a Pt-Au nanocrystalline system. We found that grain boundaries can actually have their own miscibility gaps profoundly altering the spinodal decomposition in nanocrystalline alloys. A complex realm of multiple interfacial states, ranging from competitive grain boundary segregation to barrier-free low-dimensional interfacial decomposition, occurs with a dependency upon the grain boundary character. KW - Density-based Thermodynamics KW - Nanocrystalline alloys KW - Spinodal decomposition KW - Defects engineering PY - 2021 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117054 VL - 215 SP - 117054 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-52918 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Mishurova, Tatiana T1 - Separation of the impact of residual stress and microstructure on the fatigue performance of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V at elevated temperature (Keynote) N2 - Ti-6Al-4V alloy is intensively used in the aerospace industry because of its high specific strength. However, the application of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Ti-6Al-4V alloy for structurally critical load-bearing components is limited. One of the main limiting factors affecting the structural integrity, are manufacturing defects. Additionally, the high cooling rates associated with LPBF process result in the formation of large residual stress (RS) with complex fields. Such RS can cause cracking and geometrical distortions of the part even right after production. Also, the microstructure of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V in the as-built condition is significantly different from that of the conventionally produced alloy. All these factors affect the mechanical behavior of the material. Therefore, to improve the material performance it is important to evaluate the individual effect of RS, defects, and microstructure on fatigue life. To this aim Ti-6Al-4V LPBF material in as-built condition and subjected to different post-processing, including two heat treatments (for stress relief and microstructural modification) and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP, for densification), were investigated. Prior to fatigue tests at elevated temperature, the microstructure, the mesostructure, and subsurface RS on the fatigue samples were investigated. It was found that the fatigue performance of HIPped samples is similar to that of conventionally produced Ti-6Al-4V. The tensile RS found at the surface of as-built samples decreased the fatigue life compared to heat-treated samples. Additionally, the modification of the microstructure (by heat treatment) did not affect the fatigue performance in the regime of mostly elastic strain. This shows that in the absence of tensile RS the manufacturing defects solely control the failure of LPBF components and densification has the strongest effect on the improvement of the mechanical performance. T2 - EUROMAT 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 12.09.2021 KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Residual stress KW - Fatigue performance PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53278 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy ED - Titscher, Thomas ED - Hirthammer, Volker ED - Unger, Jörg F. T1 - A continuum damage model for the simulation of concrete under cyclic loading N2 - A continuum damage model for concrete is developed with a focus on fatigue under compressive stresses. This includes the possibility to model stress redistributions and capture size effects. In contrast to cycle based approaches, where damage is accumulated based on the number of full stress cycles, a strain based approach is developed that can capture cyclic degradation under variable loading cycles including different amplitudes and loading frequencies. The model is designed to represent failure under static loading as a particular case of fatigue failure after a single loading cycle. As a consequence, most of the material parameters can be deduced from statictests. Only a limit set of additional constitutive parameters is required to accurately describe the evolution under fatigue loading. Another advantage of the proposed model is the possibility to directly incorporate other multi-physics effects such as creep and shrinkage or thermal loading on the constitutive level. A multiscale approach in time is presented to enable structural computations of fatigue failure with a reduced computational effort. The damage rate within the short time scale corresponding to a single cycle is computed based on a Fourier based approach. This evolution equation is then solved on the long time scale using different implicit and explicit time integration schemes. Their performance and some limitations for specific loading regimes is discussed. T2 - Euro-C, March 1st 2018 CY - Bad Hofgastein, Austria DA - 26.02.2018 KW - Continnum damage model KW - Simulation of concrete KW - Under cyclic loading PY - 2018 UR - https://euro-c.tuwien.ac.at/home/ SN - 978-1-315-18296-4 SN - 978-1-138-74117-1 VL - 2018 SP - 155 EP - 164 PB - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Leiden, The Netherland AN - OPUS4-48400 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy T1 - A continuum damage model for the simulation of concrete under cyclic loading N2 - A continuum damage model for concrete is developed with a focus on fatigue under compressive stresses. This includes the possibility to model stress redistributions and capture size effects. In contrast to cycle based approaches, where damage is accumulated based on the number of full stress cycles, a strain based approach is developed that can capture cyclic degradation under variable loading cycles including different amplitudes and loading frequencies. The model is designed to represent failure under static loading as a particular case of fatigue failure after a single loading cycle. As a consequence, most of the material parameters can be deduced from statictests. Only a limit set of additional constitutive parameters is required to accurately describe the evolution under fatigue loading. Another advantage of the proposed model is the possibility to directly incorporate other multi-physics effects such as creep and shrinkage or thermal loading on the constitutive level. A multiscale approach in time is presented to enable structural computations of fatigue failure with a reduced computational effort. The damage rate within the short time scale corresponding to a single cycle is computed based on a Fourier based approach. This evolution equation is then solved on the long time scale using different implicit and explicit time integration schemes. Their performance and some limitations for specific loading regimes is discussed. T2 - Computational Modelling of concrete and concrete Structures Euro-C, March 1st 2018 CY - Bad Hofgastein, Austria DA - 26.02.2018 KW - Continnum damage model KW - Simulation of concrete KW - Under cyclic loading PY - 2018 UR - https://euro-c.tuwien.ac.at/home/ AN - OPUS4-48399 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - THES A1 - Sonntag, Nadja T1 - Untersuchung magnetischer Streufelder in einem inhomogen verformten Baustahl mittels passiv-magnetischer Prüfverfahren N2 - Die Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) Methode ist ein standardisiertes, zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren, das für die Detektion von lokal geschädigten Materialbereichen in ferromagnetischen Bauteilen oder Proben verwendet wird. Es basiert auf der Annahme lokaler magnetoelastischer Wechselwirkungen an Spannungskonzentrationsstellen, die schwache magnetische Streufelder an den geschädigten Prüfkörperoberflächen hervorrufen. Die MMM-Methode überträgt dabei die für einachsige und elastische Verformungen entwickelten magnetoelastischen Modellvorstellungen ohne weitere Anpassungen in den Schädigungskontext, der jedoch mehrachsige Beanspruchungen und elastisch-plastische Deformationsprozesse erwarten lässt. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es daher, die gängigen MMM-Hypothesen zur Signalentstehung fach- und skalenübergreifend und unter stärkerer Berücksichtigung mechanischer und mikrostruktureller Aspekte zu überprüfen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zum einen gekerbte Flachzugproben aus einem unlegierten Baustahl inhomogen elastisch-plastisch verformt und die entstehenden magnetischen Streufelder an deren Oberflächen mit einem Drei-Achsen-GMR-Magnetometer detektiert. Die so ermittelten Magnetfeld-verteilungen wurden für unterschiedliche Verformungszustände ortsaufgelöst und richtungsabhängig mit gemessenen Dehnungsverteilungen (digitale Bildkorrelation) und mit simulierten Lastspannungs-verteilungen korreliert. Die eingeschnürten Probenbereiche wurden zusätzlich topographisch mittels Streifenlichtprojektion und Weißlichtinterferenzmikroskopie vermessen, um den Magnetisierungs-prozess ebenfalls vor dem Hintergrund geometrischer Effekte diskutieren zu können. Um systematische, verformungsinduzierte Veränderungen der magnetischen Mikrostruktur (magnetischer Domänen) im polykristallinen, quasi-isotropen Material nachzuweisen, wurde zum anderen ein in dieser Arbeit entwickelter statistischer Ansatz der Domänenanalyse angewandt. Hierfür wurde das Material zunächst durch Härteeindrücke mehrachsig elastisch-plastisch verformt, und die verformten Probenbereiche wurden anschließend mit Hilfe der Bitterstreifentechnik hauptsächlich bei niedriger Vergrößerung lichtmikroskopisch untersucht. Die beobachteten makroskopischen Domänen-kontraste wurden über ein analytisches, kontaktmechanisches (ECM-) Modell und über Makro-Eigen-spannungsmessungen (energiedispersive Synchrotron-Beugungsuntersuchungen) charakteristischen Verformungszonen unter den Härteeindrücken zugeordnet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen belegen, dass die Entstehung der Streufelder – entgegen bisheriger Annahmen – nicht allein auf mechanische Spannungs- und Verformungsgradienten im Material zurückzuführen, sondern auch topographisch bedingt ist. Die Vernachlässigung überlagerter geometrischer Effekte kann zu sicherheitsrelevanten Fehlinterpretationen der magnetischen Signale führen. Einachsige magnetoelastische Modellvorstellungen sollten zudem nicht ohne Anpassungen auf komplexe Beanspruchungen übertragen werden, da u. a. sowohl mechanische Größen (wie Spannungen oder Dehnungen) als auch mikrostrukturelle Parameter (wie z. B. Versetzungsdichten) bei komplexen Belastungen als ortsabhängige Variablen behandelt werden müssen. Die in dieser Arbeit beobachteten Domänenkontraste lassen sich zweifelsfrei charakteristischen Verformungszonen zuordnen, mikro-strukturell jedoch nicht allein mit anzunehmenden Gradienten der Versetzungsdichte erklären. Statt-dessen entstehen beispielsweise lokale Verformungstexturen, die zusätzliche magnetische Anisotropien bewirken könnten. Da bisher weder die makroskopischen noch die mikrostrukturellen Ursachen der Streufeldentstehung hinreichend verstanden sind, scheint die MMM-Methode für die quantitative Bewertung des Schädigungszustands derzeit ungeeignet. N2 - The Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) method is a standardized, nondestructive testing method used for the detection of locally damaged material areas in ferromagnetic components or samples. It assumes local magnetoelastic interactions in stress concentration zones, causing weak magnetic stray fields on the damaged specimen surfaces. The MMM method transfers magnetoelastic model conceptions developed for uniaxial and elastic deformations without further adjustments into the damage context, which is, however, associated with multiaxial stresses and elastic-plastic deformations. The objective of this thesis is therefore to verify prevalent MMM hypotheses concerning the signal generation, putting emphasis on complex mechanical and microstructural aspects of damage while using interdisciplinary and multi-scale approaches. To this end, on the one hand, notched tensile specimens made of an unalloyed structural steel were inhomogeneously (elastically and plastically) deformed and deformation-induced magnetic stray fields were then detected by a three-axis GMR magnetometer. The obtained surface magnetic field distributions were correlated with measured strain distributions (digital image correlation) and with numerically simulated mechanical stress distributions (finite element analysis). To enable discussions on the magnetization process against the background of geometrical effects, the necked specimen regions were additionally investigated using optical profilometry methods (fringe projection and white light interference microscopy). On the other hand, a newly developed meso-scale approach to magnetic domain analysis was applied to prove systematic, deformation-induced changes of the magnetic microstructure within the polycrystalline, quasi-isotropic material: After multiaxial elastic-plastic deformation of coupon specimens by hardness indentation, the deformed sample regions were studied by Bitter technique in optical microscopy, preferably at low magnification. The observed macroscopic domain contrasts were related to characteristic deformation zones below the indents by using an analytical model from the field of contact mechanics (ECM) and macro-residual stress measurements (obtained from energy-dispersive synchrotron diffraction experiments). It is demonstrated that the formation of magnetic stray fields, quite contrary to previous assumptions, results not only from mechanical (e.g. stress) gradients within the material, but is also topographically induced. The neglect of such superimposed geometric effects may also lead to safety-relevant misinterpretations of the magnetic signals. Furthermore, uniaxial magnetoelastic model concepts should not be applied to complex stress/strain conditions without adaptation since both mechanical quantities (such as stresses or strains) and microstructural parameters (such as dislocation densities) must be treated as location-dependent variables. The observed magnetic domain contrasts could clearly be assigned to characteristic deformation zones but cannot be explained solely by hypothesized gradients of the dislocation density. Instead, for example, local deformation textures emerge, which may cause additional magnetic anisotropies. The MMM method currently seems unsuitable for quantitative damage assessments of components or specimens since neither the macroscopic nor the microstructural origins of the stray field formation have yet been sufficiently understood. KW - Magnetoelastischer Effekt KW - Magnetische Domänen KW - Mehrachsige Verformung KW - Schädigung KW - Unlegierter Baustahl KW - Magnetoelastic effect KW - Magnetic domains KW - Multiaxial deformation KW - Damage KW - Structural steel PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-484302 DO - https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-8524 SP - 1 EP - 117 CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-48430 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - Simulation of pore shrinkage with crystal plasticity and dislocation transport N2 - Single crystal superalloys usually contain pores of sizes 5-10 micro-m after casting and heat treatment. These pores can be reduced under compression by combined creep and diffusion in a subsequent treatment called Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). The paper presents a methodology to simulate pore shrinkage under HIP conditions in two dimensions (2D). At the scale of the pores, which is also the scale of the sub-grains (<50 micro-m) the dislocation sources cannot be assumed to be homogeneously distributed. Thus, the applicability of classical crystal plasticity is questionable. In this case, the transport of dislocations under an applied stress from the location where they are nucleated must be explicitly modelled. This is done by solving the transport equations for the dislocation densities and the elasticity equations in 2D. The dislocations are assumed to be nucleated at Low Angle Boundaries. They glide or climb through the sub-grains with a stress dependent velocity. The transport equations are solved by the Flux-Corrected Transport method, which belongs to the predictor-corrector class of algorithms. In the first step, an artificial diffusion is introduced, which suppresses spurious oscillations of the solution. In a second step, the solution is corrected in such a way that no additional extremes appear and that the extremes do not grow. The algorithm is validated by simulating the transport of simple distributions with a constant velocity field. With the dislocation velocities and the computed dislocation densities, the inelastic shear rate at the slip system level is computed by integrating the Orowan equation. In the 2D-setting, three slip systems are considered. The contributions of these slip systems are summed up to obtain the total inelastic strain rate. Dislocation glide and climb and the coupling of climb with vacancies diffusion are considered. The resolution of the equilibrium equations from the inelastic strains turned out to be prone to numerical instabilities. As an alternative, the stresses are directly computed from the distribution of geometrically necessary dislocations following the method presented in. The resulting boundary value problem is solved by the Least-Square Finite Element method. Examples of simulations are presented for a representative region under creep tension and for a pore shrinking under external pressure. T2 - International Conference on Material Modelling, ICMM 6 CY - Lund, Sweden DA - 26.06.2019 KW - Superalloy KW - Pores KW - Creep KW - Dislocations PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48488 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg A1 - Czichos, Horst ED - Hennecke, Manfred ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Grundlagen der Werkstoffkunde N2 - Der Aufbau der Werkstoffe wird durch Merkmale wie Bindungsart, atomare Strukturen, Kristallstrukturen einschließlich ihrer Gitterbaufehler, Körner und Phasen bestimmt. Die Mikrostruktur (Gefüge) stellt den Verbund der Kristalle, Phasen und Gitterbaufehler auf mikroskopischer und nanoskopischer Skala dar. Die Grundlagen der Phasenumwandlungen werden behandelt und die Bedeutung von Diffusionsprozessen erläutert. Werkstoffe sind bedeutend für Kultur, Wirtschaft, Technik und Umwelt. Ihre Herstellung benötigt Ressourcen und Energie. Recycling ist eine Möglichkeit zur Erhöhung der Ressourcenproduktivität. KW - Materialkreislauf KW - Aufbau von Festkörpern KW - Kristallsystem KW - Gleichgewicht KW - Ungleichgewicht KW - Kreislaufwirtschaft PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-662-57492-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57492-8_27-1 SP - 1 EP - 31 PB - Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland CY - Berlin, Heidelberg ET - 35. AN - OPUS4-48476 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Ermüdungsverhalten des warmfesten austenitischen Gusseisens EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 bei hoher Temperatur N2 - Die warmfeste austenitische Gusseisenlegierung EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 (häufig auch als Ni-Resist D-5S bezeichnet) wurde hinsichtlich ihres mechanischen Verhal-tens bei hoher Temperatur charakterisiert. Dazu wurden (isotherme) niederzyklische (LCF-) und (nicht-isotherme) thermomechanische Ermüdungsversuche (TMF) zwischen Raumtemperatur und 900 °C durchgeführt. Diese Ergebnisse dienten (zu-sammen mit weiteren Versuchsdaten) der Kalibrierung werkstoffmechanischer Modelle. Bei den höchsten Prüftemperaturen wurde Schädigung in Form von Kriechen beobachtet und metallographisch dokumentiert. T2 - 41. Vortragsveranstaltung Langzeitverhalten warmfester Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe CY - Dusseldorf, Germany DA - 30.11.2018 KW - Ni-Resist KW - LCF KW - TMF KW - Kriechen KW - Lebensdauer KW - Schädigung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46851 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer T1 - Modelling of environmentally assisted material degradation in the crack phase-field framework N2 - The simulation of crack propagation was conducted with a diffusive crack model in a variational framework. Moreover, the physically sound introduction of mass transport and coupling mechanisms due to environmentally assisted effects could be realised in this framework. The objective consists of the application of the phase-field Approach towards the simulation of environmentally assisted material degradation with the advantage of a non-required predefined crack path and a mesh-independent non-local formulation that facilitates the damage evolution with respect to material softening. The sharp crack is regularised by the introduction of a phase-field order parameter leading to a diffusive crack formulation. Besides the equations originating from the linear momentum balance an additional evolution equation for the crack phase-field is introduced. Furthermore, mass transport is simulated by a Diffusion equation. The description delivered by the variational phase-field framework is able to simulate crack propagation according to published numerical test cases. Additionally, the calculation of stress intensity factors is possible as well as crack resistance curves that describe stable crack propagation. KW - Fracture mechanics KW - Crack propagation KW - Phase-field KW - Mass transport KW - Environmentally assisted cracking PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1177/1464420718761220 SN - 1464-4207 VL - 233 IS - 1 SP - 5 EP - 12 PB - SAGE AN - OPUS4-47152 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Cabeza, S. A1 - Kuntner, M. A1 - Mishurova, Tatiana A1 - Klaus, M. A1 - Kling e Silva, L. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Genzel, Ch. A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Visualisation of deformation gradients in structural steel by macroscopic magnetic domain distribution imaging (Bitter technique) N2 - Abstract While classically used to visualise the magnetic microstructure of functional materials (e.g., for magnetic applications), in this study, the Bitter technique was applied for the first time to visualise macroscopic deformation gradients in a polycrystalline low-carbon steel. Spherical indentation was chosen to produce a multiaxial elastic–plastic deformation state. After removing the residual imprint, the Bitter technique was applied, and macroscopic contrast differences were captured in optical microscopy. To verify this novel characterisation technique, characteristic “hemispherical” deformation zones evolving during indentation were identified using an analytical model from the field of contact mechanics. In addition, near-surface residual stresses were determined experimentally using synchrotron radiation diffraction. It is established that the magnetic domain distribution contrast provides deformation-related information: regions of different domain wall densities correspond to different “hemispherical” deformation zones (i.e., to hydrostatic core, plastic zone and elastic zone, respectively). Moreover, the transitions between these three zones correlate with characteristic features of the residual stress profiles (sign changes in the radial and local extrema in the hoop stress). These results indicate the potential of magnetic domain distribution imaging: visualising macroscopic deformation gradients in fine-grained ferromagnetic material with a significantly improved spatial resolution as compared to integral, mean value-based measurement methods. KW - Bitter technique KW - Deformation KW - Expanding cavity model KW - Indentation KW - Magnetic domain distribution KW - Residual stress PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1111/str.12296 SN - 1475-1305 VL - 54 IS - 6 SP - e12296, 1 EP - 15 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-46569 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer A1 - Charmi, Amir T1 - Virtual-lab-based determination of a macroscopic yield function for additively manufactured parts N2 - Diese Arbeit beschreibt eine Methode für die Ermittlung einer Fließfunktion für additiv gefertigte Bauteile des Werkstoffs S316L. Ein Kristallplastizitätsmodell wird zunächst mit experimentellen Daten kalibriert. Anschließend werden mit diesem Modell sogenannte virtuelle Experimente durchgeführt, die die prozeßspezifische Mikrostruktur in Form von kristallographischen und morphologischen Texturen miteinbeziehen. Diese Simulationen werden mit einem representativen Volumenelement (RVE) durchgeführt, das aus EBSD/CT-Scans an additiv gefertigten Proben generiert wurde und daher die Kornstruktur und Kristallorientierungen enthält. Die virtuellen Experimente werden durchgeführt, um anhand der damit erhaltenen Fließpunkte eine anisotrope Barlat-Fließfunktion zu bestimmen. Dieser skalenübergreifende Ansatz ermöglicht die Simulation großer Strukturen, für die die Anwendung eines Kristallplastizitätsmodells numerisch zu teuer wäre. N2 - This work presents a method for the yield function determination of additively manufactured parts of S316L steel. A crystal plasticity model is calibrated with test results and used afterwards to perform so-called virtual experiments, that account for the specific process-related microstructure including crystallographic and morphological textures. These simulations are undertaken on a representative volume element (RVE), that is generated from EBSD/CT-Scans on in-house additively manufactured specimen, considering grain structure and crystal orientations. The results of the virtual experiments are used to determine an anisotropic Barlat yield function, that can be used in a macroscopical continuum-sense afterwards. This scale-bridging approach enables the calculation of large-scale parts, that would be numerically too expensive to be simulated by a crystal plasticity model. T2 - 3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 07.11.2018 KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Scale-bridging KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Virtual experiments KW - Anisotropy PY - 2018 SN - 2509-8772 SP - 153 EP - 158 PB - DVM CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-46570 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Häberle, Nicolas A1 - Pittner, Andreas A1 - Rethmeier, Michael A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer A1 - Kahlcke, Ole T1 - Application of multi-phase viscoplastic material modelling to computational welding mechanics of grade-s960ql steel N2 - The sound numerical prediction of welding-induced thermal stresses, residual stresses, and distortions strongly depends on the accurate description of a welded material’s thermomechanical deformation behaviour. In this work, we provide experimental data on the viscoplastic deformation behaviour of a grade-s960ql steel up to a temperature of 1000 ◦C. In addition, a multi-phase viscoplastic material model is proposed, which accounts for the experimentally observed isothermal deformation behaviour of grade-s960ql steel base and austenitised material, as well as for athermal contributions that originate from solid-state phase transformations. The multi-phase viscoplastic and a classic rateindependent isotropic hardening material model were applied in the numerical simulations of both-ends-fixed bar Satoh tests and a single-pass gas metal arc weld. The influence of material modelling choices on the agreement between numerical simulation and experimental results is discussed, and recommendations for further work are given. KW - Residual stress KW - Viscoplasticity KW - Material modeling KW - Grade S960QL steel PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crme.2018.08.001 VL - 346 IS - 11 SP - 1018 EP - 1032 PB - Elsevier Masson SAS AN - OPUS4-46512 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer T1 - A phase-field approach to fracture coupled with mass transport for the simulation of environmentally-assisted damage N2 - With the introduction of a mass transport mechanism the entire problem is subjected to a time frame that dictates the time-dependent action of soluted species on mechanical properties. A numerical framework within the phase-field approach is presented with an embrittlement-based coupling mechanism. The underlying functionals are expressed in terms of the displacement, mass concentration and crack phase-field. Within the phase-field approach the modelling of sharp crack discontinuities is replaced by a diffusive crack model facilitating crack initiation and complex crack topologies without the requirement of a predefined crack path. The isotropic hardening of the elasto-plastic deformation model and the local fracture criterion are affected by the species concentration. This allows for embrittlement and leads to an accelerated crack propagation. An extended mass transport equation for hydrogen embrittlement, accounting for mechanical stresses and deformations, is implemented. For stabilisation purposes a staggered scheme is applied to solve the system of partial differential equations by a multi-field finite-element method. A thermodynamically consistent coupling relation that accommodates the required mechanisms is presented. KW - Environmentally assisted cracking KW - Fracture mechanics KW - Crack propagation KW - Phase-field KW - Mass transport PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201710088 VL - 17 SP - 237 EP - 238 PB - Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-46435 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der rechnerischen Bewertung der Lebensdauer von Bauteilen unter TMF: Viskoplastische Modelle N2 - In diesem Vortrag wird auf einige noch offene Frage zur Anwendung der viskoplastischen Modellierung bei Hochtemperaturermüdung. Insbesondere auf das Problem der Parameterbestimmung wird eingegangen. T2 - Workshop "Konstitutive Viskoplastische Materialmodelle" CY - Institut für Werkstoffkunde (IfW), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany DA - 06.11.2019 KW - TMF KW - Viskoplastisch KW - Modell KW - Hochtemperaturermüdung KW - LCF PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49611 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hilgenberg, Kai A1 - Daum, Werner A1 - Maierhofer, Christiane A1 - Altenburg, Simon A1 - Bruno, Giovanni A1 - Heckel, Thomas A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Zerbst, Uwe A1 - Kranzmann, Axel A1 - Bettge, Dirk A1 - Sommer, Konstantin A1 - Seeger, Stefan A1 - Nitsche, Michael A1 - Günster, Jens A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Additive manufacturing at the BAM: We focus on Safety N2 - In Germany, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is addressing challenges in the implementation of additive manufacturing on the industrial landscape for safety-critical applications. KW - Process development KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - In-situ Process Monitoring KW - Non-destructive Materials KW - Characterisation KW - Safety KW - Fatigue KW - Environment KW - Standardisation PY - 2019 UR - https://static.asminternational.org/amp/201910/22/ SN - 0882-7958 VL - 177 IS - 7 SP - 22 EP - 26 PB - ASM International CY - Materials Park, OH, USA AN - OPUS4-49780 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Sommer, Konstantin T1 - Microstructure ageing of stainless steel AISI 316L manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) N2 - Additive manufacturing (AM) processes, such as SLM, offer a variety of advantages compared to conventional manufacturing. Today AM parts are still comparatively less cost-effective if they are manufactured in large quantities. To make the AM parts more cost-efficient, the AM process has to be improved. It requires a good understanding of microstructure formation, microstructure-property-relations and ageing processes affected by different loads. In this work the ageing behavior of SLM manufactured AISI 316L stainless steel is evaluated. The microstructure effected by mechanical, thermal and corrosive loads are investigated and compared to as-built microstructure. Tensile tests are used for mechanical ageing. For thermal and corrosive loads the typical application conditions of 316L apply. The methods of microstructure investigation include SEM, TEM, CT and EBSD. The main object of this work is the description of microstructure and ageing processes of AM parts. T2 - European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM) 2019 CY - Trondheim, Norway DA - 09.09.2019 KW - 316L KW - Selective laser melting KW - Microstructure evolution PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49886 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schröder, Jakob A1 - Evans, Alexander A1 - Polatidis, E. A1 - Čapek, J. A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Serrano Munoz, Itziar A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Understanding the impact of texture on the micromechanical anisotropy of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718 N2 - The manufacturability of metallic alloys using laser-based additive manufacturing methods such as laser powder bed fusion has substantially improved within the last decade. However, local melting and solidification cause hierarchically structured and crystallographically textured microstructures possessing large residual stress. Such microstructures are not only the origin of mechanical anisotropy but also pose metrological challenges for the diffraction-based residual stress determination. Here we demonstrate the influence of the build orientation and the texture on the microstructure and consequently the mechanical anisotropy of as-built Inconel 718. For this purpose, we manufactured specimens with [001]/[011]-, [001]- and [011]/[111]-type textures along their loading direction. In addition to changes in the Young’s moduli, the differences in the crystallographic textures result in variations of the yield and ultimate tensile strengths. With this in mind, we studied the anisotropy on the micromechanical scale by subjecting the specimens to tensile loads along the different texture directions during in situ neutron diffraction experiments. In this context, the response of multiple lattice planes up to a tensile strain of 10% displayed differences in the load partitioning and the residual strain accumulation for the specimen with [011]/[111]-type texture. However, the relative behavior of the specimens possessing an [001]/[011]- and [001]-type texture remained qualitatively similar. The consequences on the metrology of residual stress determination methods are discussed. KW - Laser powder bed fusion KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Electron backscatter diffraction KW - Tensile testing KW - Diffraction PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-555840 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-022-07499-9 SN - 1573-4803 VL - 2022 IS - 57 SP - 15036 EP - 15058 PB - Springer Science + Business Media B.V. CY - Dordrecht AN - OPUS4-55584 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN ED - Hennecke, M. ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Hütte Band 2: Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus und ergänzende Fächer für Ingenieure N2 - Die HÜTTE ist ein Kompendium und Nachschlagewerk für unterschiedliche Aufgabenstellungen. Durch Kombination der Einzeldisziplinen dieses Wissenskreises kann das multidisziplinäre Grundwissen für die verschiedenen Technikbereiche und Ingenieuraufgaben zusammengestellt werden. Die HÜTTE enthält in drei Bänden - orientiert am Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik und den Lehrplänen der Technischen Universitäten und Hochschulen - die Grundlagen des Ingenieurwissens. Band 2 enthält die Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus und ergänzende Fächer. KW - Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus PY - 2022 SN - 978-3-662-64371-6 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64372-3 SN - 2522-8188 SP - 1 EP - 967 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ET - 35 AN - OPUS4-55740 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Towards Interoperability: Digital Representation of a Material Specific Characterization Method N2 - Certain metallic materials gain better mechanical properties through controlled heat treatments. For example, in age-hardenable aluminum alloys, the strengthening mechanism is based on the controlled formation of nanometer sized precipitates, which represent obstacles to dislocation movement. Precise tuning of the material structure is critical for optimal mechanical behavior in the application. Therefore, analysis of the microstructure and especially the precipitates is essential to determine the ideal parameters for the interplay of material and heat treatment. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is utilized to identify precipitate types and orientations in a first step. Dark-field imaging (DF-TEM) is often used to image the precipitates and to quantify their relevant dimensions. The present work aims at the digital representation of this material-specific characterization method. Instead of a time-consuming, manual image analysis, an automatable, digital approach is demonstrated. Based on DF-TEM images of different precipitation states of a wrought aluminum alloy, a modularizable digital workflow for quantitative precipitation analysis is presented. The integration of this workflow into a data pipeline concept will also be discussed. Thus, by using ontologies, the raw image data, their respective contextual information, and the resulting output data from the quantitative precipitation analysis can be linked in a triplestore. Publishing the digital workflow and the ontologies will ensure the reproducibility of the data. In addition, the semantic structure enables data sharing and reuse for other applications and purposes, demonstrating interoperability. The presented work is part of two digitization initiatives, the Platform MaterialDigital (PMD, materialdigital.de) and Materials-open-Laboratory (Mat-o-Lab). T2 - MSE 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.09.2022 KW - Interoperability KW - Ontology KW - Precipitation Analysis PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55892 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Shakeel, Y. T1 - NFDI-MatWerk - Reference Datasets N2 - Within NFDI-MatWerk (“National Research Data Infrastructure for Material Sciences”/ “Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik“), the Task Area Materials Data Infrastructure (TA-MDI) will provide tools and services to easily store, share, search, and analyze data and metadata. Such a digital materials environment will ensure data integrity, provenance, and authorship. The MatWerk consortium aims to develop specific solutions jointly with Participant Projects (PPs), which are scientific groups or institutes covering different domains, from theory and simulations to experiments. The Data Exploitation Methods group of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology-Steinbuch Centre of Computing, as part of TA-MDI, is developing specific solutions in close collaboration with three PPs. PP07, together with the University of Stuttgart, aims at the image-based prediction of the material properties of stochastic microstructures using large-scale supercomputers. PP13, in cooperation with the University of Saarland, focuses on tomographic methods at various scales in materials research. PP18, together with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (“Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung”), aspires to define the criteria for materials reference datasets and usage analytics. The requirements and goals are comparable for each PP: their research outputs, which are scientific datasets, should conform to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. We aim to shape them from a data management perspective making use of the FAIR Digital Object concept, including structured metadata and storage solutions. The results will be a blueprint which will act as a reference for future datasets. Even though the collaboration is in an early stage, the initial steps already show the added value of this approach. This research has been supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – funding code M532701 / the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - project number NFDI 38/1, project no. 460247524. T2 - HMC Conference 2022 CY - Online meeting DA - 05.10.2022 KW - NFDI KW - NFDI-MatWerk KW - Reference Data KW - FAIR KW - Creep PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56611 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Jürgens, Maria A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Creep-fatigue of P92 in service-like tests with combined stress- and strain-controlled dwell times N2 - Complex service-like relaxation- and creep-fatigue tests with strain- and stress-controlled dwells and fatigue cycle durations of approx. 2200 s were performed exemplarily on a grade P92 steel at 620 ◦C in this study. The results indicate deviations in the prevailing creep mechanisms of long-term relaxation and creep dwells, affecting subsequent dwells, load shifts, and the macroscopic softening behavior quite differently. In addition, fracture surfaces and longitudinal metallographic sections reveal intergranular crack growth for complex loading with stress-controlled dwells, whereas complex strain-controlled tests enhance oxidation and transgranular crack propagation. These findings substantiate the limited transferability of relaxation-fatigue to creep-fatigue conditions. KW - Tempered martensite-ferritic steel KW - P92 KW - Dwell periods KW - Creep-fatigue interaction KW - Stress relaxation PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-564239 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107381 SN - 0142-1123 VL - 168 SP - 1 EP - 12 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-56423 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abel, Andreas T1 - Ambient and high-temperature mechanical properties of intermetallic Fe3Al alloys with complex borides N2 - Due to the increasing scarcity of critical raw materials current high-temperature materials are sought to be replaced by alloys based on more abundant metals. One possibility within the class of intermetallics are iron aluminides, which combine sustainability and cost-efficiency with the prospect of mass savings. Iron aluminides show competitive specific strength up to 700 °C and excellent creep and wet corrosion resistance by small additions of Mo, Ti and B. Nevertheless, a Mo content of above 2 at.% which is needed for optimum corrosion resistance results in enhanced brittleness, especially at room temperature. This is why alloys with these Mo fractions were only mechanically tested under compressive loading so far. Still, testing of static and creep properties under tensile loading is required for reliable component design. Besides high standards for crack-free processing, data acquisition for tensile loads is especially complicated by environmental embrittling effects for iron aluminides. To cope with these challenges, the AiF research project “WAFEAL – Materials applications for iron aluminides” was initiated. The main goal is to collect standardised data on ambient and high-temperature tensile properties and creep properties. Samples with a nominal composition of Fe-26Al-4Mo-0.5Ti-1B [at.%] were manufactured via centrifugal casting in ceramic shell moulds followed by machining. Heat treatment for homogenisation and final polishing were carried out where appropriate. A summary of the achieved tensile and creep properties such as yield and tensile strength, maximum elongation, secondary creep rate and stress exponents will be given. Results will be also discussed regarding the influence of temperature, stress level and microstructure on the damage mechanisms. Furthermore, the effect of different alloy concentrations on the mechanical response at different temperatures will be outlined within a small experimental series. T2 - MSE Congress 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.09.2022 KW - Fe-Al alloys KW - Intermetallics KW - Iron aluminides KW - Tensile data KW - High temperature mechanical properties KW - Creep data KW - Fractography PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55993 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN ED - Hennecke, M. ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Hütte Band 1: Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche und allgemeine Grundlagen für Ingenieure N2 - Die HÜTTE ist ein Kompendium und Nachschlagewerk für unterschiedliche Aufgabenstellungen. Durch Kombination der Einzeldisziplinen dieses Wissenskreises kann das multidisziplinäre Grundwissen für die verschiedenen Technikbereiche und Ingenieuraufgaben zusammengestellt werden. Die HÜTTE enthält in drei Bänden - orientiert am Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik und den Lehrplänen der Technischen Universitäten und Hochschulen - die Grundlagen des Ingenieurwissens. Band 1 enthält die mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen und allgemeinen Grundlagen. KW - Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen KW - Allgemeine Grundlagen PY - 2022 SN - 978-3-662-64368-6 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64369-3 SN - 2522-8188 SP - 1 EP - 895 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ET - 35 AN - OPUS4-56234 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein T1 - Domain-level ontology formulation based on the Platform Material Digital (PMD) ontology: case study Brinell hardness N2 - A large amount of publicly available data is reproduced every day in the field of materials science, while these kind of material data can have different formats and types like paper-type publications, standards, datasheets or isolated datasets in repositories. However, gathering a specific library from such extensive and diverse material data is always challenging for the materials scientists and engineers, since the time-related limitations are not allowed to fully access the large publicly available databases; search across these disparate databases, manage the large volumes of heterogeneous datasets, and integrate data from multiple sources. To address these challenges and make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR), an efficient data management system is necessary to build comprehensive, documented, and connected data spaces in the future. A formal standardized knowledge representation through an ontology can address such problems and make data more available and interoperable between related domains. Ontology can also rich machine processable semantic descriptions that increases the performance of scientific searches. In this regard, the Platform MaterialDigital (PMD) is currently working on developing a high-level ontology for the materials and material related processes. For example, in one of the PMD projects of “KupferDigital”, we will try to develop a data ecosystem for digital materials research based on ontology-based digital representations of copper and copper alloys. As a case study, this paper describes the methodology for ontology development of Brinell hardness, based on PMD core ontology. The methodology we describe includes the following steps; gathering the required domain terminology from different resources like standards (DIN EN ISO 6506-1) and test reports, representing the performance of a standard-conformant hardness test and the treatment of the recorded values up to a “reportable” hardness value for a material, designing the process chain according to the semantic technologies, and developing a domain-level ontology of Brinell hardness based on PMD ontology semantic formalization. Apart the mentioned methodology, some interesting tools and methods were introduced and ontology design challenges and possible solutions for modelling materials and processes were discussed. Furthermore, a dataset from the Brinell hardness measurement of cast copper samples is prepared for testing the query process. T2 - MSE 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.09.2022 KW - Copper KW - Materials Science KW - Ontology KW - Platform MaterialDigital (PMD) KW - Brinell hardness PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56092 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Zugversuchsdaten FAIR integriert: Von der normenkonformen Ontologie bis zu interoperablen Daten im Triple Store N2 - Mit der Digitalisierung von Materialien und Prozessen ist ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Materialentwicklung, -gestaltung und -optimierung verbunden, welcher gleichermaßen vielseitige Möglichkeiten eröffnet und eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Insbesondere sind bei den Digitalisierungsbestrebungen die Qualitätssicherung von Prozessen und Ausgabedaten sowie die Interoperabilität zwischen Anwendungen nach FAIR-Prinzipien (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) sicherzustellen. Dies umfasst die Speicherung, Verarbeitung und Abfrage von Daten in möglichst standardisierter Form, wobei entsprechend auch Normungs- und Standardisierungsgremien beteiligt werden müssen. Um der Herausforderung gerecht zu werden, Materialdaten für alle Beteiligten konsistent zu kontextualisieren, müssen alle notwendigen Informationen zum Zustand des Materials inklusive produktions- und anwendungsbedingter Veränderungen über eine einheitliche, maschinenlesbare Beschreibung verfügbar gemacht werden. Hierfür sollen Ontologien genutzt werden, da sie maschinenverständliche und -interpretierbare Wissensrepräsentationen durch semantische Konzeptualisierungen ermöglichen, die für das Datenmanagement und die Digitalisierung im Bereich der Materialwissenschaften benötigt werden. Dieses hochaktuelle Thema der Integration und Wiederverwendung von Wissen und Daten aus Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Charakterisierung von Materialien wird in den Projekten Innovationsplattform MaterialDigital (PMD, materialdigital.de) und Materials-open-Lab (Mat-o-Lab, matolab.org) adressiert. Diese beiden unter der Beteiligung der Bundeanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) durchgeführten Projekte wurden auf der 39. Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung „Werkstoffprüfung“ (2021) grundlegend vorgestellt. In dieser Präsentation sollen die Weiterentwicklungen hinsichtlich der Speicherung von Zugversuchsdaten gemäß einer normenkonformen ontologischen Repräsentation vorgestellt werden. Das umfasst den Weg von der Entwicklung einer Ontologie nach Norm, der Konvertierung von Daten aus Standardtests in das interoperable RDF-Format bis hin zur Verknüpfung von Ontologie und Daten. Letztendlich können die entsprechenden Daten in einem Triple Store abgelegt und abgefragt werden. Die übliche Standardisierung von mechanischen Prüfverfahren im Bereich der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik dient als solide Grundlage für die Ontologieentwicklung. Daher wurde der Zugversuch von Metallen bei Raumtemperatur nach DIN EN ISO Norm 6892-1:2019-11 als einer der ersten Anwendungsfälle in den genannten Projekten ausgewählt. Die Betrachtung und Beschreibung des Zugversuchs beinhaltet sowohl dessen ontologische Darstellung als auch eine exemplarische Datengenerierung. Die semantische Verbindung von Ontologie und Daten führt zu Interoperabilität und einer verbesserten Abfragefähigkeit. T2 - Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2022 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 27.10.2022 KW - Ontologie KW - Semantisches Web KW - Wissensrepräsentation KW - Digitalisierung KW - Zugversuch PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56130 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Jürgens, M. A1 - Uhlemann, Patrick A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Datasets for Service-Like Creep-Fatigue Experiments on Grade P92 Steel N2 - The dataset contains experimental mechanical data from complex service-like creep-fatigue experiments performed isothermally at 620 °C and a low strain amplitude of 0.2 % on tempered martensite-ferritic grade P92 steel. The data sets in text file format provide cyclic deformation (min. and max. stresses) and the total (hysteresis) data of all recorded fatigue cycles for three different creep-fatigue experiments: 1) a standard relaxation fatigue (RF) test with symmetrical dwell times of three minutes introduced at minimum and maximum strain, 2) a fully strain-controlled service-like relaxation (SLR) test combining these three-minute peak strain dwells with a 30-minute dwell in between at zero strain, and 3) a partly stress-controlled service-like creep (SLC) test combining the three-minute peak strain dwells with 30-minute dwells at constant stress. Further information on data and data acquisition, analysis, and experimental details are given in “Experimental Data from Service-Like Creep-Fatigue Experiments on Grade P92 Steel”, submitted to Data in Brief. Additional analyses of these datasets, as well as experimental findings and discussions are presented in “Creep-Fatigue of P92 in Service-Like Tests with Combined Stress- and Strain-Controlled Dwell Times”, submitted to International Journal of Fatigue. KW - Creep-fatigue KW - Stress relaxation KW - Dwell-Fatigue KW - Tempered martensite-ferritic steel PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7198218 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-55995 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Eisenbart, M. T1 - KupferDigital – Datenökosystem für die digitale Materialentwicklung auf Basis Ontologie-basierter digitaler Repräsentationen von Kupfer und Kupferlegierungen N2 - Kern des Projektes KupferDigital ist es, einen Demonstrator für ein digitales Datenökosystem zu erstellen, der der Digitalisierung der Materialforschung und der metallverarbeitenden Industrie als zukunftsfähige Plattform zur Verfügung stehen soll. Das Projekt KupferDigital entwickelt Methoden und Konzepte, um den Lebenszyklus am Beispiel von Kupfer – von der Erzgewinnung bis zum Recycling – digital zu erfassen. Grundlage ist die Entwicklung sogenannter Ontologien. Diese können als eine Art Wissensnetz verstanden werden. Sie dienen als gemeinsame Standards für die Beschreibung von Werkstoffen und technischen Vorgängen. Sie helfen bei der digitalen Erfassung von Prozessschritten sowie von Materialeigenschaften. Parallel dazu werden Konzepte für Datenstrukturen, die Speicherung und den Austausch von Werkstoffdaten über neu zu definierende Schnittstellen erarbeitet. Über die Bereitstellung digitalisierter Lebenszyklen von Kupfer wird die Industrie bei der Pro-duktentwicklung befähigt, neue Werkstoffentwicklungen frühzeitig zu bewerten, beispielsweise unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Nachhaltigkeit. Kupfer kommt hier eine aktuelle Bedeutung zu, weil es für die digitale Transformation sowie die Energie- und Mobilitätswende von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist und somit von hohem gesellschaftlichem Wert. Die Projektziele sind sowohl auf weitere metallische Struktur- und Funktionswerkstoffe als auch auf andere Industriebereiche übertragbar. Die Projektergebnisse werden im Rahmen der Aktivitäten der Innovationsplattform MaterialDigital allen Interessierten zur Verfügung gestellt. T2 - MatFo2022 „Vom Material zur Innovation: Digital, Neutral, Vital“ CY - Online meeting DA - 14.11.2022 KW - Kupfer KW - Datenökosystem KW - Materialentwicklung KW - Ontologie PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56405 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Eisenbart, M. T1 - Development of an ontology for the lifecycle of copper and copper alloys N2 - Efforts towards digitalization in the material science and technology community have enhanced in the last years. In 2019 the German digitalization initiative platform „MaterialDigital“1 (MD) has been started. Numerous projects concerning digitalization, including the copper related project „KupferDigital“ (copper digital) have been initiated under the umbrella of MD. The initiative strives to address numerous issues concerning data access, exchange, security, provenance and sovereignty. Heterogeneous data origin, storage and evaluation often result in problems concerning comparability and reproducibility of scientific and technological results. In many cases material data are recorded, but the methods of testing are insufficiently described, or such information is not communicated along with the raw data. The material data can also have numerous different formats such as paper printouts, pdfs, excel sheets or csv-files. Hence, gathering and integrating material data from different sources is challenging for potential users like materials scientists and engineers, especially if there are contradictory data where the reasons for contradictions is not clear due their vague description. In order to address these problems, data should comply to the so called „FAIR“ principle which calls for data to be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR)2 and hence be accessible via so-called decentralized but interconnected data spaces. By using knowledge representation withontologies, data can be enriched with meaning and the methods of the testing procedures can be accurately provided. In this presentation we want to introduce our approach to such knowledge representation based on a high-throughput alloy development process for Cu-based alloys³ along with characterization techniques such as hardness testing and microstructural characterization (e.g. EBSD – Electron Backscattered Diffraction). T2 - Copper Alloys Conference CY - Dusseldorf, Germany DA - 22.11.2022 KW - Copper KW - Life cycle KW - Ontology PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56406 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schröder, Jakob T1 - Texture Dependent Micromechanical Anisotropy of Laser Powder Bed Fused Inconel 718 N2 - Additive manufacturing methods such as laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) allow geometrically complex parts to be manufactured within a single step. However, as an aftereffect of the localized heat input, the rapid cooling rates are the origin of the large residual stress (RS) retained in as-manufactured parts. With a view on the microstructure, the rapid directional cooling leads to a cellular solidification mode which is accompanied by columnar grown grains possessing crystallographic texture. The solidification conditions can be controlled by the processing parameters and the scanning strategy. Thus, the process allows one to tailor the microstructure and the texture to the specific needs. Yet, such microstructures are not only the origin of the mechanical anisotropy but also pose metrological challenges for the diffraction-based RS determination. In that context the micromechanical elastic anisotropy plays an important role: it translates the measured microscopic strain to macroscopic stress. Therefore, it is of uttermost importance to understand the influence of the hierarchical microstructures and the texture on the elastic anisotropy of LPBF manufactured materials. This study reveals the influence of the build orientation and the texture on the micro-mechanical anisotropy of as-built Inconel 718. Through variations of the build orientation and the scanning strategy, we manufactured specimens possessing [001]/[011]-, [001]-, and [011]/[111]-type textures. The resulting microstructures lead to differences in the macroscopic mechanical properties. Even further, tensile in-situ loading experiments during neutron diffraction measurements along the different texture components revealed differences in the microstrain response of multiple crystal lattice planes. In particular, the load partitioning and the residual strain accumulation among the [011]/[111] textured specimen displayed distinct differences measured up to a macroscopic strain of 10 %. However, the behavior of the specimens possessing [001]/[011]-and [001]-type texture was only minorly affected. The consequences on the metrology of RS analysis by diffraction-based methods are discussed. T2 - International Conference on Additive Manufacturing ICAM 2022 CY - Orlando, FL, USA DA - 31.10.2022 KW - Laser powder bed fusion KW - Neutron diffraction KW - Electron backscatter diffraction KW - Mechanical behavior PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56376 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chen, Yue A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Ontopanel: A Tool for Domain Experts Facilitating Visual Ontology Development and Mapping for FAIR Data Sharing in Materials Testing N2 - In recent years, the design and development of materials are strongly interconnected with the development of digital technologies. In this respect, efficient data management is the building block of material digitization and, in the field of materials science and engineering (MSE), effective solutions for data standardization and sharing of different digital resources are needed. Therefore, ontologies are applied that represent a map of MSE concepts and relationships between them. Among different ontology development approaches, graphical editing based on standard conceptual modeling languages is increasingly used due to its intuitiveness and simplicity. This approach is also adopted by the Materials-open-Laboratory project (Mat-o-Lab), which aims to develop domain ontologies and method graphs in accordance with testing standards in the field of MSE. To suit the actual demands of domain experts in the project, Ontopanel was created as a plugin for the popular open-source graphical editor diagrams.net to enable graphical ontology editing. It includes a set of pipeline tools to foster ontology development in diagrams.net, comprising imports and reusage of ontologies, converting diagrams to Web Ontology Language (OWL), verifying diagrams using OWL rules, and mapping data. It reduces learning costs by eliminating the need for domain experts to switch between various tools. Brinell hardness testing is chosen in this study as a use case to demonstrate the utilization of Ontopanel. KW - Materials Testing KW - Ontology KW - Visual ontology development KW - Data mapping KW - FAIR PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-560339 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40192-022-00279-y SP - 1 EP - 12 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-56033 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Aging processes in precipitation hardened aluminum alloys N2 - The mechanical strength of wrought high-strength aluminum alloys is essentially based on precipitation hardening, possibly in combination with prior forming, e. g. by stretching. Important parameters for achieving an optimum combination of hardness, strength, ductility, toughness, and further properties such as corrosion resistance are age-hardening temperature and time. During thermal (mechanical) treatment, nucleation and growth of precipitates takes place, leading to the desired degree of hardening. In aluminum alloys, precipitation sequences are usually passed through, i. e. a sequence of metastable precipitates is formed before the stable phase can precipitate. The optimum combination of properties is therefore based on a certain (optimum) microstructure, which can, however, change during the use of a component, since the microstructure is not stable. This happens in particular when the operating temperatures are close to the aging temperature and/or the operating times are sufficiently long. An external mechanical load may accelerate the processes. The presentation gives some examples for this. T2 - Materials Science and Engineering Congress MSE 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.9.2022 KW - Aluminium alloy KW - Precipitation hardening KW - Aging KW - Degradation PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55877 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - FAIR tensile test data in PMD: From a standard-compliant application ontology to RDF data in a triple store N2 - Following the new paradigm of materials development, design and optimization, the digitalization of materials and processes is the main goal which imposes a huge challenge. In this respect, the quality assurance of processes and output data as well as the interoperability between applications following FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) principles are to be ensured. This includes storage, processing and querying of data in a preferably standardized form, also addressing the incorporation of standardization bodies. To meet the challenge to contextualize material data in a way that is consistent with all stakeholders, all necessary information on the condition of the material including production and application-related changes have to be made available via a uniform, machine-readable description. For this purpose, ontologies are to be used since they allow for machine-understandable knowledge representations and semantic conceptualizations that are needed for data management and the digitalization in the field of materials science. With respect to this currently ever-growing topic of integration and reuse of data and knowledge from synthesis, production and characterization of materials, this presentation shows the efforts taken within the project Platform MaterialDigital (PMD, materialdigital.de) to store tensile test data in accordance with a standard-compliant ontological representation. The includes the path from developing an ontology in accordance with the respective standard, converting ordinary and arbitrarily selected data gained from standard tests into the interoperable RDF format, up to connecting the ontology and data, respectively. Finally, such data can be queried from a triple store. In the field of material science and engineering (MSE), most mechanical test methods are standardized which serves as a valid basis for ontology development. Therefore, the well-known tensile test of metals at room temperature (DIN EN ISO standard 6892-1:2019-11) was selected to be considered as one of the first use cases in PMD. This consideration within the PMD features both, the ontological representation of such a tensile test in accordance with the standard as well as exemplary data generation. The semantic connection of the ontology and data leads to interoperability and an enhanced ability of querying. T2 - MSE 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.09.2022 KW - S355 steel sheet KW - Mechanical testing KW - Tensile test KW - Digitization KW - Ontology KW - Data structure KW - Material digital PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55882 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Chen, Yue T1 - Ontopanel: a diagrams.net plugin for graphical semantic modelling N2 - Ontologies that represent a map of the concepts and relationships between them, are becoming an effective solution for data standardization and integration of different resources in the field of materials science, as efficient data storage and management is the building block of material digitization. However, building a domain ontology is not a simple task. It requires not only a collaborative effort between ontologists and domain experts, but also the modeling approaches and tools play a key role in the process. Among all approaches, graphical representation of domain ontologies based on standard conceptual modeling languages is widely used because of its intuitiveness and simplicity. Various tools have been developed to realize this approach in an intuitive way, such as Protégé plugins and web visualization tools. The Materials-open-Lab (MatOLab) project, which aims to develop ontologies and workflows in accordance with testing standards for the materials science and engineering domains, adopted a UML (Unified Modeling Language) approach based on the diagrams.net. It is a powerful, popular, open-source graphical editor. In practical case studies, however, many users’ needs could not be met, such as reusing ontology, conversion, and data mapping. Users must switch between different tools to achieve a certain step, and thereby invariably increase learning cost. The lack of validation also leads to incorrect diagrams and results for users who are not familiar with the ontology rules. To address these issues, we designed Ontopanel, a diagrams.net-based plugin that includes a set of pipeline tools for semantic modeling: importing and displaying protégé-like ontologies, converting diagrams to OWL, validating diagrams by OWL rules, and mapping data. It uses diagrams.net as the front-end for method modeling and Django as the back-end for data processing. As a web-based tool, it is very easy to expand its functionality to meet changing practical needs. T2 - MSE 2022 CY - Darmstadt, Germany DA - 27.09.2022 KW - Ontology KW - Tools KW - Material digital KW - Mat-o-lab KW - Graphic design KW - Ontology development KW - Data mapping KW - FAIR KW - Materials testing PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55884 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Han, Ying T1 - High cycle fatigue behavior of alloy EN AW-2618A N2 - The presentation shows the results of high cycle fatigue (HCF) tests from the aluminium alloy EN AW-2618A. This study investigates the mean stress influence in the T61 condition and the effect of overaging. For this purpose, axial HCF tests were carried out at room temperature and different stress ratios (R=-1, R=0.1) as well as with overaged conditions (T61+10h@230°C, T61+1000h@230°C). After completion of the tests, the fracture surfaces were examined to study crack initiation. T2 - The 18th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys CY - Toyama, Japan DA - 04.09.2022 KW - High Cycle Fatigue KW - Aluminium Alloy KW - EN AW-2618A PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55865 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Entwicklung der Mikrostruktur der mechanischen Eigenschaften und der Eigenspannungen in L-PBF 316L N2 - Die additive Fertigung (AM) metallischer Werkstoffe mittels Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) ermöglicht einzigartige hierarchische Mikrostrukturen, die zu Verbesserungen bestimmter mechanischer Eigenschaften gegenüber konventionell hergestellten Varianten derselben Legierung führen können. Allerdings ist das L-PBF-Verfahren häufig durch das Vorhandensein hoher Eigenspannungen gekennzeichnet, die es zu verstehen und zu mindern gilt. Daher ist das Verständnis der Mikrostrukturen, der Eigenspannungen und der daraus resultierenden mechanischen Eigenschaften entscheidend für eine breite Akzeptanz bei sicherheitskritischen Anwendungen. Die BAM hat ein multidisziplinäres Forschungsprogramm gestartet, um diese Aspekte bei LPBF 316L zu untersuchen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt einige der wichtigsten Ergebnisse vor: der Einfluss von Prozessparametern auf die Mikrostruktur, der Einfluss von Mikrostruktur und Textur auf die Festigkeit, Kriechverhalten und Schädigung und die Stabilität von Eigenspannungen und Mikrostruktur unter Wärmebehandlungsbedingungen. T2 - DGM 3. Fachtagung Werkstoffe und Additive Fertigung CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 11.05.2022 KW - Mechanische Eigenschaften KW - Additive Fertigung KW - L-PBF 316L KW - Entwicklung KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Eigenspannung PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55786 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - Experimental and analytical investigation of high temperature fatigue crack growth at notches in a polycrystalline Nickel base superalloy N2 - The scatter of fatigue crack growth data can become significant for coarse grained materials. By using a probabilistic description of crack propagation as the foundation of a lifetime prediction model, lifetime scatter of laboratory specimens can be reproduced. However, the lifetime of real components is subjected to additional scattering factors such as surface condition or uncertainty regarding direction and shape of emerging cracks. These factors need to be addressed in order to exploit the advantages of probabilistic description, i.e. the reduction of unnecessary conservatisms. High temperature LCF (Low-Cycle-Fatigue) tests were performed with center hole specimens of a coarse-grained Nickel base Superalloy. In addition, crack propagation tests with Double Edge Notch specimens were performed. A procedure to detect the shape of the starting crack that combines the potential drop method and induction thermography was developed. The geometry and the number of notches were varied. Moreover, specimen with different hole surface finishes were investigated, which showed a detrimental effect of the roughness of the hole surface. The results have been compared to predictions of a probabilistic tool for the estimation of lcf lifetime that has been calibrated beforehand on laboratory specimens with and without notches. In parallel, a fracture mechanics-based lifetime model was developed, which includes the initial crack size as a critical parameter. Thereby, the influence of the large grain size (>1mm), and the shape of the starting crack at the notch were considered. Acknowledgements The investigations are conducted as part of the joint research program COOREFLEX-Turbo in the frame of AG Turbo. The work is supported by Siemens AG and the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) as per resolution of the German Federal Parliament under grant number 03ET7071E. T2 - Low Cycle Fatigue 9 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Notches KW - LCF PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55335 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - Experimental and analytical investigation of Low Cycle Fatigue Damage at notches in a polycrystalline Nickel base superalloy N2 - Turbine blades often contain cylindric holes used to generate an air film that protects the blade alloy from the hot gases. These cooling holes of diameter around one mm are drilled by laser through the thickness of the blades. Unfortunately, the resulting stress concentration and the drilling-induced damage are known to favor crack initiation from the holes. It is thus necessary to assess the impact of these cooling holes on the structural integrity of the blades. Since cracks initiate very readily, the fatigue life of the components is mainly controlled by the propagation of the cracks in the stress gradient induced by the holes. For this purpose, displacement controlled high-temperature LCF (Low-Cycle-Fatigue) tests were performed with center hole specimens of a coarse-grained Nickel base Superalloy. The tests were stopped after a defined load drop. In addition, crack propagation tests with Double Edge Notch specimens were performed. Moreover, specimens with different hole surface finishes were investigated, which showed a detrimental effect of the hole surface roughness. In parallel, an evaluation of the LCF tests based on a fracture mechanics-based model (Madia et al., Eng. Fract. Mech., 2018) has been applied. Thereby, the specimen life is controlled by the crack propagation time until failure. Crack growth is controlled by a modified NASGRO equation accounting for large-scale yielding and a progressive build-up of crack closure. The initial crack size has been derived from the measurements of defects around the borehole. A reasonable agreement between predicted and measured lifetimes is observed if one keeps in mind the large uncertainty regarding the effective shape of the cracks. T2 - 23rd European Conference on Fracture CY - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal DA - 27.06.2022 KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Notches KW - LCF PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55338 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Hanke, T. A1 - Muth, Thilo A1 - Riedel, Jens A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Schweizer, C. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Todor, A. A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjami A1 - Unger, Jörg F. A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - A Perspective on Digital Knowledge Representation in Materials Science and Engineering N2 - The amount of data generated worldwide is constantly increasing. These data come from a wide variety of sources and systems, are processed differently, have a multitude of formats, and are stored in an untraceable and unstructured manner, predominantly in natural language in data silos. This problem can be equally applied to the heterogeneous research data from materials science and engineering. In this domain, ways and solutions are increasingly being generated to smartly link material data together with their contextual information in a uniform and well-structured manner on platforms, thus making them discoverable, retrievable, and reusable for research and industry. Ontologies play a key role in this context. They enable the sustainable representation of expert knowledge and the semantically structured filling of databases with computer-processable data triples. In this perspective article, we present the project initiative Materials-open-Laboratory (Mat-o-Lab) that aims to provide a collaborative environment for domain experts to digitize their research results and processes and make them fit for data-driven materials research and development. The overarching challenge is to generate connection points to further link data from other domains to harness the promised potential of big materials data and harvest new knowledge. KW - Data infrastructures KW - Digital representations KW - Digital workflows KW - Knowledge graphs KW - Materials informatics KW - Ontologies KW - Vocabulary providers PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-546729 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202101176 SN - 1438-1656 SP - 1 EP - 14 PB - Wiley-VCH GmbH CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-54672 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Han, Ying T1 - Aluminium High Temperature Fatigue N2 - The studied aluminium alloy is EN AW-2618A (2618A). It is very widely used for exhaust gas turbo-charger compressor wheels. Due to long operating times, high cycle fatigue (HCF) and material aging under the influence of temperatures up to 230 °C is particularly relevant for the wheels. The wheels are typically milled from round wrought blanks. From such round blanks, different testpieces are extracted and a comprehensive series of HCF tests is conducted at room temperature. The tests investigate the materials fatigue performance in the T61 state for two load-ratios, namely R = -1 and R = 0.1. Additionally, two overaged material states are tested, accounting for the aging process the material undergoes during long operating times at high temperatures. The experimental results are evaluated and compared to each other. Furthermore, the design process of notched specimens is presented. With the notched specimens, it is aimed to quantify the notch sensitivity of the material. Relating thereto, two potential model parameters for the fatigue lifetime model are introduced. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2022 CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 31.03.2022 KW - High Cycle Fatigue KW - Aluminium Alloy KW - EN AW-2618A PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-54886 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Sonntag, Nadja T1 - Dwell-Fatigue and Cyclic Softening of Grade P92 Steel under LCF and TMF Conditions N2 - Tempered martensite-ferritic steels, such as the grade P92 steel studied in this contribution, exhibit pronounced macroscopic cyclic softening under isothermal low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and non-isothermal thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) conditions, which is considered to be the predominant degradation mechanism in high-temperature fatigue in this and other material groups. However, such softening processes are highly complex since microscopic (e.g., recovery) and macroscopic (e.g., crack initiation and growth), as well as global and local effects superimpose, especially under creep-fatigue conditions. In this contribution, we discuss the cyclic deformation and softening behavior of P92 in strain-controlled LCF, in-phase (IP) TMF, and out-of-phase (OP) TMF tests with and without dwell times in the temperature range from 300 °C to 620°C. EBSD-based dislocation analysis on various fatigued material states confirms the continuous redistribution and annihilation of geometrically necessary dislocations in all studied states, which can be quantitatively correlated with macroscopic softening despite different damage mechanisms for different test types. Deviations from this correlation are observed for OP TMF and LCF with dwell times, i.e., for conditions where optical microscopy reveals pronounced crack-oxidation interactions at the specimen surfaces. T2 - LCF9 - Ninth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - LCF KW - TMF KW - EBSD PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.48447/LCF9-2022-111 AN - OPUS4-55128 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Full dataset of several mechanical tests on an S355 steel sheet as reference data for digital representations N2 - The dataset provided in this repository comprises data obtained from a series of characterization tests performed to a sheet of typical S355 (material number: 1.0577) structural steel (designation of steel according to DIN EN 10025-2:2019). The tests include methods for the determination of mechanical properties such as, e.g., tensile test, Charpy test and sonic resonance test. This dataset is intended to be extended by the inclusion of data obtained from further test methods. Therefore, the entire dataset (concept DOI) comprises several parts (versions), each of which is addressed by a unique version DOI. The data were generated in the frame of the digitization project Innovationplatform MaterialDigital (PMD) which, amongst other activities, aims to store data in a semantically and machine understandable way. Therefore, data structuring and data formats are focused in addition to aspects in the field of material science and engineering (MSE). Hence, this data is supposed to provide reference data as basis for experimental data inclusion, conversion and structuring (data management and processing) that leads to semantical expressivity as well as for MSE experts being generally interested in the material properties and knowledge. KW - S355 steel sheet KW - Mechanical testing KW - Tensile test KW - Charpy test KW - Microstructure analysis KW - Digital representation KW - Data management KW - Data format PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6778336 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-55141 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Brinell-Hardness (HBW 2.5/62.5) of Al-alloy EN AW-2618A after different aging times and temperatures N2 - The dataset contains data from Brinell hardness measurements of Al-alloy EN AW-2618A after aging for different times and temperatures. Aging was either load free or with applied tensile load (creep). KW - Aluminium alloy KW - EN AW-2618A KW - Brinell hardness KW - Aging KW - Creep PY - 2022 UR - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6787085 UR - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10396823 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6787084 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-55158 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Interlinking Structured Data about Aging and Fattigue of an Aluminum Alloy N2 - In typical material oriented research projects numerous types and sources of data need to get connected to form the final outcome. The data-structures have to be described in a manner semantically concise enough so that all participants share the meaning and at the same time flexible enough to allow connecting findings and facts that have not been connected before. The present contribution describes the approach that is being taken in a public funded research project with two cooperating research institutes. The aim of the data-management solution is to describe and interlink three main entity types: material entities like a test specimen that is under observation, immaterial entities like a fatigue life model and processes that generate and transform the immaterial and material entities. The shared understanding of what is described by the data is achieved by referring to existing linked data resources. In addition a common thesaurus that is subject to ongoing discussion is used for concepts and terms that need precision beyond publicly available concept descriptions. The data associated with the entities and processes and entities is rather small and well structured. The entities and processes covered by the vocabularies are typical to laboratories performing fatigue testing and microstructure analysis. Through the interlinking of the entities and processes it becomes possible to intuitively understand the knowledge that is accumulating in the database. For example it is easy to trace the history of a creep test specimen starting from the chemical composition that has been analyzed for the heat, continuing with the heat treatment of the material, going into the creep test itself with the associated creep data and finally finding the transmission electron microscopy images that have been taken from the crept sample. The presented approach is prototypical way to tackle the sustainable management of structured open research data. Open questions remain for example with the management of attributions, the acceptance of an increased effort in data creation and the access control to specific regions of the data. On the other hand the approach sketches what added value can be created, if the community adopts and contributes to the linked data principles. T2 - LCF9 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.6.2022 KW - Data management KW - Data linking KW - Thesaurus PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55159 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Radii of S-phase Al2CuMg in Al-alloy EN AW 2618A after different aging times at 190°C N2 - The dataset contains data from quantitative microstructural analysis of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of the S-phase (Al2CuMg) radii in Al-alloy EN AW 2618A. The investigated material and the applied methods were described in detail in two publications. KW - Aluminium alloy KW - EN AW 2618A a KW - S-phase KW - Al2CuMg KW - Aging KW - Creep KW - Radii distribution KW - TEM PY - 2022 UR - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6659461 UR - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7625259 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6659460 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-55067 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Low cycle fatigue behavior of DED-L Ti-6AL-4V N2 - Laser powder-based directed energy deposition (DED-L) is a technology that offers the possibility for 3D material deposition over hundreds of layers and has thus the potential for application in additive manufacturing (AM). However, to achieve broad industrial application as AM technology, more data and knowledge about the fabricated materials regarding the achieved properties and their relationship to the manufacturing process and the resulting microstructure is still needed. In this work, we present data regarding the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of Ti-6Al-4V. The material was fabricated using an optimized DED-L process. It features a low defect population and excellent tensile properties. To assess its LCF behavior two conventionally manufactured variants of the same alloy featuring different microstructures were additionally tested. The strain-controlled LCF tests were carried out in fully reversed mode with 0.3 % to 1.0 % axial strain amplitude from room temperature up to 400°C. The LCF behavior and failure mechanisms are described. For characterization, optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and micro-computed tomography (µCT) were used. The low defect population allows for a better understanding of the intrinsic material’s properties and enables a fairer comparison against the conventional variants. The fatigue lifetimes of the DED-L material are nearly independent of the test temperature. At elevated test temperatures, they are similar or higher than the lifetimes of the conventional counterparts. At room temperature, they are only surpassed by the lifetimes of one of them. The principal failure mechanism involves multiple crack initiation sites. T2 - Ninth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF9) CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - AGIL KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Low-Cycle-Fatigue KW - Microstructure PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55123 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Han, Ying T1 - The influence of aging and mean stress on fatigue of Al-alloy EN AW-2618A N2 - In this study, the influence of aging and mean stress on fatigue of the aluminium-alloy EN AW-2618A is investigated. Therefore axial fatigue tests are carried out on smooth specimens. The experiments show that the fatigue life decreases with increasing mean stress. Furthermore, the tests with the overaged specimens demonstrate that the number of cycles to failure is decreasing with increasing aging time. T2 - LCF9 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - Fatigue KW - Aluminium alloy KW - EN AW-2618A KW - Damage Behavior PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55125 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Bayram, Faruk A1 - Ávila Calderon, Luis Alexander A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - BAM reference data: Temperature-dependent Young's and shear modulus data for additively and conventionally manufactured variants of Ni-based alloy Inconel IN718 N2 - The elastic properties (Young's modulus, shear modulus) of Ni-based alloy Inconel IN718 were investigated between room temperature and 800 °C in an additively manufactured variant (laser powder bed fusion, PBF‑LB/M) and from a conventional process route (hot rolled bar). The moduli were determined using the dynamic resonance method. The data set includes information on processing parameters, heat treatments, grain size, specimen dimensions and weight, Young’s and shear modulus as well as their measurement uncertainty. The dataset was generated in an accredited testing lab using calibrated measuring equipment. The calibrations meet the requirements of the test procedure and are metrologically traceable. The dataset was audited as BAM reference data. KW - Elastic modulus KW - Young's modulus KW - Shear modulus KW - Additive manufacturing KW - IN718 PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7813824 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-57287 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Bayram, Faruk A1 - Ávila Calderon, Luis Alexander A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - BAM reference data: Temperature-dependent Young's and shear modulus data for additively and conventionally manufactured variants of austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L N2 - The elastic properties (Young's modulus, shear modulus) of austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L were investigated between room temperature and 900 °C in an additively manufactured variant (laser powder bed fusion, PBF‑LB/M) and from a conventional process route (hot rolled sheet). The moduli were determined using the dynamic resonance method. The data set includes information on processing parameters, heat treatments, grain size, specimen dimensions and weight, Young’s and shear modulus as well as their measurement uncertainty. The dataset was generated in an accredited testing lab using calibrated measuring equipment. The calibrations meet the requirements of the test procedure and are metrologically traceable. The dataset was audited as BAM reference data. KW - Elastic modulus KW - Young's modulus KW - Shear modulus KW - Additive manufacturing KW - AISI 316L PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7813835 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-57288 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Towards interoperability: Digital representation of a material specific characterization method N2 - Certain metallic materials gain better mechanical properties through controlled heat treatments. In age-hardenable aluminum alloys, the strengthening mechanism is based on the controlled formation of nanometer sized precipitates, which hinder dislocation movement. Analysis of the microstructure and especially the precipitates by transmission electron microscopy allows identification of precipitate types and orientations. Dark-field imaging is often used to image the precipitates and quantify their relevant dimensions. The present work aims at the digital representation of this material-specific characterization method. Instead of a time-consuming, manual image analysis, a digital approach is demonstrated. The integration of an exemplary digital workflow for quantitative precipitation analysis into a data pipeline concept is presented. Here ontologies enable linking of contextual information to the resulting output data in a triplestore. Publishing digital workflow and ontologies ensures the reproducibility of the data. The semantic structure enables data sharing and reuse for other applications and purposes, demonstrating interoperability. T2 - TMS - 7th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) CY - Orlando, Florida, USA DA - 21.05.2023 KW - Ontology KW - Semantic Interoperability KW - Digtial Representation KW - Data Management KW - Reproducibility KW - FAIR PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57548 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - FAIR data in PMD: Development of MSE mid-level and standard-compliant application ontologies N2 - The efforts taken within the project ‘platform MaterialDigital’ (PMD, materialdigital.de) to store FAIR data in accordance with a standard-compliant ontological representation (‘application ontology’) of a tensile test of metals at room temperature (ISO 6892-1:2019-11) will be presented. This includes the path from developing an ontology in accordance with the respective standard, converting ordinary data obtained from standard tests into the interoperable RDF format, up to connecting the ontology and data. The semantic connection of the ontology and data leads to interoperability and an enhanced ability of querying. For further reusability of data and knowledge semantically stored, the PMD core ontology (PMDco) was developed, which is a mid-level ontology in the field of MSE. The semantic connection of the tensile test application ontology to the PMDco is also presented. Moreover, Ontopanel, a tool for domain experts facilitating visual ontology development and mapping for FAIR data sharing in MSE, is introduced briefly. T2 - World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials and Engineering (ICME) CY - Orlando, Florida, USA DA - 21.05.2023 KW - Digitalization KW - Semantic Web Technologies KW - FAIR KW - Data Interoperability KW - PMD Core Ontology KW - Tensile Test Ontology PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57549 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Valdestilhas, Andre A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjamin A1 - Jan Zia, Ghezal Ahmad A1 - Muth, Thilo T1 - The Intersection Between Semantic Web and Materials Science N2 - The application and benefits of Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) for managing, sharing, and (re-)using of research data are demonstrated in implementations in the field of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). However, a compilation and classification are needed to fully recognize the scattered published works with its unique added values. Here, the primary use of SWT at the interface with MSE is identified using specifically created categories. This overview highlights promising opportunities for the application of SWT to MSE, such as enhancing the quality of experimental processes, enriching data with contextual information in knowledge graphs, or using ontologies to perform specific queries on semantically structured data. While interdisciplinary work between the two fields is still in its early stages, a great need is identified to facilitate access for nonexperts and develop and provide user-friendly tools and workflows. The full potential of SWT can best be achieved in the long term by the broad acceptance and active participation of the MSE community. In perspective, these technological solutions will advance the field of MSE by making data FAIR. Data-driven approaches will benefit from these data structures and their connections to catalyze knowledge generation in MSE. KW - Linked open data KW - Materials science KW - Ontology KW - Semantic web PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-575506 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202300051 PB - Wiley-VCH GmbH CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-57550 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Brinell-Hardness data (HBW 2.5/62.5) of aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A after different aging times and temperatures N2 - The article covers data on the Brinell hardness of the forged precipitation-hardened aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A in the initial T61 condition (i. e. slightly underaged) and after isothermal aging for up to 25,0 0 0 h at aging temperatures between 160 °C and 350 °C. In addition, the hardness was determined on specimens after creep testing at 190 °C and various stresses. The hardness decreases with increasing ag- ing time due to the microstructural evolution of the harden- ing precipitates. The drop occurs faster the higher the aging temperature. Aging under creep load additionally accelerates the hardness decrease. KW - Aluminum alloy KW - EN AW-2618A KW - Brinell hardness KW - Aging KW - Creep KW - Ostwald ripening KW - Reheating PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-567611 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108830 SN - 2352-3409 VL - 46 PB - Elsevier Inc. AN - OPUS4-56761 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Marschall, Niklas A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Chen, Yue A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Portella, Pedro Dolabella A1 - Waitelonis, J. A1 - Birkholz, H. A1 - Grundmann, J. ED - Zimmermann, M. T1 - Zugversuchsdaten FAIR integriert: Von einer normenkonformen Ontologie bis zu interoperablen Daten im Triple Store N2 - Das hochaktuelle Thema der Integration und Wiederverwendung von Wissen und Daten aus Herstellung, Bearbeitung und Charakterisierung von Materialien ('Digitalisierung von Materialien') wird in den Projekten Innovationsplattform MaterialDigital (PMD, materialdigital.de) und Materials-open-Lab (Mat-o-Lab, matolab.org) adressiert. In diesem Beitrag werden die Weiterentwicklungen in diesen Projekten hinsichtlich der Speicherung von Zugversuchsdaten gemäß einer normenkonformen (DIN EN ISO 6892-1:2019-11) ontologischen Repräsentation vorgestellt. Das umfasst den Weg von der Entwicklung einer Ontologie nach Norm, der Konvertierung von Daten aus Standardtests in das interoperable RDF-Format bis hin zur Verknüpfung von Ontologie und Daten. Letztendlich können die entsprechenden Daten in einem Triple Store abgelegt und abgefragt werden. T2 - Werkstoffprüfung 2022 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 27.10.2022 KW - Ontology KW - Semantic Web KW - Digitalization KW - Knowledge Representation KW - Tensile Test PY - 2022 UR - https://dgm.de/fileadmin/DGM/Veranstaltungen/2022/Werkstoffpruefung/Tagungsband/WP2022-Tagungsband-online.pdf SN - 978-3-88355-430-3 SP - 105 EP - 110 PB - DGM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V CY - Sankt Augustin AN - OPUS4-56836 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schröder, Jakob T1 - Fundamentals of diffraction-based residual stress and texture analysis of PBF-LB Inconel 718 N2 - Laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M) of metallic alloys is a layer wise additive manufacturing process which provides significant scope for more efficient designs of components, benefiting performance and weight, leading to efficiency improvements for various sectors of industry. However, to benefit from these design freedoms, knowledge of the high produced induced residual stress and mechanical property anisotropy associated with the unique microstructures is critical. X-ray and neutron diffraction are considered the benchmark for non-destructive characterization of surface and bulk internal residual stress. The latter, characterized by the high penetration power in most engineering alloys, allows for the use of diffraction angle close to 90° enabling a near cubic sampling volume to be specified. However, the complex microstructures of columnar growth with inherent crystallographic texture typically produced during PBF-LB/M of metallics present significant challenges to the assumptions typically required for time efficient determination of residual stress. These challenges include the selection of an appropriate set of diffraction elastic constants and a representative strain-free reference for the material of interest. In this presentation advancements in the field of diffraction-based residual stress analysis of L-PBF Inconel 718 will be presented. The choice of an appropriate set of diffraction-elastic constants depending on the underlying microstructure will be described. T2 - MLZ User Meeting 2022 CY - Munich, Germany DA - 08.12.2022 KW - Diffraction KW - Residual Stress KW - Microstructure KW - Texture KW - Mechanical behavior PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56804 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abel, Andreas A1 - Zapala, P. A1 - Michels, H. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Materials applications of iron aluminide (FeAl), (WAFEAL) T1 - Werkstoffanwendungen für Eisenaluminide (FeAl), (WAFEAL) N2 - The increasing importance of resource availability and closed-loop material cycles are driving materials research to reduce alloying content in conventional materials or even substitute them with more sustainable alternatives. Intermetallic iron aluminide alloys (FeAl) present a potential alternative. Many alloy concepts for improved high-temperature properties or ductility have already been successfully implemented in casting technologies on a laboratory scale. However, successful testing of FeAl alloys on an industrial scale was still pending at the beginning of the project. Therefore, the aim of the project was to develop simulation based casting concepts for industrial casting processes using the base alloy Fe-26Al-4Mo-0.5Ti-1B and to narrow down process limits by means of hot cracking tests. Findings were transferred into practice-oriented guidelines for casting of iron aluminides, which is accessible to future applicants in SMEs. The focus was placed on centrifugal casting combined with investment casting or die casting. In addition to numerous design and casting process parameters, heat treatments and alloying additions (Al, Mo, B) were varied to determine the influence of alloying elements on castability, microstructure and mechanical properties. Data from microstructure analyses (microscopic imaging, determination of grain sizes as well as phase compositions and volume fractions, fractography), mechanical tests (hardness measurements, compression tests, ambient and high-temperature tensile tests, creep tests) as well as measurements of thermophysical properties could be generated on the base alloy. Correlations of materials data with process variables allowed conclusions to be drawn on strengthening mechanisms and ductility of the alloy and how they can be controlled in terms of processing and component design. Successful casting of highly complex components with thin wall thicknesses and optimised alloy compositions points out prospects for new fields of application. N2 - Die zunehmende geopolitische Bedeutung der Ressourcenverfügbarkeit sowie die Anforderungen an einen geschlossenen Materialkreislauf treiben die Materialforschung voran, um konventionelle Werkstoffe mit weniger kritischen Zusätzen zu legieren oder sogar vollständig mit nachhaltigeren Alternativen zu substituieren. Eine potenzielle Alternative stellen die intermetallischen Eisenaluminid-Legierungen (FeAl) dar. Im Labormaßstab wurden bereits viele Legierungskonzepte für verbesserte Hochtemperatureigenschaften oder Duktilität erfolgreich gießtechnisch umgesetzt. Eine erfolgreiche Erprobung von FeAl-Legierungen im industriellen Maßstab stand zu Beginn des Projekts aber weiterhin aus. Ziel des Vorhabens war daher die Entwicklung von simulationsgestützten Gießkonzepten in industrienahe Gießprozesse anhand der Modelllegierung Fe-26Al-4Mo-0,5Ti-1B und die Eingrenzung der prozesstechnischen Verfahrensgrenzen durch Warmrissversuche. Erkenntnisse hieraus wurden in einen praxisorientierten, für zukünftige Anwender in KMUs zugänglichen Handlungskatalog für die gießgerechte Auslegung von Bauteilen aus Eisenaluminiden überführt. Fokus wurde insbesondere auf das Feinguss- und Kokillengussverfahren im Schleuderguss gesetzt. Neben zahlreicher Konstruktions- und Gießprozessparameter wurden auch Wärmebehandlungen und Legierungszusätze (Al, Mo, B) variiert, um den Einfluss von Legierungselementen auf Gießbarkeit, Mikrostruktur und mechanische Kennwerte zu bestimmen. Eine umfangreiche Basis an Daten aus Mikrostrukturanalysen (Mikroskopische Bildgebung, Bestimmung von Korngrößen sowie Phasenzusammensetzungen und -anteilen, Fraktographie), mechanischen Tests (Härtemessungen, Druckversuch, Zugversuch, Warmzugversuch, Kriechversuch) sowie Messungen thermophysikalischer Eigenschaften konnte für die Modelllegierung erzeugt werden. Korrelationen dieser Informationen mit Prozessvariablen erlaubten Schlussfolgerungen zu Härtungsmechanismen und Duktilität in der Legierung und wie sie prozesstechnisch in Gieß- und Bauteilauslegung gesteuert werden können. Der erfolgreiche Abguss von hochkomplexen Bauteilgeometrien mit dünnen Wandstärken sowie optimierte Legierungszusammensetzungen zeigen Perspektiven auf neue Anwendungsfelder auf. T2 - FVV Transfer + Netzwerktreffen | Informationstagung – Frühjahr 2023 CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 29.03.2023 KW - Fe-Al alloys KW - Intermetallics KW - Iron aluminides KW - Microstructure-property-correlation KW - High temperature mechanical properties KW - Creep data KW - Tensile data KW - Fractography KW - Casting PY - 2023 VL - R604 SP - 1 EP - 32 PB - FVV e. V. CY - Frankfurt a.M. AN - OPUS4-57247 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Abel, Andreas A1 - Zapala, P. T1 - Materials Applications FeAl (WAFEAL) N2 - The increasing importance of resource availability and closed-loop material cycles are driving materials research to reduce alloying content in conventional materials or even substitute them with more sustainable alternatives. Intermetallic iron aluminide alloys (FeAl) present a potential alternative. Many alloy concepts for improved high-temperature properties or ductility have already been successfully implemented in casting technologies on a laboratory scale. However, successful testing of FeAl alloys on an industrial scale was still pending at the beginning of the project. Therefore, the aim of the project was to develop simulation-based casting concepts for industrial casting processes using the base alloy Fe-26Al-4Mo-0.5Ti-1B and to narrow down process limits by means of hot cracking tests. Findings were transferred into practice-oriented guidelines for casting of iron aluminides, which is accessible to future applicants in SMEs. The focus was placed on centrifugal casting combined with investment casting or die casting. In addition to numerous design and casting process parameters, heat treatments and alloying additions (Al, Mo, B) were varied to determine the influence of alloying elements on castability, microstructure and mechanical properties. Data from microstructure analyses (microscopic imaging, determination of grain sizes as well as phase compositions and volume fractions, fractography), mechanical tests (hardness measurements, compression tests, ambient and high-temperature tensile tests, creep tests) as well as measurements of thermophysical properties could be generated on the base alloy. Correlations of materials data with process variables allowed conclusions to be drawn on strengthening mechanisms and ductility of the alloy and how they can be controlled in terms of processing and component design. Successful casting of highly complex components with thin wall thicknesses and optimised alloy compositions points out prospects for new fields of application. T2 - FVV Transfer + Netzwerktreffen | Informationstagung – Frühjahr 2023 CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 29.03.2023 KW - Fe-Al alloys KW - Intermetallics KW - Iron aluminides KW - Microstructure-property-correlation KW - High temperature mechanical properties KW - Creep data KW - Tensile data KW - Fractography KW - Casting PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57248 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander A1 - Avila Calderon, Luis A1 - Sommer, Konstantin A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Evans, Alexander A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Evolution of Creep Damage of 316L Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion N2 - The damage mechanisms of metallic components produced by process laser powder bed fusion differ significantly from those typically observed in conventionally manufactured variants of the same alloy. This is due to the unique microstructures of additively manufactured materials. Herein, the focus is on the study of the evolution of creep damage in stainless steel 316L specimens produced by laser powder bed fusion. X-ray computed tomography is used to unravel the influence of the process-specific microstructure from the influence of the initial void distribution on creep damage mechanisms. The void distribution of two specimens tested at 600 °C and 650 °C is analyzed before a creep test, after an interruption, and after fracture. The results indicate that the formation of damage is not connected to the initial void distribution. Instead, damage accumulation at grain boundaries resulting from intergranular cracking is observed. KW - Creep KW - Computed Tomography KW - PBF-LB/M/316L KW - Laser Powder Bed Fusion KW - Microstructure KW - AISI 316L KW - Additive Manufacturing PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-574127 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202201581 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Wiley-VCH GmbH CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-57412 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Bayram, Faruk A1 - Ávila Calderon, Luis Alexander A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - BAM reference data: Temperature-dependent Young's and shear modulus data for additively and conventionally manufactured variants of Ti-6Al-4V N2 - The elastic properties (Young's modulus, shear modulus) of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V were investigated between room temperature and 400 °C in an additively manufactured variant (laser-based directed energy deposition with powder as feedstock, DED-LB/M) and from a conventional process route (hot rolled bar). The moduli were determined using the dynamic resonance method. The data set includes information on processing parameters, heat treatments, microstructure, grain size, specimen dimensions and weight, Young’s and shear modulus as well as their measurement uncertainty. The dataset was generated in an accredited testing lab using calibrated measuring equipment. The calibrations meet the requirements of the test procedure and are metrologically traceable. The dataset was audited as BAM reference data. KW - Elastic modulus KW - Young's modulus KW - Shear modulus KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Ti-6Al-4V PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7813732 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-57286 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Marschall, Niklas A1 - Niebergall, Ute A1 - Böhning, Martin T1 - Dataset of comprehensive Full-notch creep tests (FNCT) of selected high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) materials N2 - The dataset provided in this repository comprises data obtained from a series of full-notch creep tests (FNCT) performed on selected high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) materials (for further details, see section 1 Materials in this document) in accordance with the corresponding standard ISO 16770. The FNCT is one of the mechanical testing procedures used to characterize polymer materials with respect to their environmental stress cracking (ESC) behavior. It is widely applied for PE-HD materials, that are predominantly used for pipe and container applications. It is based on the determination of the time to failure for a test specimen under constant mechanical load in a well-defined and temperature controlled liquid environment. The test device used here also allows for continuous monitoring of applied force, specimen elongation and temperature. KW - Polyethylene KW - Environmental Stress Cracking KW - Full-notch creep test KW - PE-HD KW - Crack growth PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10143351 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-58835 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - PMD Workshop: Use and benefits of the PMDco N2 - This is an interactive workshop of the Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) on Semantic Web technologies (SWT) where we delve into the world of ontology development and data structuring in the field of materials science and engineering (MSE). This workshop is designed to equip participants with essential skills in categorizing classes within ontologies, with a special emphasis on the PMD Core Ontology (PMDco). Discover the immense value of ontologies for MSE data reproducibility and reuse and harness the power of PMDco to foster your data management practices. In this workshop, you will explore the intricacies of class categorization when developing ontologies in the MSE domain. Through interactive discussions and hands-on exercises, you will learn effective techniques for structuring and organizing ontologies to enhance data retrieval and analysis. You will gain valuable insights into best practices and considerations for class categorization, aiming at optimal data organization and management within your MSE projects. One of the highlights of this workshop is the introduction to PMDco, a mid-level ontology in the field of MSE developed community-driven in the frame of the project PMD. Learn about PMDco, its underlying concepts, and its application in detail. Discover how PMDco provides a comprehensive framework for MSE data representation, enabling seamless integration and interoperability across different systems and platforms. In addition to exploring PMDco, this workshop will illustrate the benefits of data interoperability and SWT with respect to leveraging the full potential of MSE data. T2 - NFDI MatWerk Conference 2023 CY - Siegburg, Germany DA - 27.06.2023 KW - Workshop KW - Ontology KW - Plattform MaterialDigital KW - PMDco PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57802 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Plattform MaterialDigital in DIN NA 062-01-42 AA N2 - In dieser Präsentation werden die letzten Entwicklungen in der Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) im DIN Normenausschuss 062-01-42 AA zur Zug- und Duktilitätsprüfung für Metalle vorgestellt. Dabei werden hauptsächlich die Entwicklungen und Neustrukturierung der PMD Core Ontology (PMDco) sowie die entsprechende Anpassung der Zugversuchsontologie (Tensile Test Ontology - TTO) inklusive des Datenmappings adressiert. Für das Datenmapping wurde ein speziell im Zusammenhang mit der PMD erstellter Zugversuchsdatensatz verwendet, welcher frei verfügbar in einem online Zenodo Repository veröffentlicht ist. Weiterhin wird die Weiterentwicklung der Norm in Verbindung mit ihrer folgenden Revision hinsichtlich der Integration von Aspekten zur Digitalisierung in der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik sowie der Verwendung von semantischen Technologien, wie unter anderem ontologischen Repräsentationen von Materialien und Prozessen, diskutiert. T2 - DIN NA 062-01-42 AA Meeting CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 14.06.2023 KW - Ontologie KW - Semantic Web Technologies KW - Normung KW - DIN KW - Plattform MaterialDigital KW - Zugversuch KW - Tensile Test KW - Materialcharakterisierung PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57803 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Jürgens, Maria A1 - Uhlemann, Patrick A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Experimental data from service-like creep-fatigue experiments on grade P92 steel N2 - This article refers to the research article entitled “Creep-Fatigue of P92 in Service-Like Tests with Combined Stress- and Strain-Controlled Dwell Times” [1]. It presents experimental mechanical data from complex service-like creep-fatigue experiments performed isothermally at 620 °C and a low strain amplitude of 0.2 % on tempered martensite-ferritic grade P92 steel. The data sets in text file format provide cyclic deformation (min. and max. stresses) and the total (hysteresis) data of all recorded fatigue cycles for three different creep-fatigue experiments: 1) a standard relaxation fatigue (RF) test with symmetrical dwell times of three minutes introduced at minimum and maximum strain, 2) a fully strain-controlled service-like relaxation (SLR) test combining these three-minute peak strain dwells with a 30-minute dwell in between at zero strain, and 3) a partly stress-controlled service-like creep (SLC) test combining the three-minute peak strain dwells with 30-minute dwells at constant stress. Such service-like (SL) tests with additional long-term stress- and strain-controlled dwell times are non-standard, rare, and expensive, making these data very valuable. They may be used to approximate cyclic softening in the technically relevant range, for the design of complex SL experiments, or for detailed analyses of stress-strain hystereses (e.g., for stress or strain partitioning methods, for the determination of hysteresis energies (work), inelastic strain components, etc.). In addition, the latter analyses may supply important input for advanced parametric lifetime modeling of components under creep-fatigue loading or model calibration parameters. KW - Tempered martensite-ferritic steel KW - Creep KW - Stress relaxation KW - Creep-fatigue KW - Dwell times PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-578407 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109333 SN - 2352-3409 VL - 49 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Elsevier Inc. AN - OPUS4-57840 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Radners, J. A1 - Han, Ying A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Aluminium Hochtemperaturermüdung N2 - Die hohen Betriebstemperaturen während des Einsatzes von Radialverdichterrädern in Abgasturboladern führen zu einer Änderung der ursprünglich eingestellten Mikrostruktur in der warmfesten Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-2618A (Überalterung). Grund dafür sind thermische Belastungen, die nahe der Aushärtetemperatur liegen und diese kurzzeitig sogar überschreiten können. Die Alterungsmechanismen wurden zusammen mit den Themen niederzyklische (LCF) und thermomechanische Ermüdung (TMF) sowie Kriechen bis max. 190 °C in vorangegangenen Forschungsvorhaben untersucht. Kaum untersucht war bisher das Verhalten der Legierung unter hochzyklischer Beanspruchung (HCF) sowie der Einfluss von Kerben und Lastkollektiven. Da zukünftig mit weiter steigenden Betriebstemperaturen für Radialverdichter zu rechnen ist, wurde in diesem Forschungsvorhaben das HCF-Verhalten bei 230 °C untersucht und somit bei einer Prüftemperatur, die deutlich oberhalb der Aushärtetemperatur liegt. Das Ziel des Projektes war der Aufbau einer geeigneten experimentellen Datenbasis, das Verständnis der relevanten mikrostrukturellen Prozesse sowie die Weiterentwicklung und Anpassung geeigneter Modelle und Bewertungsmethoden. Das experimentelle Untersuchungsprogramm umfasste neben einer Basischarakterisierung des HCF-Verhaltens am Ausgangszustand T61 gezielte mechanische Versuche zur Isolierung der Einflussfakto-ren Mittelspannung (𝑅 = −1, 𝑅 = 0,1), Werkstoffüberalterung (T61, 10 h/230 °C, 1000 h/230 °C), Prüftemperatur (20 °C, 230 °C), Prüffrequenz (0,2 Hz, 20 Hz) sowie Kerbwirkung und variable Amplituden. Darauf aufbauend wurden die in den vorangegangenen Projekten entwickelten Modelle und Bewertungsmethoden angepasst und weiterentwickelt, um die genannten thermischen und mechanischen Belastungen in der Lebensdauerbewertung abzubilden. KW - HCF KW - Aluminium KW - EN AW-2618A KW - Ermüdung PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 111 CY - Frankfurt am Main AN - OPUS4-57850 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Bauer, Felix A1 - Tikana, Ladji A1 - Uhlemann, Patrick A1 - Thärig, Steffen A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - KupferDigital mechanical testing datasets N2 - The KupferDigital project aims to develop digital methods, tools, and data space infrastructures for digitalizing the entire life cycle of copper materials. The mechanical testing process is one of the main chains of such life cycles which generates lots of important testing data about the mechanical properties of the materials and their related materials and testing metadata. To train the digitalization of the mechanical testing process, different kinds of copper alloys were provided for this project, and their mechanical properties were measured by typical methods like Brinell and Vickers hardness and tensile testing. The primary raw testing data as well as the secondary datasets of these tests are provided. The detailed materials specifications, the utilized mechanical testing methods, and provided datasets are described in the content file. The test data files of heterogeneous structures are processed by the KupferDigital digital tools to be converted to standardized machine-readable data files. KW - Copper alloys KW - Dataset KW - Tensile testing KW - Mechanical testing KW - Hardness test PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7670582 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-57038 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN ED - Hennecke, M. ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Hütte Band 3: Elektro- und informationstechnische Grundlagen für Ingenieure N2 - Die HÜTTE ist ein Kompendium und Nachschlagewerk für unterschiedliche Aufgabenstellungen. Durch Kombination der Einzeldisziplinen dieses Wissenskreises kann das multidisziplinäre Grundwissen für die verschiedenen Technikbereiche und Ingenieuraufgaben zusammengestellt werden. Die HÜTTE enthält in drei Bänden - orientiert am Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik und den Lehrplänen der Technischen Universitäten und Hochschulen - die Grundlagen des Ingenieurwissens. Band 3 enthält die Elektro- und informationstechnische Grundlagen. KW - Elektrotechnische Grundlagen KW - Informationstechnische Grundlagen PY - 2023 SN - 978-3-662-64374-7 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64375-4 SN - 2522-8188 SP - 1 EP - 923 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ET - 35 AN - OPUS4-57137 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander A1 - Shakeel, Yusra T1 - NFDI-MatWerk PP18 / IUC02 Reference Data: Creep Data of a single crystalline Ni-Base Alloy N2 - Reference datasets in the MSE domain represent specific material properties, e.g., structural, mechanical, … characteristics. A reference dataset must fulfill high-quality standards, not only in precision of measurement but also in a comprehensive documentation of material, processing, and testing history (metadata). This Infrastructure Use Case (IUC) of the consortium Materials Science and Engineering (MatWerk) of National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) aims to develop, together with BAM and other Participant Projects (PP), a framework for generating reference material datasets using creep data of a single crystal Ni-based superalloy as a best practice example. In a community-driven process, we aim to encourage the discussion and establish a framework for identifying reference material datasets. In this poster presentation, we highlight our current vision and activities and intend to stimulate the discussion about the topic reference datasets and future collaborations and work. T2 - All-Hands-on-Deck congress from the NFDI-MatWerk CY - Siegburg, Germany DA - 08.03.2023 KW - Referenzdaten KW - Reference data KW - Creep KW - Syngle Crystal alloy KW - Metadata schema PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57146 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Shakeel, Yusra A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Creating Exemplary RDM Reference Datasets: Technical Process Overview N2 - The aim of the task area Materials Data Infrastructure (TA-MDI) of the consortium Materials Science and Engineering (MatWerk) of National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is to shape scientific datasets obtained through the Participant Projects (PPs) from a data management perspective conforming to the FAIR principles, making use of the FAIR Digital Object (FAIR DO) concept, including structured metadata and storage solutions. As an example, they apply PP18 (BAM) as a use case to demonstrate the proposed technical workflow. T2 - All-Hands-on-Deck congress from the NFDI-MatWerk CY - Siegburg, Germany DA - 08.03.2023 KW - NFDI KW - Reference Dataset KW - FAIR KW - Research Data Management PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-57149 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Radners, Jan A1 - Han, Ying A1 - von Hartrott, Philipp A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Aluminum High Temperature Fatigue N2 - The high operating temperatures of radial compressor wheels in exhaust gas turbochargers lead to a change in the original microstructure of the heat-resistant aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A (overaging). This is caused by thermal loads that are close to the age hardening temperature and can even exceed it for a short time. The aging mechanisms have been investigated together with low cycle fatigue (LCF), thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) and creep up to max. 190 °C in previous research projects. The be-havior of the alloy under high cycle fatigue (HCF) and the influence of load spectra have hardly been investigated. Since the operating temperatures of centrifugal compressors are expected to increase in the future, this research project investigated the HCF behavior at 230 °C, a test temperature significantly higher than the age hardening temperature. The objectives of the project were to establish a suitable experimental database, to understand the relevant microstructural processes, and to further develop and adapt suitable models and evaluation methods. In addition to a basic characterization of the HCF behavior in the initial condition T61, the experimental investigation program included targeted mechanical tests to isolate the influencing factors of mean stress (𝑅=−1, 𝑅=0.1), material overaging (T61, 10 h/230 °C, 1000 h/230 °C), test temperature (20 °C, 230 °C), test frequency (0.2 Hz, 20 Hz) as well as variable amplitudes. On this basis, the models and evaluation methods developed in the previous projects were adapted and further developed to reflect thermal and mechanical loads in the lifetime assessment. T2 - The FVV Transfer + Networking Event (Herbst 2023) CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 04.10.2023 KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Fatigue KW - EN AW-2618A PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 30 AN - OPUS4-58562 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Gesell, Stephan A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Uhlemann, Patrick A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Ganesh, R. A1 - Dude, D. P. A1 - Kuna, M. A1 - Kiefer, B. T1 - TMF-Rissverlaufsberechnung für ATL-Heißteile N2 - Die Steigerung der Leistung und des thermodynamischen Wirkungsgrades von Verbrennungsmotoren führt zu erhöhten Anforderungen an die Festigkeit abgasführender Komponenten wie z. Bsp. Abgasturbolader. Als Folge erhöhter thermomechanischer Wechselbeanspruchungen (TMF) im Betrieb kommt es an den mechanisch und/oder thermisch höchst beanspruchten Stellen der Bauteile zur Bildung von Rissen, wodurch die Lebensdauer der Komponenten begrenzt wird. Derzeit werden bei Turboladern heißgehende Bauteile mit detektierten Rissen zumeist prophylaktisch ersetzt, da die weitere Ausbreitung der Risse während des Betriebs nicht vorhergesagt werden kann. Um diese aufwändige und un- ökonomische Praxis zu vermeiden, wurde im vorliegenden Forschungsvorhaben eine rechnerische Bewertungsmethode auf Basis der experimentellen und numerischen Bruchmechanik erarbeitet, mit deren Hilfe bereits in der Auslegungsphase oder während des Betriebs die (restliche) Lebensdauer der abgasführenden Komponenten vorhergesagt werden kann. Damit wird erstmalig die quantitative Vorhersage der Rissentwicklung bei TMF-Beanspruchungsbedingungen unter Berücksichtigung großer zyklischer viskoplastischer Verformungen ermöglicht. Zentrales Ergebnis des Vorhabens ist eine automatisierte Berechnungsprozedur auf der Basis spezieller Finite-Elemente-Techniken (FEM), womit sowohl der Pfad als auch die Größe eines Risses als Funktion der Anzahl der Lastwechsel in Bauteilen unter TMF-Bedingungen berechnet werden kann. Als geeigneter Beanspruchungsparameter zur Bewertung des Rissfortschritts unter TMF wurde die zyklische Rissöffnungsverschiebung ΔCTOD verwendet. Das Werkstoffverhalten des betrachteten austenitischen Gusseisens Ni-Resist D-5S wurde mit einem validierten viskoplastischen, temperaturabhängigen Materialmodell modelliert, das zur Berücksichtigung große Verzerrungen und Rotationen am Riss erweitert wurde. Für die genaue Berechnung des ΔCTOD bei TMF wurden effiziente FEM-Techniken erarbeitet. Zur Simulation der Rissausbreitung wurde ein automatischer FEM-Algorithmus mit inkrementeller adaptiver Neuvernetzung entwickelt, bei dem die Verformungen und inelastischen Zustandsvariablen jeweils vom alten auf das neue Netz übertragen werden. Dieser Algorithmus wurde im Software-Paket ProCrackPlast implementiert, das in Verbindung mit dem kommerziellen FEM-Code Abaqus zur Lösung dreidimensionaler Rissprobleme zur Verfügung steht. Ziel der umfangreichen experimentellen Arbeiten war es, an isothermen LCF und anisothermen TMF-Versuchen mit gekerbten Flachzugproben (SENT) das Risswachstum im Temperaturbereich von 20 °C bis 700 °C zu ermitteln. Mit Hilfe begleitender 2D FEM Simulationen wurden anhand dieser Datenbasis die Rissfortschrittskurven des Werkstoffs unter Anwendung des ΔCTOD-Konzepts bestimmt und in geeigneter, parametrisierter Form den Nutzern zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Versuche an SENT-Proben wurden mit der entwickelten Software ProCrackPlast als 3D Modell simuliert. Der Vergleich der 2D und 3D Simulationen ergab einen systematischen Unterschied im CTOD und CTOD, der mit Hilfe eines Übertragungsfaktors korrigiert wurde. Der Vergleich der 3D Berechnungen mit den Experimenten zeigte eine zufriedenstellende Übereinstimmung der er- reichten Risslänge mit der Zahl der Lastzyklen im gesamten Temperaturbereich, wobei die numerische Prognose meist auf der konservativen / sicheren Seite lag. Die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse der 2D Parameteridentifikation auf 3D Risskonfigurationen mit Mixed-Mode Beanspruchung ist mit zusätzlichen Versagenshypothesen verbunden, die aufgrund fehlender Versuchsdaten im Vorhaben nicht endgültig geklärt werden konnten. Zur Validierung des Gesamtkonzeptes wurden LCF-Proben mit einem bauteil- typischen Oberflächenriss experimentell und numerisch untersucht. In der Simulation konnte die komplexe Form und Größe der Rissentwicklung zufriedenstellend (richtig) vorhergesagt werden. Die Leis- tungsfähigkeit der erarbeiteten rechnerische Bewertungsmethode wurde an weiteren TMF-Beispielen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Die Software ProCrackPlast und die viskoplastische Materialroutine wurden dem Anwenderkreis des Vorhabens zusammen mit einem Nutzer-Handbuch und Verifikationsbeispielen zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist erreicht worden. KW - Abgasturbolader Heißteile KW - Numerische Simulation KW - Rissverlauf PY - 2023 VL - 1320 SP - 1 EP - 137 PB - Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FVV) CY - Frankfurt am Main AN - OPUS4-56960 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Zapala, P. A1 - Abel, Andreas A1 - Michels, H. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Werkstoffanwendungen für Eisenaluminide (FeAl), (WAFEAL) N2 - Die zunehmende geopolitische Bedeutung der Ressourcenverfügbarkeit sowie die Anforderungen an einen geschlossenen Materialkreislauf treiben die Materialforschung voran, um konventionelle Werkstoffe mit weniger kritischen Zusätzen zu legieren oder sogar vollständig mit nachhaltigeren Alternativen zu substituieren. Eine potenzielle Alternative stellen die intermetallischen Eisenaluminid-Legierungen (FeAl) dar. Im Labormaßstab wurden bereits viele Legierungskonzepte für verbesserte Hochtempera- tureigenschaften oder Duktilität erfolgreich gießtechnisch umgesetzt. Eine erfolgreiche Erprobung von FeAl-Legierungen im industriellen Maßstab stand zu Beginn des Projekts aber weiterhin aus. Ziel des Vorhabens war daher die Entwicklung von simulationsgestützten Gießkonzepten in industrienahe Gießprozesse anhand der Modelllegierung Fe-26Al-4Mo-0,5Ti-1B und die Eingrenzung der prozesstechnischen Verfahrensgrenzen durch Warmrissversuche. Erkenntnisse hieraus wurden in einen praxisorientierten, für zukünftige Anwender in KMUs zugänglichen Handlungskatalog für die gießgerechte Auslegung von Bauteilen aus Eisenaluminiden überführt. Fokus wurde insbesondere auf das Feinguss- und Kokillengussverfahren im Schleuderguss gesetzt. Neben zahlreicher Konstruktions- und Gießprozessparameter wurden auch Wärmebehandlungen und Legierungszusätze (Al, Mo, B) variiert, um den Einfluss von Legierungselementen auf Gießbarkeit, Mikrostruktur und mechanische Kennwerte zu be- stimmen. Eine umfangreiche Basis an Daten aus Mikrostrukturanalysen (Mikroskopische Bildgebung, Bestimmung von Korngrößen sowie Phasenzusammensetzungen und -anteilen, Fraktographie), mechanischen Tests (Härtemessungen, Druckversuch, Zugversuch, Warmzugversuch, Kriechversuch) sowie Messungen thermophysikalischer Eigenschaften konnte für die Modelllegierung erzeugt werden. Korrelationen dieser Informationen mit Prozessvariablen erlaubten Schlussfolgerungen zu Härtungsmechanismen und Duktilität in der Legierung und wie sie prozesstechnisch in Gieß- und Bauteilauslegung gesteuert werden können. Der erfolgreiche Abguss von hochkomplexen Bauteilgeometrien mit dünnen Wandstärken sowie optimierte Legierungszusammensetzungen zeigen Perspektiven auf neue Anwendungsfelder auf. Das Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist erreicht worden. KW - Simulationsgestützte Gießkonzepte KW - Intermetallische FeAl-Legierungen PY - 2023 IS - 1322 SP - 1 EP - 168 PB - Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FVV) CY - Frankfurt am Main AN - OPUS4-56932 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gesell, Stephan T1 - A CTOD-based crack growth law for thermomechanical fatigue N2 - Due to combined cyclic mechanical and thermal loading during operation, the material of exhaust gas conducting components of combustion engines is exposed to thermomechanical fatigue (TMF). This leads to formation and growth of cracks, especially at the most highly stressed points of these components. In order to better predict the service life of cracked components before failure, it is necessary to identify a crack propagation law for the material used. Isothermal crack propagation tests have been carried out at several temperatures with a typical cast iron to identify such a law. The crack length is measured by the potential drop method. The compliance method, fractography and thermographic camera measurements have been used to validate and calibrate the potential drop measurements. Each of the isothermal tests has been simulated using a specially developed FEM-algorithm based on remeshing and remapping. This algorithm has been implemented in python and ABAQUS. Thereby, the crack tip region is modeled by collapsed Quad8 elements. From the individual simulations, the cyclic crack tip opening displacement (ΔCTOD) is extracted and regarded as a potential fracture mechanics parameter which controls the crack growth rate. By combining the data from the experiments and the simulations, the crack propagation law has been identified. Finally, anisothermal crack propagation tests have been performed for validation of the crack growth law. T2 - European Conference on Fracture 2022 CY - Funchal, Portugal DA - 27.06.2022 KW - Fatigue crack growth KW - Finite elmenet simulation KW - TMF experiments PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56934 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bhadeliya, Ashok A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Jokisch, T. ED - Zimmermann, M. T1 - Rissfortschrittsuntersuchungen an gefügten Nickelbasiswerkstoffen bei hoher Temperatur N2 - In nickelbasierten Superlegierungen, die für Gasturbinenschaufeln verwendet werden, sind bei hohen Betriebstemperaturen und -belastungen Kriechschäden, Ermüdung, Korrosion und Oxi-dation zu beobachten. Die betroffenen Turbinenschaufeln müssen ersetzt oder repariert werden, um Effizienzverluste und ein eventuelles Bauteilversagen zu vermeiden. In letzter Zeit wurden additive Fertigungs- und Lötverfahren für die Reparatur und das Fügen von Nickelbasiswerk-stoffen entwickelt, um die Einschränkungen der traditionellen Reparaturverfahren zu überwinden. Für eine auslegungsrelevante Bewertung des Risswachstumsverhaltens in den Fügezonen, die durch diese neuen Technologien erzeugt werden, sind Rissfortschrittsuntersuchungen erfor-derlich. Entsprechende Untersuchungen an gefügten Proben werden in diesem Beitrag vorge-stellt. Die Rissfortschrittsversuche werden an gefügten SEN-Proben (Single Edge Notch) bei einem Spannungsverhältnis von 0,1 und einer Temperatur von 950 °C durchgeführt. Das Riss-wachstum wird mit der DCPD-Methode (Direct Current Potential Drop) überwacht, und die ge-messenen Potenzialsignale werden anhand der optisch vermessenen Risslänge und einer Finite-Elemente-Analyse kalibriert. Der Spannungsintensitätsfaktor (SIF) für die gefügte SEN-Geometrie wird mit Hilfe von Finite-Elemente-Analysen berechnet. Auf diese Weise können Rissfortschrittskurven aus den experimentellen Daten abgeleitet werden. T2 - Tagung „Werkstoffprüfung 2022“ CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 27.10.2022 KW - Lötverbindung KW - Rissfortschritt KW - SEN-Probe KW - Gefügte Nickelbasislegierungen PY - 2022 SN - 978-3-88355-430-3 VL - 2022 SP - 67 EP - 72 AN - OPUS4-57090 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Abel, Andreas A1 - Rosalie, Julian M. A1 - Reinsch, Stefan A1 - Zapala, Pawel A1 - Michels, Heiner A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Influence of Mo and B additions in intermetallic near-Fe3Al alloys on microstructure and mechanical properties N2 - Iron aluminides, already reported in the late 19th century, did not cease to attract the interest of scientists and engineers ever since. Besides good oxidation resistance, low density and resource availability, potentials for hightemperature strengths that compete with high-alloy steels were unlocked by low alloy contents. Still, research on alloy design continues, as alloying usually comes at the price of brittleness in low-temperature regimes. A potential candidate is the quinary Fe–Al–Mo–Ti–B system which is strengthened by solid solution and eutectic borides. It was shown to have good strength and outstanding creep resistance under compressive loading up to elevated temperatures. Although the individual effect of alloy additions is well understood in iron aluminides, little is known about the combined effects of alloying concentrations on microstructure, phase stability and mechanical properties. Therefore a systematic study of two Ti-doped near-Fe3Al alloys with varying contents of Mo (2–4 at.%) and B (0.5–1 at.%) was conducted. In total eight different alloys were fabricated by investment casting into ceramic shell molds. Alloys were characterized and compared by grain size, phase transitions, microstructure evolution as well as elemental compositions and volume fractions of phases. For mechanical characterization, macrohardness and microhardness tests as well as tensile tests at ambient and high tempera tures were conducted. Independent of alloy additions, alloys with 24–25 at.% Al exhibit superior proof strength due to a higher matrix hardness. Decreasing B content generally decreases strength by lower secondary phase fractions which contribute via particle hardening. Reducing Mo content decreases both the solute concentration in the matrix and secondary phase fractions. Surprisingly, strength is similar or even superior to alloys with higher Mo content. Strength relations are discussed with a focus on solid-solution hardening theory and other competing strengthening mechanisms. KW - Materials Chemistry KW - Metals and Alloys KW - Mechanical Engineering KW - Mechanics of Materials KW - General Chemistry PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-585284 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2023.108074 VL - 163 SP - 1 EP - 11 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-58528 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Radners, Jan T1 - Aluminum High Temperature Fatigue N2 - The high operating temperatures of radial compressor wheels in exhaust gas turbochargers lead to abchange in the original microstructure of the heat-resistant aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A (overaging). This is caused by thermal loads that are close to the age hardening temperature and can even exceed it for a short time. The aging mechanisms have been investigated together with low cycle fatigue (LCF), thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) and creep up to max. 190 °C in previous research projects. The behavior of the alloy under high cycle fatigue (HCF) and the influence of load spectra have hardly been investigated. Since the operating temperatures of centrifugal compressors are expected to increase in the future, this research project investigated the HCF behavior at 230 °C, a test temperature significantly higher than the age hardening temperature. The objectives of the project were to establish a suitable experimental database, to understand the relevant microstructural processes, and to further develop and adapt suitable models and evaluation methods. In addition to a basic characterization of the HCF behavior in the initial condition T61, the experimental investigation program included targeted mechanical tests to isolate the influencing factors of mean stress (𝑅 = −1, 𝑅 = 0.1), material overaging (T61, 10 h/230 °C, 1000 h/230 °C), test temperature (20 °C, 230 °C), test frequency (0.2 Hz, 20 Hz) as well as variable amplitudes. On this basis, the models and evaluation methods developed in the previous projects were adapted and further developed to reflect thermal and mechanical loads in the lifetime assessment. T2 - The FVV Transfer + Networking Event (Herbst 2023) CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 04.10.2023 KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Fatigue KW - EN AW-2618A PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58537 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Platform MaterialDigital Core Ontology (PMDco): A Community Driven Mid-Level Ontology in the MSE Domain N2 - Knowledge representation in the materials science and engineering (MSE) domain is a vast and multi-faceted challenge: Overlap, ambiguity, and inconsistency in terminology are common. Invariant and variant knowledge are difficult to align cross-domain. Generic top-level semantic terminology often is too abstract, while MSE domain terminology often is too specific. The PMDco is designed in direct support of the FAIR principles to address immediate needs of the global experts community and their requirements. The illustrated findings show how the PMDco bridges semantic gaps between high-level, MSE-specific, and other science domain semantics, how the PMDco lowers development and integration thresholds, and how to fuel it from real-world data sources ranging from manually conducted experiments and simulations as well as continuously automated industrial applications. T2 - Patents4Science CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 05.10.2023 KW - Knowledge Representation KW - Semantic Interoperability KW - FAIR data management KW - Knowledge graph and ontologies KW - PMD Core Ontology PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58507 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - Tensile Test Ontology (TTO) N2 - This is the stable version 2.0.1 of the PMD ontology module of the tensile test (Tensile Test Ontology - TTO) as developed on the basis of the 2019 standard ISO 6892-1: Metallic materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature. The TTO was developed in the frame of the PMD project. The TTO provides conceptualizations valid for the description of tensile test and corresponding data in accordance with the respective standard. By using TTO for storing tensile test data, all data will be well structured and based on a common vocabulary agreed on by an expert group (generation of FAIR data) which will lead to enhanced data interoperability. This comprises several data categories such as primary data, secondary data and metadata. Data will be human and machine readable. The usage of TTO facilitates data retrieval and downstream usage. Due to a close connection to the mid-level PMD core ontology (PMDco), the interoperability of tensile test data is enhanced and data querying in combination with other aspects and data within the broad field of material science and engineering (MSE) is facilitated. The TTO class structure forms a comprehensible and semantic layer for unified storage of data generated in a tensile test including the possibility to record data from analysis, re-evaluation and re-use. Furthermore, extensive metadata allows to assess data quality and reproduce experiments. Following the open world assumption, object properties are deliberately low restrictive and sparse. KW - Ontology KW - Tensile Test KW - Digitalization KW - Plattform MaterialDigital KW - Structured Data PY - 2023 UR - https://github.com/MarkusSchilling/application-ontologies/blob/479311832819af695a2c64fa8eb772f2da398061/tensile_test_ontology_TTO/pmd_tto.ttl UR - https://github.com/materialdigital/core-ontology/blob/59f5727b0437ceea5e3d9fcb8fcd0ac211e92cc3/pmd_tto.ttl PB - GitHub CY - San Francisco, CA, USA AN - OPUS4-57935 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus T1 - PMDco - Platform MaterialDigital Core Ontology: Achieving High-Quality & Reliable FAIR Data N2 - Knowledge representation in the materials science and engineering (MSE) domain is a vast and multi-faceted challenge: Overlap, ambiguity, and inconsistency in terminology are common. Invariant and variant knowledge are difficult to align cross-domain. Generic top-level semantic terminology often is too abstract, while MSE domain terminology often is too specific. In this poster presentation, an approach how to maintain a comprehensive and intuitive MSE-centric terminology composing a mid-level ontology–the PMD core ontology (PMDco)–via MSE community-based curation procedures is shown. The PMDco is designed in direct support of the FAIR principles to address immediate needs of the global experts community and their requirements. The illustrated findings show how the PMDco bridges semantic gaps between high-level, MSE-specific, and other science domain semantics, how the PMDco lowers development and integration thresholds, and how to fuel it from real-world data sources ranging from manually conducted experiments and simulations as well as continuously automated industrial applications. T2 - DVM Arbeitskreis Betriebsfestigkeit - Potenziale der Betriebsfestigkeit in Zeiten des technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels CY - Munich, Germany DA - 11.10.2023 KW - Digitalization KW - Semantic Web Technologies KW - FAIR KW - Data Interoperability KW - PMD Core Ontology PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58602 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander T1 - Evolution of Creep Damage of 316L Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion N2 - The damage mechanisms of metallic components produced by process laser powder bed fusion differ significantly from those typically observed in conventionally manufactured variants of the same alloy. This is due to the unique microstructures of additively manufactured materials. Herein, the focus is on the study of the evolution of creep damage in stainless steel 316L specimens produced by laser powder bed fusion. X-ray computed tomography is used to unravel the influence of the process-specific microstructure from the influence of the initial void distribution on creep damage mechanisms. The void distribution of two specimens tested at 600 °C and 650 °C is analyzed before a creep test, after an interruption, and after fracture. The results indicate that the formation of damage is not connected to the initial void distribution. Instead, damage accumulation at grain boundaries resulting from intergranular cracking is observed. T2 - Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium CY - Austin, TX, USA DA - 14.08.2023 KW - AISI 316L KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Computed Tomography KW - Creep KW - Laser Powder Bed Fusion KW - Microstructure KW - PBF-LB/M/316L PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58285 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bhadeliya, Ashok T1 - High temperature fatigue crack growth in nickel-based alloys joined by brazing and additive manufacturing N2 - Nickel-based alloys have been widely used for gas turbine blades owing to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. The operating temperatures of modern gas turbines have been increased in pursuit of increased thermal efficiency. Turbine blades are exposed to these high temperatures combined with mechanical stresses, resulting in material damage through creep, fatigue, and other mechanisms. These turbine blades must be regularly inspected and replaced as needed, to prevent the loss of efficiency, breakdown, and catastrophic failure. Repair of the damaged turbine blades is often a more practical and cost-effective option than replacement, as replacement is associated with high costs and loss of material resources. To this end, state-of-the-art repair technologies including different additive manufacturing and brazing processes are considered to ensure efficient repair and optimum properties of repaired components. In any repaired part, materials property-mismatches and/or inner defects may facilitate the crack initiation and propagation and thus reduce the number of load cycles to failure. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the fatigue crack growth and fracture mechanisms in joining zones is required to enable the prediction of the remaining life of repaired components and to further improve and adapt the repair technologies. Fatigue crack growth experiments have been conducted on SEN (Single Edge Notch) specimens joined via brazing, and pre-sintered Preform (PSP) and multi-materials (casted/printed) specimens layered via additive manufacturing (AM). The experiments were performed at 950 °C and various stress ratios. The crack growth was measured using DCPD (Direct Current Potential Drop) method. The stress intensity factors for joined SEN specimens were calculated using the finite element method and then used to derive the fatigue crack growth curves. Metallographic and fractographic analyses were conducted to get insight into the fracture mechanism. Results show that the experimental technique for fatigue crack growth was successfully adapted and applied for testing joined specimens. Furthermore, the initial tests indicate that the investigated braze filler material provides a lower resistance to crack growth, and bonding defects cause a crack to deviate to the interface of the base material and joining zone. In AM-sandwich specimens, the crack growth rates are significantly reduced when the crack reaches the interface of printed material and casted material. The obtained crack growth data can be used to calibrate a crack growth model, which will further be utilized to predict the remaining life of repaired components. T2 - FEMS EUROMAT 2023 CY - Frankfurt a. M., Germany DA - 03.09.2023 KW - Fatigue crack growth KW - Joined nickel-based alloys PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58266 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Hanke, T. A1 - Weber, M. A1 - Eisenbart, M. A1 - Bauer, F. A1 - Meissner, R. A1 - Dziwis, G. A1 - Tikana, L. A1 - Chen, Yue A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Toward a digital materials mechanical testing lab N2 - To accelerate the growth of Industry 4.0 technologies, the digitalization of mechanical testing laboratories as one of the main data-driven units of materials processing industries is introduced in this paper. The digital lab infrastructure consists of highly detailed and standard-compliant materials testing knowledge graphs for a wide range of mechanical testing processes, as well as some tools that enable the efficient ontology development and conversion of heterogeneous materials’ mechanical testing data to the machine-readable data of uniform and standardized structures. As a basis for designing such a digital lab, the mechanical testing ontology (MTO) was developed based on the ISO 23718 and ISO/IEC 21838-2 standards for the semantic representation of the mechanical testing experiments, quantities, artifacts, and report data. The trial digitalization of materials mechanical testing lab was successfully performed by utilizing the developed tools and knowledge graph of processes for converting the various experimental test data of heterogeneous structures, languages, and formats to standardized Resource Description Framework (RDF) data formats. The concepts of data storage and data sharing in data spaces were also introduced and SPARQL queries were utilized to evaluate how the introduced approach can result in the data retrieval and response to the competency questions. The proposed digital materials mechanical testing lab approach allows the industries to access lots of trustworthy and traceable mechanical testing data of other academic and industrial organizations, and subsequently organize various data-driven research for their faster and cheaper product development leading to a higher performance of products in engineering and ecological aspects. KW - General Engineering KW - General Computer Science PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-582698 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2023.104016 SN - 0166-3615 VL - 153 SP - 1 EP - 15 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-58269 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein T1 - Materials Mechanical Testing Ontology (MTO) N2 - The materials mechanical testing ontology (MTO) was developed by collecting the mechanical testing vocabulary from ISO 23718 standard, as well as the standardized testing processes described for various mechanical testing of materials like tensile testing, Brinell hardness test, Vickers hardness test, stress relaxation test, and fatigue testing. Confirming the ISO/IEC 21838-2 standard, MTO utilizes the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), Common Core Ontology (CCO), Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF), Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and data Types ontologies (QUDT), and Material Science and Engineering Ontology (MSEO) as the upper-level ontologies. Reusing these upper-level ontologies and materials testing standards not only makes MTO highly interoperable with other ontologies but also ensures its acceptance and applicability in the industry. MTO represents the mechanical testing entities in the 230 classes and four main parts: i) Mechanical testing experiments entities like tensile, hardness, creep, and fatigue tests as the subclasses of mseo:Experiment, ii) Mechanical testing quantity concepts such as toughness, elongation, and fatigue strength in the appropriate hierarchies of bfo:Disposition and bfo:Quality classes, iii) Mechanical testing artifacts like indenter as the subclasses of cco:Artifact, and iv) mechanical testing data like the stress-strain, S-N, or creep curves as the subclasses of cco:InformationContentEntity. MTO is publicly available via the KupferDigital GitLab repository. T2 - FEMS EUROMAT 2023 CY - Frankfurt a. M., Germany DA - 03.09.2023 KW - Mechanical testing KW - Ontology KW - Standard PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58270 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Hanke, Thomas A1 - Eisenbart, Miriam T1 - Mechanical testing ontology (MTO) N2 - The materials mechanical testing ontology (MTO) was developed by collecting the mechanical testing vocabulary from ISO 23718 standard, as well as the standardized testing processes described for various mechanical testing of materials like tensile testing, Brinell hardness test, Vickers hardness test, stress relaxation test, and fatigue testing. Versions info: V2 developed using BFO+CCO top-level ontologies. V3 developed using PROVO+PMDco top-level ontologies. V4 developed using BFO+IOF top-level ontologies. Repositories: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/ontologies/mechanical-testing-ontology GitHub: https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Mechanical-Testing-Ontology MatPortal: https://matportal.org/ontologies/MTO IndustryPortal: https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/MTO KW - Ontology KW - Mechanical testing KW - FAIR data PY - 2023 UR - https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/ontologies/mechanical-testing-ontology/ PB - GitLab CY - San Francisco, CA, USA AN - OPUS4-58271 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -